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You can't do everything. Churches and non-profits have limited time and money. We have to decide where to invest for maximum impact. There is a cost to everything we do. Sometimes what we're doing now may limit our ability to do something more effective. Organizations need to evaluate their results. It's difficult because we don't want to hurt feelings. We may have programs or ministries that no one knows about or are not reaching people. We need to be bold and make tough decisions. you can't do it all. Let that sink in. Every church and non-profit has a limited amount of time and money. We have an infinite God, but we have limited resources. Therefore you must decide where you're going to invest the time and money you've been given for maximum impact. There is an opportunity cost for everything we do. What you are currently doing might limit the opportunity for you to do something else that may be more effective for the gospel. Every organization needs to constantly evaluate their ROI. This is difficult for churches and non-profits. If something is not working, we often don't want to cancel it because it may hurt people's feelings. There are programs or ministries your church or non-profit may have done for years, but if you're honest, no one knew it was coming and few are being reached for Christ. The program or ministry is dead and everyone but a few know it. You must be bold enough to make the hard decision.