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cover of RawSugar


Rich RansomRich Ransom



Nothing to say, yet

Voice OverRaw SugarPoetry

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The speaker questions why only one person is considered the fairest, when everyone is beautiful in their own way. They believe that beauty goes beyond appearance and includes qualities like purpose, compassion, and connections. They emphasize the importance of connecting with oneself, others, and nature, and promoting kindness and self-care. They criticize the idea of singling out the fairest as unfair and small-minded. Ultimately, they believe that true beauty comes from a strong sense of purpose and self-love. They mention a product called "raw sugar, clean for all" at the end. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all? Hold on, dear mirror, I have one more question for you. For starters, why is it only one fair beauty will do? Every one of us is beautiful in our own unique way, authentic and passionate. So why care what you say? Because beauty is so much more than mere reflection. It is purpose and compassion and making connections. A deep connection with self where true beauty thrives than connecting with others, greatly enriching our lives. Connecting with nature and the beauty found there, encouraging kindness and reckless acts of self-care. No mirror, singling out the fairest doesn't seem fair at all. In fact, that approach seems sad and really quite small. Much deeper than that, unquenchable love is our goal. And deeper than that, feeling beautiful from head to soul. A strong sense of purpose is how we all win. And while learning to love from the outside in. Raw sugar, clean for all.

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