Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The Reverend Mary Palmer shares a message about the power of forgiveness and the importance of children in the kingdom of God. She also emphasizes that Satan is not to be feared and that victory is found in Jesus Christ. She encourages listeners to embrace God's grace and to follow Jesus as he brings about change. Good afternoon people of God and all those who are seeking the truth. This is Reverend Mary Palmer coming to you in the holy name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior from along the way ministries. This ministry was given to me by our Heavenly Father August 14 2006 and as a disciple of Christ I am bound in the spirit of love and obedience to the will of God and his will is to go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. The scripture can be found in Matthew chapter 28 verse 19. Good evening everyone this is March 19th 2023 and it's good to be with you on this beautiful Sunday evening and I hope and pray that something has gone your way today in the name of Jesus. I have a have a word today and it's entitled have you noticed. People have you noticed? Have you ever really truly thought about the fact that our relationship with Jesus starts? It starts out with him giving us something. Have you ever really noticed it? Forgiveness. He starts out by forgiving us. God has given to us his only begotten Son. The only living soul resurrected from the dead who has the power over life and death in his hands and he possesses the keys to heaven and hell. Jesus Christ he has made death powerless over us. Over all those who surrender to him he has the power of forgiveness. Praise the Lord. The power to forgive sin. There is no power in the grave now over us and you know the body is temporary. It's gonna return to dust but the soul is eternal. Jesus the Son of the Living God who died on the cross while we were still sinners not yet saved. Not before God's amazing grace and divine mercy rained down upon us in showers. Glory to God. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus came into this world fighting folks. He came he came into the ring of fighting. Forgiving us, giving us gifts, promises, waging war against the press of this world. People of God all those who are searching for the truth God's Word and for those who do not know Jesus maybe you heard about him but you cannot honestly say I have a relationship with Jesus. Well study the Holy Bible. It is the gift of himself who sent Jesus and when you look for him you'll find him. You'll find it because he desires you. He loves you unconditionally. Surrender to him. Worship him in spirit and in truth. Just repent. Repentance is mandatory. Repent and he will do the rest. There's nothing we can do to prepare ourselves not one thing. Just surrender and he will do the rest. You will receive the Holy Ghost and he is an all-consuming fire. Praise the Lord. You know Jesus is real folks. The change you experience is real because Jesus is real. Hallelujah. The stuff you might have heard about now you will know. Your journey has begun. People of God let me hit you with another. Have you noticed that in Old Testament times when men began to ordain and anoint kings in Israel the sum of the greatest ones that made a very positive impact in God's holy nation were children. And I'm not I'm not veering off too much here. There is just a point that the Holy Spirit is leading me to make. Parents and church leaders teach the children. Lead them well. Let them know how special they are in this kingdom. They're not to be left out. Kingdom is made. It's made for children. Luke 18 16 through 17. But Jesus called them unto him and said suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you whoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child in the wise answers therein. Folks we must humble ourselves before God just like a little child. And suffer in this context means to allow. Praise the Lord. Okay. Check this out. Before there were kings in Israel there were judges and Samuel. Samuel was the last judge over the Israelites. He was the last judge because people wanted what the world wanted and the world had kings. Other nations had kings and they wanted to be like other nations. And the story of Samuel starts in Samuel 1. First Samuel. Excuse me. First Samuel. And it is a beautiful story. And I won't veer off and go into all the details of that story. Maybe someday I will tell that story. But right now I just want to make a point that Samuel. Excuse me. Samuel was called by God when he was just a little child to minister. And I said that to say this. That children have a place in this kingdom. They are beautiful, inspirational, and they have no fear. They will accept a challenge. They have just a beautiful type of faith just coming out the gate. They just have this beautiful type of faith. And God knows this. And like I said Samuel was the last judge in Israel. And the point that I am attempting to make is that he was a child when he was called by God, anointed, and ordained. Samuel was a very special, very special person in God's eyes. God gave him much power over many things. And after Samuel, the people wanted a king. They wanted to be like everybody else. Needless to say, they were never going to be the same again. You got to read that people. You got to read the book of Samuel. First Samuel. And the Holy Bible has everything you need and desire for a good book. And you know this book is the greatest one that's ever been written. And it's just fortified with greatness. I mean I'm telling you now. Praise the Lord. Okay now we're going to talk about Josiah. Just to make another point about children in the kingdom. He was eight years old when he began to reign over God's people. And I call Samuel, I call Josiah, excuse me, I call Josiah refreshing because most of the kings that were appointed, that were anointed, chosen before him, they were truly terrible. The Bible says that he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord. Talking about Josiah. Matter of fact, there was some work being done in the kingdom. It had been, for some reason, they stopped working to rebuild the house of God. And Josiah was instrumental in bringing that kingdom back together. Bringing God's people back to order. And the book of the law had not been read in many, many, many years. And that is because the leaders, they were, before him, they were corrupt. And they corrupt the people. And they start going their own way, doing their own thing, and forgot about the Lord. And when they forgot about him, things just fell apart. About the children people. The book of Matthew chapter 21 verse 16 says, And Jesus said unto them, Yea, have you not heard out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise? Isaiah 11 6, And a little child shall lead them. Folks, we need to be about blessing our children, preparing our children for the future, because they are the future leaders of the church. Got to be true Christian Christian soldiers. How about that? How about that folks? Glory to God. How about Jesus? Getting back to the fact that he stepped into the room, prepared to fight and defeat the enemy of our God. Sweet, sweet Jesus. Glory, hallelujah. Oh, Jesus. He was prepared to fight the enemy who was against you from the beginning. You know, Satan is nothing but a bully. He kind of reminds me of a big kid that preys on little kids, you know, in the playground. You know, he is usually somebody who is a who is kind of big, kind of tall or something, and the smallest kids in the playground, he wants to bully them. Well, folks, let me tell you something about this Satan, this devil, this evil being who has corrupted the world and who's got people trembling and shaking in their boots. You need to know this. Isaiah chapter 14 will shock you if you have never read the scripture before. If you have feared Satan and not exercised your faith in God and realized that God is the only one who really deserves to be feared because he is the creator of all things. He is God of the universe. He is omnipotent. He is magnificent. And Satan was created by him, and the student is never greater than the teacher. I don't think he ever learned that. God led the prophet Isaiah to inform you about this little man. That is how the scripture describes this enemy that has deceived the world. That's how it describes him. And if you read it, folks, it will give you courage. It'll strengthen your faith in God and give you a whole new perspective on life. And he cannot have anything unless you give it to him. Don't give him nothing. The scripture will cause you to see Satan in a different light. Trust me. To God be the glory always. And we very seldom hear this truth spoken. You know, when I was a little child growing up in the house of God, being taught his word, pastors always preached about victory in Jesus. Amen? We are victorious in Christ. In Christ, we are overcomers of the world, of sin. We are saved by grace, washed in the blood of the Lamb of God. We have been set free. We're no longer chained by sin. We are no longer slaves to sin. We are free. Come on. Clean your pardon, people. Come on. You've been paroled, and it ain't nothing Satan can do about it. Amen? And you are not on probation. You are free. Shake off those shackles and chains. You are so loved. Grab somebody else and bring them with you, because we're headed toward the promised land. Glory, hallelujah. Here we come. This is not our home, folks. Remember, God's grace is sufficient. God's grace is like the horn of plenty, but without a bottom. The more we reach into it, the more blessings keep on overflowing. Praise the Lord. And we're going to continue to focus on the Nazarene, the man from Galilee, Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Now, it's almost time for Jesus to walk forward. He's come into Jerusalem, and he turned the world upside down. Hallelujah. He is about to eradicate the past, to complete the Old Testament laws. You know, he's the completion of the law. Things are about to change. First order of business is to show the enemy who's boss. Glory to God. Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. You know, he's a spiritual dynamo. Come on, Jesus. Christ is in the wilderness, we'll say. Picture this, folks. Now, we're in Matthew, chapter 4, okay? The Scripture says that Jesus was led up in spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And we need to understand that Jesus was spiritual dynamite, for the Lord God Almighty was with him in spirit, and the spirit is willing. The Bible says the flesh is weak. So, this is what the enemy was hoping for. It's what he's praying for. Jesus teaching us a very valuable lesson. Flesh versus spirit. Amen? Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights because he knew that he was about to fight with the enemy of God, the one who intends to destroy mankind. Well, I will say again, the world won't last forever. Heaven and earth will pass away, but Jesus will never fail. Praise the Lord. Jesus is coming back, folks. He's coming back for us. Glory, hallelujah. Praise the Lord. How sweet it is. Our Savior being prepared to defeat the enemy was, the enemy's lost. He's lost in our game. Jesus our Lord did not succumb to the evil tactics of the enemy. Christ our rock, our shield. He came at the devil like a locomotive. He was more consuming and powerful than a five-alarm fire. The most destructive earthquake that the world has ever experienced. Nothing can compare. But you get my, you get my meaning, right? Amen? The scripture tells us that Jesus was hungry. The first temptation, of course, was to turn stone into bread. If you are the Son of God, the Savior answered him. It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Glory, hallelujah. Well, you know, that didn't stop him. That didn't stop the enemy. He had to pursue a little bit more, okay? So he took Jesus up on a high place in the holy, in the holy city and told him to commit suicide. If you are the Son of God, he will send angels to catch you. Your feet won't even hit the ground. Won't even touch a rock. Jesus brought him down a little further to glory, hallelujah. Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. This is what Jesus told the pursuing enemy. Obviously, the devil didn't have enough yet. Jesus stood his ground, people. Praise the Lord, Jesus stood his ground. Do you hear me? The enemy decided to go up just a little bit high, you know, like to the pinnacle where the views of the kingdom of the world were more visible. He said to Jesus, if you would just fall down and worship me, I will give you all of this. The Lord said, get thee hence, Satan. Meaning, get away from me. Get away from this place. You will worship the Lord, your God, and him only will you serve. Glory, hallelujah. The devil had to go then. He cannot deal with the truth. You know, he's a murderer, a liar, a deceiver, a user of magic. He is still using those same tactics and lies today in the world. I say that to say this, follow Jesus, people. Be strong in the Lord. You are not just flesh and blood, you are a spiritual being. You're stronger than you know. The flesh is beautiful, the spirit is eternal. Walk in his footsteps, fast and pray. Your power is in the name of Jesus. Praise the Lord. Glory, hallelujah. Walk by faith and not by sight. Ask what you will, seek what you may, then turn up the power in the name of Jesus. Be humble, keep foolish pride to the curb. Pride goeth before the fall. That's the Word of God. God loves a humble heart. Serve him, worship him, witness for him with boldness. The Bible says, come boldly before the throne of grace. Hebrew 4, 16. Approach God's throne of grace with confidence, folks. The scripture says that you do this, that you will find help in the time of need. Read that verse when you have a time, folks. When you have a minute or two to bless your soul. And you know, the enemy hasn't changed a bit. But do not be concerned about that. You change. You look to the hills from which comes your help. Amen? The enemy is a suicidal maniac. Remember that. He is a destroyer. He's not going down without a fight. He's gonna take whomever he can with him. Don't let him have you. The Word of God is more powerful than a two-edged sword. The enemy cannot fight against it. I tell you again, people, there is no law against the truth. That's the Word of God. The enemy of our God is a liar, a deceiver, a murderer. He knows nothing about the truth. It is good to fast, to seek strength, people. It is good to follow in Christ's footsteps. To be spiritually strong is to be closer to the Lord, to our Heavenly Father. And when you draw closer to Him, praise the Lord, He will draw closer to you. He desires you. It will strengthen your faith. It will give you courage to call those things in the being that have not yet come to pass, faith. It will make things happen that you would not be able to experience without the Lord. The Lord's mighty, mighty things. The things that are beyond and above the imagination. Hallelujah. I do know this, that if we do not have trials and tribulations, we would not know how good God is. We wouldn't know how able God is to heal, to save, to renew, and to revive. You know, me as a wonderful person, oh, oh Lord, oh Holy Father, you are wonderful. We adore you. Thank you for your miraculous hand on us, Lord. Thank you, Holy Father, for your amazing grace. Without you, we would never, never be delivered from this madness. Lord, we know what salvation is. Without you, there would be no good news. We would not know the good news shepherd of the sheep. Holy Father, we realize that you've got to go through something to get something, and we are not goody-goody two-shoes, not by a long shot, Lord. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. Lord, have mercy. We are not clean until the blood of Christ washes over us. The Bible says our sins are black, and the blood of Christ washes over our black-hearted sins, and red, red purified blood. They become whiter than snow. The Bible also says that there is no fool on earth that can match the cleansing power of the blood of the Lamb of God. Glory, hallelujah. Thank you, thank you, God. Father God, we thank you for the Lamb of God. We thank you for Jesus, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We thank you for the experience we get when we are drawn, when we fall. You pick us up. You pick us right back up. When we are sick, you speak healing over us. You not only speak healing, but we are made whole. Jesus. Father God, we thank you for taking our troubles away. Jesus, you are able to make us prosper in every conceivable way, to make us grow in good and wonderful ways. And you said, be ye holy, for I am holy. Father God, we walk according to your will, and we put you first, Father. Father God, God acknowledge you. Acknowledge you, God, as Savior of the world. As King of Kings, Lord of Lords, as the one who loves us unconditionally, oh Lord our God, you will make everything fall into place. You will give us those things and things we didn't even ask for, even some we didn't even think about, because that's who you are. That's how good you are, because you know us too. You know what we need even before we ask. Glory, hallelujah. You will not withhold not one good thing from us. That is the Word of God. Thank you, Father God. If we would just acknowledge your magnificence, your holiness, who you truly are, creator of all things, Jesus, you want us to walk in truth, then we will know. Yes, Holy Father, we will know. You bring us through storms. You move mountains for us. You bring us out of the valley to the mountaintop. And it doesn't matter, Holy Father, if we are in the valley or in the mountaintop, you will always be with us. Thank you, God. Thank you, Holy Father. Thank you, Jesus. We trust you, Lord. We believe in you. It's just like Peter said, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we believe. We believe. We are sure that you are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Hallelujah. Father, it is in Jesus' holy name that we come before you in thanksgiving. We love you, Father, and adore you. Amen. And the people of God, say amen, no matter where you are. If you are in agreement, say amen, that we might be on one accord in the Spirit. There's no miles. There's no distance. There's no time for anything that can stop us, because it's the Spirit that quickens us. It's the Spirit that binds us together in Christ Jesus. We are one, brothers and sisters in Christ, the ones of us who are called by his name. Praise the Lord. Thank you, Jesus. We are one in the Spirit, and no matter where we are, we are on one accord in the Spirit, because the Holy Ghost, our constant companion, he is with us, brings all things to remembrance, makes all things new, help us to overcome that which is in the way. All we have to do is call on the name of Jesus, and things gotta move. The enemy can't stop us. There's power in the name of Jesus. Brothers and sisters, there's deliverance in the name of Jesus. There's holiness, hallelujah, in the name of Jesus. There's salvation in the name of Jesus. We are enabled in the name of Jesus. We are healed by his name, hallelujah. Everything that we need is in the name of Jesus. Folks, I thank God that we're here today, joined in the Spirit. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for being with us and making everything so worthwhile. Heavenly Father, we can overcome anything, any obstacle, any darkness, any evil that comes our way, we can overcome it in the name of Jesus. There is nothing greater than the name of Jesus. There is no name under the sun, on this earth, in heaven or in hell that is more powerful than the name of Jesus. And all that we bind on earth in the name of Jesus will be bind in heaven in the name of Jesus. All that we loose on earth in the name of Jesus will be loosed in heaven. This is the word of God for the healing of the nations. This is the word of God that we might glorify him, that we might praise him, we might lift him up, we might show him how much we adore him. And while we're doing that, this will strengthen us and allow us to go forth and preach and teach and make disciples of one another in the name of Jesus. Be blessed, brothers and sisters in Christ and all who seek the truth. Be blessed until we meet here again. May our hearts be bound together in love, in the love of Jesus Christ. God bless and keep you.