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Minister Serina Grace & Relationships Thursday July 13 2023

Minister Serina Grace & Relationships Thursday July 13 2023


Minister Serina Week: Topic - Grace and Relationships Scripture: Colossians 3:12-14; Ephesians 4:32 Lesson Focus: Exploring how God's grace impacts our relationships and empowers us to extend grace to others.

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Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Oh I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I 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Savior God to Thee, I'm afraid Thou art, I'm afraid Thou art Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee, I'm afraid Thou art, I'm afraid Thou art Oh yes, yes, yes. Praise the Lord. Thank you Pastor. Amen, amen. How great, how great Thou art. Thank you for sharing that and reminding us how great God is. Hallelujah. Yes. Amen, amen. Mother Nella, you got something for us tonight? Lord hold my hand, while I run this race, Lord hold my hand, while I run this race, Lord I don't want to run this race in vain, oh Lord give me joy, oh yeah Oh Lord give me joy, while I run this race, Lord give me joy, while I run this race, Lord I don't want to run this race in vain, oh Lord guide my feet While I run this race, Lord guide my feet, while I run this race, Lord I don't want to run this race in vain, oh Lord guide my mind, oh yes While I run this race, Lord guide my mind, while I run this race, Lord I don't want, Lord I'm not going to run this race in vain, oh Lord guide my feet Hallelujah, praise God, praise God. That's a proclamation and an affirmation that we're letting God know, we ain't going to run this race in vain. What a mighty God we serve. And at this time I ask Evangelist Inez Williams to come and lead us in a word of prayer and then we'll move forward in the lesson for tonight. Amen. Amen, amen, amen. Father God in the name of Jesus we just want to say thank you for this day, we thank you for life after death, we thank you for another day's journey, we thank you for giving us such time as this. We know that thy name shall be praised, Lord God you have kept us from sin and unseen danger, Lord God we just want to say thank you, thank you for the gathering of the saints today, thank you for the gathering of the people today. Lord God feed us God, till we want no more, thank you for the appetite, thank you for the thirst and the hunger, for your word God feed us tonight. In clarity of speech, that the word shall be recourse as never before, and we will take the word of God and hide it in our hearts, that we might not sin against thee, in the mighty name of Jesus. Lord God thank you for the word, thank you in the mighty name of Jesus we pray, amen, amen, amen. Glory, glory, glory. Thank you Yvanne Zinez Williams, I always say can't nobody get a fire started like Yvanne Zinez Williams and so thank you for this Holy Ghost presence tonight. I want to make a few announcements before we get started. Number one, welcome Pastor Morgan, it's good to see you out there. Also on Saturday we have Pastor Morgan scheduled for Saturday and looking forward to hearing a word as we continue in on our lessons on the ministry of grace. And he's going to talk about abundance of grace and also forgiveness, grace for restoration and forgiveness, grace for forgiveness. Also I want to, and nobody asked me to do this, so this is something I've been motivated myself. I'm so thankful and grateful to God for what he has done and what he is doing in my calling, my two little brothers and sisters, even though they're both grown adults and they're both my ministry partners, but they're also my cousin, I call him my little brother, Pastor Sledge and his wife Jennifer Sledge. They got on a plane and both ended up in the Georgia area and they didn't go down there with a U-Haul and they didn't go down there with movers and so the Lord has blessed them now that they're in their own home. And I want to make sure that you guys know how it is when people move into a new facility and they're coming from out of town and they didn't necessarily bring, so they need certain items and so I told them that Prayer Force One was going to help them to be able to get their kitchen and get their kitchen together. I told them y'all work on your own living room, but we'll help y'all to get your, they got the bedroom together and so again, they didn't ask me to do this, I'm saying they're part of our team here and if a lot of people do a little bit, we can be a big blessing to help them and so I thank God for each and every, I thank God for what he's doing in their life. They've been praying for independence and independence means that they're totally depending on God and not on another man or woman. Independence means you depend on God and not on a family member. Somebody didn't hear what I just said. Independence means that you totally 100% categorically depend on God and not on mankind and people and people come to be a blessing but not to be your resource and many people are doing things today based on somebody else's budget and we ought not be like that. I always tell my wife if we can't pay cash, we went through two years where we didn't get anything on credit because we wanted to clean up our credit and the only way you can do that is to discipline yourself and so I just want to say that I thank God for what he's doing in their life. They got a powerful ministry. They do a great job on Thursday mornings on Prayer Force One. Pastor Sledge, great teacher, great preacher, did a phenomenal job last Saturday night and we're just grateful that we have partners. The Sledge, Elder Carter, I'm looking forward to it. Pastor Sledge, Elder Carter, then Janice Williams coming bringing us the word. She always brings a fresh word. I know she always got some in the crockpot cooking and so every time I ask her, boy, she blows my mind with her titles. So we're looking forward to, I'm going to ask her to get prepared for the month of August because I think we have July covered but Elder Carter's coming up and Pastor Morgan's coming up and Minister Erica's coming up and we have some heavy hitters that's going to be bringing us messages Thursday and on Saturdays two times and so let's just continue to keep each other lifted up. And tonight, again, Minister Serena is our moderator tonight. We're going to do a little tag teaming and so I'll let her start off. We're going to be talking about grace and relationships. Grace and relationships. The ministry of grace and ministry means service. That's all it means. Don't get that title mixed up with being a pastor and all that other kind of stuff but everything that we do, we do it with grace. We do it as ministers of the new covenant who's called out of darkness into the marvelous light. I believe that God, Minister Serena, did not save us so that we can sit down and hear it again. He didn't save us so that we can sit down and don't tell nobody. We're supposed to shout it out and tell the world about how good God is and tell the dying world about the fact that you need Jesus. I was talking to Pastor Morgan, talking to a man of great wealth the other day and I was trying to say, you know what, you need to start giving to ministry. And he started talking this and that and he said, you know, something is missing in my life. I got all of this and I got all of that but something's missing. I said, well, I'm telling you right now what's missing is Jesus. It's the relationship with Jesus that's what's missing in your life. The Bible says, what is it for a man to gain a whole world and lose his soul? So, you know, where you going, you ain't going to take none of this wealth with you. So, you better make sure that you get right. So, I just want to share that announcement. I'm looking forward to Saturday. We had a little mix-up last week but the devil's trying to stop and block getting that word out there. I know Dr. Unlock let that thing percolate a little bit. So, it probably be real. Y'all better make sure y'all just put the seatbelts and the airbags on. So, looking forward to that. Minister Serena, it's into your hands. Amen. Praise the Lord. Giving honor to God. Giving honor to you, Pastor Rob, and to all the saints, all the ministers, all the clergymen, everybody that have a hunger and thirst for His righteousness. And here to learn again the heart of God and how we supposed to conduct ourselves living this new life as believers and followers of Christ. So, we already been covered of prayer. And like Pastor Rob had said, the topic tonight is grace and our relationship. We're going to explore God's grace and His mercy and how it impacts and empowers us to extend grace to others. Okay. So, I'm going to be coming out of Colossians 3 verses 12 through 15. Now, we show grace and mercy to others by following the example of Christ. He left us the example. You know, Moses and all the prophets, everybody was obedient. But Jesus, out of everybody, He never wants sin. So, Ephesians 5 and 1 tells us out of the living Bible, follow God's example in everything you do. That means your thoughts, the way you walk, the way you dress, the way you carry yourself. So, follow the example in everything. Follow God's example in everything you do. Just as much as a loved child imitates his father, we are imitators of God, we of Jesus. We have His light in us. So, therefore, we must be full of love for others following exactly the example of Christ who loved you and gave Himself to God as a sacrifice to take away our sins. And God was pleased with Christ's love for you, for us. And we smell like sweet perfume to Him. Isaiah said that our righteousness was like filthy rags. So, thank God for Jesus. Thank God for His love. And we show grace and mercy to everybody. Matthew 5 and 7, Jesus said, God bless those who are merciful. Yes, He did. Okay. And He will give you mercy. So, let's go to the scripture. Paul is speaking here. And Paul, our apostle Paul was dedicated. He was powerful. He was a persecutor of Christians. But once he had an encounter with God. Once you have a true encounter, you can't do nothing but do right. Okay. You're going to love God. The beginning of grace and the beginning of love is to fear God and hate Him. So, we're going to follow example of Christ, be imitators of Him, like Paul told us. And he said, since it starts off verse 12, I'm going to, if you got your Bible, and I'll be reading out a New Living Translation. And Pastor Rob, if you don't mind, could you read the New King James Version of it? Of this, Since God Chose You. Colossians 3, 12-14? Yes. And you want the New King James Version? Yes. All right. Okay. Please, sir. All right. One second here. Okay. Because Paul is telling us, we got to put on a new nature. Okay. He's talking about our insides. Not going out buying a new outfit to make yourself look good. But this Word of God, you have new creation, meaning you have a new spirit, the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit. So, he's saying we have to put this on, our insides, our inner parts. Okay. Oh, in 1 Samuel 16, 7, God looks at our heart. So, we have to get a clean heart here. Go ahead, Pastor Rob, please. All right. Colossians 3, 12-14, the New King James Version is talking about the character of the man. Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, long-suffering, bearing with one another, and forgiving one another. If anyone has a complaint against another, even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things, put on love, which is the bond of perfection. Okay. Thank you, Pastor Rob. He says, since God chose you, number one, you're chosen by God to be holy. You're set apart. Holy means to be set apart. Pastor Fletch explained it to us Saturday night. Set apart means you're no longer part of the world we live in. Jesus prayed for us before he left. He said, Lord, God, Father, I'm leaving them here in John 17. John 17. I want to read it exactly to you. John 17. I'm praying not only for these disciples, John 17, 20, but also for all who would ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will be one just as you and I are one, as you are in me and I am in you. And that they may be in us so that the world will believe you sent me. So, we are, Christ is in us, and we're set apart from the world. Paul said in Romans 12, 1, that our bodies is God's holy living sacrifice. 2, he says, do not conform to this world. Do not copy the patterns of this world. We are the light of the world, so we are holy people. We're chosen by God. We're holy, and he loves you much. He loves us so much, John 3, 16. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. The world means everybody in it. God has given everybody a choice, okay? And we choose life instead of death, okay? So, you must clothe yourself. You must put this in your heart. You must let this word penetrate and grow on good grounds, okay? And be a doer of this word. Clothe yourself because they're watching us. We are, he said, put on the new nature. Put on the new nature and be renewed and learn to know your creator. The way you're going to know your creator is by studying his word, gathering together to hear the word, and being a doer of the word. You cannot have love, scripture in your heart, in your mouth, and hatred in your heart. So, we got these new clothes. We got on the clothes of, he said, tenderhearted mercies. Okay. Tenderhearted mercies. Tenderhearted mercies is when we are, according to the Bible, we're not cold-hearted. Tenderhearted mercy is what the Bible says about tenderhearted mercy is opposite from cold-heartedness. A tenderhearted person is sensitive to others' needs. Tenderhearted mercies is to put one's feelings into actions and words. Tenderhearted mercies is to allow others to identify with others' pain and suffering. Okay, for instance, I thank God for the sledges. We know they have moved, okay? We, as people who are connected together by the blood of Jesus, we, we heard Pastor Rob, we help one another. Yes, yes, Lord. We help one another. You know, we have, we're there for one another. Satan is not there for us, okay? He's here to steal, kill, and destroy and plant a seed of doubt in our head. But we got to, Lord, we got to hold ourselves within the heart of mercies. We have to have empathy for one another. Sympathy is, is, sympathy is often an expression of feeling bad or sorry for a person, just feeling bad. Empathy is the ability to identify with someone and put ourselves in their place. My, my, my. I understand. I empathize with my cousins, especially Jennifer, because I'm a cook, too. And I know she needs pots and pans and skillets, okay? And I thank God for them being able to move and get a fresh start and, and, and become tenderhearted. I thank God for everyone on here that's tender, tenderhearted. So, empathy is that knowledge of a person feeling a genuine love and trying to feel, uh, put yourself in that other person's shoes. So, I feel the sledges in their move. We all feel that, okay? So, that's tenderhearted. That's putting others before yourself. That's giving what, too much of what you got, because God gives you more than enough to share with others. Amen. Amen. Amen. Okay? Amen. Now, that's the tenderheart. Tenderhearted is softness. It's real soft. It's just a warm cotton candy heart, you know? Nothing can mess with it. It's following the heart like Jesus did. He showed compassion. Yeah. He showed mercy. He showed compassion with the woman who was committing adultery and how they brought her to us. That was kindness, okay? Um, oh, I jumped into kindness. Okay, kindness. Well, I'm rolling right with it. Kindness. You have to, uh, kindness is the quality of being friendly. And we don't know what being friendly is until we have a relationship. Mm, yeah, yeah. With Christ, okay? He's a friend that's there. He was still closer to you than a brother. So, he said, in Proverbs, if you want a friend, you have to be friendly. And the best example of a friendship relationship is David and Joseph. David and Joseph love one another to their souls. I love each and every one of you all to your souls. This is the way we're supposed to be. Love one another, okay? Forgive one another, okay? Kindness. Okay, humility. Okay, we got kindness. We got kindness. Okay, he said, let us think of ways, in Hebrews 10, 24, thanks. We go into Hebrews 10, 24. We're still on kindness. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to the acts of love and good works. Yeah. Motivate. You know how to motivate a person? By telling them encouraging things. Building them up. Somebody can be sitting at home, like out here in Arizona, it's 100 and up. Okay? And, you know, some people and saints pray. We always pray for one another. But we also pray for the lost. Some people don't have AC out here. AC? Yeah. Less work. Kindness, love, gentleness. Lord, please let the power come on, whatever's going on. Because we lost over 420 people last year from this heat, just in Arizona alone. So let's motivate, think of ways to motivate one another during these last evil days. I thank God for different ones that text scriptures to me, and I try to do the same thing daily. Pastor Rob do daily inspirations. But it's our job to text one another, you know, and share the good news. Because we live in a dark world, but we have the light in us, and we're conquerors of the darkness. Jesus, we obtained that victory over Satan through Jesus' death. So, thanks. Also, in Hebrews 10, 25, it tells us, let us not neglect our meeting together as some people do. But encourage one another, especially now that the day is drawing near to his return. Yeah. Now, don't take a break. Trust me. Trust the word. Don't trust me. Trust the word, because I trust the word. Satan will not stop until he gets his final date. Adjustment. He knows where he's going. Okay? He's trying to take as many with him. Okay? In fact, the Bible says, hell has expanded. But Jesus said, this road we are on is narrow and difficult, but if we keep our eyes focused, Hebrews 12 and 1 and 2, on the author and finisher of our faith, we can make it. But Hebrews 1 said, get rid of all dead weight. Okay? Dead weight means you're interacting with people that's not following Christ. It's not clothed in tender mercy and kindness. Okay? Not clothed in that. I don't want to hear no one that want to be harsh on one another. So let's be good and kind. Now, humility. And I was so excited. I just love studying the word, because it helps me. It gives me increase, because we all hunger and thirst for righteousness. But he said, study, meditate on his word day and night. Do not let them depart from your lips. This way you will have great success during these last evil days. So humility. Humility, from the Latin word, means hummus. H-U-M-U-S. You remember, hummus means dirt. And we're nothing but dirt, but we became a living being when God blew his breath of life in us in Zoe, in Genesis. Okay? Human. So humility, hummus, means human must humble. Okay? Humble. Okay? Humble. Humble means that we submit ourselves, not only to God, but to another. We humble. Okay? James 4 and 6. Let's turn to James 4 and 6. James 4 and 6. James 4 and 6. Yeah, we've got to humble ourselves, saints. And be examples. Health is fighting. The world is watching us. I am really hurt when I hear people that's really not following Christ, but they want to know Christ. And when they tell me, I don't want to go to church because all they do is fight and complain and grumble. And the scripture tells you, James 5 and 9 says, do not grumble about one another. Don't do that, saints. If you have a problem, pray about it and take it to that individual. There is a scripture that tells you how to deal with when you have a disagreement with one another. Jesus tells you about that. But I'm going to read James. And Pastor Rob, will you get it to, please, James 4 and 6? Because I like the way the New King James Version read it. But I'm going to read it out of the New Living Translation, excuse me. It says, and he gives grace generously, as the scripture says. God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. What does your version say, Pastor Rob? But he gives more grace. Therefore, he says, God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. More grace. The more you humble, the more he will give you grace. The more you submit, okay? In fact, James says, submit to God, and the devil will. What? Not walk from you. He will run, flee from you. So, we have to also be humble to one another. Submit to one another. Okay? This is what Paul is telling us in Colossians 3, 15. And I buy the term. Okay. Now, we just dealt with tenderhearted, mercy, kindness, and humbleness. Gentleness. Gentle. We got to be kind things. We have to watch the way we talk. Gentleness is the quality of being kind and careful. Sensitive to others. If you are slow to speak, quick to listen, that gives the Holy Spirit a chance to lead you and guide you into the right direction. Because sometimes people be thinking on their own, and he said humble. Romans 8, 14 tells us, for those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. Amen. Don't act upon yourself. The example of gentleness, again, is seen in John chapter 8. When the Pharisees bring, when the Pharisees, they caught the woman in adultery. Okay. And Jesus said, get the Lord out your own eye. If we examine ourselves like Paul said, and line ourselves up with the word of God, then we can be helpful to one another. Because God don't want to see any of us perish. And we should have, we are supposed to have, we ought to have the heart of God and not want to see our fellow brothers and sisters fail. So, iron, Proverbs 27 and 17 says, iron sharpen iron. How can you sharpen me without the word of God? You know, Jesus said turn on the cheek. It's okay. He suffered and went through everything and he never sinned. He never sinned. If we're going to go, Jesus said in order to receive his glory, we're going to have to go through his suffering. But we have to clothe ourselves with gentleness and patience. Now, thanks, this goes with Galatians, the fruit of the Spirit. Yes. This is the fruit of the Spirit. We got, you can't say you have the fruit of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit in you, and you're cursing, you're lying, you're doing deceitful things, you're doing everything but acting in love and kindness and mercy. You can't do it. You can't, you can't. Jesus said he, in John 14, John 15, excuse me, John 15, he says, you did not choose me. Verse 16, John 15, 16. And this is, we are connected to the true God. We're connected to the true God. Okay? He said you did not choose me, I chose you and appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit. Lasting fruit. The lasting fruit are the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 6 and 12. I'm sorry, Galatians 5 and 22. But the whole, reading out the New Living Translation, but the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This is no law against these things. Okay. So, we're chosen by God. We're his special treasures. We're his peculiar people. We're his royal priesthood. We're his holy people set apart from the world that he truly loved. And we are going to always, and the Word is the one to help you possess these characteristics. You have to stand the Word. You have to believe the Word. You have to trust the Word. You have to be a doer of the Word. You have to be obedient to the Word. And if we mess up, we have 1 John 4 and 9. Amen. If we mess up. Okay, 13. Make allowance to each other's faults and forgive one another. To bear one another's burden is to fulfill the law of Christ. Jesus told us in John 13, 34. If you got your Bibles, go to it. It is so cool when you read it and see it for yourself with me and kind of like stick in my heart and start to grow. Jesus explained a new commandment. That's John 13 and 34. It says, so now I am giving you a new commandment. Love each other just as I have loved you. You shall love each other. Your love for me, your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. Don't deceive yourself by straddling a fence. You can't serve two masters, Jesus said. You have to love those that don't do right. Because you love everybody. I love the whole world. That is God's business to pass judgment. We are to tell the truth. We are the light of the world. Following Jesus' example, we are the light. We are the light of the world. And we are to bear one another's burdens. By this, Galatians 6 and 2 tells us bear one another's burdens. This is the law that is fulfilled by Christ. Galatians 6 and 2. Burden is help. If I see Dr. Andrea in some kind of distress, being burdened, on her job, for instance, on her job, as believers, and knowing her, we are to relate to one another with a humble attitude, with a gentle disposition, and patience. With patience. Colossians 4 and 6, if you look at Colossians 4 and 6, and this will help a whole bunch of people, your tone, a voice. I tell you, if you worked while I worked, and you walked in there being all loud, like you an authority of somebody, even though you have the authority. I worked at the prison, I had the authority, yes. But we had to respect them, and some of the staff didn't, and they got beat up. Yeah. Okay, they got beat up. But when we approach one another, Colossians, Paul, tell us in Colossians 4 and 6, let your conversation be gracious. Yes. Grace. Attractive. Attractive. So that you will have the right response for everyone, because people are watching you as you conduct yourself in these clothes. It's like, for instance, I told my caregiver, because we're getting on one accord. And I said, are you going home talking about me to your husband? She said, yeah, I told my husband I thought you were supposed to be saved. I said, I am. I said, but will you tell him when I give you the word that you sometimes reject the truth and you're not rejecting me, that you're rejecting what God is saying? She actually went on and told him that, which is the truth. Speak the truth. You know, he said, sanctify them with your truth. Your word is the truth. So speak his word, not your opinion. I have my Bible right here. Because I've got to be careful. I'm not going to allow anyone to make me lose my soul. And you should be like that. Bear one another's burden. Help far more people. I know she suffers from some issues because she explained them to me. So this is when kindness and patience and bearing our burden and telling her, you don't come out of that darkness. You're into the newness now. Forget the bad treatments. God, don't remember it. Walk into your newness. Okay. He says, above all, clothe yourself with love. Oh, no, no, I missed this part. Make amends for each other's faults and forgive anyone who offends you. We got to forgive. Jesus tell us about we forgive them over and over and over. How many times? As many times as they sin against you, you forgive them. Don't even count it. Just forgive them. Because you know what? God forgave us. Jesus gave his life for us even though we were still sinners. God loved us. So we have to forgive. And forgiving means not constantly bringing up what they did wrong. That's a spirit of Satan. Okay. Because the scripture says, God, in Hebrew, God do not remember our sins anymore. Okay. Satan, he's the one that attacks your mind, give you a thought, and have somebody else bring up what you used to do. Amen. We don't live in the past because we live in the light now. What we used to do is no longer. Okay. We're here to help, not to hurt. And we got these clothes on. Okay. Now, also I wanted to go really quick to Ephesians 4.32, which goes along with this. And all the way through the Bible, all the way through God's word, and Paul was good at telling us how to treat one another. All the way through his word, he tells us how to love one another. But all we have to do is follow the example of Christ. How do we know his example? People used to say, what would Jesus do? Read his word. Study his word. Read his word. Use his word. And be doers of his word, regardless of what's stand upon. God's love is a steadfast love. That kind of love you cannot remove. So, in Ephesians 4.32, it says, instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted. From this night forward, God has given us another opportunity. Each time we meet together, forget about what you did yesterday up until now. God will forgive you. Be tenderhearted, forgiving one another just as God through Christ has forgiven us. He said, if you don't forgive one another, he won't forgive you. So, let us not go weary at doing good. Because in due season, hey, we're going to get our reward. So, we're going to show grace and mercy towards one another. We're going to love one another. We're going to support one another. We're going to support our leaders. We're going to respect one another. We're going to humble to one another. You know, Jesus was humble. Thank you very much, Pastor Rob, for this time. And I pray that, you know, this word grow in your heart. I pray and I thank God for the Holy Spirit. Because just this study, and I've been studying this for about six, seven days. Oh, my God. It just had to. We have to be humble. Like little children, Jesus said in Matthew 18.1. And I'm going to end it up here, Pastor Rob. Let me read what he said about humble. And a lot of people don't like to humble because they want to be in charge. And they forget that God is in charge of everything and everybody. Okay? And we have to. Jesus never once did anything without being obedient to the Father. He said, I do nothing but what the Father, what I see my Father do. So, we want to stay humble. And Matthew 18.1, about that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them. And then he said, I tell you the truth. Unless you turn from your sins and you become like little children, you will never get into heaven, get into the kingdom of heaven. So, anyone who becomes humble, this applies to us believers, because this scripture is not for nonbelievers. So, anyone who becomes as humble as his little children, as this little child, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. So, thanks. Let's continue to walk in love and be humble as a little babe. Amen. Amen. Praise God. Praise God. Thank you. Grace and relationships. Grace and relationships. It's very important that we all understand and receive what was shared tonight. And I just want to sum everything up for us. Grace, well, let me say this. Relationships are the key to our very existence. First, Elder Carter, our relationship with God. The epitome of the structure of the cross is vertical and horizontal. So, our relationship with God, we must make God first. But also, when you make God first and you make your relationship with him as intact, then God will help you to navigate your horizontal relationships with each other. That's why he said love God with all your heart, your mind, your soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. So, if you're loving God with all your heart, your mind, and your soul, and that's what you're doing, and you love your neighbor as though they're doing the same thing, even if they're not, you're still required to love your neighbor as yourself. And I just said yourself is loving God with all his heart, your mind, your soul, your spirit, your money, and everything that you have. And you love your neighbor as yourself. So, grace breathes life into what is broken, and it allows relationships an opportunity to thrive. That's the only thing that's going to allow your relationship. I don't care if it's a marital relationship, a brother and sister relationship, a cousin relationship. It's going to take grace, and grace will breathe just like God breathed into Adam his breath, and Adam became a living soul. Prior to that, Adam was just dirt. And that's what we are. Pastor Morgan, if you remove grace, you're nothing but dirt. If he removed his grace, when you take upon yourself and refuse to extend grace, you're just acting like dirt. Extending grace is not about justifying the wrong. Let me repeat that. You hold each person accountable. It's wrong for our grandmothers and our aunties and our uncles who knew that people were doing wrong and held them up and upheld them in doing wrong. And many of them, let me just tell you, many of them never recovered. Never recovered because they were not held accountable. So, that's not grace. Extending grace is not about justifying the wrong, but watch this, it's about inviting God into the midst of our relationship. It's about surrendering the space in our hearts to represent his love. And that's what God wants to do. We are ambassadors, and an ambassador is a person that represents the love of God, the grace of God, the peace of God, the joy of God. This joy that I have, the world didn't give it to me, and the world can't take it away. We're supposed to have peace that surpasses all understanding. You're supposed to have so much peace that people can't even understand it. How can Dr. Audre be so peaceful when they try to fire her, when they try to come after Minister Jennifer? How can she extend so much peace and so much grace? It's only because of God. And so, watch this, receiving God's grace, Sister Veronica, separates us from shame. Are you listening to me? I heard Pastor Sledge, he was very strong. Don't tell me who I used to be. Let me tell you. I'm going to say it again. I don't need you reminding me about my past. We all got a past. Some of us just didn't get caught. So, receiving God's grace, Dr. Audre, it separates us from shame. Watch this, watch this, Dr. Leaving us capable of having healthy relationships. If you hear a person say, all I need is Jesus, and I don't need nobody else, there's something wrong with them. I heard a woman once tell me, she said, I don't need no man. Jesus can get in bed with me. I'm going to lie from the pit of hell. Jesus ain't going to get in no bed and have no sex with you. I'm just going to tell it like we all are does here. So, don't tell me that. You need comfort. You need, we all need somebody. Now, sometimes we make a decision and say, I would rather be all by myself than to deal with crap. I get that. But don't say that all you need is Jesus. Listen, I asked at 8-11 about Pastor Sledge. Minister Jennifer moved to their own home. And when they moved from Saginaw to Atlanta, they left with a bag. So, they had nothing. Watch this. But within three minutes of me asking right here on this line, two people already gave. And I'm thankful and grateful for the grace that God has given you in your heart. And that's what it's all about. We're here. How can we be a ministry and all we're going to do is pray? How can we be a ministry and all we're going to do is say, girl, I understand. How can we be a ministry? How can you be a church and you won't help those that are in need? I don't want to be a part of nothing like that. Because you know what? It could be you one day. Elder Carter, didn't you and I speak earlier in the week? Yes, sir. What was the last thing I asked you before we hung up? You said, wait a minute, brother. You all right? You need anything? My God. He said, no, Pastor Rob, I'm good. I appreciate it. But I know he's out there in the desert. I know he's out there pounding the pavement. I know he's out there trying to do the best he can. And so if we can help you to be able to get some water, to be able to hydrate yourself so that you can share the gospel on the desert, I'm here for you. We're here for you. And that's the reason why I was asking you, is there anything that I can do for you? You didn't ask me for nothing. But that's the way we're supposed to be. When I talk to my sisters, my sisters, both one of them have three master's degrees. Do you need anything? Are you good? That's how we're supposed to be toward one another. Watch this. So then when we embrace the truth, we live differently because we cannot receive God's grace and not be changed. I'm going to say that again. When you embrace the truth, she told you, she said, Jesus said in John 17 and 17, sanctify them in thy truth. Thy word is truth. When you embrace the word of God, Sister Jennifer and Sister Veronica, we're then supposed to live a different life. We're supposed to be kind one to another. We're supposed to be gracious. We're supposed to be holy because without holiness no man would see the Lord according to the scriptures. So we live differently because we cannot receive God's grace, God's truth, God's word, God's love and not be changed. Watch this. I'm going to close with this. Therefore, if we receive God's grace, we are then more than capable of sharing it. Yes. If I gave Elder Carter $100 and he only needed $50, he's got $50 to share. I'm going to say it again. If we receive God's grace, unlimited, unmerited favor, we are then capable of sharing God's grace. He gives you more than enough. Every one of my African sons and my African partners always say, Pastor Rob, more grace. And I was wondering what they were meaning. They keep on saying more grace. The more grace God gives you, Elder Carter, the more grace you can give. Yes. Hallelujah. So I'm excited tonight. I'm sure y'all can tell. We are so grateful for his goodness and his mercy and certainly his amazing grace. And I just pray that everyone got something out of this. Serena's very thorough. She's a tactician, and she does it in her own way. And so I'm grateful that she's studying to show herself approved, that she's putting time into not only, watch this, not only studying the word, Elder Carter, but learning how to present the word where people can receive the word. I'm going to say that again. I know a lot of people that, listen, Pastor Morgan, prisoners have probably 23 hours a day to study. But does that mean just because you study, if you ain't showing yourself approved, if you're not rightly dividing it, if you're not using it, if you're not sharing it, you have to know how to present as well. And there's an art to that because otherwise you might be studying and you might be presenting, you're putting people to sleep. Okay. I'm just being real. Okay. So let's just keep it real. And so I'm excited. I'm grateful that you're able to bring your own humor into your delivery. I'm grateful that you are not trying to be like nobody, but who God made you to be. You get a chance to hear Pastor Morgan. You hear Pastor Sledge. You hear me, your sister, your big sister, Van Jones Williams. But I haven't yet to see you try to emulate one of us. And for that, I'm grateful. You be what, who God called you to be. Because if you come on here, pretend to be Pastor Rob, people are going to call you a fake. She praising you and not God. And then I'm going to ask you to sit down. I'm going to tell you all right now, I'm not going to allow anybody to praise me. Okay. I'm not worthy to be praised. That's what we praise God. We edify each other. We lift each other up. But we don't glorify no man or no woman. And so thank God for you sharing tonight. Van Jones Williams, anything you'd like to share tonight? I'll let you talk about your little sister. Joyful word of God tonight. Just thanking praise God for being on the line tonight as we begin to speak. And also you, Pastor Rob, I thought about the song, the lyrics, Your grace and mercy have brought me to this moment because of you. I want to thank you and praise you. Thank your grace and mercy for the grace of Jesus. I believe that God can take your mind back to where the beginning is. From Genesis to Revelation, understanding and knowing your grace and mercy. You can't do it without the grace. You can't do it without the mercy. And she said it's a lifestyle that you have to live. And you have to be humble. I believe she talked about being humble. Yeah. Humble yourself before the mighty hand of God. And resist the devil and he'll flee from you. And we don't have any reason running from him. The word that he'll flee from you, he'll take you right to it. I'm grateful for that. I've enjoyed everything that she said. And also you too, Pastor Rob. Both of you be blessed. Thank you. Amen, amen. Praise God. Thank you, Evans, Agnes, Williams. And check your schedule for one of the Thursdays or Saturdays in August and let me know. And we're going to make sure that we pin you in for that. Just looking forward to hearing a word from you. And thank you so much for your partnership. And we're looking to do something in Saginaw for back-to-school time, to Prayer Force One to help out STRIVE and the things that you do there. That's what it's all about, you know, partnership. And so we thank God so much for you. Sister Veronica from the desert, how are you doing tonight? I am blessed. I got kids playing in the background. Amen, that's a blessing. At house full of laughter, that's all. Just blessed. Amen. Anything, how do you feel about the word grace? I feel like God's grace is upon me because it makes me emotional. I was tormented by my in-laws for a very long time. And it took me a while to find forgiveness, to give them the grace and God's love. In order to give myself peace, I still feel like they speak upon me loudly and bad. But even so, I still put my hand out to help them. I still show them God's love. I still give them the mercy of God because I know that's what He wants me to do. And I feel like He showers me with that grace in order to give them grace. And it's reciprocated because I'm doing what He's asking. He's giving me what I need to be able to fulfill that through Him. And this word really touched me tonight, Serena. It really did. Amen. Amen. That's powerful. Thank you for sharing because she just backed up what the Lord gave me. If we receive God's grace, we are then capable of sharing God's grace. And I appreciate it. I thank God for my in-laws, and I love them so much. Mother Prince, she looked at me, and Father Prince treated me like a son. And so I never really called him my mother-in-law. I never called him my father-in-law. And same thing with my wife's brothers and sisters. They're my brothers and sisters. And so I'm very fortunate to have in-laws who have accepted me and treated me like a brother. But I know a lot of people where they don't have that. But thank God for grace because I heard you, and I can tell you got emotional when you were talking about it. And you have to understand this. Watch this. This is how grace transforms relationships, how it makes unhealthy relationships. Watch this. It gives it grace. It don't mean it don't turn it healthy. She said they still might be saying some stuff, but watch this. You can only control you. You know what I'm saying? It's not what happens to you. It's how you respond to it. And so when we face the darkest moments of our life, Elder Carter, when we face the weakest points in our life, that's when our character comes to surface. And if our character is grounded and rooted in the grace of God, then whatever, you talk about me all you want to, I'm still going to love you. Say what you will beat me up, I still am demanded and commanded to love you. And that's the kind of crazy thing, craziness about it. People didn't understand Dr. King. He said if they slap you on one cheek, turn the other cheek and let them slap you on that one. So he came along at a time when the United States needed to see grace in action. He wasn't Jesus. He sinned. He made mistakes. He was grace in action in mortal flesh. Trust me. Because these kids nowadays, Elder Carter, oh, they're not going to go through that. You ain't going to slap them upside the head and think they're going to turn another cheek. I'm going to tell you that right now. God had a specific purpose for that man. And Sister Veronica, I honor you and I thank you. You're not weak. Don't ever let nobody take your meekness for weakness. Humility is strength. I got a definition for humility, Elder Carter. My definition of humility is power under control. Power under control. I know I can tell you off and cuss you out, but I control it. I control it because you can't make me doubt him because I know too much about him. Glory. Hallelujah. Come on, Elder Carter. Help us out. Listen. Listen. Listen. I'm going to be very watchful for what I say with my words tonight. I've been practicing it and making sure it was from God. But my mother told me something. She said never talk at the table when you've got food in your mouth. So I want to say this. I'm not going to be able to say much today, tonight, because Serena served at that table was full of food, and I'm yet eating on what she said and what the Spirit told me tonight. With the leadership that's on this line, Mother Nellie, if we take this message right here and apply it to ourselves, we're going to see our prayer lines grow. We're going to see love for one another. We're going to see our ministries, new ministries come out. And I'm going to tell you, everything is going to be all right. And I thank God. I thank God, Pastor Rob, for how you are loving on Serena, allowing her to grow, but yet being over her. And I thank God that she understands that God placed you up under her. The reason so many things don't work, I was talking with Pastor Morgan today, because we don't understand. The Bible says, know those that labor among you, and exceeding them highly in love's sake, for they watch over your soul, as they must do, that they might do it with joy, not with grief, because that's not profitable to you. It's not profitable to me to make you upset, Reverend Rob, while you're praying for me. That's not profitable if you're watching over my soul. That's not profitable. But she gave us a message that if we all just take heed to that and lay our titles down, God will do the rest. I just want to say something else when I'm done. Reverend Rob, you've told the people that you offered to help me, but make sure you tell them this, that you called me with some corrections, and I took the correction gracefully. Amen. Amen. And I thank God for that, that you called me. You called me, and you didn't have nobody else on the line. And you corrected me, and I took the grace. And this is the last scripture. It's that all scripture is given by inspiration of God. It's profitable for doctrine. You must know what you're talking about. And the next thing it said, for corrections. The Word wants to correct us. I'm telling you, Sister Serena gave me a razor's shave. She cut my hair and gave me a razor line. That Word was so sharp, I was overwhelmed. I was overwhelmed. I had Mother Nellie. I had Brother Rob. I had to listen to those. I couldn't do too much moving and hollering because that Word was sharp, and I know God was working on me. Amen. When she brought those scriptures. Because I noticed them scriptures came from my little sister's heart. She believes in that. She wants us to love one another. She don't want no bickering. She don't want no backbiting. There's no reason for that. And God has given her that ministry, and I thank God for it. Back in your hand, Brother Rob. Amen. Amen. Praise God. Thank you, Elder Carter. And I do appreciate the fact that you received what I shared with you on Monday, and I thank you. I trusted that you would understand, and you did, and I appreciate that. But for God and His gift of grace, it tells us, Mother Nellie, dig in rather than run. Grow and learn without shame. Step out of our mistakes towards something better. We never take a loss. We always learn from our experiences. Love as He loves us. And humble ourselves when an apology is called for. And Elder Carter humbled himself when I shared with him about a comment that he made, not that it was wrong, but we have to respect the audience that we have. And he humbled himself, and he said, You're right. In fact, he went so far as to say, right after I spoke it, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, Somebody's going to be offended. See, God, one thing I love about prophecy, God is not a one-sided God. You know, if God, if I'm praying about something right now, and God will send, if that man's name is Williams, he'll have a dream tonight, Minister Serena will say, You know, the Lord just spoke to me and told me this. I know that's from God because I've been praying about it, and God answered it through the prophetess or through another prophet. And when I say that, I mean a person that has that gift. And we are supposed to ask and ask God for the gift of prophecy according to Paul. We're supposed to ask for that. Some of y'all want every other gift, but nobody wants that prophetic gift. But that's what we need. Dr. Audre, anything you want to share tonight? Good evening, Sister Serena. You know, you're such a willing vessel. Sharing is light. And for that, I am grateful. What stuck out for me as you laid it out is that you lingered on that area where you said, We are chosen. That means that God took the time to choose us. He didn't choose him. He chose us. And for that, we should be gracious. And also, you went through early. We don't have to worry about the clothes on our back. And I'll give a testimony to highlight what you talked about in this world. We don't have to worry about what we wear. And God tells us that in Matthew Chapter 6. And to share with how gracious God is and how grateful I am for his love and how grateful I am to be on this line, to be reminded of his everlasting and unmerited favor. I was never in jeopardy of being terminated from my job. What happened was that I was asked to do things that shouldn't be done. And to do these things and don't worry about it. If it's wrong, it's wrong. But this is what we're going to do. And I could not co-sign with that. I could not co-sign to that. And so, I had to remove myself from the situation because it was becoming the pressure was on to do things that we should not do. And it was to the point where it would jeopardize my license and potentially hurt a child. And I didn't get into this to purposely or maliciously hurt anyone. And so, I had to exit that post. But I'll tell you how good God is. I exited the post, but I haven't been missed a beat with anything in my life. In fact, he has not only provided what I need, he's provided things that I want. My God. And I'm listening and I'm heeding his word so that I can be ready for what he has in store for me. So, I'm so happy at the grace that he has extended to me. I just smile at it every day as people ask me, are you okay? Are you doing all right? And I say, I'm doing. If there was, Reverend Rob, you can attest to this. There was a time when you may have asked me, how am I doing? I said, I'm okay. But when you meditate and you really fully understand what that grace is, oh man. So, if you ask me right now, I'm grand-tastic. I'm fabulous. I'm overflowing. And that's what you brought, Minister Serena, as you do so well. And so, I'm just so thankful to share and get confirmation of what I heard this morning. And you all weren't even a part of that. So, that's how gracious God is. He will give you confirmation of his words. He's a loving God. And he goes beyond. And so, because of his love for us, we are called to model that love in our lives, in our relationship. Because of his love for us, in our relationship, that vertical relationship that you talked about, Reverend Rob, we have to extend that love, even when it may be uncomfortable. It doesn't mean that we condone, but like Minister Serena brought forth, we can empathize. Yeah, my God. And we can listen. So, maybe we can hear, you know, where another person is coming from. It may not be our perspective. But then, this is where we go back to the word. We don't give our opinion. Thank you, Reverend Rob, that we don't give our opinion. We say what thus says the Lord. Yes. So, that means we don't have to argue about it. My God. We don't have to get angry about it. We don't have to agree. But it allows us to lovingly disagree. It allows us to have the quorum when that person just tried to knock us off our square. Amen. God will allow us to stand firm and tall, even when everybody's trying to knock the blocks off under your feet. That's grace. That's grace. My God. My God. Thank you, Serena, for bringing that forth. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you. Let me sum up what Dr. Audre said in the scripture. 2 Corinthians 9 and 8 says, and God is able to make all grace abound to you. So that in all things and at all times, you will have all that you need. Amen. You will abound in every good work. Another translation, Mother Nellie, saying God's able to bless you abundantly. So that in all things and at all times, you will have everything and more than enough of what you need, which is grace. And so, my God, she said that we are to model grace. I like that. Mother Nellie, you are a model. You know that? You are a model, Mother Nellie. Anything you want to share tonight, Mother? Oh, it's just because of my grace, and that grace, and that grace, and that grace. And I know God loves me. And I know, and I know he's a God, a God all by himself. And that's what keeps me going every day. That's when I wake up in the morning, when he wakes me up, I tell him, thank you, thank you, Jesus. Now, Lord, you know, you said it was your will, it wasn't none of mine. So you stepped me out here, so I'm out here trying to do good and behave myself. And that just satisfies me. That just keeps me going all day long, knowing that God is good. And I can just be satisfied and just keep going for the day. And just as I go along the day, I talk to him, I say things to him, I shout to him. I just do it all to him. He's a God, and he's a God all by himself. And I thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen, amen. Grace will keep you out of trouble. Amen. I heard Dr. Adria say, even you ain't got to agree or disagree. You just tell him what the Word said, what God said. Tell him the truth, and then you can keep it. It'll keep you out of trouble because sometimes the devil will come to provoke you so that you will do something physical to somebody. And don't ever get caught up in that. It's easier to walk away and be able to be around for another day. And so I'm just, like I say, grace will keep you out of trouble. And I thank you for sharing with us, Mother Nellie. Amen, amen. Pastor Sledge, anything you want to share tonight before we close out? Amen. Also, I want us to keep Sister Gwen up in prayer as we continue to keep each other lifted up. We love you so much, and we thank God so much for you. And I just want to make sure that you know that that's why we call Prayer Force One, because we pray for one another, and we do it because we love God and we love each other. Now, that doesn't mean because you're a part of Prayer Force One that we only pray for people that are part of this ministry. Evangeline Williams, well, she don't mind bringing prayer requests for any and everybody. If she knows somebody hurting in Saginaw or around the country, she'll bring that request and that petition. And that's what we're supposed to do every Wednesday night at 9 p.m. in Eastern. We have what's called Warfare Wednesday, where they do nothing but pray. There's no preaching and no teaching, but nothing but prayer. And so we need to have more services like that where we have prayer meetings so that we can keep each other lifted up, because God is able to deliver us and heal us and bring us out of darkness into the marvelous light. So don't be like those lepers. The question was asked, why you sit here and die? Do we just sit here and die? No, get up and do something. Don't be like the man in Bethesda that's thinking that somebody's got to come so the water can be weighed. No, just reach out. You know, Jesus asked the blind man, what do you want me to do for you? He says, Rabbi, I just want to see. So sometimes, I'm going to say 100% of the time, we must be specific. If it's your right foot, ask God to heal your right foot. If it's your left eye, ask God to heal your left eye, whatever it is. We'd be specific so that God will zero in on that area through our prayers, our united prayers. And so thank God. Minister Eric, I see you out there. Thank God for you. Mother Carter, God bless you. Sister Jackie Riley, we thank God for you as well. Auntie Shirley, Minister Jennifer, I see you out there. If you want to share, we've still got a minute or so before I turn it back over to Minister Sabrina. Anybody else want to share? First of all, Pastor, this is Minister Jennifer, and I just wanted to thank those who helped. Appreciate it. Pastor Sledge is already sleeping. He had a hard day today. So just keep us in your prayers, and I'm really appreciative and grateful to you, Sabrina. I mean, as hard as this life gets, we just have to be kind no matter what. And it really touched my soul, because I really strive to do that at work. And there's a lot of people who aren't nice. And God is just teaching me and allowing me to grow in that area. And so that was just beautiful. Just even your tone of voice that went along with your lesson just all went together. It flowed so smoothly right from the Holy Spirit. I just thank God for you. Thanks for letting me share. Thank you, everyone. Amen, amen. That's Aunt Ruby, Martha Emmons' baby girl. She made a deposit in every last one of us. All of her children, all of her nieces and nephews, even people in the community, Van Zynand, Windsor, back this up. There's no reason you guys hear Elder Carter talk. There's no reason anybody that came in contact with that woman that they're not changed, and they don't have a spirit to teach and to preach this word. I came home. Get ready, Minister Serena. I came home my sophomore year. I was in a volleyball gym class. And a big, tall, white guy, when I got ready to jump, he stepped on my left foot on purpose. I tore a ligament. I couldn't walk. I had to walk across campus limping on a walker. And I went home to my Mama Dears' house for Christmas, and Aunt Ruby was over there. And she says, what happened? I told her. She said, Anthony, that's what they called me. She said, let's pray. Now, here's what we're going to pray for. I'll never forget it. The doctor told me, Elder Carter, I would be in a cast for eight to ten weeks because it takes ligaments, and I'm sure Dr. Adria can back this up. It takes ligaments longer to heal than a bone. Watch this. She said, what did the doctor tell you? I said, they said eight to ten weeks. She said, the devil is a liar. In two weeks, you'll be back playing. Do you believe me, boy? Yes, ma'am. And we prayed. And do you know, I went back to my physical therapist in two weeks. I was back playing basketball the next day after that two weeks. And she said, God will make your left foot be stronger than it was before. In fact, we're going to pray tonight that your left foot that got the ligament damage will be stronger than your right. And to this day, it is. So I know about the power of prayer, and I know about being specific. And so thank you, Minister Jennifers, for sharing those kind words. Minister Serena, we'll give it back to you to close us off. Amen. Unmute yourself. There you go. Okay. I thank God for this powerful message. I thank God for being just a vessel for him. And I thank God, piggybacking off of Dr. Andrea, she said, we've got to model God's love in everything we do, say, think. We have to imitate Jesus in everything we do. So the hour is getting late as we depart from one another, but never from God's presence. May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show his favor and give you his peace. In Jesus' name we pray, amen and amen. Amen, amen. Good night, everybody. God bless you all. Hallelujah. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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