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your glory in the name of jesus the enabling grace to be a god-pleasing son and daughter so that we will easily attract your glory in our life that grace lord god almighty we need it as we trust and obey you in the name of jesus christ this first session lord speak to every one of us speak to me speak to us and let your name alone be glorified in jesus mighty name we are prayed lord where you find the loudest amen let the biggest breakthrough take place thank you righteous father blessed be your holy name in jesus mighty name we are prayed i'd like you to take your seats and open your scriptures with me as we look into the word of god tonight please open to psalm 23 let's open to psalm 23 i'd like us to read that text together from verse one a very popular text but that is a running scripture for this first message are you there the scripture we should know by heart and would it want to go the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he makes me to lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the still waters louder he restores my soul he leads me in the path of righteousness for his name's sake yet though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare at a table before me in the presence of all my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup runs over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever ever amen what greater assurance do we need that the confidence of the lord is our shepherd what greater confidence do we need than to remember that he has confirmed to us in jeremiah 29 level that is always thinking good towards us so in the heart of god towards us as our shepherd there is only good and good and great i pray for you tonight that every dimension of god and the shepherd from the depth of his heart will be made manifest in your life in the name of jesus in every sense of it every worker is a leader in the work that god has called us to therefore we are shepherds even though we are sheep but we are sheep that is also growing to be a shepherd there are some of us who are sheep as a matter of fact the regular members of the church who are members are considered as lamb and as sheep we who have become workers ministers and pastors we are considered sheep and shepherd because the maturity level is when you are a sheep but one thing i like you to ponder on tonight is that jesus was referred to as the lion and the lamb there is so it's touching that even as god jesus he was able to bring himself down as a lamb to grow under his father and grow to maturity then that calls for you and i that god wants us to grow so that we can be what he designed us to be in all ramifications in the name of jesus now the hebrew word used as for a pastor in scripture is rah which means shepherd the greek word use new testament is poemic which also means shepherd so every one of us who are in leadership position either as workers in our unit or as leaders of the unit alter ministers we are people that god is laying demand upon because of the leadership capacity and expectations that he has put on us so we are sheep of god to god some 100 plus 3 says know that the lord he is god it is he who made us we are his we are his people and we are the sheep of his pastor secondly again we are also sheep to god who are privileged to be shepherd over the church of god in different capacities at various levels different capacities of gifts various levels of dedication and assignment so wherever you find yourself you are at that level because of your capacity level or because of the delegated level that god has assigned you it does not mean that that will be your last point but at every level god has blessed you you must be a sheep that is growing as a shepherd and from the depth of your heart you are serving god as a sheep and you are leading people as a shepherd i pray tonight that the heart of a shepherd to be a sincere wonderful sons and daughters of god who will all achieve in the name of jesus can your amen be better than that can your amen be better than that the text says the lord is my shepherd god almighty is also referred to as a shepherd the lord in capital referring to god almighty as a shepherd there jesus himself at three levels was also called a shepherd for example he is referred to as the sheep shepherd sheep shepherd first peter chapter five verses two down to four first peter chapter five verses two down to four business of the five but stands for refers to jesus as the chief shepherd i'm praying tonight that every dimension of the shepherd nature of christ will be made manifest in our life in the name of jesus first peter five verse two the shepherds over the flock god has entrusted to you watch over it as god does don't do this because you have to but because you want to don't do it out of greed but out of a desire to serve first three don't be rulers over the people entrusted to you but be example of the flock to follow then which the sheep shepherd then when the sheep shepherd at the end you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away so the capacity of christ as the sheep shepherd over us is what guarantees that the shepherd he has made us or the sheep we have will be able to be really be sure to receive the crown of glory at the end of the day i'd like you to ask your neighbor beside you is jesus still your sheep shepherd so in that capacity is an overseer in that capacity he not chose us and builds us up number jesus is called the good shepherd is called the good shepherd is called the good shepherd you see that in the book of i think that should be the book of john now the book of john chapter number 10 reading from verse 11 reading from verse 11 jesus is considered the good shepherd verse 11 says i have the good shepherd i am the good shepherd and the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep so jesus in the capacity of the good shepherd is what is referred to as the redeemer so the good shepherd nature of christ is what made him to be called the redeemer so god also wants you as well to be a good worker so when we refer to you to be a good worker we are saying be a good worker as after the order of christ when we say be a good minister be a good pastor we are referring to the good shepherd nature which has to do with the power and capacity to be able to be an instrument of redemption to everybody around us so when you see workers dying spiritually or getting tired and because of you they can't stay in the church not because you are hard or discipline but because you are sinful as a leader over their life when people run from your unit run from john because of your sinfulness then that means you are not a good shepherd because as a good shepherd you are expected to be a redeeming leader a redeeming worker over the lives of people that god has put under our life i pray tonight that the redeeming nature of this assignment will be loud and large in our life in the name of jesus your amen can be like that number three is also called the great shepherd jesus is also called the great shepherd the bible says in hebrews that should be hebrews 13 if you read from verse 20 hebrews 13 reading from verse you say the god of peace brought the great shepherd of the sheep our lord jesus back to life through the blood of an eternal promise may this god of peace prepare you to do every good thing he wants may he walk in us through jesus christ to do what is pleasing to him glory belongs to christ forever and ever amen so the great nature of his act is what makes it to the point that you are able to consistently grow people under you so when you are a worker and the people are growing under you like pastor people are growing under you then you are working in the capacity of a great shepherd of a great shepherd that is when you are a disciple that is when you are a mentor that is when people's spiritual life prayer life christian life character life is getting straightened up integrity of the christian life is growing in them but when people find themselves easily compromising under you and you're coming up for them then there's something wrong with this dimension of your life i pray tonight that the lord will build all of us that we shall be good shepherds we shall be great shepherds we shall receive shepherds over the lives of every member of the church that god has placed over our care in the name of jesus christ can your amen be better than that and as you're seated i'd like you to hold the hand of your neighbor and say in the name of jesus louder better in the name of jesus louder better in the name of jesus every dimension of this shepherd walk that jesus portrayed i decree in the name of jesus may you do more than that can you pray for him in the name of jesus can you pray for that fellow can you pray for him that in the name of jesus we shall be a good shepherd in the name of jesus we shall be a great shepherd in the name of jesus we shall be a wonderful shepherd in the name of jesus your life shall be a redeeming instrument for others in the name of jesus your life shall be an instrument that grow others you shall be a discipler in the name of jesus no sheep will die under you in your unit where you are working in the unit you're overseeing as a minister of the altar in the parish where you are no member will die spiritually under you in the name of thank you father in jesus mighty name we are prayed your amen can be better than that so these three four things tells us in summary the dimensions of the shepherd nature of god the father of god the son and even of god the holy spirit because one of the major element the bible the only ghost is that it will be with you and that is the nature of a shepherd he will be with the sheep he doesn't abandon the sheep i remember evidently when i was serving as a pastor in the east of the bob last story of my wife was pregnant with our second child and your friend heavily pregnant don't blast here and there in the midst of it we still go to church and when we are going to church we look at ourselves that we are not sure we're going to come back home together that day but we still go to church i remember when at the point because she was almost going through forced labor and the pregnancy was not mature to be delivered when there was a little curfew i took her to abuja put her on flight you go back to lagos then i went back to cardona and when she landed in lagos people saw her family and they said where is your husband he said he went back they said ah why should he go back and then she said to them the shepherd cannot leave the sheep the pastor cannot abandon the members i had to go back there because many a times when the people come to church and they see the pastor they are glad i have people in this assembly who have said to me sir every sunday when i come i know i come to encounter god but i also come to look at your face that's a woman another woman one day said sir you only know how much joy i take back home when i come to church and i see your face what kind of a shepherd are you you you're missing your presence your appearance does it regulate does it show that you are a sheep that is privileged to be a shepherd so this four point tells us that god loves his sheep and develops a close intimacy relationship with them john 10 27 my sheep hear my voice i know them they follow me he understands the needs of the sheep better than the island or whoever mike michael chapter five verse four michael chapter five verse four he says and he shall stand and feed his flock in the strength of the lord in the majesty of the name of the lord is god and they shall abide for now he shall be great to the ends of the earth number three he understands what threatens sheep and what makes them sick so god as our sheep shepherd note these things and you too must know it number four god is tirelessly providing and protecting and also securing us as our sheep shepherd number five god is always leading us to the fresh pasture we read that in the text we read number six he's always searching out the sheep when they stray away the bible tells us of a shepherd that one sheep left abandoned 99 to go look for that one number eight god is always protecting the sheep while they sleep number nine he shares them and examines each of them their injury or their disease sheeps can overgrow air so he sees competing because at some point the air becomes extra lunar becomes the body no wonder jesus christ says take my yoke upon you give me your own yoke my yoke is easy and my body is light so as shepherd we are made to carry the body of the people and then give them peace to carry number 10 number 10 god goes ahead as a sheep shepherd he goes ahead of the sheep and prepares the path number 11 he disciplines and correct them number 12 comfort he provides even when they are hot or when they are fearful number 13 he keeps the sheep moving on he ensures that they attain progress each and every time without them going backward in life number 14 he anoints them with the oil so that they can prevent disease upon their life that was why in a text he said i will anoint my head with oil and my cup runneth over so every shepherd knows at which point to make oil available for the hunting part of the sheep i pray for you tonight everywhere you are hunting the oil of the sheep shepherd will heal you in the name of jesus i believe your amen can be better than that i believe your amen can be better than that number 15 god keep the sheep from fighting he fights for his sheep against all others no one i said i shall go before you and fight your enemies no one i said let's not for him for this instance till i see the satisfaction that he gives you today when i said i will fight for you and you shall hold your peace so the shepherd fight for the sheep because you know the sheep cannot defend itself i pray for you this particular hour those who think that you are vulnerable to attack this year the sheep shepherd will defend you in the name of jesus your amen can be better than that again i'd like you to hold the hand of the neighbor seated and say in the name of jesus our god who is our sheep shepherd will defend you this year will fight all your battles for you victory will only be your portion can you pray for that fellow in the name of jesus can you pray can you pray can you pray can you pray can you pray can you pray that our god is our sheep shepherd this year 2024 he will fight your battles for you he will defend you he will defend you at home he will defend you in the office he will defend you on the way he will fight all your battles for you victory will always be your portion in the mighty name of jesus i decree upon your life my beloved brother and sister you are a sheep in the hands of god you will enjoy the covering of the shepherd you will enjoy the covering of our sheep shepherd you will enjoy the protection of our good shepherd you will enjoy the blessings of our great shepherd you will enjoy the blessings of god as our lord who is our shepherd so shall it be for you in jesus mighty name we pray number 16 he cares for us he loves us he sacrifices his life for us no wonder baby said when i was keeping my father's sheep the lion came the bear came i had to sacrifice my life for the vulnerable sheep i pray for you this particular year every lion and every bear of the enemy that says they will steal they will kill and will destroy in your life if your amen can be loud god will fight all your battles for you the same david who defended the sheep the animal sheep against lion and bear also went and defended the human sheep israelite against the lions i pray for you again in the name of every other name if your amen can be loud every good lion waiting to swallow your glory this year waiting to swallow your health swallow your family swallow your job swallow your business make you a scorn and a shame the lord god almighty by a single stone it will destroy them in the name of jesus i say it will destroy them in the name of jesus it will destroy them in the name of jesus the kind of care you have never received in your life that your father and mother could not make up because god is your sheep shepherd he will take care of you in the name of jesus i said god will take care of you in the name of jesus he will provide for you supernaturally unusually miraculously pleasingly satisfyingly in the name of jesus about four or five months ago i was preparing for the break to encounter service i would normally wait in the in the church in the office and pray till when the choir was about to come up so i was praying then it was time for me to come and that time i was rich as i stepped out of the office right there and came down you know everybody is facing the front so it's very rare for people to see myself after i approached him but just as i was about to pass around that side a lady looked back and said sir good morning i said good morning which was what i was trying to avoid he said i was waiting to see you after service but let me see you now she opened her purse and put something in my hand a hundred dollars within service and i was still saying to god i'm going to pray for people lord i need my own financial breakthrough when that money entered my hand my feet lifted from that bus to this place god needed to encourage me so i can have the encouragement for his flock are you listening to me the shepherd is also a sheep and god takes care of me are you listening to me there are many times your pastors are praying for you to be healed and they are sick their mentors are praying for your finances to be better and they don't have money i remember in the north one day i had no money since it was time for offering i told the parish pastor you take the offering today he said daddy please don't let me i said what i said i don't have i said i instruct you take the offering me too i don't have offering so i cannot stand on the other and say give and i can't do like this i think so i'm instructing you go there and take the offering amen but at the end of that time is that day a lady walked up to me and gave me an envelope how much was inside fifty thousand naira and when i was rejoicing to say god thank you thank you for this money i am grateful my wife had removed five thousand for me i went for another assignment in zaria on my way to zaria the shepherd the chief shepherd spoke that 50k is not your own oh i said ha he said send it into the building account for the church so i called madam i hope you have not spent the five thousand the chief shepherd said we should not touch it hello that's a hard one is that also don't forget he lifted me in the path ah if you are conscious of his living you will not be afraid to give every point of the journey because you don't know the next provision that is available and most times god wants to your hands to be empty so that he can put something inside giving opens your hand to receive stinginess keeps your hand closed to never to receive so this year as a sheep and as a shepherd just tell god i will give and give and give and give so he rejoices over us he does not leave us alone he's always with us so god is saying to me to tell you tonight that there are basic demands that you and i must keep to must keep to if we want to succeed as a shepherd in the hands of the almighty god this year the secret 34 verse 23 the secret 34 verse 23 says i will set up over them one shepherd my servant david and he shall feed them he shall feed them and the and be their shepherd so this year god wants to set us as people to be conscious of feeding the flocks that he has put us over efficient chapter 4 verse 11 he gave them and he gave the apostles and prophets and evangelists and shepherds and teachers we are given to the people we are given to the people by god we are given to the people to serve here our endowed calling our ministry gift in the body of christ in the body of christ proverbs 27 verse 23 know well the condition of your flocks and give attention to their heads we are called to give attention to all the dimensions of the life of those people that we are called to save and to serve i pray tonight that we will recognize that we are given we will recognize that we need to give attention we will recognize that we are called to serve in the mighty name of jesus your amen can be better than that so as workers who are sheep in god's hands as ministers and pastors god is saying this year is looking onto is looking for faithful shepherding servants who are ready to suffer willingly for christ and for the sheep is looking for faithful number one faithful shepherding servants willing to serve from their heart for christ and for the people efficient chapter 3 verse 1 for this reason i the prisoner of christ jesus for the sake of you gentiles for this reason i call the prisoner of jesus christ for the sake of the gentiles so we are called to be a prisoner why that work because of what we will suffer for the sake of the people we are called to lead leading the flock is not an easy assignment as a matter of fact being a shepherd is a dirty assignment because no shepherd is always clean they are always it the thread on the body of the sheep rubs on them amen amen number two you must always look low if you really want to serve as a shepherd not stand above the people you are called to lead so god is calling and demanding that this year just keep coming down and don't forget is it the fellow that comes down that god raises up so this year you won't believe in god for a rising as a worker you must come down you must come down i pray that the lord god almighty will take us to this point in the name of jesus number two god is trusting himself god is looking for faithful shepherding servants that would trust in his sovereignty in his sovereignty we must recognize that it takes god to lead his people that was why he kept telling peter do you love me more than this feed my lamb feed my sheep he didn't say do you love me more than this defraud my lamb defraud my sheep i remember years ago a lady came to my sister please every month always telling me what your needs are i said that is one of the most difficult thing for me to do even when i have a need i can't talk because i see it as taking advantage of the flock i rather talk to god with the sheep shepherd that he will make a way for me i said if you want me to talk to you it's difficult why don't you talk to god to say god tell me what to do over the life of my pastor on monthly basis and whatever he tells you to do do it and to prove that one day she came to me i said sir my uncle is the governor of carolina i was in canada then the governor happened to be his uncle late yakova he said he gave me the privilege to come and go to israel daddy see the form but she said i'm not just interested what do i do with the form i said go and give it to any other person who will be willing to go so she left my office and then she came back two days after crying why are you crying said i came to apologize i said for what he said i should have given you that form i said why he said my friends coded me that why did i bring it to you and you had your pastor say go give somebody else because he said as your father as your pastor said i don't say even if he has gone before can you give it to him so she came back i said i cannot ask you even though i have a need i want to go to israel i cannot take advantage of you to go to israel is somebody listening to me is possible for you as a pastor to know the financial ability of the members under you don't take advantage of it are you listening to me are you listening to me don't take advantage of it i have heard of one or two persons leaving the church why because the ushers were coming to beg him for money why they saw his tithe card so they were coming i realized that just coming with virtually members of your student unit how did they know they saw his tithe card it shouldn't be and this same lady now told me said that my friend said her own pastor told her when she was to go to israel now you want to go to israel and me your pastor has not gone to israel so you will not go me i will go this year and the pastor collected the phone from that one the lady said i love your pastor who did not take advantage of you and then the following year i find myself going to israel on the governor's ticket with extra hundreds of dollars in my account because she said daddy i will make sure you go next year and it was now more honorable this same lady after then she went again for his support from from the governor the governor gave her ten thousand dollars she came back to show me the money i blessed the money i said use but what do you want to use it for she left the following day she came again i said i couldn't sleep over and i said why he said god said my shit my son prayed for you you got the victory what were you supposed to do so she came back out of the ten thousand dollars and gave me one thousand dollars if i had asked her the previous day i was like what do you think she would have given me maybe five thousand naira is that not so never take the credit or the glory for whatever god does in people's life around you let god take it and god will be the one to reward you amen number three god is looking for faithful shepherding servant who seek god's mistress for the life of the sheep on the division chapter three two to six number four god is looking for faithful shepherding persons who will be constant in building the sheep by feeding and discipling them in sequel 34 23 i will set up over there over there one shepherd my servant david and he shall feed them and he shall feed them and be their shepherd twice it was mentioned there that david would feed them twice jesus told peter to feed them so god is telling you to again again again and for us our pastors at least twice in the week we have the privilege of feeding the people under us midweek service on wednesday sunday service on sunday so we have to be intentional in ensuring that there is investment of growth in the life of the product number five god wants shepherding servants who recognize that they were made by god and placed over the people efficient chapter three verse number seven i became a servant of this gospel by the gift of god's grace given through the working of his power in my life how do you attain this level of grace number one god is the one that that makes people faithful so you must trust god for the grace of faithfulness james one verse four trust god for the grace of faithfulness god makes true waiting season we are waiting now starting 50 days some are doing seven days some are doing 21 days this season that we are waiting also makes us to be very dependent on god and when we learn to depend on god you can learn to assess god over the life of people that has given unto us i pray tonight that this level of grace will release upon you in the name of jesus christ god makes faithful servant to his word to his word when we love god trust obey his word we enter this level of blessings second Timothy 3 16 to 17 all scripture is god's bread and useful for the teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness what do you use the word of god for as a pastor as an end of department you're using it for building using it for teaching rebuking correcting and training when you teach on the school as a sunday school teacher when you teach on sunday morning the first time the second environment service you use when you have your prayer meetings have your unit meetings and you carry the bible put it in your mind that what you need to do through the word of god in your hand and in your mouth is to teach righteousness rebuke the way of life correct and train correct that thing and in all this there is no mention of using the word of god to judge are you listening to me there's no mention of using it to condemn you have to use it to teach to rebuke to correct and to train because it must come from your heart and when correction rebuking and training is coming from your heart then love goes with it you find yourself correcting in love teaching in love rebuking in love and training in love and then there will be investment of results the life of the people that we are called to lead i pray for you tonight that all this will come to pass in your life in the name of jesus your amen can be better than that your amen can be better than that again god is trusting of faithful servants who walk through god's power not through other demonic power but through god's power we are shipped to become shepherds so that we can walk with the power of the shepherd even as we become shepherds ourselves if you try chapter three verse seven i became a servant of this gospel by the gift of god's grace given to me by the working of his power working of his power if i was in god is one that works enough both to win and to do so your will and your doing must be the same as god wants us to do it in our life i pray for you tonight may we do the will of god and the work of god with the right heart in the name of jesus can your amen be better than that can your amen be better than that how do i access god's power god's power works through believers as we recognize our weakness when you don't recognize your weakness god's power will not conquer why because god's strength is made perfect in our weakness is made perfect in our weakness when you hide your weakness you are also eating from god's power when you expose your weakness to god you get the strength to be able to walk for god we have said god's power through the place of prayer through the place of prayer in mark chapter 9 the disciples submitted themselves to prayer as a matter of fact initially they could not cast out or eat somebody because what i was asking people because the power was legend then why they were sleeping when they were supposed to be praying one or two person is sleeping now teach your neighbor be awake amen tell your neighbor i am assessing power don't sleep so you can assess your own i pray for you tonight the power you need to do god's work this year god will give it to you in the name of jesus own your neighbor again i say in the name of jesus louder than that in the name of jesus the power you need to be a faithful shepherd to be able to lead as expected now shout in the name of jesus receive it can you pray for him in a minute pray for him pray for him pray for him the power of god to be able to serve and lead as a shepherd this year 2024 receive it in the name of jesus the power you need as an altar minister the power you need as a worker the power you need as an head of department to be able to serve faithfully this year i decree upon your life receive it in the name of jesus receive it in the name of jesus receive it in the name of jesus receive it in the name of jesus in jesus mighty we are prayed we assess his power through faith in god through faith in god we don't see the healing physically we see it in the name of the faith and we declare it over the sick person we don't see the provision physically we see it in the name of the faith and we declare it over the life people come with bodies but by power of god available but you need the faith of god in you to activate and assess the power of god all things are possible power only to him that believe in faith all things are possible only to him that believe it so this year as many of us will exercise our faith the promises are gone that there will be mysterious fearful miracles this year god will do it through your hands in the name of jesus your amen can be better than that your amen can be better than that we assess the power of god when we abide in his word when we abide in his word so as we abide in the word of god this year you will assess unusual dynamic power of god for faithful service in the name of jesus christ god is looking for faithful shepherds who are humble the sheep is humble the goat is proud each time i see any proud child of god that is a goat not a sheep the natural nature of a sheep is that the sheep is humble i pray for you feel that your amen can be loud any traces of pride in you and me god will remove it totally in the name of jesus your amen can be better than that your amen can be better than that your amen can be better than that although i am less than the least of all god's people this grace was given me to preach to the gentiles the unsearchable riches of christ as a statement of humility because i am less of the least less than the least less than the least when you humble yourself god will lift you up when you are proud you will fall hold your name again and pray that in the name above every other name let your voice be louder in the name above every other name the pride that leads to destruction i command it to die in your life can you pray in the name of jesus in the name above every other name pride of destruction i command it to be removed in your life now pray for him humility for lifting i command it upon your life in jesus mighty name we are prayed in jesus mighty name we are prayed how do i develop humility by being constant in the presence of god how do i develop humility by not comparing myself with others second timothy 10 12 how do i develop humility by ensuring that i am i submit myself to discipline when i am corrected and i take it with all my heart and when you do this you find yourself growing in humility on daily basis humility is strength humility is power humility is grace humility is also the strength of assessing god in our life again god wants faithful shepherd who share the mysteries of god with the sheep and the lamp you must be open to revelations so that the people that you can assess these revelations under you as well i pray this year that none of us will be try of revelations in jesus name your amen can be better than that your amen can be better than that and god needs a straightforward shepherding servant who are selfless who are selfless ephesians chapter 3 verse 13 i ask you therefore not to be discouraged because of my suffering for you which are your glory every price you pay songs of glory in the life of the people you are called to lead every price you pay becomes a miracle the plan of the people you are living and god cannot forget you for every sacrifice that you are paying i pray for you tonight that the sacrifice that leads to increase in the body of christ you'll probably say this year but we'll be able to pay it in the name of jesus god will make demands on you he will ask you to do something he will collect some money from you there are things to do for example we're trusting god to begin work on the children's auditorium here which we want to cast the the deck and one of the opens with open levels of the past few days was talking about sacrificial giving so i talked to my girls my son said what will you give a day ago i didn't say daddy how much is in my bank account i told her and then she showed she shocked me by saying daddy i give everything i asked her younger sister what will you give to us the things that you want to build he said daddy i give everything in my bank account the little boy i asked him what will you give he said daddy i follow the path of my sisters i give everything in my bank account when it is easy for them to give gift that is in the account when they start to earn money giving will not be difficult for them at that point i envied them that our wish i pray them treat me to begin to give at that early age i would have been greater than this i will have been greater than this then they said daddy what will you give i said you know that i would do far better than you know i sold my best car because god asked for it i gave salaries of several months somebody was even reminding me in abuja last year he said sir i remember those days when you would say all members of the church the money you would have spent for your lunch for the next two weeks give it to god she reminded me several things we were doing and i was just saying god i thank you what are your givings what do you give every need you have seen in the church there are people here all you do is you castigate your pastor over the needs of the church when you are supposed to be the solution for it you abuse the pastor for why even the usher's record is not complete when you have the money to buy the record book you abuse the pastor for not buying the biscuit for the children church when you are selling biscuits in your house you abuse the pastor that the offering baskets are torn when you say plastic in the market that you can bought it for one thousand two hundred naira eight hundred naira every need you see in the house of god you are the primary solution that's why god showed you are you listening to me the shepherd does not dedicate the need of the sheep to somebody else he looks for it and he makes it available that is what you have to do so this year i'd like you to say to yourself i will be the best solution to every need in my parish every need in my area every need in my zone that is what you must do that's what you must do there are several things we have done in this church that i looked at it i said this has to be done and then i put money down for it without even talking to the treasurer about it there are voluntary giving speak for you there are commanded giving they speak for you you must balance voluntary and commanded giving the next time you complain the next time you get angry when a need in church is announced on the altar know that something is wrong with your heart you must be happy when it is time to give are you listening to me hold the hand of your neighbor and say in the name of jesus this year 2024 i will out give you in giving turn into prayer this year 2024 i will out out do you in giving in giving to me the needs of the house of god where i pastor where i bow where i worship where i serve in giving to me the needs in youth province eight in giving to me the needs in yb8 and beyond i will do more than you so it is for you in the name of jesus so it is for you in the name of jesus so it is for you in the name of jesus so brethren as i close the investment of god in our life is massive everything god does as a shepherd as a sheep shepherd as a lord shepherd as a good shepherd he has invested into our life and we are expected to replicate it in all dimensions when we do that we discover that serving would lead to spiritual increase in our depth and our gate 1 corinthians chapter 12 when we do that we discover that our own miracles will also increase john chapter 2 when we do that we discover that our experience in joy and peace will also increase centurion chapter 4 verse number 10 when we do that we discover that helping others also leads to we receiving help from the almighty god no matthew 24 25 verse 14 i pray for you again tonight that the lord will bless you in jesus name let me say this testimony and then we'll be rising up to sing another hymn to close this session this december while going for my let's go fishing assignment i got to one of the spots and then one of the parcels told me that a group of parcel somewhere had a gift for me and then they sent it to my account and i go to the children camping place and pray for them about living there to go ahead and and go to the next let's go fishing point this young boy brought a portrait forward a pencil work of me just as i am now with my normal mic and that thing touched me i was so glad i was so happy then the only city said to me the hundred thousand they gave you that is the owner of it and funny enough the boy is also from one of the church of the people that gave me the hundred thousand that means if they have given me two hundred thousand the bell would have received are you listening to me nothing is difficult for me to give nothing when money comes to man by god's grace i am ready to hear god's voice on what to use it for as a basic amen so i kicked the ball only to get to know that school fees is to be paid very soon and it's undergraduate in university and that made me glad that make me glad i'm praying for you this particular hour that everything in your life that negates being a good shepherd the lord god almighty will remove it in the name of jesus it in the name of jesus i said god will remove it in the name of jesus i'd like you to rise on your feet but take it to him take my life and let it be take my life and let it be the shepherd you want me to be take my life and let it be the sheep you want me to be after your kind after your nature after your person i'd like you to sing it from your heart because it's a hymn and it's also a prayer of confession a prayer of rededication the prayer of submission and a prayer that attracts god into our life me and let it be lord is my let and let me be oh oh my is ah hey oh me oh please close your eyes you need to rededicate your life to god tonight i would love to pray with you please take a step of faith come to the altar come to the altar come to the altar take my will and make it done dedication please take a step of faith come to the altar come to the altar come to the altar take my will and make it done take my will five more seconds oh oh i love the nature and the life of the true shepherd let it be the abortion in the name of jesus thank you righteous father blessed be your holy name the rest of us can we lift up our servants of god and pray and say father louder and better father louder and better father make me a sheep after your nature make me the shepherd that you expect can you pray in the name of jesus can you pray can you pray

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