The speaker discusses the power and importance of unity in the kingdom and the body of Christ. Unity is not limited to being born again, but is a spiritual principle that works for everyone. The speaker references the story of the Tower of Babel to illustrate the power of unity. They emphasize that unity is not just physically gathering together, but being in one accord with one mind. The speaker states that unity is not exclusive to the body of Christ, as even those in the secular world understand and apply the principle of unity. They highlight that unity brings results and that division hinders progress. The speaker concludes by stressing the need for unity in the church and the importance of coming together as one to achieve greater things. We'll be talking briefly on the power of unity, the power, the importance of unity. And this is a discourse that we trivialize so much in the kingdom. It's a discourse that we trivialize in the body of Christ. It's a pity that those outside the kingdom, those in the world understand this principle of unity. And the catastrophe is that unity is not about being born again. It works for everybody, all and sundry, who can see and manoeuvre the strength and the result that unity brings. It's not just about I'm born again, I can speak in tongues, I'm a child of God. Even a womanizer who understands the principle of unity and applies that to business, you see results. So unity is a spiritual principle that works. When I had the topic, the Lord just directed me straight to the Torah of Babel. But before I go to the Torah of Babel, I want to first of all read from Acts chapter 2, Acts of the Apostle, chapter 2. Acts of the Apostle, chapter 2, verses 1 and 2. In the day of Pentecost at Fulikon, they were all in one accord, in one place. Our definition of unity at times is that we gather together in one place, but that is the wrong definition of unity. We can gather and be divided. Our definition of unity is that we come together and we hold hands, hold all the hands and say yes, we are together, but we can gather together and we are not united. So when the Lord was talking in Acts 1, he said they are in one accord, in one place. So the first thing is being in one accord, not in being in one place. One place is secondary, being in one accord is primary. When the day of Pentecost at Fulikon, they were all in one accord, in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven. The sound only came after they were in one accord. The sound came from heaven as if a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. When the day of Pentecost at Fulikon, it means that there are some days that even if you gather in one accord, nothing happens. There must be a revelation of what is that day of Pentecost. Then is that right set time for the manifestation of God, but that is not the discourse of today. We are talking about unity. They come in one accord, in one place. It means unity. We can be in different places in this cosmos and yet be united. Unity is a thing of the mind. We can be gathered, sleeping, eating, dancing together, but yet this mind is not united. Unity is not in one accord. Nothing happens in that kind of situation. And as I was saying, I said earlier and I will repeat myself, unity is not something that is just in the body of Christ. Even those in the secular world, they know the principle and the importance of unity and it works for them. They understand that united we stand, divided we fall. They understand the mystery of one chasing 10,000 and two chasing 10,000. They understand and it is working for them irrespective of whether they are in the kingdom or not. Let us go straight to the Torah of Babel. You must understand that this happened immediately after the flood of Noah, Genesis chapter 11, verse 1. Now the whole earth had one language and one speech and it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found a plain, the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. Then they said to one another, come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly. They had brick for stone and they had asphalt and all and none. And then in verse 4, come, let us build ourselves a city and the tower whose top is in the heavens, let us make name for ourselves. Let's weave His cathedral over the face of the earth. But the Lord came down to see. If you look at verse 3, let us, in verse 4, let us, and later on, let us make a name. And then in verse 7, let us, they understand the meaning of us, unity, us. Let us make this, let us do this, and when kingdom, heaven was hearing, let us, let us, kingdom knows that if I don't come in the way of these people, they will build this thing. They wanted to build this thing that is going to touch heaven. Now God could have just sat down and said, let's see how they would do it. But when God began to hear, let us, and they made brick and they came together with one mind, let us, let us, let us. God knows that there is no way the power of the kingdom can cancel let us. It means that in this kingdom, when it gets to the realm of let us, anything can happen. It means that in the church of God, when we come to the realization of let us, that thing will happen. Let us go to the attention of God, and God stood up and said, wow, these people have gotten this mystery. If I don't stop this thing now, they will achieve it under my nose. Why? Because of let us. Then one accord, nobody there is saying, I don't believe in what this person is saying. Are we making brick? Yes, we are making brick. Let us. And nobody is saying, why are we making brick today? Why is he giving us that idea of brick? Let us make another thing. Why is the color of the brick red? Why is it not blue? By the time there are division in decision, then the strength of actualization is broken down. When there are kind of arguments in decision making, in mindset, then things break down. Their mind was already made up, and in this kingdom, we are not allowed to rise above our mindsets. It is what you conceive in your mind and desire that comes to you. You don't need to look like it. Once it is here, it's actualized already. So it means that the principle of unity is not just coming to hold our hands together and come to service and come to meetings and come to local meetings and dance together. Once this place is divided, nothing can happen. If our kingdom will just be laughing and laughing and laughing at you, and you fast and pray, nothing will happen. That is why the principle of let us come together in one accord has been disobeyed. There are technologies in the spirit that, you know, there is something about the principles of Jesus Christ and the person of Jesus Christ. If we accept Jesus Christ as a personal Lord and Savior, His person, we will get to heaven. But sir, if you accept that person of Jesus Christ and you violate the principles of Jesus Christ, which include unity and all other things, you might suffer here in this cosmos, although you will make heaven, but here you will suffer. No fast and prayer will change it, except revelation bring you to the principles of Jesus Christ, the principles of the Christ. You see people, they are enjoying the world, they are not in the kingdom. They have rejected the person of Jesus Christ, but they have accepted His principles. They will see results, although they may not make heaven. So that we are in Christ and we are in the kingdom, we must be very wise, so we can work circumspectly to know the exact principles that bring results, that the result that comes when there is unity. We achieve things faster and better and stronger. Let us, let us, let us, accord, verse 7, let us go down and dare confuse the land. At that point, now, when he said, but the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the Son of Man had built, and the Lord said, indeed, the people are one. There are many, but they are one. There are brothers and sisters, but they are one. We have 17 years old, we have 18 years old, we have 36 years old, but they are one. All these qualifications does not matter, at this time again, they are one. Indeed, indeed, I pray that God will be able to give the church that testimony of indeed that the church is one. You know, we talk about the church of God, we are saying this is not happening, and the church is doing nothing to, to, to Nigeria, something, and there was, we are not doing this, and this is happening, and this is happening. Not until the church are indeed one, we may not achieve things faster. Not until a body sees this other body as the same, and we come together as one, nothing may happen. But when we continue this game of that is too much, who sent them this, who said this, who told them this revelation, and we begin to give ourselves in use in the kingdom, struggling with revelation, nothing will happen, sir, no matter what. But not until the Elijah anointing agrees with the Elisha anointing, sees the David anointing and had it to it, find the Paul's anointing and say, Paul, yes, you have anointing, I have that, oh, let's come together, and not see if we are lacking any anointing, when we come as one, we can face anything can happen when there's unity, anything can happen. So we can see why some things that should be are not. The problem is that we are not one, simple. Indeed, the people are one, and they have all one language, and you ask this person, what will we hear from this Matthew, you'll see the other person, say, what, I, you know, I went to Brotawo, and I asked him, what, are we going to be doing that now, he said, yes, because, you know, the Lord said, the Lord ministered to Brotawo, that's what's going to happen now, are you sure, yes, I'm sure, and you go to Brotawo, yes, Brotawo has seen it, and we are going that direction now, that is what the Lord is saying now, that thing will happen, and the mind is, oh, is it, Brotawo said, are you sure, what do we do, what, is it, he said, God told him, what do we do, so we just have to do, you are just going to that meeting, but this place is absent, nothing will happen, and Brotawo will be struggling, and say, God, you said it, he said it, but a principle of unity is the catalyzer, the fertilizer that will make that thing happen through, through, so when God gives instruction, he expects that you find the right people that will be united to instruction part time, so sometimes when he gives instruction, and it has not happened, it means that those you have gathered to actualize that purpose, there is a wrong acorn there, so sanitize your relationships, because not everybody is needed for a kingdom actualization, no sir, no, no, some people are young at heart, they can't carry great kingdom assignments, you don't involve them, that's why when God, he said, go ye, the message is not to just go ye, it's to ask who will go with me, when you surround yourself with the right people, what it says will happen, will happen, but when you struggle, God, you said it, you, God, I said it, in fact, the actual lecture, I didn't say it by the case, I said it, but this brother with suit and tie will not allow it to happen, but he's a Christian, that's no problem, but he has not agreed, not until that brother leaves, that thing may not happen, so it means that the part that God has to play in giving us results does not depend on him alone, does not depend on you alone, depends in those people you have together to carry that assignment, when you see a ministry progressing, progressing, and you say, why, they see the grace, one roll your face back, it's not that they roll your face back, go and check the brethren there, they are in one accord, the people are one, and they have all one language, and this is what they have begun to do, now, nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them, it's the principle, the people cannot lie, something must be wrong with those you work together in that thing, something may be wrong with the church, but the Lord says, it's the principle, no matter, nothing that they are proposed to do will be withheld from them, with this spirit I see, nothing, and it's not saying nothing will be withheld from the children of God, from them, sinners from them, men from them, politicians from them, nothing will be withheld from them, even politicians know this principle, that's why they use money to bring people together, and make sure that by force they must be able to give loyalty, because they know that when they are united it works, yes, politicians know it, that's why they don't just have interest in giving money, no, they want men, that are committed to their purpose, because they know that when they are 50, just 50 men, committed to their political purpose, they will win, find out about those who have lost in politics, they gather liars, they carry placards, we are for him, we are for him, they lose, why? Because those who only came to eat money, they are not united, so it's happening in every structure, in business, in what have you, and then when the Lord saw, He said, now, nothing that they are supposed to do will be withheld, and if I say, when God also will answer, He said, come, let us, unity must come back, come back to that unity, He didn't just come and do it on his own, they have said, let us, let us, let us, they have unity, if I'm going to fight this purpose, it means we too must come in half, with a united purpose, to bring that kingdom down, if not, it will happen, okay, no wonder in the kingdom of darkness, when people go to a herbalist, to fight somebody, herbalist, they understand this principle of unity, when they have tried their best to bring that person down, and they see that even that is not working, they contact other herbalists, they say, sir, help me, I've tried this, it's not working, and then, okay, come, I have another one in a bar, and they go, these people, even in the kingdom of darkness, they understand unity, but here, we fight our battles alone, we have forgotten that, when two or three, why did he say one, when two or three are gathered, God is there, let's start fighting in unity, because when the kingdom of darkness come in unity, against under unity, and there are two united purposes, one kingdom, we battle for one kingdom, the major tool by which they fight us is that, but when the devil say united people, he knows there's trouble, because there are no loopholes to enter, you come here, you're sealed up, come here, you're sealed up, two are better than one, for they shall have a good reward for their labor, God enough to be able to say, I am God, God of all the earth, I created heaven and hell, I should be able to scatter, but God knows that he needs all that body, so he said, come, let us go, damn and confuse their language, that they may not understand, listen, that God did not stop that work, because that work by default cannot be stopped, so he did something to language, he did not kill them, because killing them will not work, even if two die, the other I will say, you have died, we have buried you, we continue, a purpose must be achieved, so he knew killing them will not work, stopping them will not work, but the kingdom of God, okay, fine, if they are one, let me do something to language, at the time this one speak a language, bring brick, let him bring stone, bring edge pan, let him bring cup, at that point they did not understand themselves, and then work could not continue, unity could not continue, it means that the only problem that affects unity is diversity in language, so what the devil does when united family is to change the language of the man and the wife, before the man and the wife speak same language, they fight territories, the family is going fire on God, then the devil does something, this is unity, I can't stop the man, I can't stop the woman, but let me change the language of the wife, that when the wife is now speaking, I said, dear, I thought this a shuttle, what are you seeing, I'm a preacher of the gospel, before I got married to you, bam, that's all, then the devil comes in, and when the language changed, in verse 8, the Lord scattered them abroad, from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city, what that is called, every purpose ceased, no matter how big, it's out of many Hollywood movies that it should be a season movie, and they start season one, season two, and season three, and while we're expecting four, they will say one actor argued, and said they must increase his pay, and said he's not doing again, and they can't change that actor, and we hear that the film stops there, one wrong person, one wrong person within your circle can reduce you and stop you forever, may we not be surrounded with wrong associations, may God give us the grace to discern who should be with us in that assignment, the closest friend you have is not your friend sir, yeah, you discuss ministry together, encourage each other, but it goes back home and says something else, and you think you have a friend, you will struggle, in fact most times, those that are to help us in that vision are not our friends, they are far, may we have grace to discover, you have a friend very close from university, you talk together, but get to a point, anytime you talk about kingdom, you argue together, it's only a pointer that that friendship has inspired, move on, simple, because it's not that you don't carry the grace, you carry the anointing, you carry everything, but that's discord, one thing that kingdom cannot come and fight against is unity, yeah, it could fight for any other thing, but when there's this unity, it looks and watches until things begin to spoil one after the other, and if there's any place that lacks unity today, it is the church of God, upon this rock I'll build my church, it's not talking of our own church, it's talking of its own kind of church, and he has given us a replica of what his church looked like for us to use as a prototype to build our own church here, where many of us have followed that replica of the united church, upon this rock and the gate of hell shall not prevail, why? because there's unity, there's unity, they speak in the same language, they understand the same thing, if one fall, we fall together, we don't say thank God he has fallen, I said it, I said he was never qualified in the first place, but in this age, where the man of God make mistake, it's our own mouth, we that are not even sanctified, that cannot fast for six hours, we now use our mouth, look at him, look at him, can you face what he says? So, the devil see those things, I say fine, can you see, when the Bible was talking about, he was talking about when one fall, the other will pick him up, but in this church now, in the age of God now, in the kingdom now, when one fall, we make him to fall, we sink him, thank God he has fallen, I can take his place, only God can help the church, if there's any healing the church needs, it's unity, anointing, we have it, yes sir, power, we have it, revelations, we have revelations, dimensions, oh, it's increased on the daily basis, but unity, the day we come as one, the devil will give up on the church, the church, let's also bring that to our own personal life now, to business, you have a business, you run and there is always peace, and when you come, nobody knows the boss and the workers, ah boss, I'm going to come and they are laughing at you, and when there is trouble in the business, and you want to pay salary, you say boss, we understand that trouble now, keep the money, don't pay us now, we are in this together, let us resuscitate, you pay later, we will manage, that's unity, but the day a wrong person comes, why do you say you should postpone the payments, who told you that, he is building us in buttercups, he's doing this, and through that, that language changes, the lawyer person becomes unlawyer, ah, and the business start going down, not because of witch and wizard, but the witch, the witchcraft of unity, of disunity, of discord, we can gather together like this in one place, but we may not be in one accord, check any family that has peace, that they achieve kingdom purpose, that they work together, it's unity, even when the wife has, I saw your husband counseling one sister around 7 pm, and what I saw, I don't want to say, and you say, thank you for seeing, but please stop seeing, whatever you saw, I know about it, thank you very much, God bless you, go and use this eyes to see your own family, and leave mine alone, in Jesus name I pray, amen, they won't come again, and you go back, when you are starving your husband, they say they saw you some day, you are praying for your sister, and you say, who saw me, God will give you more grace to pray, Jesus say, eat your food and let's go and sleep, sometimes all those things you see, is what is destroying the family, must you see, if God is standing on all what he sees, do you think we are going to be grateful today, if God will stand upon everything that he sees, are we going to be qualified to be this person, but God sees, and it's okay, take his eyes, and when you come to a secret place, you say, son, you say, son, I saw that, can we just make a recommendation and a resolve, and you resolve, and it settles it, so what are you seeing, what are you actually seeing, let us assemble the father, or you see the sister, because some people, they are busybodies, that is their calling actually, this person, I saw your son on whatsapp status, and when I saw him there, I saw him dancing to one kind of dancing style, and he was doing his song like this, and he was bringing, and he was just resting one leg up, sir, do something, no, you know these children of nowadays, find out those people, they are children of wars, that you have seen, but you decide not to talk, if there's anything we should see, let's see kingdom come, by the time we change what we see, maybe our life will change, all those things you are seeing, they are wrong visions, see kingdom come, and see your life change, do you notice the slippers that sister wants to show us today, that slipper is too high, and she was just walking somehow, what's your business, if you are affected by the way she walks, and you think it's not good, go to the sacred place, and pray, because it's all those things that we see, that actually cause disunity to you, do you think when you are building buildings, some people don't misbehave, they misbehave, yes, you can't gather 20 people, and you don't see one, but because they have sustained their ability, their nudge of unity, ah, what are you going to say, ah, ah, come, come, he just marched my father, and he didn't even say sorry, oh, don't mind him, he didn't know, come, come, come, ah, let's continue, this thing must finish, and they continued, and they continued, and they continued in one accord, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, gladness and singleness of heart, ah, ah, blow, blow, blow like a mighty wind, spirit of victory, spirit of victory, cover us with your wings, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow like a mighty wind, spirit of victory, cover us with your wings, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow like a mighty wind, spirit of victory, spirit of victory, cover us with your wings, cover us with your wings, blow, blow, blow, blow like a mighty wind, spirit of victory, cover us with your wings, we need to pray that that mighty wind will actually blow out every canker wall, so that we can have peace and grow in peace, it is the will of God that we should grow, yes, in fact, there is peace for us, is there which I recover her, there is peace in this kingdom, yes, there is, but if we can be united, so it is very difficult for me to unite 10 people together, I just take one person that can be united, because if I have two united people, and 100 disunited ones, the result that we achieve is bigger than 100, all we need is just unity, singleness, I will make mistakes, but don't crucify me, accept me with love, and let's move on, I could make mistakes, I could fall, even the death not over me my enemy, if I fall, I will rise, the purpose is let kingdom come, we are coming to church, why? we want to get to heaven, we are doing this, oh it's all about kingdom, so all this other irrelevance that could just come and slow down, let's leave it and move on, that's why I say move on, move on, don't be tired, the savior understands, he shall be well, that our obsession can be kingdom alone, when you get to that level, when your obsession is kingdom come alone sir, you have actually grown, because even if you make mistake, you don't need to be told, you come back and say yes, kingdom come, kingdom come, all this salmon that we preach, that we believe that God is an intentional who waits for you to fall, he doesn't wait for us to fall, he's not happy that we fall, no sir, the day you came to kingdom and he said go and see no more, before you he knows that there could be some pitfall, but he's standing there, I'm waiting, come back again, let's start again, look at the prodigal son, look at all he did, but the father knows that there's something about this son, he's not totally wicked and conventiousness, there are other things that he can do, there is strength, so why must I now dwell on his weakness, because he like money, you have come back, come let's move on, no distraction, but all this can happen only if we observe to the spirit and grace of unity, even for kingdom to happen, they are united in the kingdom there, the one that want to cause problem and bring trouble to kingdom was lucifer, immediately they throw him away, because if he were to be there, kingdom will not come, but the new, this achan called lucifer, if we don't check him out immediately, we have trouble, before you know it, lucifer can cause a fight between god the father and holy spirit there, so go, before you come and say what I did not say, go, because some people they are like yeast, 31 percent, they will repackage it for 30 percent and present it very well, and when you hear, you say why he said that, he did not even say anything, maybe he just told you good morning sir, I saw brother so and so, and he said you did not come to church, I said yes I did not come, is it because of what happened, he did not say no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, and he close by said do you know that bride did not come because of what happened last week, he is proud, and then for week and month we dwell on that, when kingdom is knocking, when kingdom is coming and knocking, when the lord is opening dimensions for you already, I said come into this dimension, you are still distracted by somebody who is saying this and saying this, anybody can say whatever I wish to say about me, what the kingdom said about me is the paramount importance, you can say anything, they said this, oh wonderful, thank god, even dead bodies, they tell the others, even those who are dead, they still talk about them, so I am living, it is one of the principles of life, they must talk about me, it is fine, he said it, with all you have done for him, I will do more, in fact that same day me, when you talk about it, I will say god bless you, send me your account number, I want to bless your life, you say thank you sir, you are receiving a lot but you are a lack of fire, keep on saying it, devil said that you are putting coal of fire upon your head, the result of a fight, it is not a fight, no, two wrongs can make a right, they said it, yes, thank god, keep on saying it, me, let me wrap up, I was with my father last week, I went to share a testimony with him, and then I asked him a question sir, I said what, because that testimony was a very big one, I said what about the enemy, he said, ah, brother, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, I am telling you, Let's rise up on our feet. Blow, blow, blow, blow, Blow like a mighty wind, We raise the victory, We raise the victory, Tomorrow's video, we are, Tomorrow's video, we are, Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, Blow like a mighty wind, We raise the victory, We raise the victory, Tomorrow's video, we are, Tomorrow's video, we are, When there are needs, you can't move faster. All those ways, the wind will blow. Because when the wind of God blows, It blows everything that needs to be blown away. It blows fake friends. It blows wrong associations. It blows that thing that blocks your sight, And gives you revelation. Say after me, I decree and declare, I decree and declare, That the mighty wind of God, Will blow into my life now, And blow everything that needs to be blown. Let's go into prayer. Pray Jesus said, That the wind of God will come and blow, Blow, blow it up, Whatever things that need to be blown away, Anything that is not of God, Be blown away. That everything that is not of God, Is blown away. In Jesus name we pray. You can never understand unity, If you have not been assigned and initiated into kingdom. That revelation of unity only comes when you come to kingdom. So you need to come to kingdom. There are one of the spiritual lectures that will happen to you, Consciously or unconsciously. You will just see that you have changed. So where you have just said, God initiates me to kingdom. Kingdom is under a realm. It's under calls on it's own. Initiate me to kingdom. Lure me to kingdom. Bring me to kingdom. Lure me. Draw me to kingdom. Let there be a consecration in my life. Let there be a consecration, a commitment in my life. That my life is only aligned to kingdom purpose. Amen. Finally we pray for the church of God. Please, let's pray this prayer in unity with a heart. Burning heart. That God reunites your church again. Let's pray. Unite your church again. Unite your church again. Let the wind of God blow every discord from the church of God. Every spy. Every wrong person. Every wrong whatever. In the church of God and the wind of God will blow them away.