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Purpose of destiny PrayerPurpose of destiny Prayer




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The speaker is glorifying and magnifying the name of Jesus Christ, listing various names and titles for Him. They emphasize the purpose of anointing and how it can be used to preach, heal, and set people free. They mention the story of Gideon and how he carried an anointing without realizing its purpose. They urge listeners not to question the anointing, but rather question their own actions in using it for service. The speaker encourages people to embrace their anointing and fulfill their purpose in delivering others. They emphasize the importance of studying the Word of God to understand the purpose of the anointing and pray for listeners to discover and utilize their anointing. Yeah, we glorify your name, Jesus Christ. We magnify your name. Our King of kings, our soon-coming king, our advocate, our intercessor, our redeemer, our bread of life, Elohim, El Shaddai, Jehovah-Nissi, Jehovah-Machadishah. We glorify your name. We glorify your name. We glorify your name. We glorify your name. From the depth of our hearts, we say we glorify your name. Let your name be magnified. Let your name be exalted. I am that I am, ancient of days, the covenant-keeping God, the one that saves, and it comes to pass. We glorify your name, Jesus. We love you. We love you. We love you. None can be compared unto you, Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, our Savior, our advocate, our soon-coming king, our redeemer. We glorify your name. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for this day, that you have given us the privilege to come before your throne one more time, to hear your word, to swim in your word, to walk in your word, to live in your word. Again, I have come to you with a message I have entitled, Part Two of the Purpose of the Anointing. Let me draw your attention to something closely. When you read the book of Isaiah 61, the verse number one, there is a statement, there is a revelation, there is an undeniable word about the life of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Before he was born, Isaiah the prophet prophesied about him. In the book of Isaiah 61, the verse number one, the Bible says, The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the good tidings unto the meek. He has sent me to band up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captive, and to open up the prison gate to them that are bound. Listen to me, people of God, there is a purpose for the anointing, I am telling you. Because if there is no purpose for the anointing, Jesus Christ will not come on this earth with that great dimension of an anointing. When you read the book of Judges chapter six, the verse number one to fourteen, the Bible says something was happening in the life of the people of Israel, and the Midianites are taking control over their life. But the Bible says in the midst of that calamity, in the midst of that misfortune, there was a certain guy, a certain gentleman, a man that was ordained to carry a special anointing to deliver Israel. His name was Gideon. Gideon was part of that experience, but he never knew that he was the solution for the problem. Listen to me, you can carry an anointing, but you will not know that you are the solution to the problem. Gideon was carrying an anointing, but he never knew the purpose of the anointing. He was in the midst of calamity. He was in the midst of trial. He was in the midst of affliction. He was in the midst where he was working, and people were taking his labor, his harvest from him. But he never knew that he carried an anointing to put an end to that foolishness. Listen to me, people of God. There is a reason why God gave every one of us a specific anointing for a specific reason. You are not here to fail because you lack oil. You are not here to be disappointed because you don't carry anything. I have checked through the book of Genesis, and I have read. The Bible said to me in the book of Genesis that whatever God has created, God saw it, and he saw that it was good, and he rested. It is an indication for me that God has never wasted his time creating anything that can never set purpose. I am telling you, you are crying to God for help whilst you are the help you have been crying for. Gideon was crying for help. Little did he know that he was the same help he was crying for. Listen to me, people of God. The Holy Spirit is an anointing that every one of us, we need to work with. We need to act with. We need to associate with in this end time. Because one thing I have realized is that God doesn't give an anointing because the Holy Spirit is a refinery of wastage. Listen to me and listen very carefully. The Bible said in the book of Genesis that the perfect gift comes from the Lord. So I tell you, God doesn't give an anointing because the Holy Spirit is a refinery of wastage. Let me tell you, every anointing is for service. Without service, that anointing will not be noticed. Every anointing is for service. And without service, that purpose of that anointing will not be noticed. Don't question the anointing that is not active. Question the anointed who is not active. The anointing don't break the yoke until the anointed react. The anointing don't break the yoke until the anointed react. As I said to you earlier on, that God don't give an anointing because the Holy Spirit is a refinery of wastage. Because when you read the book of James chapter 1, the verse number 17, the Bible said every good and perfect gift comes from above. So God give us an anointing for a specific purpose. You carry an anointing because a generation needs a dimension of that anointing upon your life. Carry an anointing because there is a generation depending on that anointing to be set free. Look at what happened to the life of Gideon. In the book of Deuteronomy chapter 6, the verse number 1 to 14, I like what the verse 14 of Deuteronomy chapter 6 is saying. When you read the message translation, it said, But God speaks indirectly. God speaks indirectly. Go in this might that is yours. Go in this might that is yours. Save Israel from the Midian. Have I not just sent you? Listen to me. God has given you an anointing. A generation is waiting on you to react. A generation is waiting for you to move. So their deliverance can be assured. Listen to me. Don't disappoint your generation because you are endowed. You are endowed with a certain anointing. A generation is depending for you to just break free from that pressure, from that regret, from that shyness, and become their deliverer. A generation is depending on you. I am calling you out. Come out because you carry something that the generation is waiting upon to come close to God. Let's wake up. Let's wake up. We carry an anointing that a generation is depending on to encounter God, to come close to God. Don't disappoint the one who gave you the anointing. And don't disappoint the beneficiary of your anointing. Gideon reacted after the encounter with the angel. He delivered Israel from the hands of the Midianites. Listen to me. The book of Isaiah 61, the verse number 1, said Jesus Christ carried a certain dimension of anointing. If I happen to meet Jesus Christ face to face when He was walking on the earth, and I read the book of Isaiah 61, the verse number 1, and I don't see Him manifesting that dimension, that introduction, that possibility that the book of Isaiah 61 is telling me, I will have Jesus Christ a questioner. I will ask Him a question. I have read this concerning you. Where is the manifestation of what I have read? I am coming to you by the word of God. Don't let your generation begin to harass you because you are not delivering what God has sent you to deliver through the anointing you carry. Jesus read about the purpose of His anointing. Joshua had an encounter about the purpose of His anointing. Gideon had an encounter about the purpose of His anointing. I am praying for you. I am praying for you that as you study the word of God, as you walk in the word of God, the Holy Spirit Himself will reveal Himself to you concerning the purpose of the anointing you carry. Don't forget that I said earlier that God don't give an anointing because the Holy Spirit is a refinery of wastage. Every anointing that every one of us carry is for a purpose. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus that God will visit you through His word and He will reveal the mystery of the anointing you carry and you begin to put this anointing to work for generations to encounter their deliverance. I thank God for your life. May I come your way again. Stay blessed. Stay connected. Be fruitful in all dimensions. Amen.

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