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Nothing to say, yet
The Positively Disabled podcast aims to provide advice, humor, and positive energy for both disabled and able-bodied individuals. In this episode, the host, Jessie Lynn, shares her own story of living with arthritis since she was 18 months old. She discusses the challenges she faced, the support she received from her family and friends, and the importance of maintaining a positive attitude in the face of overwhelming obstacles. A positive mindset, along with medical treatment and a healthy lifestyle, is crucial for managing any disability. Hello, and welcome to the Positively Disabled podcast. My name is Jessie Lynn, and you're about to listen to Positive Outlooks Despite Living with a Medical Disability, a podcast targeted towards anybody either disabled or abled, somewhere where you will get advice, find humor, learn information, and a space where positive energy is huge. Now let's get into today's episode where you will get to learn more about me, who I am, how my day-to-day life is affected by my disability, and the positive approach and mindset I have towards life. And this is my story, let's begin. I'm 20 years old, almost 21 to be exact. I was diagnosed at just 18 months old with a rheumatic disease known as arthritis. My mom noticed something was wrong when I was crying while she was putting on my shoes. I was limping, and I was not running around like an average kid my age. Scooting on my butt around the house and avoiding taking steps, crawling around, definitely something was causing it, and she knew she was going to figure out what was wrong. Many hospital visits and eight pediatricians within my region, all to be told I had sprained ankles and groin pains. It was more than just that. I was young and clueless. My parents had many decisions to make that they thought would be best for me. They knew there was going to be many challenges to overcome, medical appointments, daily challenges for myself. As the years progressed, I got older, and I was a big part of making my own decisions. And now with everything up to my own, it is important I have my friends and family and all the support along the side. This is the time where positivity is huge and needs to come into play. Living with a disability of any kind, especially arthritis for myself, can be overwhelming, painful, stressful, and is overall a difficult challenge that someone has to face. The importance of a positive attitude adheres to medical treatment, healthy diet, and the way you feel on a day-to-day basis. It's very important to be resilient and focus on the positive outlooks and the bright side of the world.