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The main idea of this information is that as Christians, we should weep with those who are weeping and rejoice with those who are rejoicing. Jesus showed his humanity by weeping with others and celebrating with them. We should empathize and sympathize with others in their pain and show love and support. It is important to put ourselves in their shoes and understand their struggles. We should not segregate based on wealth and status, but treat everyone with love and compassion. We should not neglect the physical needs of others and rely solely on prayer, but also seek medical help when necessary. Overall, the message is to show empathy and support towards others in their joys and sorrows. there, he wept. When he saw people weeping, he groaned in the spirit and wept. So no matter how speechful Jesus was, he was able to reveal his humanity. He was able to reveal his emotion. He was able to reveal that it was not just God that was going to take his life. So he was able to tell us that anytime we are crying, there is every tendency that Jesus would weep. So when you are going to challenge his life, he touches Jesus. In the book of Hebrews, the Bible says that Jesus is touched with our infirmities. That means even when you are crying in the night, when you are going through pain in the night, when you could not understand what was happening and you had to cry to the Lord, Jesus sometimes shared in our burdens. And this is God. If Jesus could reveal to us that he could share in our infirmities, it means that this our life was one another. If Jesus could weep because others are weeping, then we ought to weep when others are what? Weeping. When was Jesus rejoicing? When was he happy? They made the marriage at Cana. They invited Jesus at Cana. They had the marriage in Cana and he celebrated with the people that were getting married. So you never saw Jesus Christ when he comes to rejoicing with others. And you never saw Jesus Christ, he wasn't feeling unhappy when others were weeping. Hallelujah. So it is the life of a Christian that a Christian ought to rejoice with people that are rejoicing. Your neighbors, your family members, that are rejoicing. Rejoice with them. They are celebrating marriage anniversary and they came to you and they say, oh sister, we are celebrating marriage anniversary. Don't just say, well, it doesn't matter. It matters. Rejoice with them. Join them to say, oh with God Almighty who has fixed your marriage and someone is going through challenges. Your neighbor, the child has been admitted in the hospital for days. That is not the right time for you to be celebrating and be throwing parties in the community. They need your money. Even though you must continue with that celebration, first empathize with them. First sympathize with them. Show your own path of emotion towards them. Let them know that you cared for them. We are not Christians to just forget everybody around us, but ourselves. So the church in Rome, he had initially told them that they should present their bodies as living sacrifice unto God, but now he was coming to teach them the life of the kingdom. We celebrate those that are what? Celebrating. And we mourn with those that are what? That are mourning. Praise God. So weeping with those that weep actually means sharing in their pain. Sharing in the pains of others. Brother has been at home for days. We should be able to be there with brother to share in his pain. Hallelujah. There are so many people that I have met in my life who eventually died. Although, not that I didn't show my love towards them, that they were sick and so sick, I had to start visiting them. Not only did they die, but even before they died, they could tell that this man loved me because I just kept visiting them, meeting them in their sickness. Even at the end, some of them died, but they could tell that this man always came to visit me when I'm on what? Sick. Even if they have gone to heaven because many of them, whenever I'm visiting them like that, I always make sure that they get born again in case they die. So even when they die and have gone to heaven, that we keep telling, that man always come to see us. Always be with him. You need to share in the pain of others. You have a neighbor. They must not necessarily be a member of your church, but you have a neighbor who has been with you for one month. And when the time begins, he has to be with you like as he should be because of the sickness. And never for once you went to visit. Even when you are sick, you only know what Jesus would do. That is what you should do. If Jesus was to be on earth, and he has a neighbor that is very sick, you may not have wanted to heal that person, but visit that person. That is what I meant by weeping with those that what? That weep. That for you to weep with those that weep, is for you to share in the pain of the people that are going through the challenges. Sharing in the what? In the what? In the pain of the people going through what? That challenge. I have seen people saying that, as long as this person is not a member of my church, and people like that. There are people that shouldn't have died because they were not a member of their what? Of their churches. Somebody is dying. The next day, you say, I have my past. When somebody is dying, where do you take the person? He is in the hospital. He can come to the hospital, but can't go to the hospital. And where do you take the person? You just take me to the hospital first. Are you? We know we love the believers of our ministry, but we are not believers of what? Religious. There are people that called me there. I didn't pray first. You know what I told them first? Go to where? The hospital is demonic. The hospital is demonic. It doesn't give the people wisdom on how to produce milk. It is the hospital that gave them the wisdom on how to carry out surgical what? Operations. The pastor should not replace doctors. Hallelujah. If they want to replace doctors, why can't they replace doctors? Why can't they just say, in the name of Jesus, let these skyscrapers appear? When only one of us have used the mind of Christ, the grace of Christ, you are aware. The mind of Christ has abused me. I have raised the dead back to life before. But you will not be in a situation. Even the death I prayed for was because the dead was already what? Dead. So that case, young doctors what? Kids. That was when they called me and said, this person is dead. And that was the food. And right there, she gasped and jumped off from the sleep, from the dead. Praise the Lord. But I would never replace the work of physicians, the work of doctors. And when somebody should have gone through normal treatment and medical, you say, well, they don't need to go to work. Let them pray and fast. If they die, we go. Praise the Lord. So people, what they will not do to themselves, they do it to themselves. There are many pastors. I'm a pastor. But there are pastors who are traveling overseas to go and take treatment. You only hear that daddy is going to where? Overseas. You think he's going there for ministration. He went there for treatment. But when he comes to you, he will tell you that you need to go by faith. It is by faith I take the drugs. I didn't take the drugs in unbelief. Praise the Lord. So people don't want to weep with those that are worth weeping. I was teaching you last week, Wednesday, that it's becoming apocryphal. When a rich man died in the church, the pastor comes and says, praise the Lord. Everybody gather together. Our beloved brother has what? Died. You know why? A rich man. And the pastor this, pastor this, bishop this. We need to go and see this family and sympathize. Let the poor man die in the church. You will not hear any information. No announcement that the poor man has what? Died. How do we weep with those that what? That weep. If in the church of God, even the poor people cannot find consolation. How can we weep with those that weep if we put a segregation of the rich from the poor? How can we weep with those that weep when only those that have money are given the front chairs? Good seats. And those who labor for God in the church, but they don't have money, we send them back. How can we weep with those that what? That weep. So when a rich man's wife puts to bed every day and hurry in the church, we want to go and wash plates. From morning you are in this, just like you are for the evening, all through the one month or three months or two, they are showing that let a poor man's wife put to bed. The church does not show concern concerning the baby. How do we find it of Jesus when he said to Apostle Paul, weep with those that what? Weep. And rejoice with those that rejoice. If we cannot console one another in the church, as long as we gather together as a church, just like your qualification in the world, we are one body. The Bible says, weeping with those that what? Weep. And rejoicing with those that rejoice. The point of the Bible is revealed in the scripture that we must practice. That we must practice. I went up to Evangelist and I met him in the church building. He said, no door, all complete. What is it you are sleeping with your children? I said, is your pastor aware? He said, it was the pastor that gave him this place to stay. I said, your pastor gave you this place to stay? He said, no door. Children, bless her so much that she has, it is as if each other has seen one another in just one year. He said, that is what my pastor could do. He showed that they are doing fine. I said, if the pastor does not want to help, let him not what? Help. Where a person can come any time, let him not help. It is better you never help and you don't have money to what? Help than for you to put them somewhere. How do we weep with them that weep, if we cannot do what they are doing? For we to be able to weep with people that weep, we must put ourselves in their what? In their shoes. Put ourselves in their conditions. That is the best standpoint to weep with those that what? That weep. When somebody comes to me to tell me that pastor has not eaten, for me to be able to consider that person, even though I don't have money, and to find a way to give them that money, is for me to put myself in the condition that they are. If I have not eaten this morning, how will I feel? So, the Bible is giving us an instruction. Weep with those that what? That weep. It is weeping in the church. In fact, we should weep with those that what? That sister has not gotten married. And for some years, that sister has not gotten a child. In spite of what they say to her, I say, sister, what is the problem? Don't worry, don't give up. God that and what? Give you the fruits of what? Of the womb. Immediately, you start hearing news that she has gone. It was because she lived a useless life. How did you know she lived a useless life? By the grace of God, I married my wife as a virgin. She was a virgin when I married her. Was there no delay? When I married my wife, we were trusting God for a child. It was not coming. Wait, I prayed, I fasted, I did everything, I cried. It didn't what? Come before God and answer our what? Does that mean she lived a near life? Then you will start deceiving the Lord that we carry the matter because she has been demolished for some years. How do we weep with those that weep if we cannot put ourselves in their condition? Do you know what they have done? Do you know what they have cried in the night? Atop my neck, I would say, has it got a break? I pray, answer our what? We cannot weep with those that weep until we put ourselves in the same condition that they are going to. So it is a scriptural instruction. The Bible gave us a condition. It gave us an instruction that as Christians, you must not just be centered but also consider others. That is true Christianity. Don't just be God-centered but also consider others. So weeping with those that weep also means that you are not just minding your own business but you are sharing in the pain of others as much grace that is given to you. Sharing in what? The pain of others. Sharing in the pain of others. This is what I am into. It has taught me, it has given me a spot towards pastors. When I receive a phone call and the pastor is talking over the phone, that he has not eaten, the wife has not eaten, he should have not eaten, and they are passing by the church. You know some of these wonderful churches we have, when they collect offering and tie their shoes, let's go to them. Are they surviving? We don't know. They say they should walk by feet. My brother, he would have sent it to another place. So that both headquarter and house will walk by what? And when you see them all in awe, the first thing I do, I put myself under their feet. I say, guys, things are difficult for me and my wife. I say, we have those 5,000 lambs. Can we share you 2,500 lambs? So, you don't know what you are doing. That 2,500 lambs, we don't have anything to watch. So you just say, please tell me your account number. In order for you to be able to feel the pain that other people are going through, put yourself in their what? In their shoes. Put yourself in their shoes. A man that is born in a wealthy home will not understand what it takes to look for a job. Because the father and the daughter, from birth, they have been pampered with money. So when they went to school, and suddenly they get a finished higher education, the father is ready to provide a job for them. Such a man will not understand what the average man's job is. So when they come to the office and start working as though the people are not working by faith, they will start preaching as though the people have not been trying themselves. Do you know what will provide a job for you? And you start preaching as though the members are fools. As if they have not been struggling to get jobs. The nurses start calling them lazy people. The nurses start telling them that they don't have vision, they don't have goals. My God, if we meet them, they will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. 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They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. They will bring their books. You have lifted yourself from where you were to a new level of greatness. Begin to walk out for you. There are some prayer points we still want to pray. Just obedient to God's Word will make those prayer points be answered. Hallelujah! Yes! There are some prayer points we still want to pray. Just your obedience to the Word of God will make those prayer points be what? Answered! I can't remember the last time I knelt down in front of God. God, do this thing for me. I can't remember the last time. Either I am praying for you, praying for the church, interceding for people. And that is one of the ways you weep with those that weep. Weep with those that weep. One of the ways to kneel down in the place of what? Prayer. This brother has not gotten a job. And anytime you come to church, you always see this brother. Maybe for you that come early, you always hear crying, praying. And he is talking about a job. Not that it is not serious. It is just that there is no job in Nigeria. And then you say, ah, I will start praying for what? This brother. The brother is not aware. The pastor is not aware. Nobody is aware. Every day you are lifting up this brother or that sister. So brother, this and this. If it is not this and this. Lord, you must bless her. What are you doing? You are weeping with those that weep. Praying for them. Interceding for them. It is one of the ways you weep with them. We can't pray for one another if we don't understand this. You pray for one another. You intercede for one another. It is one of the ways of weeping with those that weep. A white woman. I think Mary Kay Bathurst. Mary. Mary Kay Bathurst. Something like that. A white woman. She died. One of the rooms that they took her to in heaven was a room that was full of bottles. Full of what? Bottles. Inside the bottles you saw water. Inside. It was a big hole. So the angel told him that the water is the waters of tears of people. Because when you are praying for sister Angelina and you are praying for that sister, and you are crying, Lord save this sister. This sister must not go to hell. Lord save this brother. Lord help this brother. His marriage must not scatter. They have been fighting for their marriage. He and his wife have been fighting every time. Lord heal this marriage. And you are crying. Each of your tears that is dropping, there is an angel putting your tears inside what? Bottles. Because when you are praying, you must receive a reward for that. When you are praying for people, praying for people's marriages, praying for people's business, praying for them to be born again, and you are crying, and you are sobbing, there is a reward in heaven for it. There is a reward. It means you are with those that what? Weep. Are you getting it? Then I want to pray for you. Weeping with those that weep and rejoicing with those that rejoice is a spiritual transaction. It is called compassion in the Bible. And it is a powerful spiritual weapon to live above the flesh and to live in abundance. When you start involving yourself in this principle, it will give you power over sin. The moment you start doing it, in 2013, I had no job. Things were so hard. Hard and frustrating. I still remember, I was living in a one-room apartment. A room I couldn't pay monthly. I was paying about $3,000 or $3,500. But later it became $4,000. I couldn't pay monthly. But I don't know, the persons that have taken that house, they go to the back of the door, the main door. It was just one room alone. You will see prayer points of different pastors. Pastor E. Debo, Pastor W. F. Kumuyi, Pastor Lazarus. Pastor E. Adebuye. All these people, are you with me? I will write their names. Every day I was praying for them. They don't know me. I will pray for them. I will pray for their wife. I will pray for their children. I will pray for their family. I will go to the church I was attending then. The pastor, I will put my pastor, his wife, his children. I will pray for them every day. So I put it at the back of my door, so that if I lock the door, prayer points. I was praying for them every day. Then, over there I have, I will put barren people. Those barren people that are in my church then, the people that are four years in marriage, five years in marriage. Are you with me? I will put this and this. Mr. and Mrs. This. Mr. and Mrs. This. This and that. I will be praying. I did that for several years. I prayed for them. Interceded for them. Prayed for my church. Prayed for the choir department. I went to the prayer point. Three hours I was there. I don't know the secret to pray for long. The secret to pray for long is to pray for other people. Because if I'm praying for myself, I don't pray with energy. But the moment I'm praying for them, I will see myself. I can, if just one person, I can reach the prayer point and pray for 15 minutes. Those people never knew I was what? Praying for them. That is the way, to weep with those that weep. If we are weeping with those that weep, there will not be envy and jealousy. The reason for envy and jealousy is because we are weeping with God above. Amen. So, we are closing now with this one. What are the advantages of rejoicing with those that rejoice and weeping with those that weep? I have just two advantages here that we will close. Number one, it makes you to attract the blessings and the favor of God. It makes you to attract the blessings and what? The favor of God. When I did that 2013, that 2015, 2014, 2015, I left that environment. I left worry, worry city. I was taken to a middle bed. When I was in middle bed, I started doing that, but not towards those exactly the same person. The new environment I found myself, my pastor, where I took pastor was there. That was before I became pastor. One of them stopped calling me, so they made me pastor there. Before I became pastor, I started praying for my pastor, the new pastor, and the old pastor, where I was coming from. I continued that. Now, what were the advantages is where I am today. Praise the Lord. By the grace of God. That is the advantage. When you start praying for people, it makes you to attract the blessings of God. You cannot be praying for a man that is done, and you will go down. You cannot be praying for what? A man that is what? Done, and you will what? Go down. No. The moment you start praying for a man that is done, that God should lift that man up, automatically God is lifting you what? Up. He said, Whatsoever a man soweth, he shall reap. When you sow a right prayer for another person, what shall you reap? That is the same prayer. When you are praying that God should bless someone, how do you reap it? God will bless you. Praise the Lord. So number one, it attracts the blessings and the favor of God. The moment you take the decision that when you go back home, you write your prayer points, write your pastor, write the church, write your pastor wife, write the ones you want to write, write members of the church that need their job, need their this, need their that, you can see, you can observe. Then write what the church needs, then go to your family members, your father, your mother, your brother, your sister, your brother. He has been struggling to get a job. He is not getting. He is a lazy man. It's not a word. A lazy man. Some people that you see that they don't have a job, you think they are lazy. They are not lazy. You yourself, are you not seeing the way Nigeria is going? Praise the Lord. Then you pray for that one. Then you pray for your children, if you have children. Then you pray for your neighbor. I know that you and Mama Ngozi, you people are not talking. But Mama Ngozi is suffering. Put Mama Ngozi in your words, in your prayer. Hallelujah. Although you are Mama Ngozi, you are not what? You are not in good. Okay. Praise the Lord. You are Mama Ngozi, you are not in what? In good. I think to the first. Is that the way you want to go with? Okay. Okay. Praise the Lord. Mama Ngozi, you are not in what? In good. But, any time you are Mama Ngozi, in the night, you will be yelling and crying. Mama Ngozi is gasping for air. They say it is asthma. What should you do? Put Mama Ngozi in your prayer. Lord, I know this woman, we are misunderstanding. I am forgiving her. But she is not wanting to forgive me. But Lord, heal this woman. Night and day, you are praying. One day she might even be passing, she will be yelling, Lord, eat Mama Ngozi. Lord, help her heart. You have win her heart. The moment she hears that you are praying for her, even if she is sitting here, heaven will love you. For you to be praying for your enemy, somebody that hates you, and you are praying for that person, God will keep you. That is what God does. Praise the Lord. Number two, when you are doing that, it is an evidence of a pure heart. And such attracts God's provision. For you to weep with those that weep, and rejoice with those that what? Rejoice. It is an evidence of a what? A pure heart. Forget about people that say, my heart is pure. True to God, my heart is pure. Forget about true to God. If your heart is pure, you will weep with those that what? Weep. And you will rejoice with those that what? That rejoice. If your heart is pure. Number three, it is a Christ initial that takes you to heaven. Yes, it will take you to heaven. It is a Christ initial that takes you to heaven. Mama, are you following? The moment we are weeping with those that weep, and we are rejoicing with those that rejoice, we are close to heaven. That is the initial of Jesus. The initial of Jesus. The initial of Jesus. That is why as I am pushing to you, I am also pushing to my what? To myself. The message is for you and me. It is not for you alone. It is for you and me. Because me, I want to go to heaven. There was somebody some years ago, two years ago in this community, there was a particular woman that was going around to spoil my name. Go around and spoil my name. So I was coming at this angle, and I saw her. Ah! What am I doing? Ah! What am I doing? And one thing I normally do, if I see my members, I always give them money, if I have money with me. So I called Isha, I said, come, come. I collected two thousand Naira. I said, take it. Ah! Thank you, sir. I said, no, no, no, thank you. Just yesterday, that would be two days ago, we thank God for our flyer that carried my number. And that was when the daughter called my sister, my wife. She said, she called me actually. I was with her. She said, I'm this and this. I said, oh. I didn't, you people that were spoiling my name, because I spoiled my name to the point where by the church, the fellowship in that place almost got empty. You know, nobody comes to ask personal questions. When somebody spoils your name, you will just believe the person is saying the truth. I just saw that people stopped coming to church. The church became, it will come for service like this, on Sunday, by like five, four, for forty-something. This woman was going from house to house, to house, spoiling my name. Me, that was almost paying rent for them. Me, that was feeding them. So they called my wife. That was yesterday. That they don't have foodstuff. We didn't say, ha ha, do you know the damage you did to our ministry? No. I leave it for who? God. If I am a bad person, no. God will judge me. If I'm a good person, no. God will judge me. But one thing I told them, nobody can close down the church of God. They are too small. So what am I trying to tell you is that sometimes it can even be your enemies. Someone that lied against you. Someone that lied against you in your place of work. And the same person, the person that you are aware of, he went to meet your boss, and spoke evil against you. But because your boss knew you very well, he called you and said, did this thing happen? You said, me? Who said that? He said, it's just one person that said that, and you did this thing. You said, Jesus. I didn't do anything. You are aware that this person went to spoil you at your back, and the same person who is not aware that you are not aware, came to you and said, brother, this and this, are you happy with 15 hours? I am very thirsty of water. What will you do? In your mind you say, you are the one that went to spoil me. If I give you this 15 hours, I am going to die. If I give him a drink, I won't die. No. Give her the 15 hours. That is how you overcome those things. As long as you are sweeping for water at that time, weep with him. It is God that blesses men. For the Father, he cannot destroy you. He can never what? Destroy you. Weep with those that weep, and rejoice with what? Those that rejoice. Hallelujah. So, it is quite a great mission that takes to, and with the last of it, as we close, it brings you into the story of people. It brings you into the success story of people. Look up here. In the future, we come up and say, maybe it is standing before great people in the world, or Nigeria, and say, by the grace of God, I thank God for giving me this opportunity to be the best of the best in this part of Nigeria. My testimony cannot be complete without acknowledging the personal of this person. How many people have you involved in their success story? You don't know that when you are weeping with someone that is weeping at that time, then you say, ah, ah, she wept with me doing this, my journey of life. When they become great, you don't know who will help you. You know, I have taught you before that your children may not be the ones to help you tomorrow. You have to be good to everybody. I am telling you the truth. You have to, your children, your biological children may help you. It may be people you touch their life, people you help, tomorrow they may be the ones to die for you. It is, sir, you really helped me. Those days, I was confused in life. You are the one talking to me every day. I am the richest man in Nigeria. Sir, I built this house for you. Money, what your children cannot build, not because your children is bad, but financially, they can never build one room inside that house. You have to be good to what? Everybody. Because who will help you tomorrow? It might be that one that you are giving food every day to eat. And it is not a member of your family. It can be that one that will buy a car for you tomorrow. Hallelujah. And that is why if you weep with people that weep and rejoice with people that rejoice, you will easily enter the success story of the life of people. You will easily enter. When they are confused, when they don't have to make a life, you were there, you were shaking up on them. Every day, you were shaking up on them. When it appears upon... When it appears upon food, it's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. 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