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Christianity is lawless  (enhanced)

Christianity is lawless (enhanced)




The details on why Christianity is lawless

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Now, why I say Christianity is lawless, because most people think it's an insult. No, it's not an insult. It's because Christians like to follow laws. Right? And they could tell you, say, that's why they love the Bible. Oh, they want to follow the Bible. They want to run after the Bible. Then they use the Bible as a pillow. They make the same Bible, but they don't want to follow it. I'm going to say, the Bible is not a law book. That's not the truth. The Bible is not a law book. And because it's not a law book, you're not going to create your own law. Say, the royal church, you call, they're going to begin with the Bible laws. You get that? So, most people think, say, they love the Bible too much. But you don't forget, say, your country itself has laws that you're supposed to follow. And for Baptists, we love the Bible. Now, there are three categories. They don't tell you how you're going to love God, how you're going to love your neighbor, and how you're going to love yourself. And all of them, the Old Testament, the total of them is like 600, right? But when you come break them down somehow, somehow, you're going to get like 300, 400. And those laws are how God don't tell you, say, Now, so, now, God didn't love on herself. Now, so, now, God didn't love on her neighbor. And now, so, I want me because I love me. But you don't see most Baptists. They can't come out. Say, ah, they get special laws where they want to operate their own things. They want to do things. And these things, what do they do? Most of them, even Bible, they get against them. Most of Bible things, your church come out with, you find out that, say, even the Bible, where they say not Bible things. So, it can cause confusion because people go just there. Where this one they come out from? Where this one that they come out from? And they convert and say, oh, not spirit. So, the Holy Spirit, they move. So, the Holy Spirit can't leave Bible. Can't create love for the pastor when with the Bible. So, you see that kind of thing. That thing is bad. Because automatically, people, no good, because they won't trust Bible. They come and say, Bible not just the church. So, make with the follow pastor. We get spirit. We better pass Bible. And when you read the Bible, you find out that even God said, Jehoshaphat, the book of the law. Right? So, it means Bible not book of law. So, Bible not be book of spirit. A book of law. And even for New Testament, what it says, it is law. The law where they operate with. The spiritual. The law where they operate with. The holy. The law where they are commandment, where they operate with. They are confirmed by God and by spirit. So, you know, if you come around the royal church, can they tell me, say, your Bible or your spirit better pass the law with the Bible. And some of these pastors now, when they go grave site, when they go graveyard, they go tap anointing. And Bible don't want to say, neither they call necromancy. They go meet dead body. They try to get something from dead body. You say, what are the dead body? So, any pastor will come to a dead body or person will die. They look for people will die. They look for the anointing. They look for how they want to tap from them. Automatically, Bible don't tell you, say, in the God of living, not the God of dead people. So, why you don't go tap from the Holy Spirit? Why you don't go tap from the law? Why you don't go tap from person? The God where they serve with their life. You go to meet dead people where the God don't use. They go to look for anointing. You see. So, quarrel, quarrel, don't do that matter. And automatically, because that matter don't get K-leg, So, it means the person don't follow another law when they read the Bible. And Bible don't tell you they follow dead body. It is part of the law. Don't follow dead body. Don't go to look for dead body. Don't go to check out how you want to tap something from dead body. Dead body don't die. Live and make the dead body rest. You get that? So, when pastor don't do like, don't do like, don't look for dead body power. Automatically, it don't go against the law. Now, imagine that kind of pastor come and create many, many church. You think say in a Bible it is created. I don't use Bible created. If he come to you tomorrow and say the Bible is not correct, because he don't tap power from dead body. So, you get that? Outside dead body, other things that they do. They use jazz. They use, they tell you lies when they read the Bible. And that make it say, because you don't want to follow the law for Bible, you are now the lawless. And you get and say, if they break Bible law, you may say, you know what, stick with waiting God there. You won't do your own thing. So, even if you get church and you say your church now, several Holy Spirit, fuller, automatically, because you don't want to follow Bible law, that church, they operate for another level. They operate with another thing. They operate with God power. They operate with Messiah power. And they operate with Holy Spirit power. So, you find out, say, even government, when government gives you law, like Nigerian law now, if you go decree to your law, say, like Nigerian law, say your law better pass Nigerian law, Nigerian government will get problem with you. They will be good to the same police and everything with you. That's why you see people, they arrest people. You see, when they say person, keep person. And because the person say, ah, I get my own law, will better pass government law, then I can go keep person. Automatically, you see, government will say, ah, your law, hmm, will go fed the token for court, will go fed the token for prison. So, that's why, you see, you know if you decree to your law, say, your law better pass the place or the purpose where you want to go to. So, if you want to stay in Nigeria, you follow Nigerian law. If you travel abroad, you follow the abroad law. And you look and see, their law reach thousands. Those abroad, they reach thousands and thousands. You know, it's just small, small laws. And God don't adjust. Less than he will save 600. And you say, ah, God don't do much. God don't do much. I don't want to follow God's law. I want to follow abroad. I want to follow government's law. And most times, even government's law get problem with God's law. But who will follow? Government or God? The person who created you, now you go follow. Not the government created you. Now God know you go follow. So, that's why you need. We need to follow and guided by God's law. Else, we are lawless to God. Even if we follow our government's law. Even if we are the best follower of our government's law. As far as we follow government law, we fight against God's law, automatically, we are lawless to God. To government, we are lawful. But to God, we are lawless. It means that we don't like God's law. And all the laws that God don't create, most of them, some of them, we will say, ah, this may go to your P.K. or maybe because if your P.K. is stubborn, may go to jail or may do this. But you find that, say, sometimes, not because we don't understand those laws, even those laws we are doing now, if your P.K., that law will say, if your P.K. is stubborn, go to jail now. Can I call Marketplace? Report altogether that I'm still now. That law, even if one look at it from modern day, if your P.K. is stubborn, should the government tell you, say, if your P.K. commits crime, and you discover the crime, you will be accessory to that crime. It means that your P.K. already committed that crime. You get that? So, it means that you have to submit your P.K. to the government. So, how is that? If we practice somewhere, we just want to say, God, God, don't I am bad. Now, government don't good. You get that? So, normally, you say you want your P.K., but if you submit your P.K. to the government, say, ah, government, my P.K. don't commit which I know he handle. Then, your government say, if they see the crime too much, they will tell you, some government will tell you, won't keep this P.K. Won't give a death sentence, or won't give a life imprisonment. Automatically, they have taken that chance. So, because we don't carry that P.K. on the stone now, let me say, we don't understand the Old Testament, where God say, if your P.K. is stubborn, carry on, come out. You get that? So, there are laws in the Old Testament, where people don't understand, and people don't know how to interpret. So, automatically, they just come out and say, Old Testament, old school, God don't want to, Jesus don't want for us, make him begin to do our own thing. Jesus, what he can do? All the Old Testament law, we get sacrifice. We get sacrifice. Now, it don't call. Now, that one, you say to every other thing, you say, we have to be doing it. We need to get one, because that is how we show, say, we love him. Even if he don't love us, we have to show, you understand? For love to switch, you have to love me, I have to love you. I have to tell you, my love language, you tell me your love language. God don't tell you in love language. We say, we don't like in love language. We want to create our own laws. We love God in our own way. But you find that God don't love you. Then you say, this is why I want you to love me. You say you don't like him. It means you are lawless. It means you don't like the law of God. It means you want to go against the law of God. That's why I say church, they are lawless. Don't be saying I insult. I just look and say, hmm, all this yaga-yaga for all churches. See, this church, they do this one. Say, now God tell him. This Holy Ghost tell him. This is why everything, no organization. Our religion, we religion don't disorganize. You do your own thing. Like they say, they are lawless. They don't follow one pattern. They don't get within to guide them. They don't get within to protect them. I find that even in Nigeria, some religion, like they are law, even they work with Nigeria. They will tell you, see, this law way, no one bring from Nigeria. We don't like them because they are not our holy book. You get them? So, I think they are not so Christian, supposed to be. But, because Christians, they are lawless. They don't like to follow law. Other religion, when Nigeria won't bring one constitution, they will say, they are not our book. And Nigeria will not implement them. And Nigeria will say, okay. You get them? So, that is what they look like. Even Christians supposed to use Bible, they do. Because, you know, if you don't pass Bible, you know, if you don't pass the God will create you. The God will create you. Let me say, that's why you won't make your lover. That's why you won't make the love your neighbor. Because, you know, you create yourself. That's why I want to make you to create love yourself and your neighbor. Because, not me create your neighbor, not me create you. Hmm? That's why I want me to get lover. I can't give you love. And you can't say, I don't want to. I want to, they look for one spirit. Where? I go there, they do my own thing. I don't want to follow God's law. Say, you go there, lawless. Hmm? In God's eyes, you might be obeying your own government's law. Government may give you awards, say, I'm for the best citizen. But, for God's eyes, because you don't obey God's law, automatically, you be lawless to God. So, we go decide who create us, whether or not God or government, or whether or not we create ourselves. Because, even if you say, no, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit not write Bible. Holy Spirit not inspire Bible, for people to write them. So, Holy Spirit, no good. They give you special law, where they guess what you don't command, before they even born you. Before your Christianity even come. Before your, your, your religion even come into place. No good say your law, better pass those laws, where they don't set up. That's why you see some people who say, Christianity, they worship idols, because of all these things. No, organization, Christianity, they follow one law. Christianity, they follow one pattern, where God don't lay down. They won't follow their own pattern. So, now make a say, this matter, we need to talk about preaching. Because, it be like say, what we talk about English, now insults. But, for preaching, everybody go understand them, and everybody go follow them. Make a know what you think about the matter.

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