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The Tools For Growing Faith- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

The Tools For Growing Faith- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu is a teacher of the Word of God with an apostolic mandate. He has author several books including the trending one, Hearing the Voice of God. He specialize in raising disciples for Christ, and training them in Christ and doctrines. He is the senior pastor of The Believers Renewal Ministries, located in Lagos state, Nigeria. To reach him, here is his personal WhatsApp contact: +2348102362618

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The Renewal Life Christian Center is a ministry led by Apostle Peterson O. Abun. They focus on revealing Christ and His power through teaching and manifestations. They encourage people to seek encounter with God and have faith in Him. Faith is the key to experiencing the supernatural and moving mountains. The speaker emphasizes the importance of faith and its ability to change situations and invite God's presence. They discuss the five pillars of faith and the need for absolute belief in God and His word. The Renewal Life Christian Center is an apostolic and teaching ministry that anchors on revealing Christ and Him crucified through expository teachings and the manifestations of the power of Christ. It is generally coordinated by Apostle Peterson O. Abun. For further inquiry and counsel, please contact us with these numbers. 234-802-671-9577 or 234-081-024-21675 or 234-807-599-6218 or WhatsApp us via this number. 234-802-671-9577 May you encounter God as you listen to this life changing word. Let there be encounter. Lord, I pray for encounter. Lord, I pray for encounter. Lord, I pray for encounter. Lord, I pray for encounter. Lord, I pray for encounter. In the name of Jesus. Oh God, I pray for encounter. Lord, I pray for encounter. Lord, I pray for encounter. Oh God, encounter me. Lord, encounter me. Lord, encounter me. Lord, encounter me. In the name of Jesus. Oh God, encounter me. Lord, encounter me. Lord, encounter me. Lord, speak to me through your word. Speak to me through your servant. Speak to me through your word. Speak to me through your servant. Speak to me through your word. Speak to me through your servant. Speak to me through your word, oh God. In the mighty name of Jesus. Thank you, Father. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you. When I begin to talk to the Lord. When I begin to talk to the Lord. This is the very moment we are looking up to God to speak to us. We want the word of life to come to us like never before. We want encounter through the pages of his word. The Lord has been faithful to us. And this we cannot deny. Therefore, let us call upon him. Let us sit on the throne. Let us call upon him that is always willing to bless us. God is more willing than we expected. God is more willing than we desire. It's more desiring to bless us than even our own desires. Ask God to open our eyes to the pages of his word. Let us have encounter with him again. And let his word encounter us. While Paul was on his way to Damascus, saw who became Paul. It was Jesus that encountered Paul. Lord, encounter us tonight. That should be your prayer now. Lord, encounter me tonight. I need encounter that will reposition me into your perfect will. I need encounter that will align me. Open your mouth and begin to talk to the Lord. Ask God to encounter you. I say, Lord, we need encounter. Lord, we want to experience the supernatural. We want to experience the grace in the name of Jesus. In Jesus' mighty name we pray. Let us begin to... As we are praying, please let us not be distracted. As we enter into the message, let us avoid distractions. And God will help us in Jesus' name. Our gracious Father, we thank you for this very moment. We commit this word into your hands. And we ask you, Lord, that you bless us by your spirit in the name of Jesus. Thank you because whenever we come together like this, you always give us this word of life. And even the brethren online following, you always bless them through this message, through our messages. We ask that this moment bless us once again in Jesus' name. For in Jesus' mighty name we pray. Quickly let us turn our Bibles to the book of Matthew 21, verse 21. Matthew chapter 21, verse 21. Please, I want every one of us to open our Bibles. Matthew chapter 21, verse 21. Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If you are faith and doubt not, So doubting is the opposite of faith. Ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, But also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea, It shall be done. It shall be done. Now where we read, which is our text, we have seen that Jesus has given us a secret. You know we are living in a generation where when men of God are pushing to share their secrets, we quickly promote it on Facebook, on social media, we say, the secret of this man of God. The secret of that man of God. We are much eager to find out the secret of men of God than the secret of Jesus. Many a times we talk about what men of God did to encounter God. And we ignore or overlook the fact that Jesus himself laid down many secrets in the world. Here is one of the secrets of the ministry of Jesus. He said, Verily I say unto you, If you are faith and doubt not, Ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, You will not only do the miracles I do, but you shall also say to mountains, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea, and it shall be done. Jesus to his disciples never hide anything. That was why he called them friends. He said, Ye are my friends and not my servants. For a servant knoweth not what his master doeth, but he knoweth all things. He called them friends because they had access to information. He called them friends. He called the disciples friends because they had access to his personal secrets. They had access to his personal or his private life. A friend is not just someone that just came close to you. A friend is someone that knows more about you. So not everybody can be called friends. Friends are those that know your private life and yet they still stick closer to you. So we see that Jesus Christ revealed a very central part of the secret behind his ministry. He said that is faith in God. Faith in God. He said if you can have faith, you will do more than what I did or more than what I was doing. That was what Jesus was trying to say. That faith makes you to experience the supernatural in your ministry, in your life, in your businesses just as it happens to him. So Jesus revealed to the disciples. He said if you will have faith. Just the way I made a word, I declared a word and the fig tree died. You still remember the story of the fig tree. When Jesus Christ was hungry and they went to the fig tree and the fig tree there was no fruits. And then Jesus placed a curse on the fig tree. Jesus placed a curse. He declared a word and that fig tree died. And Jesus said, oh you are marveled. You are marveled that my word will be honored by God. You are marveled that I declared a word and it came to pass. I say unto you, if you have faith, it is not only fig trees that will die. If you have faith, Mounties will be moved. And Jesus gave us a very strong pillar of the Christian life. Faith. In Mark chapter 11 verse 22. I want us to quickly read these Bible passages because along the line we may not have much time to read Bible passages again. Matthew chapter 11 verse 22. Matthew 11, 22. The Bible says in verse 22, And Jesus answered and said unto them, And Jesus answered and said unto them, Have faith in God. Have faith in God. Verse 23. For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be that removed, and be that cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he sayeth shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he sayeth. We'll be discussing on the topic, spiritual tools for growing your faith. Spiritual tools for growing your faith. Where we went, we have seen that faith makes the impossible to become possible. We have seen that faith has the capacity to change the situation. Now Jesus didn't really give us the condition of the life of the people he was speaking to. He didn't say that if you don't pray for 5 hours, pray for 10 hours. If you don't pray for 20 hours, you won't be able to do this. You won't be able to move mountains. He said that faith is what you need to move mountains. If faith can make the impossible to become possible in our lives, therefore it is important we study about faith. If faith can bring God into the scene, then it is important we talk about faith. If faith can invite the presence of God into the situation of life, then it is important we talk about faith. If faith can change the situation, heal the sick, open the eyes of the blind, and command demonic operation in our businesses to give way, then we need to talk about this faith. If faith is the only thing that can make God to honor our prayers, then we need to talk about faith. In my outline, I said that faith is the act of having absolute belief in God and his word. Faith is the act of having absolute belief in God and his word. Absolute belief in God and his word. So, faith is having absolute belief in God and his word. In Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1, it says, Faith is a substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen, hoped for without evidence, without a physical evidence. Faith. But before I teach you about the tools you need for the development of your faith, before I reveal to you that the tools you need for the growing of your faith, you need to know about the five pillars of faith. Now, this faith in question, we are not talking about doctrine. In scriptures, most especially in Apostle Paul's epistles, there were times he talked about faith. I have fought the good fight of faith. The faith there is not the same thing as faith that moves mountains. We have faith that moves mountains. We have doctrinal faith. The faith that Paul the Apostle was talking about, he was talking about doctrinal faith. When he said that, I have fought a good fight, when he talked about, when Jude talked about endlessly content for the fight, he was not talking about a total trust in God. He was not talking about faith that moves mountains. They were talking about a doctrinal faith, a body of teachings that they laid down for the believers. So, endlessly content for the teachings that have been given to us down from the days of Apostle Paul. But this faith we are talking about now is faith that moves mountains. We are talking about the act of absolute belief in God and his word. So, in this regard now, we have five pillars of faith. I understand the reason I'm putting a differentiation on this because we have five pillars of faith in the area of doctrine. There are people that come up with five pillars of faith in the areas of doctrine. In the body of Christ, we have pillars of faith in the area of doctrine. But now, I'm talking about pillars of faith in the area of believing. In the area of believing. So, number one pillar of faith we need. What is faith? What is one of the pillars of faith? Of course, you know the responsibility of pillars or the functions of pillars. When you build a very high tower or you have a very high building, a very big tall building, there is no high you must have pillars. Every building must have pillars. The function of pillars is that they have the ability to sustain that structure and make that structure to remain for so long. Without pillars, you'll be expecting collapse. Without pillars, you'll be expecting destruction. So, when we are talking about faith, what are the things you need to sustain your faith? What are the things that give the right interpretation and definition of faith? Number one, we have hope. Number one, we have hope. Hope in God. So, one of the pillars of faith is hope. It means that anybody that claims to have faith must have hope in God. And the reason we talk about hope in God is because we are talking about the future. Hope, you don't have hope in the past. You don't even have hope in the past. You have hope for the future. You have hope for the future. So, the Bible says in Hebrews 11 verse 1, that faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence not seen. So, anything you have not seen, anything that is yet to come, faith demands that you hope. So, whosoever has hope for what they have not seen is exercising faith. So, faith of this world has different synonyms. Number one is hope. That is what I'm trying to tell you. That faith has synonyms. Number one is hope. If, for example, I meet Sister Janet, and I said, okay, what you are expecting, have you gotten that thing? And she says that she still hoping that that thing will be coming. And I said, are you sure? It's more than three years. Are you still sure that thing will come? And she says, yes, I still have the hope that it will come. What she is describing at that point is faith. So, faith is hope for things yet to come. Faith is hope for things yet to see. Christ in you is the hope of glory. The hope of glory. So, if Christ is in you, there is hope that one day you will experience what? Glory. So, one of the pillars of faith is hope. You must not forget this. That if we are describing a man of faith, we are talking about a man, although he has not seen the reality of his calling, the reality of his destiny, a woman, although she has not seen the reality of the purpose that God has destined for her, but every day she confesses it. Every day she declares it. Every day she says that I know one day my redeemer shall come. I know one day everything will become okay with me. I know one day I will get married. I know not too long I will get married. I know not too long this sickness will leave me. I know not too long God will bless me financially. You have not seen any physical evidence, but there is a hope for the future. That is faith. So, you must understand this. That one of the pillars of faith is what? Hope. It's hope. So, if you have hope for the future, you are exercising faith. If you have hope for the future, you are not exercising faith. You must understand this. You are a young man, a young brother, a young sister, and you have sensed the calling of God in your life, or you have already entered the preparation of your calling. You have started that ministry and you have not seen people around. You just started the ministry. You have not seen, in fact, your service, you don't have more than 10 persons there. And then you try to get discouraged. But you remember that God has given you a vision of the future. You must have hope for that. You are hoping that one day you will enter into the reality, the full reality of your calling. That exercise is called faith. You are not yet round off your school. In fact, in the higher institution where you are studying, you are not able to even purchase a lot of materials for you to study in preparation for your exam. And now you say that God has bestowed you to be a governor, to be a president of a nation. And there is no physical attribute, no physical reality that can even bear witness with that. But there is hope in you, that one day I will be the president of what? Of the nation. That hope, that exercise is called faith. Faith is not just a word. Faith has many branches. It has pillars. And one of the pillars of faith is what? Hope. You must have hope. Hope for the future. Hope in God. When we talk about the hopeless, we are talking about people that don't have faith again. A faithless person is called the hopeless person. Because one of the branches of faith is hope. One of the pillars of faith is hope. So the moment there is no faith in you, how do you know you won't have hope of your rising? Many that committed suicide, they committed suicide because there is no hope. That is lack of faith. So many of them will go to hell. Not only on the condition of suicide. We know that suicide is a sin. It takes to hell. Another thing that will take them to hell is not just the suicide alone. It is faithlessness. Because you end your life because you are hopeless. And when you are hopeless, that is called faithlessness. Because one of the branches of faith is hope. When a sister keeps complaining, keeps murmuring of the future, keeps murmuring of the future, there is fear of the future. She keeps complaining, she keeps murmuring, she keeps discussing and talking about hopelessness all of her life. She is exercising faithlessness at that point. And Jesus has told us that if we can have faith, like a mustard seed, we can command mountains to move. So the person that always complains and doesn't have hope of the future cannot command mountains to move. Another one of the branches of faith is hope. Have hope in God. This may not be easy with you now. Have hope in God. This may not be going the way you expect it. Have hope in God. This may not be sweet. Have hope in God. This may not be going the way you desire it. Have hope in God. Believe that one day everything will change. Have hope for the promises of God. One day everything will change. One day everything will change. You will not remain like this. People may be mocking you now. You will never remain like this. Don't allow the talk and the opinions of men to shift your hope for the future. Your hope in God. Number one is hope. Number two is trust. Another pillar of faith is what? Trust. When we talk about trust, we are talking about total dependence. What you totally depend on, you don't have any form of alternative for that thing. You must understand that you must have a total dependence on God. To those that have total dependence on God, we call them people of faith. Of course, you cannot have hope if there is no dependence, if there is no trust. If you don't believe that that thing will come to pass, if you don't trust that that thing will come to pass, you won't have faith. Another pillar of faith is what? Trust. Total dependence. When I talk about trust in this regard, I'm talking about total dependence. You totally depend on God. You don't fight for it to come. You depend. You know that God will make all things beautiful anytime. You don't have any form of hope, what about if God fails? You have total dependence on God. You know that God can bring everything to pass. God can make the impossible, the possible before man to become possible within. He said, Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything hard for me to do? Is there anything hard for me to do? You must have total dependence on God. You must have total dependence on God. You must have total dependence on God. Number three. Belief. Belief. Belief is another pillar of faith. Belief. It is another what? Pillar of faith. When I talk about belief here, I'm talking about full acceptance. Full acceptance. You accept the promises of God. You fully accept it. You fully accept the presence of God. You fully accept the promises of God. You fully accept the things God has said about you. You accept it fully. There is no doubt. There is no partial acceptance. If there is partial acceptance, there will be authority. But you have fully accepted it. That is belief. Number four is patience. Number four pillar of faith is patience. When we talk about patience here, I'm talking about waiting upon God. When you see a man or a woman that is waiting upon God, Waiting upon God cannot continue without hope. So, it is when you hope that something will come, you'll be waiting for that thing. So, patience is one of the pillars of faith. Patience is motivated by hope. Patience continues moving as long as there is hope at the front of patience. So, you wait upon God. The Bible says, Wait and be of good courage. Wait, I say of the Lord. Wait. So, it doesn't mean that because you have faith, you will see an immediate result. Sometimes faith is being described. Sometimes faith is manifested by having the ability to wait. Not every time you will experience immediate results because you have faith. Not every time. Not every time you will experience immediate results because you have faith. Sometimes the faith you have will keep you waiting for the results to come. So, in case, because you say you have faith and you are not seeing immediate results, don't think that you don't have faith. Many times faith might bring immediate results. Sometimes faith will keep you waiting. So, to wait on the Lord is faith of itself. So, when you see a woman that is waiting upon God, we can categorize that woman as what? A woman of faith. The Bible says that through faith and patience, they inherited their promises. So, faith can keep you waiting. Patience is the ability to wait upon the Lord. Waiting for His promises to come. It may delay, like the vision, and make it plain upon the table, that it may longer wait. The Bible says, Though the vision tarry, wait for it, for it shall surely come. Wait, that is the ability of faith. Without faith, you can't inherit promises. Without faith, everything God has said concerning you, you won't be able to enter into the reality of His promise, if there is no faith. God called Abraham when he was 75 years old, and said, I'm going to make you fathers of many nations. Nations shall be blessed through you. But that promise came to pass when he became 100 years old. He gave birth to Isaac when he was 100 years old. Faith. It took him from 75 to 99, 100 years. How many years is that? That is about 25 years. And you see a man keep depending on God. That is why the Bible says that the faith of Abraham was accounted to him for righteousness. The faith of Abraham was accounted to him for righteousness. There was a man that had faith, the father of faith, whom we call Abraham, as the father of faith, is being described as a man that used 25 years to believe in God. 25 years. What has God promised you that in just 2 years you are getting discouraged? And God has promised to do it in the 50th. You are already discouraged. Many ministers closed down their ministry. Let me say this, in case you are a man of God listening to me, or you are going to get rid of this message, any man of God that gets rid of this message, listen to me. The condition, the present state of your ministry, doesn't mean that the word of God will not come to pass. It may appear that your ministry may even have closed down. You are not doing ministry in your room. You have a church, you have a building, but people left, you couldn't pay rent, you are not doing anything in your room. It doesn't affect the promises of God. As long as you are still present, even in your corner, you are still preaching. You don't have members, you are still going online preaching. That thing which God has said will still come to pass. It will only carry if you leave that assignment He called you for. So the condition of your present ministry doesn't affect the promises of God. You have to wait. You have to wait. That is faith. The last of it all, which is the number five pillar of faith, is obedience. Obedience. We can't describe faith without, we can't give the concept of faith without the emphasis on obedience. Obedience is the action of faith. Obedience is what? The action of faith. So if you say you have faith in God, many a times, faith will be demonstrated by obedience on the Word. Many a times, faith will be demonstrated by obedience on divine instruction. So if God gives you divine instruction, it doesn't mean whether your parents, whether your husband, whether your wife, whether your family members, whether people in the church, whether uncles will believe you or not. People may oppose it. Faith in that aspect or in that perspective is you obeying God despite great oppositions. Because faith is obedience to God's Word. That is the last pillar of faith. These five pillars of faith, without these five, anything you say is not faith. So faith is being built by these five pillars. The combination of these five pillars is what we call faith. So faith is the embodiment of these five what? Pillars. It's when you start doing these five things, that is what the scripture defines as faith. So faith is an embodiment of hope, trust, belief, patience and obedience. So many times, faith will be executed by simply obeying. Many times. So the Bible says the just shall live by faith. Another word is that the just shall live as long they keep obeying God. Man shall not live by bread alone, but man shall live by every word that proceeds. Man shall live as long he keeps obeying the proceeding Word of God. As long you keep obeying the proceeding Word of God, you'll be alive in the Spirit. You'll be alive in your purpose. You'll be alive in the calling of God. So what are the characteristics of faith? We have talked about the pillars of faith, now we come to the characteristics of faith. What are the characteristics of faith? Number one, faith is without doubt. If there's any iota of doubt in it, it has to be God's faith. Faith is without what? Doubt. And that is why we talk about hope. The moment your eye leaves hope, it falls into doubt. Faith is without doubt. It might be two years ago God promised you a child, yet you have not yet taken him. Faith is without what? Doubt. You believe that faithful is he that has given you promise, who also will do it? Faith is without what? Doubt. It's one significant characteristic. One of the significant characteristics of faith. Faith is without doubt. Don't have doubt. God asks you to go into a business. Don't doubt. Don't ask. Don't say, how will it happen? It will happen. The business will start. If God has spoken, you must try to avoid any sense of doubt. The devil will come and fight against your mind. The devil will fight against your thoughts. He will try to infiltrate your thoughts and put in doubt them. You must guide your heart with all diligence. From heart of it, proceed the issues of life. Faith is without doubt. Number two, faith is without alternative. Number two characteristic of faith is that faith is without what? Without alternatives. Faith is without alternatives. Faith is without alternatives. The moment you start creating an alternative path, you have left the path of faith. You cannot do business with alternatives, even while you are walking on the pathway of faith. If you are in the way of faith, you cannot put your two legs into places. Either your two legs are on the way of faith, or you are not on the way of faith at all. The moment you stretch one of your legs and put it on alternative, you are no longer walking in faith. How many people that are walking in alternative, in case this word of God doesn't come to pass, so that I can fall back to this thing. The moment you start walking with God in that sense, you have left the way of faith. The Bible says, he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and the reward of them that diligently seek him. So before you come to God, you must believe that God is, and is the reward of what? Of those that diligently seek him. As long as you keep seeking God, diligently, and you have faith in God, you will definitely experience God. So faith is without alternatives. Go and destroy those alternatives. God gave you a concept to go to Canaan land. Like Abraham, you are running to Egypt. You will commit sin in Egypt. No matter what you face on your way to Canaan land, you have to set your face like a fling. Focusing on the promises of God, faith is without alternatives. Number three, characteristics of faith. Faith is without disobedience. Faith is without disobedience. One of the characteristics or one of the virtues that you should cultivate in your life as a person, as a believer, is that you try to be obedient. Let me tell you how you become obedient. Obedience doesn't come because you love it. Obedience comes because you have served. When you were under your father, your mother, you try to be obedient to every godly advice and instruction they give to you. When you start working in a company, you try to become obedient to every concept. You never fail, you never deviate, you never default in any concept in the organization you work. When they go back to the register, to the record, you are always punctual. You are always coming. Anytime your boss gives instruction, you are always meeting the instruction. That means you are building the life of obedience. You come to the church, if the pastor says we are coming by 2, 2 is 2, 3 is 3. You are always obedient. If you are not going to be there, you call your pastor and you take permission. You are not self-willed. If this you do, you start developing the life of obedience. A man that has not served under any man, a man or a woman that has not said yes sir, yes ma'am to anybody for so long is a very dangerous person. No matter how far you have gone in life, you must be under an authority. It keeps you humble. It keeps you at a shaky point. If you are not under an authority, you will not be far from destruction. So for you to build the life of obedience, even before you become obedient to God, if it is not a lifestyle, even when you become a Christian, you will be violating the laws of God. So faith is without disobedience. You can't say you have faith in God and outrightly you are committing fornication. Outrightly you are cheating. Outrightly you are stealing and you say I have faith in God. You don't have faith. Faith makes you to respect the instructions of God. Faith makes you to regard, to respect the word of God. So without faith, it is impossible to please God. And faith cannot be executed at the absence of what? Disobedience. Number four. Number four characteristics of faith is that faith is without murmuring and complaining. Faith is without murmuring and complaining. If there is murmuring and if there is complaining, you have shifted off from the corridor of faith. You have shifted off from the radar of faith. You are not in the radar of faith again. If we look at the radar, we will not be seeing you because you have come out. You know there is what is called the radar of faith. You see, when you go to the hospital and there is somebody, you know, someone is unconscious or in the state of coma and they want to know whether that person is alive or dead, they shake the pulse. They shake the pulse. You know, if you stay at faith, your heart will be beating. If you stay at faith, your pulse will be beating. If there is no faith, the moment you shake your pulse, your spiritual pulse, you will discover that you are not alive again. You have left the radar so we cannot even locate you in the radar again. When an airplane, when you are traveling to America, from Nigeria to America, you will be blinking in the radar. You will be blinking in the radar. The moment in the office they discover that that airplane you entered, they cannot locate it in the radar, two things have happened. Either the plane has crashed or you have gone into the oblivious. So if you are staying in the radar from Nigeria, they will be monitoring that plane until when you get to America. Leaving the radar means that you have entered into catastrophe. With the moment we are complaining, you have left the radar of faith. You are no longer a man or a woman of faith. Number five, faith is without fear. Fear, what is fear? Somebody defines it this way. Is it fear? Is false evidence appearing real? That is F-E-A-R, false evidence appearing real. When you start meditating on fears, you will discover that you will not be efficient in obeying the counsels of God. If God has given you instructions to do a thing, to go to a place, you must develop faith to execute that. Building on fear is building on a sand that when the storm and the wind comes, you won't be able to have the foundation to sustain you. You will collapse. You must build on faith. God has asked you to move to a land that he has shown you. Move there with faith. God has asked you to start a business. Start it with faith. God has asked you to start a ministry. Start it with faith. God has asked you to get involved in a special calling. Do that by faith. Faith. Build it on faith. It will last. If you build it on fear when the storm comes, you see, in ministry that we are doing today, don't say, oh, we are celebrating two years, three years, four years in ministry. Most of us, it's four years, three years of storms. The thing that keeps us in that ministry is because we build on faith. We build on faith in the word of God. Ministry is not an easy work. There will be a lot of storms. People will leave. There will be disappointment. They will be betrayed. If you are not building on faith in the word, when the storm comes, the building will collapse. So you must do it without fear. Most people that betray you at the beginning will later come and become pillars in the end. That is how ministry is. Some of them will leave you. Some of them will be betraying you. Some of them will be betraying you, will be causing you pain. And yes, they will not leave. They will still be there. When you try to tell them to leave, you bring messages that will shake them away. They will stay there. You will discover that the moment you overcome that period of life, these same people that were causing you pain, that never believed in you, may later become the finest of pillars you need for the ministry. That is why ministry, you don't have enemies there. Because the enemies, they can become your friend tomorrow. But you must have faith without fear. Do it in by faith. What are the channels of faith? I'm about to round off soon. I just want you to understand this message. That is why I break it into different divisions. The channels of faith. Who should you put your faith on? And what are the channels or what are the things you should channel your faith to? What are the things, what are the embodiments, the things and the people to channel your faith to? Number one, because of time. You can read Mark 11, verse 22 again. Because of time. That is why I do quote the Bible passages instead of just telling you to open your Bible. Number one, you must have faith in God. Mark 11, verse 22, Jesus said, have faith in God. You must have faith. You know, I've taught you what is faith. I've given you the pillars of faith. So, in case you want, when I say have faith in God, quickly go and meditate on the pillars of faith. In case you have not written down anything, go back and listen to these messages again. The message is on that record. Pillars of faith. So, what are the channels of faith, number one? Have faith in what? In God. Have faith in God. So, if you want to understand what is faith in God again, I say faith is without doubt. Faith is without alternative. Faith is without what? Disobedience. Faith is without mumbling and complaining. Faith is without what? Fear. Have faith in God. Number two, have faith in Christ. Have faith in Jesus Christ. Number three, have faith in the name of Jesus. Have faith in the name of Jesus. Believe that the name of Jesus is his throne, Torah. Where the righteous runs into and they are saved. When you are in danger, call the name of Jesus by faith. Have faith in the name of Jesus. When you are in danger, call upon the name of Jesus. When you are facing situation, when there are armed robbers attack, when there is any, no matter the situation you find yourself, call upon the name of Jesus. Have faith in the name of Jesus. Number three, you must have faith. Okay, number three is have faith in the name of Jesus. Number four, have faith in the spirit of Christ. Have faith in the what? Spirit of Christ. Have faith in the spirit of Christ, which is the Holy Ghost. Have faith in the Holy Ghost. Number five, have faith in the word of God. In the scripture, the Holy Scripture. Have faith in what is documented. The word of God documented in the scripture. Have faith in the documented word of God. Number five, have faith. Okay, number five is have faith in the word of God. Number six is have faith in the prophetic words or instruction. When a genuine prophet, not this caricature prophet, when a genuine prophet gives you a prophetic word or instruction, have faith, build your faith, not on the man, but build your faith on what? On the prophetic word. When you get back home, there are many of you have given prophetic word. When you go back home, start repeating that word. Lord, your servant has spoken to me that this business, I will get the business. That this business is for me. I believe in the word, the prophetic word of your servant. Lord, I rest my faith on the word of your servant. Have faith in the prophetic word or instruction. Have faith in the prophetic word. When you are praying in the night, you are praying in the day, just keep repeating faith, keep repeating faith, keep repeating faith. That prophecy that came to you, where the man of God said that God is going to use it greatly in that community, and you are not seeing any shadow, you are not even seeing any glimpse of it, start repeating it. Lord, I believe in the prophecy of your servant. I believe in what your servant said, that in this territory, you will give me this territory. Lord, I believe in that. I build my faith. In the name of Jesus, I take over this territory. Build on the prophetic word of God's servant. God's genuine prophet. So, have your faith. Have faith in the prophetic word or instruction. Number seven, which is the last of it. Have faith in the anointing of God on God's servant. The anointing word of God. By the grace of God, God has anointed me. God has used me for many of you. You must have faith. If you don't have faith in the anointing of God upon my life, any prayer I pray won't be answered. You must have faith in the anointing of God in the life of a man. In the life of a woman. Have faith. Don't join this group of people that speak against men of God. Don't even say because the man of God is not popular, you are not going to have faith. You are not dealing with the man, you are dealing with the anointing on that man. Have faith in the anointing. I had a man of God in Nigeria. He was sharing the testimony of a woman of God. She was going through challenges in her life. And she is the wife of a pastor. And the pastor, whenever they go to church like this, testimonies will be coming that our God was using a horseman to set people free from the church. She herself, she has problems. And then there was a day after the testimonies in the church and both of them went back home. The wife went back to the horseman and knelt down and said, Man of God, pray for me. She didn't recognize her at that point as what? Horseman. Because if you want to interact with the anointing of God on His servant, you must not be familiar, know when to meet Him as a man of God and know when to meet Him as a spouse. Know when to meet Him as a man of God and know when to meet Him as a friend. If you are familiar with Him because He is a friend to you, you may become stranger of the possibilities that God has given to Him. You must have faith in the anointing of the man of God. No man of God God will call and give an assignment without God putting something that can solve problems. Every man of God that God genuinely called into the ministry, they have a deposit of God in them for supernatural signs and wonders. You are only a stranger because the dimension you are dealing with them, you are dealing with them with the dimension of familiarity. The anointing does not respond to familiarity. The anointing responds to faith. So you may be familiar with the man of God and that will be the end. Your heaven will be locked there. Any testimony of how God is using this man, but to you and your family, but to you and as a friend, you become stranger to the area of the divine positioning. So you will not be able to experience God although you are intimate with that man of God. Because it is the dimension you give to the anointing that the anointing flows back to you. If you are familiar, you use familiarity to deal with that man, you won't be able to experience the power of God through that man. So you must have faith in the anointing of God upon the life of that man. The grain of faith solely depends on the revelation of Christ. And I believe that God is revealing a lot of things to you. I believe that you are gaining something now. Go back and listen to this message. You may say, I have already listened to the message. You see, familiarity is dangerous. Don't be familiar. You have listened to it. That is what is called familiarity. Now, go and listen again with your inner ear. The first one you use is your external ears. It appears as if you got it, but you have not gotten it. Until you go back and while you are listening to this message again, you are rejotting down. That is when you will know that the talk you had before, but you never had well. It is when you go back to listen to the message again and you are jotting down. That is when you will not hear well. And that is when you will not hear by the spirit of that message. Every message has a spirit. So when God gives a man of God message, there is a spirit that back up that message to execute the counsel of God. You can only encounter that spirit when you intentionally go back to listen to the message again with jotting down. It is as you are listening to it again. Many years ago, I remember how I followed some men of God many years ago. Their messages, I would be sleeping, I would be listening to the messages. I would be waking. See, it was my sleeping and my waking time. I was just so, so, so saturated with the messages. And eventually the messages became my reality. Saturate yourself with this message. Play it over and over again. If you are a single living alone, listen to it. Make sure you put it, connect it to the speaker. Listen to it again. You have not known that opportunity because you are a working class. See, find the time. Sit down. As you are listening, be jotting down. That is when you will be getting things. This message I am giving to you has a spirit. There is a spirit of God to execute the counsel of God. You cannot experience the spirit if you listen to it casually. All my messages I have given to you, there is a spirit of witness to execute the counsel of God. If you can go back to every one of them, listen to them by jotting down, by paying attention, you will discover that right there you will have encounter with that spirit backing the message. You will have encounter with the spirit backing the message. So the man of God does not just come because he just wants to preach. There is a spirit backing this message. It is ready to execute the counsel. So you will discover that though you are in the ministry, though you are close to me, you are listening to the message, nothing works for you, yet there is somebody in Namibia, there is somebody in Europe that will listen to the message and suddenly we have encounter with the spirit backing that message. Hallelujah. So we come now to the categories of faith. I will now read. Number one, we have great faith. Number two, we have little faith. Matthew chapter 8 verse 10 talk about a great faith. Then Matthew chapter 8 verse 26 talk about little faith. So we have great faith and we have what? Little faith. Lastly, before we wind off for this section, we will be talking about the tools for growing your faith, the tools for growing, for developing your faith. What are the tools you need for your faith to be developed? What are the tools for the development of your faith? If there is little faith, if there is no faith, if there is little faith and there is great faith, if you don't have faith at all, what are the tools to develop your faith to? A little faith. If you have little faith, what are the tools you need to develop your faith to a great faith? Number one is worship. Worship. Worship in this regard, I'm talking about spending time in worshiping God in songs. Worshiping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Worshipping God in songs. Number four is fasting. Fasting also helps you to develop your faith. Give yourself to fasting. Not religious fasting. I mean fasting that you pray once or three times that day. Some of us, we don't pray. We just, we call it hunger strike. We just stay without fasting. And when it comes to the time of fasting, breaking of the fast, say, Oh God, thank you Jesus. We're just going to carry food. Okay, what do you do first? Nothing. When you are fasting, you spend time in prayer. Once, twice, you set time. That is when God will know you are fasting. Number five, you give yourself to sermons. Go to our telegram channel. We have wonderful sermons there. Although, at the earlier stage of our sermons, when we were recording, we were using tools, our instruments that were not good. But now we have good instruments, manageable instruments. Go and listen to messages. Download messages and listen. Number six, Godly and wise counsel. Rebuke your faith. Listen to wise counsel. Listen to wise counsel. It will rebuke your faith. Listen to wise counsel. It will rebuke your faith. Number seven, fellowship with other believers. One of the ways you develop your faith is to get, be consistent in fellowshiping with other believers. Don't just isolate yourself and say, there is nothing like physical. Men of light faith, men and women of light faith, what are you doing that you are not attending our service? You don't just attend service because you like. You attend service because you want your faith to develop. There is no service you attend with willingness to know God and God will never speak to you. Forget about the condition of high, when you come with a preparatory heart, God will definitely speak to you. You don't grow spiritually when you are always missing fellowship. Don't think that those that are coming to fellowship every time and you that is not always coming, you are the same. There is a big difference between both of you. Or you think that God will just be speaking to them and without blessing them and you that is not coming, you will not be more blessed than them. It's a lie. God will not speak to me to go and speak to them. And you that is not even always coming, you will not have the same report or reward like them. It's a lie. Attend service. When you are coming to fellowship, you are coming to service, make sure you have prayed, soak your heart in prayer, ask God to speak to you. God will encounter us again in Jesus name. So, because of that you are going to bow your head in prayers and talk to the Lord. As a father you have spoken to me through your servant. You have spoken to my heart through your servant. You have spoken to me. Open your mouth and begin to talk to the Lord. God has given you his message. God has opened our eyes. God has blessed us. He has taught us faith in different... See, if you leave this message of faith, carry other messages of faith that I have preached on you. You will see that there is a difference. Just pray to the Lord and ask God and say, Lord, bless me. You have spoken to me. Help me to grow my faith. Help me, help my faith to develop. Open your mouth and begin to talk to the Lord. Amen.

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