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The Concept Of Destiny Helper- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

The Concept Of Destiny Helper- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu is a teacher of the Word of God with an apostolic mandate. He has author several books including the trending one, Hearing the Voice of God. He specialize in raising disciples for Christ, and training them in Christ and doctrines. He is the senior pastor of The Believers Renewal Ministries, located in Lagos state, Nigeria. To reach him, here is his personal WhatsApp contact: +2348102362618

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The transcription is a prayer of gratitude to God and a welcome to a teaching session on the topic of destiny helpers. The speaker emphasizes the importance of relationships and how God often uses people to bless and guide individuals on their path to fulfilling their destiny. The example of John the Baptist being a destiny helper to Jesus is given. The speaker also explains that destiny helpers are God-sent individuals positioned to promote and push others closer to their destiny. They are found on the road to destiny and not outside of it. The speaker highlights the need to identify one's purpose in life in order to recognize and receive help from destiny helpers. Father, we thank you for this moment. We thank you, Lord, for bringing us together every time to bless our lives. You have brought us again to bless us and to furnish us so that we can become better versions of ourselves. We thank you, Lord, for the wisdom you have been impacting to us through this ministry. Thank you, Lord, for those that have been consistent, always attending our programs, attending our meetings, attending our studies because they know that you give us wisdom. Lord, we ask that you give them more strength to keep coming so that they will receive transformation consistently in their lives in Jesus' name. We ask, Holy Spirit, that you wait upon this meeting and make it a blessing to our lives. Thank you, Lord, because you are faithful. In Jesus' mighty name I pray. I want to welcome every one of you to this wonderful moment. Good evening and God bless you. Quickly, we have a short time to spend. It's a very long message, but I'm going to try to make it. It's part one and part two, but I'm trying to make it one message. God will give us grace to be able to finish this wonderful topic in Jesus' name. Now, there's an ideology that is common among believers. The reason God is bringing this topic is so that we can value relationship. God is a God of relationship. That's why we talk about the born-again experience. And even when you are born again, we talk about the sons of God. And then if you have been following our teachings, you will know that we put a demarcation between the children of God generally and the sons of God. And the Bible says as many that are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. So where you separate the sons from just the babies in Christ is the ability of a believer, you know, understanding the leading of the Spirit and subjected to the leading of the Spirit. The moment God cannot lead you, you are not yet a son. So sonship is all about you coming into total surrender, being surrendered to the Lord totally. And that becomes a great benefit to your life because God will then use you. So what we'll be considering is the help of God through men. It's also known as destiny helpers. But for it not to become like a secular teaching, we have to put it this way, the help of God through men. Because I want you to understand that most or 90% of the help of God in your life will be through men. Even some of you that have met me, it has been predestinated that you would meet me. And it has been predestinated that when you meet me, I may not be able, you know, to just suddenly raise you as a cripple. But one thing the Lord has given to me, even though God has been using us to manifest diverse kind of miracles, but one of the things God has been using through me for many people is that the gift of teaching. God has been using me to impact knowledge on people. And some of you that are still connected to me till now, and this might be one of the reasons why you are still connected because of the knowledge you are getting. So we might not heal your physical body just the way you expected, but I'm here to heal your mind to make sure that you have a better mind for a greater future and destiny. Now one thing you must understand about God, that when you read through the scripture from Genesis to Revelation, there is something very important. We observe that God keeps raising men. Have you observed that? The Bible is written by 40 authors. Are you getting me now? When you read from Genesis to Revelation, you will see that these are the stories of men's relationship with God, and God's relationship with men. So you see that God raised up Adam, and then from Adam raised up Seth. You know, Cain and Abel. But Cain killed his brother, and then God raised up Seth. Now you see that when you read consistently, God also worked with Enoch. From Enoch, God worked with Noah. From Noah, God worked with Abraham. So we see that consistently God was raising men. So you will see, when you see something happening in the scripture, consistently it becomes a principle. It becomes a principle. Now the principle we have gotten from there is that God does not fully operate on earth without using men. That is something we must understand. And our conviction is gotten from the scripture. Because from Genesis to Revelation, we see that God consistently was working with men. And this means that there are things God would not do on earth, except he do it through men. So when you read further and you read to the New Testament, you will see that even God had to become a man to be able to do some certain things. And this is why we are talking about the help of God through men. Talking about the topic, the teaching of destiny efforts. Even the person of Jesus Christ will discover that there was a man sent from God who went ahead of Jesus to prepare the way for Jesus Christ. For example, now the person of John the Baptist. In John 1 verse 6, I read verse 1. There was a man sent from God whose name was John. Now if you are a Bible student, you would know that before Jesus came to the limelight, John the Baptist had been already in the limelight. So John the Baptist was a man that was known, was popular. John the Baptist was the one that everybody knows about. Nobody knew about Jesus at that time. He was not even known. He had not started ministry. So John the Baptist was the one everybody knew to be the prophet from God. A man sent from God. But you see that John the Baptist became a destiny effort to Jesus. How? He was the one that endorsed Jesus. So he prepared the way for Jesus and he brought Jesus to the limelight. He was the one that said, Behold the Lamb of God which comes to take away the sins of the whole world. And from that time, even some of his disciples had to leave him to follow the one he had endorsed. So understand that John the Baptist at that time was acting as a destiny effort to Jesus. He was there to help Jesus to fulfill his destiny. Because you have to come to understand when we talk about destiny efforts, what we actually mean. But before we further the reading, let us read, before I go on, on this topic, let us read the book of Jeremiah chapter 25 verse 4. Jeremiah 25 verse 4. Jeremiah chapter 25 verse 4. The Bible says in verse 4 of Jeremiah 25, And the Lord hath sent unto you all his servants the prophets, rising early and sending them. But ye have not hearkened, nor inclined your ear to them. So what am I trying to establish? I am trying to establish that God most times will bless us through men. Will talk to us through men. And that is why to some of you, not everyone of you, but those of you who have come to me and for the period they have been with me, for the years they have been with me, have been a blessing to you. Some of you have seen it that God sent me to you. So there were some certain things you never knew when you met me those years and you are knowing now. And there are some certain motivations you never had towards life and destiny that now you are having. And there were some certain positions you were in at that time and there is a change of position now. So you must understand that if God wants to help a man, most times he brings people into your life. The same thing, if the devil wants to destroy you, he brings people into your life. Relationship is very important. Relationship is very important. It is not something you should just take for granted. Relationship can lead you up or it can lead you down. Now before we go into this topic and I continue, there are six key notes I want to explain that will usher me into this teaching. There are six key notes. Number one, the help of God through men is what we call destiny helpers. Now when God decides to help you through somebody, that person becomes a destiny helper. So the help of God through someone, the person that God used to help you is a destiny helper already. So the person that is the contact point between you and God is a destiny helper. So a destiny helper is someone that God is using to help you to fulfill your destiny. That is number one point you must understand. Number two is that destiny helpers are God sent people, positioned by God to promote or to push you a little bit closer to the fulfillment of your destiny. So these are God sent. They may be, now I'm coming there, they may not even be aware of it. But these are God sent people that God positioned in your life so that they can push you or promote you for you to get closer. Some of them will come into your life and they will push you closer to your destiny. Some of them will come into your life to take you into the reality of your destiny. So in whichever way, as long as they are pushing you closer, they are destiny helpers. Number three, destiny helpers are found only on the road to destiny and not on the road outside destiny. And this is why I emphasize the need of you finding your purpose in life. Because your purpose in life is your destiny. So you are destined to live that purpose. That is the meaning of destiny. So destiny is all about you destined to live the purpose. So when you are pursuing a purpose, you are pursuing what you are destined for. So that is called destiny. And your destiny helpers are found on the pathway of purpose. They are found on the pathway of destiny. So your destiny helper will not be, if for example, God has created you to be maybe a business woman or someone that is going to prosper through selling of beans cake along the street. Or God has, you know, has given you the purpose of being a destiny. I mean, sorry, to be a business woman, a business man. Now, a destiny helper will come to help you in that sign L. It is not someone that will come and cut you off from the way of destiny and cut you off into something different. No. So if God has called me to be a man of God, God has called me to be a preacher, all the destiny helpers that will be coming will be coming to help me towards me achieving what I am called for. And indirectly, I will be a blessing to them achieving what they are called for too. So I am blessing to them that are blessing to me. So destiny helpers are people, when they come into your life, you see yourself start getting closer to what God called you for. These are destiny helpers. So your destiny helpers are found on the pathway of destiny. They are found where? On the pathway of destiny. They are not found everywhere. They are found only on the pathway of destiny. And this is why you must find your purpose if you want to meet with them many times. Your destiny helpers are on the pathway of destiny. They are on the road to your destiny. You will see them standing at the side of the road to your destiny. So in case you are looking for helpers, destiny helpers, they are not in the wrong road. They are in the right road to your destiny. And you must understand this. Number four. Discovering a purpose in life. Position a man, that is what I just said, to pursue destiny. Which will bring him in contact with his destiny helpers. So when you discover purpose in life, it will make you to pursue destiny. While you are pursuing the destiny, that destiny helpers you will meet along the way. Some of them may not be going to the same destination with you. But then they will support you to take you there. Because, you know, one of the things that you see that can make you to pursue destiny, you need men. You need connections. Even if we are men of God, and God has sent us to go into the whole world to preach the gospel, you see, you can't just get to America without a connection. You can't get to Europe without a connection. You can't get to Ghana. You can't get to Zimbabwe and Zambia and all these African countries, just waking up one morning and just going there to do something new. You need connections. You need to meet men that will call you over there. You need to meet people that will invite you down to America. So these people are called destiny helpers. As long they keep assisting you to get more closer to the fulfillment of your assignment on earth. If you are called into the medical department, you must understand that in that pathway, you begin to see people that will be, they may not assist you financially, but you will see that they will give you insight, give you information, give you ideas that will gear towards you fulfilling your destiny. In that company, in that office where you are working in, or in that business what you are doing, you will discover that there are people that have greater understanding of that business. You will discover that there are people that know where they are selling those products in a very cheaper price. So you will see that destiny helpers are people that are found on the pathway of destiny. And this is why you should just pay the price. If you have not discovered your destiny, your purpose, pay the price to seek the face of God. Just do something once and for all. When you get it, you have gotten it. You will not falter about it again. And ask God, why did he create you? So God is going to reveal to you your purpose of creation. The day you discover your purpose of creation, there is a blessing attached to your purpose. There is a blessing that God puts in you attached to your purpose. So that blessing is what will make you to become worthy. That blessing is what will make you to become prosperous. That blessing is what will make you to succeed in life. So the blessing that God puts in you, the Bible says, it maketh rich and added no sorrow. That blessing is what we call purpose. So it is when you are pursuing your purpose, that is where the blessing starts manifesting. And that is where you start attracting destiny helpers to achieve that purpose in life. Number five, destiny helpers are fallibles. What I mean is that they are humans. They are not spirits. They are flesh and blood. They are not supernatural. Therefore, many of them will have character deficiencies. In case you are this type that when people get angry with you, you want to fight back, most of the people that will help you, they may have some anger problem. Some of them may have impatient problem. They are not patient with people. So if you meet with destiny helpers, you see, sometimes you have to understand that as long as you have what you need to rise, you need to swallow your pride. Are you getting me now? Some of them are not fallible. I mean some of them are fallible. They are not infallible. So they have weaknesses. They have weaknesses. Some of them can be slow in talking. They can be slow in doing things. You need to keep reminding them before they do it. They are quick to forget. So when it comes to destiny helpers, don't expect someone to be supernatural. Someone that will be friendly. There are some of them that will be friendly and be happy, laughing with you every time. And there are some of them that will be acting as a boss to you. When you call them many times, they won't pick your phone call. When you try to reach them, you won't have access. But then what you need for you to rise, they will give it to you. But they are not too friendly with you. They are acting as boss to you. So you have to swallow your pride because you need to rise. Number six, destiny helpers unconsciously work in partnership with God to help you fulfill God's plan for your life. Although some of them that are spiritual can be aware that they are destiny helpers to you. While many of them may not be aware. So unconsciously, they will think they are doing it just to help you. But unconsciously, they are working in the manuscript of God for your life. They are working in partnership with God. Or know to them that they are working with God to help you. But to some of them, they will think that, oh, let me just help this woman. Let me just help this sister. Let me just help this lady. Let me just help this man. Let me help this brother. That is what they will be thinking about. Because you have discovered destiny in the manuscript of God. You will discover that they are working in line with God unconsciously to them. And this is why you must not take them for granted. Now let us come to the concept of destiny helpers. The concept of destiny helpers. I tell you the truth. God will grant us the grace to meet with them in Jesus' name. So the concept of destiny helpers. Now destiny helpers is a term that is used to describe an individual or people who comes into your life in order to assist you to fulfill the purpose of God for your life. So anyone that comes into your life to assist you to fulfill the purpose of God for your life, they are your destiny helpers. So they don't come to remove you from the purpose of God. They come to assist you. They come to push you. They come to pull you to achieve the purpose of God for your life. And when we talk about destiny helpers. Now destiny helpers comes to do three things. Number one, they come to do alignment. They come to align you to God's original plan for your life. This is found with counselors and pastors like us. Like, you know, some of you discovered your purpose when you met me. Are you with me? We may not have the resources to give you to achieve those things. But we have the wise counselors. Number one, destiny helpers can come to align you with God's original plan for your life. So we bring you into alignment with God. So the moment you came to know us, we introduced you to God. And then you start understanding that God created you for a purpose. And that launched you into seeking the face of God to know the purpose of God for your life. Number two, destiny helpers can act as a trigger or triggering. They trigger you. You know trigger? Those that use guns, you know, they trigger the gun to release bullets. They trigger you into fulfillment of destiny. So there are some destiny helpers, when you meet them, what they do, they may not have time to talk to you, to counsel you, but the moment they see you, they can give you scholarship. They can sponsor you. Most of them are sponsors because they give you scholarship. So they don't know much. They don't want to know whether it's the will of God for you or not. They just sponsor you into that thing and you become great in life. They sponsor you into that thing and you start fulfilling purpose in life. They may not have much knowledge about that thing. So they come to trigger. And the last of it all, destiny helpers can be resourceful. They come to act as a resourceful support to become your destiny. So they support you with money. They train you. Like some of you that were given scholarship and you went to study abroad, they train you so there becomes partnership to train you. They take scholarship over your life. So these are destiny helpers. They come to bring alignment. They come to trigger you. And they come to financially support you. Now destiny helpers can come as friends. And this is something you must understand. Destiny helpers can come as friends. You may just call them your friends. They are not just ordinary friends. They can come as friends. The moment you meet them, something will change in your life. And this is why I want to use this opportunity to tell every one of you that you should be careful you call your friends. Even if the person is a born again Christian, make sure your friends are those that pull you towards destiny. Beside the Christendom, your friends can be someone that encourages you in the Christian faith. That is okay. But beside them, also keep a friend. Even though that your friend can be a Christian, let it be someone that pulls you towards destiny. Are you getting me now? So destiny helpers can come as friends. Number two, they can come as relatives. For example, now your parents can be destiny helpers. Yes, because the moment they give birth to you, they sponsor you through school. And some of you that were born into a wealthy family, they succeeded to train you through school. And then today you are in abroad. Today you are in America. Today you are in Europe doing your master. Most of us don't adapt with religion. We came from a poor background. So there was nobody to train us towards our destiny. We only just later came back after we hustled for some years. After we, you know, hustle and look for money for some years, we later come back to pick destiny. But you right from childhood, your parents were spiritual. They discover your talent, discover your passion and your gift. And they knew what was fit for you. And through that, they were able to design your purpose in life. Now they have trained you through school. You are doing fine now. Are you getting me now? So your parents can act as destiny helpers. In fact, your parents are the first destiny helpers you have. When they brought you into this world and they fed you and they trained you, these are destiny helpers. Then your suitors. Your suitors. Who you get married to also matters so much. Your wife can be a destiny helper. Your husband can be a destiny helper. This is why when it comes to the issue of marriage, you shouldn't take it for granted. You have to pray, fast, pray, fast, to be sure that who you are marrying is the right person. You can marry someone and everything will crash down in your life. You can also marry someone and you will start picking. You will up the ladder to destiny. So make sure you marry a destiny helper as your wife. And this is why we talk about the will of God for marriage, the choice of God for marriage. Because the moment this person comes into your life, I'm not talking about you just becoming a dependent. When you hear a message like this, you may misinterpret what I'm trying to say. I'm not telling you that you should not be responsible in life and be looking for someone to come into your life to come and help you. No. I'm telling you that even as your spouse, the suitor comes into your life to become destiny helper, you should be a destiny helper to that person also. So that both of you can achieve purpose and vision in life. So your suitor or your spouse can be your destiny helper. Number four, is it number four? Yes. Your friends, your relatives. Okay. Number four, your spiritual leaders. Not everybody you call your pastor. You don't even go to the church because the church is big, because the church is fine. Some of the places you have destiny helpers as leaders, spiritual leaders are even in a place that is not even well good because you see challenges of life make a man to be more wiser sometimes. So some of you now, it was when you met me that you start gaining understanding and start having knowledge. So a destiny helper can be a pastor, a spiritual leader that God directs you to or you make contact with by raising of permission or opportunity. You make contact with them. And they become a mentor or a father in the Lord. You know some of us were ashamed to call a young pastor a father in the Lord. You see, you don't know what you are talking about. You don't know a man. You are not the grace parking of that man. So you must understand that when you not come in contact with that person, every time that person opens his mouth to speak, there is a provocation within you to pursue destiny. Every time that person gives you a summer or gives you a cancer, there is a motivation to love God and a motivation to pursue destiny. That is a destiny helper, spiritual leader. Then your boss, your boss can be a destiny helper. Maybe when you are working, he can fall in love with you and they start sponsoring you to write professional exams. Things that get towards you fulfilling your destiny. Then also strangers can be a destiny helper. Strangers can be a destiny helper. God may position somebody in your life. You just come in contact with that person and that person knows the other person you are looking for. You know there are some people you want in life so that you can rise very fast. But you don't have their contact. But there is somebody that knows them. And that somebody that knows them is a stranger to you. So God can bring you in contact with somebody that knows somebody that eventually knows that thing. So that is also destiny helpers. Now, we come to the classics. Classes of destiny helpers. Classes. The reason I'm explaining this is so that you will be able to understand the things I'm communicating so that it can become blessings to you. Classes of destiny helpers. Number one. Destiny helpers that will come to change your mind. Now, we have the positive mindset. These are those that positively come into your life to help you. Are you getting me now? They come to help you. For example, Samuel to David. Samuel was a destiny helper to David. So they have a positive mindset for you. Also, there are those that have a negative mindset for you. These are the negative destiny helpers. Indirectly, they wanted to harm you. But it was God's wisdom so that they can hasten you to become great in life. For example, now Joseph. The brothers of Joseph, they are his enemies. They were his enemies. Are you with me? So they sued him. They had evil thoughts for him. But God told him to become good. So they helped him to find a way to get to his destiny. Are you getting me? Even the person of Judas Iscariot. He betrayed Jesus, but that was the way of Jesus fulfilling destiny. Are you getting me now? So these are the classes. And the positive mindset destiny helpers. They work in hand with you. They are conscious about that. And they help you to fulfill your destiny. And everyone must understand that we are created to fulfill destinies. And then we are created to be destiny helpers to one another. Because as we are talking about destiny helpers, You should not be the one wholly looking for who to come and help you. You should also consider your own part of who you should go and help. So we are to be destiny helpers to one another. Destiny helpers to one another. So you look for people you are helping. That God will bring people to your way that will also help you. And let me say this. If you want to invest in people, invest towards their destiny. Yes. If you want to invest in people, invest towards their destiny. When you see a child that is very intelligent. Very, very intelligent. And you see that child, and then the child is not in school. Train that child through the secondary school. From primary school to senior secondary school. If possible, God has helped you to the university. Because you have discovered his purpose, his destiny. And because you play part, you will discover that in old age, that child will come back to appreciate you. So when you see that people are old and yet they are not working but they are living big. The people they helped when they were wealthy have turned to help them now. So even when they don't have money, you don't know. Because there are people they have trained all over everywhere. So when you see a ministry, and you see like our ministry now. God is helping us. And you see that the hand of God is here. You can be a destiny helper to the ministry. Buying land for the ministry. Building fellowship for the ministry. Buying instruments. Suddenly, you see, it's not every time we should come and say we need this instrument. You should just surprise us with the well needful instrument we need. And we are not even talking about it because we feel that nobody can get it. And suddenly you come up with that instrument and you give to the fellowship. You are helping us to get to destiny very fast. So you will discover that when you do that to us, in future when God bless us, and then we have people of different capacity connected to the man of God. Because the time we come, we start having connections from governors, presidents. You discover that when I have connections with them, you are the helpers in that time we really need you. And we wanted to discuss about your business with governors so that they can give you contracts. Are you getting me now? So they say when you help, you invest in the destinies of people. Not with the intention because you must get from them, but do it like that. So that even if they don't give it to you, you still appreciate God that you impact them. But nevertheless, out of every 10 people you help, 8 or 5 people will come back to appreciate you. Or when I say 5 or 6 or 4 people will come back to appreciate you. So become blessings to others. So how do we become destiny equal to one another? The rich should support the poor. And those that have should help the needy. Those that are educated should educate the illiterate. To train the illiterate to school. To give them knowledge. The employers should help the jobless. The clothed ones should cover the nakedness of those that have no clothes. And the professionals should teach the novice. And lastly, the elder ones should heal the sick. Guys, I will become destiny helpers. So if we keep complaining that we don't have, then we are also liars. Because you may not have money, but you have ideas. You may have ideas, you may not have ideas, but you have money. So you have information to give. You have skills to give. You have connections to give. You have food to give. So you are a destiny helper. So you are a destiny helper because you have these things to give us. Praise the Lord. So now we come again to this topic that destiny helpers are not people who come to us anyhow. Because there are people that will meet in life and will come to church and say, I met my destiny helper. You don't even know your destiny helper immediately. I met my destiny helper today. And you only discover that the man that came into your life that says he wants to help you in the place of work, only wants to commit fornication with you. A destiny helper will not come because he wants to make love with you. You can't call your boss your destiny helper as his sister, and every time the boss is booking a hotel with you to make love with you, to commit fornication or adultery with you. A destiny helper will not make you an enemy of God. Understand this. So if the destiny helper, the so-called destiny helper, attach bribe or attach sex or any other thing that makes you to sin against God, just know that that person is not destiny helper. Are you with me? And let me say this to you. Destiny helpers are not people who come to us anyhow because they are people positioned by God at every juncture of our divine pursuits. So if you are not in the right place which is Christ, then you can meet them and get an exchange from the devil. So when you are under the divine instruction of God, God has put them at every juncture to help you. When Jesus was on his way to the cross, there was Simon the Syrian. When Jesus was tired, there was an African that helped Jesus to the cross. It was destiny helper at that point. See, today we talk about Simon the Syrian. We use him in teachings and preachings. So now we come now to the dimensions that destiny helpers function. The dimensions that destiny helpers function. Because if you don't know these dimensions, you will misinterpret them. Number one, they function as uplifters. They come to uplift you. So they come to pull you up to new level. So there are some people that will meet you where you are, they will pull you to the new level. That means you were in a level, you were in a condition of life, you were in a level of life before. So when they come into your life, they will pull you. Now how do they pull you? They pull you with their money or their influence. So there will be immediate change of position. We call them uplifters. They uplift you immediately from that level to a new level. Number two, destiny helpers can function as assistants. Now remember that the first one is uplifter. They come to pull you up. The assistants, they come to push you up. They push you up. Because they themselves are not up. For the uplifter, they are already up, so they pull you up where they are. For the assistants, they are not up, they are down. But they push you. For example, your parents. Your parents may not go to school, but they push you to school. So the assistants are destiny helpers. So they push you to the new level. Either through sponsorship, service, or connections. We pastors, we fall under assistants. While some pastors that God has blessed financially, they can be uplifters. But I fall under this level or this dimension for now. We don't know tomorrow. So all I do, I teach you, I preach to you, I emphasize the gospel to you to push you there. I'm not there. I'm not in your company. I'm not in that business. I'm not in that career. But I push you through teachings and counseling and prayers and the word of God to push you there. So that you can go and represent us there. So that you can go and fulfill your destiny and please your family and raise up family. And take care of the communities and take care of the poor and the needy. So if God has called you to be a doctor, I'm giving you an example now. Then your destiny may be positioned to help you to go to school. Maybe when you were very small. When you were very young, God has called you to be a doctor. Unconsciously to you, suddenly someone will come and train you to school. And then when you get your certificate, you become the reality of it. So the person that comes to train you to school to get your certificate is a destiny helper. Now you must note this, that destiny helpers will not come to assist you in fornication. They will not come to take advantage of you sexually. To, you know, some of us we call people destiny helpers and it ended on the bed. You start sleeping with somebody's husband. All in the name because he assisted you. You don't know how to pay him back. The only thing you can give him is to give him your body. You don't know how to pay her back. The only thing you can give her is to give her your integrity. You start making love, cheating on your spouse. Destroying your life as a single. So these are these, anyone that makes you to, that cut you off from God is no longer destiny helpers. Some of them may not even be believers. Some of these destiny helpers will not be believers. So even when you are with them, you must be cautious to be careful not to accept their proposal to do evil. But if they want to force you and they put it as a condition that until you sleep with them, they are not going to help you again. They are not destiny helpers. The destiny helpers in this regard are people positioned by God. Not the people positioned by Satan. So God's agenda for using destiny helpers are to bring you out of darkness to his marvelous light. So destiny helpers will bring you out of darkness to his marvelous light. Number two, destiny helpers come to align you with God. They come to align you with God. You are a bastard and when you meet them, you will find God again. Number three, they come to bring the best out of you. They come to bring the best out of you. So when you meet them, the best, the part of you you have not discovered, that talent, that gift, that ability, that grace will start functioning. Number four, they come to assist you to your greatness. Number five, they shift you into the reality of it. They shift you into the reality of your dreams and your visions. So how do you identify destiny helpers? Because it is very important so that you will not crown every dick and Harry as destiny helpers. So how do you identify destiny helpers? Number one, that we have unconditional love. They love you without reason. So if you are paying for your love, if you are giving sex, giving your body to keep that love, because the man says he is going to train you to abroad and then he is taking advantage to sleep with you, he is no longer your destiny helper. So destiny helpers love you unconditionally. They have unconditional love for you. They can go to the extreme to help you to become great. Don't forget them when you get to the top. Don't forget those. Don't forget the ladder you use to climb up. Don't forget them. Number two, you identify them by the unconditional revealing of profitable secrets for your rising. They will keep telling you secrets you need to rise. They will start giving you information. They will start telling you people you need to connect to. They will start telling you people that they know, that are connected to them, that you can connect to. So you will start getting more information. You will start getting more information about the exams to write, about where to go and do the business, about the new business to start. You will start receiving clever information from them. Profitable information. Profitable secrets. Secrets that when you know, they will change your life. They will tell you when there is vacancy in a company, when you should put in. Number three, you know them by unconditional support for your rising. Unconditional. Some of you are deaf and hearing impaired to the ministry. You have unconditional support for the ministry. You are not giving us conditions. So even on that way, on that song, you are coming, you are assisting. You are not just coming to fellowship because of me alone. You are coming because you feel like if I am not there, how will it be? So you see yourself that your presence there is a great encouragement to the man of God, is a great encouragement to the work of God. Not the one that just meets and when he likes, he comes. When he doesn't like, he won't come. Nothing concerned about that. That is not deaf and hearing impaired. So deaf and hearing impaired make the vision to go forward. Are you getting me now? Even when you miss, there is a pain, there is a burden because you see, these things are things. That is why we call it unconditional support. Even ordinary people, they will look at you and say, are you mad? Why will you be supporting this lady? Can't she work for herself? No. You are deaf and hearing impaired to that person. Some deaf and hearing impaired will have the revelation that they are sent for you. Some of them will not have revelation. They will be working in partnership with God unconsciously. So deaf and hearing impaired have unconditional support for you. They support you in the place of work. They cover up whenever there is misunderstanding, whenever there is chaos between you and your boss. They come and settle the matter. You just discover that they have soft spots for you in the place of work. They relate with you like father and son or like mother and daughters. They have a soft spot for you. And they have the ability to position you in that place. These are their neighbors. Honor them, respect them, shake up on them. Text them. Sometimes just text them without them expecting it. Just thank them. But since you met them, your life has been transformed and you love them so much. Use text messages to make them open more hearts for you. Number four, they have selfless service and concern towards you. Selfless service and concern towards you. That is what they have. They have selfless service and concern towards you. They shake up on you. They can be your auntie, your uncle. They have selfless service. Your problem is their problem. Your pain is their pain. They shake up on you. Number five, they have pure intention to see you becoming a better person. Not even intention. Not the one that wants you to become a slave because they help you. So if you don't help them back, it's a problem. They will start fighting. No, they have pure intention. They want you to succeed. They want to be part of your success story. Number six, they are promoting godliness and morality in you. They don't promote immorality. They promote godliness and morality. They promote godliness and morality in you. Number seven, preservation. Preservation of life and purpose. They help you to preserve your life and your purpose. So they give you money. They give you instruction. They guide you. Their presence will bring fear. In fact, when you see them, there is a fear in you to do evil. So their presence will make you not to do evil. And now, before we round off, it is good you understand this. The things I have been communicating. Number two, what are the qualities you should put on when you are dealing with them? You know I told you that they are not infallible. That deathly efforts are fallible. So what are the qualities you should put on so that you will not offend them and chase them away? Number one, humbleness of mind. Be humble in your mind. Never you for any reason see them as equal with you. Even if they condescend to your state and start relating to you as friend, never you call them friends. Let me tell you the truth. The moment they see you as friend and you start calling them friend, that is the end of them revealing anything to you. You know why? Friends have a level of communication. Friends. In fact, friends are competitive. So don't use title because you want to feel. That is one of your problems. Some of you want to give you a little leg and you got that job and both of you are now working in the same office. You start talking to them anyhow. When both of you go out to visit another of their friends, without taking permission before giving your number to their friends, you suddenly give your number to their friends. You know when you go out with someone, maybe someone connected you and then you go into the midst of great people. Before you release your whole number, you must tell the person you go to that place with. That is barista, this bishop or this engineer, this general manager is asking for my number, should I give him? That should be. It will confide honor to the person that is trying to lift you up. When you go ahead of them and you are not humble in mind, the next information they are supposed to give to you for your writing, they will not give you again. So, humbleness of mind. Number two, submission. If you are yes sir, yes ma, we take you to destiny. Keep saying yes sir, keep saying yes ma. If you are kneeling down to greet them, we take you to your destiny. You know what is more important is your destiny, is your purpose to be fulfilled. What you do to get your purpose to be fulfilled, it does not matter. It is nothing. Whether it is shameful or something, it does not matter. Your pursuit is to make sure that you fulfill your purpose. Submit yourself, yes sir, yes ma. Even when you are older than them, yes ma, yes sir. Then number three, be ready to serve. Do not be a leader. Do not leave your destiny at birth, be ready to serve. Some of them may not be educated, but be ready to serve. When they want to do something, yes. Whether it is convenient for you or inconvenient for you, yes sir, yes ma. Then number five, be prayerful. When you meet with them and you start perceiving that they have the possibility, they have the capacity of shifting you to your destiny, make sure you are praying for them every day. And praying for your relationship with them that nothing will cut you off from them. Then number six, integrity. Do not lie to them. Do not deceive them. Speak the truth to them always. The more you speak the truth, even when you are at fault, tell them the truth. It will make them to keep confiding in you. If they discover any atom of lies, they will not trust you again. So, what they are supposed to connect you with that will lift you up, they will start thinking that that is how you will lie to their other friends. You know every great man or woman has friends. So, when they want to connect to other of their friends for your arising, they will be thinking that you are a liar. If we connect you with these other people, you are going to lie to them and bring embarrassment to me. So, before you look, they will not do it. So, keep your integrity. Number seven, be diligent. Diligent means that you should be hard working. Be hard working. It is the will of God to prosper you. But you must be prepared for your prosperity. You must be prepared for your prosperity. My beloved, destiny helpers are in the root of destiny. But are you prepared to meet with them? How many of them came into your life, but because they never had money, you didn't see two years from now. When people come into your life, appreciate relationship. The person that doesn't have anything to give to you today, but he has the advice, he may have the advice to give to you that will take you to the next level. And in the next few years, that the same person can become a great person that you will need to rise up. Keep relationship. Most especially profitable relationship. Relationship that has future, that has destiny. Destiny relationships. Keep it. And you will never regret in life. Shall we bow our heads in prayers? And open your mouth and talk to the Lord. Tell the Lord that He has spoken to you. And He shall give you grace to be able to apply to everything He is saying. The Lord, you have spoken to me. I must meet with my destiny helpers. Help me to discover purpose. Let that be your prayer now. Make sure you are talking to the Lord.

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