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Spiritual Circumcision for Holiness- Apostle Peterson O. Abu

Spiritual Circumcision for Holiness- Apostle Peterson O. Abu

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matthew chapter 15 verse 8 matthew chapter 15 i read verse 8 matthew chapter 15 verse 8 the bible says in verse 8 these people draw near unto me with their mouth and honor with me with their lips but their heart is what is far from me verse 9 let us read it together i want to go but in vain they do what worship me teaching for doctrines of men praise the lord now jesus is god and jesus knows the condition of the art of people so when jesus saw the way they were coming to the temple to offer burnt offerings sacrifices to the to god jesus spoke about them he said you see these people they're drawn near to me with their mouths they're drawn near to me when they start praying you will think they are very close to me when they start teaching this scripture you will think they're very close to me when they start singing you will think they are very close to me he said these people are more with what their mouths will proclaim than what their heart is expressing now jesus pointed the condition of two kinds of believers number one jesus talked about the mouth believers the mouth believers these are the believers that talk about god talk about christ about church talk about christianity they are most at times the singers the preachers the pastors the teachers and even the worshippers and jesus said all these are categorized under the mouth believers but then jesus talked about another believers he called them the art believer the what the art believers he said the mouth believers sometimes they are the one that talk loud sometimes they are the one that have a form of godliness but they deny the power thereof he said they draw near to me with their mouth it's a contrary statement because in james chapter four verse nine or verse eight the bible says draw near to me and i will what draw near to you but jesus said that these people if they are drawing near to me but what are they using their mouth he said they draw near to me with their mouth but their heart is what is far from me and because of this verse of description i'll be sharing with you on the topic spigishwa circumcision for holiness spigishwa circumcision for holiness praise the lord now the word circumcision is a word we do use after you give birth to a child i don't know how many days later you are going to that child needed to be circumcised originally circumcision is not the tradition of africa originally praise the lord and that is why when you check many of us four four four fathers many many of them ago they never circumcised circumcision originally is not the tradition of nigeria or africa circumcision is a belief a tradition that god himself gave to abraham so before god gave to him there was never circumcision on earth nobody ever circumcised it was god that established that covenant with abraham and he taught abraham abraham every of your children you are going to have every of your make sure you circumcise them what was the reason for the circumcision god number one made it a covenant between abraham and his seed number two was to put a distinction between the israelites and other people praise the lord so that when you meet an israelite you can easily know that this one is an israelite from non-israelite because the world was surrounded by gentiles at that time worshippers of idols people that worship idol the canaanite the parasite and many of those side people who were worshipping other gods and abraham and god himself was also aware that the seed of abraham will inherit canaan land so god told abraham he said i'm going to make a covenant with you in order for me to identify my people let them circumcise themselves every male child the moment you give birth to a male child make sure the child is circumcised now circumcision is a remover of the foreskin when a newborn baby a male child is giving birth to the private part of that child comes with a foreskin that foreskin is a very thick skin and in order for that child to be circumcised it needed to be cut off praise the lord so when they cut off the foreskin of a child of the organ of the reproductive organ of a male child we call that circumcision it's a very painful experience when you are circumcised circumcising the child the child will have to cry even when an adult is going through circumcision it's a very painful experience but what we are talking about now is not the physical the kind of circumcision that god wants to do in our lives it's not the one we need to carry knives to do it no this one is the one god himself want to do if we do it we do the organs of a man but if god does it god deals with our heart it is called the circumcision of the heart let us check the book of genesis chapter 11 genesis chapter 17 i beg your pardon genesis chapter 17 are we there genesis chapter 17 i read from verse 11 and ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin and it shall be a token of the covenant between me and you and he that is eight days old shall be what circumcised among you every man child in your generations he that is born in in the house or brought brought with money or any stranger which is not of thy seed he that is born in thy house and he that is bought with thy money must need be circumcised and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant now this was when god was entering covenant with abraham is abraham you see something um i want your seed to inherit the world i want to see to spread all over the world i have blessed you i'm blessing your seed but this is a covenant that anytime i see that your child is circumcised it reminds me of my covenant with you abraham every of your male child must be circumcised now when god was entering to covenant with abraham about the circumcision god sees the ending from the beginning but god was only using this for a physical identification for a physical what identification until god began to see that despite they were physically circumcised it never touched their life they will see disobedience they will see stubborn they will see rebellion to god and god saw a need to carry out the ishua circumcision let us go to the book of me chapter 10 verse 16 due to look at me chapter 10 verse 16 due to look at me chapter 10 verse 16 come are with them okay let us with one two go circumcised therefore the foreskin of what and be no more what now when they became stubborn remember they're drawn near to god with their mouths but their heart is what far from god so when god began to realize that these guys are stubborn people who is a stubborn man is a man that exercises his will over an authority so no matter the instruction that god gave to moses it is still what they want to do that they do and god saw that they were stubborn and god said the problem is your heart it's not just you doing a physical circumcision the problem is that you are stubborn in your heart it is still what you want to do you will do it is still how you want to do it you will do it even though i gave moses the law you will throw away my law you will put my law aside and it is what you want to do you will do and god said i have a problem with you the problem is that you are not yet circumcised in your heart the problem is that your stubbornness is in your heart the problem is that your heart has not yet changed you draw near to me with your mouth but you are full with yourself now these people at this time this way a new generation their fathers have died in the wilderness because god told them that they will never enter the promised land these are the grandchildren like the children of those that left egypt their father was stubborn now they are giving birth to new generation of people who didn't see the red sea that parted the holy red about it they never saw it and these children that god gave to these people this new generation became more stubborn than their father and god said you are stiff neck people do you know the neck i don't tie a goat before and you are dragging a goat and the goat is trying to remove the rope from the neck and you are dragging the goat the goat is dragging you back that is what god was comparing them with he said you are like a goat i'm trying to control and you are dragging the rope for me they say you are stiff neck people and when god said a man is stiff neck when god says a woman is his neck when god says a church is his neck it means that god is no longer lord over them that is why jesus said that these people draw near to me with their mouth he said but their heart is still full of their will their heart is too far for me they go to church every day but their life is not contributing to the kingdom they go to church every day but they are not a true christian they preach every day their life is not yet changed they go after evangelism or they go to share food and share things in the community give people food stuff and do every other thing but there is no transformation in their life they carry their bible every time but their life is not yet transformed you must understand that the person you are serving is god who examined the heart of a man and anything that is not coming from the sincerity of the heart of a man is foolishness to god is nothing in the sight of god and god told them he said you are stiff neck people you are stubborn person you are a stubborn boy you are a you are a stubborn woman you are a stubborn man circumcise your heart your heart has problem i know you have done a physical circumcision i know you have circumcised your your private organ but your heart is the problem you need to remove the foreskin of your heart you need to remove that stubbornness of the heart and this is what god is asking us for if we must practice holiness if we must become holy if we must become righteous before god if our life will become an exemplary life a life that will show the community that jesus is lord if we have that kind of life then circumcision must take place it's not an easy experience praise the lord circumcision is not what it's not what it's not an easy experience when god begins to circumcise a man it goes with pain because sometimes circumcision will require that you lose your will circumcision will require that you don't find the right you see praise the lord nigeria and the world today is in problem chaos this country is against this country why everybody is trying to their rights you are trying to be right i'm trying to be what right america is trying to be right russia is trying to be right and the americans you are the one that is wrong russia said no you are the one before you look they begin to fight and we say they are fighting war this village and this kingdom this king and this village they are claiming to be right this other king and the village are claiming to be right oh you are wrong me i'm wrong no you are the one that is wrong it is you and your kingdom that why do you people come to this farm why do you people come to get this oil you don't know that this oil belong to us they begin to fight marriages to them marriages are scattering today why osman say is right why said is what that she's right before you look since you don't want to claim wrong i don't want to claim wrong you go your way i go my way children are stuff so she's a scattering today why everybody claim right this one say is right this other one say is right and it shall scatter but when a man has undergone circumcision when circumcision are taking place you will discover that what the flesh cannot do you'll be able to do through the spirit you begin to accept wrong not because you are wrong in the sight of god but you place yourself on that wrong in the sight of man so that peace can be restored the bible said blessed are the peacemaker for they are the sons of god what you begin to fight for is that if this will bring peace between this country and this country then let me be wrong if this one will bring peace between this man between my wife and my marriage if the impact will bring peace to my marriage let me be wrong i don't need to be right because a man that have been circumcised will not look for right and because we are fighting for right we allow the devil to put on more battle in our homes put on more battles in our businesses because we are claiming right a dead man does not claim right the man that is dead in christ the man that has put on the nation of god does not claim right if we say let all men be wrong or let all men be right as long this thing will bring peace to this community i i accept to be wrong praise the lord and that is what circumcision does it makes you see in the light of god it makes you to reason with you understand it because one of the signs of maturity spiritual maturity one of the signs is that you will never support self say self because when we talk about circumcision it's against self where there is self you will say myself is it myself you are talking to are you insulting myself are you trying to say that i didn't raise myself is it because you are the last man of this house you are not insulting myself is it because you are the wife you are not talking against myself you'll be fighting to defend self when self is crucified when self is dead when self is laid on the cross you will not support self again the enemy that you have closer to you the most closest enemy is self not even this devil is self and if we must experience gold in our christian life we must be dead to self you see many years ago when we gave our life to christ there was one kind of prayer that was so common in those days that i'm not hearing in this last days what was those prayers in those days you will see a woman you will see a man coming to church collecting the church kill they will come to church what are they coming to pray it's not money they'll say lord crucify me crucify me so because of their deafness in prayer lord crucify my flesh lord empty me of myself i want to be like jesus because of depth of their prayer life when they leave church and they go to their business place and in their walk in their business place somebody slap them they'll be able to turn the other side for the other place to what to slap they will not fight back but look at us and we're not fighting back that one that is not born again that one that is at that side is threatening us we're threatening them back where's jesus jesus is not in the picture again many years ago it was not like that people were envious of your life they said this this sister this brother no matter the temptation you do to her she will never fight back she's like jesus but look at christians today christians fight circumcision have lost the beauty of christianity see praise the lord and this thing does not look as problem in our churches today in our generation it doesn't look like problem and the church is decaying the body of christ is going through problem and jesus want to circumcise his body again where is deadness to serve teachings of sanctification of the earth the brokenness of the of the inner man that makes you to look so relevant before god in those days we do not promote ourselves in those days we promote christ in those days we do not talk more about ourselves in our place of work we don't talk about your credentials when you come to church you throw away your credentials whether you are a governor when you come here you stand as a preacher and preach but now people are talking about their achievement what are you fighting for you know your achievement and the bonnie seal that we're supposed to ask for the perishing world people we should we should have gone to the world to rescue we are not in competition with them people that jesus said go and preach to we are not in competition with them people that we should go and preach to we are not competing with them where is the gospel circumcision is lost so jesus said that they draw near to me with their mouth but their heart is what their heart is far from me the world is tired of today's christianity the unbelievers they are tired they are tired because even the things they are not doing christians are doing it christians are the one doing it they themselves they don't even know jesus they have never even prayed to jesus but they are living better life than christians because in the yard of a christian you will see two christian sister fighting you will see two christian sister fighting you will see two christian sister fighting circumcision we have lost where is brokenness you see this this generation we are we are celebrating ashes it is ashes we are celebrating we are not celebrating reality hallelujah we are celebrating ashes we are celebrating reality we are we are celebrating ashes it is ashes we are celebrating we are not celebrating reality hallelujah hallelujah when you visit a christian in those days their life just you're staying with them for 24 hours when you stay with them for 24 hours after 24 hours you will go back and repent of your sin but now when you live with christian after 24 hours you will vow never to go to that place again because because your life is contrary to what they profess aside we have lost the teaching of circumcision to rise as a road into the church we have lost the teaching of circumcision the lord is saying that in need to circumcise our heart if we do that in jesus name i don't care to know the pain you will feel if we do that in your life in jesus name chapter 30 chapter 30 i read verse 16 or verse 6 i beg your pardon chapter 30 verse 6 are we there let us be together one true goal and the lord thy god we circumcise what thy heart and the heart of what to love the lord thy god with all thy heart and with all thy soul that thou mayest live there was something that happened to me 2020 that made me to cry after i left there i wept actually i started crying while i was still on the road what happened actually um 2014 there about i was in a church where we were having vigil in that church hallelujah so some people came some worshipers of idols they said they were doing they want to carry out some sacrifices in that community and because of the sacrifice they want to carry out in the community they say all the all the neighborhood must switch off their light so if your light is on outside switch it off and nobody should put on light and that my church is the wooden church this one is even more beautiful than church at that time are you with me if you put on generator all the light must on is the lord yes automatic connection because it was a wooden wooden block so we had a vigil and we put on generator and while we're having meeting i had them they came one of them came i said you young man i will you you small boy you small boy you let's try us you let's try us you will see you will see and he left when he was coming back that was a hand uh i think to one or after one i saw the juju priest the babalawu with white sin all over his body with just type of praise the lord and i saw group of people they were clad they were following him they were coming to that church so when i saw them through the window all the sisters that were doing they began to run some of the running inside the office so i told them i was your leader i was leading the vigil i said they should not go on they should wait i will go and meet them they were the meeting the vigil stop everybody was running away so when i went there i went outside praise the lord i went outside and they said is it a young man i say yes i said you know they asked me don't you know that we are doing something tonight that is going to put on light i said that nobody told me it's about didn't anybody came to take to put up like i say it came to tell me to put up the light but he didn't explain well to me he just came and he was shouting so you young man you young man on the left and i said okay put up the light i said we are having vision so they were talking so you still have math to talk we say you should put up the light you're having vision so they left me i think they were going back and they had a meeting at the phone just a short meeting less than two minutes immediately they finished the meeting they attacked me with pity they began to beat me they began to eat me they began to punch my face so when my leader saw the way they were beating me he came out and he was shouting at them won't they leave me the moment he shouted at them they face him as of that time i called the general because i was in the headquarters so when i called the general of asia he had he picked the call that night and he was having the punch everything so he kept shouting and began to call all the pastors so when they were beating me i kept saying god bless you god bless you the one that was beating me really facing my my phone is i think that one just intentionally was facing my face are you with me he kept punching me my face got swollen i said god bless you when he punched me once i will say god bless you i will fall down they will meet me there and punch me again i will say god bless you so when he keep when he kept beating me and i keep i kept saying god bless you the way our y'all interfered and they left me and they were dealing with him after the whole beating i entered into church when i entered into the church i began to cry what i was crying i was saying god it is because of what you my face was swollen yeah my high everything i said god because of you the moment we finish the video which we have to do the vision the night because they push the switch of the generator the moment they finish the visual i slept i let me just leave from that five because it was a sunday morning so i can go to house and prepare and come to church for money service when i woke up all my swollen face it was as if nobody would touch my face my face became so clean that was the miracle god did for me praise the lord i started some years later from 2014 this now is 2020 i was inside the kk are you getting me now as i was inside the kk i told the man that this is the amount of money i'm going to be carry me down to that junction i'm going to give you 200 naira i entered and i paid because i carry some persons who are going for a vision praise the lord praise the lord so while we were going we reached there and the man said no it's not 200 naira he said it is 300 naira and it was an old man so when the man said that i got angry praise the lord i got angry and i shouted at the man i said oh god that means you know i might give you this money the moment i said that the moment i shouted at that man immediately i had the voice of god had the voice of god it's a peter thing you are losing me gradually this was not the way you were before if somebody say you will give them the money you will prepare to be cheated are you with me down to fight right there i became cool i look at the hood man i said take the money go so i look at the person that was following me i said i'm backsliding the person no he's not laughing i said i'm backsliding i said you do i shout at that man he said yeah i said this is not the way i was i said something's wrong with me i said a crime i said i'm backsliding something so i don't fight back before i don't shout at people you don't hear my voice before i said a crime but believers of today when they are losing christ they don't they become killer you are losing jesus you are becoming more worldly you are becoming more your life is becoming more wicked you are still okay you don't go back to god and say god something's wrong with me this was not the way i wear you will take it like that you know why religiosity as long you are coming to church every sunday as long we are coming to church everywhere you feel you are okay praise the lord and that is why we need circumcision our hearts need to be circumcised our heart needs to be circumcised our heart needs to be circumcised hallelujah so he said i will circumcise your heart and the heart of the children that you are looking at an opposite sex and the holy thing you are seeing about that opposite sex is a nakedness she put on clothes but when you look at her you are using your eyes to to to put her into a nudity you are looking at her but you are seeing a nakedness though she put on clothes this is not the way you wear it you should run back to god and say lord circumcise what this is not the way you wear it you should run back to god and say lord circumcise what my heart when a christian is dying gradually and he doesn't know that he's dying gradually he will die and he will never wake up again and we celebrate we don't know that gradually we are losing christ and that is why god is instructing us that there is a need for you and i to cry to him lord circumcise my heart again something is wrong something is is wrong christic couples something christic couples something is wrong symbols something is wrong we are losing christ our life is becoming a lie as if the bible is a lie when was the last time somebody came to you and say i want to be like you you are a true christian when was the last time every compound i leave it was one of the intentions i had and if i pack into a compound we tell myself before i leave this compound that is why all the compound i have ever lived i still have the contact of my caretaker if i call them now that okay i will turn it back on the one in kugisi the man is a politician we featured last week he will greet me pastor how are you how are you doing last month he said i passed out since many years ago you left my company do you even remember me again i said papa send me your card i send him a charge card two thousand he's a politician now in kugis state under apc he's not a christian a muslim but when he came to me he believed that there's a christian that doesn't steal and that was why he will leave money will leave compound money for me when he comes back the way he left it you know i give it to him he doesn't come to his compound i always go to a police station because he's a big man so he doesn't pass on i would go to police and i would give him with him pastor when is your rent when are you paying your rent i would say i'm paying my rent say don't worry pay this money leave the rest one i'll be staying as if i'm still in a free house but today we are becoming disgrace in the community we stay people that don't worship god are seeing reasons why they shouldn't what worship god more circumcision of art has become a teaching that is cursed on the puppet when last did you cry knowing that you are becoming talkative many years ago when when we newly embraced christianity there is a way you will talk too much your conscience will be telling you that you have talked too much there is a way you would behave and something within you will be telling you that you have missed it nobody will tell you is wrong but that spirit of god within you will tell you that the way you talk is wrong even though the way you talk does not appear wrong yet the spirit of god was correct to you when last did you hear the holy ghost again are you not full of yourself he doesn't he doesn't talk to you again because in few times he talked to you he shone him up and it's okay live your life speaking circumcision it means the remover of the adamic nature of sin the adamic nature of sin when i nearly got born again these were teachings my pastor taught me those days that kept me praying i prayed i see people spending four hours five hours praying go and shake the content of their prayer doesn't have navigation i spent six hours my one prayer point is lord i want to be like you this man you are seeing god has so much invested in me that i will not take me for granted i am the investment of god when the lord was teaching me the pathway of the cross because it is the way of the cross that leads home i came to church in that particular church i never knew what happened to apply fire and i came to church and they say i play fire everything got burnt i was not around and it was my mother that first of all told me he said the you hear what's happened i said what and it was my mother that first of all told me he said the you hear what's happened i said what happened pastor came to the altar in the headquarters and announced that they should tell brother peter never to cross the altar again not in private to in the public my mother was not a worker she was ordinary member that they should tell brother peter never to cross the altar and never to near anything it's just in the congregation i was a leader as fellowship leader and when they told me my heart began to be but my mother got angry he was telling me you see the reason i told you you just carry yourself and you gave yourself to that church see the way they are treating you now i said mommy please don't put your mouth in this he said shut up i'm talking you are talking to are you the one that did it i said no i'm not i was not even around in the service and i'm telling you that they treating you bad you are saying i said mom you are speaking to my pastor don't please if my pastor is wrong allowing to be wrong don't never you talk against my pastor they say you are a fool that have changed your brain i said thank you ma hallelujah and the lord said i should keep quiet by 12 o'clock that night i woke up by 12 12 a.m and i began to pray lord are there things in my life that will make me not to meet heaven and i pray from from 12 till 1 hallelujah when i slept by one i had a very a very dramatic revelation i saw an angel that came down from heaven with a book a very big book and the angel held the book like this as he was descending from heaven he carried the book so where i was in that revelation we were a group of christians we were all together there the angels came down from heaven he will look at you and we say your name is not in the book of life he will look at this one your name is not in the book of life your name is in the book of life you your name is not it so when he told them all their condition he didn't he didn't tell me anything so immediately he started ascending to heaven and i said sir sir you have not told me about me my name is my name in the book of life he ignored me kept ascending he was going especially sir you forgot to talk about me sir then he thought and he looked at me he said peter your sin is great i was not living in fornication i was not living in adultery i was obedient to my pastor but the little sin of pride spiritual pride because i was celebrated in the headquarters if you come for prayer i was the most prayerful the spiritual pride in me angel was able to detect it and you say you will not enter heaven because of this christians don't longer go to god and ask god what will hinder me going to heaven christians no consciousness of eternity again we don't think of heaven again we don't think of where we are going to spend eternity again we don't know that we are all strangers on earth we can't speak israel circumcision obedience to god cannot be assured you will never obey god man is stubborn by nature genesis chapter 6 verse 3 god said that my spirit will never strive with man again because man is stubborn our heart again jesus need to circumcise our heart again so that we can become truthful to god hallelujah spiritual circumcision of the earth is responsible for holy living we cannot be holy without circumcision of the heart we cannot have a pure heart without circumcision i don't know people that got angry today and leave a church there are people that get angry like this and leave a church and get angry and say not be your source be the holy church i don't know people that got angry today and leave a church and leave a church and get angry and say not be your source be the holy church i'm going and we celebrate these people today people that that break away from their pastor insulting their father-in-law before they went to mass that we are not is it because of anointing you don't know that there is book of life the pastors today that people are raising we are raising arrogant pastors you know when you have old microphone few times you will think that you are capable you will think that you can do all this without god it is brokenness that brings us into alignment with god brokenness circumcision of the earth lord circumcise our hearts that will be our portion amen the art is not circumcised the art that is not circumcised won't experience the grace of god and it won't do the will of god it won't experience the grace of god and it won't do the will of god what are the benefit of our circumcision number one it makes you to become obedient to god when your heart has been circumcised it makes you to become what obedience to god it is not what you like to do now it is what god has commanded you to what to do the lord was teaching me this afternoon because i came to church very early today while i was in my office the lord was speaking to me he was teaching me he was making known to me my son he said do you know who is this pigishwa man he said a man that is pigishwa is the one that follow peace with all men i was here and this afternoon he was telling me he said the man that pursue peace with all men i count that man as what pigishwa is it because the natural man cannot do that there's a message i i sent to the what to the group this afternoon it was from that revelation i preached that message from that revelation the man that god will use go and listen to that my message the man that god will use because we shouldn't deceive ourselves we shouldn't deceive ourselves the advantages of circumcision of the heart is that it makes you obedient to god it makes you what obedience to god you can never obey god until god has circumcised your heart your heart number two it makes you to love like christ it makes you to what love like christ if god has not circumcised your heart you will have favorites there are people you'll be mingling with there are people you will not be mingling with there are people you'll be jealous with you see your heart will not be playing towards all but when circumcision has taken place you will love all men like christ jesus does not love sister comfort more than me jesus does not love me more than you jesus does not love brother harry more than me jesus does not love me more than one he loves us equally we must love like christ one thing i thank god about this church is i thank god we are not rivalistic thank god the yorubas are not gathering together and the hebrews gathering together and the awusa gathering together thank god we are all doing things together we can't even stand here because we push against it number three circumcision of the heart makes you to be humble in your heart it makes it to be what hallelujah go and get my teaching on walking nearer to god go and get my teaching on that so we join near to god it's on the way check the website on whatsapp you see humility is not what you need and say a car low that one is called tribalism are you with it's a tribalistic gesture but when you go to america they don't do a car ride you can even see a man that will say he will look at my mind we say i that is what they do in america you will see a small boy mama can get there too if you look at my mind stop me to say a car or we say i because these greetings are what a man that is humble in heart that god sees as an humble man is a man that has subjected himself to the authority of the bible if the word of god says it you do it so immediately you are not obeying god you are a proud man so who is a humble man now a man that who that what that obey the commandment of god that is who god calls a humble man so if you are not obeying what god says in the bible you are a proud man it means that you are you are putting yourself equal with god you are putting yourself what equal with god just like a father you gave an instructor in the family and your children are disobeying your instruction are they humble they are proud hallelujah humbleness of heart when god has circumcised our hearts we will become humble in our heart number four there will be purity of heart there will be what purity of heart when god has circumcised your heart your heart will be pure number five there will be zeal and fervency a circumcised heart is zealous for god and is fervent with god there will be zeal and fervency you are coming to church every time when you come to church you come to church you clean the chair whether you are a worker or not you say i must not be doing i must not just be an idle person you come to church whether you are a worker whether you're not a worker you come very early so that you can clean church and clean the chair before service you are zealous you are fervent because circumcision has taken place hallelujah circumcision has taken place number six is forgiving heart when a heart has been circumcised hallelujah these things are not by power nor by words in case you discover you can easily forgive it's not by power that is the way the national man behaves just go to god and ask god circumcise my heart it gives you a forgiving heart for you to even stay in unforgiveness you'll be suffocating i don't know how people live in unforgiveness for so long that i can't i i will be suffocating that you are you are keeping my list with the person in the same compound you'll be a true christian will be suffocating because that is not the nature of god god cannot do that and they are husbands and wives like that husbands and wives that are not talking keeping my list a true christian will suffocate i don't know how you breathe in that atmosphere i will come if i'm the wife if i'm the husband i will want to come and meet you and play with you i can't breathe in that atmosphere and yet you see christian that will lost unforgiveness in the heart god forbid i don't know how you live i don't know how you work with god but to that extent you will live unforgiveness for 24 hours how did you survive it's a mystery to me that how did you survive for 24 hours with unforgiveness and yes some people carry it for one month they say they will never forgive their children and these are the same people that come to the church they have never called their children for one there are people that don't even speak with their father-in-law their mother-in-law sister-in-law brother-in-law unforgiveness seated in the heart and you are saying why is god not i like the way people are saying god talk to them why is that god doesn't talk to me i'm telling you the reason is that is the problem you don't need to go with your mouth but what is happening to your heart your heart is what

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