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Establishing Personal Relationship- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu with God

Establishing Personal Relationship- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu with God

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu is a teacher of the Word of God with an apostolic mandate. He has author several books including the trending one, Hearing the Voice of God. He specialize in raising disciples for Christ, and training them in Christ and doctrines. He is the senior pastor of The Believers Renewal Ministries, located in Lagos state, Nigeria. To reach him, here is his personal WhatsApp contact: +2348102362618

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This transcription is a prayer and teaching session about establishing a personal relationship with God. The speaker emphasizes the need for individuals to have their own connection with God rather than relying solely on pastors or prophets. They talk about the frustrations and challenges in the Christian life and the desire to experience God personally. The teaching is based on the story of Nicodemus in the Bible, where Jesus explains the concept of being "born again" to enter the kingdom of God. The speaker encourages listeners to believe in this teaching and to establish their own personal relationship with God. Ika pandu suzi. Open your mouth and begin to pray in the spirit. Begin to pray in the spirit. Begin to pray in the spirit. Malabadoosh. Ika prenda kapaladooshya. Lekapaladooshya ketala dabadiya. We need the power of the Lord to take over this meeting now. We want the word of God to come up with fire. Rekapaladi. Lekosende lebuwa. Lekaprenda kapaladiya. Lekotoshya dadaba. Ilabrendaka sutrikipa. Lekaprenda kaposuzita. Ilabreketukosuta. Yadabadoshya. Make sure you are praying. Make sure you are praying. I'm not saying with the sound of some of you. You have to open that mouth and pray. Lebububosuta. Yadabadabadabadabadaba. Yadabadabadabadabadabadaba. Ikaprenda babababababa. Lekotoshya bababadooshya. Lekaprenda kaposuya. Ilabakwata. Ikapolokoseke terida. Rapandaladiya. Ilabreketukosende lebadoshya. Ilabreketukosutua. Yadabadoshya. Open your mouth and begin to worship the name of the Lord. Ask the Lord to breathe upon this. The word of the word encounter. This moment. This study. That God should breathe upon us. We want to experience him tonight. We want to experience him tonight. We want to experience him tonight. We want to experience him tonight. We want to experience him tonight. Lord speak to us. Communicate your word to us. Communicate the word to us. Lekapaladoosh. Lekapaladooshya. Lekaprenda kapaladadooshya. Lekapreketosusita. Lekondakapalida. Lekondakapalatosisita. Ilabanda kapaladiyadoshya. Lord we need the fire of the word. Lord we need your spirit to breathe upon the word. Let the spirit of God breathe upon the word. Let the spirit of God breathe upon the word. Let the Lord breathe upon the word. Father we pray that you breathe upon the word. Lord we pray that you breathe upon the word. Lord we pray that you breathe upon the word. That the word of God should take authority Lord. Let the word of God come with us as fire. We put your mouth and begin to pray. Begin to ask the Lord to speak to you now. Begin to ask him to speak to you now. If you don't pray are you going to receive the word? If you don't pray are you going to benefit from the word? Lekondakapaladosia. Lekaprakataladadoshakapaladiya. Malekaprendakapaladua. Lekososita. Lekatoshakapalada. Ilamanda kapindososita. Lekaprendakapaladosisuta. Ilobokosheketayadabada. Ilabreketokosondelebrandakapalada. Lord I don't want to be familiar with the word. I don't want to be too familiar with the word. Lord speak to me, speak to me, speak to me by your spirit. Lord use me as an instrument to communicate to your children. In Jesus mighty name we pray. Father we thank you we worship your name. Holy Spirit we give you all the praises and honor. We thank you because we know you want to bless our lives. We thank you father because we know you want to transform our lives. We thank you father because we know you want to give us the word of eternal life. Every time we come together like this your word always prevails over us. We ask of you Holy Spirit that tonight bless us like never before in Jesus name. We ask oh God that those that are yet to join the meeting tonight. We ask that you hasten their footstep and put in them the consciousness of the importance of this meeting. In the name of Jesus. We thank you father because you are faithful. For in Jesus mighty name we pray. Good evening every one of you and welcome to this wonderful moment with the spirit of God. This is called World Encounter. And the Lord has been blessing us for the past few weeks. And the Lord is still very much interested to bless us. I observe that many of us are getting frustrated with our Christian life. Because we have some challenges we are going through. And that we have done everything our pastors have asked us to do. We have practiced every teaching we have been receiving in our churches. And some of you are almost getting frustrated asking if this word of God is actually true. If this word of God is actually true. Because the things that is written in the word. You have kind of practiced them. You have prayed. You have fasted. You have studied the word. Yet that problem still remains there. And you are kind of confused asking yourself what must I do to come out of this. Now we are undertaking a topic. This is just part one of the topic. And this journey we are considering is a very important journey that will give us understanding on how we can relate with God. And then benefit in our relationship with God. So what we will be considering this night is establishing personal relationship with God. Establishing personal relationship with God. And I don't want you to miss this series of teachings. And I want you to believe you are there with your jota and your pen. Because you see these teachings that are coming to you every Wednesday like this. A time will come when life is going to question you. And if you don't receive the teachings you won't be able to give response to life. You won't be able to answer life because life will ask you questions. Life is going to ask you if you have been understanding the teachings that have been coming to you. So it is what you have learnt, what you understand, what you have written down that can become a sharp foundation of you responding and giving answers to life. Most of us have been Christians as per going to church. We have been going to churches. But we are not enjoying our Christian life. We have been frustrated, we have been confused. There have been secret sins. There have been immoral lifestyles, secret sins, masturbation, fornication, all of those sins. And you don't know what to do. There have been demonic attacks. Demonic attacks over your life, over your marriage, over your business, over your children, over your husband, over your wife. Over everything around you. You have prayed, you have fasted, you have gone to different churches. They told you that you needed to buy this thing for prayer. You went to buy it. Yet the problem is still there. The other pastor told you that you need to buy this thing for prayer. You went to buy it. Yet the problem is still there. The other pastor told you that you needed to be taken to the riverside. They took you to the riverside after all their practices on you and the prayer they made. The problem is still there. And then it appears as if you cannot access God yourself. Every time it comes to God, you always look for a man of God that can talk to God on behalf of you. And this has made you not to have a personal prayer life. Because you think that you need to often inform your pastor. You need to often inform your prophet or your prophetess. So you have been asking yourself that what can you do to access God yourself. You want to access God. You want to be talking to God. And expecting God to talk back to you. You have been reading from the Bible that God is your father. But you don't see him as your father because it looks like you are very far away from God. I want to believe you are not sleeping. Because this teaching is what differentiates me from you. This teaching is what differentiates most men of God from you. So if you know this, it is going to help you. If you know this, you are going to enjoy Christianity. If you know this, no matter what you are going through in life, when you pray, there will be answered prayers. And this is why I am coming with this topic. Establishing personal relationship with God. Establishing personal relationship with God. Let us go to the book of John chapter 3. I want to let you know that to enjoy God, there must be a relationship. If there is no personal relationship with God, you can never enjoy God. If there is no personal relationship with God, you can never experience God. If there is no personal relationship with God, you can never enjoy God. Because if you don't have personal relationship with God, when you are going through challenges of life, the highest thing you can exhibit is to be frustrated. If there is no personal relationship with God, and you are going through challenges of life, the highest you can do is to mumble, is to complain, is to give up. But then when you have personal relationship with God, and you are going through the test of time, you will not only see Him as a God that is in heaven, you will see Him as a Father to relate with. You will see Him as a Father to recon with. You will see Him as a Father that you need to talk to. That is what happened. John chapter 3, I read from verse 1 to verse 7. John chapter 3, from verse 1 to verse 7. The Bible says in verse 7 of John, There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. The same came to Jesus by night and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God. For no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Verse 3, Nicodemus said unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I say unto thee, yea, must be born again. Where we read we have seen that Jesus Christ have laid a very strong foundation for the Christian life. He taught a man who was a Pharisee, a ruler of the Jews. Nicodemus was in charge of a synagogue in those days. He was the one that had his own synagogue. In our modern days we would say that Nicodemus was a man that had his own church. So in our time we would call Nicodemus a founder of a church. Because in those days Nicodemus had his own synagogue. He was more or less like a pastor, a founder of his own church. Now when he saw a demonstration of God's power through the person of Jesus Christ, He had to come to Jesus and say, Jesus, I know what you are doing, nobody can do this, except God be with him. How did Nicodemus know about that? He knew about that because he had understanding of the scripture. I want to believe we are not sleeping. He knew about that because he had understanding of the scripture. He knew about that because he had understanding of the word of God. And there he said, I know that nobody can demonstrate this dimension of God, except God as first be with him. That was a confirmation. Nicodemus was able to confirm that God was with Jesus Christ. Nicodemus was able to bear witness that God was with Jesus Christ. But you see, Nicodemus was speaking from a location that is not the same location with Christ. Remember that when Peter said to Jesus that bow at the Son of God, the next statement that Jesus said was flesh and blood has not revealed this to you. But now look at Nicodemus, Nicodemus came with his own revelation and Nicodemus said that I know that what you did is a sign that God is with you. Nicodemus was bearing witness saying that this thing you did, nobody can do it, except God be with you. We would expect Jesus to say, oh Nicodemus, flesh and blood has not revealed this to you. But you see, Jesus had to change the statement because there was a location that Nicodemus was speaking from. It was not in the kingdom. Peter was speaking from the kingdom because he told them, he said, I have positioned before you on that day that there will be twelve thrones in heaven and you will sit in that twelve thrones judging nations. Now when Peter said that Jesus, bow at the Son of God, immediately Jesus said flesh and blood has not revealed this to you because Peter was speaking from a location in the spirit called the kingdom. Are you with me now? Now Nicodemus had to come before Jesus and look at Nicodemus telling Jesus that I know that the works you are doing, no man can do it except God be with him. You would have expected Jesus to tell Nicodemus and say, oh Nicodemus, flesh and blood has not revealed this to you. But you see, when Jesus checked the location that this man was speaking from, Jesus understood that Nicodemus was speaking outside the kingdom. Immediately Jesus told him, except you are born again, you cannot see the kingdom because you are already outside the kingdom. Are you following me now? So Jesus had to quickly, I don't know whether you are following me, praise the Lord, so Jesus had to quickly reposition Nicodemus to see the need of being in the kingdom. Let me say this to you man of God, let me say this to you woman of God, that anybody can come and say thank God for your life, thank God for the messages you are preaching. But if you are a man of the Spirit, the moment you discover that that person is not seeing that in the kingdom, all you need to do to that person is to introduce the kingdom to that person. So Nicodemus was like that. Praise the Lord. Nicodemus was not receiving message from the kingdom. So God, Jesus had to tell him, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. The implication of not being born again is that you will not see the kingdom of God. And let me explain further what it means to be, what the kingdom of God means here. Praise the Lord. The kingdom of God in this perspective, we are going to divide it into two. Except you are born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God. This was the statement that Jesus told Nicodemus. Except you are born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God. Because of time, if you are acquainted with the scripture, you will discover that number one, Jesus told the people, he said, for the kingdom of God is already in you. So what brings the kingdom in you? What brings the kingdom in you? How does the kingdom come into you? It is through the spirit of God. So he said, he that is born of the spirit becomes a spirit. Remember that prior to this time, if you read this book of John chapter 3 from verse 1 to verse 7, it was never said like this across the gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke, you will never see a teaching where Jesus was telling them that except they are born again, they cannot see the kingdom of God. So Jesus at this point was establishing a relationship. Are you with me now? And that is why we are talking about establishing personal relationship with God. Our relationship with God begins at the new birth experience. The moment you are born again, a transformation has taken place. The moment you are born again, something has happened to you. And what happened to you, we call it regeneration. The moment you are born again, there is a relationship that is bled. The moment you are born again, there is a relationship that is established. And that relationship makes you to become a member of God's family. It makes you to become a member of God's family. It makes you to become a member of God's family. It makes you to become someone that is connected to God. It makes you to become someone that knows God by relationship. So the moment you are born again, that means you know God by relationship. The moment you are born again, God is not just a God. There is a new name given to him at that point. He becomes your father. Let me say this to you, God is not a father to everybody. He is a father only to those who have been born by the Spirit. The word born again also means regeneration. So the moment you are born again, you become a child of God. The moment you are born again, you become a member of God's family. So the relationship that exists between you and God is a son and father relationship. Immediately there will be a son-father relationship through the born again experience. Born again brings a connection between you and God. God is not just a creator, God becomes a father. And as a father, there should be a relationship that connects you with him. Are we sleeping? As a father, there should be a relationship that connects you with him. So every time you kneel down to pray, you are not sleeping. You are talking to your father. Every time you are confused in life, you go to God and talk to your father. Every time it appears that things are not working well, you go to God and talk to your father. Every time you are discouraged, you go to God and talk to your father. Because there is a relationship at the born again experience. There is a relationship connecting you with God. When you are frustrated in life, you go to God and talk to your father. You know that every father has responsibility to play in their life. Let me tell you this truth. God is the most responsible father we have. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Just like your biological father, just like your earthly father. They will never want to leave you nor forsake you. Even they are fathers, they are people that have abandoned their children. They are fathers that have forgotten their children but not God. So the born again experience makes you a child of God. The born again experience makes God your father. So if you are not yet born again, God is not your father. If there is no born again experience, God is not your father. God only becomes your father when you are born again. 1 Peter 1 verse 23 Being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever. Being born again by the influence of the word of God you are hearing. Let me say this to you. You may deceive your pastor that you are born again. You may deceive everybody around you that you are born again. You may even deceive your wife that you are born again. But one of the person you cannot deceive and those you cannot deceive, you cannot deceive God. And you cannot deceive the devil. And if you are not genuinely born again, it is going to affect your spiritual growth. We cannot talk about spiritual growth when the foundation of your salvation is not even genuine. You know most of you got born again because you were born in the church. Some of you got born again because you are a member of a church. Some of you got born again because in your church you undergo water baptism. You got born again because they make you a worker, a preacher in your church. You don't have a personal relationship with God. There was no day that you accepted Christ into your life and then you start experience transformation of life. You don't have that testimony. And this is why ever since you claim to be born again, there is no spiritual growth in your life. The way you were 10 years ago is how you are now. The sin you were struggling with 2 years ago that you say you have been born again, the sin you were struggling with is the same sin you are struggling with now. So God looks at the foundation if you are born again. He said being born again of corruptible seed, not of incorruptible. That means there are people that are born again of incorruptible seed. They have the form of godliness. They show, they pretend to have been born again but of incorruptible seed. What are the incorruptible seed? Praise the Lord. What are the incorruptible seed? Number one, if there is an incorruptible seed in your life, it means you were born again through other means, not the word of God. Let me even say this to you. A preaching of prosperity cannot give you salvation. When you are preaching about prosperity, if I am preaching about prosperity, it cannot give salvation. Let me even go further. If I preach to you about water baptism, it does not bring salvation. There is only one gospel that brings salvation and that is the gospel of the death, the burial and the resurrection of Jesus. For a sinner to be saved, you must preach to that sinner a message about the gospel of Christ. And the gospel of Christ is one of the messages in the kingdom. But when it comes to salvation, it is the gospel of Christ that brings men to salvation. Paul the apostle said, I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes it, to the Jews first and also to the Greeks. So some of you were born again because when you went to church, the message that the pastor ministered that day was a message that was like a testimony of how you were suffering before but today you are not suffering again. And the pastor was telling you how 10 years ago he was a beggar but now he has houses and cars everywhere. And the moment the pastor was preaching, you were convicted like, oh I need to change my life too. I need to be rich too. And then you cried and got born again. But that is not the genuine born again. This is right after you got born again, since the day you got born again, all your prayer point has been Lord, I must make it in life. Because the seed that brought about the born again experience, the bible calls it corrupted seed. But the word of God that brings salvation is the word about Jesus Christ. So our relationship with God begins at the new birth experience. So those who are not born again, they are the enemies of righteousness. Those who are not born again, they are not grateful to God. Those who are not born again, they don't have relationship with God. So let me say this to you in case you have children. If your children are not born again, stop deceiving them. They don't have relationship with God. God is not their father. If your children are not born again, stop deceiving them. They don't have relationship with God. God is not their father. God is not their father. If you are hearing the sound of my voice and then you are not born again, God is not your father. God is not your father. It is the born again experience that makes God your father. And every father will respond to their children. Every father will respond to their children. The question comes to you, are you born again? If you are not born again, you are going to end up in eternal regret and shame. So our relationship, the establishment of personal relationship with God solely begins at the born again. You cannot start the relationship. Let me say for example now. You cannot start the relationship. Let me say for example now. Every one of us here comes from a family. Brother Joseph is coming from a family. Sister Ebay is coming from a family. Every one of you here, you are coming from a family. What makes you a member of that family? Is it not because you are born again? What makes you a member of the family you are coming from? Is it not because you were born into the family? Is that not the reason you are a member of that family? If you were not born into that family, you would never be a member of that family. Let me say this to you. If you are not born again, you are not a member of that family. You are not a member of God's family. Tithes and offering, paying of your tithes and paying of your offering cannot make you a member of God's family. Going to the house of God and being a call visitor, you are members of the choir in your church. You are members of the Sunday school teachers in your church. You are members of the usher, you are members of the department in your church. That cannot give you the born again experience. Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. When we get born again, some things happen to us. There are three things that happen to you the moment you are born again. Number one, there will be father and son relationship. Father and son relationship or father and daughter relationship. God becomes your father and you become the son of God. The Bible says in the book of John chapter 1 verse 12, To as many that believed in him, to them he gave power to become the sons of God. To as many that received him, to them he gave power to become the sons of God, even unto them that believed in him. The Bible says in the book of Romans chapter 8 from verse 16 to 17, Verse 16 says that the spirit of God bear yet witness with your spirit that you are the child of God. That we are the children of God. And if you read verse 17, you will discover that the spirit of God that comes into us at salvation dwells in us. And then we start crying Abba Father. We start crying Abba Father. So when the spirit of God has come into us, you see you cannot obey. Let me tell you the truth. Some of you will say, I want God to speak to me. If God tell you that, if God tell you something to do, you will never obey except the spirit of God comes into you. You will never obey except the spirit of God comes into you. Some of you have been following me, some of you have been listening to our teaching, joining the Bible study. If God said anytime or if God tell you every Wednesday we have Bible study, be coming to listen or God give you specific instruction concerning me, you will not be able to obey. Your will with it prevail. It is the spirit of God in us that enable us to obey. The human spirit cannot obey of itself. So you will discover that every time, you see one of the reasons we can't walk with God. Some of you have shattered me and some of you have asked me a lot of questions. That why is it that you can't hear the voice of God? Because even the first time God speak to you, your disobedience starts the next day. God told you to go and do that thing. You only obey for two days, the next day your will prevail and God stop talking to you. So when you get born again, the spirit of God comes to enable you to be able to obey God, to listen. A brother from Zambia, I think Zambia or Zimbabwe. There was a brother, that was last year. The brother shattered me up and said, oh he read my book, one of my books. So he shattered me up and he told me about, oh God wants him to follow me. And you know, many a time when they listen to my book or they read my book or they listen to my messages, they come with this kind of statement that God wants you to disciple me, God wants you to mentor me. And you see, you will think it's okay, but when the teaching starts coming, when the conversion of the scripture starts coming, you will discover that all the claim to have experienced is a lie. You see, you cannot obey God in the flesh, except the spirit of God is in you. You cannot stop fornicating, except the spirit of God is in you. You cannot stop lying, except the spirit of God has come into you. When the spirit of God has come into you, you cannot lie. So the born again experience is a very golden experience that is the bedrock of Christianity. If you are not genuinely born again, you will not experience God in any encounter again. If you are not born again, you cannot receive Holy Ghost baptism. So, you will never experience the Holy Ghost baptism, except you are born again. The spirit of God comes into us. 90% or 99% of Christianity is on the empowerment of the spirit of God. I cannot come here and be preaching to you, if I say let me measure on my activities today, because today I was a very busy person. Today I went out, I was busy, I was tired, so tired. But if I dwell on that, what happens is that I will give excuse to God, but He will never trust me again. So it is the spirit of God that enables us. That is why when you are working with the spirit of God, you can be of age of 80 years, 90 years, yet you will be able to stand for 2 hours preaching. At that point, it is not the human energy you are using. At that point, you are using the energy of the spirit. Born again experience is not the way pastors are not talking about it again, and everybody claims they are born again. No, it is the sweetness of Christianity. If you are not genuinely born again, you cannot hear the voice of God. If you are not genuinely born again, you cannot encounter God. If you are not genuinely born again, you cannot know God. If you are not genuinely born again, you cannot walk with God. You cannot even have angelic encounter. This born again brings supernatural protection and provision. There are a lot of benefits in the born again. When God becomes your father, He becomes your provider. Born again experience. So number 1, I say this born again experience establishes father and son relationship. Number 2, the born again experience, it will allow the spirit of God to indwell in you. It is because of the born again experience that the spirit of God comes into you. In the Old Testament, it was only few people that had the spirit of God. And that is why you only hear of only few people obeying God. But in the New Testament, through the opportunity of the born again experience, through the opportunity of the born again experience, we all have access to the spirit of God. The spirit of God comes to dwell in us. Let me ask you this question. Why would you want to marry a man who doesn't have the spirit of God in him? That marriage will suffer. Can I say this to you? When an unbeliever gets married to an unbeliever, both of them don't have the spirit of God in them. They will be more united than a believer who has the spirit of God in her going to marry an unbeliever who doesn't have the spirit of God in him. Are we following? So if the spirit of God is not in you, you shouldn't marry a man or a woman that doesn't have the spirit of God in him or her. There can't be unity. If the spirit of God is in you, you have no relationship with someone who doesn't have the spirit of God in him. Let me say this to you. And I'm speaking to some of us that have been attending the marriage class every Saturday. One of the criteria of marrying for a better home is to marry someone that has the same spirit with you. You have the Holy Ghost the moment you got born again. You should marry someone that has the Holy Ghost in him or her. Because even God establishes his relationship with you by giving you his own spirit first. God will never keep a relationship with you if his spirit is not in you because he knows that you are not like him. So for you to be like God, he will take off his spirit and put it in you first before he calls you son or before he calls you daughter. God will never call someone who doesn't have his spirit, he will never call that person son. So let me say this, if your father is not born again, your father is not the son of God. If your mother is not born again, your mother is not the daughter of God. I don't care if they are going to church, if they are not born again, they don't have the spirit of God. And if they don't have the spirit of God, they don't have relationship with God. And if they don't have relationship with God, they are not of God. Born again makes the spirit of God to come inside of you. You want to do business, you are doing business with people who are not of God. You are doing business with people who have the spirit of the devil. What are you going to expect? The devil commands not but to steal, to kill and to destroy. If your business partners are unbelievers, one day you will become an unbeliever. Because they will kill your love for God. And if you are not careful, they are going to kill you to take the money. So the born again experience injects into us the spirit of God. Last of all before we close, the born again experience makes our names to be in the book of life. When you are born again, your name will be put in the book of life. If you are following me, can you say amen? And you put yourself back. Amen. Alright, the born again experience places your name in the book of life. Let me ask you this question, is your name in the book of life? Are you conscious to find out if your name is in the book of life? That is why the Bible calls that book the Lamb's book of life. Because you are a partaker of the redemptive grace that comes from the sacrifice of the Lamb of God. Are you born again? Is your born again genuine? When you are born again, your name will be placed in the book of life. So how do you get born again? You have to confess, you have to repent. Number one is repent. How do you repent? You confess Jesus Christ, you forsake your sin, and you believe by faith in the finisher. And you believe by faith in the finished work of Christ. So if you are here and you are not born again, you are not helping the matter. If you are not born again, the devil will keep tormenting you. If you are not born again, Jesus will not answer your prayers. God will not answer your prayers. If you are not born again, you are not a child of God. If you are not born again, your name is not in the book of life. So I want to ask, if you want to be born again, this is your opportunity for you. Are you willing, are you ready to be born again tonight? Some of you may say, but this message, we are already born again, we are not expecting this message. No, before I teach you other things about relationship with God, this is the foundation. Are you born again? Are you a backslider? God is asking you for recompassion. Are you born again? Shall we bow our heads in prayer as we begin to talk to the Lord? If you are not born again, use this opportunity to ask God for mercy. And ask Him to save you. Ask Him to save you. If you are not born again, this is an opportunity for you to be born again. Say, Lord Jesus, come into my life. Come and establish your righteousness in me. If you are not born again, begin to talk to the Lord for mercy. Say, Lord have mercy, come into my life. I renounce my sins. I forsake my ways of unrighteousness. I forsake my wicked ways. Come into my life.

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