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He Made The Stars Also

He Made The Stars Also


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The speaker begins by praising the Lord and expressing their desire for everyone to come together as one big happy family. They encourage the audience to make a joyful noise and connect to God. They mention the importance of leaving a positive impact on others and ask the audience to reflect on what people will say about them. They then read a passage from Genesis about the creation of lights in the heavens and emphasize the significance of stars. The speaker intends to awaken the potential within the audience to be giant killers. I said, praise the Lord. I'm not talking like youths. I said, praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Would you please take this water and give it to my brother? I'm sorry if I have dispossessed you, but I like to be very close. All right? Let's sit together as one big happy family. To God be the glory, great things He has done. So lovely the vow that He gave us this time. Oh yeah, there is life and atonement for sin. And open the life gate that all may go in. All right, praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Thank you. Praise the Lord. Let us hear His voice. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Let the people rejoice. Oh, come to the Father through Jesus the Son. And give Him the glory, great things He has done. Can I hear you shout hallelujah? Hallelujah. I want us to just take a minute out. And I want you to be very, very, very serious. Be in the atmosphere of connecting to God. Let's take a minute, just a minute. And give the Lord a wonderful clap of praise, a shout of praise. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, holy people. Do it like the youth that are helping. You cannot intimidate me with that, hallelujah. It's worthy of our praise, it's worthy of our honor. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Do it better. I said for a minute, I said for a minute, I said for a minute, I said for a minute, the Lord is good all the time, and all the time He is good. Amen, amen, amen. That's all right. It's not up to a minute, but we want to leave it there. I love this man of God. Mama, I saw your photograph somewhere. When I go any place I go, I look around. I saw your, okay, behind that door. Behind that door, I saw your photograph, I saw Mama. Do they look beautiful? Come on, give the Lord a wonderful clap for this servant of God. Celebrate the grace of God upon your pastor's life, hallelujah. Thank you, sir. You are blessed. A God that can cannot have Jesus. I want to be, you don't hear that? What before, okay, you live long. That's what it means. How many of you love yourself? All the pastors say I celebrate you. Wisdom, right? All right, and every other person, so that we can run fast. Let me see how much you can celebrate yourself. I'm not going to push you in this life. Hallelujah. Amen, amen, amen. Father, we thank you. We give you glory, we give you praise. Your presence is here. And in your presence, there's a fullness of joy. I pray that the power that is vested in the name of Jesus, that our stay here this night will bring a turnaround in our lives. I trust your amen would have showed that you are here. I pray that, Lord, you will impact us so that we impact our generation. That, Lord, you will bring out what you have placed within us. And so that, Lord, we will be the person we are meant to be. And that at the close of our life here, we will look back and say, hitherto has the Lord led us. And we will speak like Apostle Paul, I have fought the good fight of faith. I have kept the faith. I have finished my cause. And then there is a joy and celebration. Take your liberty to open your word. Let the heaven of God be opened unto us. And lose your tongue to say amen by force. And let the entrance of your word give us light and give us understanding. To you be all the glory and praise. And all the saints say amen with a clap of faith. Give the Lord a clap of faith as you take your seat. Hey, Chinekenna. I thought I was coming to meet you. I thought so. I thought that I was a big brother. I don't want anybody here after this dinner. Let's sit together. And they are filming this thing. If somebody is zooming in from here, it will look like, say, we are all Dalit people. And we are. Praise God. One more time, sir. I appreciate you so much for allowing me to come and share with your people. I received the invitation to be here not yesterday. Some persons are making conversation. Sir, before you came in this evening, so I sit down. I was telling them that I would not be able to pastor again. Because the generation of people that we have today cannot endure me. But this night and tomorrow, by God's grace, you will endure me. And they don't even say amen. You cannot intimidate me with your local. We don't go past that level. And so, I didn't receive the invitation yesterday. I received it long before now. And when I am going for a program that has a tea, I don't play light with the tea. Because I feel that for somebody to come up and say that for these three days, this is what our focus is. The team of any program is like what we call the central troops. It is the core thing. And so, I do not play with team. And I do, before I come up with a team, I prayerfully ask God what would you want me to give out to the people. And I believe that after these three days, people will look at your life and they will give God glory. Your amen is making me very angry. Did it cost you to say that amen that you just said now? No, but you chose not to. And the word amen means be it so. When I declare into your life, lay it down. A team with your amen. And so, the team for this very program is, and they glorify God in me. The last verse of Galatians chapter 1, the last verse, verse number 24. And if you had read before that very verse, you will discover, oh young man, what are you looking at? I am in the talk, so you look at me, sir. You should say yes, sir. Okay? This is the church setting. So, if you had read before then, you will discover that this man of God talked about his precious experience, right? And now the present experience. And he had told us where he had traveled in his missionary life. And then he told us that good number of the people do not know him facially. Am I talking to somebody? They have not met with him on one to one. They have not known him facially. They have not seen his face, but they have been hearing of him. They are not here. They have been hearing of him, and as a result of what they have been hearing of him, they were giving God glory concerning his life, even in his absence. So, that should give you a reason to think. When my name is mentioned, where people have been hearing my name, what will they say about me? Every step you take in life, you are leaving behind a print. And people will read the print, and will interpret you by the print you left behind. Whether in your school, in your place of employment, in the place where you live, in the church where you worship, and with the people you interact with. So, Jesus at one time asked his followers, what do men say about me? My name is Immanuel, so I dash you the reverend. I form my opinion by my observation. And so if you want to correct my opinion, begin with correcting my observation. Because you cannot present a different thing to me, and allow me to form a different opinion to what I am seeing. Am I sure I am talking to the right persons? I call you by your first name, as God sits on his throne. And Jesus our savior, our redeemer, our advocate, sits at his right hand, making intercession for you and I. While I am talking now, may your name bring him glory. Let your lives give him glory. It is in the light of this, that I decide that sharing with you, please give me a piece of note when I will stop. Once I begin to talk myself. Alright, what I titled, and he made the stars also. I would have liked to preach it. And maybe somebody here, of course you are too, you are very young. You don't take away with electricity what you do. This is my 43rd year in ministry, talking and shouting. Okay, I would have liked to preach it, but I decided to come low and talk to you. And so let me see whether I will be able to drive this thing into your spirit. That will bring out the giant killer that lies within you. So let me read from the book of Genesis, chapter 1, from the New King James Version, verse 14 through to verse number 18. Then God said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night. Can I hear you say Amen? And let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years. How I wish I would have time to break it down. Then God made two great lights. The greater light to rule the day, are you with me? And the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. Can I hear you say He made the stars also? I can not hear you now. Look at what is said in verse 17. God set them in the firmament of the heavens to do what? To give light on the earth. The Old King James will say, to give light upon the earth. Now the same thing, 18. And to rule over the day and over the night. And to divide the light from the darkness. Come on, let me hear you say Amen. And God saw that it was what? I did not hear you. Say it loud. Did you tell your people not to talk? But I read in the scripture that God rises with a shout. By the way. So God said in verse number 14. Let there be lights. The plurality of the word lights here is the sun, the moon and the stars. Are you with me? Alright. Now when you come down to verse number 16. He said then God led two great lights. The greater light to rule the day. Which is the sun. Am I in the church? And the lesser light to rule the night. And He made the stars also. Amen. You are not excited because you do not know from where I am coming. Okay. Well, the scripture says that the moon is the lesser light. And sit down sir. And then the sun is the greater light. And then He made the stars also. I do not know where He created the stars. But in the course of my discourse, I will make you to understand that they are equal. In fact, those who taught us, those who are scientists or whatever you call them. Let us to understand that even the stars are larger than the sun and the moon. It is just that they are far, far, far away. And so when you look at them, they look tiny. What I want to do today and tomorrow. Tomorrow I will be talking about the beauty of seed. And by the time you combine the two together, just to see. I want to see if I can awaken the giant killer that lies within you. Can I call you by your first name? You know your first name. I call you by your first name. You are far better than what I see. The real issue is residing within you and is lying dormant. Waiting for an awakening. And in the name of Jesus, I pray for you. May that issue residing within you be awakened in Jesus name. Let me begin this way. Wherever I reach, it starts to go close. Is there anyone of us here, including me, who you are satisfied in your level of attendance? You are satisfied in your level of attendance? Can I see you raise your right hand and wave it to the glory of God? Nobody, including me. Because I must catch up with my time. Is there any of us here who you say, I have a desire to be better? Raise your right hand and wave it to the Lord. I hope you are not being a hypocrite. Are you sure you mean what you say? Talk to me before I get angry. That's what I mean. You can keep this side. Just say yes. That will help us. And look at me. And look at me. Look straight into my eyes. That thing you call desire to be better is the voice of the real you, inside you, craving to be more. I know they didn't hear me. That thing you call desire. If I knew that it would respond this way, I would have come up with quotes on desire. The very first step to success is desire. And that's why the Bible tells you that the desires of the righteous shall be granted. So if there is no potency in desire. If there is no capacity in desire. If there is no virtue in desire. God will not speak about desire the way he spoke. So that thing you call desire. Am I talking to somebody? Is the voice of the real you, craving to be turned loose. Say it. Stop catching me here. And I will be praying for you before I walk out from you today. In the name of Jesus, that real you will emerge. You are not yet with me until you are connected. I will say one or two things and walk away. Listen to me. I passed on a young man, long, long years back. Rashid Adewi. With the name Rashid, you now know that he has a Muslim background. Am I talking to somebody? But then converted to Christianity. And back then, sir, we used to call this youth department CA, Christ Ambassadors. And just like they have the youths week. We normally have Christ Ambassadors week. And then the youths day. And I was sitting behind Rashid Adewi. When I was passing a service of God Church at Alakberry. And he was the one who was preaching. That young man made a statement that even at death I will still be remembering. Because he quickened me. I heard him say that the worst that can happen to any individual. Look at my face. Is for him to begin his life journey at birth. I know you understand English language. For somebody to begin his life journey at birth. The moment you were born and you cried and you were welcomed. Which is also your journey in destiny. And you continued all through. Maybe God gives you 200 years to live. And you die at the other end, unnoticed. They know they are here. The only way God will forbid it is for you to listen to what I am saying. There are certain statements that does not change anything. It is actions that changes it. God forbid does not change it. The only way that God can forbid it is listening for being in this meeting. And they glorified God in me. Okay. And that young man said. If it were an ungodly. If it were unbeliever. We can excuse him. But now you are a child of God. And look at me. God the father lives in you. God the son lives in you. God the holy spirit lives in you. The word of God is supposed to enlighten you. You are supposed to be living in God's world. And the word of God shall work out the purpose of God in your life. And you continue from the point of being born again. To the day you die and you never make an impact in your generation. What an error. And such error must be corrected. And no one will correct that error for you except you. Did you hear me? And I pray for you. After today. May people see reason in your life and mine. That will make them glorify God. We are beginning to wake up from your slumber. So then make two great lights. The greater light to rule. Did you see the word there? To rule. To rule. To govern. To administrate. To function. To rule the day. And the lesser light to rule. And he made the stars also. Number one thing that I want to deal with. If you will give me your attention and give me your response. Is I want to destroy inferiority complex in you. Sir. Your people don't know me. This name with the ring bell for my agency. That in some places when I walk in and they say meet Reverend Hilo. Is he the Hilo? But you see. If you know me. You will know that God can bring something out of nothing. No background. And don't make me tell you that story. What are you talking? You have background. I did not have one. I lost my parents before I became six years old. No father. No mother. My half-sister, my mother also died before I became a teenage boy. And in the part of the land in Nigeria that I came from. Such a person would be worse than a slave. I remember that in one occasion at the heat of the day. I stood under a tree and I cursed the day I was born. I cursed anyone who celebrated my birth. And I woke up tomorrow again and it looked as though it was worse. But today. At least. Reverend Awola will tell you that Hilo is not a mean man. But I love that by his grace. Why? I encountered God at the time. And there was a revolution. And if it happened to me. Yours will be more. If I have not offended. Let me hear you say amen to my prayer. Do you know why? Awola B. Did I pronounce it well? Sir. Every English language I speak today. I did not learn in a classroom. The worst I can do to myself is to stand here to tell you a lie. I didn't. Why? Because there was none to pay my fee to go to school. So. But. When God picks a man. He turns him around. That was what Apostle Paul was trying to make the people to know. Even though in his own case he was fighting against God. But when he encountered God there was a turnaround. And he began to walk the upright path. That when people saw it they said. Is it not the man who had been fighting God. What he was fighting against. Is now what he is preaching and defending. Even to the point of death. And I preface you. That that God that brought such kind of change. In Apostle Paul and my little testimony. May he encounter you in the name of Jesus. Why? Whether you believe it or not. We are passing the way to leave you behind. When we are there and look back. What shall we see? Alright. What shall we see? The heroes of faith that have gone before us. As we look back today. What are they seeing? The greater light to rule the day. The lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. Let me now see if I can enter into my message. Can I hear you shout? I want to hear you shout too. He made the stars also. One, two, go. He made the stars also. Say it so you can hear yourself. One, two, go. He made the stars also. Have you forgotten your name? No, is the answer. Because intelligent people don't forget their name. And you are one. So if I have not forgotten your name. Let me hear you put your name in the place of the word stars. One, two, go. And he made Emmanuel also. Now, listen. As part of my teaching. Did you notice that when we said he made the stars also. There was a rhyme. Our voice was like flowing together. Talk to me. Talk to me now. And don't make me repeat it again because of our time. But when you put your name and I put my name, it's Kata. Talk to me. In other words, by the act of God's creation of each and every one of us, we are unique. And you cannot already, I have already entered into it. I can't change this message. I can, but I will not. We are unique. You cannot get two persons that are the same. Even identical twins are not the same. They are not really identical by nature. They are identical by physics. When you look at their body shape. Look at their face. And sometimes you can distinguish between the two. Alright. You are unique individual. Look my face. Because I pray for you before I come. That's why I am not happy if you are not listening to me. I pray for you and I still pray for you. This night I woke up in the night to pray for you. Look me. Young one. You are not a biological accident that happened. You didn't hear me. You are not a biological accident that happened. Maybe put it this way. There is no such thing as an unwanted child. Your parents may not want you. But you are here because heaven wants you here. You are not behaving like the kind of people I am talking to. Okay. Nature may not want you. Of course, those of you, our parents, those of us adults. That they have taught how to do. How to prevent pregnancy and all that. Give me language now. Family. They know it. Even some of them know it past you. Family planning. And all that. And you do everything to do your family planning. You don't want the kid again. Who jump all the gates and jump all the fence. And come here. Why? The parents know one time. But God wants them here. I call you by name. You are not a biological accident that happened. You are a product of divine design. God sat on his administrative table. Carefully designed you. Thoughtfully programmed you in your mother's womb. And after the number of years of incubation. Or months of incubation rather. You were battered into this age for a purpose. And I pray. Before you close your eyes in death in your good old age. You will fulfill that purpose. That's what I come to tell you. See what a giant in you can be awakened. Let me help you. Tell me say the no no. You know that the very day you were conceived. Millions of live egg was released by your father. Into your mother. Tell me say you no no. And all these millions. Why you? Why was it you? That fertilized your mother's egg. And began to grow. You know they are here. If I have all the time to teach you. That your mother's egg that was fertilized. Is not anything larger than full stop. When you finish writing with your Bible. And you put full stop. It's not even as large as that. It cannot be larger. But you were put in fact your papa old. He said you cannot see it with the physical eyes. Except you use magnified telescope. Have you? Huh? Microscope. The one that scopes the micro. Alright. You can see it. And then they come together. And look at you. Look at you. I'm not there to talk about the beauty of seed. Look at you. Look at me. Don't make me angry. You think it was by accident? You think it is by chance? Look at me. I do not care. How backward. How wretched. Your family is. It has nothing to do with your family background. Am I talking to somebody here? Because the devil will tell you in your family. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Shut up! God did not raise you because of your family. God raised you because there is a destiny you are meant to fulfill. Yes, product of God from your family. But there is a destiny. It has nothing to do with class. It's simply knowledge is the key thing. Knowledge. Did you read your Bible? And it tells you that by knowledge shall the righteous be delivered. Sir, I bought a book on diets. And the man titled the book, very voluminous book, he said, What you do not know might be killing you. Ignorance is a waster. Ignorance is a destroyer. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. And I come today, the very first knowledge I want to implant in your spirit that will make you come to the point when people look at you, when people interact with you, when people relate with you, when people do those things with you, they will glorify God in you, is to let you know that you are here for a purpose. And I'm going to join faith with you to pray. May that purpose come to materialization. In the name of God the Father. I have not offended, let me hear. In the name of God the Son. In the name of God the Holy Spirit. So it has nothing to do with your family background. It has nothing to do with anything. If me without education can communicate with you the way I'm communicating, that's why I tell you people that your days are better than mine. And God will require more from you. And look at your age, look at your time. Oh yes, you can just go and get anything, Google and get anything you want to get and all that. In our days I had cover Bible. Without even central notes. Without no reference. And we tried and we came up. And your days are far better. I'm not dying now. I know that I'm not dying now. Ten years from today, if I seize you, I will see glory shining forth. In the name of God the Father. In the name of God the Son. In the name of God the Holy Spirit. My reverend, one of the things that I enjoy these days, is that people will meet me, and will remind me when you came blah blah blah, you said this, you said this, you prayed for me. And I will say thank God for that. And I pray. So anything that makes you begin to see yourself as inferior, and one more use, in such, anything that makes you look at yourself and say you mean me too, or there are bullies, you know there are bullies, that want to make you go inside your shell, and die quick, by the way they react to you, by the way they speak to you, by the way they bully you, some teachers are bullies, some lecturers are bullies, just one, wanting you to die before you begin to manifest, by the powers vested in the name of Jesus, I break their yoke out of your mind. They are not dealing with your spirit man, they are massaging your mind. Make you believe what is love. Make you see yourself the way you ought not to see yourself. Am I sure I am talking to the right person? He may not like my kind of preaching, but he met the stars also. Now, I will agree, I am going to call you, now you can bring me, Okasanya is a very good brother of mine, Okasanya, Reverend Okasanya, the assistant superintendent of Lagos district. He wrote a book, was trying to explain whether stars are born or stars are made. Please pick his book, and he had had me preach this before he wrote me the book. And we discovered that stars are born before they are made. Unanogia. Every one of you who is hearing me now, young man, what are you laughing at? Every one who is hearing me now, you are a star, waiting to begin to shine. Unanogia. Can I remind you, that it was the star of Jesus that announced his arrival in the planet earth. Talk to me, talk to me. If you agree with me, let your amen show that we are together. It was the star, that announced him. It was the star, hello, that introduced him. I am calling up the star that is in you, to begin after this meeting, to introduce you to your generation. You are so unique, that we need your uniqueness. Now, because you are unique, let me deal with copyrights. Sir, one of the things that the devil uses in caging many, including most of us ministers of the gospel, is that, if I waste all of my mental energy, comma, main sentence, I have not finished, all of my spiritual energy, physical energy, to want to be like reverend Dr. Awoladi, did I pronounce it well? Awoladi, I can only be his second best. You are not getting me, you are not used to me. I can only be his imitation, his Taiwan, his inferior. I can't be him. Oh, you didn't get it. I can only be his second best, because all I am trying to do is to be like. The difference between being like, and being him. So why do I want to be the inferior, when I can be the original? Because the real me is the original. And the real me, and I'm happy now, today and tomorrow, and before tomorrow, the real me carries potential. The real me carries what people are looking for. And all I will do is to yield the real me to God, and allow him who placed that real me inside me, to bring up, bring up what has placed within me, and introduce me to my generation. And they will come looking for me. Those that need whom he is, will come looking for him. And the sky is too vast, that it does not permit two birds to begin to flap their wings together, and struggling. And I call you by the power that is vested in the name of Jesus, after praying for you, may you be introduced to your generation. Thank you Baba, thank you Sir. May you be introduced to your generation. In the name of God the Father, Amen. In the name of God the Son, In the name of God the Holy Spirit, Now quickly open to the book of 1 Corinthians, let me see if I can run fast, because the clock is asking me to go. Somebody must help me, this year. 1 Corinthians chapter number 15, Number 15, Look at verse 40, Sorry, maybe I will come back to it tomorrow. Look at number 40, 1 Corinthians 15, 40. Permit me to read. What does it say there? There are also celestial bodies, and terrestrial bodies. Celestial bodies are the bodies of heaven, the stars, the moon, the Mercury, the Jupiter, etc. Say Amen. Amen. I know here are you. Amen. The terrestrial body is human being, animal being, and the plants, trees. Alright? And it says, Can I hear you shout glory? Glory. I know here are you. Glory. But the glory of the celestial is how many? Shout it now. One. One. Let me hear you shout one. One. And the glory of the terrestrial is another one. My second daughter is doing her Ph.D. in English language. She teaches English. She teaches English. She teaches English. She teaches English. She teaches English. My second daughter is doing her Ph.D. in English language. So she teaches me that the word one is implied in another one. It may be two. It may be one and half. It's not half. It's one. Alright? There is one glory of the sun. Say I hear you shout. I hear you shout. How many glory of the sun? One. How many glory of the sun? One. And another one glory of the moon. How many glory of the moon? One. Where did you get the greater one and the lesser one? Now. I will ask you. Where did you get the greater one and the lesser one now? One glory of the sun. One glory of the moon. Another one glory of the stars. Talk to me now. And one star differs from another star in glory. In function. And in power. In capacity. Beware. So if anybody is braggadoing for, I know it's not a correct English, is priding himself or herself that he belongs to the class of the sun. Let the sun give its light. But by the time the sun is through giving its light, let the moon rise. And the moon will rise and give its sun. Give its light. But when they are through, let them get out of the way. And let the stars shine. And I speak to you. Any power that has been assigned to quench your shining of the star you are born to be by the power that is in the name of Jesus, I command them to go down to the deep. Did you notice that he said, arise and shine. Isaiah. Talk back to me. Your people are not helping me much. Arise and shine. For your light has come. Or rather the old king James said, for your light is come. Talk now. And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. Not going to. So if you are not shining, it is an error. If you are not shining, you are going to be held accountable by God. Why? When we now come to the New Testament, it says for God who caused light to shine out of darkness. That same God has shined in our spirits. And so there is no reason why you are not to shine. Except because we refuse to. And that is why I said to see if our knowledge will come into you and then you activate that very shining capacity that is placed within you and your generation will enjoy you. And they will give glory back to God. In the name of God the Father. In the name of God the Son. And in the name of God the Holy Spirit. Your amen is making me angry. Maybe next other time. I want you to read Matthew chapter 5. I will use this one. I will call you up to this place and pray for you. I didn't even preach my message. Oh yes. I didn't preach my message. Because trying to wake you up did not allow me. Matthew chapter 5. Are you with me? Verse 14 to verse number 16. Wisdom. Pastor Wisdom. Please come. I would want us to read it. Please if you do not have message Bible. Put your finger in your Bible and don't read. If you do not have message Bible. Don't look into any book. Except your writing. Are you with me? Did you see it? Message Bible. Matthew 5. Verse 14 to 16. Look at me. He says. Here is another way. No. Okay. Let me begin with this. Because of time. Let me go back to chapter 13. Talking about salt and light. Jesus said you are the light of the earth. You are the salt of the earth. Look here. Let me see whether this will catch up with you. He says. Let me tell you why you are here. Dr. Owolabi. You want to join? Okay. You have it there. Thank you. Sit down sir. I am glad. Let me tell you why you are here. If nobody had told you. The world wants to tell you. Why you are here. Why am I here? Let me tell you why you are here. You are here. To be salt. Seasoning. That brings out. The God flavors. In this earth. On this earth. Anything short of it. Oh. Thank you sir. Thank you sir. So that they are reading it. Let me tell you why you are here. The very day you were conceived. Heaven knows why you are conceived. Did he not tell Jeremiah. He said. Before I found you in your mothers womb. I knew thee. Am I talking to somebody? And before you came out of your mothers womb. I have ordained you for a purpose. Now this is the purpose. Let me tell you why you are here. Let me tell you why you are here. You are here to be salt. Seasoning. Seasoning. That brings out. The God flavors. Of this earth. If you lose your saltness. How will people taste godliness. Christian of today. You want to imitate what the devil's children are doing. And quite unfortunately. They are bringing it as a song into the church. And make us dance Nakosa. Because it excites. And you forget why you are here. They have forgotten our theme. Apostle Paul says. They glorify the God in me. Look at me. And then they glorify God. Why? Because I am living. In alignment. With the purpose. For which I am here. Thank you sir. Come. If you lose your saltness. How will people taste godliness. How will people taste the salt. You have lost your usefulness. And will be up in the garbage. Thank you sir. That is about the salt. But we are not talking about the light. Alright. Now in the case of the salt. There is a capacity within you. There is a potential within you. There is a relevance. Within you. That is meant to cause a change in people. That interacts with you. And he said when you lose it. In anger. People will throw you out. By the other translation. The new king James. And the old king James. He said people will throw you out. And as a result of frustration. That you are not giving people what they expect. They angrily will trample you on the feet. And I pray. That every power. From every corner. From every angle. That wants to make you lose your saltness. Today I pray their powers in the name of Jesus. Because we are meant to make impact. Let your light so shine. Before me. That they will see your good works. Not good work in singular. But your good works. And glorify your father. Because of you. Let me tell you something. Look at the next one. Here is another way to put it. You are here to be light. Bring out. Sorry. Thank you my brother. You see why I am calling it. Bringing out the God of colors. In the world. Because the drunk cannot bring out the color of God. In the world. The cheats. The yahoo boys. And the yahoo girls. The prostitutes. The ungodly. I was listening to a great man of God talking to us. We keep praying. We keep praying for our leaders. And he said you are praying for a wicked man to do right. He cannot do right. Because he does not have the nature of doing right. He is wicked. He is wicked. He is not born again. And now they cannot bring the. Yes now. They cannot bring God's color into this earth. And you and I. Who have God's image in us. Of course we are born again. He dwells in us. We have God in us. And to bring God's color in this earth. Let your light to shine. Before me. And they will see your good works. And glorify your father which is in heaven. Your heaven is making me to be angry. That is what I hear. Here is another way to put it. You are here to be light. Bringing out God. The God colors. In the world. God is not a secret. To be kept. Did you hear that? God is not a secret to be kept. He said. Don't put the light. And you put it on that bush. Put it on the lamp stand. God is not a secret to be kept. We are going public. No. God is not a secret to be kept. We are going public with this. As public as a city on a hill. If I make you light. You don't think. If I make you light bearer. You don't think I am going to hide you under a bucket. Do you? Will God hide you under a bucket? No. Now the potentials that are within you. In the name of Jesus. I will be praying for you in the next few minutes. May the Lord begin to bring them into manifestation. Amen. Amen is making me angry. Amen. He said. Do you? I am putting you on a lamp stand. Now that I have put you there. On a hilltop. On a light stand. Shine. Keep open house. Be generous with your life. By opening up. To others. You will prompt people. To open up with God. This generous father. In heaven. Say Amen. So please copy it. And study it. The clock is asking me to go. Is it up to 8.30? And I saw it be. And I know give me microphone on time. No problem. Alright. Thank you sir. Thank you sir. And they glorified God in me. And they glorified God in me. What kind of life are you living? What kind? What kind? What will people say? In your absence? What are they saying? Now. And they glorified God. In me. If I had the time. To break my text. Which is the book of Genesis 1.14. Down through to 18. You will discover. That the reason for the light. Is that I put you up there. In the sky. To make a difference. Between darkness and what? Light. Is there any difference? In the Christianity we see today? And one of the reason I thought I would have done a good job. But I am sorry if I didn't do a good job with you. This night. And I know please give me microphone. To both. If not only two persons. I will begin with them. I am serious. Is. Because we are living at a time. That. Sir. Whether you believe it or not. By the time we finish preaching on Sunday. Good number of these persons that are here. Who are our members. They will open internet. And listing things. And at the open internet. At the listing too. And they are bringing many trash. Before us. Let them not make me to begin to call names. There are people with thoughts. We can follow. When they teach. And when we hear them now. We are saddened. Do you know that in your internet. You know. Because you use it more than I do. That are beginning to make you believe. That the Bible is not really the word of God. From the pulpit. Okay. You agree. What are they doing? I believe personally. That these. The Bible said. They went out from us. They are going out from us. Is this their change of administration. Because originally. They were not a part of us. They came in. In order to camouflage. Now they are going out. That you would think. You see the same person. That is talking before. Is talking now. And they are luring you away from the word. Walk away from the word of God. You are walking in the dark. And God will not fellowship with you in the dark. Period. They are now teaching people. That divorce has not. And many. Good number of them preachers now. Have divorced. And they are living with their second wife. And they are still shouting. Speaking in tongues. Still prophesying to people. But the truth remains. That Jesus said. On that last day. You will tell me. I prophesied in your name. But I will tell you. I never knew you. You are walkers of iniquity. Teach your people. That the word iniquity. Means perverseness. Perverseness. They know how to pervert. Perverse the truth. Perverse righteousness. Perverse the word of God. Make it look appealing to you. And those of you. Who are gullible. You will jump in. And swallow it. Bait. Hook. Sinker. And they are dragging you. To hell. And I pray for you. In the name of Jesus. Message Bible has told you. Why you are here. To make the difference. To make the difference. So that people will see God in you. People will see Christ in you. Even if they say. Are you going to be another. Mary. Mary. Mary the mother of Jesus. Tell them if God makes me. Mary the mother of Jesus. I will be. I want to be. Who God wants me to be. And not what your generation. Wants me to be. And I pray for you. If you know the passion. Of course I am going back. To keep praying for you. Every one of you. Who had me today. By the power. That is in the name of Jesus. Your staff will introduce you. To your generation. Remove this thing. I want to call them up there. And pray. Because I don't want to. Disobey your time. But please. I want to beg you. Come here on time. Tomorrow. You know. I will teach today. Come here on time. Tomorrow. I may pick one or two things. From this place. And say it. But I want to speak to you. On what I call. The beauty of seed. I want to bring out. The radio. To you. You shall be better than myself. You shall be better than myself. Your enemy making me angry. I call you. By your first name. Whomever you desire to be like. In a godly manner. You shall surpass such a man. You shall surpass such a woman. Would you want me to pray for you? Stand on your feet. And follow me. Follow me. I will pray for you. Jesus must be honoured. Must be honoured. Must be honoured. I know they hear you. Jesus must be honoured. In my life. Every day.

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