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Dying to Self as Christian Workers - Apostle Peterson O. Abu

Dying to Self as Christian Workers - Apostle Peterson O. Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



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The transcription is about a workers meeting in a church. The speaker talks about the importance of Christian workers being dedicated and selfless in their service. They read from Galatians and Philippians to emphasize the need to put aside personal ambition and focus on serving others. The speaker also refers to Jesus as an example of selflessness and encourages the workers to deny themselves and take up their cross. The overall message is about the importance of dying to oneself in order to serve effectively as a Christian worker. into the hands of God that as Christian worker that this section will become blessing to your life in the name of Jesus your mouth and talk to the Lord that this day will be memorable the Lord we want to experience you in our life as Christian worker we want to know you more as Christian worker we want to encounter your presence that will become workers doing work acceptable to your will that the blessings of the Lord will come upon us will be become example become instrument in God's hands in Jesus mighty name we pray father we thank you for this very moment bless us even in this meeting in Jesus name make us to become workers that can be trusted workers dependable reliable in the name of Jesus thank you father because you are faithful for in Jesus mighty name we pray amen you may have your seat I welcome you to our workers meeting and thank you so much for making our time to be able to be here even at this time my prayer to God almighty is that our sacrifice our sacrifices toward the work of God would be acceptable before God in Jesus name before we go to the next section of our meeting today we'll be having a wonderful time with the Lord as usual the Lord always speak to us whenever we come together for our workers meeting and we know that the Lord is very willing to speak more to us I will be discussing with you on the topic I titled here as dying to serve as Christian worker dying to serve as Christian worker as sometimes we focus more on the church or the congregation or the members but we feel less concerned or we assume that the workers don't need such a teaching in as much we are also teaching the congregation the members it is also God these workers becomes better example for others to copy and that is why the Lord is reminding us of something very important that we must deal with in our life in order for us to become better workers so we are talking about dying to serve as Christian workers dying to serve as what Christian worker we'll be reading Galatians chapter 5 verse 17 Galatians chapter 5 verse 17 let us open our bibles Galatians chapter 5 verse 17 you know that when our sister was leading us in the hymn song we sang I surrender but over this issue we are going to check or know what we need to what surrender so Galatians chapter 5 verse 17 let us read together the count of two one two go for the flesh lusted against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary the one to the other so that he cannot do the things that he would where Paul Paul was trying to reveal to the church in Galatia that uh they say contending there is a warfare that goes on between our flesh and our world and the spirit of God and these two contradict one another and if the flesh paraventure revealed over the spirit it all depends on us that we will not be able to do the things which we would have done waste a lot so there's something we should have done that the flesh can comes to hinder us let us go to the book of Philippians because we're talking about dying to serve as Christian worker Philippians chapter 2 I read from verse 3 to verse 5 and then verse 21 Philippians chapter 2 verse 3 to verse 5 and then we read verse 21 Philippians chapter 2 if you are there say amen okay Philippians chapter 2 from verse 3 to verse 4 want to go let his mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus now we are talking about the issue of self and Paul was speaking to the church in Philippi he said today in verse 3 let nothing be done through what strife of vain glory that means as a Christian worker let your working for God not be based on strife what is the meaning of strife let not be that it is art of fighting heart of battling at the end of it all you now what render service to God it should be from a willful what mind and it should not also be from vain glory what is vain glory in order for you to be praised not because you really want to do that but you just want a glory that is not from God a glory of praises that is not from God and if we don't deal with this this thing called serve it can make us to develop praises desire appetite for praises that irrespective of who is caught on the way as long we are receiving the praises it doesn't matter who is silent it doesn't matter the people that are supposed to take over such ability or such responsibility but we have to kill them we have to she sold them we have to push them out from it so that we will be the one to come on limelight is it let nothing be done through what strife or what vain glory but in lowliness of mind in humility of mind let each extreme order better than what that themselves the moment we start saying that this border is better than me the first thing it kills even though you know that you are better than that brother the moment you say well i believe God can use his brother more than me i believe that the only difference is that when God lays and upon this border God can use him so let him do it the moment we start having such interest we kill the appetite for pride we kill the glory of self therefore he looked not every man on his own words things but every man also works on the things of others yes self look for wholly his own thing self does not consider what others feel self does not consider the things of what others when it comes to self as long as satisfied self self does not care to consider how other things are going so Paul the apostle was speaking to the church in Philippi he said look not ever look not onto your own thing but let your concentration also be on the things of what others then he put it in he said what let this mind be in you which was also what in Christ Jesus it means that Jesus was not a safe man that was right when he was on earth he kept doing just the will of the father he never did his own what will think about this if we were to interview Jesus and say okay Jesus sit down first sit down first you know when you came you live your life for God and you please the father okay Jesus what was your personal ambition he would have told you that well I had no personal ambition he said but you came to live on earth he said well my ambition was to do the will of my father that means if God never instructed Jesus to do anything you will never see did anything it also means that everything Jesus did while he was on earth even though he was sitting down he was standing up he was eating he was sleeping everything was based on the will of God if God never wanted Jesus Christ to sleep all through his earthly existence on earth he would not have sleep if God said okay Jesus the reason I'm sending you into this world is that you should dance for the rest of your life Jesus would have been dancing till he died so you would never see Jesus do anything without consulting the father so every time Jesus was living he was living for who for God would that be the reason why Paul the apostle said to live is for Christ to die is gain so Paul was saying that the reason I'm living is for Christ my my essence for living is for who for Christ and that should be the commitment of every Christian worker if I'm living I'm living for Christ if I am dying is gain because I am advancing the kingdom I am going to have to be populations in heaven so say that if you want to kill me you're actually making effort to populate if you say you are not going to kill me I'm going to complete what heaven so say that in whichever way you are the one losing so the reason we are talking about dying is that when we look at the heroes of faith beginning from our Lord Jesus Christ we never saw that Jesus lived for himself and this is same invitation that Jesus has passed to the church if you read the gospel Matthew Mark Luke John you will see Jesus Christ every time he was inviting people to come and walk with him the first thing he told them was to deny themselves Matthew chapter 16 verse 24 Matthew chapter 16 verse 24 dying to serve as Christian worker Matthew 16 verse what verse 24 we are going to read it together are we ready he want to go then said Jesus unto his disciples if any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me praise the Lord now Jesus look at the disciples you know this kind of teachings you cannot give it to multitude there are people that Jesus have wonderful teachings for or with I never had with the multitude now when he faced disciples now the disciples were not just the 12 disciples it was the 12 disciples with other people that were following what Jesus and Jesus saw that the disciples they were getting many and it was not Jesus way of dealing with most people he saw that it was not just the 12 again these people there are more than 12 this time it's okay for the 12 they already knew this teaching because every one of them left what they had to follow me and they look at the whole workers let us call the disciples workers are you getting me and he said well if any of you will follow me deny your word serve take up your what your course now let me explain what Jesus meant by denying himself because we are talking about dying to what to serve as Christian worker Jesus is saying as a human yourself you have your personal plan for yourself is it a bad thing of course no before I responded to ministry I wanted to be electric engineering when I wanted to go to university of university of Uniport I wanted to read I applied as a marine engineer but I think I wasn't qualified to enter there so I went for that and I studied what electrical engineer when I was true I came out I said okay I want to be a very good expert in the field of health safety environment and as well other courses I collected professional courses that was my personal adventure was it bad no it was not bad if I say I want to be an engineer it was a good thing if I said okay I want to marry a white lady was it a bad thing no I don't want to marry a Nigerian lady because if I marry a Nigerian lady and Nigerians have this mentality of of making people suffer a person will just suffer and die it was a bad plan but I was dealing with my own personal world my selfish interest so Jesus was telling them if any man will come after me let that man know that he must not deny himself you will carry your personal ambition you will carry your personal lifestyle like before I got born again and I'm your pastor there's something I don't like there's that some things we call it in English we say this thing uh when something reacts with your body what is it called um maybe you saw something what is it called in English I think there's an English name for it I don't even like using the public bathroom because when I was very young if I see that the bathroom has the sand on the floor I like to think my body will be are you with me and many other things I don't like I don't like some smell that some smell I will perceive I don't like it it it hits me but when I got born again I'm not saying that Jesus said he allowed me to do it in order for me to engage in unity with the blood of Christ when I go for camp meetings sometimes the bathroom we use you may say that somebody flush and you'll be painting close to it you may be able to see somebody poop on the floor and there's no need for me to say I am tired self they're not get sense no I deny my works myself I deny what I love what I like what I wish what I desire I deny all of those things so Jesus said if you will come after me let him deny himself what is the cross now the cross is I don't like this one but let me just what do it I can't bath in this place on my own for because of Jesus let me what path here the things you don't like to do for you that you started doing them because of whom Christ they are your words and your cross and the cross means dying death it means that you are gradually killing that your selfish appetite it can become you get used to it so you can pick anywhere now because Christ has helped you to be that self-interest so your life you are living for who for Christ praise the Lord so Jesus told them to his disciples if any man will come after me let him deny himself before we got born again or even when we got born again some of us have this self-interest of retaliation if you do me I will what I will beat you injure you I will go and repent but as time goes on somebody goes back on your face look at the person say God bless you the reason you can't react again is because of what because of Christ hallelujah yes because of Christ before somebody doing something like this you can carry face for 24 hours and everybody will know that you are carrying what face but now you are dead you that they know this something to a few hours later you are laughing somebody will come to us and say well are you not the one that did something to you they say I'm forgetting about it Jesus said just make us to be busy with so many things that we can't even remember what offenses because that is what the cross do it comes to kill what self like what self find pleasure in hallelujah self in this context that we're talking about means a personal strong will and desire to profit oneself at the expense of God's will at the expense of the feelings of others the desire to what profits oneself at the expense of what as at the expense of God's will so I am doing this one to please myself whether it displeases God doesn't concern me whether it displeases others it doesn't what concern me so anything that makes you to say if you offend God or not to none of my business I've been seeing some people like that so well whether it offend God this person I must enjoy this person he said he said as Christian worker offenses will come from the workforce offenses will come from the members hallelujah and if we're not there to serve you will see yourself retaliating to the members you will see yourself telling yourself that seeing this person did this to me as a member oh anywhere I see me should just be running away no when you do that you are destroying the work of God hallelujah when you do that what are you doing you are destroying what the work of God you see this thing of Christianity look up here it cannot be pretended are you with me you cannot pretend life if you are retaliation by nature it will show if you try to conceive it from the church you will go to your marketplace and you will do it because the grace you know the problem with modern churches is that people who are not dead we are burying them you understand what I mean okay you see the Bible says except a corn of wheat fall to the ground and died it abided alone but if it died it bringeth forth much food people who are not dead to serve we use religiosity to promote them to extend them and you discover that when they are promoted they become problem there because the things they should have overlooked they didn't submit themselves on Calvary to be dealt with they begin to cause problem above hallelujah that is why denial of self and the crucifying of self is a must for a Christian worker who will walk with God who will what walk with God if it does not be achieved in your life along the journey it will cause more problem hallelujah where is the Lord so we are talking about denial of what time to serve as a Christian worker a believer who is full of self is called a savage person let me tell you how this message came about I was around 12 this afternoon I was at home I just finished writing the message for tomorrow and the Lord was speaking to me speaking to the church what I should what address I have already written a topic I wanted to write for tomorrow message which is Sunday I felt the Lord was wanting me to correct something which I felt it has been what corrected and when I finished the message I had 12 after 12 I said okay let me rest meditate and suddenly say okay what about the work and told me to start right that was what I wrote I wrote this message that's what you know before I always put your message few maybe one hour to the time to walk us with it or I prepare your message during the week before weekend hallelujah now what am I trying to tell you is that before the teacher will come tomorrow to address the members the Lord is first what addressing us is telling us that if we don't deal with this in our life the work of God will suffer hallelujah the work of God will work will suffer where is the Lord so a believer who is full of is called a selfish person a believer who is what is called what a selfish person and to be selfish is not to be conceited on all on how others feel about it praise the Lord the moment you are not conceiving how others feel about it you don't care to know if it ought others you don't care to know if it will tempt others to sin you don't care to know if it will if it will allow others to think that is a permission for everybody to do a selfish person are you getting me now a selfish person consider just himself his emotions his feelings alone and it will destroy the work of God where is the Lord you know sometimes when I when we when the pastor when we come up as pastor and say okay um this thing should not be done nobody should be here this is not you sometimes it's not because we just like to do it sometimes we consider if that thing number one is a bad example towards to others number two we consider if that thing will cause others to what to see number three we consider if that thing is but when there is self self we say well I like to do it that is what matter it doesn't matter whether it goes against God's will whether I defy any divine structure or authority as long it pleases me I do that that is a Christian worker that is full of what is full of self and to be selfish is not to be considerate on how others feel about it are we following okay so God wants us as Christian workers to present self on the altar of crucifixion God wants to nail self to the cross look up here if we don't deal with self in our lives you know what God normally do I was speaking to people some time ago and I told these people I said anything you fail to keep in your life you will discover that somebody that has similar thing in your life will start doing that towards you praise the Lord if you are selfish the people God will be bringing to you because he wants to deal with self in you are you with me will be people that has what self now sometimes we are quick to rebuke people but the most important thing is before you rebuke somebody ask yourself do I have what I have self interviewed I don't know if you saw the recent something happened recently where a particular minister of God were wrongly accused let me not say wrongly accused he was accused and people were speaking over the social media and I was watching when they were interviewing this pastor they asked this pastor he said what do you think about what people are saying about you he said actually so we it's not it's nobody to defend what himself that whenever they they raise such accusation against him he said one of the first thing he does is that he will go back and ask himself am I really doing what they are saying if people say I'm a proud man am I doing what what is what and it doesn't come out to defend himself it doesn't what come out to defend himself when they accuse him of that he will say for the people to be able to accuse him and the thing goes viral it might be that God is using that to point finger to him and said deal with this in your life nobody's doing about it but I'm not using somebody to shirk you because sometimes we may use our loud voice to defend ourselves and say what is wrong with these people are you mad I'm a man of God not doing that kind of thing and that may be that God just allowed that because that kind of deal is not now it's not there now but it's going to be there next week Friday and God wants you to deal with it before it will come next week was Friday hallelujah so sometimes God help us to shirk himself is still in our life I pray may we become better example for the members hallelujah I'm telling you the truth if if you cannot be an example that somebody can look up and say this sister this brother I just want to be like you I've never found an error with you you are still far from Calvary if nobody can stand before you and say I like the way you are living your Christian life you are not but you are far you are close to God you are not if nobody can say that to you you are not even close to Calvary you are different from God because if you have entered the light the Bible said the light will shine in darkness and what will happen darkness we comprehend it not it means that in the light is there somebody that has darkness in his life must say you are a Christian you are a pastor even though you are not a what not a pastor as workers we must take time take time to deal with what serve in what in our life so I write here the symptom of a worker that is full of what serve the symptom what the worker that is full of self I write just 10 symptoms so that we can go to the next section number one symptom is that desiring to sin intentionally against God seeking pleasure for self rather than what obeying God well you know that something is a sin hallelujah this thing is a what it is seen and you decided to still do it we are full of what you know that this particular thesis is a man a pastor pastoral who were discussing this afternoon before I came to church and I corrected him few days ago so I was trying to explain to him the reason I was corrected he praised the Lord and I told him I said you know this particular person not really so I thank you you know say ah so is it not this particular person you were trying to you always talk about I say yes I said this particular person I said okay this is what it did actually he slept with a lady and ran with so and so amount of money he says no he's a man of God he cannot do this are you with me I said that is why I'm telling you to be careful of this ministry of 18 there are people that would have lived their best of Christian life if they were not what pastors and there are people that would have lived their best of life if they were not pastor's wife praise the Lord okay now he slept with a woman a lady and is now a chief alongside an adulterer and he's not stealing this he would not have done he assumed a servant under a particular world church but the first thing he did was to leave every authority over him he left every authority over him left the church to be alone nobody's questioning where are you uh why are you not in church the moment he left the authority what he has done just hold it this month last month he has never done it when he was minister praise the Lord safe one thing safe look for is freedom to exercise hallelujah so number one we talk about that you know that something is a sin are you still what go into it what is that safe number two always conceding your self-image more than God's rebuke more than God's correction more than God's instruction conceding your self-image more than what God's correction praise the Lord you know there are people that will say pastor just disgraced me the pastor just disgraced me he doesn't know who i am he just brought me down who are you that was the problem of of of some of a king's talk when samuel rebuked shaw before the people he said i know i have done what is not good please consider these people if you want to talk to me take me to the corner and talk not before people and let me look at him see this kingdom is taking away from you look at david when prophet nata came he said a man has just one animal another one has many words animal and this particular has been animal came to collect the holy animal that this one was david got aggressive who is that person that person must die and prophet nata not in the secret not in the private prophet nata look at him and say you are the worst man maybe didn't say so you don't have respect what did they be do you see the bible say right there he felt the book of psalm 32 and psalm 51 it was there he said it go and read psalm 32 that was the prayer of david he cried to the lord and said lord cast me not away from thy presence take not the holy spirit from thee it is in my mother world conceive me that psalm his other song was there he said it the moment he was rebuked by god he didn't cover himself and say or excuse face or carry face against nata he put them before god and god said this is the man after my heart the man that when you rebuke right there will be shipping before god have mercy the moment the master defend himself say hey am i the first person to do what about this person he has lost it find that through the life of that man not one time you can document that god used that person the year of samuel of story game later became mad became useless but the moment god finds self in a man that man will become useless before god you will see somebody that you know that this always fall into sin fornication god will he have interest to use such words than the one that is not going to fornication david sinned more than king so did king so kill anybody ridicule anybody's wife but as long david was broken in spirit with a contrite heart god said i will never despise that where there is self there is no brokenness of spirit and there is no contrite heart praise the lord number three withdrawing your service or your supports from the church after being corrected or being rebuked by authority you have self you have what the moment you have rebuke the moment you are corrected you withdraw your service i don't blame them it's because i think it's because they still see me to use as an usher i think it's because they still see me to use as a chorister i think it's because they still see me to use as a pastor i don't blame them watch whether they will see me again this small church do they know you in uh inside legos you are you are we are we are still trying to help you not to be discouraged you are chasing us it will suffer those who have us you know what i thank god for i have met people like that and after three years they will look they will come and spam my facebook page and they say i'm still posting our program and they say this man is still standing they will come 10 years later by the grace of god people who were not in this particular place will be in our own location it's just because we are not doing the work based on self if it is based on self you will just wake up one day somebody said this people will be waiting for me pastor is not coming that's why you will not go and meet my wife i said i'm not saying pastor i said i said it went to work he went to work i also did the work he said yes so he said that is what he likes to do because just god just came to distract him but that is what myself like to do i like to walk in oil company because where i was staying in warwick we have oil work company so it was my desire to be paid in millions because i've seen a woman that they were paying three million per month every month three million salary so if you guess you want me to discuss about my personal will or selfish interest i will tell you that one day you will just come but where are we running to i can't run because even if you give me one billionaire as long there is no god there i don't think i can stay there for days praise the lord so the moment you are corrected you withdraw your service you are not there to what to serve the church i was pastoring could be my single pastor there his sister came he came to church late hallelujah well people started after sunday school that was when he came and then what what she wore was tight was what tight well yes it was tight and then she was called he said i needed to sing my pastor called me outside yeah why did you allow yourself to join them to want to go and sing sister but there's nothing here he said look at what she put up see understand that church that church they started that church is 1974 he said remember that this has been the stand of the church for many years they shouldn't change are you getting me now i want to call the sisters sister this and this is there any way you can your house is not that too far you are still living there by woman can you just quickly go back and watch changes he said but once you put on this it's a little bit tight is this what you have to wear the pastor is not happy with it he just walked away i went to the church my single pastor like i'm talking to him like this he wanted to put the pastor down before the other church everybody will have the same way to treat what because my face changed towards her she know i was not happy but you don't talk to my because a leader is a living easiest way to pull your pastor down to show the example that you can let one person stand up and put him down every other person was that was actually carried face from that day knowing that choir would have got minister i was i went to my pastor's office i was working for the government i explained everything he said tell her to stop singing we're not looking for god she has a voice but she doesn't have the life forget about it we want her to pray to her and that was her that day praise the lord when she when she stopped she became stubborn this time she comes to church whenever she like you know that people like that when you discipline them when you say that this thing is not good you see it all over them i said this kingdom must scatter because you will be good self praise the lord i was on tiktok when i saw somebody with me she has what she has come back to the world she's not leaving for the world praise the lord that means she wanted to just come to cover up the system that she met not that she was really saved or possibly she was really saved she allowed the devil to watch to take her but she was a worker she know that if you introduce that into the church the members will do more than that praise the lord and that was how she left as i saw send that request you know sent with the tiktok to follow somebody i think she saw me that was wrong she didn't follow back but they knew me at that time praise the lord but she would have seen me that i'm different from the way i was then but the photo so much you saw at that time my status for that time praise the lord then number four is working hard from your leader or pastor when being corrected or rebuke when you work hard from now the first one is working out from what the church and i'm not coming again the second one is working out from your leader it's not the character of the words of a christian that is what that is is the character of the state of a christian that is full of what self when you talk to them in the church right in i beg i beg i beg i beg from the church before your pastor what they will not do before their boss is in the place of work they do that with their pastor hallelujah then number five is what rejecting a new position simply because it doesn't suit your feelings and what interest from today you will be a security officer and he said in his mind after all i have done for this church i didn't even see seeking to give to me is to be a security ward sir and maybe not in manual maybe the person will say okay before me physically we say what okay sir and it goes behind so i don't blame you you know there was a brother that came here not too long and he told me all the way from the south south he called told me i saw you in course i should call myself on that what you i said uh are you sure you can i said i'm a very difficult one this is uh i can vow with my life i will serve on that i said i know how to very well but i don't know whether you can go to what literally he said sir i can't deceive you i can vow i just those comments those right off as in my inbox i can vow with what my life so how much is your transport i'm not going to pay your transfer you're going to come it's a no problem sir after some two days that i caught me sir say actually it doesn't have transport first okay but if you can provide me half of the money sir i'll be able to come two days later i called again so he said uh the money actually i'm expecting is with my we do daily contribution in this place my day has not yet reached but because it's emergency i've spoken to the woman holding the money that if you can give to me the woman said no he said but he's going to give me more than the sir can you just borrow this is the amount of money i'm expecting add it to it and say when i come here and the woman send the money to me i will what i will give you the money that month i'm still waiting for the money and that was how i said okay i sent out the 30,000 to that person at least 30,000 is not from church it's my personal money i it paid me before i'm giving you for free but just come and the person came down here and then when he came our pastor lau was there and you know you cannot talk down on pastor lau whom i have been training and i will sit and laugh and i was trying to prove to pastor lau that he has served in different churches this and that and he has attended this bible school and pastor lau was already looking himself down that i'm supposed to if people like this is here how am i going to become pastor waste a lot i said no i said every everything this person have learned outside is where as i said there's a training yeah i called the person i said okay see that's actually you're awake and god bless you i think actually it took me three years to trust the person to leave a church for what the person i said uh for you to become a pastor pushing from the pulpit to take three years i say yeah brokenness is the key we break everybody when the person discovered that they couldn't go to work the process he ran away it couldn't cause issue in the church because but i might say you cannot deceive but i managed to fight against me i met pastor pastor lau you cannot deceive pastor lau to what but you met but i'm not here you met us all over here i went and discovered i couldn't deceive except the people that are like him the couples are you with me and then when i was able to deceive those one and i knew that i couldn't continue because there's an angel here he ran away praise the lord where you want to deal with self if you don't subject self to be dealing with you will run away praise the lord so people have run away from the church people walk out from their past so because of what because of self number what what number winner number six getting angry when your opinion is not generally what accepted okay we say okay this is why we want to build the church this and this and everybody started putting that opinion say okay what about this side so what about this side and out of 100 people 50 people or 70 people they are saying what about this or 80 people are saying sir we think these ones are more these things are more better better if we do it this way and this other set of people we said okay we are very sorry i think the general generally the people that accepted most that which you follow what some people say important opinion nobody accepted it do you know who i am i went to oxford university one of the best i've never said the thing once and it was what and because of that you know what they will do anytime there's another suggestion is there why you keep quiet say the last time i said something in their minds let's keep watching you like we succeed without our opinion and i said well is this okay like that he said well i think that what they said is correct so you can follow what they're saying and yes self-made evil you didn't have enough of opinion my pastor didn't even consider i said i think i was speaking foolishly that doesn't make me okay to accept what people are worth praise the lord when the worker don't deal with self it will start affecting us but okay these are the songs this is the particular song we are going to sing in the choir department how many of you agree with this song and nine people raised up there and we agree and the person that bought the song that was not the same song everybody was agreeing on so nobody agreed with me so you will not discover that from that very moment the brother the sister will just feel so you'll be quiet and be what who i said sister or brother how far are you you are not like before again i'm fine sometimes just good to hear your search search search search praise the lord that's what self can do but the selfless person whether it's my opinion or not my opinion has no crisis what glorified glory be to who and everyone will be looking at that man he's a small boy he didn't go to school well and jesus will say this is the man i will use all nations must know about what this man and suddenly either that's man or that woman everywhere i invite the almighty i'll come i'll not come when he was crucifying self well you know the one glorifying yourself and if i was anyone you will pull down praise the lord that is safe but what again now we are going to close here okay we are going to cut short the uh what is the comfort spot to do so that we just want to fund okay so number one seven refusing to forgive or to let go after apology or church interference when two people have misunderstanding and that they took the matter to the pastor's table and say bro sister what happened and i just you narrated the one this was narrated from this very moment let the matter dissolve despite people has intervened apology has come they still accept that these things happen in among workers workers carrying faith you know you know your pastor is the day i was observing that i see that somebody's kind of wait for me for the next message you know you know the way i normally do it and i'm not scared of anybody am i right i will just prepare a message then help you through the power of jesus if you listen to that message on your own if after that message you still continue then know that you are not far from death because jesus has spoken to you through message you are not here praise the lord then about eight publicly quarreling with members or another worker to prove a point a christian worker should not quarrel with what members and other workers don't worry that is safe then over nine manipulating others or leadership into accepting your own interest opinion and what desire praise the lord you know praise the lord you know i'm a very very young man who has a position to serve god for some more years i still tell you for that 10 years see what small years praise the lord there is this one of my converts who happened to be a worker in the church with me this one it was my combat before he was a worker so he became very close to me very very close to me if i want to do something especially we do have evangelism at that time every wednesday if i want to put evangelism that's when i said i cannot manipulate me i said don't you think these people will not be in those places we are about to go that time you know what he's trying to do he has another plan down when i said to go for another thing he will manipulate me to shoot another word when i knew about it so next time when they come i said leave it like that if we don't see them we'll go back home let us go there what first where there is safe you will manipulate you will manipulate any you can even manipulate the pastor manipulate anybody in authority to do what you want like and that is one thing sorry my wife is here she will never do that to me not that she will not try you with me yeah my wife said you will never sometimes it's when i will come to conclusion i let her know praise the lord that is what i have concluded to do what so when she now said to me i said this is what i've concluded to do because when it comes to spiritual things i have to be very careful not to listen to side talk but to listen to who and when it comes to marital issues praise the lord that's how it goes if not i was the one that shows when is it i was on a few sunday we are starting by 8 we are closing by what 10 30 i was the one that should start today we're closing starting by five close by one i didn't want to hear anything i didn't even tell even what the year for my math was final decision praise the lord because the moment i start allowing them to speak the devil may start using them self we start making them to achieve things praise the lord i said don't do this day who did it and see what i don't mind it's not that kind of it don't put it at this particular word praise the lord and please do not do that now please support do not do that anywhere we find ourselves let the public opinion the general opinion be accepted are you with me don't go against general world opinion don't influence anybody don't don't what i put here i say manipulate don't manipulate anybody praise the lord the last of it which is number 10 is allowing gossiping of the church the leadership and the members so she person is full of work when you sit down to discuss about your password i sent some of the video to you a person who said it and we were looking at it i think i have the problem too in my church let me share it with my members deal with anybody that has that what nation i didn't share to you because you have that nation are you with me just the way i didn't listen to it because i have that word my listening to it not it's not because i was a victim so my mind never went to that angle that people that a member can stop people from coming to us to church my mind has not gone there my mind was going there when the particular person was it was in the church our sister is in another meeting yeah okay okay the video okay okay praise the lord and that was what made me to come for meeting every fight i'm telling you i have to open up to you it was that video that made me to watch i said we have not really been praying what much because even when it was supposed to pray we hear more what the word of god i think we don't pray now you don't know how many put that that particular sister that left you don't know how many he has what because we discovered that i'm expecting they were five and six before i said no no no no we have to start praying if the people that he she was initially close to and now gradually what withdrawing that i say what this is a problem that's why i said let us come for what prayer one hour every Friday we'll pray and pray for the church so that anything they have done anywhere without fighting for the church you don't know what we're talking about yes oh you have a better phone praise the lord that was what for the meeting so that we can be praying for what the church where they will serve there will be gossiping there will be gossiping anytime you start seeing that i know one of the funny thing they took my mother away from a particular church the people that gossip to you will never leave that church even when they successfully gossip my pastor to my my late mother my late mother became not too happy with who my pastor my late mother left that church the people that gossip my pastor and his wife they remain as you what remember you will not understand you will not understand later came later came to meet the scenario in the former one we're doing fellowship who really understands my wife me i don't think you will meet the person with her daughter you were the only one that was there when they began to go from member to member spoiling my wife spoiling my name my prayer point change i have to come to church you know the point i put in that vision lord take this particular person away i started calling him the person doesn't want to go he doesn't want church who i can't come to the altar to tell the person we don't say i go i can't say that the moment i mentioned that name that night it was a pigeon i was sitting opposite the church i left upstairs and i quit the moment i mentioned her name that night was that witch now i was actually left so when she left this one will come that she was in my place because everyone she gossiped to including the old mama here that were every one of them i was left so whenever you see gossip coming with have you seen the pastor the shoe you wear that opposite left and left know that there's what they suppose to what concern you is issue you went to church to go and look so when you don't keep them listening here they will mark you that you are not right for them to take they will leave you on one click to watch my wife wants to laugh but you do know she doesn't know i offended her so she came here she wants to laugh but she's trying to be she doesn't know that the more she be here the more we bully her from the other side she has received many bullets are you with me that's why she loves me so much you know that i don't have to deal with the matter but it weighs a lot i don't want her to go to hell so when i'm when i'm precious i'm see that my wife is not going to listen the solution that we know that the bullet is what then when we are going home when we are walking back home i'm not starting reminding her of it so that she will not use it at all are you with me so when we are going home i'm not telling her that jesus is coming very soon anybody can die anytime so that the bullet i release here they will not be returned back praise the lord but she's not like that somebody shout hallelujah yeah so sister we are coming to the end of the meeting we are going to pardon just one sister comfort i beg your pardon we shift your to next time then uh the is it workshop you will take the workshop for 15 minutes that there are some few discussion we have to make we have less than 20 minutes to spend before we go so you take the discussion for 10 minutes yes so we'll now discuss 10 minutes i want to talk about the student program and other things okay one of this one okay i will give it back because i need this one father we thank you for everything thanks for blessing our lives give us grace to become true of your word in jesus name we sanctify our spirits one body

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