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Conscience Without Condemnation- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Conscience Without Condemnation- Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu is a teacher of the Word of God with an apostolic mandate. He has author several books including the trending one, Hearing the Voice of God. He specialize in raising disciples for Christ, and training them in Christ and doctrines. He is the senior pastor of The Believers Renewal Ministries, located in Lagos state, Nigeria. To reach him, here is his personal WhatsApp contact: +2348102362618

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The speaker starts by thanking God for the moment and asking for His word to bless their lives. They discuss the importance of having a conscience without condemnation, emphasizing the need to pay attention to every detail of their lives. They explain different types of conscience mentioned in the Bible, such as weak conscience, dead conscience, shared conscience, defiled conscience, evil conscience, good conscience, convicted conscience, and conscience void of offense. They refer to verses in Corinthians and Hebrews to support their points. The speaker concludes by highlighting the importance of maintaining a good conscience before God and man, using Paul the Apostle as an example. They explain that conscience serves as a personal policeman, either accusing or excusing a person's actions. The speaker encourages living with a conscience void of offense. Our gracious father we thank you for this moment. I thank you lord because your word is coming again this moment to bless our lives to bless the lives of your children of your people. Thank you lord for preparing our hearts and making us to walk in the right path with you not only for the demonstration of your power on earth but also for the purification of our spirit soul and body so as for us to become qualified for heaven. I pray holy spirit that this word that is coming at this moment this word that you are giving to us to teach to us may it cause revival in our lives in the name of Jesus. Thank you father because you are faithful for in Jesus mighty name I pray. Before we continue we are going to have a very wonderful time with God at this time and I please I want to beg every one of you to make sure you open your bibles even as we come to study the word of God this moment. What I will be discussing with you is titled as conscience without condemnation conscience without condemnation. You can also title it as keeping a conscience void of condemnation. You can also put it like that keeping a conscience void of condemnation. As a christian pilgrim who is conscious of the fact that there is afterlife that means there is life after this life on earth. A christian pilgrim who is journeying through this world and is conscious of the fact that there is eternity in view that there is judgment after death. It becomes so important that we pay attention to every detail of our life. It becomes so important that we shouldn't take for granted the place of our conscience. It becomes so important that we shouldn't take for granted the things that disturb our hearts and that is why we are talking about the conscience without condemnation. That is why we are talking about keeping a conscience void of condemnation. Keeping a conscience void of accusation. Keeping a conscience void of you feeling guilt. In as much we understand that feeling of guilt always come from the devil. We must be able to examine what give the devil the power. What give the devil the fortitude to be able to impose guilt on us. The devil will not come and impose guilt if there is no platform for the devil to do that and that is why we are talking about conscience without condemnation. Let us before we go to our bible before we read from the bible I want to first of all explain to you that we have different kind of conscience so that you can understand the kind of conscience we are talking to you about and the kind of conscience that you should keep. There are different kind of conscience. The bible speak of different types and kinds of conscience. There is a weak conscience. You can see that from the book of first corinthians chapter 8 verse 7 to 12. We have the weak conscience. We have the weak conscience. So what we are talking about keeping a conscience that is voice void of condemnation. We cannot talk more about it without first describing the biblical revelation of the kind of conscience that we have as believers. We have the weak conscience and Paul the apostle speaking to the church in corinthian he was talking about the food offered to idols and then he made note to them that sometimes you do not eat food offering to idols not because it is a sin of itself but because of those who have weak conscience whose conscience would not be able to accommodate that practice because all of the creation of this world belongs to God. The devil never owns any property never owns any creature never owns any animals are you getting me now but sometimes we do things not because of ourselves alone we do things sometimes because of the people we are leading because of the people that are watching so we have the weak conscience. Number two we also have the dead conscience. We have conscience conscience that is dead of dead to the perception of God. Conscience that cannot perceive God again we call it the dead conscience and you can see that in the book of hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 in the book of hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 you will see a dead conscience and my prayer for every one of you here as many that are that are having the dead conscience having a dead conscience in him or are the lord will revive your conscience again also we are the shit conscious the shared conscious first timothy chapter 4 verse 2 the shared conscious first timothy chapter 4 verse 2 the bible talks about a conscience that is shielded and then we talk about the defiled conscience the defied conscience this is a conscience that have been defied that have been corrupted that have been you know that have become impure it is called the defied conscience the defied conscience and then we have the evil conscience we have the evil conscience and then there is good conscience according to hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 we have a good conscience we have the convicted conscience the way i'm explaining this to you is so that you can have the understanding of the various kind of conscience listed in scripture so it is very important we study about conscience if the bible talks about conscience it is very important we study about conscience we have the convicted conscience conscious that is convicted john chapter 8 verse 9 you see it over there the convicted conscience and also we have conscience void of offense conscience void of offense and what we are studying this moment this moment is that particular last conscience conscience void of offense now let us come to the book of act chapter 24 act chapter 24 please open your bibles act chapter 24 i read verse 16 act chapter 24 verse 16 the bible says in verse 16 and herein do i exercise myself to have always a conscience void of offense towards god and towards man paul the apostle he is the one speaking over here he said i have a conscience void of offense void of condemnation towards god and towards man there is a two-directional interpretation of what paul the apostle was speaking about while he was speaking about conscience he had to put direction you can call it the direction of conscience number one he said my conscience is void of offense towards god there are believers that are only concerned about the one towards god alone but the apostle never limited it to the one towards god he said also that there's a conscience void of offense towards man that means our conscience need to be free our conscience must be must be directed towards both god and towards man but the apostle said before god i have a conscience without condemnation there is nothing condemning me there is nothing putting pressure in me there is nothing like offenses in my heart in my conscience towards god paul the apostle never limited it to god alone because sometimes we all say that it is what i do to god that matters so much what i do to other people never matter no not for the apostle what the apostle say i do it to god and the same time i do it towards man i have a conscience towards god and the same time i have a conscience towards man and paul the apostle speaking he says year in do i exercise myself to have a conscience void of offense towards god and towards man let us back to chapter 23 of act act chapter 23 let us back we just open just lift your bible backward act 23 verse 1 and paul endlessly before the council said men and brethren i have lived in all good conscience before god until this day i have lived in all good conscience before god until this day this is a man a man that becomes a pattern and many of us want to become like a mentor a role model to many great ministers of god even to our generation many of us are looking on to paul the apostle and many of us find the messages of paul the apostle to be so challenging most times we if we want to talk about paul the apostle we always love focusing on the book of first covenants chapter 12 chapter 14 where paul the apostle was talking about spiritual gifts and then we forget that paul the apostle also made the statement that he had lived in all good conscience before that very moment paul the apostle was a man that took so uh he was so conscious of the fact that he needed to maintain a good conscience before god and man he was not a careless christian he was a christian who took so important how a conscious evaluating you must understand that conscience is put within us by god and then we must pay attention to our conscience we must pay attention to the detail of our conscience we must be sure that there is no condemnation within us our conscience is not condemning us of anything that needed to be settled before god and then before man when we talk about conscious every human being possess a secret personal policeman it is like a policeman that is inside of you it is called conscious what is the function of a conscious the function of a conscious is either to excuse you or to accuse you the function of a conscious the function of a conscious is like either to excuse you or to accuse you so god put it within you number one to tell you when you are going wrong number two to tell you why you are doing wrong so conscious is within you to accuse you or to excuse you so when you are doing something that is not right before god the easiest way god can draw your attention to it and say my boy you are you are going wrong the easiest way god can tell you that you are doing what is so wrong is to make sure that your conscience is alive that makes him to influence your conscience so conscious is put within us by god god is very intentional about it and our conscious is like a policeman policeman they are there within us you know to either condemn us or to justify us they are there within us to either accuse us or to excuse us for the apostles say i have lived in all good conscious before now in all good conscious how many pastors can look up to their congregation and said i have lived in all good conscious before now how many pastors can look to their wives how many christian believers christian husbands can look to their wives and said i have lived in all good conscious before for from ever since i got married to you till now i have lived in all good conscious how many believers can look at their bosses how many believers can look at their husbands how many believers can look at their bosses their leaders how many believers can look at their children and said i have lived in all good conscious before now i have lived in all good conscious ever since you met me till now how many children can look at their parents and say daddy my conscience is so free before you how many of us can look at god and look at god and say god there is nothing condemning me up within about you i have lived in all good conscious before you and you must understand that this is a natural instinct because god put conscious in us as a natural instinct or intuition in man that either commends or condemn the actions so anything we are doing god has already put an instinct in us god has already put um an intuition to ensure in us to be able to condemn us when we are going wrong and to be able to condemn us or to commend us when we are doing what is right and that is why i must make this note to you the moment you have a dead conscience you won't be able to design the will of god you won't be able to design the voice of god you won't be able to know whether what you are doing is wrong or not most of the times the things we say that is from god like for example now maybe you are doing what is wrong and something within you tell you that what you are doing is wrong most times we say that is the holy ghost yes when we can say that is the holy ghost i mean that is influenced by the holy ghost but that is not actually the holy ghost that can be the conscience the conscience is put within you as a means by which god can regulate your life so when you are doing what is not right the conscience is there to accuse you if you wake up in the morning without reading of the bible without praying without studying the bible and then you just walk out and went to your place of work and then you are feeling you are feeling unhappy about it you feel that you have done something so wrong god has allowed your conscience you know to chastise you and that is a very good thing and that's what we're talking about keeping the conscience without condemnation conscious that is void of offense believers have an edge over the unbelievers because the difference between a believer and the unbeliever is that we possess a good conscience are you following me now we possess a good conscience the unbelievers they are dead in their conscience they have corrupt conscience they have defied conscience they have conscience and never response to the to the to the whispering of the holy ghost but the moment you get born again your conscience becomes alive so you need to know that this thing i'm doing is wrong and many times conscience is is being entangled with knowledge because what make conscious to to to perform is when you have knowledge that this thing is not good or this thing is good and that is why we do encourage every believer to study the bible because when you are studying the bible you are empowering your conscience to be in action for example now you read in the bible that fornication is a sin other religion can accept fornication other beliefs and tradition can accept a fornication but the moment you get born again and then you start studying the scripture you start attending bible study and then you have been taught the word of god you will come to realize that what fornication is a sin so the moment you go into fornication after having that knowledge because you are born again your conscience is not woken your conscience is not revived your conscience based on the order they command the instructions of god written in scripture and because you have the knowledge that fornication is the same the conscience will pick it from there to start accusing you and this time most times it is the accusation of the conscience that leads that bring about sober reflection that brings about repentance that brings about conviction because when we talk about the conviction when you say the spirit of god is going to convict you what the spirit of god used in convicting you is your conscience your conscience is like a policeman and the spirit of god is like reporting to the policeman of your life to bring you under accusation to bring you under condemnation and this is why you start feeling condemned the moment you go into sin and may i say it here that if you go into sin without feeling condemned if you go into sin without feeling guilt there's something wrong there there is a big problem in your life already if you are doing what is bad and then you don't feel you don't have the intuition within you that you are doing wrong that you are doing what is bad that there's danger looming around you so god put the conscience within us as a means as a medium of him correcting our life and like i said as a conscience cannot function without knowledge of the scripture so it is the knowledge of the scripture that becomes the platform at which a good conscience expresses for example myself for example if i do something that is not right towards my wife if i do something that is not right towards my neighbors if i do something that is not right in the church even though everybody applauds me for it within me there is a conscience within me telling me that that thing i did was wrong even though my wife never saw anything bad about it even though people never saw anything about bad about it there is a conscience within me that the spirit of god whisper to and say tell this man that what he did is not good and you see that when everybody's applauding me within me i knew that what they are doing the applaud that is coming from men is quite different from the from the correction that is coming from god so the conscience is given to us by god so that it can become an instrument of our correction or condemnation praise the lord please pay attention to your conscience you don't just say well the devil the bible said that now that now therefore there is no condemnation to them which are in christ jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit you see most times we quote that verse of the bible without having understanding of what that verse of the bible actually mean let us go to the book of um roman chapter 8 verse 1 if you read verse 1 it said not therefore there is no condemnation to them which are in christ jesus please don't just stop at the in christ jesus many people that want to excuse their wrong and there are many people that want to excuse their error they have seen where they stop at is at in christ jesus but you have to go forward the bible says now therefore there is no condemnation to them which are in christ jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit that means when a man starts walking after the flesh there is condemnation the conscience will start condemning that man the conscience will start you know releasing cues on that man and when the man starts walking in the spirit the conscience will start commending so there is commendation and there is condemnation condemnation is for those that walk in the flesh commendation is for those that walk in the spirit so the conscience in conjunction with the spirit of god works together to guide the actions of believers it is through the conscience that we are you know guided on our actions the manner you speak the way you address that you're you know in your office there are people working under you that you're subordinates there are people there are people you employed even though you are their master even though you are their boss even though you are like their ceo there's a way you spoke to one of them and then you you you raise your voice and you shouted on that person the person never saw anything bad and people around you never saw that what you did was bad but within you you were not happy you knew that you shouldn't have shout on him because you are a christian you feel like that woman that security officer in your office is a security officer but is far older than you is a security officer but if not because of the circumstances of life that man that woman is fit enough to give birth to a person of the same age with you and the moment you you bully that person because that person did what was wrong the intonation you use in expressing your anger leads to to an accusation of your conscience within you yes you reacted because the person offend you but the manner at which you you express yourself the spirit of god was not happy within you and then it convicted you that what you did was wrong and when the holy ghost convict you through your conscience the the only thing that god expects you to do at that time is to repent one of the easiest way you get closer to god is when you repent immediately correct you when you repent immediately he chastise you when you repent or when you restitute immediately he corrects you sometimes the holy ghost can correct you that the manner at which you talk to your wife wasn't good and then you nobody people around you may not say anything bad but the holy ghost has told you that this way is not good as a believer a christian who want to be intimate with god what should you do at that time at such a time go to your wife kneel down or you may not be able to kneel down just express yourself and say i'm so sorry for the way i talked to you and maybe it's up to the wife towards the husband it should not be a sin of you lifting up your ego because you must understand that one of the ways we draw closer to god is through obedience every time you obey of god you are getting closer to him listen carefully you get closer to god through obedience you don't get closer to god because you just fast and pray no your closeness to god is through obedience it was as abraham kept obeying god that god kept revealing himself to abraham the second that abraham encountered god was when god appeared to abraham at ireland and said leave your country and go to a land i will show you if everyone never obeyed god to leave this country and i don't believe that there will be proceeding there will be progressive voice that will be coming god will not have come to him again he would have looked for other authority to express his plans for the for mankind are you with me now but the moment god gave abraham an instruction and the moment everyone left and took his wife and left the voice of god became progressive god came back to him again and made a covenant with him and said in blessing i will bless him in multiplicity i will multiply you the voice of god is progressive based on your prompt obedience to every divine instruction so god gave us conscience to guide our actions we have conscience god allowed conscience he give it give it to us as a means for the holy ghost to express itself and to guide us in our ways of life praise the lord so when god prescribed adam and eve in the garden of eden there were no written laws to regulate their action however the lord gave them a specific instruction you know the lord gave them um an instruction of don't eat from this tree but eat from that tree that instruction is a knowledge and the lord has already put within them something are you getting me now the instruction is knowledge every instruction that comes from god to man is a knowledge that means you are having knowledge of what is good and what is not good what is bad and what is not bad what is a sin and what is not a sin and our conscience capture that instruction and that is why the bible say where there is no sin where there is no lord there is no sin praise the lord yes where there is no lord there is no sin let me use for example many years ago when i newly got born again i i was reading the bible from genesis to revelation so i was not that too acquainted with the new testament a principle because i started from genesis so when i read and i read to the book of the 2nd chapter 14 in the 2nd chapter 14 the bible gave god gave a law an instruction about unclean animals and clean animals and because i was from the southern part of nigeria where i was then when i got born again so that particular day my mom decided to prepare a meal using pork meat are you with me using pork meat we call it pig swine using pork meat to prepare the food and that day i think few days from that day i read from the book of the 2nd chapter 14 that pork meat is an unclean animal according to the old testament are you with me now so when i read from it and i saw that pork meat was a forbidden animal i think remember that day that very day it was prepared with okra soup my mother prepared okra soup with pork meat then she asked me she said i should go and serve myself and eat i told my mom i'm not going to eat from that food she said why i said you prepare the food with an unclean animals so my mother tried to persuade me to eat are you with me but my conscience couldn't allow me my conscience kept condemning me the reason my conscience was accusing me was because i had a false knowledge i have an incomplete knowledge the knowledge i had was incomplete i had the knowledge that it was a sin before them prior to that time i was eating it but the moment there was knowledge there was sin so one thing you must understand is that knowledge comes to um activate our conscience whether good knowledge whether bad knowledge and that is why it is good you study the bible and then you craft your life according to biblical truth but nevertheless when the when god gives an instruction and then you are violating the instruction and the spirit of god is telling you that this thing is not good through your conscience wanting the god that god expects you to do is for you to admit that you have done what is wrong is for you to admit that you have done what is wrong to keep a good conscience is one of the secrets of living a life qualified for heaven let me say this to every one of us here going to if you are going to heaven you will know beside we talking about when we get to heaven uh that is when we know whether we are qualified for heaven or not of course that is true but you see the spirit of god within you is aware of what is happening in heaven if your name is in the book of life the spirit of god here on earth will let you know your name is in the book of life the bible says in the book of roman chapter 8 verse 14 i think verse 14 or verse 16 he said the spirit of be a witness with our own spirits that we are the children of god so when you are doing what is not right and your conscience is condemning you there is an issue between you and god the bible says in the book of first john it said if you're if your conscience condemn you not then we are of god and let us read from it now that is uh the book of i think the book of first john um first john i beg your pardon he's talking about um conscience was it first john talking about conscience okay i think we will later look look for that bible passage that talks about if your heart condemn you not are you with me now so you must pay attention to condemnation that is coming within you you collect a property that never belongs to you that is and then your conscience condemn you you see there are times we do we do things that seems right in our own eyes but because god wants to help us it gives us a conscience that tells us that this thing is not good let me use for example now you see there are times that me and we prepare food at home and the food we prepare at home uh there are times i i i get to know that i've eaten enough of i think i've eaten more than my wife when it comes to the area of meat i don't joke with me i love eating meat are you with me now now i know that i've eaten like more than my wife and then maybe the food the last food that is remaining is just one meat remaining are you getting me now do you know that even though i'm the one that bought the food the meat for my wife to prepare for us to eat and in in nigeria in africa we feel like okay since you are the one that bought the food meat you should be able to eat as you like are you getting me now but you see our tradition is not greater than the spirit of god and that is why the spirit of god can come and circum can come and bend us to a new a new obedience different from traditional obedience so that when when the people of the when the traditional people see us they think that we are foolish because why according to tradition it is expected that the woman is like a slave in the family but man you have the scripture the word of god that has brought a revelation that the woman is not a slave but the woman is one with you and the bible talks about that if you say you love your wife that is like you love your body are you with me if you care for your body nobody ate his body nobody ever afflicted his body i will never see you that you will carry a knife and begin to you know pierce your body you will feel the pain so also is your partner your partner is your body are you with me it's like your body so if you are flicking your partner you are flicking yourself and this is totally different from traditional perspective of marriage are you getting me now now one thing you must understand is that that particular meat because it is the only last meat remaining in the pot of soup i will be condemned in my heart to collect it because i am aware that i have eaten many mush meats from uh that my wife have not eaten maybe for example we we prepare like eight pieces of meat for example and i have eaten like five pieces of meat or six pieces of meat you see if for me to eat the remaining two to make it or the remaining three to make it uh the eight pieces of meat there will be a conscious within me telling me that i'm greedy that conscious within me will make me to leave that meat of course for my wife to eat you see that is what the conscious does the holy spirit influences the conscious to carve your life into christlikeness you become like christ not only in the area of knowledge the knowledge that you have about christ is being enveloped by your by your conscience are you with me now through the help of the spirit of god so that you can live a life of lawfulness and that is why if the holy spirit is in you you cannot be a lawless believer you cannot be a lawless believer if the holy spirit is in you because the holy spirit will have to we have to activate your conscience to come into action let me use for example you cannot be a worker in your church and then your pastor give an instruction and then you go and give the instruction saying that the spirit of god was the one that led you against no that is not the spirit of god because the spirit of god we know we have to speak to your conscience that he is your leader why the word of god says in the book of uh hebrews chapter 13 verse 7 and verse 17 verse 17 it says obey them that have the rule over you for they watch for your soul the holy spirit cannot document a cannot document an instructor a commandment in scripture and that we advise you to violate it are you following me now so this conscience is given to us to be able to guide us to direct us to correct us to quickly shake us up when we are doing what is not right are you following me now you you say there are some things that people may not correct you for you have to understand it that's why i'm telling you every one of you here you see you don't necessarily need to wait for everybody to correct you there are things that are wrong you know that these things are wrong if you are if you are the type that always spends so much time with your phone your mobile phone you are always on social media on tiktok on youtube or you see not people may not tell you that what you are doing is wrong but within you something will come and tell you that oh i am spending much time with my social with my phone these days something will come and condemn you something will come and accuse you something will tell you that you have spent so much time with your food you don't need any parcel to tell you are you with me you don't need any parcel you will just discover that you will just lose your peace you will lose your joy why because even though nobody see anything wrong in it something is telling you that oh it has been long you fast you don't fast again you have been eating so much something will tell you that it has been long you see it has been long you really study the bible you just read a verse of the bible and go to work something will tell you that you say you are pretending that you don't have time but you have time enough for your work you don't have time to attend church service the thing will be accusing you that look at you everybody's in church you are sitting at home and that is what happened to me when i gave my life to christ and it's still happening to me till now i can't sit at home when the church service is going on even though when i was sick you see because of my health i may not be able to leave the hospital because of my head i will not be i may not be able to leave but within me i feel not too comfortable because that is not my way of life the spirit of god is there he's telling me that why would i be sleeping at home when the brethren are gathering in the church why would i be in my business place looking for money when the brethren are calling upon him you see the spirit of god has activated the conscience of believer it is called a good conscience to guide you to let you know that you can't just be sitting at home you can't just be sitting at home when brethren are gathering together in the church when brethren are gathering together in fasting the church cannot be on fasting and you are eating comfortable comfort comfortably the church cannot be having vigils and you are at home snoring and sleeping if the conscience is there and that is why we are talking about conscience without condemnation the moment there's condemnation it's not everything you call the devil let me tell you the ones you need to you know cast out and pray this any accusation that comes against what the bible says is an evil conscience you pray against it for example now you have been born again you have done your restitution but there's a voice that keeps telling you that you're not going to go to heaven that is against the word of god so you cast out that voice you bring every evil thought every imagination you bring it you you you bring it under the obedience of christ you subject it are you with me you bring them under subjection and that is okay but you say when the spirit of god starts using your conscience to pass a message to you for example now it has been long you pray it has been long you fast it has been long you read your bible and now your conscience kept disturbing you about all this you must know that what your conscience is disturbing you about are things that would help your spiritual life what your conscience is disturbing you about are things that will help your personal relationship with god you have to quickly repent you did something against another person you lied against a sister and you see that sister every day suffering from the consequences of the lie you told and every day you watched that sister going through pain and you were the one that told lies about that sister the sister never did it but you lied to you lied about her and you you you laid false accusation you became a false witness to that sister and every day you are going to work you see that sister suffering night and day and the spirit of god within you is telling you that you know that this sister is innocent you are the cause of the predicament of that sister what the holy ghost expects you to do at that time is that you should quickly go to that sister and restitute your ways quickly go to that person and settle with that person because one of the ways we we make the holy ghost be more closer to us is either we repent or we restitute there are situations that just demand only repentance and there are situations that demands both repentance and restitution you collected somebody's wife you collected your your your your friend's wife or you are having illicit relationship illegal relationship ungodly relationship with someone else's wife and the spirit of god is telling you that this is not right the time that this woman supposed to be spending with with her husband she kept spending it with you on phone calls with you even though both of you have not committed sexual sin you know that this woman is not paying attention to you more than our husband what are you to do the conscience that is there at that time the holy spirit will activate it to correct you are you following me now so immediately you will have to disconnect that relationship disconnect that communication so that you will not take the attention of that woman away from her husband are you following me now you went to a business place you wanted to buy something and then the person that was selling the vendor that was selling the selling selling the property to you eventually gave you more than you what more than you requested or more than you paid for and he gave you more than the money you paid for more than the change more than what you paid for you you won't be able to carry that thing home because the spirit of god has told you or is speaking to your heart that this is bad we turn back the essence and until you return back the essences you will discover that you will not have the peace of god within you i remember i was a uh i bought a vehicle we call it over here in nigeria we call it tricycle we call it tricycle or in lagos here we we have a name we in data set in nigeria we call it keke or tricycle so i was inside and the guy that was sitting close to me there his phone his mobile phone fell down from his pocket and he was not aware of it he has already come down from the from the from the from the tricycle so i was sitting behind him with him so when i saw it i quickly got out of the phone immediately i told the driver to stop and i began to look for the guy i began to look for the guy suddenly the guy cited me and he ran when i ran and he came to me i told him that i was looking for you that is why you see me stretching my neck looking for you and the guy was very happy the man was very happy and he began to appreciate me now he was appreciating me because some people would have collected that phone and hide that phone but you see because i have a conscience because i have the spirit of god within me that is using my conscience to communicate to me i saw no reason to assault that phone i saw no reason to convert that phone it was not my property why should i convert it and that is the importance of the conscience conscience void of condemnation conscience void of condemnation we must be intentional about our conscience you're going to gossip about someone else you gossip about your friend you gossip about your neighbor you gossip about someone in the church and immediately that person just walk in and then the spirit of god start telling you that open up to this person that you just finished gossiping about him you see every disobedience you disobey the spirit of god every disobedient you disobey the spirit of god that is speaking to you through your conscience every disobedience will keep you a distance from god every disobedience will keep you a distance from god you just finished committing a fornication and then you are in the church and then they are about to give you a responsibility to carry out in the church and the spirit of god is telling you go to your pastor and open up and you decide not to open up you will see that you become far away from god and that is why let me say this to you if you confess your sin to god or to the people god is leading you to it doesn't make you not to be useful before god let me say this you might not be performing miracle before you committed sin but because you committed a sin and you obey god to go and confess that thing after the confession after the ridicule after the shame god may use you and you will start performing miracle the things you were not doing before you fell into sin you will start doing those supernatural because falling into sin and repentance brings you into amendment it means that let me use for example you you have a long rope and that the rope got cut into two and immediately you amend the rope you tie the rope to the other side so that the rope can still be connected that is what it happens that is relationship if you repent and restitute the cut rope will be tied together so that it will still be long but if you fail to repent if you fail to open up if you fail to obey god the relationship has been caught it has been caught so you will start hearing god from far you will not be hearing god closer again and i want to say to somebody here how much your conscience be condemning you concerning that abortion abortion that your pastor is not aware of you quickly committed the abortion you hide it from everybody nobody's aware of it are you not feeling condemned ever since you start sleeping with that man however you start you ever since you start sleeping with that woman are you not feeling condemned they are not your wife they are not your husband are you not feeling condemned are you not feeling condemned that you are the one stealing money from the church offering the offering bag you you steal money are you not condemned are you not condemned that you still have people in your in your environment that you are into mindless which you don't talk to them you don't greet them and yet you are coming to church every day are you not feeling condemned are you not feeling condemned that you stole the property from the company you have seen they have been looking for that property but you were the one that stole it are you not condemned are you not condemned that you never cook for your husband to eat even though you come to church every day your husband is always hungry at home you quickly cover your children cover yourself and you run down oh you never obey your husband at home you want to go and obey your pastor in the church are you not condemned or don't you know that anything you don't do to your the bible says that the head of a man is christ he knows much you don't honor your husband forget about jesus you are having fellowship with you are not honor with jesus the bible says that the head of the man is christ so you cannot put the head of christ the head of the man which is christ aside and you saying you are still looking up to jesus are you not condemned that your children have not eaten your wife have not eaten you carried money and you went out to go and eat and your children they are still at home starving you are in church are you not condemned are you not condemned are you not condemned that you went to meet a juju poet and her valley somebody worshipping my spirit someone with with familiar spirit you went to that person to seek for protection because you were sick you went to that person to seek for healing because you were sick you went to that person to seek for solution because you were sick are you not condemned are you not condemned the lord is asking you that all he desired for for you is to keep a conscience that is void of condemnation keeping a conscience void of offense the spirit of god is speaking to someone here right now that ever since you start watching pornography the fire has gone down the anointing has reduced ever since you start indulging in masturbation nobody is aware of it you kept it to yourself but you have become a slave in the prison of masturbation every day you are masturbating your condemnation is there you see before we are condemned eternally the condemnation will start from here your conscience is not at peace with you except you killed your conscience except you dead in your conscience it will keep accusing you of the wrong you have done against god god saw the homosexuality you did god saw it god saw the text messages behind your wife behind your husband he saw the funny conversation you had with that other person god saw it he saw everything he saw how your pastor could not correct you how you got angry and you you walk out from that church you say you are not going back to that church he saw it he saw it he saw how you took his work for granted you are taking the work of god for granted what you will not do in your place of work you are doing it to jesus he saw it he saw it but the lord is asking you at this time he said if only you can come if only you can repent he's going to save you he's going to change you he's going to give you a new life he's going to give you new hope i wanted to bow our head down for prayers and go to the lord in prayers begin to repent begin to repent and ask god for mercy begin to repent and ask him to have mercy on you repent say lord i'm sorry my conscience have been accusing me all these years lord i'm sorry that should be a prayer point i'm giving you time to pray you are settling with god make sure you settle with him make sure you settle with him

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