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Mordred Session 10

Mordred Session 10

Mordred Wilhelm



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Okay, everybody Recap time recap time Okay, everybody I Don't know what to do You Know I Yeah Yeah Yeah, yes Yeah Everybody give to pee if you do that Yeah And then we You Especially when you just made up Yeah, you guys have like an interaction yeah You You Yeah, let's go You You Right Yeah You You You You You You You You Gotta be impact Oh Well sometimes, you know, yeah, no, please Oh, yeah, well she mothered that's for sure Oh Oh Okay, as I as I look around this cave Right, so we came in. There's the there's the mother who's much more mother than anybody else and Is there any other exits as I kind of look around the room You Yeah Okay Well You Can I put my oh Can I put my F on the other F that matches mine, all right, does she have anything on her No You Yeah You Oh, that's one of them Yeah You Like hair I Think I yeah Maybe she's part wolf I Yeah, can I can I try to loop the body Okay, well you know, this is a direction we're supposed to go into and and Well, let's uh, honestly, she's freaking me the fuck out. We let's keep going. She's really freaky back there. I Tried to put I tried to put my F on the F that matched mine, so I I made contact Oh, I yeah, I did like a basic kind of search for her like I didn't like lift her up But I like, you know kind of looked around maybe like if there was like a like she's like a Garment, maybe I lifted it a little bit up Okay Three exits. Yeah, I I Um, I rolled a seven on my nature check Okay Rickety-rickety-rickety roll Yeah I Think I think that's just her watering hole Yeah, I Yeah Oh, can I poke it with my stuff is it just Okay, but it's so it's not like a like a hard layer, okay Yeah Okay, okay, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay Me me me me Okay, I back away, okay, okay, okay Oh Yeah Yeah You You She's got it she has to pee You Can I walk back over Can I put my f on it But if I like press that what if I like press down like if I try to break past Okay, I'm gonna try to break past it Okay, yeah Yes, yeah Well, it might also be The curse of the mother because she was looking for her son, right? so You know, it would make sense that we would all look like children to her If she is looking for her son Yeah You Right Yeah, so I I wouldn't be surprised if if that water is part of the curse and We could take some cursed water with us Honestly, I prefer not to seems like would be carrying some Some bad energy with us Yeah, so I think It's one of the cave exits. Looks like we can it almost looks like we can get to an end, right? Like it might leave the we might reach outside again. I can't hear you I can't hear you Yes Okay I think honestly guys as Freaky as that water is You know I'm worried about the time Deeper down Okay I am beginning to get worried about the time. How much how much time do we have maybe 36 like until until the death of It's like Okay, we Yeah, we don't have a lot of time We have a day Well, we don't I mean if you want to be pessimistic about it Because we we have two ways of thinking about this there's you know, two two schools of thought when it comes to death prophecies We could stay still and You know worst case worst case scenario. Well best case scenario nothing happens because you're not at the spooky forest We're gonna die and we're here And then the prophecy can't come true Or whatever's gonna happen in the prophecy happens in this cave and Diagonal cave Sucks just I Mean Which means You Yeah Well, how about how about we just pop pop a squat we just have a good sit maybe Yeah I'm yeah, we could there's that glimmer down there Yeah, that's true. This is a this is a cursed room. Yeah, let's go you're probably right All right, we head out of the curse room All right, we head out of the curse room That one yeah You There's a type of birth I Mean I mean, I'm I'm not gonna if I could I don't know if I would I do kind of challenge the idea that Like a bed is cool, but jungle treetops are pretty cool, too Yeah, we're not Yeah, we're No, I Idaho I don't think the solution is to make him die. I Am you know normally Nope, I'm usually kind of on your side about this kind of stuff, but I've stayed pretty optimistic that That by the end by two days tomorrow 72 hours from now Doran will be right there same Doran Oh And we'll we're True and well, we're pushing back on each other's ideas a bed is pretty cool Doran, but I feel like cliffside on a full moon It might be like a better fit. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go I feel like dying bedside, you know, there's I'm just like it's probably cooler ways to die more fun Ah That makes sense, I'm gonna keep climbing now quietly this time You You No You There's incline Yeah You There's an escalator Yes Well All right, we ramp up yeah You Mm-hmm You Even our mother's gotta sleep That's true Yeah, or Yeah, or yeah, no laundry's hard though Yeah, is there anything else in this room Yeah Yeah You That would be a You Okay, 19 is my investigation check You All right, hey Okay Divide and conquer Doran. We're gonna do what we're good at There's these cat over there. Can you should go read that? Can I try to pick up a snail and whisper to it since animals talk in this world? I Don't get really close that I get this I go. Hey, buddy. Hey We're about to we're about to find out You Yeah But at that point, oh, yeah Hey, you've been living here a while You Hey, is anybody does anybody else live here such from you snail folk The big snail I'm gonna wave my head pretending to as if it were a big-eyed tendril to match his vibe Yeah, oh so nobody nobody lives in that bedroll over there and I'm gonna turn my palm and point at the bedroll so you can You kind of got Christian you're gonna have to reperform that for me Oh One last question buddy before I let you go Is there any any quick exits out of this cave that you know of? God damn, that's a bar. Okay, I'm gonna put them then I go. All right, you live your best life. Okay? The one that's the one up the one down the ramp Yeah, okay Yeah, okay How many how many buddies are we talking about I Can't I can't resist and a good animal quest I can't I Can't Everyone, uh, I can't resist a good animal quest and it's been given to me for a long time Good animal quest and it's been given to me and it's gonna take under 15 minutes So I'll be right back and I'm gonna put my arms out on the ground to get all the snails to climb up on Yeah, I'll I'll slide down I'm gonna get on my butt and try to slide down so I don't trip and You You You You You You You I did Nope I'm not I'm not there You You I'm on a snail quest snail quest Keep what I've entertained All right, do I make it to the bottom with my family of snails I All right, see you later guys It's okay, I'll take it All right If you see her you if you see the giant snail friend tell them that we're friendly and we say hi All right By you peeking the mic I I climb back up sometimes. Yeah All right Weird that you brought it up again, but I'm just gonna walk up the ramp I You Christian Christian Uh-huh Yeah What I Well, yeah Well, well, did you see mrs. Farber? Do you know where she is Like towards which exit Okay, okay. Oh my god, thank you so much Is there anything else? Nah, you guys are good. You guys are a couple of you guys are a couple of slimy boys Yeah, no problem can I before I go I'm gonna take a quick look at their shell they got good sturdy shells Okay, that's all I care about making sure they're healthy I That's what I feel I feel like it's a good ecosystem. Um, I Run back up, but that was sort of just kind of I was just planning to Run like just kind of crawl back up. No, I'm running back. I was like guys guys guys guys guys guys This is fair bird is here apparently Yeah, the other melon, yes Yes, I don't know this no the snail said she's here Yeah You No, and we kind of it was cut out of the episode it was cut out of the episode You It's all one building Oh Yeah, this is so much better You Choices Nice nice. Oh, yeah, we made it. Okay Yeah You You It's a common misnomer when looking at elementals Well, we can take a rest here we can see what she's up to I feel like she's always I remember her being nice You Yeah, let's take a short No, no No No, no No No, those are my new friends Look Let's go Flint look we can have you can have you have coffee beans. You have a good treat. You love coffee bean. Yum I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done. I think we're done I think we should take a short rest. A shorter rest. A rest that is short I think we should take a short rest. A shorter rest. A rest that is short I think we should take a short rest. A shorter rest. A rest that is short I think we should take a short rest. A short rest. A rest that is short I think we should take a short rest. A short rest. A rest that is short I think we should take a short rest. A short rest. A short rest that is short I think we should take a short rest. A short rest. A short rest that is short I think we should take a short rest. A short rest. A short rest that is short I think we should take a short rest. 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