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Pastor Terrell Scott Your Hour of Power Episode 4

Pastor Terrell Scott Your Hour of Power Episode 4

Pastor Terrell



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The main ideas from this information are that the speaker, Pastor Terrell Scott, is grateful for another day of life and encourages listeners to rejoice and be glad in each day. He shares his personal testimony of how the Holy Spirit delivered him from prison and transformed his life. He emphasizes that Jesus Christ sets believers free from the power of sin, the enemy, and demonic spirits. He encourages listeners to listen to his testimony and shares that God can change anyone's life. He talks about the importance of deliverance and how it brings hope, freedom, and excitement for the future. He discusses how the presence of God brings joy, forgiveness, peace, and purpose. He contrasts his previous life of crime and manipulation with his new life of serving and giving to others. He emphasizes that only God can truly satisfy our deep needs and that living in sin leads to emptiness and hiding. He shares the story of King David's repentance and highlights the importance of a willing heart Hey guys, I hope you're doing well today. This is your Hour of Power with Pastor Terrell Scott on Conviction Radio. You know, I'm so grateful for another day of life to breathe air into my lungs and to enjoy the days we have ahead of us. You know, the Scripture says, Rejoice and be glad in it. Rejoice in the day. Be glad in the day. Enjoy today and the day ahead. Enjoy what God has given you. You know, many years ago I was locked up in a prison cell and the Holy Spirit started to deal with me and change me, transform me, and deliver me. Deliverance is the key to great joy. When someone genuinely gets deliverance from an evil spirit that has enslaved them, that has entrapped them, that has held them down and captive, they experience great joy. One of the things that is so powerful about the gospel of Jesus Christ is Jesus Christ sets us free from the power of the enemy, the power of sin, the power of death, the power of hell, and the power of demonic spirits. Jesus Christ rose victorious on the third day defeating death, hell, and the grave and defeating Satan himself. Hallelujah! If you're a believer, you got something to praise God about. If you ain't a believer, it's time to start believing so Jesus can change and transform you and set you free. God loves you so much he sent his Son to die for you. Take your place at Calvary so you can be set free from the power of sin. Sin is a gateway, is a portal that the enemy can operate through. When we live in sin and bondage to sin and under the power of sin and we're a slave to sin, we actually end up becoming a slave to the enemy. And see, the things that entice us into sin, temptations, desires, those things pull us in. They lure us in so that then the enemy can enslave us. I should know, look, I did prison time in my early 20s and I know what it's like to be captive. I know what it's like to be in isolation cell. I know what it's like to be bound, but more than being physically bound, I was spiritually, mentally, and emotionally bound. My soul was afflicted, but when Jesus Christ walked in that prison cell and touched me and transformed me, I had an open vision of Jesus Christ on the cross and his love wrapped around me and his presence came into that prison cell. My life's never been the same. Now I would encourage you, I'm going to be talking about deliverance today, but I would encourage you go back to episode one and listen to my testimony. If you haven't yet, listen to my testimony. I'll give you popcorn what happened. I was a gangster, drug dealer, running a gang, and I caught trafficking charge, did prison time. A woman I had robbed at gunpoint came and shared the gospel with me. That woman that shared forgiveness with me ends up becoming my wife, and we have five children together now. We run a ministry in the same neighborhood. I used to have lockdown with crack cocaine. You know, so God can do anything. There's nothing impossible with God, and God can change you. This hour of power is, yes, deliverance. Deliverance is so that, you know what, I have hope. I have freedom. I have something to look forward to. I can be excited about my day. I can rejoice in the day, and I can look forward to the days ahead. The Word of God says, for I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord. Plans of good and not of evil to give you an expected end, so that you can look forward at life and say, you know what, my best is yet to come. I can hardly wait. When I got saved in prison, my immediate circumstances did not change. I was still locked up. I still had to listen to the officers. I still had to visit in the visitation room. I still had limitations in the physical realm, but in the inside of me, something radically changed. When I was born again, the presence of God came in, and I immediately experienced joy. I experienced the forgiveness of God. I experienced peace, and I found purpose right there, and I started rejoicing. I started looking at my life and saying, you know what, I'm physically well. I have a sound mind. I have future ahead of me and opportunity ahead of me. I thank you, God, that you have a good plan for me. I thank you, God, that you're here with me, that you know what, you didn't throw me away when I made bad decisions. You came and rescued me and saved me and called me to yourself. That's the power of the gospel. God wants to save you, and that means to be born again with a new spirit, so you have this new desire, new unction to serve God, to love God, to do the things of God. That's how God can take an ex-con, ex-criminal, ex-thug, ex-gangster like me, and turn my life totally around, do a 180. Conviction of the Holy Spirit is God exposes the area of sin where we're against God, and then we turn, and when we turn, we turn and go the opposite way, and we change the way we think. You know, when I used to run a gang, it was about manipulation, control, domination, power. When I, you know, if I had more money, I had more control, I had more influence, I could call shots, I could control the streets, I could control people. Why? So I could get more money, so I could get more power, and with that, when Jesus changed me, I did a 180. Instead of dominating people, now we serve people, right? Instead of taking from people, now we give to people. Come on church, hallelujah, and I tell you what, serving people, giving to people, loving people, caring for people is so much better than anything I ever experienced when I was out there fulfilling my lust and the passions of my flesh, and I was living against God. Listen, when you're getting high, you're drinking, you're partying, you're running around with women, you're doing all the sexual pervert, all this stuff, right? You're chasing cars, money, control, power. It's a momentary fix, so you feel good in the moment, but then you're still left empty. In Ecclesiastes, it says, God's locked eternity away in our hearts, and so what that means is like, only God can meet those deep needs in you. Only God can come in and touch and give you true peace and joy, that when he blesses you, there's no reproach. You know, when I lived wrong, I always had people after me and at me. I always had to look after my back. I was always having to hide, you know? When you're in the streets, or say you haven't gotten into that kind of thing, but you're hiding things, whether it's financial embezzlement, or whether it's check fraud, or whether it's sleeping around on your boyfriend, or your girlfriend, or your fiance, or your wife. You're looking at pornography. You're hiding things. That's the way the sin nature works. You're always having to watch your back. You're always having to cover your steps. One lie makes you say another lie. That's no way to live. I'm telling you, God wants to deliver you from the power of your flesh, that lying spirit, those demons, so that you can walk in freedom. You were created for more than that. That's what the woman of God said. The woman I robbed at gunpoint looked me in the face and said, you're not called to be a crime boss, but God has a purpose and plan for you. You've been leading people wrong your whole life. Now it's time to lead people right. You know, we have a choice to make in life. What are we going to do with our life? No, thank God. God is merciful, and everything, and all the failure, and all the sin, and all the bad choices I made in my younger days, now God uses it. Gives me opportunity to witness, tell people, encourage people, share like, hey man, we're not judging you, but we're compelling you. There's a better way. It reminds me of Isaiah. It says, it says, my ways are higher than your ways, saith the Lord. And so, as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than yours. And it says, wherever I send forth my word, it will prosper. When I'm preaching this gospel to you, I'm testifying of what God's done, how he's changed me, healed me, delivered me, set me free, and how he loves you, because this is your hour of power. This is your hour of deliverance, and your deliverance is a hand on conviction. He loves you. If you're hearing this, God loves you. That's why I'm speaking this to you. I'm sending forth God's word in your life, so he can change and transform you. And then, by changing you, your circumstance will change. Your situation will change. Your mindset will change. See, perception is 90% of the battle. When you have your perception off, you see things wrong. You hear things wrong. You view things wrong. You're gonna stay in bondage. Glory to God. I teach this now. I don't have problems. I have opportunity. I don't have problems. I have opportunity. See, we have to renew our mind, and we have to learn to speak right, and believe what God says about our life. The scripture says, the power of life and death is in the tongue, and those that love it eat the fruit thereof. God loves you. He cares about you, but you cannot continue to fight against God. No matter how far you went, no matter how sinful, no matter murder, perversion, it doesn't matter, right? You can go into the Bible and read. Even King David, he murdered a man. He slept with the man's wife. That's adultery at its highest place, and then he killed the husband, right? And then they had a child. So, listen, that was a man after God, but he repented. When the prophet Nathan came to him, you can go and read this in Psalms 51, but when the prophet came to him and the Holy Spirit convicted him, hey, convicted him, he repented. He cried out. He said that he was he was shapen and formed in iniquity. God cleansed me with hyssop, changed me from the inside out, and so when we're willing to repent, God can do anything in our life. When we're willing to change, it doesn't matter how terrible the sin, but what matters is our heart posture and our willingness to change. So, if we'll humble ourselves inside of the Lord, God will lift us up. 1 John 1 9 says, confess your sins, and he is faithful and just to forgive you of your sins and cleanse you of all unrighteousness. So, when you confess your sins, what you're doing is you're coming in agreement with God. You're coming out of darkness, out of sin, out of the world, and you're coming into agreement with God, His Word, and His truth. See, Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, and you cannot make it to the Father except through the Son, Jesus Christ. It says the enemy comes to what? Steal, kill, and destroy, but I've come to give you life and life more abundantly. John 10 10, I've come to give you life and life more abundantly. Now, I had everything you could think of that would fulfill you in the streets, money, power, control, all those things, vehicles, women, all this stuff that I thought was going to fulfill me. The more territory we took with my gang, and with the streets, and with the running the drugs, and you know all this, I was just chasing the wind, chasing the wind, and here's the thing, and if you're chasing money, even in a healthy career, if you're chasing money and mammon is your MO, it's never going to fulfill you. You will grow old with money, and you will grow old with desperation in your heart because you have lack of relationship with God, and lack of relationship with people. God wants to restore you to himself so that you can be restored to your true self and to others. Relationship is what Jesus Christ came for. He came hung on Calvary's tree to die for you and me, to restore relationship between me and you and Father God so that we could be restored back to Father God, and in return, we get to know who we really are, why we were created, and also we get to connect with others. It's important to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and then love your near one, your neighbor, as you do yourself, but if you don't know how to love yourself because you haven't experienced the love of God, how are you going to love your near one, your neighbor? You know, the reality is about sin. Sin leaves you stained. It leaves you feeling worthless. It leaves you feeling less than, and when you continue to repeatedly fall into the same sin over and over and over, you start to condemn yourself and beat yourself down, and the enemy, the old saying out there when people get strung out on dope, this is the monkeys on your back, right? When that monkey gets on your back, when those demons get on your back, let me say it that way, and they just start beating you down and condemning you, you're getting a vicious cycle of sin that can't be broken by any other power but the power of the Holy Spirit. You need the Lord Jesus Christ to come in, change your life, transform you, and set you free, but you can't sit there and fight God. For many years of my life, I kept fighting God. I kept fighting that He wanted me to be in the ministry. I kept fighting that He wanted me to do this, and I was called to do this, and I just kept pushing back against God because I didn't want to give up those things I was doing. I didn't want to give up the pleasures of my sin. Sin is pleasurable for a season, but in the end, it's rottenness. In the end, it destroys. In the end, it takes your life. Listen, the Scripture says in James, it says, when we lust, then we could move into sin, and when we sin, then it moves into death, and it says we're all drawn away by our own lust. So one of the things that we have to do for deliverance is we have to be honest with ourselves. We've got to call sin what it is. If you have lust in your heart, the Scripture says you've committed adultery. If you have hate in your heart, you've committed murder. So you got that person that's done you wrong, and you can't even look at them, or if you see them, or you hear about them, anger comes up, and you gossip. You accuse. You talk about. You can't say nothing good about that individual. You can't even pray for that person. You can't even look at that person, right? There's bitterness in your heart. You can't get delivered and free. Many times, people are in addiction and bondage because they're covering up the pain in their heart. They're covering up the pain in their life, but Jesus comes to bind up the brokenhearted. He comes to heal all who are oppressed by the devil and set them free. Jesus wants to touch that broken place in your life so you can go free, so that you don't keep medicating through addiction, cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol, right? Spending money, chasing all this stuff that'll never fulfill you. No, the Lord wants to fulfill those places in your life because the Scripture says that in His presence is fullness of joy, and that His right hand pleasures forevermore. So when you seek God, you get His presence. His presence is the greatest thing I've ever experienced in my life. I love my wife. I love my children. I love our ministry. But there ain't nothing like the presence of God. There ain't nothing like being in the presence of God, experiencing the power of God, touch your life, wash over your life, renew your life. Hallelujah. In the early New Testament, in Acts, the Apostles said, repent, be ye converted, and then the times of refreshing will come in the presence of the Lord. So when you repent, the first step to deliverance is repentance. True repentance is I have godly sorrow over the sin, not the consequence of the sin. In Corinthians, it says godly sorrow works as repentance unto salvation, not to be repented of or not to be regretted of, but worldly sorrow produces death. So for me, when I first got in trouble back in the day, and I got locked up in the county jail, I just wanted out. That's worldly sorrow. But when I really got saved, I really got a touch, I really got transformed, I really surrendered to God, when I was in prison, I said, God, don't let me out until I'm changed and I'm ready to be out so that I can do what's right this time. I really wanted to change my behavior, not my circumstance. I wanted an inside change. I wanted things to be different in me so that I could live a life that pleases God. You know, you were created to live a life for God. You were created to live a life that pleases and honors God with all that you do. But you got to be willing to say, Lord, forgive me. You confess your sins and you turn from them so God can start to deliver you. Wow, I'm just getting into this thing and I'm excited. I'm going to come back with some scriptures after this short break and just encourage you in this word so that you can be free. Again, this is your Hour of Power with Pastor Terrell Scott. Your deliverance is at hand and we'll be right back. Wow, wow, wow, wow, guys. I'm excited to be back with you and this again is your Hour of Power with Pastor Terrell Scott where your deliverance is at hand on Conviction Radio. May God convict you, heal you, deliver you, and set you free by the power of the Holy Spirit. The scripture says he sent forth his word to heal them. I don't know if you know yet, but listen, I'm ex-con, ex-gangster. I didn't know nothing about the scripture, but when I got into the Word and delighted myself in the Word of God, whoo, I tell you all I preach is scripture. All I preach is scripture because he sent forth his word to heal them. You want to be changed? Get in God's Word. You want to be transformed? Get in God's Word. You want to be a new creation? Get in God's Word. Let God's Word reign in your life. If you do it God's way, through his Word, by the power of his Holy Spirit, you got a hundred percent success rate with God. Let me say it again. You need success in marriage. You need success in business. You need success in finances. You need success, look I'm on the radio, in radio. You need success on TV or in your ministry, in your career. Do it God's way for God. If you do it God's way for God, God will grant you success, but you've got to apply biblical principles. What the Word of God teaches you about this given situation. I'm running a ministry called Malachi Project. It's fathering a generation. In Malachi 4, 5, and 6, it says this. It says the spirit of Elijah will be poured out in the last day. And when this happens, the hearts of the fathers will be led back to the children and the children to the fathers. And if this does not happen, God will come and smite the lamb with a curse. So I started riding through the hood 10 years ago and I've seen the curse everywhere. I've seen poverty, single moms, drug addiction, crack addiction. I've seen people fighting, angry, drunk, getting high, smoking dope, everything. I said man, that ain't God. That's a curse. That's a curse on the next generation. So parents ain't at home. Parents ain't involved. Dads ain't around. They're not parenting their children, investing in their children in the next generation. So I said God, what do we need to do to break the power of this curse? So we created Malachi Project. Malachi Project is fathering a generation. Fathering a generation. And so I realized the families, the single moms, the grandparents raising these children, many of them were working and were tied up. So I said what we're going to do is invest in volunteers and leaders and raise them up so they can be parent figures to these young people so that we can father them, mentor them. What's a father do? He protects. He shepherds. He guides. He provides. He spends time with. He listens to problems. He helps deal with issues within the home to keep things stable. He puts up parameters, boundaries within the home to teach the children right and wrong, how to live life according to God's way. And so with that, we started just pouring into the community, giving out book bags, serving, loving them, grace bags. That's a bunch of items that we put together just to bless someone and let them know that we love them. And then God birthed Malachi. And so now at the end of Malachi project and every one of our Malachi projects, India, Costa Rica, Malawi, Africa, and here in Atlanta, we say the father's prayer of blessing over each child. What are we doing? We're reversing word curses that were spoken against them. We're reversing the situations and circumstance by standing in the gap. But this is what it says. It's number 624 through 26. Look it up. Prayed over your children. It says, may the Lord bless you and the Lord keep you. May his light and his countenance shine upon you. May the Lord our God be gracious unto you and may he give you peace. And so that was a practical way, a principle we took. It's okay, there's a curse here. Now how do I start to reverse this curse and bring a blessing? That God has the answer in his word to clean up areas of your life. No matter what it is, no matter how big it is, there's nothing bigger than God. There's nothing bigger and nothing can stop the laws and principles of God working in your life. God will come through for you, but you got to give him opportunity too. And you got to be willing to change some things about your life and your approach so that God can bring breakthrough to your life. Because he's no respecter of persons. He does not want to leave you in bondage. He doesn't want to leave you beat down, depressed, heavy, disquitted, discouraged. That's not who he is. He is a good God that cares about you, cares about your situation, and he wants to change you from the inside out, but also change your circumstances. He wants to bless you. That's who he is. He's a good God. And so back into your hour power and just this deliverance ministry in time. So if you need deliverance, you submit to God's word. You submit to someone praying for you. If you've walked through deliverance, you're not supposed to sit on the sidelines. You're supposed to get involved and start praying for others. Listen to what Mark 16 verse 15 through 18 says. It says, go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned. Do you believe? And these signs will follow those who believe. In my name they will cast out demons. So one of the first signs when you believe the gospel is you cast out demons. I had to remove some demons from me. I command that demon of addiction to get off of me and out of me in Jesus' name. Perversion, lust, all those things. Pornia, loose me in the mighty name of Jesus. Right? So start learning how to pray and operate in the power of Christ. In my name they will cast out demons. They will speak in new tongues. Hallelujah. They will take up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. Come on, if you're sick right now, lay hands on your body. In Jesus' name, I pray healing into every broken body, every cold, every sickness, every disease. Release them now. I pray now by the power of the Holy Spirit, you be healed in Jesus' mighty name. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Now listen to this. I'm going to keep going to the scripture because the scripture is what changed me, transformed me, and set me free. In Mark 9 verse 38, listen to what it says about casting out demons. Now John answered him saying, Teacher, we saw someone who does not follow us casting out demons in your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow us. But Jesus said, Do not forbid him, for no one who works a miracle in my name can soon afterwards speak evil of me. No one who works a miracle in my name can no longer speak evil of me. So what is casting out the evil spirit from someone? It's a miracle. And when we are walking with God, we're experiencing the miracle power of God in our lives. For he who is not against us is on our side, is on our side. So we want to be on the Lord's side, and we want to make sure that we are doing what God's called us to do. And if you're a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are called to pray for the sick and bring healing. You're called to pray for those that are demonized and cast the demons out. You're called to bring light into dark places. And when the lights turn on, the darkness flees. Demons hide in darkness. Demons hide in areas of secrecy, in sin, in hidden places. But when the word comes, when the light of the gospel comes, it puts light on the dark places. The scripture says Satan manifests himself as an angel of light. So he masquerades. He goes around looking like trying to trick and deceive men to think evil is good and good is evil. Well, brother and sister, when that happens, the word says your end is near. Your end is near. So we want to be careful not to be deceived by the enemy and not allow him to deceive and trick us in and pull us into deception and us think it's right. That's why we need the Word of God. That's why we need the body of Christ. That's why we need a local community and church that we're submitted to that we can hear the Word of God and be changed and transformed and allow God's Word to reign in our life. The scripture says, for Satan not the assembling of yourselves together as a man or some, even the more when you see the day approaching, the day of the Lord. So it's important to have other believers we're connected to, other believers we're praying with, other people that can speak into our life, that see things about us, that can help us and encourage us and bring the Word of God to us. Matthew 10 1 says that Jesus gave his disciples power and authority to cast out demons, to cast out demons. Now we're going to go over to another one of my favorite passages. This is Luke 10 17 through 20. This is his 70. This isn't his core 12, but this is 70. He sent them out to heal the sick. He sent them out to cast out demons. He sent them out to do ministry by twos. Now the 70 returned with joy saying, Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name. And he said to them, I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. You know what? God gave him the finger and kicked him out of heaven. The Lord, you know, Archangel Michael said, the Lord Jesus rebuked thee and Satan came on falling down. He says, I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions. Now that's spiritually speaking. That you can trample on serpents, demonic spirits, serpent spirits, and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. And nothing shall by any means hurt you. And nothing, so you don't have to be scared of demons. You don't have to be scared if you start casting demons out of them retaliating you. Just to retaliate against you, destroying your life. No, you have authority over them. Now listen to this heart posture. Verse 20, nevertheless do not rejoice in this that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven. So when you repent of your sin and you turn to God wholeheartedly. I didn't say become perfect because we all have things we still have to overcome. We all have things where we may make a mistake here and there. And I'm not giving a license to sin. I don't believe, well brother I should sin every day and live in sin all the time. I disagree with that. I think that's a heart posture. But but when we truly repent, we truly surrender to God. We truly say, God you're my Lord and I want to give you the rest of my life. And I want to use what you've given me. My time, my talent, my treasures. Those things you've blessed me with for your glory and for your kingdom. For thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as in. When we do that and we repent of our sins. One of the very first things that we can celebrate is that our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. So Jesus in verse 20 says, hey you have authority over these demons. That's awesome. But remember you need to celebrate this. Your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this that spirits are subject to you. But rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven in the Lamb's Book of Life. Be so grateful that you're saved. That's the first miracle that every one of us need. It is not God's will that any man should perish. That any man should go to hell. That any man should be separated forever from God. But it is God's will that we have eternity with him in heaven. But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. And then all these things will be added unto you. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Seek Jesus and you'll cast out demons. Seek Jesus and you'll heal the sick. Seek Jesus and he'll provide for you. That's scripture. That's Matthew 633. In I believe Hebrews it says this. It says the kingdom of God is not meat and drink. It's not some physical possession you can have. It's not sustenance or food. But it is this. Righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. So the kingdom of God is not meat and drink. But it's righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. And so when you have right standing with God through the cross of Calvary, Jesus Christ took your place at Calvary. The substitution work of Christ. He that knew no sin became every sin you've ever committed. Past, present, and future. And died at Calvary. And so when he went to the cross, it put to death your sin nature on the cross. When he hung on the tree, your sin nature was on that tree with him. Because we're baptized into Christ. Death, burial, and then resurrection. But when he went to the grave, your old nature is buried in that grave. That's the sin nature that all of us are born with. His blood that was shed on the tree washes away every sin you've ever committed. But then on the third day when he rose again victorious, you were raised in his likeness with him to sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Glory to God. So that's how we get authority over the enemy. It's over what Jesus did for us at the cross. We put our faith in the finished work of the cross and what Jesus Christ did for us. That's how we cast out demons. When Jesus would walk in the church, the synagogue back in the day, demons would manifest. When Jesus comes, when the presence of God comes in the room, when we're serving the Lord wholeheartedly and we're together with brethren and brothers and sisters in the Lord, and then all of a sudden the demon manifests, it's because Jesus's presence comes into the room. And then we command. How do you kick a demon out? You use verbal command. You say, I command you in the name of Jesus to leave now, to go now. I send you to the abbots. I send you to where you belong. I break your demonic assignment. Let me just pray for some of you right now. Some of you just need deliverance. Some of you need to repent of any sin. You know, I ain't got to tell you the sin and the error. You're already being convicted. The Holy Spirit is already dealing with those areas. He's already been showing you. It keeps coming up in your conscience. And you realize, that's wrong. I don't need to do that. I need to change. And so just quit wrestling with God. Quit fighting God. And just surrender. If you'll surrender, God will set you free. If you'll yield yourself right now on this radio session, God's presence will come and start to break those chains by the power of the Holy Ghost. Who Christ has set free is free indeed. Right now in the mighty name of Jesus, I bind every devil under the sound of my voice. I command you to release them right now. Come out of the mind. Come out of the emotions. Come out of the will. Come out of their body right now in the name of Jesus. Spirits of perversion, release them now. Poverty, lack, release them now. I command you to loose them in the name of Jesus right now. Let them go. Go. Go. Go. Right now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Go now. Go now. Go now. Loose them now in Jesus mighty name. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Listen, as I'm praying, just breathe out. Sometimes people will throw up. So they'll start sweating. Their heart will start racing. There's different things you may experience in deliverance. But you've got to come into agreement with the deliverance prayer as we're praying. I'll tell you, it's even given me some good ideas for the weeks ahead as I start to teach more on deliverance. And when I start teaching on deliverance, we'll start leading you through some prayers so you can get set free. Who Christ has set free is free indeed. Right? So we can have the joy of the Lord. The mark of the gospel is great joy. When someone gets delivered, they have joy unspeakable and full of glory. I'll tell you, my cheeks when I was in prison, I got so saved, I smiled all the time. My cheeks hurt. My cheeks hurt. I was so saved. I was so happy. I was so filled with the Holy Ghost. I was so excited them demons came up out of me. I was so excited. Hallelujah. Glory to God. We'll praise the Lord and we're going to take a moment break for commercial and be right back with you. This is again Pastor Terrell Scott, your host of Your Hour of Power on Conviction Radio. We'll be right back shortly. Hallelujah. Bless you guys. Hey, I want to share something pretty cool with you real quick. My beautiful wife, I tell you, she's something else. So over the years when we first got ministering, she came to the prison and got me saved. So initially she was the leader. I mean, I needed anybody to lead me at this time. I was spiritually blind. But now she, as God raised me up and God changed me and we have order in our home and she honors me as her pastor and her husband and leader. And one of the things she says when she comes to church, she tells the ladies, I don't know about you but I'm gonna get mine. And what she means by that is she's coming in so expectant and so much faith that she's gonna receive that word and she's gonna take that promise and she's gonna take that prophecy. She's gonna take that deliverance. She's gonna take it by faith because see, to just walk by faith, right? You want to change even if you're bound in addiction. You want to know how I got out of addiction? I started declaring I was free and started believing I was free even before I fully experienced freedom. If you want to get out of a broken financial situation, poverty, you want to get out of a circumstance that's negative and derogatory, you want to get out of bad relationships, you got to start being proactive and believe in God that God's going to shift it. There's nothing impossible with God. God said if you have the faith the size of a mustard seed, you'll speak unto the mountain and the mountain will move. Hallelujah. So we just want to get our faith right, cleaned up, in the right mindset. When we get in the right mindset, then God can set us free. But my beautiful wife should come up in church. She says she's getting hers, right? You know, back in the day when I was living for me and that's what really it was all about me. I was going to get mine, right? I was gonna get what I deserved and what I wanted and I was gonna fulfill whatever lust I had. You know, here's one of the keys to really walk in on fire with God. As much passion as you put into the world, the much passion you put into chasing that lady or that man, or as much passion you put into doing wrong, or much passion you put into whatever, just fill in the blank, right? Shift that passion now to serving God. Instead of seeking idols, instead of seeking other people's approval, instead of seeking all these other things, seek God wholeheartedly. Come in with that same attitude, now I'm gonna get what God has for me today. You know, every day, not just on occasion, be consistent with God. Be disciplined. Continue. Listen, get up under the Word. Allow this Word to train you. Allow this Word to teach you. Get disciplined where you're spending time with God. You're spending time in His Word. You're spending time with godly people. You're learning to worship. You're learning to pray. You're learning to seek God and then you're going out after you've spent that time with God and you're going out and you're ministering to others. You're letting them know that God cares about them. When you learn to serve, I'm telling you, God sets you free. When you learn to give back to others, God does a work in your life. Sometimes you won't even know how God's going to change things. You won't even know how things are going to shift, but you're just being faithful. You know, will he find faithfulness in the earth? Will you be faithful with what God is doing? Will you be faithful with the call of God on your life? Will you be faithful with what God has spoken to you? Will you be faithful and obey God? God's given me two mandates on my life. One is the deliverance ministry. That's casting demons out of people. Healing the sick. Casting demons out. The second one, right, is caring for the children. And sometimes those go hand in hand. We've cast demons out of kids because there's been so much sin in their life and so many things. And so the reality is God cares about children and God cares about his children, even grown adults who have need for freedom and deliverance. God wants to set the captive free. That's his will. That's his agenda. That's his plan. And that's what he's going to do until we stand before him one day and we hear, well done, good and faithful servant. That's what I'm living my life for. I'm living my life to stand before Jesus one day and hear, well done, good and faithful servant. Welcome in to your new home. Hallelujah. One day we'll stand before Jesus Christ and we'll give an account for our life and the things we've done. And you know what? I want to live a life well. I want to live a life that pleases and honors God. I want to live a life that shows a changed, transformed life that God can change anybody. And I tell you, God wants to change you today. I hope this time on your hour of power with your post pastor, Gerald Scott, is touching you, convicting you, changing you and transforming you. I just believe it is. I believe that God is ministering to you through this word and that you're experiencing change even as you're hearing the word. So let me go to another passage on deliverance. I love this passage. This is in Acts chapter eight and it's talking about Philip the evangelist. In verse four it says this, therefore those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word. So persecution had come to Jerusalem and this is after the day of Pentecost and the people are being scattered. And when the people are being scattered, they're not just going and hiding in fear, they're going and preaching the word. And then verse five says, then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ to them. And the multitudes of one accord heeded the things which spoken by Philip. So to get freedom, to get deliverance, to get healing, to get success in the kingdom, you've got to heed the words that are being spoken, the word of God. When you heed that word being spoken, listen to the results, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. So then the miracles burst forth after we heed the word. And see many times, I tell you what, it's one of the most powerful things when the presence of God comes in and miracles come. I have on my YouTube page, you go to Passion Life Church, McDonough, and you can scroll down our YouTube page, miracles where we've been traveling, ministering, where lame people have been healed, where people, an individual was taken to hell and to heaven. The reality is God is still in the miracle business. And I'm telling you, there's holy shock, holy awe that comes on your heart when miracles come, when deliverance comes. There's countless times I can tell you where I've been praying for people and then a miracle of deliverance comes and everything goes silent. We call it a holy hush where the presence of Jesus comes in. And when the presence of Jesus comes in, he listens, he silences the adversary and those demons come out in Jesus' name. And when that happens, listen, there's holy reverence hits your heart and you realize there's a heaven, there's a hell. I remember one of the first teenagers we cast demons out of. He had been coming to my church and his mom called me one night and then I commanded, I said, Lord, if there's anything in this kid other than him being a rebel and having a bad attitude, surface it. As soon as I did, the kid's eyes shifted and glassed over. And then all of a sudden the demon was speaking back to me. That demon said, I want to take him to liquid fire. I want him to die and go to hell. He's coming with me. And I bound it, rebuked it. I used the word of God and we removed it after many, I'll be honest, a long time of prayer, a couple hours of prayer, many hours of prayer. But when the demon left, that boy's face changed. His countenance changed. He didn't even look the same because the presence of Jesus was resting on this teenager. We just got in there and said, we ain't leaving until the demon leaves. I don't care what he did, what his family did. I don't care, demon, what rights you got. I bind you right now in Jesus name. And we applied the word of God until that demon came up out of that 15 year old boy and he got set free. Now listen to what happens when demons come out of people. So if you ever go to a church, the demons are being cast out or you have a demon come out of you. Ain't nothing to be scared of. This is what happens. For unclean spirits crying out with a loud voice. So we've seen people vomit, foam at the mouth, spirits scream out of them as they're coming out, came out of many who were possessed. We use the word demon, demonized, and many who were paralyzed and lame were healed. And there was great joy in that city. So again, what happens when deliverance comes, there's great joy that comes with that. There's great joy that comes with the deliverance. I'm telling you, when I got set free in prison for that legion of demons, three, 4,000 demons, right? When I got set free in prison from all those demons, great joy. Remember I said my jaws would hurt because I smiled so much, but as I had the presence of God in me. Demons contaminate the vessel. Demons contaminate the temple. They get you polluted and they steal, they sift, they steal from your joy, your peace. They rob from you the things God has for you. But when you submit and surrender to God and Jesus comes in, he evicts the demons out of the temple. He evicts the demons up out of your house. Because now, you know, see when you repent and give your life to God, you're no longer up under the power and management of the devil anymore. You're no longer under darkness, but you've been transformed into his marvelous light. Glory to God. This again is your hour of power with your host, Pastor Terrell Scott on Conviction Radio, where your deliverance is at hand. And I'm telling you, God is setting the captive free. It's a time and season where God is going to move mightily as the earth gets darker, as the world gets darker, as things get worse. Don't focus on the darkness. Don't focus on the political system. Don't focus on all the churches that are in error. Focus on Jesus because he's going to come forth with light and freedom and deliverance and healing and peace and joy and victory and fulfillment because he's good. When the church was persecuted in the early church, listen, it expanded, it grew, it got filled with power and light. So when things get rough, come on, focus on Jesus, your victor. Focus on Jesus who said, it is finished to tell us that the work is done. Focus on Jesus who is your conqueror because now he's made you more than a conqueror because you're baptized into him and raised in his likeness. Focus on Jesus who can bring you through any given situation into victory, into fullness, into wholeness, and then you can experience the fullness of joy. Hallelujah. Jesus would tell them the truth. The reason he would tell them the truth is because he wanted them to have fullness of joy, fullness of joy. I tell you this so that you may be full with joy. I tell you this so you may experience my joy. I tell you this so you have my joy and my presence. So the truth will set you free. The truth will set you free. And many times, as soon as we believe the truth, God liberates us. You got to quit believing lies about yourself. Some people beat themselves up more than anything I've ever seen them. I've been a pastor in this ministry the last 18 years. I've seen the worst time, sometimes not even the devil, is people who just beat themselves and condemn themselves and hold themselves in low self-esteem. And I'm not talking about being arrogant, but look, you got to receive God's love so you can love yourself because you can't even love your neighbor. You can't love your spouse or your friend or your parents or your grandparents or that person that hurt you. You especially can't love the person that hurts you if you don't love yourself. Let God love on you. Forgive yourself. Whatever you did wrong, put it under the blood. Say, God forgive me. I repent of that. I'm putting it under the blood now. And if there's any demon harassing you, taunting you, afflicting you, command it to leave. If it don't leave, you need to reach out to our ministry and come in for a deliverance session or get on a Zoom call and get a deliverance session so that you can get free because Jesus will set you free. But listen, some demons you can command to go by yourself. Some things have higher rank, higher power, higher status, and you need somebody with authority that's been doing it that can kick them demons out of you. And when those things leave, then God, you can fill your temple with the presence of God and the word of God and have great joy. That's what Christ came for, to set you free so you can have joy. Let me go on to another passage that's in Acts 19. This will be our closing word. And it says this, Acts 19, verse 13, it says, Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists took it upon themselves to call on the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, We exorcise you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches. Also where there were seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who did so. And the evil spirits answered and said, Jesus, I know, and Paul, I know. But who are you? Then the man in whom the evil spirits was leaped on them and overpowered them and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. Now, this is this reminds me of people that are living wrong in sin, in compromise, and try to cast demons out. He said that they came, they came in the name of Jesus, who Paul knows. Now, you need a personal relationship with Jesus, the Jesus that like, you know, not not who your preacher knows, not who your mom knows, not who your aunt knows, not who your grandma know, but who you know, the Jesus who you know. Listen to what else it says. The evil spirits answered and said, Jesus, I know, and Paul, I know. But who are you? Then the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, overpowered them and prevailed against them, so they fled out the house naked and wounded. Now, that would have been a sight, right? He going around the Jewish exorcist, the Sotuskiva, trying to go in there and cast a demon out in the name of Jesus, who Paul knows. And that man with a demon jumped on their head and wounded them and whooped them and sent them out. But listen how God works. Watch this. Verse 17. This became known both to all the Jews and the Greeks dwelling in Ephesus, and fear fell on them all. And the name of the Lord was Jesus was magnified, and many who had believed came confessing and telling their deeds. What? When they seen this reality that demons were real and it just hurt and wounded this man, they got awestruck and they came and what? Confessing and telling their deeds. They repented of their sins. Verse 19. Also, many of those who have practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all, and they counted up the value of them, and it totaled 50,000 pieces of silver. So anybody practicing any form of witchcraft, new age, anything that has to do with magic, Satanism, occultism, you need to burn it. You need to throw it away. I don't care how valuable it is. And when you throw it away, you renounce it, you burn it, and you command them evil spirits to leave. Now when they did this, they repented their sins, they threw away their magic books. Listen what happens. So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed. The only hope for our nation and for the people is the word of God to grow mightily and prevail. Only hope for your community is for the word of God to grow mightily and prevail. We need God's word to grow mightily in us and prevail so that we overcome the adversary and the enemy and the different agendas that are being propagated throughout the land. Right? Listen, we need to get on a kingdom agenda, God's kingdom agenda, the word of God's agenda, what God says about life and about marriage and about families, what God says about prosperity, what God says about our nation and the things that our nation is called to do, the things our communities and our families are called to do. We need to get lined back up with God. Again, this is your hour of power with your host, Pastor Terrell Scott, where your deliverance is at hand on Conviction Radio, where Jesus Christ is ministering to you through the word of God and he's bringing forth deliverance and healing so you can walk in freedom. Let me pray for you in closing and you have a great day. Lord Jesus, right now, everyone under the sound of my voice, I lift up God. I pray the words that I've spoken will convict them, change them, heal them and deliver them, God, that they would receive your word and allow you to set them free. I pray over them now. May the Lord bless you and the Lord keep you. May his light and his countenance shine upon you. May the Lord our God be gracious unto you and may he give you peace in Jesus' mighty name. Amen, amen, amen. Bless you guys.

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