Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker starts by greeting different people and expressing gratitude. They mention that they will be talking about men and the importance of including their spouses. They then discuss the importance of faith in their lives and the need to be a model of good works. The speaker talks about their father and the qualities of a good man. They emphasize the need for men to take care of their families and be responsible. The speaker also addresses the negative portrayal of men in the media and the importance of associating with the right people. They mention the issue of pornography and its negative impact on men. All right, who will be the first on this morning? Who is this? Hang on. Bam! Oh, by design, on this morning, oh, there's a voice, on early this morning, oh my, Joshua, look at you! My, my, my, my, it's me, amen. Good morning, everybody. Good morning. I am doing good, I'm doing good, TBS, wonderful, JD7, good morning. Love it, love it, love it, love it. Good morning, everybody, good morning on this beautiful Friday, praise God. Good morning, ma'am, good to see you, good morning, Pastor Paul, thank you, Rosie, good morning, Day External, good morning, how's the family? The family is doing good, we are blessed, 70 degrees yesterday, 40 today, isn't that just a drastic change? But the family's doing good, no complaints, we are blessed, we are highly favored, we are alive, we're in the land of the living, God has blessed us, so praise be to God. Good morning, DG, good morning, I don't want to miss anybody. I think I said, is it Teeners, 676, good morning, good morning, good morning. This morning we're going to be talking about men to men, and so some of you might want to send this off to, good morning, Miss Debbie, Miss Debbie, she's sleeping today, she should be getting up in about an hour, you know what, thank you, thank you, let me just say this out there, with regards to being a man, happy birthday, Parker, Miss, if you saw Miss Le Voice right there, she has sent messages, she just said, hello, you know what she always does, she always includes Miss Debbie, that's very important, men, did you notice that? That wasn't a part of the teaching, but she said, good morning, Miss Debbie also, and you know, she's blessed this ministry, she's sent, you know, messages, and she always includes Miss Debbie, men, we always have to do that, because you've got to remember, me and Miss Debbie are one, if you get me, you get her, you get her, you get me, and so you should, the respect that she showed, our sister right there, Sister Le Voice right there, that respect she showed, but guess what, men, that starts with us, that starts with us, we have to make sure that we always include our spouse, thank you, thank you, so that's very respectful, I learned that from my father, we're going to be talking about that stuff today, so let's get started, I'm going to talk to men, now, where do I get my wisdom and understanding and knowledge? Ultimately, we know where I get it from, we get it from the word of God, alright, thank you, thank you, thank you, Brother Zion, I get it from the word of God, but I was blessed to study men over the course of my life, with emphasis on my father, who, I'm going to tell you right now, folks, yeah, he's my father, and of course, I'm going to be biased, because he is my father, but he was, he exemplified a godly man, he exemplified a godly man, so let's pray real quick, and let's get into this, Father God, thank you for allowing us to see another day, thank you for blessing us to wake up, to see another day with regards to grace and mercy, thank you for health, thank you for strength, thank you for allowing me to be able to do this, Lord, for your glory, for your praise, and Lord, I pray that you would just bless me with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, that I may focus on this teaching, that those that receive this will not be offended, but re-correct, maybe something may have fallen short, and Lord, I just thank you, and I praise you, I ask this in the name of Jesus, amen. Hey, I know that I'm on something here, I know I'm on something good, because you know what? I've had a few distractions come in, in the last 24 hours, that caused me to get a little concerned, or get me off balance, or sort of get me off the straight and narrow there, and I know I'm on to something, because when you start speaking to men, about men, Satan's mad. The enemy of God, the enemy of humanity is mad. So let's get started, men, well, let me start by saying, I'm a man. I understand some of the things that us as men endure and we have to deal with, but let's let this verse I'm about to read be the foundation of a man, or anybody, man or woman, boy or girl, anybody, let's let this verse right here be the foundation of what we're going to do. Galatians, chapter 2, verse 20, Galatians chapter 2, verse 20, and if my moderators are out there, good morning, Lambrio, I'm sorry, I didn't, let me answer some questions and say good morning, everybody, too. Lambrio, good morning, good morning, everybody, TPH, good morning, literally, good morning, I want to make sure, I got right into my talk and I forgot to say it, Paul, a friend of mine said, God created sin, but I disagree. Let's follow back up to that, yes, Galatians 2.20, Galatians 2.20, what your friend is saying, if God created Satan, Satan created sin, but you've got to remember, God told Adam and Eve that if you eat of that tree, this is what will happen. Now they had free will, they were disobedient, sin came into the world, so I would disagree that God created sin, but they disobeyed, hence, sin came into the world, does that make sense? So I would tell your friend, I would read my Bible a little bit more. Alright, let's use this, Galatians 2.20, I have been crucified, Paul says, I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me, watch this, the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. See, we as people, with emphasis today on men, we have to take that verse, and we must apply it in our lives. Let's look at what Paul says again, I have been crucified with Christ, alright, I've been crucified with Christ, I have to understand that, you've got to remember, let me word this just right, Jesus went to, Jesus died so I can be forgiven, and Jesus lives so that I can, how can I put it, so that I can be delivered, see he was the substitute on the cross, it should have been me for my sin, but Jesus was the one that died on the cross that I may be forgiven, alright, if you get my understanding, if you get my drift. But now that he is resurrected, and Jesus lives within me, Jesus lives so that I can be delivered, why? Because I'm dealing with the day to day events, the day to day sin, the day to day struggles of temptation, alright, as a man, now watch this, he says right there, I've been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith, in what? Faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me, it is not I that live, but it's Christ that lives in me. We read that scripture just the other day, that this is the temple of God, and the spirit of God dwelleth within, so men, we have to say, it is not that I that live, but it is Christ that lives in me. So we're going to use that as the foundation and the basis to kick off this particular study. Men, let's talk about it. A lot of men are slacking in their responsibilities. A lot of men are sort of, if you will, lackadaisical with regards to their calling as men. And the problem with that is this, a lot of the media, Disney, generalized TV shows, and so on, except, hey Ray, good morning sir, general, if you will, TV and media downplay men. They portray men as these foolish non-leaders, zero backbone, relaxed, doing nothing, and just making them look like foolish individuals. Even the conversations, okay, real quick question. In the media, or when we watch TV shows, or we watch movies, or we watch comedies, what are men called? They are compared to an animal. What are men called? Can anybody answer that question? When you just look at general media and watch maybe a comedy show, a derogatory statement, what are men called? Dogs. There we go. Scoochie said dogs. They're dogs. Even some of our popular rappers, they like to call themselves dogs. They liken themselves to dogs, and they say that, and they think that's a compliment. They call each other, hey dog, what's up? They even compliment each other as if that is a good thing. And when you look in the scripture, dogs are not a good thing, meaning there's nothing wrong with dogs, and there's nothing wrong with puppies, and there's nothing wrong with them being animals. But with regards to a dog, and we in the media, or not we, but they in the media, will compare men to dogs. See, men, we are portrayed to be these bumbling fools that are spineless and not leading our families, and that is the problem with today. A lot of men are so preoccupied with other mess that they're not taking care of their families. Now watch, let's just give you a verse. Let's give you a verse. 1 Corinthians 16, 13, 14. 1 Corinthians 16, 13, 14. Watch what the Bible says with regards to men. Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let me read that again. 1 Corinthians 16, 13 through 14. 1 Corinthians chapter 16, 13 through 14 says, be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong, let all that you do be done in love. Think about it. What does it say right from the very beginning? We need to stand firm as men. We need to stand firm as men. Let's talk about my dad real quick. My dad, as far as I'm concerned, was a man's man. He was a man's man. And the interesting thing about my father, that he was always a man, off the clock and on the clock. What do I mean by that? If you came to our church and you met my father, his word was solid, his yeses were yeses, his nos were no, he stood firm on the word of God, and he was a man's man. If you came to our house in our neighborhood, he was the same man. And he was a man to everybody he met. Those code of honors. And that's one of the things we as men have lost, that code of honor, that I am a man. That my word is important. My work ethics are important. Taking care of my family is important. And most importantly, serving God is important. See, men, we get so consumed by sports. Uh-oh, am I stepping on any toes? We get so consumed with our hobbies. We get so consumed with video games. We get so consumed with hanging out with our friends, drinking beer, versus what are we supposed to be doing? As a man, we should be in our word. We should be paying attention to our family, and we should be raising our children. My father, I never saw my father do anything out of the scope of his family. Anything that my father did, his family was right there. Now, if it was a meeting, that of course, a deacon board meeting, we weren't there, I guarantee you, we were in the building or close. My father, everything he did, his family was included. Why? Because he knew that he was raising and taking care of his family, and part of that was nurturing. A lot of us men, we find ourselves, now watch this, men, watch this, I'm going to probably step on a little toes, you're too busy trying to get away from your family. Not all of you, I'm not talking to all you men, some of you men love your families. You do everything you possibly can for your family, but some of you are trying to get away from your family. Some of you men call your wives derogatory names. Some of you mock her and make fun of her, oh, you know, we say something hurtful and we think it's kidding, but when in all reality, it's reality. It's really in our hearts, but we as men have a responsibility to take care of our family. Look at Titus 2-7. Look what Titus 2-7 says, that we as men, we should show yourselves in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teachings, show integrity and dignity. We should be the model to our family. We should be the model to our wife. We should be the model to our community as with respect and integrity. And I tell you what, a lot of men that I see out there, and guys, I got to be honest with you. I'm hard on them. I really am. Men, I still believe that we should open the doors for our wives and girlfriends. I believe that we should still open the door for our wives and our girlfriends. And if we have a girlfriend, now I'm talking to the young men, I'm talking to the young men. If you've got a girlfriend, you better be dating a girl that you're marrying. Y'all didn't hear me there, huh? Y'all didn't hear me, huh? I said, if you've got a girlfriend, that girl that you are dating better be the girl that you're marrying. I'll tell you another thing, oh, somebody just said it. Somebody just said it. Let me back up. Watch this. I also, there you go. Now watch this. Watch this. Ray just hit it at the next point I was going to go on. Watch this. Let me take a sip. When you walk, your wife should be on the inside and you should be closest to the street. What do I mean by that? When me and Miss Debbie walk down the street, I'm on the outside, I'm closest to the street. She's closest to whatever the internal structure is. When we walk, I'm on the outside, she's on the inside. I have a, if you will, a scope of everything around me. Men, this is how we conduct ourselves and our kids should be right there in tow. Men, there's a way to carry ourselves. Let me tell you another thing I don't like. I don't like lazy men. Oh, oh, now. My husband isn't like that. Maybe he hasn't been trained like that. But however, let's get to the point. You know, I do not and I cannot tolerate lazy men. And you know what's happening in the culture today? It comes from the music. A lot of men said, I want to find some woman to take care of me. Really? When? When? When did that take place? I want some, somebody to take care of me. That's, that's not the way it works. If you look in the book of Genesis and you look in Adam and Eve, God created Adam first from the dust of the earth. All right. And then what did God do? He put Adam to sleep. And then what? He extracted Eve from Adam. Now they collectively worked together, but trust you me, the man is the one that is to be the provider of the family. That means he must work. He must work. A man who's not working or a man who does not provide, the Bible's quite clear. He is worse than an infant. A man who does not take care of his loved ones and his family is a terrible individual. Now I agree, I agree with you, I agree with you. She said, and she said something on point, they are, watch this, they're not being raised at home anymore. There's not the example to be there. But men, check this out. You might not have been raised in a two family home and you might not have had the example that I had or someone else has, but you can look in the word of God, you can look in the perfect law of liberty, you can see the standard on which a man must be. And you can say, I'm going to make a correction in my heart and live according to the word of God. But men these days, you know where we take our cue from? The media. We take our cue from suggestions. We take our cue from people that have no knowledge of the word of God and we run with that information. Let me tell you a cool story. It's not a cool story, but it's a cool example. My first set of orders was a place called NAS, Naval Air Station Lemoore, all right? And so at Naval Air Station Lemoore, the first thing I did when I got there, man, real quick, y'all, I don't know what happened, but we went from 200 something to, oh, okay, it went from 200 something to 49, I said, woo, people got upset. But here we go. NSA Lemoore, the first thing I had to do once I got checked in and so on, et cetera, I had to find a barbershop. So I found a barbershop and of course it had to be a particular barbershop because I had to have my hair cut, you know, so I was there and I was waiting in line, you know, like any other barbershop guys are talking, yada, yada, yada. So it was my time to get in the barber chair and I'll never forget this and I'm sitting in the barber chair and the young man, well, he was an older man, he said, hey, you new in town, right? You stationed at Lemoore? I said, yes, sir. He said, well, welcome to Lemoore and yada, yada, yada. He said, first rule of thumb. I said, yes, sir. He said, he goes, you're probably going to get married, but make sure when you get married, you got a side, a side chick. I, I, I, I didn't react and mind you, I was in the world. I wasn't serving God. I just got in the military and he's, and let me reiterate, he said, make sure when you get married, you got a side chick. And then he said, watch this. He goes, but don't fall in love with the side chick. Always keep the wife. Now he didn't say this to be a comedian. He said this with all sincerity. He believed he was giving me some sound wisdom. And I remember thinking in my head and reflecting on my father. That is absolutely stupid. However, I didn't read the Bible that time. I didn't have that reference point, but I had an example. Number one, associate with some folks that are going to encourage you to do the right thing and give you biblical principle. If you don't know if it's truth or not, make sure that you studied the Bible and get in there and understand what does the Bible say with regards to your role as a man? Now the Bible is quite clear. One man, one woman, until death do us part. Because why? We are on a contractual covenant agreement, example, me and Miss Debbie, until death do us part. We are together, thick or thin, heck or high water, we are together. No side chicks, no sidebars, no adultery, no nothing else. It's just me and her because that is biblical principles. Men, quit being influenced by the media, by people, by stupid statements. And that's the problem too. Watch, the formula of any show has what? One of the components is, watch, sex. And in that, it's always got to be somewhere adultery or adulterous relationship. Always. Any show you read, any part of the formula, they have certain formulas that they believe makes a show work. And always in every show, there's somehow, someway, sex. Always. No ifs, ands, or buts. And what happens is, that becomes the norm and now we, as men, think, well, it's okay because they're doing it. Or because that's sociably acceptable. That's a lie from the depths of hell. We got to quit listening to the nonsense, and now we're going to hit on a new subject. We got to quit listening to the nonsense that we see on TV, or a show, or whatever, or advice that comes from some blockhead that's not reading the word of God. Alright, let's flip into something else here. Why should we be careful who we associate with? Let's go to Proverbs 27, 17, Proverbs 27, 17, and what does it say in Proverbs 27, 17? Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. This is why we got to be careful who we associate with. If you associate with knuckleheads, you will be a knucklehead, but if you associate with a God-fearing man, guess what? That verse again, iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. We got to be careful who we associate with. We have to be careful who we break bread with. Now, let me tell you a very powerful story, and I want to tell you why I think this happens. We talked about TV and sex and all that stuff. Men, you got to be careful, because you want to know, as far as I'm concerned, the biggest offense that happens against humanity with emphasis on men, pornography. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Y'all quiet now. Y'all quiet now. I might be stepping on some toes now. I might be offending somebody. I think the biggest offense with emphasis on men is pornography. Yes, sir. Let me tell you a story. The other day, I had a window in the back that cracked. The wind, I assume, cracked it, blew one of the chimes, and so we have a warranty from ... Let me put a plug in for these folks. Where's my ... Oh, I don't have my folder here. I think it's American Windows. I can't remember, but point is, Ms. Debbie said, you need to call, you need to call and have them come out, and so I was looking through all the paperwork, and I saw the number, and I called that number immediately. I called that number, and a gentleman, I won't say his name, because I don't want to put him on blast in case he's watching. We'll call him Fred. He said, hey, this is Fred. May I help you? And I said, Fred, Paul Abram, blah, blah, blah. I need to get my window fixed, and he said, oh, okay. He goes, can you give me this number? So I gave him a number, and so he said, okay, all right, great, and he said, Paul, he asked me a couple ... I go, well, you know, thank you, Jesus, that the window didn't shatter, and then he said, oh, I hear that you said Jesus, and then we started going into a little room, and he said, oh, I hear that you said Jesus, and then we started going into a little room, and he said, oh, I hear that you said Jesus, and then we started going into a little room, and he said, oh, I hear that you said Jesus, and then we started going into a little room, and he said, oh, I hear that you said Jesus, and then we started going into a little room, and he said, oh, I hear that you said Jesus, and then we started going into a little room, and he said, oh, I hear that you said Jesus, and then we started going into a little room, and he said, oh, I hear that you said Jesus, and then we started going into a little room, and he said, oh, I hear that you said Jesus, and then we started going into a little room, and he said, oh, I hear that you said Jesus, and then we started going into a little room, and he said, 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over me, but guess what? I would mind my business. Why? Because I know Satan would want to cause me to stumble, and how would he try to do that? Through sexual sin. Think about it. Folks, this is something that we struggle with as men, and if any of you men think that's not a struggle, you might want to evaluate yourself, but this is how Satan slips us up, and trust me. No, no, no, no, no, don't take offense at it. Matter of fact, you set it up because I was going to make that statement anyway. Please don't be offended. No, no, no, no, don't be offended, because that's a statement we make. We do. That's what men do, okay? I've said it before. Don't get it. You don't need to say sorry, but this is what we do. We can look but don't touch, but see, the problem when we look, we get fixated. When we get fixated, it takes us away. When it takes us away, that's when that sin gives birth, that action. So, no, no, don't get offended. You set me up as if I called you last night and told you to say that. That is a statement, and that's why I said men couldn't write the Bible because a man would not write what it says in the book of Matthew. A man would not write that if you even look at a woman, you've committed adultery. A man wouldn't write that. So, no, don't apologize, but men, these are the things that cause us to slip, and don't think because you're a Christian you're above that. How many churches, how many men of God have literally split or fallen apart based on that sexual sin? But men, we've got to be men. We've got to be disciplined. We have to have a code of honor. You have to conduct yourself with integrity, with character, with discipline. Let your yeses be yeses and your noes be noes. Be a man. Folks, being a man, now, I'm going to say this, but I have to correct how I'm going to say it. Being a man is not being the tough guy. Being a man doesn't mean that you can't show emotion. Being a man doesn't mean that you can't, you know, let your guard down. Hey, man, I'm going to answer that, Shelby. I'm going to answer that. Being a man doesn't mean that you can't say, I'm sorry. But know this, I believe, and I believe my family will be a witness I am a man's man. I am a man's man, but guess what? I can say sorry. If I'm wrong, I will say sorry. Happened to me just the other night with Miss Debbie. Miss Debbie came in the room and called me out on something. She said, you know, you're not consulting anymore. You know that funds aren't coming in and things are getting tight. And she said, and you got a little money in the bank and it's running out. And she was really coming at me, not in a hard way, but in a loving way. And I got a little mad at her. I didn't say anything, but I shut down emotionally. Like, don't tell me what to do. I'm a man of the house. Make money. You know, and I'm sort of feeling bad for myself because, you know, I'm trying to get on with, you know, Ace or Home Depot or something and things aren't opening up. And I didn't even sleep good that night. And the next day I got up and I said, you know what? You were right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Men, we have to be able to say when we're wrong, I'm sorry. Especially with the one that is the one we say we love, the standard of our beauty, the queen of our life, the wife. We have to say sorry. We might have to say sorry to our children. Say sorry if you need to. Men, you can be emotional. I'm the one who will see a Hallmark show and I'll be the first one to say, are you crying? Yes. I'm not made of stone. However, men, we got to have a code of honor. We got to have a standard and say I'm going to be a man on the clock and off the clock. And that doesn't mean I'm going to be a dictator of my house, but I'm going to lead by example. And men, watch this, and don't you take this out of context. Men are the heads. Now, women, don't get all mad at me. The husband is the head. He's not as the head to hurt you. He's not the head to dictate over you. He's not the head to harm you or violate you or beat you, but he's the head. Meaning he should be the first one to say, baby, let's go pray. Uh-oh. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Oh, my, my, my, my, my. Pride goes before destruction and a haunty spirit before the fall. Here we go. Men are the head. Not to harm you, not to hurt you, not to beat you down, but that man should be the first one to say, baby, let's go pray. Honey, let's go over to church. Let's get into Bible study. We should be the head. And watch this, man. Let me give you a little insight. Watch this. Let me give you a little insight. If you would be a, how can I put it, a godly man, a Christian man, a Bible-based man, guess what? That wife will see it, and she will do. And she will react when you make a request. Y'all didn't hear me. Y'all didn't hear me. Y'all didn't hear me. Y'all didn't hear me. Let me back up. I think I saw somebody I need to say hi. Sister Jasmine, good to see you. Men, if you would just hear me now. If you would be a Bible-based man, a godly man, a man in his word, a man prayed up, when you request something of that wife, she will naturally yield to your request. Because why? Women want to be led, but they don't want to be led by a knucklehead. They want to be led by somebody that's in their word, that's in their prayer, that's leading by example. Women don't want to be led by a knucklehead. This is the problem. You got a lot of knuckleheads out there, and that woman's like, I'm not listening to you. I'm talking about godly women. I'm talking about godly women. Now, worldly women, I don't know what to tell you. I don't know what to tell you. But as for a godly woman, a godly woman wants to be led by a godly man. Someone asked me, what are your standards? Get in that word. Say, what are my standards? Oh, my, my, my. Watch this. Psalms 112, starting with verse 1. Praise the Lord. Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments. His offspring will be mighty in the land. The generations of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever. Let's stop right there. Psalms 112, 1. Praise the Lord. Blessed is the man who fears the Lord. I'm telling you, a godly woman wants to be led by a godly man, because a godly man will take care of his family. Somebody said, Pastor Paul, can you speak to how marriage is not a cure for lust and sinful hearts? Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm. But a godly man loves his wife unconditionally. Okay, I'm going to hit something else here, too. Mercy Me, give me a moment. Men, quit belittling your wife. Hear me out. Men, quit belittling your wife. You know what annoys me? Watch this. Well, she doesn't look the way she used to. Oh, after she had kids, she's big as a house. Oh, man, when I married her, she was pretty, but that's the wrong thing to be saying. Watch. Do you still look the same? When I met Miss Debbie, I had a head of hair. Are you still the same weight? Do you physically look the same? Why would you put those demands on your wife? You see, because you got to remember, when you truly love your spouse, when you love your wife, it doesn't matter what they look like. You love them unconditionally, and you're in a covenant relationship with them. Quit making your wife live to the standards that you see on TV, because the folks that you see on TV are fake. The folks that you see on TV have been manipulated by a knife, a scalpel. The folks that you see on TV are image bearers of the world. But you, your spouse, your wife, is the standard of beauty, and you grow old together. But you know, the sex is not like it used to be. Really? That's why you married her? The sexual activity? That's why you married her? Because I'm telling you right now, physically your body changes. Sometimes physically your body can't do what it used to do. And don't marry anybody based on the physical attraction, because that, I'm telling you right now, that within itself can physically wear off. The love for your spouse better be deep. It better be committed. It better be based on the word of God. And don't get married just for the premise of sex, because that wears out. Even if you don't grow old, all of us grow old, but, I mean, if you find yourself not satisfied after a short period of time, don't get married based on just sex. Because I'm telling you what, that within itself is dangerous. Why? Because now you want to, if you will, search for that turn-on. You want to search for that thrill. Well, you know, they don't turn me on anymore. You know what? And I say this with all respect. You ever come to our church, you watch me. Miss Debbie walks by, I'm staring at her behind. I'm staring at her. Why? I reiterate. She's my standard of beauty. Folks, these are the things that are slipping us. And men, we got to be on our guard. We got to be on our guard. And watch this. Watch this. The family is under attack. The family is under... Watch this. Watch this. See if I'm wrong. See if I'm wrong. Men... Society is trying to feminize men. Uh-oh, we're going to go somewhere now. Society is trying to feminize men. Okay. See, my son, I raised a... I raised... Let me tell you. Let me share something with you. The biggest conflicts I had with Miss Debbie was how tough I was on my son. And she didn't understand it. Why? She's a woman. She's never raised boys before. All right? And she used to get, why are you so hard on him? I'm not hard on him. Yes, you are. You... No, no, no. I'm not hard on him. I'm raising him to be a man. She goes, well, what do you mean? See, men have to take care of their families. And sometimes they got to go to a job they don't like. Sometimes they got to deal with a person they can't tolerate. But they still got to take care of their wife and their children. Sometimes they got to go and do the job when they don't feel good. They got to go. They don't got time to wallow and feel bad about feelings and want and they don't like me. I said, I'm raising a man. And in that... Now, hear me out. Hear me out. Please, please. My son, he didn't sit in the house looking at TV. I said, go out and play. And he got in his share of mess and trouble. Now, I'm not telling you all your kids should be out there destroying property and harming and hurting. No, but let these boys be boys. Raise them. Don't feminize them. Oh, little Johnny, don't you... No, no. They are boys. They are going to be roughhousing. They're going to be ripping. And they're going to be running. They're going to be jumping and climbing. And we feminize our young boys. And then when they grow up, we wonder what happened. Now, don't get me wrong. My daughter says I have double standards. I treat my baby girls like little princesses. Why? Because I don't want them to be treated when they get married. But as for my son... Now, don't get me wrong. I understand some boys don't like to roughhouse. Okay, that's fine. That's fine. I get that. Some boys don't like to rip and run. They'd rather go read a book somewhere. And that's absolutely cool. But for the most part, we in society are feminizing men. We're making them soft. We're making them so overly concerned with their feelings. Can I be honest with y'all? Okay. And I know I can speak for Joss on this one and Brian. If you're ever at a Walmart, this is the men I'm talking about. You ready? If you ever see me at a Walmart and something goes down, we're going to get down. Or I should say we're going to take it down. Let me repeat it. I'm not going to go into details because I don't want anybody banning me. If you see me at a Target, a Walmart, a Walgreens, your gas station, and something goes down, we're going to take it down. Why? Because I'm a man. And I'm a man to you. I'm a man to my neighbor. I'm a man to the child. I'm a man to your friends. I'm a man to my family. I am a man. And I'm on that watch because I'm a man. Now, man, I'm not saying go around being a bully. But I am saying, man, we got a job to do. We got a job to do. You want me in that store. You want us in that store. You want us in that public event. You want us there. Why? Because we are men. And that's what we were called to do from the beginning of Adam and Eve. Men were supposed to take care of their loved ones and gather and work and provide and do what they were supposed to do. And if we would just do that and have a code of ethics and honor. Somebody asked me earlier, what is it that you use? What is your protocol? Be honest. Let your yeses be yeses and let your nos be nos. Be consistent. If I showed up a man yesterday, I better show up a man tomorrow. There's nothing worse than a spineless man. Ain't nothing worse than a man that has no spine. Now, I'm not talking about somebody who, you know, an individual who doesn't like conflict. I'm not talking about a person like, you know, I don't like conflict. I don't like conflict. I'm not going to sit and just argue with people to be arguing. But when I see something wrong, and it's wrong, a man should stand up and say, that is incorrect. That is wrong. But when you got a spineless back man, that's a shame. Amen. Amen. What would you say to a single mom whose son's father isn't really there to help make him a man? Well, I hope that you are plugged in. Oh, you just took me a different direction. Thank you. Thank you. I hope you plugged into a Bible-believing church. Men, even in our church, there's a single mom, just like this lady, who needs someone to mentor their sons. Men, that's what else we can do. Are you looking for an opportunity? I'm mentoring a young man right now named Ricky. Now, he's got a daddy. He doesn't need me. He's got a daddy. But what happens is he wants to elevate his biblical understanding from a perspective. Now, his parents have gone through some things, and I'm not going to get in detail with that. But he wants to mimic a man, praise God, that is living that Christian life, who's living a biblical life, and he wants to mimic that. So, men, we have to take the initiative. We have a single mom at our church. Take the initiative. You and your wife, approach her and say, what can we do to help you raise your child with emphasis on being a man? What can we do to help facilitate us? Remember, I said go with you and your wife. Just don't go to that woman yourself because that doesn't even look right, and the Bible's quite clear. The Bible's quite clear. Don't do things that even appear evil. But you and your wife, go to that single mom in your church and say, what can we do to help you? We know that situation. We're not judging, but what can we do? And watch what happens. Watch what happens. This is what we should be doing. Ma'am, that's what I suggest. Find a good Bible teaching church and see if they have a program where men are mentored men, and especially with emphasis on young men. But leave as much as I can an example, man and boys, I teach at church. Amen. Joshua's got two girls, but what? He's being an example at church. Now, we've been all over the place with a lot of subjects. Like I said to you all, this is off the top of my heart, okay? But men are under attack these days. We're under attack. And we've got to get serious about our walk. We've got to get serious about what we're doing. We can't get caught up entangled in the affairs of the world. We've got to get serious about our manly walk, and we've got to get serious and lead by example. Amen, in every direction. We have to lead by example and love on our family, love on our wives, be a standard with that integrity and work ethics. Matter of fact, in my one-to-one training, it's called Point Break Consulting, DWI. You all know DWI, driving while intoxicating, but that's not what my DWI stands for. Number one, DWI, first thing, D stands for discipline. Man, we've got to have discipline. Discipline in your biblical studies. Discipline in your prayer. Discipline with regards to your wife and your family. Discipline with regards to everything. You're out on the street and all of a sudden you see, no, discipline yourself. Put your head down or look up to the heavens or look at your wife. Discipline. W, work ethics. Let me repeat, work ethics. We need to have some work ethics, meaning I show up on time. Meaning I take my, if it's a 10-minute break, take a 10-minute break. If it's a 30-minute lunch, take a 30-minute lunch. But most importantly, show up. If you've got the sniffles, go to work. If you've got a little headache, go to work. Now, you've got a full-blown flu, stay home because we don't know if you've got COVID or not. But work, work ethics. Ain't nobody going to give you nothing, man. And no one gives you anything. And Calvary's not going to come save you. No one's going to hand you out anything. You're not going to win the lottery. You've got to work. I'm in my own struggle right now because even when I got out, watch this. Ms. Debbie will tell you. When we moved, I left the medical field. We moved from the Central Coast to move back to Fresno. I couldn't find a job fast enough. You know what I started doing? I started cleaning pools. I used to have this shirt in my closet called Benelli Pools out of Fresno, California. I was cleaning pools. I think I was making $8 an hour. People are like, well, wait a minute, you've got a degree? No, work. And if I don't find something soon here with HR, I'll be out there asking people, knock on the door, can I weed you your weeds down? We've got to work. People are depending on us. My father, my father used to tell me, he said Shamrock Dairy, my father used to manage a company called Shamrock Dairy. He was a manager there. But he used to tell me, he says, you see that? That's what put clothes on your back. That's what put food on your table. You remember that movie with Denzel Washington? I can't remember, but you remember, I never even saw the movie, but there's clips where Denzel Washington said, I don't got to like you. He said, I don't got to like you. He said, I provide food on the table. I put food on your back and your belly. I provide a roof over your head. I don't got to like you. Now, it wasn't training day. Oh, no, no. But fences, remember? It sounds rough, but that's what a father's supposed to do. Now, I will up it. We need to love our children. But that's what we need to do, all right? So D, discipline. W, work ethics. I, integrity. DWI, integrity. We got to have integrity, man. You know what's trying to get you out there. You know what's trying to slip. I heard a story once about Billy Graham. Billy Graham was somewhere in a foreign city. You know Billy Graham. Billy Graham was an evangelist that spoke all over the world. I read a story where he got in a cab and a young lady got in the cab with him. He didn't know it, but she jumped in that cab and, boy, he shot out the next door. Why? Because he had integrity. Because he, no, I'm not going to put myself in a position that even people saw something that would compromise his relationship with his wife. He had integrity. Let me show you. You know what integrity is? Integrity is being consistent when people are watching you and being consistent when people are not watching you. But integrity, let your yeses be yeses and let your nos be yos. You need to be honest. You need to be on point. You need to say, you know what, this is what I stand on and I shall not be moved. Let me give you an example. Yesterday I was Ubering. Now, y'all, if any of you Uber, whatever you do on your side hustle for that kind of platform, you know that when you, oh, here's my phone. You know when you Uber, hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on. Wait up. So you know when you Uber, up there is the amount that you get. It tells you what you get for that delivery, okay? And then after you can go back and look, and I haven't figured it all out, but you go back and look and you can see what kind of tip they leave you. Sometimes it's a dollar, sometimes it's two, okay? The Uber. Yesterday I went to a house and I delivered the food and they said put it on the bench next to the door because it gives you instructions. And right there was $5, $1 bills right there. Now, they didn't leave a note and say it was from me. Because sometimes they can leave a message and say the $5 for you or whatever. Or they even sometimes can open the door and say here you go. My integrity. I left it. Could I use it? Yeah. Because I had to stop at the gas station and that would have got me at least a gallon of gas. I'm just kidding. Well, just a little over a gallon of gas. But I left it. Why? Integrity. Why? Why clear if it was from me? They didn't leave a note. No one opened the door. No one said anything. No one made it clear in the phone. Integrity, gentlemen. Integrity. Ms. Debbie never has to worry because she knows what she said is it. Because why? I'm consistent. Consistent. Integrity. If you would just do those three. DWI. Discipline. Work ethics. Integrity. If we would just do that, man. And quit being caught up. Take me to that verse. Somebody tell me that verse where it says in the book of Timothy being soldiers entangled in the affairs of the world. Take me to that verse, somebody. Take me. I think it's in Timothy somewhere. Take me there. Get me there. Somebody get me there. It says we are soldiers. We are called by Christ not to be caught up entangled in the affairs of this world. The good DWI. Don't get the other one. Amen. Amen. Don't get the other one. Somebody. Second Timothy. Is that Second Timothy 2.4? Praise God. Y'all just so. Y'all just a blessing for me. Watch what it says. Watch this. Let's back up. Let's back up. Let's back up. You therefore, my son, be strong in grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses. Commit these faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Verse 3. You therefore must endure hardship as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life. And he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. Men. Women. You are soldiers too. But we're talking to men today. Men. You have been called to be a soldier for Christ. Do not get entangled in the affairs of this world. What are the affairs? Anything of the world is the affairs of the world. If it's out of the scope of the Bible in regards to what you are supposed to be doing, it is the affairs of the world. And you have been called by Jesus Christ. You are a soldier. Stand on your wall. Stand on watch. Be the protector of your house, your community, your Walmart, your Target. And say, I am a soldier of God. I will have discipline. I will have work ethics. And I will have integrity. And if we would just do that, we would see our households enriched. We would see our relationship with our spouse blossom. We would see our children clinging to every word we had to say. And families coming together enriched by the blessings of God and his grace and his mercy. If we would just do these things and we would just study. Mercy me. God bless you. If we would just study our word and live for Christ and not self. The Bible is quite clear. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. How do you renew it? In the word of God. It's that simple. I will be offering. Y'all can email me. I will be offering one-to-one with regards to this subject. One-to-one to men. Amen. All you got to do is email me. It won't come free. No, no, no, no. The Bible is free. The word of God is free. But my consulting and one-to-one with men, oh yeah. You can reach out to me. And I will charge you for my time. But I guarantee you, you will be truly enriched. The gospel is free. The Bible is free. But my experience and speaking truth in your life and being transparent with you, that don't come free. And I will do that one-to-one. But you reach out to me on my email. But this right here, what we read, that's Bible. That's Bible. Ain't nobody going to charge you that because Jesus paid the price in full on the cross. No, no, no, no. We ain't charging for that. That's Bible straight up. But my life experience and observation of my father and mighty men of God, trust me. That I will charge you for. So if you want to do some consulting, you reach out to my email. And if you want to meet once a week, twice a week, and you want to talk about that, we can talk about that. Now, if you want to talk about Bible and biblical principles, no. No one's charging for that. And if I have the time to be able to do that, and I do it periodically. I talk to folks on the phone. That's a whole different ballgame. And that is without cost. That's by the grace of God. But when it comes to developing you as a young man and as a man, as a father, as a parent, and I can pour into you the wisdom that I've accumulated. And trust me. Trust me, folks. I'm almost 60 years old. I have downloaded tons of data of men that excelled beyond measure. I've downloaded and accumulated examples of men who by world standards were successful. And, folks, world standard success is all the money, all the education, the homes, the houses. That doesn't make you successful. But by world standards, they were successful, but their homes were in ruin. And I've downloaded some examples and data of men that were hard workers, but godly men. They didn't have a lot, but what they had, they praised God for those blessings. What I would do with you on one-on-one, I will pour those examples in you and call you out on things that you need to correct. And like I said, it will not. I want to be very transparent with you. It will not be free. I don't want to waste your time, and I will not waste my time. But I will guarantee you when you get done with me and listening, and I've already given you the three principles. DWI, not the DWI that you think of. I was just trying to get a phrase that would catch your attention, and I hope it did. Discipline, work ethics, integrity. Discipline yourself. Well, the Bible, that's biblical. What does the Bible say? Making disciples. What do you think disciple means? Discipline student. Discipline. Work ethics. What does the Bible say? If a man don't work, he don't eat. Let your yeses be yeses. Let your noes be noes. Paul tells Timothy about working. Work. And last but not least, integrity. You should have some honesty. These are all biblical principles, but I guarantee you, contact me on my bio, my email. If you want, even if it's your son, if it's you as a man, you've been listening and you say, wait a minute, I want to plug in with Pastor Paul. I want to see what he's got to pour into my life. I want to do that. So be it. Now, if it's a young man, you've got to be over 18. If you're under 18, meaning 17 and below, 17, 12, I don't need a nine-year-old talking to me, but if you get 12, 13, and 17, you've got to get permission from your parents. If you're 18 and over, give me a shout. I'll pour into you. I just put in DWR for this. Oh, okay, so y'all didn't see that, but we had a brother here who's basically pouring into our church, developing our website, developing some things, and he just put that in there. So, yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, ma'am. That's what I'm going to do. But as for the Bible, the biblical, mm-mm, that's God. He paid that price. All right. I'm going to answer some questions. I'm going to answer some questions. Oh, man. Let me answer some questions. Like I said, y'all, that wasn't script. That was off the top of my heart. I had some things come up that I had to bring the focus back in. I had to discipline myself to keep that focus because Satan didn't want me to pour into you. And these kind of things, I speak it from the pulpit. A lot of times, pastors won't. So, Psalms 1. You go to Psalms 1? Just start right there, and I'll be good. Somebody said, let's see. What does that say? Why is insincere because it's different doctrine than yours? I'm not sure what that means. Thank you. You're welcome. What do you recommend to men who are unsatisfied in their job? Lord, keep working. Keep working. Don't stop. You do your job. But this is what I want you to do. Ask the Lord to give you another one. Okay? Don't just quit and don't have a plan behind. Keep working, but ask the Lord to open another door. Okay? I've been counseling a young man who wanted to get, he didn't like his job, he didn't like the environment, and he kept working, and then God opened the door and gave him a better job that paid a lot more. So, once again, much is given, much is required. We have to be good stewards of what God gave us. So, keep working, but pray to God, pray to the Lord, because he's going to take care of the impossible, right? We take care of the possible, he takes care of the impossible, but pray to the Lord that he will give you another opportunity at another place, something that you enjoy. With that being said, your possibility now is get those resumes out, start networking with some folks, start getting some information, and start getting those things in there. Once you do that, then wait on God and deliver that, but keep working. Do not burn bridges. Don't burn bridges. This is the problem with a lot of us. We get mad and we want to burn those bridges. Never burn that bridge. Keep that line of communication. Leave the way you came. You came there motivated and excited, leave it. Hey, guys, I'm putting my two-week notice in, I just want to let you know that I got another opportunity and I'm going to go ahead and take that. Now, what do you do? Well, basically, when you do that, you leave open those lines of communication. If another blessing would come up, they say, wow, this individual left on good terms and they did a good job, and that's part of the DWI. My dog is barking. Let me let him out real quick. Really? Why aren't you barking? There you go. There you go. Okay, I'm sorry. I'm back. So that's what I recommend about the job. So keep working. Once that moment, opportunity comes up, then you go ahead and talk it. Let's see. I'm going to go ahead and talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. 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I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. I'm going to talk it. That's it. Thank you so much. Praise God. Thank you so much. I hope you guys... I hope this was helpful this morning. One hang-up of his is, Why would a loving God send one to hell? Well, this... So, this is my explanation for that. I have never seen a earthly righteous judge. Now, there's judges that are good. But I mean righteous judge. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Because an earthly judge can be persuaded by influence, by money, by several... or several various things. They can be influenced. Okay? And with that being said, but God is a righteous judge. Now, I ask you this. If someone committed a crime like murder, shouldn't a righteous judge convict them of murder? That's the question for the person who mentioned that about their friend. If a person committed a crime like murder, shouldn't a righteous judge convict them of the crime of murder? I'm waiting for that person. I know all of you what you're going to say on this one. But please, we'll allow that person. There you go. Keep going. Amen. Amen. Amen. Here we go. I'm waiting for that person that said their friend. Their friend. Yep. God gave them choice. He doesn't have to send us. Yeah. How do we make the devil... Okay. Hang on. I'm waiting for this one person. And I love all the statements. Please keep that going. I have no problem with that. Made it mandatory to stand when she walked in. Mmm. Mmm. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. The pastor made it mandatory to stand when she walked in and said a pastor can curse. Mmm. Please. Was that Mara put God first? Mary put God first? Will you please contact me on my email? I want to talk about that one. Okay. I agree. Okay. So let's do this. So a righteous judge will convict a person of murder if they murdered the person. That's what a righteous judge will do. In some cases, if the person has enough money, has enough influence, they can influence the righteous judge to overturn that conviction and the person goes free. We see that in America all the time. However, God, the righteous judge, will judge us rightly based on us being sinners. Now, the Bible says we are all sinners. How do we know we're all sinners? Well, when we look at the perfect law, when we look at the Ten Commandments, and we say I've failed on that one, I've failed on that one, I've failed on that one, the Bible says if you've broken one or the least of these, you've broken all of them. Now, if that's the standard, and I have broken them, I am guilty. And God is a righteous judge. And the only thing that a righteous judge can do is render me what? Guilty. However, God has given me a choice. He's given me a way out. We looked at that just yesterday. How did He give me a way out? Through Jesus Christ. My way out is if I put my faith, my trust, my faith in Jesus, repent and confess Him as Lord and Savior, now God gives me a way out because why? I am covered by the blood, and the judgment is declared not guilty because of Jesus. I said it. Let me read this to you because I think it's a very powerful statement. Watch this. The Son of God died instead of us for forgiveness. He lives instead of us for our deliverance. We can speak of two substitutions, a substitute on the cross who secures the forgiveness, and a substitute within that secures the victory. So a righteous God will declare righteousness. And because we are born sinners, we are separated from God. But Jesus is the substitute for you and I for forgiveness. And that is why people are sent to hell. However, people said it. I will reiterate it. Your brother, your friend, your cousin, your relative has a choice. They have a choice. They can choose Jesus Christ or they can deny Jesus Christ. Jesus said, I didn't come to condemn you. You were condemned already. We were born in condemnation. We were born in condemnation. From my mother's womb, I was a liar. I was condemned from my mother's womb. And if you read Psalms 51, you can see that elaborated a bit more. But the choice is Jesus. And that is the way we escape the wrath of God that is going to come on this world in the subject. But the key takeaway, a righteous judge shall judge righteously. Okay. All right. There you go. Amen. Well, I think we had a pretty good gathering today. I choose Jesus. Amen. We had a pretty good gathering today. Guys, I really hope this was helpful. I really do. I hope that this was helpful. Like I said, men, reach out on my email. Reach out on my email. Somebody said a derogatory statement. I got a little upset with him. I booted him out because I was tired of hearing him. I'm not here to profit off anybody. I'm not. I'm not. When it comes to the gospel, the good news, Jesus Christ, Jesus pays the price. I can't charge you for that. However, my personal one-on-one consulting, I will. There's no doubt about it. I will. And that will be biblical-based, but it will be one-on-one with regards to developing you as a Christian man. All right, everybody. It was served. Thank you. Praise God. How do we make the devil weak? How do we make the devil weak? You know what? Help me out. Somebody help me out. When the angel said, oh, what did he say? Hang on. He talks about not even, it's in the New Testament, where he says, I don't even, where the angel Gabriel says, I don't even wrestle with the devil. I don't wrestle with the devil. Somebody get me close to that verse. I know I'm messing that up. Great job. You've gone live for 90 minutes. Don't forget to take a break. Amen. I'm on live for 90 minutes? Oh, my, my. Oh. Where's that? It said, I, I, he talks about, there's a key word that he uses. Great job. Resist. There you go. Yeah, it's resist the devil. Amen. Well, I'll find it, and we'll talk about it on Monday. 2 Peter? Okay, but we'll talk about it on Monday. But the key person, the person said a key word. We resist the devil. We give no room to the devil. We tell the devil to get behind us. See, the devil's not weak. He's not weak. See, that's a lot, that's a misnomer with people. Satan ain't weak. But if we give him no room, and we resist him, and we tell him to get behind him, he has no authority over us. But being a child of God? Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world? See, there's a power in a Christian, that makes him or her an overcomer. See, you've got to understand that. When you're a child of God, you're an overcomer. There's a power within you. That's the Holy Spirit. You are sealed. And because of that, all you've got to do is be in your word, pray it up, make sure that you keep your focus on the Lord. You don't need to make Satan weak. Satan is already. What is that? Is that it? Hang on. Let's look at that. What is that? That's the armor here. That's what somebody just did right there. See, they just took you to soldier duty. Oh, my, my. They just took you to soldier duty. Somebody ain't playing out here. They just took you to boot camp. Oh, look at it. Look at it. They just took you to boot camp. Watch this. Watch this. Watch this. Ooh. Somebody's just. All right. Look what it says. Finally, my brother, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Watch this. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand, stand therefore having girded up your waist with the truth, having put on your breastplate of righteousness and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take up the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying always with all the prayers of supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end and with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. And for me, the utterance may be given to me that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mysteries of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that in it I may speak boldly as I ought to speak. And this individual basically took you to boot camp and said, put on the full armor of God. Boom. There you go. All right, everybody. Got to get going. Miss Debbie's got a list of things I've got to do today. So, praise God for you. I hope, once again, that this was fruitful. It was for me. Keep us in prayer. Once again, what did I ask you to pray for me for? I want to go work at Ace Hardware. Pray for me. I get it. I was talking and introduced myself to the manager. He was like, oh, it's good to meet you. And guess what? They still do regular, what do you call it, applications. So, I filled it out and I brought it in the next day to follow up with him. So, keep that in prayer because I really want to work. It's close to the house. It might not pay a lot, but it will pay enough for what I need to do. And so, I'm looking forward to that. But please, please, praise God. May the Lord watch over and keep you. My brother, please, from Salt Lake City, I will baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And we will be excited at church. We'll do a live on that one. You can bet your bottom dollar we'll do a live on that one. All right, everybody. Let me pray you out. Father God, thank you. We praise you. We honor you. We lift you up. Father, we thank you for all that you've blessed us with, Lord. And I pray that as we leave with this teaching in mind, that we would allow our minds to be transformed. And, Father, we just thank you for all the individuals that support and help us do this. Father, I pray that you would just bless, that you show favor, that you would just watch over them and keep them. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen. All right, everybody. God bless you. Have a good day. Much love.