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cover of Deconstructionism





When we began, I was a demobilized combatant under suspicion, so my training (with one of the best legal teams in the country) prepared me for interventions at long term care facilities and institutions in this nation. Unfortunately, while responding to threats my daughter raised, those familiar with the hazard I served to resolve, presumed that my departure was intended to avoid the consequences of my efforts to dispel the doubts we lived with, so the sanctions were applied once more.

Voice Overdeconstructionismsanctionsinternational treaty lawbindingprotectionadvocacypatients rightsinterventionthreatshazards

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The speaker discusses their efforts to understand international treaty law and the negative consequences of sanctions on patients' rights. They mention their training with a legal team and their attempts to address threats and dispel doubts. They express a plea for release from isolation and state that they have divulged everything they know to be true. The speaker suggests that reconstructions are necessary to find out more. Were we to study every nation's interpretation of the law, we might be required to spend our whole lives following the intricacies of every geographical artifice that results from the equivocation of expressions that are limited to avoid honest disclosure. So I endeavored to understand international treaty, at some risk due to assumptions that I may be planning a hasty departure. The fact is that sanctions similar to those employed by international treaty law led to the death of patients whose rights I was federally mandated to protect and defend during my tenure. So it seems that confidential coordinations used to personally introduce me to the use of these sanctions would put my good training to use. When we began, I was a demobilized combatant under suspicion. So my training with one of the best legal teams in the country prepared me for interventions at long-term care facilities and institutions in this nation. Unfortunately, while responding to threats my daughter raised, those familiar with the hazard I served to resolve presumed that my departure was intended to avoid the consequences of my effort to dispel doubts that we lived with. So the sanctions were applied to my circumstances again and the result was isolation, poverty and suspicion once more. Naturally I wrote to advise others of the situation and informed my doctor of the binding requirements that must be applied to prevent those prone to the use of violence to correct these circumstances. And they therefore advised me of my need to put my affairs in order because long-term use of the bindings were sure to be deadly. So I plead for release from the isolation that leads to suspicions we live with and am fully capable of understanding how the revelations of a combatant can lead to confinement. But I've divulged everything I know to be true by use of this medium and though my reports may be compromised, my complete understanding or full knowledge of these circumstances has not been affected by them. It seems to me that reconstructions were needed to dispel doubts or to find out more.

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