Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
This is a program for working moms who feel overwhelmed and out of control. It promises to help you love your life, balance work and motherhood, and have time for your own interests. The program offers solutions to manage stress, find time for self-care, and prioritize motherhood without sacrificing your career. It promises to help you feel confident, happy, and full of energy. The speaker, who has gone through a similar journey, offers a step-by-step process to help you make positive shifts and take control of your life. She shares case studies of women who have transformed their lives through the program. The program focuses on five key shifts, including breaking free from societal expectations, activating your inner superpower, and using a personalized trust ladder to make lasting changes. The speaker emphasizes the importance of integrating new habits into your daily life and trusting yourself to make the best decisions. 5 Simple Shifts to Awaken the Divine Goddess in You This is for working mums who feel out of control. If you're an exhausted, stressed out working mum who feels under constant pressure to effortlessly balance career and childcare, this is for you. A programme that makes sure you love your entire life, are a success at work, enjoy being a mum again and have time to develop your own passions and interests. Whether this has been going on for years or you have tried other things that just haven't worked, this is the programme for you. In the next 8 minutes I'm going to show you how to ditch the daily stress and dread even if you've felt overwhelmed and out of control for years, how to thrive at your career and enjoy it without it taking over your life and taking all your energy, how to have time to exercise, do self-care and develop your own hobbies as well as manage all of your priorities, how to create energy and fun in your day from having none at all, how to win back hours every week and actually switch off when you come home, no longer constantly stressing over work, how to give yourself and family the time and attention they always deserve and be able to prioritise motherhood without sacrificing your career, how to feel confident and happy with an abundance of energy every day. My promise to you is a step-by-step tailored process to go from an exhausted, stressed out working mum who feels under constant pressure to effortlessly balance her career, childcare and her own passions and hobbies. But before we get into all of that, I just want to take a moment and check in with you. Does any of this sound like you? You feel constantly stressed and anxious and you know it's spilling over to the kids. You go to bed at night feeling you haven't actually achieved anything and you've snapped at everyone leaving you exhausted and yet not able to sleep. You always feel really rushed and have no time for yourself no matter how much time management you do. You have a problem with boundaries and people take advantage of you and your kids, husbands or boss just run rings around you. Are you unable to switch off from work and you know you're never fully present for your kids? Do you feel guilty because your family always gets second best but at the same time you know you can't slip up in your career and you never have time for you? Do you see other mums who seem to have it all together and you just wonder how on earth they do it? And the big question, are you secretly terrified that if nothing changes, something or everything is going to go bang, like your health, your relationships or your job or worse all three? If any of that sounds like you, I have good news. None of that is the real problem. The real problem is you haven't made the shifts and we are going to talk about exactly what those are in a moment but for now just know this. Once you make them you'll wake up and feel motivated, excited and productive, no longer stressed from the moment you open your eyes. You'll have creative ideas for your life and what you want to do next with your family, home and passion projects. Your boundaries will mean you leave work on time every night and actually get to enjoy the evenings with your family. You'll be present at home and spend the weekends making amazing memories, knowing you're still bossing your career and so on, everything else. You'll have energy to exercise, for me time and to socialise with friends and family. You'll look and feel amazing like never before. In fact, when people see you they'll say I don't believe it, you look younger and better every time I see you. What's your secret? Who I am. I've gone from a stressed out corporate mum to owner of four thriving businesses in health, wellness, energy and brand strategy. This process is the culmination of all four. I've helped over 200 women through this journey of survive to thrive via my own journey to joy and health. I live by all of these principles I teach and mentor. What you are learning here is the culmination of 40 years of self-work and discovery. The five shifts. Shift one, throw away the rule book. We do not realise how much we have been taught to follow rules about what our roles are as women, mothers, wives, employees. What is typical swamps us everywhere. We do not see how this is not the route to happiness until too often it is too late. We get caught up in chasing our tail to make sure our employers, husband and kids are happy before ourselves. Stress and exhaustion is our default and we never have time to fill up our own cup. It is possible to take control of our lives, to be truly happy and thrive. When we realise we can take full responsibility, that is own everything that has and will happen, we are in the driving seat. When we know and trust that we own our life, we stop people pleasing and everything changes. We trust ourselves to make the best decisions for ourselves. We have a beautiful, joy-filled life waiting for us and it is our choice to decide to grab it with both hands now. My dad says this is not a rehearsal and you know what, it isn't. Let's make happy happen for you. So case study one, Susie. She was absolutely on a merry-go-round, couldn't stop herself spiralling. She had a two-year-old that was really calling the shots. Her husband's shift work was causing total yo-yos with all of their lives, eating and sleeping and all their quality of life. She was working flat out and spending all of her time caring for her family, her sister and friends. She was resorting to smoking cannabis just to get some respite. It was really taking its toll on her health, her thyroid really in trouble. She tried exercise, stopped smoking intermittently to boundary everyone, but those are only short-term gains and then she was back on the merry-go-round. After working with me, she is now calm, centred, feels and sounds stronger than ever before. Her routine has grown her confidence stratospherically and she now has healthy boundaries and is so much healthier. Her thyroid is showing absolutely normal levels. She's running her business efficiently and loving her home life and hobbies. Most recently, there was a big setback within the family and she's just cruised through it, used all her coping tools and now she is the strong one and there is a total transformation. Shift two, set yourself free by activating your superpower. Truth bomb, you are able to change your life. It is possible to create joy, vibrancy and time for yourself and love your life. Our daily habits either add up to stress or they add up to joy. The trick is recognising that we have a choice. Changing your daily stress habits into thrive habits is the key to unlocking the door and setting yourself free. You are the sum of your habits and I am here to show you how to not only change them in your favour, but to activate your inner creative superpower, your inner goddess who is desperate to be set free. What do you do every day? Do you enjoy these regular activities? What do you do regularly? What do you do? What do you eat? What do you drink? What do you say? How do we know what is working for us or against us? How many times have you said, I need someone to tell me what to do? You pay for a course, but then you don't do it. How many times have you tried a diet and when you stopped, all the weight goes back on? Not only is it about what you do every day, it's about changing the destructive habits and turning them into productive habits that are personally tailored to integrate into your life right now, otherwise it doesn't work permanently. Personalised integration is what changes everything and once you have changed your daily physical, emotional, mental and spiritual habits, the whole thing adds up, activates your inner superpower and it's your creative system activated. That is your goddess code. Case study 2, Jackie. Busy horsey doggy mum and wife, has a very busy family work, a very demanding husband and horse that takes up all her time. So she simply has no time for herself at all and she has no idea what to do to actually take time for herself. She's never done it. She was in a complete merry-go-round of illness and stress and never seemed to be able to get ahead, not even able to work. Then she got really ill. No energy at all, no mojo, couldn't work, couldn't get out of bed. After working with me, very quickly she was back on her feet, back to work and able to function. Now, 3 months in, she is stronger and clearer every single day, enjoying her life, recommending me to her friends, embracing the routines, her sensitivities and absolutely trusting her own intuition, which is her superpower. Shift 3, use the secret weapon, the personalised trust ladder. So, the old way is to try bits of wellness and lifestyle, such as a new exercise regime, excluding some things from your diet, try to lose weight, try angel card readings, try yoga, try meditation, hope they work. Unfortunately, these things individually rarely create powerful results because it's not enough to anchor in the change that is actually needed. The new way is to combine physical, spiritual, mental and emotional approaches and do them all at once in a personally tailor-made way to fit into your life right now. These rapidly combine to make all the difference because that's the power of the compound effect and the power of this activates the superpower goddess code. When we are shown actionable, easy to understand techniques and how to combine them in a totally new, game-changing way, that's when the thrive habits change permanently. The trust ladder incorporates all aspects of a great process, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, tailored for each individual with daily accountability built in. I'm going to elaborate on one of the aspects of the trust ladder now, the spiritual aspect. We are part of the universe and magic that unfolds all around us. The universe has us in every single way and not only that, it speaks to you all the time in very special ways. This means that when we trust these signs, we are able to feel safe, trust ourselves and importantly trust our own self. This is an essential ingredient of trust to create our own life. Shift four, fill your cup first. Imagine a life where you are not stressed. Instead of exhausted, you wake up excited for your day. Instead of putting your family, husband, boss first, you put yourself first and then everything changes. You have time for yourself every day because your life is centred around you and everyone is happier around you. Your joy-filled life is absolutely possible. I've seen it many, many times and it requires a complete combination of all four aspects of wellbeing to knock all the conditioning out of the park and set you free. Case study three, Megan. Business coach mum of three boys married. She's a highly high-powered achiever, sets high standards for herself and very time poor. She loves strength training at the gym, but her three-year-old was running rings around her, not sleeping, taking hours to settle and go to bed, needing her attention in the evening. He often ended up sleeping with her and her husband went to her son's room. A lot of musical beds throughout the night, the older two boys often playing up as well and she was stressed out, running around to clubs, activities and parties with no one actually satisfied, especially her. Everyone was regularly exhausted and irritable. In the short term, what's happened after working with me, she has so much more energy for her day. She is happier and more relaxed and her son is so much more relaxed and less needy, as are the other two. And now, six months in, Megan is putting herself first every single day. Her three-year-old settles himself every night and sleeps through. The older two have time with their mum now and the husband has time with her as well. As a result, all are much, much happier. She is thriving in her business and everyone is sleeping and everyone is happy. Shift five, invest in mentoring. The above four shifts are only possible if you invest in mentoring. You have a fresh perspective right now, just from watching this video. If you are ready and all need to change and are committed to doing what it takes, you need a mentor. Mentoring brings three things, accountability, fresh ideas and a safe community of support. It shortcuts all the merry-go-rounds, the myriad of different approaches that don't work in isolation, the time-wasting, the guesswork, the confusion and the misery. A mentor walks you through the four shifts, makes them happen and fast-tracks the process better than any other way. Every time I have invested in a mentor, it has been a big decision. A totally different life, a soul-centred, relaxed, joyful, meaningful and magical life is waiting for you, if and only if you invest in mentoring. It's marriage saving, it's health saving, it's life saving and it stops the merry-go-round. Don't go it alone. Invest in an experienced mentor that has a tried and tested comprehensive system to hold you safe and show you the way. So, today I promised I was going to show you how to ditch the daily stress and dread, even if you've felt overwhelmed and out of control for years. How to create energy and fun in your day from having none at all. How to win back hours every week and actually switch off when you come home, no longer constantly stressing over work. How to give your family the time and attention they always deserve and be able to prioritise motherhood without sacrificing your career. How to thrive at your career and enjoy it without taking over your life and taking all your energy. How to have time to exercise, do self-care and develop your own hobbies as well as manage all of your priorities. How to feel confident and happy with an abundance of energy every day. My promise to you was a step-by-step tailored process to go from an exhausted, stressed out working mum who feels under constant pressure to effortlessly balancing her career, childcare and her own passions and hobbies. What you need to do to win. Shift one, throw away the rule book. Shift two, set yourself free by activating your superpower. Shift three, make sure change actually happens and sticks with the trust ladder. Shift four, fill your cup first. Shift five, invest in mentoring. Now you have a choice. You can either stay stuck feeling miserable and horrible about yourself, bitching at everyone, losing a rag and just doing your life in the worst, most uncomfortable way, surviving on caffeine and all the rest. Continue to go round and round or worse still spiral downwards into illness and depression, feeling burnt out and overworked, undervalued and constantly guilty that you're forever showing up second best for your family. Or if you're actually done with this and want a guaranteed way to ditch the daily stress and dread, even if you felt overwhelmed and out of control for years, win back time for you and your family, the most precious priceless asset in your life and actually switch off when you come home, no longer constantly stressing over work. Create a life full of fun, energy and exciting adventures you've always dreamed of doing with the money to do it because you are earning. This is how I can help. I set aside some time in the next 48 hours to speak to you personally about how you can apply the Goddess Awaken process to your life. Whatever your biggest challenges are, I've seen them before and know how to overcome them. We shall talk through what's going on right now and find three things that will make the change for you straight away. The cost is absolutely free, but there is a catch. This isn't for everyone. So here's who this is for. You must know you need to change because yours is a painful life right now. You are prepared to hear more and make some changes. You are so sick of being sick, exhausted and trapped. You are committed to you. And if that's you, book a session now. So why am I doing this? Because I absolutely have been there myself, trust me, and I have found a way that actually works. It makes my soul sing to see another woman thrive and I want you to start a movement. Plus, I know that you might want my help to transform your life. If so, we can see if it's a good fit for both of us and if not, that's absolutely fine too. To book your call, go to the booking link and when you click on the calendar, you'll be taken to my calendar. Please pick a time that works for you. Then you'll be directed to a very short, simple form to just give me some more information about you to make sure we have a productive call. Fill that in, then we jump on a call at the time you choose. I can guarantee it will be the best 45 minutes dedicated to you that you've had in a long while, maybe ever. And to round this off, I want to talk about one final client of mine, Philippa. She was being mentally abused by her cheating husband and father of their four children. She'd always worked for the family business and was terrified to leave that she had no confidence or belief in herself that she could do anything else. Her mental and physical health was really suffering. Then she worked with me. Now she is divorced and has moved location to her dream seaside town with her dogs and she has never been happier and has found a job she loves. Thank you so much for coming. Hopefully you've seen today that there is a way out and it is very possible to totally change your life. I hope this has given you hope, even if right now you are completely stressed out, like Mojo, and you feel totally trapped. Do book a call and let's meet up. The first thing we're going to do is to get clear on what the main problem is right now. Second, the ideal outcome you'd like to achieve. And third, we should develop an outline plan as to how that ideal would come to life. Let's see if we are a great fit together. If not, that's fine too. I look forward to speaking to you soon. Thanks a lot. The Goddess Awakened Programme. Five simple shifts to awaken the divine goddess in you. This is for working mums who feel out of control. If you're an exhausted, stressed out, working mum who feels under constant pressure to effortlessly balance career and child care, this is for you. A programme that makes sure you love your entire life, are a success at work, enjoy being a mum again, and have time to develop your own passions and interests. Whether this has been going on for years or you have tried other things that just haven't worked, this is the programme for you. In the next 12 minutes, I'm going to show you how to ditch the daily routine and how to In the next 12 minutes, I'm going to show you how to ditch the daily stress and dread, even if you felt overwhelmed and out of control for years. How to thrive at your career and enjoy it without it taking over your life and taking all your energy. How to have time to exercise, do self-care and develop your own hobbies as well as manage all of your priorities. How to create energy and fun in your day from having none at all. How to win back hours every week and actually switch off when you come home. No longer constantly stressing over work. How to give yourself and family the time and attention they always deserve and be able to prioritise motherhood without sacrificing your career. How to feel confident and happy with an abundance of energy every day. My promise to you is a step-by-step tailored process to go from an exhausted, stressed out working mum who feels under constant pressure to effortlessly balancing her career, childcare and her own passions and hobbies. But before we get into all of that, I just want to take a moment and check in with you. Does any of this sound like you? Do you feel constantly stressed and anxious and you know it's spilling over to the kids? Do you go to bed at night feeling you haven't actually achieved anything and you've snapped at everyone leaving you exhausted and just not able to sleep? Do you always feel really rushed and have no time for yourself no matter how much time management you do? Do you have a problem with boundaries and people taking advantage of you and your kids, husband, boss just runs rings round you? Are you unable to switch off from work and you know you're never fully present for your kids? Do you feel guilty because your family always gets second best but at the same time you know you can't slip up in your career and you never have time for you? Do you see other mums who seem to have it all together and you just wonder how on earth they do it? The big question is, are you actually secretly terrified that if nothing changes something or everything is going to go bang like your health, your relationship or your job? All, all three. If any of that sounds like you, I have good news. None of that is the real problem. The real problem is you haven't made the shifts and we are going to talk about exactly what those are in a moment. But for now, just know this. Once you make them, you'll wake up and feel motivated, excited and productive, no longer stressed from the moment you open your eyes. You'll have creative ideas for your life and what you want to do next with your family, home and passion projects. Your boundaries will mean you leave work on time every night and actually get to enjoy the evenings with your family. You'll be present at home and spend the weekends making amazing memories, knowing you're still bossing your career. You'll have energy to exercise for me time and to socialise with friends and family. You'll look and feel amazing like never before. In fact, when people see you, they'll say, I don't believe it. You look younger and better every time I see you. What's your secret? Here I am. I've gone from a stressed out corporate mum to owner of four thriving businesses in health, wellness, energy and brand strategy. And this process is the culmination of all four. I've helped over 200 women through this journey of survive to thrive via my own journey to joy and health. I live by all the principles I teach and mentor. What you are learning here is the culmination of 40 years of self-work and discovery. The five shifts. Shift number one, throw away the rule book. We do not realise how much we have been taught to follow rules about what our roles are as women, mothers, wives, employees. What is typical swamps us everywhere. We do not see how this is not the route to happiness until too often. It is too late. We get caught up in chasing our tail to make sure our employers, husbands and kids are happy before ourselves. Stress and exhaustion is our default and we never have time to fill up our own cup. It is possible to take control of our lives to be truly happy and thrive when we realise we can take full responsibility, i.e. own everything that has had and will happen. We are in the driving seat when we know and trust that we own our life. We stop people pleasing and everything changes. We trust ourselves to make the best decisions for ourselves. We have a beautiful, joy filled life waiting for us and it's our choice to decide to grab it with both hands now. My dad says this is not a rehearsal and it isn't. Let's make happy happen. Case study one, Susie. She was absolutely on a merry-go-round. She could not stop herself spiralling. Her three-year-old was totally calling the shots. Her husband's shift work was causing yo-yos with all of their lives. The eating, sleeping and everything that goes on around the family and the whole quality of life. Meanwhile, she was working absolutely flat out and spending all of her time caring for her family, sister and friends. She was smoking cannabis to just get some respite. It was really taking its toll on her health and her thyroid was really in trouble. She tried exercise, she stopped smoking intermittently, she tried to boundary people but those only gave her short-term gains and then she was back on the merry-go-round. After working with me, she is now calm, centred and feels stronger than ever before. Her routine has grown her confidence stratospherically and she now has healthy boundaries and is healthier. She has a full bill of health with her thyroid and she could not be happier. She is running her business efficiently and loving her home life and hobbies. Most recently there has been a big setback within the family and she has cruised through it, used all her coping tools and now she is the strong one and there's a total transformation. Shift 2. Set yourself free by activating your superpower. True farm, you are able to change your life. It is possible to create joy, vibrancy and time for yourself and love your life. Our daily habits either add up to stress or they add up to joy. The trick is recognising that we have a choice. Changing your daily stress habits into thrive habits is the key to unlocking the door and setting you free. You are the sum of your habits and I am here to show you how to not only change them in your favour but activate your inner creative superpower. Your inner goddess is just desperate to be set free. So what do you do every day? Do you enjoy these regular habits, these regular activities? What do you regularly do, eat, drink, say? How do we know what is working for us and against us? How many times have you said I need someone to tell me what to do? You pay for a course but then you don't do it. How many times have you tried a diet and when you stopped all the weight goes back on? How many times have you taken out a gym membership and then quit after two weeks? Not only is it about what you do every day, it's about changing the destructive habits and turning them into productive ones that are personally tailored to integrate into your life right now. Otherwise it doesn't work permanently. Personalised integration is what changes everything and once you have changed your daily physical, emotional, mental and spiritual habits, the whole assimilation activates and adds up to your inner creative system, your inner superpower, your goddess code. Case study two, Jackie. A very busy, horsey and doggy mum and wife. She's very busy with her family, her work, her demanding husband and horse taking all of her time so there was just no time for her at all and she had no idea how to organise it or take time for herself. She's never done it. She was totally stuck in a merry go round of illness and stress and never seemed to be able to get ahead and never seemed to get fully well. Then she got really ill again, ended up in hospital a really bad way. No energy at all, no mojo, couldn't work, couldn't get out of bed and after working with me she is now very quickly back on her feet and back to work and able to function. Three months in she is stronger and clearer every day, enjoying her life, recommending me to her friends, embracing the routines, her sensitivities and totally trusting her intuition, her super goddess power. Shift three, use the secret weapon, the personalised trust ladder. So the old way is to try bits of wellness and lifestyle such as a new exercise regime, excluding some things from your diet, try to lose weight, try angel card readings, try yoga, try reiki, try meditation and hope they work. Unfortunately these things individually rarely create powerful results because it's not enough to anchor in the change that is actually needed. The new way is to combine physical, spiritual, mental and emotional approaches and do them all at once in a personally tailor-made way to fit into your life right now. These rapidly combine to make all the difference because that's the power of the compound effect and that's the way you activate your superpower, the goddess code. When we are shown actionable, easy to understand techniques and how to combine them in a totally new game-changing way, that's when the thrive habits change permanently. The trust ladder incorporates all aspects of a great process, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, tailored for each individual with daily accountability built in. I'm going to elaborate on one of the aspects of the trust ladder now, the spiritual well-being side. So we are all part of the universe and magic that unfolds all around us. The universe truly does have your back and it has us all in every single way and not only that it speaks to you all the time in very special ways. This means that when we trust these signs we are able to feel safe, trust ourselves and importantly trust our own decision making. This is an essential ingredient of trust in ourselves to create our own life. Shift four, fill your cup first. Imagine a life where you are not stressed. Instead of exhausted, you wake up excited for your day. Instead of putting your family, husband, boss first, you put yourself first and then everything changes. You have time for yourself every day because your life is centered around you and everyone is happier because of that. Your joy-filled life is absolutely possible. I've seen it many, many times but it requires a complete combination of all four aspects of well-being to knock all the conditioning out of the park and set you free. Case three, Megan. She's a business coach, mum of three boys, married, very high-powered achiever and set such high standards for herself but very time poor. She loves everything high-powered for herself, she loves strength training, she pushes herself hard but her three-year-old was absolutely running rings around her, not sleeping, taking hours to settle and go to bed, needing her attention in the evening. She was absolutely at the end of her tether. He often ended up sleeping with her and her husband went to his room and it was all-round musical beds throughout the night. The older two boys often played up as well and she was just stressed out, running everyone around to their clubs, their activities and their parties with no one actually happy. Everyone was regularly exhausted and irritable. Very quickly, within a week, she had more energy for her day. She was happier and more relaxed and her son was much more relaxed and less needy and going to bed some of the nights on his own. After two months, Megan had learned to put herself first every single day. Her three-year-old now settles every night, the older two have time with their mum and her husband also has time with her and all are much much happier and she is thriving. Shift five, invest in mentoring. The above four shifts are only possible if you invest in mentoring. You have a fresh perspective right now just from watching this video. If you are ready and or need to change and are committed to doing what it takes, you need a mentor. Mentoring brings three things, accountability, fresh ideas and a safe community of support. It shortcuts all the merry-go-rounds, the myriad of different approaches that don't work in isolation, the time wasting, the guesswork, the confusion and the misery. A mentor walks you through the four shifts, makes them happen and fast-tracks the process better than any other way. Every time I have invested in a mentor, it has been a big decision. A totally different life, a soul-centered, relaxed, joyful, meaningful and magical life is waiting for you, if and only if you invest in mentoring. And only if you invest in mentoring. Trust me, it's marriage saving, health saving, life saving and it stops the merry-go-round. Don't go it alone, invest in an experienced mentor that has a tried and tested, comprehensive system to hold you safe and show you the way. So today, I promised I was going to show you how to ditch the daily stress and dread, even if you felt overwhelmed and out of control for years. How to create energy and fun in your day from having none at all. How to win back hours every week and actually switch off when you come home, no longer constantly stressing over work. How to give your family the time and attention they always deserve and be able to prioritise motherhood without sacrificing your career. How to thrive at your career and enjoy it without taking over your life and taking all your energy. How to have time to exercise, do self-care and develop your own hobbies as well as manage all of your priorities. How to feel confident and happy with an abundance of energy every day. My promise to you was a step-by-step tailored process to go from an exhausted, stressed out, working mum who feels under constant pressure to effortlessly balancing her career, child care and all her own passions and hobbies. What you need to win. Shift one, throw away the rule book. Shift two, set yourself free by activating your superpower. Shift three, make sure change happens, actually happens and sticks with the trust ladder. Shift four, fill your cup first. Shift five, invest in mentoring. Now you have a choice. You can either stay stuck, feeling miserable and horrible about yourself, bitching at everyone, losing your rag and just doing your life in the worst, most uncomfortable way, surviving on caffeine and all the rest. Continue to go round and round or worse, spiral downwards into illness and depression, feeling burnt out, overworked, undervalued and just constantly guilty that you're forever showing up second best for your family. Or if you are actually done with this and want a guaranteed way to ditch the daily stress and dread, even if you felt overwhelmed and out of control for years, win back time for you and your family, the most precious, priceless asset in your life and actually switch off when you come home, no longer constantly stressing over work. Create a life full of fun, energy and exciting adventures you've always dreamed of doing with the money to do it because you are earning. How can I help? I've set aside some time in the next 48 hours to speak to you personally about how you can apply the Goddess Awaken process to your life. Whatever your biggest challenges are, I've seen them and know how to overcome them. We shall talk through what's going on right now and find three things that will make the change for you straight away. The cost is absolutely free, but there is a catch. This isn't for everyone. So hear who this is for. You must know you need to change because yours is a painful life right now. You are prepared to hear more and make some changes. You are so sick of being sick, exhausted and trapped. You are committed to you. If that's you, book a session now. So why am I doing this? Because I absolutely have been there myself and I have found a way out that works. It makes my soul sing to see another woman thrive and I want to start a movement. Plus, I know that you might want my help to transform your life. If so, we can see if it's a good fit for both of us and if not, that's fine too. So to book your call, when you click on the link, you'll be taken to my calendar. Please pick a time that works for you. Then you'll be directed to a very short, simple form to just give me some information about you to make sure we have a productive call. Fill that in. Then we jump on a call at the time you chose. I can guarantee it will be the best 45 minutes dedicated to you that you have had in a long while, if forever. To round this off, I want to talk about one final beautiful client of mine, Philippa. She was being mentally abused by her cheating husband and father of their four children. She'd always worked for the family business and was absolutely terrified to leave as she had no confidence or belief in herself that she could do anything else. Her mental and physical health was really suffering. Then she worked with me. Now she is divorced and has moved location to her dream seaside town with her dogs and she has never been happier and has found a job she loves. Thank you so much for coming. Hopefully, you've seen today that there is a way out and it is very possible to totally change your life. I hope this has given you hope, even if right now you are completely stressed out, lack mojo and you feel totally trapped. Do book a call. Let's meet up. The first thing we're going to do is get clear on what the main problem is right now. Second, the ideal outcome you'd like to achieve. And third, we should develop an outline plan as to how that ideal would come to life. Let's see if we are a great fit together. If not, that's fine too. Here's the URL to click on so we can have a chat. Sign up now because spaces are very limited. See you on the other side. Hi, this is Nicky Marchant. Congratulations on signing up for your free breakthrough session with me. Please, please watch every second of this video so that we can hit the ground running. I don't want to waste any of your time on the call running through these whole ideas, these concepts, so I'm going to go through them now. So, I'm going to go through them now. So, I'm going to go through them now. So, I'm going to go through them now. So, I'm going to go through them now. So, I'm going to go through them now. So, I'm going to go through them now. So, I'm going to go through them now. So, I'm going to go through them now. So, I'm going to go through them now. So, I'm going to go through them now. So, we can lay the foundation for a great breakthrough session together. You might not realise it yet, but this call could be the game-changer moment to actually change everything in your life. In fact, it could be the most important call of your life. I know that might sound a bit OTT or even too good to be true, but listen to this. What if your biggest block was gone? What if your health issue was gone, or your relationship problem, or your work problem, or your child sleep problem? What if that major stress was actually not in your life anymore? What if you did have more time to enjoy your yoga class, or you did enjoy your family time like never before, just like my clients Meg and Suzanne? Meg was going through hell with her three-year-old, waking her up every night and coming into her room and having nightmares. So, no one in the house was sleeping. Everyone in the house was exhausted, irritable, and often ill. Now, he goes to bed like a dream, and everyone sleeps all night in their own beds. And both Meg and her husband are bossing their careers. Equally, what about Suzanne, who was really, really in trouble with her thyroid and stress levels? With her husband away for months at a time, she was basically a drowning single parent on the verge of spitting up with her husband. Now, she is fully in control of all her hormone levels, thriving at work. Her three-year-old son sleeps peacefully, and her husband appreciates her. What would Meg's life be like if she hadn't shown up for her breakthrough session? What about Suzanne? I mean, really, really think about it. The ideas they got from that one call, the same call you are about to have, changed the trajectory of their entire life, and is worth thousands of hours of game time. And now they love their lives instead of being exhausted and stressed out all of the time. That's why it's so important to show up for your breakthrough session. So, I want to invite you to make a real commitment to yourself right now that you will show up for that call, and you will be 100% present and ready to change, so that we can do some great work and create a great foundation to get your life, your family, and your career to the next level. Now, of course, I'm not saying you're instantly going to feel amazing and boss your life. This does take work. What I am saying is that every single client like Meg and Suzanne that have changed their lives, they have all had the very same call you are about to have. That's how important it is. So, please commit to yourself to show up for that call and to be 100% present. Okay, so let's dive in and talk a little bit about how Meg and Suzanne were able to make such incredible transformations in their home and personal lives in such a short period of time. So, what's the secret sauce here? Make sure change actually happens and sticks with the trust ladder. So, the old way is about trying bits of wellness and lifestyle, such as a new exercise regime, excluding some things from your diet, try losing weight, try angel card readings, try yoga, try Reiki, try meditation, and hope they work. Unfortunately, these things individually rarely create powerful results because it's not enough to anchor in the change that is actually needed. The new way is to combine physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual approaches and do them all at once, but importantly, tailored to your life right now so that it works. These combine to make all the difference because that's the power of the compound effect, and then that unlocks the goddess code. When we are shown actionable, easy-to-understand techniques and how to combine them in an easy, totally new, game-changing way, that's when the thrive habits actually change permanently. So, the trust ladder incorporates all aspects of a great process, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, tailored for each individual with daily accountability built in. Start to think about where do you feel most trapped and stressed in your life right now? Home, relationship, work, health, future. If in an ideal world you were happily free of that trap, what difference would that make to your day, your week, your year? What is the biggest factor in preventing the ideal from actually happening? How long have you been struggling with this, and why is it so important to you for this stress to be gone? We're going to get into all of this on the breakthrough session. This has the power to change your life, and again, our goal is to make this the most valuable 45 minutes of your entire life. And if you're like any of the clients I've shared on this video, this call is going to massively transform you. So, make sure that commitment to yourself to be there. I'm Niki Marchand, and we're really, really looking forward to talking to you and seeing you on your breakthrough session. See you soon. you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you Hi, it's Niki Marchand here with the Goddess Awaken process. So, based on your answers to our application form, it doesn't look like your burnout problem has actually reached breaking point yet, and that doesn't mean that it would be an actual good use of your time or our time to actually have a breakthrough call right now. But that doesn't mean that you don't have a burnout problem, don't get me wrong, and it's just that I don't want to waste your time if we can't help you right now. So, on this page, what I've done for you is put together some resources that I have found personally incredibly valuable in my journey towards success. So, please check out the resources under this video. It's all the stuff that, again, has been very, very valuable for me, and I hope that it's very valuable for you too. I wish you all the success in the world in all your endeavors. Take care and many thanks.