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NERDS_Episode13_Should you multiverse

NERDS_Episode13_Should you multiverse

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The host and guest of the podcast NERDS discuss the concept of multiverses. They mention a new Persona game set in a parallel universe and express their opinions on the use of multiverses in storytelling. They also briefly discuss their personal lives and upcoming plans. In another conversation, they talk about a Dungeons & Dragons session, including introducing new characters and preparing for a big boss fight. The host mentions being sick and their plans to sell most of their Magic: The Gathering cards. Welcome back to NERDS! I'm your host Zachary, with me is joined Lucas, and today Lucas will be needlessly, endlessly ranting dumb shit about, uh, fuck I have a title, ah, should you multiverse, should you multiverse, perfect, a perfect title, so I'm assuming we're talking about multiverse, you said in the car, parallel universe, weird time travel, so I got the idea for this episode because me and my, uh, unnamed friend, me and my unnamed friend, uh, over at work, uh, we're talking about the new Persona game that's coming out, Persona 5X, uh, which is a mobile game specific, uh, and it's a whole new cast of characters, uh, going through Mementos, and I'm like, I asked them, I was like, man, where does this kind of take place in the timeline, because, like, Mementos is supposed to be gone at the end of Persona 5, so like, where does this say, and so my friend looked it up, and he goes, so it's set in a parallel universe, and I was upset, uh, so, I'm, basically, we'll get into it, but there are good ways and bad ways to do multiverses and parallel universes, and I have my own very personal opinion about that stuff, for sure, but this is, this definitely felt the most cash-grabby way to explain some stuff that doesn't make sense, you know? Yeah. Well, before we get into that, before we get into how we're doing, you want to start? Sure. I am okay. Uh-huh. Uh, a lot of work, uh, did a lot of work this week, uh, been actually very productive. That's good! Uh, been trying to keep the apartment clean best I can, I kind of slacked today, but, eh, I kind of just relaxed today. Uh, I do have some very fun news. Oh? Uh, been working on some Megandria stuff, as I always have. As always. And, I have a, I think, my final version of the full map. Hey! So, I just gotta put it in all the detail for it, but it's really cool, because, it's basically four continents that are surrounding, like, multiple islands in the middle, and the islands are smaller and get bigger as they go out. Yeah. The idea is that is where the comet first hit. I love it. So, then the four continents basically split. Yeah. And that's kind of where the world we're in now, so, it's very cool. Hopefully we'll get to do our session soon. Very soon. Uh, I've gotten the basic mechanics kind of figured out, it's just now, like, figuring out, like, health, uh, how I'm doing armor. Yeah. And how you can do attacks. Yeah. Once that is figured out, then we can start, like, a test run. Yeah. But, yeah, I'm very excited about it. I'm very excited. I've been working a lot on Dendria recently, so it's been very, very nice. Other than that, I've just been trying to stay off my phone as much as I can. Been trying to be more present in the moment. Because another thing I'm realizing is, even while I can be off my phone, I tend to look to the future too far. Yeah. And be like, I don't know what I'm doing for the future, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah. And being, having anxiety because of it, and I'm like, you know what? I'm really going to try to focus on just doing what I can for this day. Yeah. Every day. I'm not going to worry about the future. Like, there's obviously stuff I need to figure out, but I'm not going to sit here and worry about the future. I will have it figured out if I can sit here and figure it out each day. So, yeah. Yeah. All in all, I'm doing okay. That's awesome. Today was the only hiccup of the day, so. Anything else? That's about it for me. Are you going to ask me how I am doing? No. So my weekly session, miserable. I have re-gotten sick. But to rewind, the week was pretty good. Thursday was obviously very, very fun. But I didn't feel very well Thursday. This week has just been a very low energy week for me. I get that. Woke up and I was like, I don't want to get out of bed. I want to do Dragon Realms, I just don't want to do Dragon Realms. But I got up, I did some planning, let the party know that like, hey, it's going to be a little low. We're going to be chilling a little bit. And then it was not low energy. We'll get there. Most of it was low energy. But, yeah, we got to introduce, really get to talk about a character that I introduced in PC. Ishtosh. Ishtosh, the Dragon Knight. I got to introduce some core concepts for the upcoming capital you guys are about to get to. So you guys aren't just thrown in randomly, but more of like, hey, this person is from this capital. Why wouldn't he tell you, like, hey, watch out for these people. Hey, here's a little tidbit about these people. He gave us something to do for me. I wrote it all down. Yeah, it was very fun. I was like, it doesn't make sense why he wouldn't tell you guys about some things. And we'll see how it goes. But I got to end the session with something I've been planning since, oh, fuck, since session two, three. Damn. Which was? That long. Oh, yeah. Which was you guys going to bed and then waking up to the town you're staying in. A really very Resi-8-like village. A town, like, very small, kind of ramshacked, on fire and in attack. Yep. And you guys woke up to essentially the end of the session was you guys running out of the inn, seeing the town on fire, seeing a bunch of orcs kill people, and one of our characters, named Nemesis, who's been chasing you guys for a long while, slit a woman's throat at the end of the session there. And I'm very upset about it, and I'm going to kill that fucking rat. If you can. We'll have to be able to do it. I think we'll be able to. No, he isn't. I've given him 300 health. 300 health. He has six legendary actions. Four lair actions. He actually has the ability as a legendary action. So he fires off territory. Yeah. As a legendary action, he can make something his lair to then take lair actions. Oh my gosh. That's so gross. But it was something I've been planning for a while, so I'm very excited to see how this week goes because it's a big boss fight. It is a big boss fight. And I really want to do a cool, very homey map where I'm getting Tupperware and books to block out buildings and just very classic. There's not really any crazy minis. It's just a bunch of character minis and then whatever I can find around the apartment to block out the map. Some orcs. Yeah. Which I know we have a few. But other than that, I got sick Thursday night. And so Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I haven't been able to breathe. I've been tired. It's just been horrible. And I think I can feel myself just getting past it because I can start to breathe now. But that's just led to my nose burning because it's not used to so much intake of air. Yeah. It's just been a very tiring two weeks. I get that. So I'm excited to just get done with it. But we have a start of a very, very fun week, which I'm excited about. Tuesday, we get to do a really fun heist for some githunk. Thursday, we get to do the battle between the Nameless, which is your guys' group, and Sogway Softpaw, a ratfolk who's the nemesis, which is going to be so fucking fun. And then the week after that, I go to a concert, baby! Because Friday is my birthday. So, yeah. I get my tattoo. Don't worry about it. But I get my tattoo on Thursday. And so, yeah. And then you guys go to a concert, which I won't be going to, but me and another friend will be seeing Dune Part 2. For me, the third time in theaters, but for him, the first time on Tuesday. We've just got a very fun coming week. It's going to be a lot. I'm very excited. I'm really glad I'm getting out of the sickness now. By Saturday, I plan on having the playable version ready. Oh, fuck yeah. Of Gendrya? Of Gendrya. So if you want to get together Saturday... Not Saturday, because I close. I get off at like 9. But... Oh, the cricket. The cricket was on the wall. I can't do Sunday. I'd have to see my schedule. My manager had me closing on a Monday, and I was like, I can't close on a Monday because of Nerds. And so she then had me closing another weird day, and I was like, I don't know what my schedule is right now. Well, let me know when you're free, because I would really love to play. Yeah. I'm down for it. I just need to... I can't remember if I close Saturday or Sunday. Because I can't remember if it's this week. I think it is. I think it's like I'm off Friday. I close Saturday, and then she had me closing Monday, and I was like, I can't do that. So I think she would have me closing Sunday. But who knows? I'm down for Gendrya whenever. Yeah, it's... We're on the wall part right now, but we're about to hit a very fun high part in life. Life's a rollercoaster, baby. Oh my, and I've been feeling like I was ran over by one. Other than that... We'll talk about the obsessions in a second, but... I'm trying to think. I feel like there's something else about how this week has gone. I played Magic again last night for the first time in a while. That was fun. I think I've come to the realization I'm just going to sell most of my Magic. That's fair. I've had zero desire to play it. Could I maybe have one of the decks? I will... Yeah, so what I have planned is I... Most of my decks are, or at least the big decks, are scans, so I know the pricing range. So I'll probably just offer it to the friend group for a much more discounted price. Like, hey, it's a $100 deck, I'll take $50-$60 for it. That works. Because that Vampire deck's a little bit on the spice. I probably will keep one or two to carry with me. Because it's still a fun pastime when you're with the right people. Yeah, for me specifically, I really have to have the right people. It can't be competitive, it has to be fun, the power scaling has to be similar. I understand. I have a tote bag right now. Well, the tote bag's half of my other friends' too. So we need to separate that anyways. I have a lot of modern decks I won't ever play, and I have a lot of Commander decks that I enjoy, but when we move to New York, I don't want to carry that with me. I get it. So I'll sell what I can to those people that want it, and then... Yeah, just go to the metagames and just be like, hey, here's 3,000 cards, can I get $20 out of it? Because I know both of them are just common. Hey man, those decks can do some work. They are. I've seen them do it. That's how I've spent most of my Magic, which was essentially playing Popper, and then getting into Preconstructed. I got to play my Rakdos deck, and it popped off. Full-on land tap, soul ring tap, arcane signet tap. We should play Magic just me and you. Yeah, it's going to be fun. I enjoy two-player Commander. I know that's usually not what a lot of people do because it's a four-player, but I enjoy playing two-player Commander. And it's with someone that you know is not going to be like, you have no enemies and I've got six, all attack. You both get to build your battle up. I have a Scarab God deck that would be really fun. Scarabs against Vance? Or my Elton John. Zombies against Vance. I summon a bunch of zombies to fuck your day up. I still dream of having a pure Liliana Commander deck, where it's like all the Lilianas, it's a full zombie. And I don't want... Oh my god, we can get into it later. For sure. Magic is one of those that I love and hate. We'll talk about it later on. But, weekly obsessions. What you obsessing about. Weird shit. So, I... I'm getting nervous. I have been obsessed this week with watching fucking Kitchen Nightmares. And specifically Hell's Kitchen. Interesting. And it has been so fun. Because... Gordon Ramsay is what got me into cooking. Yeah. I work at a restaurant, for people who don't know. And, like... I don't know, I... I was the kid who literally, like, microwaved ham and cheese, put it on a piece of bread and was like, this is a Lucas sandwich, and then just ate it. Yeah. But then I watched a lot of Gordon Ramsay, and watched him cook, and show these recipes, and I was like, I could probably do something like this. Yeah. And my first homemade recipe was a Gordon Ramsay recipe. Bam. So, like, I love Gordon Ramsay. I think he's hilarious. And as well as... He's actually pretty brilliant in what he does. Oh, he's a master. Yeah, like... What he is. And he, like, he's aggressive in the same way a coach is aggressive. Yeah. In my eyes. 100%. He's not there to, like, belittle you, he's there to push you to be better. Yeah. You know, he's gonna tell you when you fuck up, but he's going to, like, he's going to try to make you better because he cares that much about food and about you. Yeah. Like... I've always seen Gordon Ramsay like a drill sergeant. Yeah, I don't scream because they hate you, it's just how they... It's a level of heat that you have to learn how to take. Especially in an environment that Gordon usually is teaching his people to go into, which is Michelin star restaurants. Like, that's not just you're around the middle, hey, throw me some burgers. Like, it is an intense environment. Yeah, because you're making recipes, you're, like, doing a whole bunch of, like, crazy stuff. So it's been really fun to watch, especially since I found on YouTube, the actual, like, Hell's Kitchen YouTube, there's something called Hell's Kitchen Raw, that is literally the dinner services uncut. Oh, shit. No editing, none of the sound effects or anything. How long? They're, like, 40 minutes. Interesting. Obviously, they, like, cut some of the main parts, but, like, it is so fun to watch him just work and watch them work. Interesting. Like, Gordon says a lot to everybody. It isn't just a select few that he's just pinning, like, throwing the piss at. Everybody is getting a little bit of work. Obviously, the TV shows are going to make it more dramatic. Yeah. They're going to be like, oh, let's pick out a few people. For sure. That man runs that fucking kitchen. Oh, he runs it, and he runs it hard. It's so good. It's, like, my favorite way to watch Hell's Kitchen now, so I've been really, really enjoying it. That's why. Oh. The... Oh, yeah. Our table was moving, and it broke the table pan. I was wondering. Interesting. I, nothing against him, hate those shows. I hate competitive cooking shows. Watch the Hell's Kitchen Brawl. No. It's good. I grew up on, like, the Paula Deen, or, like, Bizarre, and, like, Andrew's Bizarre, where it's, like, single person, like, we're going to make some mashed peas, or, like, the Diners, Drivers, and Dives kind of cooking. And my mom always loved, like, Chopped and Hell's Kitchen and... Same. Like, well, the, like, American Night... There's the one, like, American cooking show, like, Bobby Flay's. The, uh... American Kitchen Warriors. Yeah, something like that. And I just, every single time, I was like, I'm out. Iron Chef. Iron Chef, yeah. I was like, I just cannot stand that kind of cooking. But I loved, like, the, you know, I'm in a fake kitchen, and I'm going to be making some recipes for y'all. I was like, okay, we're doing this, and we're doing that. If you want to, if you want something similar to that, then there's a YouTube channel called Iron Chef Dad. It's literally a person who, like, succeeded in Iron Chef. Oh, shit. And he's a father now, too. And he has, like, an 18-year-old son, and his son made the YouTube channel. And they have, like, shorts and small things where he's, like, making stuff gourmet. Like, making pancakes. Oh, I know him! Yes, yes, yes. They're so cute together. I've seen them on TikTok. And he's like, I bought, like, a $100 banana. Do you think it's worth it? And he's usually like, no, not worth it. Yeah, no, I've fully seen his content before. It's wonderful. Wonderful. Oh, yeah. That's kind of my weekly obsession, is I've just been watching a lot of Gordon Ramsay. It's been nice. Are you going to do anything with it? Uh, it's kind of re-fired my love for food in the kitchen. Like, actually cooking. Okay. So, I actually really, I have the D&D cookbook, and I've not made anything from it yet. So, I'm really thinking, like, next time I go grocery shopping, getting something for a recipe. Oh, my God, yeah. And just making something. Because, like, I do actually like cooking. Yeah. And I've said it before, I'm not the biggest fan of cooking in restaurants. Yeah. And cookbooks are there to specifically be like, hey, you don't have to just, like, it's a recipe. Yeah. It's like a fluffy recipe. So, I would love to make something for, like, the group or, you know, so everyone can, like, have a little something from the cookbook. That's very funny, because one of my coworkers loves her. You guys know her, because I talk about her all the time. Yeah, I know you do. She texts me Saturday night, I think, when we got off work. Because she's, well, she's like a middle-aged woman, but we're very similar in how we are, and she has a very fun life, and I love her and her husband. And she texts me, she's like, holy shit, my husband got me the Lord of the Rings cookbook, which she's been searching for for months. That's so wonderful. And she's like, can you please make us, I think it was, like, the Orkin breadsticks. Really? Because I've made bread for them a few times. Let me see which one it was. Yeah, Orkin breadsticks. And I was like, absolutely. But I was like, one condition, I want to have the book physically to make them. So I was like, you just mentioning the D&D cookbook, I was like, damn. She also just got the Lord of the Rings cookbook. That's nice. Yeah, I need to, God, man, I really want to make something out of that. I've been, recently I've been craving my potato soup that I made. We've been talking about that potato soup for, like, a month. I know, it's just, it's like, my issue with cooking, like, normally, it's so expensive to cook those meals. You know, I spent, I think, $50, $60 on a meal that everyone got, like, a bowl and a half. But that's where everyone pitches in. Yeah. When it's just one person, it's difficult, but when everyone is, like, pitching in a few dollars, like, hey, instead of everyone getting Subway, because that's, yeah, that's the difference. Like, that will be $10, and I will make a giant pot of potato soup for everybody. Yeah. Like, I have no problem with giving you $10 for you to make some potato soup. It's good potato soup. It's good potato soup! Well, anyways. Anyway, that's my weekly obsession. What are yours? There's BS. Yep. What are yours? I only have two, because I know it's going to be two. I only have two. Mm-hmm. I am repping my fearless leader, my god, my queen, Brittney Borowski. Her merch finally came in. Mm-hmm. I pre-ordered it January. Love it. I got it Friday, or Saturday night, but I was not feeling well, so I was like, I'll worry about it later. Yesterday, I finally unboxed everything, did a whole, I felt like a PR bitch. I did, like, I was like, I just got a PR package, I'm taking photos, I'm modeling for them, I'm posting an Instagram post, like, hey, y'all, thanks to, like, the Borowski Report for sending me this, like, PR package. Fully spent, $120 on it. So, it was not free, but, god, I love it. Hell yeah. It is so cool. The hoodie looks nice. Yeah, I'll show you the Instagram, because I got a hoodie, which has the Borowski Report logo in the front, but it has her face, or the, like, old pin-up style on the back. Oh, that's so cool. Which is so cool, and it's got, just go the other way, but the t-shirt has her in her, like, she's wearing this, like, gigum plaid pink, and she's, like, holding a cigarette with a beehive. Oh, it's so wonderful. God, it's so cool. I love that, like, 1920s aesthetic. Yeah, it's so cool. So, I'm just absolutely in love with it, and it's comfortable, because I, I've ordered some things before, where it's like, oh, I'm excited to get this. Oh, my dude hoodie, which you've seen me wear. Love it, but it is clearly, like, a screen-printed, not the best quality, and I was like, so when I got this, I was like, the hoodie feels nice, the shirt feels nice, though, the shirt, for being a 2X, feels a little small. It feels more like an extra large. I don't know, I'll tell you this, you're just getting bigger. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I think you have stayed the same size since the moment I have met you. Oh, yeah. I have always stayed a 2X, and I can tell when a company, like, runs smaller. Like, I bought a fucking 6X sweatshirt, and I was like, this feels like a 2X sweatshirt. Like, clearly the sizing does not feel the same. Which, by the way, for people to know, Zach could probably wear, like, a large if they wanted to. No, I could wear an extra large. I'm just self-conscious about my body, and I, that's not true, I'm more autistic with my clothing, and I don't like the compression of clothes. I get that. I like baggier clothes as well. I was like, it just makes me feel like I'm being constricted, not in a fun way, where I'm like, get it off! I like flowy clothes. Yes. So, strangely, bracelets are the things that have made me be like, get it off! I love a good bracelet. That feels the most restricting, for whatever reason. Interesting. Definitely with neck. That's the majority of the time I wear bigger sized clothes. I don't like things tightly around my neck. But anyway, love her merch, and she only released three. It was t-shirt, hoodie, and a sweatshirt. I need to listen to her podcast. I fucking love it, because it's, it's what spawned me wanting to do a podcast, because it's just her, and it's so fucking chaotic. Which, I thought this was going to be a weekly assessment, but her recent episode talks about Beyonce's new album, Cowboy Carter, which is like, 80% country. Oh, interesting. Beyonce doing country, huh? Yeah. Well, she, it's a whole thing where like, she's a Texas girl. Like, she's born and raised in Texas. Oh, really? I didn't know that about Beyonce. So like, she is Texan, and so, though she's gotten her reputation for being a very mixed-media, mixed-genre artist, she, she feels so much like an L.A. girl. So, yeah, she's full Texan. She released a country song, and it kind of got a lot of backlash, and then, like, COVID hit or something, but eventually she released Cowboy Carter, and she made the distinction of like, this isn't a country album, it's a Beyonce album. A lot of the songs are country, there's also a rap song, there's a song named Flamenco, for like, the Latin style of music. And so, it's not just country, and it's my favorite type of country, it's like old folk country. It's not pop, it's not, it's like, I fucked my wife and drank a beer. It's like, singing, it's almost gospel-y at times. But, because I love Beyonce. Yeah. I rarely listen to her music, because it's not generally my type of music genre I listen to, but she talks about it, and I was like, I gotta give it a try. And I was like, damn, there's a lot of good songs. Dolly Parton shows up twice, on two separate songs. Love Dolly Parton. Her and Miley Cyrus do a song, she has a song with, I think Post Malone. Okay. There's a song where she has like, four up-and-coming, like, black, I think, country artists. She has a song where she is with a, I can't remember the second part, but he's like a Nigerian, Texan, or like, Nigerian something country artist, that's also up-and-coming. I love that. So, that was just her most recent episode. And I was like, is this a weekly exception? Eh. But, it's very cool. But I'm just repping her merch, and I love her. I love her so much. It's a dream to meet her. Will I? Who knows? I'll cry probably. But, that's my dream. It is popular enough, we probably will. Or we do something crazy-ass, scandal, and she'll probably talk. Oh my god. But yeah, that's, I just love it. Second weekly obsession, which has always been a weekly obsession of mine, but I've been getting back into it. Vampire Masquerade. Yeah! My boyfriend brought me a sticker for my water bottle, and then, I don't even know, I was scrolling through my Steam, and I have Vampire Masquerade on my, in the bloodlines, 2005 video game. And I was like, God, I just want to fucking play with a controller. Because I'm a controller baby. I don't really like playing with keyboard. I grew up on controller. I enjoy the feel of controller. But, the stuff that I can't do, PC, I just, that was my fear of getting into PC in the beginning. I was like, I don't know if I'm going to enjoy it. And then, the more I played with it, like Cyberpunk, Baldur's Gate, Helldivers, even the Bioshock games, which I forget I even have. I'm like, I just genuinely hate those games. You don't like the Bioshock games? No, I need to get those games. They were in my top nine. I thought you said, I hate those games. And I'm like, what? Am I in a parallel universe? 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