Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker expresses concern about the indifference and materialism of society. They highlight the disparity between our comfortable lives and the struggles of others around the world. The speaker urges people to take action, to be aware of the impact of their choices, and to prioritize helping others over self-interest. They emphasize the importance of empathy and collective effort in making a difference. Save the world. I can't save the world, one person at a time. Forming one fantastic line of red and yellow, black and white. They're precious, but only in his sight. What about ours? Are we too busy with our cars locked up behind middle class bars? Too afraid, so we put them up in jars. Far flung from food with our fresh fruit, fast food, franchise fantasies, factory footwear, and fancy feasts. Here kitty kitty, we treat cats like humans and people like beasts. As long as I can buy my $6 sandals at Walmart and still have enough for the movies, I'm not so concerned about children in Honduras with a crack attic on 2nd Street. Me, myself, and Eisner are getting me into Disney worlds away from the reality of bloated babies bellies or orphan widows left out to dry by the wrong guy. Gas is how much a gallon? Boy, I might have to stop buying $6 cups of coffee while hillside farms battle men bearing arms burning their crops while the northwestern part of the world just shops. Ooh, I found this on sale! And it's to the pail, or the bucket, or the truck, or the dumpster we call closets, houses, mini-storage, never mind the kid who made it is forced to forage for enough firewood to heat four poor bodies in one mud room. If God blessed America, what'd he do with the rest of the world? Give them a second rate education, factory worker hands, and English as a second language? No, I can't save the world, but I just can't sit back, watch humanity slip through the cracks. People, pick up the slack, put a brother on your back, go one mile, maybe even two, and please don't do it in those child slave labor shoes. We can't save the world, but that don't mean we ain't supposed to try. To do it, die. Lay down the remote. Controlled lives are harmful to humanity. Others before self, red carpet laid. That's how the world is saved, and saved, and saved.