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N8WUNZ 20230405 (W) The Big C

N8WUNZ 20230405 (W) The Big C




5th April 2023 The Big C The Big C and Lawyers Efforts to Avoid It! In this N8 zoom to hear first hand what is making a difference and is going to make a difference in the serious situation NZrds across the country are in. The anti hate speech propaganda machine is a dangerous group of people. Many are Public Servants People like Kate Hannah are spouting hate speech non stop. The Prime Sin-ister is condoning it and joining in They need to be bought to heal for this hate speech Liz has a...

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The speaker discusses various topics including personal greetings, moving houses, uploading files on a Facebook page, the definition of cis, legal profession, cases related to vaccination mandates, arguments against vaccination mandates, coercion, the 90-day issue, and fighting against costs in legal battles. The speaker expresses frustration with the legal profession and urges listeners to share the video and join the union for support. Good. Get that out of the way. Thank you Emma. Hi Anna, hi Jeff, hi Amanda, Michael, Rex. How are you? Good. Robyn, Steve, Nikolai. Ness, hi Ness. Hi. All the way from Australia. Yeah, I logged in one hour early. I think it sounded like savings ends. Yeah, we swapped over at two o'clock on Sunday morning. Oh yeah. So we're still sort of, you know, trying to stay awake at eight o'clock at night. How did your shift go Liz? What's that? How did your shifting go? Ah, not bad thanks Dave. I've still got boxes and bags all around the place and got to get myself another French organised. But yeah. It's a big hassle isn't it? Yeah. Good on you. I hate moving house but now I'm over on the city side it does make things a lot easier. Especially catching planes to Wellington which is coming up on the Monday the 17th. We started on that and I noticed that M has uploaded in the files, if you have a look on the union Facebook page here, you'll see there's some files uploaded. They're going to be, I don't know, how many did you do M? Did you do one or two? I think I had five of them. Oh, when was this Liz? This is a case for terrorism designation. Oh rightio. Because I just happened to notice it when I was on the page there. Oh so they're actually on there? Okay. Well you've got a sort of a side window there and it says files recently uploaded. And one of them is a case for designation as a terrorist entity. Yeah. Is that on the Facebook or the? On the Facebook page, yep. Okay. Now I need to go through your files and the emails and make sure I've done everything. Yeah. It's been a bit hectic on the old phone. Yeah. Oh good. I mean not good but good. You know we know we're alive if we're working. Yeah. I'll definitely check on that tomorrow. Okay thanks. But you people might like to have a look at that one that is uploaded anyway, can see that one is, which will give you a good idea of what we're going to be trying to educate the New Zealand public about through its exposure in the freedom of speech case that we're doing. Right. Because you know we've been sold a whole pack of lies about terrorism in this country. I mean if the rest of the world looks at somebody like what's-her-name Hannah, Kate Hannah, they must think we're a pack of complete idiots who think terrorists are people who carry yoga mats and plait their daughter's hair in plaits, you know what I mean? Yeah. And a blonde or red head. Complete maniac that woman. Yeah. But a very dangerous one of course because you know some New Zealanders are convinced by that rubbish and it puts them into a position of not really knowing where they are in danger. Yeah I will get to some questions in a minute Jeff. Okay let's have a question Jeff and then I'll sort of launch into what. Okay I'm just curious to know what a cis is. C-I-S. I see this word now bandied about. Yeah I think it might be an acronym for something. Yeah but what? You know if you get called a cis male I think it means sort of like male without any of the other. Male and still male. There we go. Okay. Is it a, or a cis woman I suppose? Well you know born a woman and still a woman or something? Born a female. Okay so currently biological males are to blame for all the bad things according to some people. Well if you look at it logically so are females because you know everybody came out of males and females. There weren't any you know these other things that they talk about can't reproduce. So in a way you could you could say yeah well that's true. That's true. Yeah I don't know what cis is. It's not, I thought it might be stan, you know stan for something but there you go. So what the Prime Minister should have said when he was asked to define a woman should have said a non-cis woman or because that's you know. What an idiot. I was sort of caught in the in the headlights. Possum in the headlight. Absolutely. He's going to have a few more possum in the headlight moments before he's finished that's for sure. That's for sure. It's a pity we can't have a Himalayan crucifix. I was thinking that yeah. Himalayan in the road. Yeah sorry did I hit you? I didn't see you there. Is that hate speech? Yeah we're going to really, I think we're going to redefine hate speech over the next year or so as you know exactly exactly what our present administration, I'll call it the administration because you've got to lump the public service in there as well you know. They are right up there with their ridiculousness and their yeah being hateful to other people because they won't join them in their craziness you know. Feel very threatened obviously. Anyway so the title of tonight is The Big C and the efforts of the lawyers to resist hearing about it, allowing it into the courts, allowing it to be talked about and how it's the Big C, you know we used to think of it as cancer. The Big C in this case is coercion right. Now we have in the union we've had a lot of cases. I was hoping one of the advocates would come on tonight and talk but he's had a big but he's had a big day in the employment authority. This is one of the first cases we've actually got into the authority mostly because well in every case because all of the other ones have settled out. They've and of course we have to look after the interests of the members of people. You know we're always sure we're going to win the cases because you can't when you tell the truth and you've got and you're on the right side you can't lose. In the end you win but to get there has been a series of hurdles put up by the legal profession. Now I'm talking about the legal profession in the terms of lawyers, law firms, CAB officers, law centres, the authority and possibly but we haven't seen it yet, the employment court but I hope not to see it in the employment court. I really hope that the employment court will be one that okay okay well we're getting a very complete sorry I was just distracted by Lynette's definition coming up there. So yeah all I call that all the I call that the legal profession though because I don't think every authority member needs to have a law degree but they usually have. But you know people working in the law firms of course they have and the people working in the CAB etc etc. So what's been happening is that as soon as well for in the first instance it was a dampening down effect by that sort of lawyer out there in the street. Now the people who weren't in unions might have been and who had some money now that you'd talk you'd say you know say people who had really high paying jobs some of the people who employed employed lawyers private lawyers to take their cases right were people up the top of the academic world or in the case of the nurses and I mean doctors are well paid. Nurses are pretty well paid when they got together and they you know supported the price of lawyers to go to and to the high court and take judicial reviews which I won't say it again because you know my view on that that it was a deflection process and was entirely misconceived because those cases should have gone to the employment relations authority and then on to the court to the employment court not to the not to the high court no no joy for us there. But quite a few people individual people were seeking employment lawyers to take their cases because they didn't want to get baxed and they thought they had a case. Lawyers would take their money all right and I'm sure they didn't mislead them into saying that they were going to take cases using the Health and Safety at Work Act for example to to challenge the right of the bosses to actually insist on vaccination right. There's been a there's been a few breakthroughs lately that latest one I think it was called Lawrence Lawrenson he is a refrigeration engineer worked for a company that and it was heard in February of this year and it was taken on they tried to say it was a redundancy of course the the engineering not sorry the refrigeration companies I think it's called freeze right or something like that the name of the company we'll find it and we'll put it up on our on our list and he didn't want to get the backs they said well you our our customers our customers especially the Ministry of Education require you to be vaxed if you're going on to their premises over January and December and January well of course December and January they did all of the work in the like the air conditioning work etc in the schools while schools were closed so there weren't even any children there right but old sickos there they can't sort of say to the education department what what's your problem the children aren't there of course our workers who aren't vexed can go on but no they they you know it looks like from what was written up in the case that the boss thought that he was a pinfoil hatter anyway right boss is probably regretting it mightily now but in that case anyway it was found that it breached the contract you can't bring in and you can't say that a play a job is redundant if the first leg of that redundancy isn't met now in redundancy you have to have um no work for the worker but of course there's plenty of work but just this third party was um putting the screws on what i was saying to businesses in that um case and i spoke of it a few times on section 83 was they're breaching their contracts with you under the health and safety at work act they're breaching their contracts it's adverse treatment for a health and safety reason okay so as you know um always right from the beginning i was saying it's not covered 19 is not a workplace disease it doesn't it shouldn't be um regulated um it should be regulated under the health act 1956 we can see by the history of what they did with putting the act together um using the they call it emergency preparedness act um which could be for any emergency it didn't have to be a health emergency they used that to keep it running to keep this sort of um administratively keep the orders in place they started off under the um they started off under the emergencies um civil emergencies act civil defense act right that only lasted until about june of 2020 that was all gone then they um put together this 2020 act which is the load of khaki because um we had a very um we had uh an act that was fit for purpose called the health act 1956 and um under the health act 1956 of course um uh no medical in no case is a medical interference um allowed not not not you know not even on people who um who give their permission okay so it's it's it's verboten but they they weren't able to completely hide this 1956 act because they tried to protect themselves from liability under section 34 i think it is i keep saying 16 but it's i believe it's section 34 of the 2020 act if you're going to have a look at that it says that they're all protected um and it's as if it's section 124 134 i think of the health act 1956 so basically they they tried to protect themselves under the health act what i've said about the health act and it was included in the letter for the the firms who wanted to send off a letter to work safe to get them off to be back and if they'd done it they would have had no more trouble with work um and that was that it was bad faith which um voids their protection um to try and get um bosses to um test or mask or inject their staff is um is um uh not allowed um would be a bad faith action under the health act 1956 so they have no protection we found out where they've um actually um where they've fallen over under the health act under the health and safety at work act um under the medicines act and i went through all of this um a few zooms ago what we're facing though is the um the 90 day the 90 day issue keeps rearing its head and they keep saying oh you didn't raise you know you didn't raise it early enough under the employment relations act well we've got an argument for that too the employment relations act um says that it the issue um the personal grievance arises at the time that the um employee um it comes to their notice now of course the whole um idea of objection objecting to um getting a getting a vaccine in in order to keep your job raise the personal grievance at that stage right so there's no clock ticking but it gets introduced into the um era under section 1031b not 1031a which is the unjustified dismissal uh but you wouldn't have got an unjustified dismissal if you hadn't um thrown the first stone in the first place that's what i say about the bosses so this section one uh the section um what what i call the the 90 day argument um is is kind of made um lulled the lawyers into a false sense of security and uh we've had a few cases that we we are still um fighting um through the authority and up to um up into the employment court now now what the authority and the courts are allowing are for the other side to pursue costs against us in an effort to stop us going any further um a couple of them we've called their bluff and they've settled right so we won't we won't know what would have happened in those cases but we've got a number of cases that we're fighting at the moment i've got to make um i've got to make submissions to um two employment court judges um on the 90 day issue and and to one of them on the issue of costs now the costs one is is really what i want to talk to you guys and think and get you thinking about how you might help us with this in terms of evidence um erica and i were talking today about about this matter and one of the other advocates was talking about the matter and she was saying um that the particular 90 day costs um costs we're facing um um that because i'm saying actually they could probably come into what's called um one one one one five of the employment relations acts which is unusual circumstances so unusual circumstances in the past is someone's been injured and they couldn't um get their claim in early enough or you know they've been they've ended up in um you know in in mental hospital because things have been so bad or something like that yeah or um you know they they sent it and it got lost in the post or whatever exceptional circumstance now i think this whole thing has been an exceptional circumstance but one of the things that has been exceptional about it is the is the actions of the law of the law fraternity of the legal profession how they have not seen through all of this rubbish is unbelievable it is unbelievable i can't think that it's just brainwashing so we're going to be making these arguments now erica was saying that um the libraries were closed right people who were under x they had to have a cvc thing couldn't get into the library uh couldn't get into to do research or to do printing uh couldn't get into the courts without a cvc with some some of the courts couldn't get into a um tab the citizens advice bureau we've even had information that people went to local law centers community law centers and were told we're not doing cases for people um who have refused to jack now we know that um even um some um law firms and we were searching them had put out um on their websites that they wanted to help people you know help employers make sure that they set people correctly you know who refused to jam so i can't words cannot um i don't dare use the words that i'm thinking about these people they are a shame to the profession of law they are shameful people okay and we and we're going to fight the costs and um we're going to fight the costs very openly because all of these are incurred um in a place where they can be shared openly there's no um you know this you know i guess if any lawyers are listening to this they're thinking what is this cowgirl doing this cowgirl is doing what they should have been doing right upholding the integrity of the administration of the of law this is this is criminal in some cases if we can prove that they got paid or they colluded with somebody who's who's been in on this whole scam they could end up in prison because to try and pervert the administration of law is a criminal charge it's under the it's an administration of justice in the crime sect you can go and have a look now we'll take a bit of proving and we're not going to do that right now but we are going to fight this cost battle um full-on full-on as well as continue with all of the cases that we we're already fighting so what i'd like um uh people to do is um share this around share the video around it's going to be up on rumble and you know you can share easily that way and you know get the stories so we can get the gist of the um the the width of this problem still have a lot of coercion they gave me yet steve stokes i wonder how i can yeah well steve stokes um the coercion they're trying to you know they because the coercion is under the health and safety at work act it's described under the health and safety at work act but the um legal um step to get it into the employment um authority or the employment court is in the employment relations act under section 103 1j 1 and 2 okay it's a rather complex um method uh that has to be explained because of course none of these um authority members or the court have seen it done before um but the court you know i mean my goodness um judges are supposed to be super lawyers so they can understand it all right and you know i'm not i'm not giving up hope on them because there is no no way that we will be left without some honest um and thinking people in the in the legal profession and in the courts so um also uh i found the the people who are not lawyers but work in the courts and work in the authority to be extremely good okay so um that is that is really good to know and if any of them you know if any of them ever hear these these things i'd ask them to please join the union um we'll protect you because a lot of people are afraid of their you know about their jobs if they take you know they take action or they um assist in in bringing the truth out and bringing justice to people as crazy as it may seem that people would be working in those sorts of jobs that didn't have the interest of justice in mind but the ego so that's all i'll say tonight about that and um maybe we can have some more stories oh is dave off is he is dave got to go oh i think i think yes internet's going in and out yeah okay okay yep yep yeah so anybody got any questions or thoughts um i mean i could well imagine the um citizens advice bureaus and places like that as to what they said yeah oh i had a i had a um we had a number right um it was before the union was formed but i was looking after some people who had you know contacted me through um section 83 of course that section 83 has come into its own because it's it's evidence that uh you did raise it because you raised it as a section you did raise it because you raised it as a section 83 um anyway she worked for um a cab and we settled it we settled it so it never went to the authority but yeah yeah they were they were wanting their their volunteers jabbed they wanted their um the other one was um um you know all the red cross well i did i settled one for the red cross and john was one for st john's st john's was another one you know all of them responders who were told they had to get jabbed i mean terrible man oh man it's a real evil scheme you know really really trying to strip out the economy and the um people and the workforces how many are still able to make you wear a mask at health centers how are they still able to make you wear a mask well you don't wear a mask um i believe that that thing about if you're a visitor um why would you go to a health center if you're not a patient though because the patients aren't if you go there as a patient or a wannabe patient they're not allowed to make you wear a mask it's it's not well it's not under the um it's not under the what's it called um it's got a special name it's the one thing that's still hanging around like a bad smell but only the people are under that order only the so the workers don't have to the patients don't have to that just leaves the visitors and if the visitors have got a mask exemption then they are exempt okay they still try to push it though they do well you know there's your time to practice your your fighting skills guys well i had to go and pick up some prescriptions for naomi from the doctor's office so i wander in of course i am a visitor because i'm not even a patient in that practice and so this woman behind the counter says you know why aren't you wearing a mask as well i don't need one i've just come to pick up a prescription anyway she waffled on a bit and i said look do you want my money or not and her whole attitude changed and i got the prescription i paid the money no mask and off i went and this is it we have to stand up to these people yeah yeah so emma emma have you got that masking sheet that i did that up because that's got that exactly what liz said if you're a patient or you work at a health services place you don't have to wear one and if you do then it's got all the reasons why you don't have to wear one which means you've got a reason or a disability or something that causes and and it says to avoid doubt you do not have to provide an exemption so that one pager um outlines all of that which is why i did it so if you go in you can just hand it over to them and then yeah that's a great idea robin that's a great idea print it off yeah yeah so emma is that up on the page uh now i think i can i can put it up there i seem to remember that um i got the idea you didn't weren't sure about sharing it to oh no absolutely it's to be shared far and wide so this is a three page of the first page first page is just a summary of the legislation it's really clear that 2022 masks masking act or whatever it's called and you're right liz when i asked you last time about it they had revoked the other one and i managed to find it under a masking search so they popped it in another bit of legislation so i've got that in there and then the back three pages is just additional stuff because they're still trying to they're still trying to normalize people walking around with masks on oh no it's awful that's what it's for um steve just asked about the health act steve it's in um the health act 1956 section 92 i capital i for india subsection 5 shall i bring it up i'll bring it up yeah if you can that'd be good because people see it and then they then they want a bit of interpretation maybe so what am i looking at here what is this i don't know i don't say how big 92 i wasn't at 92 i have done a document of that which i have copied and pasted so i can put it up in the chat that particular section so that will save you looking for it oh thank you thank you just give me about half a minute i'll do it we've got we've got our archivist on to the on the on the um the chat i've archivist and what yeah right there where have i gone sorry no yes and then five oh five yep yep in no case may a direction require an individual to submit to a compulsory treatment right um and you know um we've got uh what's rowdy say we got us from last conceded wasted time don't work then what happened rowdy should have should have said i'm not sure of your qualifications doctor i think i'm going to go and i think i'm going to go and get somebody who knows what they're talking about yeah were you pushing that jab you're in the shit do you know that sat there no mask okay no good well i hope it was a broken leg no i don't i don't i don't wish anything offline anybody but you know you wouldn't get me in a doctor's office so do you not need that document now have you already dealt with it yeah we had a lot thanks thanks everyone's had a look and that's the health back 1956 where did where did you put your one jeff i was just about to post it if you don't oh it's on the screen yeah yeah that was me just looking at legislation you want to share your your document jeff with that specific thing that would be great put it into into the chat and then um okay we can grab it it's easier than rifling through that's awesome and robin's put her um mask um that what the format that that's in robin that was the only other thing i was gonna um i'll probably have to copy and paste it to um that's the way jen i was asked by the receptionist to wear a mask and i said why does yours not work yeah hey liz um are many people on um the number eight union interested in electric cars because there's some real interesting stuff coming up about how they tend to catch fire randomly um particularly when they're being charged right i don't know i don't have one no well my work's gone on some big time and i sit under the health and safety act if one catches fire how do you intend to put it out and they went very very quiet love it how are they expecting to people to drive around in them are they yeah yeah yeah yeah so um you're trying to force people that have vehicles as part of their their people that have vehicles as part of their employment thing um to switch to electric cars and since i pay a sum for the use of that vehicle then they need my permission to alter my employment contract i would have thought so i i will be telling them no i want a petrol car because the things are dangerous but um there's a lot of evidence now that on charging particularly out of china they're putting firewalls between the charging stations because these things blow up and do weird things but we don't have firewalls so no you don't be a very good that'd be a very good little piece of evidence for them wouldn't it yeah but the thing is it then impacts on you if you're charging one in your home you burn your house down if your garage is connected to your house which is something people need mostly they are yeah yeah and there's a big push on to get into electric cars and um they they still basically if they catch fire they just let them burn out i know um i know a repair shop that the company uses put in a swimming pool recently and they if they have one that goes off or does go off they're just going to push it into the swimming pool and let it burn bloody hell because you can't put it out oh hell yeah i mean they would the workplace would need you could ask them where risk assessment is for those cars yes yes i have and they've gone very very quiet and i said the other thing that appears clear in the evidence is charging them close to buildings is a really stupid idea because it tends to set the building on fire lynette says the latest hatchard report there is plenty of evidence about those cars oh there we go yeah okay so so um yeah if anybody if anybody's got these in their workplace they're being told they have to you know there's a policy to um um because because what we what we're intending to do with the union is encourage people to look at you know start looking around their workplace and checking that it is safe right and electric cars is probably a very big issue for tons of people who work in um you know office workers etc yeah about jacinda but there is heaps of evidence about these no that report is about jacinda what report is about jacinda oh the hatchard oh i see that's what happens when you leave out punctuation the messages get very mixed especially if i'm reading it i thought oh that's unusual the hatch has reporting on electric cars now that's cool are you are you being a grandma uh what do they call it grandma grandma nazi yeah oh yeah yeah it's probably good to put in your full stops in there that reminds me of a dad joke actually about the teacher that for some reason he had to go and see one of the students and um he knocks on the door and the student answers the door and the teacher says where's your wish i think the student says oh yeah what you want and the teacher says hey where's your grandma and he says in the front room watching the telly that reminds me of another one i heard where the um the dustbin man couldn't find the bin and he went and knocked on the door and so this old lady comes to the door and he says where's you been i've been upstairs where's you been yeah that sounds like a that sounds like a uh yorkshire or a lancashire or somewhere up north joke doesn't it actually it's a deep south u.s where's you been i've been upstairs oh that one yes okay okay yeah yeah thank you the himalayan possum today yeah oh hey um have you been following the trump case at all liz and got any comment on that because i thought it was out of time it's over seven years old isn't it ah don't worry about yeah six yeah i would have thought civil is six years in the in the u.s so i think it's see the other interesting thing about that and i am following it very closely as you can imagine as a result of my trump 2024 oh right the the woman who uh you know that's that story daniel's woman she made a statement and signed it that there was never any affair with trump and also it's been written documented that that cohen guy he paid the 130 000 hush money himself and all this that's going against trump now it's purely to try and stop him becoming president next time around and this guy bragged the district attorney he got a million dollars from soros towards getting his job it's all it's all the hit job and the fake news media is obviously on steroids but to be honest it's going to be another storm in the teacup so don't storm in a stormy teacup a stormy daniel's teacup i like yeah very good lose very good yeah and it's not a it's not a felony it's a what is it a misdemeanor or something so they've upgraded it to felony for him but if he's an ordinary criminal it's a misdemeanor yeah yeah but apparently he can still he can still stand if he even if he got convicted um something um yeah i mean it's a look it's a look here don't look there situation while we're collecting the financial system let's just yeah i i love the way though that all of the all of the um slime balls and the um you know these various um you know attorneys and this you know in this place in that place and um who paid who and etc etc you know they're all getting exposed so you know the the politicians begin to look mild compared to the other you know the dominions yeah yeah there was a partner in a law firm that works for clinton this guy used to defend people in child care we had child porn um pedophilia thingamajigs and he's been arrested for having pedophile porn on his phone the lawyer who was doing the defeats for them yeah oh my goodness yeah that's another good example of lawyers anyway we won't go there so i've got something no problem who's we got it's just i'm just going to say it's amazing how um when you dig a little bit who you find is working in our government yes yes um of course um the one that that we're interested in in the um in the free speech case is um is and who's working who who's working in our government who used to be in the army all right so we've got a mr halligan who's now in the working as the head nurse down at the wairarapa um dhb was in the army for a very long time um suddenly turns up in 2018 to you know i believe um and i'll put put it to him when he's in my sights that i suggest that he was put there to make sure that the plan went down well uh but uh was uh said to me this afternoon or this morning um on our meeting that and i've got to see it yet but um bloomfield did his medical training in the army yeah so you know um we've got a very very serious situation on our hands and they have used this so-called crisis to weaken people to get them under their power to get lots of information about them as far as the gathering the information about people's back status i believe that we will have a case in the future that all of that information will be destroyed um under the um health and safety at work act all all of the information that's been gathered about workers anyway under the health and safety at work act section 168 subsection 4 um there is not to be any gathering of information about a named individual's health status so and uh and you know if i'd say if people want to oh yes yes mr e e i don't know how how you'd say i have no idea how to say that eclectic i'd say you leave out the h eclectic uh kashka kashikan whatever his name is kashkari kashkari yeah yeah like there's somebody who's got a firm and he's called um what's he called um oh anyway it's it's it's one of those sorts of strange names that sounds like a cash cow yeah this guy's not even a new zealander no but he's an advisory to the police in new zealand and so many other um so-called um government organizations yeah yeah yeah and of course lots of money in it but he's got he's got a lot of um he's got a lot of irons in the fire in terms of building construction housing where did all that money that was noted for all of that social housing done pharmaceutical he's involved in that he's in pharmaceuticals yeah maybe he should change his name to kash and curry yeah it wouldn't surprise me if adern's going to be working with him i betcha those two end up working together yeah but she's doing that call for christ and he's part of that they might yeah they might work together on the chain gang you never know you know nobody's worried about putting men in in women's prisons are they yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we can't prove that yet joe but we're going to make a pretty darn good shake them to the foundations about that you know we're looking at them and um you know i mean if we just start out with a general report on what what's going on out there we can get we can get um ask people to swear affidavits we can do that as well um especially if you went um you went um to something like a cab which receives um our taxpayer dollars or um a community law center will also be receiving our our money and they had any um they had any policies like that especially if they turned you down um to give you advice yeah yeah yeah family support centers as well we've got those i mean individual law firms we can just shame them just for fun but um but in terms of you know um who might get who might get sued and have their their funding funding our funding that we give them taken away in the future yeah so we've got um another another battle another battle love you know you were talking earlier about lawyers not being open during the lockdowns and whatnot my my son had to um he and he's been in a long involved um review of care of children act and trying to get access to his children and he um i had to go and try and get a paper signed by the lawyer while he was working because he couldn't get to the lawyer's office in time and they they weren't they were in there working that they weren't um they had a sign on the door that to call and that they you couldn't go in there and i guess just kept knocking on the door and eventually this lady came out and and my our lawyer wasn't available our lawyer has actually now just become a judge so that firm's not even operating now but she she said um she took my request and she said it it uh she would try and get something done about it and that lawyer at that time was away on bereavement leave and my son had to have this paper into the court you know quick as smart and then another time he had to go and um and and view um a one three two report in the lawyer's office or in a court that's right and the court wasn't we went all the way to north shore and the court wasn't open to do that couldn't get in there and and then he went to go to the children's lawyer for something else this is all during this happening and he wasn't allowed to go in because he's not vaccinated so the the lawyer for the um opposing side actually allowed him to go in there and and view it there right so you know that was a that was a big delay and a big problem there yeah that's been you know it's like what happened to the people who were ill and needed care couldn't get into hospitals yes yes yes and and so the situation got worse and worse and you know there's been a complete denial of justice my husband's sister my husband's sister's just come out of hospital last week from having a cancerous kidney removed and she was supposed to have that operation done in february and she's only been ill for a year and they're all dead so i i presume it's it's it's that because she was healthy fine before that and also a guy that worked for us um about three or four years ago or five years ago probably he we just went to his funeral last week he's a year younger than me and he was an orderly at the middlemore hospital so they would all have to be oh yeah absolutely boosted and everything you know he had some problem with his lung and he was in hospital for a week and then died and everyone's shocked about it how you know quickly he's gone and gone yeah well you know the thing is i don't know why the health care workers didn't all say no this is we're all out we're we're all walking off because they um they were working in well before the jab yes get the jab they all get sick because of course the jab is to give you the illness yes but people don't kind of get that about no they give you a mild form of it right yeah so yeah so no wonder the cases went because they they gave people a mild form of it or a form of it that was you know probably mild but the other stuff that was in the jab was what caused other terrible illnesses and other strokes and heart attacks it weakened the immune system but that get um that fellow from overseas i can't remember his name he was warning way before the vaccines came in about this mass vaccination would do way more harm than good because it would just spread it all around the world yeah yeah yeah well you know and and the thing is that if if if people have been able to catch it normally just as you know as you would yeah um you know most people would have their immune systems were fine because it it had a it had a number of effects firstly it gave it to people who whose immune systems were already compromised because of comorbidities as they say you know so it got them and then the people who didn't have comorbidities it got so some of them um it weakened the immune system because it um it's it actually just focused um it killed off the t-cells which are your killer cells yeah and and replaced them with this artificial thing that that basically attacks anything um pretty much you know it takes your own body and makes you immuno-compromised so so um as a killing weapon that is extremely efficient did you see um the uk um parliamentary report by one of the politicians here they all walked out but people wouldn't yeah anybody on the other side to hear it yeah yeah because it was only viable for people over 70 where they reckon for every person they killed they saved one but i think 19 to 39 they reckon no one died of covid and they seriously injured or killed about 11 and a half thousand people in that category yeah yeah well they were giving it the ones over 70s were mostly the ones in um that were captured in care homes etc and then they got prisoners in care homes um yes yeah so then if they um if they got it you know because they they'd obviously have co-morbidities probably uh then they treated them with drugs that that um compromised their breathing yeah they euthanized them basically yeah basically so if they gave it to prisoners how the hell did they do that without breaching no they didn't give it to prisoners oh they weren't allowed to give it to prisoners um the the prisoners could have it and but the way they got to the prisoners was saying well um to their visitors you've got to have it yeah right because we've got a case um in new zealand um and it was quoted in one of i think it was in yardley they talked about it um and um justice cook said um oh well it's not like that case because they weren't you know the workers weren't held down and vaccinated it was the case where um what's it called all or nothing or something like it's got a funny name and it was a group who were trying to let somebody go on a starvation you know protest if they wanted to and um yeah uh they weren't allowed to force feed the guy or force hydrate him so um yeah i don't know really the background to that but i know that that's why the prisoners weren't allowed to you couldn't um you couldn't require them to be vaccinated should they more rights than we did yet again yes yeah well that's right yeah sometimes it's strange very strange but of course we have all of the rights it's just that we didn't have any lawyers who were you know using using the law to defend people with and then to basically attack the wrongdoers point it was a hell of a sleight of hand in soil really i mean it was pretty clear yeah absolutely but you know how they didn't how the legal profession didn't wake up after the supreme court of the usa said it's not a workplace hazard just devised belief i think they just got fearful when anything went to protect themselves that's the way they saw it but they got too far into it but i don't i think on the you know january 2022 was pretty much early in the piece it's it's over a year now you know yeah plenty of chances to um plenty of chances you know all of those judicial reviews tons of pieces but i mean we still got people wearing masks and scared of their own shadow you know but yeah yeah yeah it might be interesting to go to the courts and see how many lawyers are walking around with masks on yeah i missed it too i'd like to know too what what did you miss i was just replying to um joe who wrote about the stewart hill case oh yes me too yeah i um i met you were saying didn't you m that that he was he was going to send out the email that we needed no you you're um muted him um yeah we filled out a little form and he was collecting people's details so he could send us the video link but um nothing came and i was going to catch up to with him today but haven't i'm not sure what happened there whether he didn't get permission from the court to do it or possibly didn't get enough interest i'm not sure possibly he didn't get permission of the court yeah um yeah so you have to catch up with him and see how it went yeah um i think it was um he sort of wasn't it about this one about money or something it was the wind the wind farm this one was trying to stop the wind farm yeah okay yeah okay oh interesting yeah because it's going to be they've already started building it but he said the the environmental damage from those windmills was just and as he is he talking about localizing the land under the wind farm yeah well he's well he's saying to them that they actually have no jurisdiction to the authorization for the wind farm was never legal because the people that did the authorizing don't it's not part of england or scotland um so they had no oh so the wind farm is over in the shetlands yeah it's on the yeah so it's all about yeah well that's a great idea yeah oh it'll happen it'll happen the scots are starting to wake up um um and in a big way and they were very the scots were very instrumental in what went on around the in this in the um in the what would you could say the restoration of charles's second um and they were betrayed big time so um yeah gonna break up soon now i think okay jeff i think we'll have your question and then we'll um we'll we'll call it a night yeah i just wanted to make a brief comment actually i noticed that there was some remarks thank you from the others about not being able to get cash out of the banks and all that and i don't know if i mentioned this before but i was talking to a friend of mine and they were getting their money out of bnz and they had to write a letter to bnz requesting it they had to make an appointment to go in outside office hours took them a week to get there and get it and also they wanted to know what they wanted the money for and that sort of goes on with these bank runs that we're hearing about and when that silicon valley bank went bust they were talking about bank runs but these bank runs people should be aware are not the type of bank runs that we need to do those bank runs are merely transferring the digits from one bank to another what we need to do is get the money out in cash before they stop letting you have it yeah but some people have got you know maybe a hundred thousand dollars what somebody was talking on um starve the beast and saying you know what what what did um people think what do you think you should spend your money on i said well um i don't believe that the banks are going to go down but what i believe is going to happen is the stock market is going to crash but it'll be the stop the you know the publicly listed companies which are corporations and you know so who cares basically but get your money out if you're in any corporation you've got shares and in new zealand or yeah anything that's on the stock market anything um take your money out and put it into local businesses that aren't on the on the um you know because you're still getting a return and you're helping keep our economy going in terms of our savings etc our ordinary you know i mean most of us have got uh what we get every week or every month whatever from our jobs or our pensions or whatever and that's about it some of us have got some more i would say um and of course buy silver and gold if you've got if you've got um extra cash but i think in terms of like for example um i'm not sure if the um what's its name the uh maston point refinery is floated on the share market that'll be in danger if it is right but you know i mean it's or start your own business up yeah because there's a great group trying to get the maston point refinery board isn't it yeah i really like it but they would they could be in danger if the stock market goes down yeah the other thing is if you're pulling cash out of the banks they do need i think usually five days notice because they don't carry a lot of cash in the banks yeah yeah and it's if you've got it sitting in under your mattress it's not um it's not helping you and it's not you know and i mean i think too the other thing you can do repair your house by you know your your own power sources um generators you know yeah pay all your bills um six months or 12 months yeah yeah try and keep try and keep make sure you get to float you've got plenty of food yeah um storable food etc i don't know i mean but but i don't think that um and don't i would say do not buy crypto do not the banks can control that they might say oh no you can't they can because in the end you've got to you've got to deal with other market players who are in that situation and um you know if we if we have a cash or um or even barter cash and barter economy until we can get control of this whole thing um you know it'll be it'll be all good well that's why is it robin kook robert kook kawasaki was it that wrote rich dad poor dad he said you should have if you can ten thousand dollars in silver coin because it gives you the opportunity to barter and trade easily yep um and gold went up again today it was 3200 as a base rate so it's gone up another hundred bucks since last week and silver's gone up too hey you asked again which it was a while ago it dropped quite a bit silver's gone up over a dollar as well today yeah the big queues outside the bullion places with the banks going under people were starting to look seriously at gold and silver well mentioned this but what we're going to try and do up here now in the far north is create an asset-backed local currency using honey possibly milk uh fuel wine and various other things and so our local currency will be more secure than the new zealand dollar and this is something that could be done throughout so those assets um those assets jeff they they're made up of so producers right so those producers need support as well yeah how it would work just to give you a quick idea there's a there's a leading honey store in i went and spoke to the guy there and he's very interested and what would happen is that he would be paid in the zealand money for a load of his honey and it wouldn't be stored this is the thing uh somebody say well if you store honey it can go off well maybe but it would be turning over you want it you want it turned over yeah right same with the milk the milk would be constantly being sold but there would always be enough there to back the asset yeah and that well that's that's our latest little hobby horse at the moment okay yeah well the the south island it's got all the grain i mean well there you go yeah so your local your local produce yeah yeah very interesting what if you listen to yeah exactly he's listening to the ma okay guys um time for good nights be well we'll see you on friday we might have some news of um the authority case which will be finished by then and then of course the the week after that we've got another week of um hopefully some more authority cases to report on uh we're starting to you know get through the mire of um this 90 day rule thing okay so good night see well well yeah thanks liz okay yep thanks liz thanks everyone for coming along always a good night and um yep we'll see you friday have a good evening and um yeah catch you later bye bye

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