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N8WUNZ 20221219 Special Monday Night Zoom - Jabber job ads and job ads for jabbed only

N8WUNZ 20221219 Special Monday Night Zoom - Jabber job ads and job ads for jabbed only




19 Dec 2022 - Special Monday Night Zoom - Jabber job ads and job ads for jabbed only You can help! We discuss how WE can all take action against this UNLAWFUL nonsense.

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Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei worked on a letter about it this afternoon if um Adrian can you share that with that letter or do you want me to share it with um share it with Forrest? Hey just give me a second I'm just going to go and find it. Okay and she shared it because I can just I can share it off my um my computer it's quite short it's quite easy to understand and I'll just I'll just go quickly over it. You can share it let's you share it I reckon or okay Adrian can share. No that's not the one that's not the one this is this is what the others this is what um what you call it as using um. Okay Liz if you've got it you just share it. Okay righty-o now I look down here don't I okay so it's on here now um oh I haven't got it up on the oh yes I've got it on my I've got it on my um um I've got it already here so I will just come back in and I'll do a screen share and I want the section 23 template letter this is the one. Okay right now the stuff I've put in red is um is for you is for information and it's for um oh now I have to do it on my own thing though can you can you drag it up to the top there Forrest is that possible on your screen or do I have to do it over on mine? No you have to do on yours because you're sharing through your laptop. Okay yep okay I'll do that uh the screen sharing yeah I can see that. We can see it now Liz. Uh you can see it but I want you to see the top of it go up here oh I see what I can do yep okay okay now this is for use with advertisers seeking vaccine status or your agreement to PPE gear to gain an interview or employment or a contract. Now we talked about a bit and one of those things that might start cropping up is people talking about back status for renting new places yeah you never know I haven't heard anything yet but you know because we've been looking at the employment side isn't to say that they're not going to try and start this so what we have to build is our identity as a group that cannot be discriminated against. We we've got the section of the Act that we want to use and I mentioned it in the letter and we have the case that it's been recognised as a group uh but it wasn't a group it wasn't um vaccinated people it was the gay gay men who were who had HIV they they got recognised under this section of the Human Rights Act so this is the sort of letter that you should um you should use if you want to um you know push back on this so it says so everything in red you just take out just for your information for use with advertisers seeking vaccine status in your agreement PPE gear which could be masks um could be um I don't know you know full the full the full haz maz mask the full haz gear whatever who knows what they'll get up to and you can use it um in all sorts of situations so if you're a contractor and you're looking to contract and they're putting something in the contract about vaccinations and that you can write this to them so you put in their advertiser well you know whoever it is say it's um downers for example or I have recently been looking at your advertisement for so you do the job description or seeking accommodation or any other barriers to participation in so in society in society um you are seeking no it's not you are seeking um that that are being put up um I'll change that in a little while so it would be you know there's a barrier put up in terms of against you this is the letter you send them seeking the vaccination vaccination status or suggesting that a vaccination may be required to gain an interview or indeed secure the job breaches or you know secure the the accommodation you can put in there if it's an accommodation breaches section 23 of the human rights act 1993 and then we've got the section um uh 23 reproduced there it shall be unlawful for any person to use or circulate any form of application for employment or make any inquiry of or about any application applicant for employment which indicates or could reasonably be understood as indicating an intention to commit a breach of section 23 now if it's an you know if it's um accommodation uh you just find the the piece um this the um breach um you just refer to you know an accommodation um you can change well you'd have to take that bit out I hadn't thought that through but never mind we know what it is for um um we know what it is for employment anybody's got any problems otherwise um then um then just yell out and we'll we'll do something you know do a little little um change to it the prohibited form of discrimination i'm referring to is section 211 h 7 of the human rights act 1993 this is a description of a disability that involves the presence in the body of organisms capable of causing illness it is now scientifically and factually proven that the presence of a covid-19 virus in the body of an unvaccinated person is no more likely to spread to another person than it is from a vaccinated person discrimination means that you treat one group of people in this case the unvaccinated in a different way than you would a vaccinated person and cause them harm by doing so perhaps you have been running this advertisement unaware of your obligation as an employer under the hra could you please call me to discuss my concerns so of course as a contractor you change it around a bit but the human rights act applies to contractors employees um and in everybody else everybody else it's the group that you belong to that's important not not anything else okay so um but there's a special and there's a special um section for employees for employment or you know in terms of contracts etc okay so has anybody got a question about that um this letter let's have a look at the chat there uh hi y'all hi everyone thanks that's awesome very good yeah if you have any questions for liz uh you can either unmute yourself or you can raise your hand um i'm not actually sure if you're muted or not um what the deal is but yeah if you have a question for liz just uh go for it what are they doing nobody's raising their hand as far as i can see so the other thing that we wanted to talk about was what we're going to do about these advertising on facebook etc um right does anybody want to have a oh hello alicia alicia's got a question for you what happened to alicia which is it no okay the other thing we're going to talk about was um what to do about adrian has a hand up adrian hi adrian hi so um we were talking today and um i was asking about with these letters and how we've gone on with section 23 um and if you go to the government website and if any companies look at that and say um with the privacy act around the vaccinations on the website and there's a lot of um i think you use the word gas lighting of what they've written on the um the government you know like siphon of wording employment new zealand which is under envy yes and um how it really makes you um look at it and think oh maybe it's not right because how they've written it you know in a way that is um it counterreacts itself but unless you know the law you know um you think you're doing the right thing so shall we talk about that yeah yeah okay uh thanks for that adrian um so that envy you've got to remember um was the other side in yardley that it was the minister of um minister of business um in innovation business and employment has kind of swallowed that ministry has swallowed the labor um the labor department which used to look after labor standards you know if people were getting paid the right amount was there being this was there being discrimination against um particular groups um looking out for immigrants making sure that we weren't sweatshops etc uh they've sort of been swallowed up um the ministry of business and employment together um you know there used to be a clear sort of cut between the bosses and the workers and now you've got them all sort of stuck into one um mb when as we know when we go there for mediation um they uh either party can can apply for mediation through there um there i notice a big um a big difference between their uh mediators and um and the mediator in a human rights um case yeah i've seen two human rights mediations now quite quite different um uh yeah um i'd say quite frankly i think that the mediators over at um mb and in the employment area are pretty pretty much on the on the boss's side um they try not to make out they are but i i think my my experience of them is but that's all right because you don't have to agree to anything there um but you have to go there and this is this is a problem but the problem with this great big conglomerate is that um that whereas the labor department used to be easy to deal with and they were always you knew they were always on your side because that was their job now you don't know where the hell they are and very hard to get any information out of mb because they're so huge and i don't think they know what they're doing half the time so the information that they put on um up on the website is pretty much um if you look at it and you you were trying to seek reassurance that you could do this you'd be quite um as in discriminate because they never talk about discrimination they talk about be careful you might break other laws but they never talk about discrimination on that website when they're talking about can you basically discriminate can you can you ask for can you ask for um you know information on that status for example now in actual fact you can um people can ask for it but they break the law now what they're saying on the website is you can ask for it um but it has to be particular to what you you know what your business is now the only business basically that would need um somebody who was fixed maybe against although we know this stuff against although we know this stuff doesn't work anyway so it's all moot um would be people looking after people with covid19 in a hospital situation there's nowhere else but but i mean this is all going to blow up in their face very soon but it hasn't got to the court to blow up yet so we have to take it we have to take some sort of action now in terms of the privacy stuff they go into that a fair bit and they're very sort of you know fluffy about that too but in actual fact you're the privacy one the privacy act only um operates between the state and the individual you want a photograph of what the phone went off beside me oh okay sorry oh we had another conversation going on i was like what's that and i pressed it and then that went on and i'm like oh shit sorry everyone that's okay adrian i thought we had a photograph i know i've gone bright red with embarrassment oh well it's okay we can't see you anyway um what was going to say yeah so the privacy act is between the state this is why you know all of this business about um well i guess it was the school saying oh we can't divulge that um because you know the privacy act etc etc but um yeah they used it uh it was used a lot to keep parents in the dark particularly about their children um but you can always waive your rights to these things you know people forget that people forget it so um yeah the the privacy matters um um i you know if you want the job this is what we're trying to do we're trying to get people jobs if you're going to put up a barrier about privacy you want to tell them you're not vaccinated what's the problem you know what you're telling them is that you're um you know i'm not talking about giving any medical bloody stuff out no there's no need for that there's no need for that this is applying for a job they have to know that actually putting the ad up is against the law and they can be taken to the human rights um tribunal and i mean if we've got a whole lot of people first you need to send a letter out first you need to be looking for a job send a letter out get back to us if you know you got what sort of feedback you get that would be really interesting because you see at the bottom here could you please call me to discuss my concerns one would hope that the bosses are going to start calling and we can get what their understanding of it is because i don't think if they're if they're going to looking at mb at the website they're being led up the garden path mb doesn't say anything about it even though they talk about you've got to comply with all other laws but they don't they you know i don't think mb has even thought about it could be a discrimination because they're still there you know when i was in a a mediation the other day and um yeah um but it hadn't even i i think it hadn't really it hadn't really sunk in what section 21 1 uh h7 actually really means and that's in a that's in a professional who should have studied it and thought about it real hard okay controversial so we we have to educate them okay we have to we have to educate ourselves and then we have to educate the bosses now what can we do about facebook and the ads for looking for you know touting for um back stands for next year anybody got any bright ideas i'm i've sort of got an idea but i'm not sure how to put it into because we've got um section um what you call it we've got section it's not under the act that they're doing this anymore but the thing is um i think that we could squeeze them into section 129 of the health act right as doing something that was in pursuit of what has been a state-sponsored rollout yeah because it was it couldn't have gone into the country without the minister bringing it in under the um under the provisional consent under section um 23 okay so so that couldn't of the medicines act so that couldn't have happened so you've got to backtrack these things and make that that link that cause of this link to the harm that's happening and what what starts it right so i mean i've got the legal arguments but can can somebody um you know has anybody got any ideas about how we might um put this into action you know how about pick it we uh who does anybody know if anybody other than facebook has um has has been advertising this i mean it's an ad that's on facebook right is that correct yes does anybody know that told me at the weekend no it's an ad on seek it's an ad on seek okay now does seek have any offices anybody know i'm not sure i think seek is australian and new zealand beg your pardon i think seek is both in australia and new zealand right do you know if they have any corporate offices here i can find out tomorrow right okay well you know i mean it would be a good spot to to demonstrate because we've got to raise awareness of it i think i i can work out what the legal response to it would be but but it's no use having a legal response if the other if people don't understand what it is and how to use it yes because when i was talking um to workbridge they're not allowed which is also a work-seeking um government site and they're not allowed to tell the um employers um that they can't put that in but they're like strictly not allowed to start talking about it so they can't actually do something themselves although they are aware of it so what what what's the story with workbridge again what do they so so workbridge um helped people was um they they bridged the gap as such for people that are finding it hard to work due to disabilities or illness and stuff like that um and so it's part of i suppose um i don't know what it's called now but wins um but on a different avenue on the side of it um i've got someone that's happy to come on and talk on a zoom actually next year for you um about that to help people with vaccine injuries um and when i've talked to her because i've got really frustrated over and i said why don't you tell these people and i'm telling them what you're talking about in the zoom and she said we're not allowed to we're not allowed to go near it at all um tell tell people what that's um um that it's a breach of the human rights you know under that section 23 who does she who does she have to tell who who would she tell so say if someone was um advertising for a job like that sbca for example has got heaps of jobs and all of their jobs they say you are required or no you may be required to have this job to be able to get this job and um and you've got to answer these questions but they aren't allowed to talk about the issue of how they advertise they're just there to get someone the job they're not allowed to um interfere in any way they have a duty as a part of the state to warn and to warn um employers that they shouldn't be doing this see i don't even know they don't they don't even know that it's against the law and they need i don't know what some people are getting paid it's just shocking it's interesting to have a meeting with her it is above them that says that it just goes back to told and taught live they're just told what to do and taught instead of actually educated so they do what they're told a little box of do's and don'ts and they're not allowed to think outside of that and think is this correct should i be doing this or not yeah okay um um yeah well let's start with it let's start with the advertisers it should break through we might not even need um we might not even need these half-assed people like workbridge or wins or anybody like that they're they're waste of space um and um and we just we just do that ourselves in terms of this thing though i'd like i'd really like that people could all gonna find out where the seat officers is and do um and do some you know do some physical demonstrating and say you know killing our kids oh you know sending sending sending the sending the gas ovens to the schools you know something like that i don't know i don't like it hey i mean this is the thing we've got far more killing has happened with these jabs than ever happened in the holocaust over the world worldwide way more way more and yet i hate the idea that you compare it six and eight countries is it yeah but i do have a 0508 number monday to friday till 9 pm should we bring them on the zoom maybe maybe we could get a phone in a phone and people started phoning seek and saying hey this is this is shocking and do you know this and and read them out the letter get familiar with the letter all right number two level 10 number two commerce street auckland is their head office okay okay how many have we got here 20 participants you've got a lot of work to go do 20 participants okay if you'd each make sure you get in touch with 10 people each and and tell them about the zoom tell them to watch the zoom 10 people who you think have got a bit of oomph we've got 200 people get each of them to call a couple of people and get this going okay get this going they think christmas is coming the sun is out everybody's gonna forget you wait they're just waiting for those children to come back to school to pounce on them yeah they sure are so um they've got a you can have an inquiry i'm just on their website now you can have doing an inquiry um through them and go down i'm just wondering if we um can someone put oh we have to wait till afterwards eh they attached their zoom and i could probably attach it in their additional information i don't know get it through their firewall oh bloody rude but i've also got a facebook me on seek and at twitter at seek jobs i'll tell you what you could put in their additional information you could put this letter you could fill it in yourself yeah cut and paste it and put it in their additional information all right they'll probably want to know what advertisements and then i can send them yeah but i mean if you're replying to some advertisements that's the other thing you can do of course yeah just cut and paste it but yeah put try and get it into seek into zoom wherever wherever those work brokers are because they are they um in fact i think let's go to section 22 and i think it tells you that people who broker work are also liable hang on a minute i'll go over to the human rights act if i can get out of here i'll stop the share so i can use my screen probably um i think just the moment human rights act where are you i have a feeling that work brokers are included in this so it's not just people who um who are the actual employers or the person that you want to contract with so next section let's have a look so we're an applicant this is section 22 we're an applicant for employment or an employee is qualified for work of any description it shall be unlawful for an employer or any person acting or purporting to act on behalf of an employer okay any person acting or purporting to act on behalf of an employer is a work broker yep uh here we go oh here we are and here's the special one uh so this is section 22 of the human rights act subsection two it shall be unlawful for any person concerned with procuring employment for other persons or procuring employees for any employer to treat any person seeking employment differently from other persons in the same or substantially similar circumstances by reason of any of the prohibited grounds of discrimination so that is it guys that's it there just one i'll cut and paste that oh isn't this a lovely um world everything is there for us where is the chat and i'll put it in here i've got too many words in this liz yeah too many words and what um to do the um cut and paste this later on oh have i it shall be unlawful for any person concerned with the cure it's in the chat there um no i've got it up on um hang on do you want me to share the screen so you can see it oh you mean to put it into the um yeah but then i can copy and paste that and put it in the chat everyone else can copy and paste it yeah just put it in it should be on this is section 22 subsection two so is that so you want that put in rather than that letter uh well well no no no this is for this is for work brokers this is okay yeah so the employee or any person acting for them okay is section 22 and that just describes you know what you're not allowed to do yeah and then section 23 is to do with advertisements so but it's always jobs are always advertised these days so yeah i'll just make a list of them so you've got section 22 um 22 two is is work brokers so is this what um act is this human rights human rights act oh cool okay 1993 yep yep so we'll get it get it the work brokers which will include work bridge uh seek uh who else um god that's how many recruiters yeah anybody anybody now um i wonder if we could also make a complaint to the uh um what do they call it we at will you you know not broadcasting standards what is it advertising standards advertising standards yeah yeah advertising standards anybody here um or that one the advertising standards too aren't you erica yeah probably i think she has hey yeah she's with you on that oh yes you you wrote to the ma hey erica international partners of bangladesh kenya brazil nigeria oh lovely yeah the asa there's just an email on their website for complaints i think it's complaints at asa and something yeah yeah yeah well the thing is what we could do for for the advertising standards in terms of that advertising for people to take up that you know to vex the kids is we can throw all of that stuff at them about you know the fact is that it was never able to be advertised as safe and effective by the government that was a breach of um that was a breach of advertising the government advertised it that out didn't they yeah yeah let's let's do a let's let's put together a a complaint to the advertising standards and maybe we could make it quite short and we could maybe um see if we could get some um as people to support a billboard or something or a um you know advertising advertising somewhere about our complaint to the advertising standards authority there's another thing yeah yeah yeah what about kelvin and hannah they could do it yes yes yes yes and we can get um we can get the news out there that you know it was that that right from the court right from the get-go it was it was a lie it was it was misrepresentation it was lying by omission lord give us strength yep that's right what's what's what's um linette said that alicia says lord give us strength i believe in the bees climate change oh okay yeah yeah yes yeah it's just i mean it's a continuation on it this is what i was i was writing to it um i've been working on a a strikeout application uh to a certain um tribunal and um you know i i mean i think i described them as a as a as an ongoing group of um you know all of the all of the various um what would you call them um bodies who were to continue to hound our member as a group of um of wrongdoers that the tribunal would would find itself tainted with if they took up the case so bet they've never had a letter like that before oh how about professor doing field yeah how about him he's staying in auckland huh aut was the one that that tried to keep um the free speech union out from organizing on their campus so yeah wow we will see won't we it's quite good to have have some people up here that we can you know because mostly all of the twerks are in wellington well preponderance of them but yeah it's quite good to have a few um targets up here okay people have everybody has said what they wanted to say and i think we might have addressed a couple of thorny questions tonight and got some ideas and we can um we can uh on wednesday we have a zoom on wednesday we can maybe get some feedback about what people have been doing and how many people we've got 19 somebody ran away when they were asked to do something but try and get 10 people to watch the zoom and that will be 200 people people who will take action okay that should be good yeah the last thing i'd add liz to is like everyone watching this um for starters let's stop calling it the c word and let's call it a flu that's jabbed unjabbed like it is a joke and you'll carry it on if you use the word yep the other one is stop testing yourself and if you don't want to be tested because your work is testing you join the union if you're not in the union you get to see the zoom join the union yep but we stop this they don't stop it we stop it it's not stopping unless we stop it and i've made that very clear that's what they're coming after kids and it's rigged and if you watch the newest counterspin interviews i did that gives you a very good example of what the end game is and how rigid it is and the only way we're going to stop it is if we all stop it the first way to stop it is stop giving it any light of day my daughter's double jab broke my heart but i said to her oh you got the flu and every time no no daddy it's no it's the flu it's the flu it's the flu just call it a flu i don't care what anyone says to me it's the flu and for anything that has to be so bad that you need to be told it's that bad wow that really need to say about that yeah um thanks liz everyone with the number eight workers union you guys are awesome thanks everyone who tunes in everyone who just does their bit and shares that kind of sharing is important and the other thing i'll just say is like if you already know what's going on stop watching all those videos that come in they'll just bring down your vibration they'll bring down and make you more negative you need to be positive and happy and enjoy your life you only get one and the other thing is you can't fear a future that hasn't happened so stop fearing something that hasn't happened and is not set in stone yeah i'm sure as heck i'm not fearing anything that can happen in the future because it's the future so that's what we all have the power to focus on focus on the good in life the things you enjoy but also be vigilant and when things come up that you can choose to vote with your dollar or you can choose to get cash out and use cash and circulate all those things work against what's trying to happen so it's not about being anti it's about being positive all the things that you love they're the opposite of what they're trying to do you do more of that and they're going to have to do way more of what they're trying to do otherwise have an amazing christmas and have an amazing holiday it's all about the holidays spend time with your family put your phones down and be present with your loved ones and if you don't have loved ones or if you have friends you don't have friends go and make some because you're obviously awesome people excellent oh adrian um alicia are you going to go to aut no not aut uh nasi nasi oh okay is it going to be oh they've got a campus over in south auckland no in auckland city as well yeah okay you're just down the road from aut we're going to have some good fun next year well we're having good fun this year you know we're sort of wrapping up the year but we're not wrapping up the work um though i will be fully present with my family on christmas day phone turned off for the day and then i'm back into it nice way to leave by example though this was always yeah okay guys have a good night

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