well come Jeremiah please if you are new to this channel please subscribe
well come Jeremiah please if you are new to this channel please subscribe
Jesus is my shepherd, I shall not want, He'll lead me beside. Still, for us, He restores my soul, For He guides me in the path of righteousness. I fear no evil one, for You are with me, Your Lord and Staff comforts me. Even if I walk through the shadow of the path of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me. Hallelujah, You're mighty, Hallelujah, You're powerful, You're powerful, Jesus You're powerful, Hallelujah, You're mighty. You're just, You're mighty, You heal the crippled man, You rose last night, You heal the blind man or the lame man, You're mighty, There's nothing You can't do, You're mighty, There's nothing You can't do.