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Wacky Facts!- Nutrition and Physical Activity

Wacky Facts!- Nutrition and Physical Activity




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The transcription discusses the relationship between nutrition and physical activity. It mentions that two of the three articles focus on obesity and how a healthy diet and physical activity can help with weight loss. The third article discusses the decline in overall health for parents after having children. The transcription also talks about the importance of educating elementary-age students about nutrition and physical activity. It mentions a study done on elementary school children that showed the positive impact of nutrition education and physical activity interventions. The transcription also discusses strategies for getting people to care about their health, such as face-to-face learning opportunities and offering incentives like gift cards. It mentions the increasing rates of obesity and the health risks associated with it. The transcription ends with personal opinions and experiences about maintaining a healthy lifestyle as university students. How many times have you heard that all carbs are bad for you, or that cardio is the only way to lose weight? Hello, everyone. I'm Hunter. And this is Skylar. And welcome back to Wacky Facts. Today, we're going to talk about the relationship between nutrition and physical activity. We'll be discussing and answering different questions that were submitted by you all. We will also be covering different articles that we gathered for you and simplifying the information so that they are more comprehensible. Two of the three articles focus on obesity and how a healthy diet and physical activity can help you lose weight. And we'll also be talking about the relationship between nutrition and physical activity. We'll be discussing and answering different questions that were submitted by you all. We will also be covering different articles that we gathered for you and simplifying the information so that they are more comprehensible. Two of the three articles focus on obesity and how a healthy diet and physical activity can help you lose weight. And we'll also be covering different articles that we gathered for you and simplifying the information so that they are more comprehensible. The third article discusses whether or not parents today are practicing healthy nutrition and physical activities with their children. This question comes from Gary from Tampa, Florida. How does overall health decline after having children? After looking at this article, our parents of young children practicing healthy nutrition and physical activity behaviors, we found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. We found that their health declines significantly after having children. This article made me realize how time-consuming it can be to have children and how parents have to cut out time in their day to care for their children as opposed to caring for themselves physically and nutritionally. So I think after reading this, if I ever have children, I would like to learn how to better manage my time so that I can support my kids and keep myself physically active while maintaining a healthy diet. For me, after looking at this study, personally, I'll be sure to maintain a healthy diet after motherhood through prepping meals so I can conveniently have them on hand when life gets busy and there's a newborn. And then also incorporating physical activity through walks, by getting a stroller and making sure I'm still staying active. So I was wondering, how does nutrition correlate to physical activity? So we actually found this article called Nutrition and Physical Activity Program to Attentuate Obesity and Promote Physical and Metabolic Fitness in Elementary School Children. And this study was done to reduce obesity in elementary-aged students through improving physical fitness, nutrition education, and healthy and nutritious food services provided at school. Through improving students' nutrition knowledge, they were able to make smarter choices when it comes to nutrition. And promoting physical activity also leads to improved health. The combination of smart nutrition choices and increased physical activity will lead to an overall improved health. Now, this question comes from Lindsey from Arizona. They said, when can children begin learning about nutrition and the importance of physical activity? All right. So for this study, two schools participated in the program. It was children through third through fifth grade. The students at both schools received enhanced physical activity, grade-specific nutrition education, and lower-fat and sodium school lunches. The importance of healthy nutrition is lifelong, so children can begin learning about their physical activity and nutrition at a very early age to begin developing lifelong healthy habits. Sorry to interrupt your thinking here, but I was wondering, did this experiment show conclusive data on the impact of elementary school students learning about healthy nutrition and physical activity? So overall, this survey did help us understand some aspects between the connection of physical activity and nutrition, but further studies need to be done to collect more data. The study concluded that nutrition changes were successful based on nutrition knowledge tests taken before and after. However, it also concluded that physical activity intervention was partially successful in that it only demonstrated small changes in the amount of physical activity in the classroom. Obesity remained unchanged in the intervention school compared to the control school, and HDL cholesterol levels were shown greater in the intervention school than the control school. Okay. This question is for both of us. They said, what are your personal opinions on educating elementary-age students about physical and nutritional health? So for me personally, I think this can be a tough topic to talk about with children, especially with those that are already self-conscious about their weight or eating habits. Thinking about this can make it worse for them, but it can also make it better. So it's basically like a game of roulette. Talking about physical and nutritional health with elementary school children has the potential to help them want to eat better and set them up for a good future, or it could give them the sense of doom, like if they don't change now, they'll never be healthy. I would agree it's a very touchy subject. Nutrition can be a very hard conversation to have with young children in the age of social media and eating disorders. There's a lot of negative information online, and we don't want to add to that. I think nutrition should be talked about in a positive way to promote a healthy lifestyle. As children age, you can continue to add to the conversation. We would like to take a break in our podcast for just a little bit, just to tell some jokes, you know, lighten the mood a little bit. So first one, my nutrition store ran out of protein powder today. I was like, no way. According to this nutrition label, I am a family of four. I put my Dobermans on a vegan diet, and I'm worried about their nutrition. Between the five of them, they're getting through a vegan a week. Am I overfeeding them? I bought some Boost nutritional supplement. The bottle said shake well before use. What are you supposed to do if you have steady water? So the third article that we found is titled, Recruiting and Retaining Young Adults. What can we learn from behavioral interventions targeting nutrition, physical activity, and or obesity? A systematic review of the literature. This next question comes from Becky in New Jersey. How do we get people to care about their physical and nutritional health? According to this article, which was published in a journal titled Public Health Nutrition, it was found that face-to-face learning opportunities, such as classroom settings, educational panels, held higher success rates when recruiting individuals for health behavior interventions with young adults when compared to newspaper articles, social media, and posters. The most successful strategy for retainment of the information taught to young adults was for them to complete the studies for course credit. This was because 79% of the studies were executed in university settings. The second most successful strategy was to give out prizes such as gift cards. So if you want to get people to care about their physical and nutritional health, you could offer them gift cards. Okay, this question comes from Isabel. Is obesity really as big a problem as we're being told in schools today? So rates of overweight and obesity have increased from 42% to 60%, and 20- to 34-year-olds from 1994 to 2015 in the USA. The increase in overweight and obesity rates coincide with the worsening dietary patterns and physical inactivity during this life stage. Obesity is correlated to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, certain types of cancer, and musculoskeletal disease. As a result of overweight and obesity continue to increase, so will the rates of those diseases. Okay, this question comes from Sarah in Atlanta, Georgia. Why do some people look different in regards to weight after high school? So there was an evaluation from 187 countries, and they all showed that the unhealthiest dietary scores came from 20- to 29-year-olds when compared to other age groups. Another study shown in this article shared that there is a 13- to 17% decline in moderate to vigorous activity from ages 13 to 30. This can be correlated to the average age individuals tend to go to college and learn to take care of themselves. Because college students focus on their schoolwork, they may not have a healthy diet as their top priority, and they may not have enough time in the week to be physically active. So I think it's important that we share our own, like, personal opinions on this since this study was about mostly university kids, and we are also university students. So for me, to keep up with physical activity, I like to go to the gym after my classes are all done for the day. It really gives me that boost of energy that I need to do my homework and study and just get through the rest of the day. And also, it makes me feel good about myself so I'm able to continue on with my week. For me, I like to try and stay physically active as being a college student through walking to classes as well. I try to go to the gym a few times a week to just make sure I'm getting enough vigorous physical activity rather than just moderate walking to classes every day. I try and get the required 150 minutes a week as well as the resistance training two times a week. And tying it back to its connection to nutrition, I always like to maintain a healthy diet. Me, I live in the dorm, so I have a dining hall in the basement of the dorm that I live in, which is very convenient, but I've noticed that most of the time they only serve really greasy fried food. So I'd say once a day I always try to eat a nice healthy salad or just get extra sides of vegetables or fruit with my food. That way I get that sort of balance. We also have a community kitchen in our dorm. I don't use it as often as I can, but when I do use it, I always try to make good food that's got a nice balance of protein and carbs and lipids. For me, I live in an apartment, so I'm able to use my kitchen and I try to cook both sides during the week. I do go out too many times, but when I do cook, it's typically pretty balanced. I try and get protein in, plus carbs and fat. Some of my favorite meals to cook are fish. I like making tilapia with some rice and some steamed veggies. I have that a few times a week most of the time. That's about all. By eating a healthy diet and living an active lifestyle, you are reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and many more. You're also improving your overall well-being. We're just going to summarize each article. Our first article, we were talking about the impact of having children and how physical activity and nutrition and BMI all change after you become a parent. The study ended up finding that there is a clear impact on individuals who have children under five versus those who do not. Also, that women are typically affected more than men are after becoming parents. In our second article, we looked at two schools with the kids aged from three to five who began implementing healthier school lunches, nutrition, education, and business activities. Our int group had a 6% greater physical activity in the classroom, but a negative 16% less for our other group compared to the control. And then two years after it was concluded that compensation in both energy intake and physical activity outside of school may be responsible for the lack of difference between the intervention and control group. And the third article that we found was about recruiting and retaining young adults and how to teach them about changing their behaviors towards nutrition and physical health. They found that face-to-face learning opportunities like classroom settings held higher success rates when recruiting individuals. And retainment, the most successful strategy for retainment was to have them complete studies for forced credit. Okay, so that is all we have for you guys today. Thanks so much for tuning in and listening to us. We hope we answered some questions for you regarding nutrition and physical activity. Go outside and spend some time in nature. Thanks.

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