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Pommy bastards podcast (pbp) progress 01.mp3 dedede

Pommy bastards podcast (pbp) progress 01.mp3 dedede


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The podcast discusses the anime "Vinland Saga" and its violent and historically accurate portrayal of Viking times. The experts agree that the MA rating is suitable due to the excessive violence and dark themes. They also discuss the development of the main character, Thorfinn, from a vengeful young man to someone seeking peace. The podcast highlights the use of drugs and alcohol in the anime, which adds to its historical accuracy. They praise the anime for its realistic depiction of violence, while also acknowledging its exaggerated and unrealistic elements. Overall, they believe the anime is a great introduction to Viking history and recommend it to viewers. The podcast concludes with a reminder to tune in for the next episode. I woke up in the Jeffersonville on a Monday I think I know who I want to touch last Monday Last Sunday I met him on a runaway Says he wanna run away with me and hit the highway I can show you how to make some money on the highway Throw my money high, do you like it warm on Friday? Shorty wanna pull up on me, take it on a Wednesday She don't even really give a fuck about what her friends say Baby do you really love me, I'm the man We'll be bringing in a few experts to talk about the anime and see what they enjoy about the anime But not only that, the rating about it And they will explain their reasoning as to why they think it is or isn't the rating that's been given I woke up in the Jeffersonville on a Monday I think I know who I want to touch last Monday Last Sunday I met him on a runaway Says he wanna run away with me and hit the highway Because his father gets killed in front of him And he takes all the blame out on Askeladd, the main antagonist of the series And he shows the gradual development from the angry young guy that he is To maturing into a guy who has no enemies There's a lot of violence You can see people's heads being chopped off Yeah, it's quite brutal, especially when you see What was his name again? The dude that comes up to the village It was the son of Ragnar, I'm pretty sure He was the son of Ragnar Oh yeah, and he just Yeah, and he gets a chain around the dude's head Oh, they also stack up the bodies Half done, it was half done And they stack up the bodies in a big pile in the middle of the village and burn them Oh yeah, that was very nice of Askeladd, the invasion So would you say that's quite a violent anime? Yeah, what's the ratings at M? Yeah, the ratings are It's MA or M, I don't know I'm pretty sure it's MA I would say it suits the MA rating Because it's got a bit too much violence to be an M-rated series Yeah, yeah, that's right, that's right Alright, thank you for your input JJ You're welcome So Adam, what did you think of that input from JJ Vanquay? The input from JJ was very nice Looking from one side of the expert But I still think the violence was just because of the Viking time Yeah How there was always wars going on over food, money and honour Yeah, so I also did say that it really did fit the setting of ancient Anglo-Saxon lands Known as Britannica at the time because of the Romans I'd say it really did fit in well because When the Vikings did invade, they obviously were raiding villages And a lot of the stuff, even though it is quite grim That is included in the anime Actually is quite suitable for what it is So yes, I would say that the rating is fair for the anime But the violence is also a part of it And I think that's what really makes the anime so special Is because it's not needless violence Yeah, so I will agree with that rating of MA It does have a lot of violence and dark themes But one good thing about it There's not a lot of language used, or very often Or nudity or drug use It's only once in a while or not even in the anime Yeah, so with the sweating and stuff You'd usually find it to be quite mild sweating I've never seen any extreme curse words And I think that's quite respectable Because it's not going into too much depth with actually sweating Which does make it a bit lighter on the language terms Yeah, it's very light with it Because there's no racial slurs, no nothing It's only very mild swearing or gestures What else I'd say is very unique about the anime Is how, from the very start How Thorfinn was just so angry And wanted revenge And he was pent up on killing Askeladd But then when he gets turned into a slave Because also the parallels of the anime as well If you'll notice, Askeladd says to Thorfinn That everybody is a slave to something It's very philosophical Because Thorfinn was a slave to violence And now he's a slave in its own right Like the actual definition And because he's seen the parallel Of what he did to people He changed as a man And he craved peace rather than violence Yeah, so that's a very good message For people to take away from the anime Try and make people not live off their anger And try and be peaceful and better the world Yeah, because as you'd see from Thorfinn He was quite empty, he was quite sorrowful He didn't have a lot of life goal After Askeladd was killed by K'nut And I think that really does show That violence gets you nowhere Because once you get your revenge It shows the anime will leave you Or the anime will show you that It leaves you quite empty inside And it just doesn't achieve much And something else great about Vinland Saga As a start Is all of his anger comes from Because his father got killed by Askeladd And he used all that anger To try and kill him I think I get what you're saying Because he wanted to kill his father Because his father got killed And the only thing his father ever wanted Was peace for Thorfinn Is that what you're trying to say? By the parallels? Yeah, the parallels At the start he only knew anger But now at the end he only wants peace Like his father You'll notice he'll have hallucinations as well Like when he was on the boat At Askeladd's village You'll see he had a hallucination Of his dad telling him He doesn't want this Yeah Another thing in Vinland Saga Is the use of drugs Because it's very historically accurate in the anime Because they always had alcohol and all that But when it was important Or in celebration time After they fought a victory and all that And there was another scene Where they do shrooms And they get angry and get their powers And all that Like the berserker shrooms That they used to take I think it was a battle of Something bridge, right? A viking did take a mushroom Enraged them and made them very angry I feel like that is also historically accurate Because vikings did believe in certain properties That would make you stronger Yeah And it played And it just gave them the confidence To go do that battle And all that As in It turns into the thing And yeah And something else with the thing With historical accurate They didn't just drink alcohol They drank yin What is historically accurate To the accurate second time It wasn't like wine or stuff like that Without what Christians do And all that Yeah It's because the vikings did In Scandinavia Meat was very very popular Because essentially It's just beer It's a type of yeast alcohol So I feel like that really does go into the depth Of what the vikings drunk And you know what Some Christian vikings Like King Canute He liked to drink wine Because that's a very Christian tradition Yeah it was So Finland saga is very Historically accurate To the times Trying to betray I agree with that I agree with that statement I think it does go into as much Historically accurate depth But also giving it that You know what's the word That bizarre That charm to it That charm to it That like outlandish charm So it was very down to earth But it was very like Unrealistic in a way That was good to watch And it didn't leave you bored or anything Because the battles were obviously Very over exaggerated Yeah so Finland saga did a great job at Trying to introduce people to Vikings time And get them interested in it But It did go on the actual Very realism side of the violence In the anime Why don't we talk about the battle Where Thorkell used logs You know that was quite unrealistic And you know Yeah And the way the battle was conducted Also wasn't very realistic In it's own right But it was very very satisfying to watch Wouldn't you agree Yeah it was very satisfying So It was not really true realism in the thing So The anime Could go to the top with the violence Yeah yeah Because it had some very unbelievable feats In the thing Do you know that's another thing Added on to the violence You know like That exaggerated The exaggerated Vikings Yeah it was very exaggerated With the violence Because There was really no way for Like trees get thrown by Some 7 foot Person back in the past And all that And how One person can take a whole ship down Yeah Attacking it Exactly Yeah And Thorfinn was a very powerful character But he was only in his teenage years Yeah Why don't you talk about when Like Thorfinn was on top of the wall And he had to get the commander's head Yeah Also I forgot his name Thorfinn Yeah Thorfinn Had a very unbelievable feat Of bursting A giant Giant man Who had unbelievable strength It shows The anime is not really Down to earth Thing But it's still stuck to it's roots Yeah exactly Amazing to watch Yeah I think like A lot of like The themes that they explored Were definitely essential To the story as well Again like With the violence And we've already stressed this But with the violence It shows Thorfinn's past And how he can move on from it And I think that also Delves into the Philosophical views of the anime Like showing that Again like Violence isn't the answer And I feel like The state that that left Thorfinn in mentally And the way that he progressed As a character as well Just gives it a really beautiful In depth story Yeah Off the violence thing Yeah The anime is very violent And so I really do agree with the Rating it got of the MA Mm With the Very over top violence Yeah The dark themes of Slavery Drug use And the Battles behind it Yeah So It all makes True sense of why It got the MA rating It got From Netflix And all that Yeah I totally agree with that 100% But um Because we've come to the Verdict I feel like We should put an end To the podcast Yeah So yeah Thank you for listening To the Pomy Bastards Podcast Yeah And that's all it folks That's all folks Stay tuned for the next episode

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