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Milena Planojevic



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In this episode, we explore the world of ancient Slavic paganism and discuss the similarities between vampires in Hollywood movies and the Balkan version. Unlike the refined aristocrats we see on screen, our local vampire resembles a tipsy uncle who tells embarrassing stories. He's more interested in raiding the fridge than draining your life force and can often be found at the village tavern singing folk songs after a few drinks. Contrary to popular belief, he does have a reflection but avoids mirrors due to his appearance after partying. The idea that he can't cross running water is false; he just wants to protect his shoes. Overall, our vampire is more likely to be found in your backyard trying to swim than haunting anyone. Welcome everyone to today's episode of our enchanting journey into the world of ancient Slavic paganism, where we'll be tackling one of the most famous mythical figures that may just have a bit more in common with your neighbor than you think. That's right folks, let's talk about vampires. Now, when you hear the word vampire, your mind probably jumps to those brooding, darkly dressed figures from Hollywood movies, right? You know the type. Slicked back hair, dramatic capes, and an aversion to sunlight that puts your local introvert to shame. But let me tell you, in the good old Balkans, we've got our own version of this creature, and he's not exactly a refined aristocrat. Imagine instead, a vampire who looks a lot like your friendly neighborhood uncle, you know? The one who shows up at family gatherings a little too tipsy on rakija and always insists on telling the same old embarrassing stories. This guy might have just come back from the dead, but he's still wearing last year's fashion, and he doesn't know the difference between blood and beetroot juice. Picture this, he strolls into your house at midnight, not to terrify you, but to borrow some sugar for his midnight snack. What's a little blood among friends? he asks, grinning from ear to ear. But trust me, he's more interested in raiding your fridge than draining your life force. And let's talk about his nightly habits. While Hollywood vampires are busy lurking in dark castles, our local version is more likely to be found at the village tavern, belting out folk songs after one too many drinks. Picture him standing on a table, singing, I want to suck your blood, but really just wants you to join him for a round of slivovice. Now, the whole idea of not having a reflection? Please. If you could see the way he attempts to take selfies at night, you'd realize he might just be avoiding mirrors because he's terrified of how he looks after a long night of partying. And if you ever hear whispers that he can't cross running water? Well, that's not true. He just doesn't want to ruin his favorite pair of shoes. Our vampire is much more likely to show up in your backyard, trying to figure out how to swim than actually haunting anyone.

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