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Milena Planojevic



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Our vampire decides to embrace technology and buys a smartphone but struggles to use it. He also fails at online dating and attempts to start a YouTube channel with hilarious results. He has a unique fashion sense and tries to start a new trend. He also tries his hand at basketball but fails spectacularly, becoming the village jester. Now let's dive even deeper into our vampire's chaotic life. We've seen him struggle with romance, parties, and the occasional cat fiasco. But how about his relationship with technology? Picture this. Our vampire, with his age-old wisdom, decides it's time to embrace the modern world. He buys a smartphone, because of course he needs to keep up with his social media presence. How else will I find fellow nocturnal creatures, he thinks to himself. But here's the catch. He has no idea how to use it. His first attempt at setting it up is a comedy of errors. What do you mean I can't take selfies in the dark? He cries out, bewildered. And when he finally figures out how to post, he accidentally shares a picture of his lunch. Because who wouldn't want to see a vampire's take on beetroot salad? When the villagers start commenting, that's not how you vampire, he's left scratching his head thinking, maybe I need better lighting, or a filter that makes me look less pale. And let's not ignore his attempts at online dating. He signs up for a dating app called Fangs and Friends, hoping to meet someone special. But every time he swipes right, he ends up chatting with either other clueless vampires, or pranksters posing as vampire hunters. His chats go something like this. Hi there, what's your favorite way to spend a night? Oh, you know, the usual. Haunting old castles and occasionally drinking a pint of blood. What? No way! Same here. Let's meet up for some garlic bread. The conversations usually end with him wondering why he can't find someone who appreciates a good slivovice, and a dark sense of humor. Next we find our vampire attempting to start a YouTube channel. Because if he can't find love, he might as well share his experiences with the world. He films his first episode titled, A Day in the Life of a Misunderstood Vampire. But, of course, it devolves into a chaotic vlog, where he gets distracted by shiny objects, overcooks a burek, and accidentally reveals his secret stash of garlic. The views? They skyrocket. Not because of his vampire charm, but due to the hilarity of his kitchen disasters. Look at me, the cooking vampire. I promise to do better next time. Maybe no garlic, he announces, oblivious to the laughter of his newfound fans. And how about his fashion sense? You'd think a vampire would have a flair for the dramatic, but no. Our guy believes in the less is more philosophy, especially when it comes to his wardrobe. He struts around in mismatched socks and a cape that seemed better days. It's vintage, you wouldn't understand, he insists to the villagers who can't help but chuckle at his unique style. He even tries to start a new trend, vampire chic. Who says I can't pull off flip-flops with a cape, he proclaims, confidently wandering around the village market, much to the amusement of the locals. The mayor even jokingly declares a vampire fashion day, just to see what our vampire will come up with next. And let's not forget about his sporting endeavors. One day, he decides to try his hand at basketball, because what's more thrilling than being a vampire and playing sports? He shows up at the local court, cape billowing behind him, ready to impress. The only problem? He forgets that he can't be seen in mirrors, and he misjudges every jump shot. Why can't I just float over the net, he wonders aloud, as the villagers watch in stitches, holding back laughter. By the end of the day, he's managed to score a grand total of zero points, but at least he's become the village's unofficial jester, bringing joy with every awkward bounce.

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