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In this podcast, Miki Parasarissas, a philosopher from Harvard, answers quick questions. He prefers pizza over burgers and would choose a panda bear or sleepy bear as a pet. His favorite teacher was Mr. Price and he enjoys playing hockey. Miki believes in God and had crushes in the past but currently doesn't have one. He doesn't have a single best friend but a group of friends from school. His favorite subject in school was PE and he supports the Espanyol football team. Miki dislikes Justin Bieber and rates Spanish words, with croquettes being his second favorite and gazpacho being his least favorite. Hello everybody and welcome to our new podcast with Miki Parasarissas, a philosopher from Harvard. Today we'll be asking him some questions. Well, hello Tomás, thank you for inviting me to the podcast. Well, yeah, I'm a philosopher from Harvard and I'm very proud to be here. Okay, so here's what we are going to do. We will be asking you 10 questions our followers asked us to do. So it will be quick answer, quick question, okay? First one, which one do you prefer, burger or pizza? I prefer pizza because you can put more ingredients in the base and you can do more the thing that you want. If you could have any pet in the world, which one would it be? Well, I would have or a panda bear or a sleepy bear. Okay, in school, who was your favorite teacher? I had like top three, but top one was Mr. Price, top two was Señora Barro, a very good teacher and a very good teacher. The sport you most practice? Hockey, it's my hobby and it's a sport that I like the most. Do you believe in God? Yeah, I think that God led us to think more from a non-vital world, not like all in the earth. Have you ever had a crush and if you have one at the time? Well, I think that like everybody in one time of his life had a crush, but now in the moment, no. Who is your best friend and where did you meet? Well, I don't have a best friend, I have like a group of them, but we meet in school at La Farga. Favorite subject at school? Pee, probably. Which football team do you support? Espanyol, but when I was very little, my father put me in this world and I cannot let it. Least liked celebrity? I think would be Justin Bieber, I see there like a very arrogant person. Well, that's some personal thing. Now, here's what we are going to do. I will be telling you one by one Spanish words from Spain where you come from and you will have to rate them from 1 to 5 without knowing which one is the next. Ok. So, croquettes. I think they are my top two. Ok, omelette. If it's well done, top one. Paella. Oh, difficult. Top three, but could be better. And gazpacho. Last one, I hate gazpacho, it's like, it's a lot of tomato and I don't like it. Last one, toasted breadcrumbs. I like them a lot, but unfortunately they have to be in fourth. Well, thank you very much, Miki, for coming to our podcast. I wish we could be more time talking, but that's it. Thank you very much for coming. Thank you to you, goodbye.

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