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Episode 5 - Super Bowl Predictions, Golf Talk with Steve, and NBA Trade Deadline with Nate the Great

Episode 5 - Super Bowl Predictions, Golf Talk with Steve, and NBA Trade Deadline with Nate the Great

Michael PinarskiMichael Pinarski



We each give our own thoughts on Super Bowl LVII, while discussing recent football news, also catching up on golf and the NBA.

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Welcome everyone to the Honest Truth Sports Podcast. Today is episode five. That's right we're at five now and today's episode we are going to talk about Super Bowl predictions, a little bit of more football news, recent you know hirings, recent news about retiring. Is Aaron Rodgers going to play next year or is this darkness retreat going to tell him that he should retire and hang it up? I would like to see that personally but who knows he's gonna you know lock himself in a room for four days. And also we will have a little bit of golf talk with the recent US, no not US, the Pebble Beach Pro-Am and we also have the Waste Management Open down in Phoenix, Arizona this coming weekend. Actually it's going on as of right now and we will talk a little bit about our favorite courses and our favorite holes of all time. So stay tuned you will not want to miss this episode. This is an episode that's going to be great. I really don't know where I was going there but like I said don't miss this episode. This is going to be a great episode. Also like and subscribe wherever you find this. It'll be up on YouTube. Look for the audio link if you just want to listen to podcasts on audio.com. That's a free plug for you guys. Thank you and be sure to look out for future recordings as once again I said this is episode 5 of the Honest Street Sports Podcast and I thank you for listening. For the purpose of this episode I have broken up these questions for Steve and Nathan separately because just due to scheduling issues and timing issues. So I had Steve answer the questions separately along with Nate answer the questions. So that's kind of how this episode is going to roll and I'm trying to piece them together but I think I think we'll have an overall synopsis of everything that's going on in Super Bowl weekend and I think this will be a great episode to listen to. So all right let's do this shit. What's the agenda? Well we're so the agenda today before you know before I even talk about it I have some exciting news for myself. I got myself some new golf shoes. Oh yeah? Nice. That is pretty nice. I was looking at those as well. You went with the white one you're gonna have to keep them clean. Well they're waterproof apparently. Well I don't think that would necessarily matter. I think it's just the mud staining it. Yeah but like it's it's got like a very like yeah not leathery feel to it. It's like it seems like it could be easy to wash though if it doesn't. I got myself new shoes as well a while back. I'm looking at getting another pair that's gonna be white because the new one that I got a while back was it's another black Nike shoes but it's like it's almost like a chrome no not a chrome a matte black like a matte black with a big Nike swoosh that like goes to the back of the shoes. It's pretty cool. I mean I just need like a white shoe that will like go with my outfit some of my outfit not just. Yeah well I wanted to get the white shoe because I've always wanted just a white yeah golf shoe so I saw that and I was like I'll do that for the deal that was going on. I'll probably get like the Pumas white shoes those are pretty slick. They have some of those nice shoes there but I also have a bunch of polos that I bought too. I'm gonna bring it home see which one you like better. I can't decide. I need help deciding which one to get. Yeah okay. I literally bought them all like as many as I wanted and then I'll return some of them rather than like trying them out because some of them some of the store don't have them. You ate them all? All right let's do this. We're getting into it here. So we're gonna start talking about our Super Bowl predictions as this is today's episode. With Super Bowl what what number is it? It's 57 right? Super Bowl 57 this Sunday February 12th between the Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles and I just kind of like to start off with asking you know the simple questions as you know who do you think is going to win this game and just kind of break it down for me. I'm so torn on this game. I think both teams are so so good for their own conference respective conference like I think this might be I'm hoping this is gonna be one of the most iconic Super Bowl in history and time like that we'll ever witness. Will it happen that way? Probably not but I feel like we have not seen a good Super Bowl in a while. Like 2020 it would blow out. I can't even remember last year. Who won last year? The Rams. Yeah it was it felt that was a pretty exciting game but it was like the Bengals they messed up toward the end. Okay I guess that was an exciting game. That was a very exciting game but nobody expected the Bengals to make it there versus like this year you got both number one seeds in the Super Bowl. I was looking at a tweet that Bill Yates tweeted out. He said that both team has 16-3 records. Both teams scored 546 points. Both team has six All-Pros including the Kelsey brothers which is I think is gonna be an exciting game for the parents obviously. Like it's gonna be they don't they're not gonna match up on each other I don't think because they're both they both play no they both play on offense so it's impossible. So yeah it can't even match up against each other and then obviously like I said they're both number one seed in their conference so this is like legit a battle between the best team in the NFL. So I am so torn because I've been like trying to listen to everybody viewpoints on this game. Everybody made their good points and stuff. Obviously the analysts that were fans of the team were obviously biased so I was trying to like see if they were like giving me good good feedback or like not feedback good like pointers on why their teams are gonna win and it's hard to say. I've been hearing a lot of talk from the Kansas City side but not so much from the Eagles. They've been keeping it quiet all this week where the Kansas City Chiefs they've been like chirping not okay not chirping but like they've been talking like it's not smack-talk by any means but like Mahomes is laying out the details of his injuries and stuff like that telling everybody he'll be fine he'll get through the game and stuff like that but we're not hearing any of that stuff from the Eagles side. Like obviously we all know Jalen Hurst is struggling this year or to get through this year. Is he going to be much of a factor in this game? If he is then I would absolutely 100% choose the Eagles to win the Super Bowl but we obviously didn't see him do it he did not he did not have a good passing game the last game against the 49ers would I would argue they're the best defense in the NFL. Yeah but he did need to have a good passing game because right through that they could just run the ball out and win the game. Right exactly so I don't know if that played a factor into the game at all because they were so dominant one-sided of the of their offense that they put the passing game on the backburner just in case but they would also they were I would I would also argue that they were fortunate that they didn't need to bring out the passing game. Will that gonna that gonna hurt them in the Super Bowl against the Chiefs? I don't know I mean their secondary is not super strong either I would argue like the Eagles have the best offensive line in the NFL I would say and they're going up against Chris Jones and I keep on forgetting the other yeah you got an input Drew huh? I think Drew has got input. Yeah that's a special guest Drew in the background sorry guys trying to be a single dad temporary for until Kimber gets home so I think he's finished one of his snacks and I ran him out ran out of options. Hold on bring him back up. Oh he's just reaching into the pond behind you. Yeah yeah is that what it looks like? Snacks. Yeah sorry. Whoa I didn't know the 12th hole at Augusta has snacks in the water. I know right you'd be surprised how much stuff they keep back there. Probably a lot of golf balls in there too though. Yeah honestly. All right as I was saying what was I saying the Eagles have the best offensive line in the NFL they're going up against Chris Jones and the other defensive end that I can't ever think of. Well they got Carlos and Frank yeah Frank Clark yeah that I mean they're they're serviceable I mean obviously Chris Jones and all from the other guys are serviceable pros that will do enough damage against any team but I don't know if they'll be able to do a whole lot of damage it just depends on how healthy Lane Johnson's going to be heading into the game because he's playing with a torn what is it abs abs yeah yeah I don't know I I can see this game going three different ways and I've been hearing things like on Twitter and other articles saying that like the Chiefs have to play a perfect game to win this game because I think overall the better team is the Eagles they have just a better roster oh yeah like they have a run game that is very dominant that can move the ball however if they can't move the ball then they will have to throw the ball but then that kind of still plays into their hand because the Chiefs secondary is very young they're not very they're not veterans they're still rookies out there I think they have the most rookies on their defense in the league like I think they said they're PRT or they yep four rookies they have eight rookies that play at the most snap other than the Bears that sad bears and the Houston Texans who are both we're trying to tank all years which is remarkable because not often you see like eight different rookies taking up a lot of snaps to get to the Super Bowl so is experience gonna play a huge factor in this game I actually think so oh yeah like experience is gonna play a huge factor it's the last game of the year like you have to give all it takes and you can't really mess up you you have to drill into the players minds that like this is the last game like do everything that we taught focus on your film study and like say the course you got yeah it is tough like I wish Jalen Hurst was fully healthy but obviously we don't know how healthy he's gonna be gonna be like 95 no way 100% I am I'm waiting for the press release after the Super Bowl let everybody know that he has a torn ligament or not on looking at like a partial torn rotator cuff that he needs to have surgery and we'll be back before the start of next year something like that well that's what I'm waiting for I don't even think he's it probably he know he's definitely got more than just a strange shoulder or strange shoulder as what they indicated yeah like there's probably definitely something torn in there either rotator cuff or labrum probably labrum honestly yeah yeah that's what I was thinking of labrum is probably what it is because I mean I'd be like you would have enough adrenaline adrenaline to be able to put enough like zip on the ball for the last game or so and he hasn't really been able to get down to the deep ball at all and now that we're going to go into a much stable environment there's not going to be any windy condition or anything like that can be warm so I wonder if that could be better for him he'll be like the adrenaline is gonna kick in better he can be able to stay loose and stuff like that I it'll be interesting to see I you know what I'm going for it the Eagles is my pick I don't think my home is gonna have enough to play with because all his receivers are like falling apart I don't care if I've heard reports earlier today saying that Kony has been running around crazy like come on he's been with the team for like three weeks I don't even know how long not that long and he's already been hurt I don't think he's going to be a huge factor in the game he'll definitely make some crucial catch probably here and there but the biggest receiver they really got a drill in drill on is Kelsey obviously and I think the Eagles defense is smart enough to be able to like box him in I guess I don't know the correct terminology but we're definitely gonna double him whenever they get the chance exactly like I think their defense is more than capable to be able to double team him and man covered everybody else because there's no there's no one number one receiver on their team well the Eagles also have a the best I think secondary in the league yeah yeah they got eyes on the corners around the edges that can you know play that man-to-man and then still have the linebackers like kind of give a shove off and hand off towards yeah they're playing zone coverage and like I think they're just gonna play that high low or double them up and yeah the only thing that's gonna scare me is that like you know Mahomes has the elusive factor that like well if he had no factor because of the ankle so if that plays in the factor but like you got to limit those plays where like they just get out of the pocket and they somehow find each other like you have to mark your man you have to be on him at all times and don't like give in to his fakes or whatever he's giving just to try and get open like you guys stick on him and I think the Eagles have the shot to win this they just have to not they have to not allow those plays so right yeah I've been seeing like somebody mentioned that we have yet to see Mahomes have a great game from start to finish and I just don't see that happening in this game the Eagles are more than capable of stopping him I was I mean Reddit is nearly unblockable obviously we all saw what happened to Brock Purdy last game he destroyed him and I just don't see Mahomes being able to obviously he's not 100% on no matter how how good he feels or how he says he feels I don't think we're ever gonna see him get to 100% at game time I mean he'll probably start off strong and then he'll make a play that will tweak it and make him hobble for the rest of the game and that's what I feared is that once that that he pushed that limit I don't think he'll be able to be able to be full Mahomes factor it I mean just talking it through with you I I think I'm going with the Eagles like there's just no way that Mahomes is going to be able to overcome all this all these I want to say factors that the Eagles have like it's just they're they're just strong they have a strong unit everywhere yeah they just have a unit that is so strong everywhere it's just not one one player it's literally everybody and they're just rotating everybody into the game they have who did they steal from the Bears like he had I mean he hasn't really made an impact yet yeah Quinn he was just an all-pro last year like he's just on the bench waiting to wreck havoc it's just like I don't know because he's not gonna be tired the entire game so you can throw him in there we got the energy to just you know muscle people up and you know bully him all over the place yeah like you know do you think that if Mahomes does overcome all these factors and all these stipulations that this will then define his legacy and make him the greatest of all time I would say this would be his signature win for sure obviously we need to let his career finish out we can't just give him the patrol or the baton right now because he still has like 10 more years left to go oh yeah he's got a wide he's got many years left on his career so we can't I hate that I hate that people have been comparing him to Tom Brady recently like he's got Tom Brady played 22 23 years in the NFL however long it was and like Mahomes has only played seven or eight I think so like he's still got if he plays that long like he's still got probably at least another eight ten years left so like he's got a long career ahead of him and we'll get into a little bit more about that as we will talk Tom Brady retiring news but I will let you needed to get the do not a sponsorship not a sponsorship you gotta pay me to sponsor that crap yeah put a paper bag over it come on now they don't know what it is yeah hi Druey hi buddy hi special guests here again through mom is still not home she's making her way no you were just looking over there for nothing all right wait no quit jerking me I can't hear anything dude all right you have input on this game yeah Drew do you have who are you thinking to win again my thinking I'm taking the Eagles if I if I were a betting man like you are I would pick the Eagles which then kind of leads me into my next topic you know you being a betting man and what all and all that you know who you got scoring the first touchdown the game I never I don't like doing that process because I don't know who's going to have the ball first I think it's whoever has the ball first so I guess I'll do it for both teams because I don't know who's going to get the ball first who do you like Eagles and who do you like the Chiefs yeah exactly because I think whoever gets the ball first it's going to score right away so for the Chiefs it's going to be Kelsey easy I think it's going to be Kelsey and I'm going hard I'd go hard man you just some guy he's not playing I thought they rule him out did they bring back I thought he's back they said my arm no he wasn't back to the championship game they were saying he was going to try and be back to the Super Bowl right and then I think they put him on IR to maybe bring back somebody that was on IR yeah I'd do Kelsey yeah yeah I don't know I mean that just contradict what I was saying earlier about Kelsey being covered so I don't know for the the Eagles it's going to be Miles Sanders and I say it's going to be one of the running backs either Miles Sanders with Boston Scott I could see that yeah gotta be a running back it's easy if not actually I don't know I was gonna say AJ Brown but I think it's gonna be one of the running backs right I do think that AJ Brown's gonna have a big game though I mean either either receivers gonna have a big game because I don't think their secondaries good enough to be able to cover both so it'll be interesting to see who they pick to try to double cover but yeah well I guess you also got to rely on Hurst to be able to make the deep passes and stuff like that so if if I see a couple good throws from Hurst early on it's gonna be game over because I think both the running backer and the passing game is gonna be there so it's gonna be yeah Drew you think so too yeah I think so yeah so then leading into that do you think Hurst will be the Super Bowl MVP or do you think it'll be somebody else if Eagles do potentially win the game I think whoever's the winning team it's gonna be the quarterback that wins the MVP because at one point yes it's mom on the phone you see mom on the phone this is tough doing a podcast with your father who is talking too much yep mom coming home has there ever been a quarterback that has not won Super Bowl MVP yeah there was one yeah yeah before that it was like almost like yeah it was like it's very common for quarterbacks to win it so it's you want to go oh no okay second thought yeah I mean I think it's gonna be the quarterback that went to MVP it's just gonna be that simple there's no no denying that because Hurst was an MVP leader front runner for majority of the year until he got hurt and then Mahomes it's just Mahomes like he was always in the conversation the whole year it was just I think they were just trying to get a new winner have a new story and Jalen Hurst was that good of a story for them for the NFL and it was just unfortunate that he got hurt and took away the I guess I don't know how the voting goes like I don't understand why you need to play a full year like he was the most valuable player on the team yeah we all understood we all saw that like when Minsu was in the game for the three games he was not yeah they lost they lost all three games right or two games no he was only in for two games because then Hurst played the last yeah right so they lost all two games with them and it was just yeah not not much yeah back so then I guess you know still being you know a betting man over here and you know talking prop what do you think the color is going to be of the Gatorade bath what do you think did what do you think the yellow blue blue your favorite I'm liking red calling are you calling some insider he might have to get that number Wow I don't I don't condone inside trading that's not me he got the number I did not inside trading yeah that's what he's doing he's holding up the phone looking at all the the good odds and stuff to bet on is that right I'm going I'm going red just based off of his shirt so that's that's my bet it's so tough I I'd be like oh no man I'm gonna go purple purple are you gonna go purple yeah purple is it it's a good flavor I don't see that off it's always either it's always either yellow yeah blue or orange okay what's your favorite Gatorade flavor of all time I like the cool blue not the ice from it so I was going to ask you about because I forgot to ask you what do you think it was gonna be well we all will get inside yeah so what is the line is what the over unders currently 51 points and it has gone up since we opened this up looking at how much that's on a so two weeks or two weeks ago it would that 49 and a half and it's now at 51 so I I honest even though we were just discussing last week that the Eagles have like the second their top five defense and the Chiefs are more than capable of playing good defense but their secondaries is a little scary to me with that said I think it and they also they both have high power often they're number one in their respective conference so it's gonna be a high-scoring game that said I am going with 51 where is it 31 27 whoever has the ball last is oh yeah whoever has the ball last it's not gonna be able to do a field goal they're gonna try to get it into the end zone and and they're gonna be unsuccessful that's that's how I have it going now like I like that idea I could definitely see that happening because you know a lot of these games come down to that like I don't think it'll come down to a field goal it'll definitely be like a must-need touchdown zone I could see 31 27 I do like I don't know why but I saw the meme on Twitter of the 34 37 of the the script being leaked the Super Bowl I kind of like that if it were to happen I think everyone be what the final score was what was 37 34 the Eagles if that were to happen I think everybody would be going apeshit so it'd be funny to see if that were the case oh yeah I mean everybody's been the that was the hottest topic the last two weeks it's like the NFL is scripted like what are you talking about one one psycho retired player he probably has a severe case of CTE was talking about the NFL being scripted with barstool sports yeah and they're just shooting the shit on that show so yeah exactly special guest drew just came back said hi back again yeah come on dude he just wants to join we do want your input Kimber a decorative Kimber over here negative producer a green there we go we need your input what is what you think the Gatorade shower color gonna be okay so give both tapes I can't hear her yellow for Kansas City blue for the Eagles okay I like that not red not red yeah but I hear that it's always just one color every side each sideline has the same color right yeah I I mean honestly you think it's scripted in a way so I feel like that inside of trading so right because they have like prop vests for color of the Gatorade yeah so like that got to be the easiest thing to be able to fix just gonna have to go find out who is in charge of the water coolers and right before the game is finished in there now I'm gonna cut myself open it's gonna be red let's mix it up come on red red red no it would be orange if it's yellow Gatorade so put orange orange mix it up yeah yeah yeah it's gonna be exciting so I'm good to close on that book if we're done yeah we'll be done with a Super Bowl talk there but in other news you know we're gonna move on to a little bit more football news with you know the recent news all kind of recent now as we're kind of recording this a little later but you know the greatest of all time Tom Brady has officially decided to hang it up what was it I think it was Monday or Tuesday thing I want to say with the Monday feels right Monday but so it's February 1st 2nd 1st 2nd oh so that he did it well he did it like exactly one year from last year when everybody leaked that he was retiring and yeah he was pissed about that so he was like all right I'm gonna do it exactly one year from last year and say it before everybody else says it so I think it was Monday that feels right you know everybody was shocked right away yeah regardless of what day they were not we we don't have the exact you know tweet in front of us that I can't really confirm the date or not if it is the case but you know I think it kind of is time for him to hang it up he really didn't have what did though he drew the most passes in the history of the NFL or the most past attempts in a season and I want to say yeah past attempts I don't think he was up there for a yardage but regardless most past attempts that is gotta be like a sure sign that he's not slowing down good why would you have a 45 year old passing the ball all the time if he his arm is falling off no because they didn't have a run game exactly but still he was still performing at an elite level the team would just shit like his line fell apart I think he kind of grew tired of Evans just is not being reliable in terms of like structure like he was always retaliating on people it's just didn't seem like he enjoyed playing with that group of players he wanted somebody to be able to give him a certain talking to although I don't think that ever happened in the NFL like basically he wanted the Patriot way in Tampa Bay and he was not getting that so it was either retirement or go somewhere else and he probably chose wisely by retiring is there 80 pounds of you that say or thinks that he's going to come out of retirement and be like nah psych I'm playing one more year you know well you know history says that you know he has done it so send me a brick bar be a pattern Brett Barb gonna pull a Brett Barb move I'm I'm retired I'm out of return I retire I'm not like you can't really can't leave out that fact that he has done that so yeah if he does come out of retirement he got a star and a Wrangler commercial it just that's just how it's just spitting well so you know how he has the deal with Fox right yeah it's like a 10-year deal for like 200 no $300 whatever it is he'll make more than he ever made playing football oh yeah so he said that earlier earlier this week or last week he said that he won't he's not gonna broadcast until the fall of 2024 and what I heard after listening from part of my take earlier this week is that they're kind of shooting the shit saying that like oh like I think he's just doing this because he's trying to leave the options open for next year say like if somebody you know has another 49er situation that like their quarterbacks get hurt whatnot I'll just call Tom Brady like see what he's doing and see if he wants to come back you know you know throw the ball around or you're saying for 2023 like this yeah okay season it's like gotcha yeah yeah actually he won't do any broadcast until the fall of 2024 which leaves higher season of next year open interesting yeah that's a good hunch well either he's doing that he just wants a year-old wants to spend time with family yeah he hates his family you know everybody knows it it's just maybe not his children but he does he does kiss them all the time so that's not a sign of hating it or hate hate hate hatred hatred yeah vocabularies hard you know yeah it's interesting you know greatest of all time on the field you know what what potentially he could be in the broadcast booth I think he's gonna weigh he's gonna weigh over analyze everything in the booth oh yeah he'll probably tone it down he'll probably realize like he can just be a guy that's not over analyzing things in the booth like he just kind of way that Greg Olson's doing it right now I love the way Greg Olson's doing it oh yeah I think he's doing fantastic job I don't know why they would remove them but obviously they got a massive contract that's who they're gonna remove yeah I think I think Greg well Greg Olson's gonna have a commentary job somewhere I think he might be like I think well I think he's still gonna be with Fox he's just not gonna be the top one no I think he'll leave his ratings gotta be super like gotta be great like he'll probably get a job either at probably not NBC well I guess there's only three three stations no for the ICS the CBS Fox yeah good point I don't I don't think he's gonna be at Collinsworth leaving you see Collinsworth no Amazon no he wouldn't go to Amazon I don't do that a boatload of money for him you can potentially go to CBS as well but I don't you got rumble yeah with them being tied up with Romo I don't know it's just yeah I it I did see somewhere saying that they did have a talking to with Romo like prior to this year which is shocking that they're having these conversation with I saw that too I they better have some strong like really good lawyers to be able to break out of this contract because I don't think they're gonna be able to deal with them for another year if he has a subpar performance and and sure enough they're gonna be opening and maybe a great Olson comes in I don't know it's just it's it's all you know new to us with Tom Brady retiring you know right and then you did bring up a good point he left it open to come back not gonna start there's no way he's taking classes on how to be a broadcaster no well what he's just gonna go out and do his own thing he's just right yeah yeah it's gonna I'm Brady is wing it yeah well Tom Brady gonna be Tom Brady yeah and then like other news you know with potential potential retirees I saw that Aaron Rodgers is going on a darkness retreat and he is going to decide his future on being locked in a room for four days complete darkness nothing but a sliding door that gets him food every once in a while is that what it is yeah I didn't know they were giving him food well now it's four days yeah yeah he's gonna be locked in for four days and there's like a it's basically a jail cell that's just completely dark no sound apparently either and he's just going to have this door that opens up getting food and there you go four days with your thoughts that's that's nuts I I did it that's some people just have to meditate that way like it's not weird it's just weird doing it no no like I'm saying for a normal person maybe it's not super out of the ordinary like it's probably super relaxing I don't know if I would do it for four days maybe a day and a half I don't know I don't know anything 24 hours by yourself in a room yeah like just your thoughts I I could you don't you wouldn't even know it if it's dark outside or light or in the daytime like you're just I would just sleep for four days straight yeah yeah they opened the jail cell like hey your four days up like bro no close that shit also like I'm not coming out like this darkness retreat like clearly he's going to somebody that's gonna put him in this room like he's not gonna have any idea of any like what the time is so he's got yeah that's what we're saying he's gonna have to trust this person to be like oh yeah your four days is up what if it's like you know longer than four days you know what is it somebody that does not like Aaron Rodgers exactly what there's like lock them away keep them in there just keep them in there for a whole year and then he comes out with a full beard and just like smell like shit and I don't know I just imagine a year later he just comes out full full head of hair basically what he looked like at the beginning of season except he'll have like a giant beard did it look like a caveman yeah yeah yeah come out dang that was a long four days like wow did it seem like it was that long oh yeah yeah you didn't miss much like nothing happened and sure enough like Green Bay Packers win the Super Bowl without no but Jordan that would be nuts yeah I know what if that would happen the Green Bay Packers wins the Super Bowl without Aaron Rodgers we don't know where he went he has been lost oh my god that would be quite the story line the NFL is script that's gonna be how they that's how they're gonna strip it up you're asking the torch on from franchise quarterback to the new franchise quarterback no I I think all Bears fans would just they would just join a new team I think I think Bears fans would end their suffering and just back yeah it's just no we're not gonna live through another dynasty or another era yeah just continuing quarterback after quarterback it's not a dynasty because they only had to to Super Bowl in the last 30 years but it's a dynasty to us because they've been beating the shit out of the Bears yeah the according to the Bears we have no track records of quarterbacks so it is any above average quarterback is five quarterbacks in there too yeah yeah it's not good Justin Thiel is the man we got to cross our finger come on come on please just I believe in him he is him they get thought of our suffering come on yeah he will take us to the promised land I hope so sooner than later yes speaking of other quarterback news as well as we're continuing down the list of three quarterbacks so the Broncos have hired their new head coach for the future and Sean Payton oh yeah and the most recent news big news out of that camp is that I heard Sean Payton's not gonna allow Russ is big three or Russ Russ three or wherever they call him Russ's team three in the facility so Russ's personal Wow people know I don't even know what they are it's just his personal people right they're not going to be allowed in the facility it's just him and only him does this already create turmoil for the Broncos for like Sean Payton or does Sean Payton already have a bad connection with his quarterback I don't know it's hard to say at this point because he he left it very vague in his interview he he just said like that information hasn't been brought up to me I don't I'm not I'm not aware of aware of it basically just like saying what you want to hear in a sense so I think he's gonna be a good enough coach to understand that you need to have a sit down conversation with your quarterback who's supposed to be the star and lay down like lay down the law like hey you're gonna have to do it my way or else the team is not gonna be on board because you you saw it last year everybody basically was not behind you they were against you and you didn't help yourself by bringing on people and yeah I think he'll do a good job with that we'll let him know like hey you're either on this train or we're gonna find a new quarterback so basically step in your place and potentially be better because you have not shown it in the last year or so so I mean clearly he had a great relationship with Drew Brees in the past so like you would think that he's trying they're the same they're the same bill too I would say they they're the same size although Drew he never ran but I want to say they they came in with the same like limitation expectation from everybody like they both had doubters so maybe that's just something that Sean Payton thrives under you just need somebody to doubt him and his quarterback like hey I don't care what you guys say I'm gonna be able to make it work like we they have a great defense so they'd better figure it out sooner or later before the defense either signs away or they regress in some way yeah it's kind of just like leaves a bad first impression yeah like in my mind like he's your quarterback and you come in and say like hey like I understand like you probably shouldn't have a like personal like team that follows around everywhere like that kind of gives off a wrong vibe to the rest of the team so long Brady did it okay well he's Tom Brady so that's come that's different this is Russell West or Russell Westbrook completely different sport sorry Russell Wilson topic yeah as well but he's not good either Russ Wilson like you have one Super Bowl you've been to another so like you've been there twice but like if something hasn't been working out especially in the last year like maybe try and change something around right you know put your egos I make sure you have less bathroom next year that way there's less bathroom the subject down at their bathroom ratio is easier to be you know it's not gonna take half a season to beat that ratio you know something like that change it up yeah Sierra doesn't need it this year oh yeah is that his wife yeah Sierra doesn't need that many bathroom just knock him out yeah yeah it's it's kind of ridiculous right other news though in the NFL last thing we're going to talk about for the NFL news so Commissioner Roger Goodell put out a statement earlier this week as well saying that the refs have done actually a decent job this year you know and I'd like to say that is complete and utter bullshit because of the games I a witness this year I don't think he saw all of them clearly not what will you expect he's the Commissioner he paid those people he's not gonna be like oh yeah you were shit that's my fault like no he's gonna like no no own up to it everybody in the in the world looked at and saw those games oh yeah yeah they saw the horrible I'm pretty sure Stevie Stevie Wonder saw those game and you know he can't see oh yeah and he knew the game was terrible and trash like we're so many crucial calls and the worst times that yeah oh oh yeah I could count out so many but I don't want to you know get into it like the one that kind of sticks out is the Washington's commanders one with Terry McCorn clearly giving him this thumbs up with him being on the line and it still throws a flag yeah so that that like the rep the rep had money on that game and had to make sure he was letting him know hey yeah you're good you good and then you like hell no man I gotta be able to fix this game somehow through the bottom make sure the Packers got to the next week just that right lose to the Lions yeah you know right come on the NFL scripted come on he had a huge futures bet on on the Packers and he was just trying to help it out yeah didn't unfortunately yeah I just that entire thing was complete bogus talk and it's just I don't know how you could say that as a commissioner like you clearly see these like reports and then we're just like oh yeah I was pretty good game you know I like this is good it's not like I didn't hire them it was good I thought they were fantastic let's let's bring them on for the next year oh my god who was it a couple years no it was last year the crew that did the the Bears in Pittsburgh game oh but the oldest ref in history yeah you look how old he's back hip to the game like you so I think he retired he had to because I didn't see him in a single game this year so they were like we're gonna take your whistle away you're no longer gonna make calls so you were maybe that was his wake-up call he was like damn these refs suck I'm gonna make some changes clearly not though it was terrible this year yeah it was probably a slight improvement come on now I'm gonna give him the benefit the benefit of the doubt like a little bit of impermanent gotta gotta leave some room for improvement not much I mean I'm talking about like I don't know that's got me through the door you got a squeeze through the door like it didn't have to be all the way open a little bit of improvement yeah it's all subjective it probably could have been a little bit better but I don't think it was okay well you know what if it comes on it will come on I'll just you know go ahead and get your thoughts and opinions on this weekend's you know Super Bowl matchup between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs and so we will start off with what do you think you know is gonna going to be what do you think the game is gonna be like this Sunday uh wait I got the Eagles winning this week no answer but just you going with the Eagles all the way just going with the Eagles there's a better team man the Eagles are a hundred percent better in every single category except quarterback and tight end maybe and I know quarterback is a pretty important position but Jalen Hurst is still a good player and the Eagles are just gonna be able to run the ball on them and they're gonna be able to throw those splash deep plays in there and they're just all around a hard team to stop and they're also a hard team to score on I think a lot of people are trying to be really high on the Chiefs right now just because you know they came off a huge win against the Bengals but you know people are sleeping on the Eagles cuz they don't have that really hard signature win yet but when you don't have that win it kind of shows how good you are to a certain point and it also shows it also doesn't give the Chiefs much film to go off of on the Eagle serve sort of playoff tendencies and what they do so I think the Eagles are going to just come out as a better team all around. I know Steve and I were talking earlier and he was well I brought the idea that like the Eagles their entire roster is just overall better like except like you said probably the quarterback position and the tight end position I would agree with those two like the Chiefs definitely have a better quarterback and the better tight end but I don't know if that's gonna you know get them as far as beating the Eagles because the Eagles probably have the best defense in the league so it's gonna be hard for them to overcome that but yeah for the most part I think I said that I said the Eagles are probably gonna win as well because like there's three ways that could happen and I think the Chiefs they'd have to play a perfect game in order to win but I don't think you know you can't really play a perfect game especially in the biggest prime time lights of you know the year the last game of the year and that's not the case you know the Eagles are gonna run the ball they're gonna control the line of the scrimmage and most likely you know handle it from there but like I said even if they aren't able to run the ball they could still take the opportunity to throw the ball and you know control the game that way because the Chiefs secondary is very young they have a lot of rookies in that secondary and just defense in general the like experience comes to play with that and like they're just not experienced so unless they're able to you know step up and play big I don't know if that will be the case but I I think the Eagles will just kind of take this one away however you know it still is Patrick Holmes and we have to kind of play that factor as well so I got the score being 31-27 Wow yeah and the Eagles take it they they do this by they have a long fourth quarter drive like that's like six seven minutes that brings it all the way down to one minute they end up scoring a touchdown to go up it was like to go up by four and that actually doesn't leave my home so it's enough time yeah I said well I mean that's kind of similar to what Steve says Steve was like is Steve actually said it was gonna be 31-27 as well but like whoever has the ball last needs to score and touchdown and they're not going to be able to get it so yeah it's kind of what he came up with it's kind of interesting to see that both you guys are thinking alike in the score I don't really know what the scores gonna be I like that score but yeah I'm like one and a half but I don't know it's probably gonna hit the over yeah I don't know if it's exactly gonna be like a blown-out game well if it's back and forth I could see it being a high score but if the Eagles end up getting like a 10-point lead or 14-point lead at some point they're gonna be able to run the ball and just drain that clock and it's gonna be hard for the Chiefs to come back it's definitely it's definitely gonna be an interesting game to see and to watch but we will see let's just finish up Super Bowl talk what color Gatorade bat do you think it's gonna be purple I've been feeling it oh you've been feeling purple I've been feeling purple purple Gatorade is really good I think it's just gonna be classic red I think it's just be good what was it last year I don't remember I think it was blue last year purple Gatorade and like those tubs is really good yeah but you don't ever see it though I don't know I think the Eagles are a purple Gatorade team though oh yeah but I don't know if it's necessarily each team gets their own color like I'm pretty sure it's like the whoever's in charge of the water the Gatorade bottles and the water bottle jugs they're just like gonna give the same flavor to each side so I don't know if it's necessarily gonna be it because Kimber made an appearance and said that if it was the Chiefs win it would be yellow and if it was the Eagles winning it would be purple and I was like I don't know if it's necessarily gonna be that but be interesting if it was that if that was the case I could see yellow Gatorade yellow Gatorade I've had a lot purple Gatorade though you know in my time that's why purple Gatorade is pretty good I do like it but I just don't see it very often and in the collegiate aspect or professional aspect so purple Gatorade we had a lot of that in high school purple Gatorade is underrated and should should get its respect yeah I agree it should definitely get its respect but uh so that will kind of wrap up you know our super bowl talk with Nate and we'll kind of go on to just some quick NFL topics as well you know we didn't get the chance to talk about it in the last episode because it kind of just happened right after but we had the recent news of the greatest of all time and Tom Brady retiring so I know we kind of talked about where we saw Tom Brady going in last episode and then this kind of just came out and shocked us all so like what are your thoughts on it I didn't expect it I really thought he was going to the Raiders but you know I just thought he loved football too much but I guess he's just done with it now and it opens up the door for a lot of other quarterbacks now and where they want to go to because everyone was putting their eyes on Brady in the market now things are like where's Aaron Rodgers going where's Derek Carbundy all these other fringe quarterbacks like Jameis Winston, Marcus Mariota, Mitch Chubisky like where could they go like and then rookie quarterbacks like it just changed up a lot of things well it's funny you bring up Rodgers as well because like you know he's having this darkness retreat where he's going to you know spend four days in a dark room doing nothing but thinking to himself about his future and I find it hilarious because what are you going to do it for four days in a dark ass room see when I first saw darkness retreat I thought it was like oh he's gonna go to the woods and be like like in the dark about everything like he won't be on social media at all but the like the crazier the idea gets to me the more I think that he's gonna end up retiring like the more he drags this on and the more drastic measures he goes to he's gonna he's gonna call it quits. I think there's two ways it goes he definitely either calls it quits or I think he's going to the Jets yet he's gonna reunite with Hackett there oh yeah Hackett did go there so I think it's either that because I don't think he wants to play for the Packers anymore I think he's I think he's done with that and I don't think the Packers want him either so yeah I think it'll be really weird seeing him in a different uniform though so that that kind of like you know it's gonna be it definitely opens up the QB market like you said like there's gonna be a lot of moving around QBs I think the Bears are gonna be in the looks for a backup so I heard rumors of getting Mitch back you know I'll take Mitch back. Mitch shouldn't be a backup. As a Bears backup you should be a Bears backup. I just I saw something that the Bears need a backup QB that would fit the system and Trevor Simeon and Nathan Peterman do not fit the system so you kind of need a quarterback that's a little bit more mobile and Trubisky wouldn't be a bad fit necessarily. That is true. I'm trying to think of mobile quarterbacks. Or Marcus Mariota. Yeah maybe but you know I just don't know I don't I don't know where these guys will end up like could they even be starters some of them they probably could. Should be I mean I know a lot of teams are in desperate need like Colts, Saints, Arizona, Seahawks even though the Seahawks are probably going back with Geno. But you also factor in like the draft and stuff. Yeah well there's not many QBs in the draft like there's one there's one maybe two QBs that are gonna get their starting role and that's the Texans and the Colts. That's it they play their favor or they play their cards right and draft the right people. I think a team is really gonna put a shot out there for Will Levis though. Well yeah there's there's a case for him but I I don't know if he's necessarily gonna start right away. I think a team will trade up and draft him and they're gonna feel the need to start him right away. A team like the Panthers. Interesting. Yeah. I just know that he has a lot of NFL draft or a lot of NFL potential and he could be seen as a high-value pick in this draft. So be definitely interesting to see as we move on in the future. So now we're just gonna go ahead and jump this this segment and go on to our next because we're gonna try and talk some golf here with you know the what was it the Pebble Beach Pro-Am that was last week right with oh yeah our boy Max Homa winning the tournament. No wait that was two weeks ago. Yeah two weeks ago man. It was two weeks ago. Sorry I don't know Justin Rose won last time. Yeah Justin Rose it was the reason why I didn't know or it was not a common finish it was the game or the tournament was they ended on Monday. Yeah. Like early on Monday which is not your typical finish. Whatever. Yeah exactly. I thought the biggest the biggest like takeaway from that tournament was the fact that a pro was complaining about an amateur handicap and we can all just look that up it I believe it was um was it Keith Mitchell? Keith Mitchell? No it wasn't him. Well no they're complaining about Rodgers. It was Aaron Rodgers. Yeah I think it was a pro complaining about him having a 10 handicap. Yeah when he should have been like a 3. When he should have been a 3 because like he's still able to hit the ball really far and he still had a pro on his team that was really good. Well he teamed up with um oh no he was supposed to team up with Max Homa and he. Yeah but he never got the call back. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. Max Homa is the big he's the big deal now. Yeah. That's so funny. You think he ever turned into a star. Yeah he's he's he's quickly taken my my uh I don't know what I'm trying to say. I like him a lot. I've loved Max Homa you know I've started liking him about two years ago it wasn't until last year that I've like fully jumped on his bandwagon he really came strong because he's such a relatable guy like I don't I mean he's able to talk to the consumer like like who will go on Twitter and respond to like people with videos of their swing stuff and he's just like talking shit you know like. That's garbage actually. Yeah it's it's not good you're not gonna be able to make it into a corn fairy like this is garbage. I find that pretty funny that that he does that on his off on his off time and then he still goes out in the weekends and you know wins tournaments. Yeah. It's actually right now I think he's currently. It was actually a slow day today a lot of win in this tournament just started off today they were delayed with a frost delay. Yeah I saw that they started a little late and then I know the second group started way later too so. Oh yeah. I don't think they finished they're probably still going right now. Yeah they're gonna have to try and hurry up and finish because there was still like a group last time I checked that didn't go off the tee and it was like 550 already at that point. Oh yeah. But you know. That's Homa he's dying for 10. Yeah he's. My boy. He's getting up there I have a I wrote along with the four play podcast and the for the cup that so it's a it's Matt Homa Matthew Fitzpatrick Billy Horschel and Tommy Fleetwood all to make the cut right now Tommy Fleetwood that plus one but you know he's still got another day to make that up so. Like I said it is not a it wasn't a high scoring day so. Yeah. Or a low scoring day because the wind was just it came out as a surprise to a lot of the golfer today because it's normally a very calm environment there and for whatever reason after the frost delay they just decided to like no we're gonna make this tough as hell for you guys. Yeah. Yeah. We're gonna throw a bunch of crosswind you're not gonna be able to figure out what where the placement of the ball is gonna go because they were saying on the on the broadcast like golfers are okay to deal with headwinds and downwind like those are easy to adjust but crosswind is especially hard to deal with especially if they're going from left to right for most golfer because most golfers are righty. The wind that's pushing their backs is actually like the most infuriating thing in the world for them because they're they're constantly having to fight against the wind to stay balanced and make the golf shot versus the right to left. It's okay there they have enough like gravity to be able to stay center on the ball. Not to mention that you always play a cut fade your ball is always gonna you know move more if you're if the winds going left or right so a lot of drawing the ball probably what happens or at least trying to draw the ball from left or right wind but you know. No hole-in-one yet though today right? I know not yet there's close calls I know Tony Fina had a close call and I think Kevin Chisner had a close call. You think we'll see one this tournament? I think yes I think there will be one. I mean it's always gonna it's gonna be at hole 16 one of the most iconic. Right, well I mean there are other chances. I needed to have it at hole 16. Do you have a prop bet at hole 16? Yeah I it was enticing on draft games they were like hey let's do a profit boost for hole 16 hole-in-one I'm like yeah why not. It happened last year I was pretty electrifying. Didn't it happen twice? Yeah yeah the first time was like it was Harry Higgs and then who was the other one? It was uh Sam Ryder. Oh yeah yeah. Yeah. I don't think Harry Higgs did I think he got it really close and then he just went wild because yeah he took off his shirt like just being a hooligan and was just having a great time. He yeah he was just he's a good good people pleaser. Yeah I mean I was not a kid with the crowd. I mean with the scenery at hole 16 like how could you not you know please the people when everyone is drunk and having a good time like that for sure is definitely one of the most iconic like holes in all of golf. Yeah. If you were to give me like five of your most favorite iconic golf holes I would have to probably consider that in my top five oh yeah with the one behind you hole 12 at Augusta probably hole 17 at the players. Hole 1 at Augusta? Hole 12. Oh yeah yeah yeah. Hole 12, hole 17. Behind me I got you. Yes yes yes. Behind you. Yeah sorry. Behind you and then hole 17 at the players that'd be my three I don't know. I think hole 18 at the Pebble Beach we just saw it this past week that that hole is so gorgeous you got that like you're on the waterfront like it just it's a par five just stunning views all around you can't miss it like if you go left your your your toes it's just a good challenging hole because they put a a tree right in the landing spot for the drive and it's just like you either have to go to the left and take your chances on either make it in the fairway or go right and fight the the tree view so yeah I would say add that hole into the mix spyglass and like spyglass at Pebble Beach no it's just the normal course no I know I know but like the hole is called spyglass it's one of that you know that part there's a hole you know I'm talking about yeah I'm pretty sure that's what it's called so you could go to that one I've actually never heard of it heard of it that way I think that's what they call it yeah yeah that is but those three for sure you can debate about hole 18 at Pebble Beach I'm sure we're missing a lot a lot of holes a lot of very beautiful holes out there and oh yeah golf world and like it's just stunning how courses can make their their playing surfaces look so beautiful and there's the scenery I don't you know adds on to the aspect it's just it's it's given me appreciation to what like the field I don't know what they're called but like the mowing crew and all them they just do a lot and it's it's definitely I appreciate them because it makes it golf look entertaining and stunningly beautiful at the same time oh yeah it's a as what people like they call it a good a good like nap background noise a lot of I would say a lot of dads like the nap with the golf channel on it on the TV and listen to Jim Nance like soothing voice right we are just teeing off on a hole 18 Rory McIlroy is here to finally capture his first major or his first master championship will he be able to hold on he is currently tied or no he has one one hole or one stroke lead and into the 18th hole are you giving us a foreshadowing of what's gonna happen I don't know I really do want him to win the master though he's do maybe we'll just have to you know we'll have to see once April comes and that's just right around the corner a lot of golf ahead of us I like I really like the early action golf you know you have the on it's our non majors that are right majors the player is the like actually I want to say this the ways management is probably the most stack feel that you'll see oh yeah I don't know that was just a coincidence that it because they wanted to have it lined up with the Super Bowl but it could have been don't know on this one I know a lot of guys like to come out to Phoenix and start the year off like that like I had a feeling that Rory was going to start off is at least PGA tour coming in with management so you got that you got a genesis open next week and then I believe one more before you go on the players yeah I think that's what it is yeah but regardless we got less than a minute now so we're gonna wrap up the pleasure it was a great talk about golf Super Bowl can be exciting to watch we both got the Eagles I got the over on the game what about you I'm going under oh that made me nervous all right that's a lucky not going to handle smartly I will we will see you guys next time and thank you again Steve for joining me topic on and we will give a brief brief understanding of what has been going on in the world of the NBA and all the crazy deadline stories a lot of players moving left and right it seems like every team is just selling second round draft picks oh yeah it's just nothing like five five second round draft picks and one trade so I don't know or for a like a role player off the bench yeah we're a single role player so Jay Crowther of all people well I saw that and then I think Gary Payton was also for five so that's crazy but yeah go ahead and give me your trade buzz and your trade deadline I will say then that's blowing it up is the best thing they could have done for their franchise they now can get past the era start fresh they don't gotta tie themselves to Kyrie or KD anymore and just focus on rebuilding so wait Ben Simmons is a rebuilding no Ben Simmons is not a rebuilding they're just gonna eat that contract like they're gonna rebuild like from scratch scratch which will be tough because they don't have some first-round picks but it will be tough and but for the Suns I don't necessarily think they got a whole lot better I yeah it kind of seems like they went all out but like even going all out was they got somebody that's hurt he hasn't played for a couple months he's been injury prone so like is he gonna stay healthy and the thing is like he didn't perform that well last year in the playoffs and you just don't know cuz you know he's near the end of like his prime and here's the thing about it people don't realize how important Mikkel Bridges was to that team he he's played every team every game he's never set out a game in the NBA he was the most reliable guy and he was starting to average like 15 points per game on good efficiency and he was one of the best defenders in the game that hurts a lot I mean they were able to keep Aiden low but Bridges was almost more important I would say cuz he was their defender who and Cameron Johnson was a light out shoot lights out shoot yeah so I don't know who's gonna be their defender and they're gonna be an elite offense but at some point you have to stop the other team from scoring it's kind of like the same thing that went down with the Mavs like sure they added Kyrie or you know they're gonna be a good scoring offense but Kyrie is not a defender Luka is not a defender they don't really have defenders on that team they're gonna be high-powered scoring offense just like it seems like all this trade deadline talk and all this buzz was just getting better offense and nobody really cared about like stacking the defense as well as having offense yeah everything was just trying to say I like the Mavericks move better of getting Kyrie because they didn't give up really all that much yeah I think he will resign there I'm not sure though and it takes some of the pressure off Lucas shoulders offensively which they really needed someone to do that since Brett Jalen Brunson left and then one last thing everyone's most most popular team in NBA LeBron James and his Lakers they actually had a pretty good deadline I will say they were moving players left and right yeah I will say they got red Westbrook but they got Russell back they got Jared Vanderbilt who's a good rotation player and they got Beasley who's a good shooter they got some like they got another guy that can score and two good role players that they can add Rui Hachimura was a good pickup for them from the Wizards and then when I saw the Thomas Bryant trade today I was like I don't know what they're doing they don't have a center anymore but then they picked up mobile LeBron is the center he's ever know you know but they picked up Mo Bamba which is actually really important for them so I think they actually had a good trade deadline I'd like to see how that changes things but you know like they actually had a good deadline for Lakers which is weird because they haven't made a good move in a long time yeah definitely they've been slow on recent years of trading players and getting you know young guys they've been a very old veteran team the last year and a half so it's good to see young faces in there that probably shakes things up so they could I mean they definitely need to make a run I think they're sitting on the outside or in a play-in game right now so they definitely would like to sit not in a play-in game so but last thing I would like to talk about and that is you know another team that really didn't do anything in a deadline do you think they should have done should have moved anybody or do you think there's no wait to the offseason to see what's going on and that's the Chicago Bulls there's a lot of rumors about you know Levine going places Caruso was going places but then all of a sudden you know AK is just like shutting it down he's like we're not gonna do anything we're just gonna wait yeah it was a weird deadline because there's a lot of speculation anyone could have been been moved it felt like and for a second there I thought Levine might have been traded to the Knicks but I feel like it is good to wait it out but I still might like to see them get some value on like maybe Kobe white like I was hearing some stuff that like Caruso might have been worth two first-round picks and yeah but that I think was stretching it I think they would have settled with like a first and a second I don't know if it was I don't know the way trades have been going they're treating oh yeah meaningless so if he was worth two first-round picks I would have done it me personally but which is crazy to think that trades in the NBA with like draft picks are just like they get thrown around a lot more than draft picks in like NFL because like they value NFL picks like so much more than they would in NBA like it feels like players in the NBA if you aren't drafted in the first round you really aren't like gonna play it's so rare for like a second-round player to even get minutes at any time in his NBA career which kind of sucks because some of them really do just need a chance but it's all about situation yeah you know NBA I feel like is the most situationally important when it comes to developing players compared to like the NFL and MOB because you know like look at Cam Thomas right now with the Nets like he's been scoring a lot right now for them and that's kind of because he needs to and he's been able to do that more what's going on you game prank right now oh I heard a loud-ass bang right behind me well I don't know what the fuck it was oh well crazy I don't know what we're talking about okay well is that all you got what is is that all you have to say about the NBA I thought it was a really good trade deadline and then one hot take that I'll explain in a later video the Phoenix Suns won't make it past the second round that's a very interesting hot take and I will definitely follow up on that in a near future episode where we will probably talk a little bit more on the NBA as the football season is rounding down and we can look forward to the NBA playoffs and much more in the world of sports as I thank you guys once again for listening this is oh now it's now it's finally it finally started working oh my god there we go you might just have to pop that thing up and let it boot up for the first 20 minutes before we do the next one but uh yeah so I thank you guys for listening to this week's episode episode 5 of the honest truth sports podcast and I hope I can see you guys again like and subscribe wherever you find this video on YouTube or Twitter Facebook I appreciate you guys thank you again and see you guys again subscribe make sure to subscribe you gotta you gotta listen to my next hot take man that is true all right now listen to what I gotta say about the Phoenix Suns all right all right

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