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Nothing to say, yet
A police officer named Joe Simmons joins a team in Tucson. They are given assignments to patrol different areas. They find a fire ring in a restricted area and confiscate alcohol from teenagers. They let the teenagers go with a warning. They later discover another fire and encounter a mysterious figure that attacks them. They call for backup but one officer goes missing. They recount their encounter and describe the attacker as a 10-foot-tall ninja with an axe. ლელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელე� ლელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელელ� a guy Joe Simmons he'll be joining us today and he's from Tucson all the way down in Tucson with the bad luck to get saddled with you all all right fish cops say hello to Joe all right all right enough of that Rodriguez and Penn you're on West Gotti and Bush east side Hardy you get Simmons and you take the north and you cap me huh well I get to put my feet up on the desk and supervise from the station okay then lots of tourists in the park for the weekend oh uh Rodriguez and Penn found a fire ring in the northwest section could have been kids having a kegger but it was in a fire restricted area so keep an eye out if you confiscate alcohol don't bring it here can we take it home I mean depending on what it is don't take it home unless you want to get fired just pour it out send them on their way use your judgment questions okay good get out there so quite a change in temperature Tucson's not so bad it's not like Phoenix well we're about 30 degrees cooler and 30 more feet of rain 30 feet you haven't seen a Phoenix in the monsoon Rufus go ahead and take that go for Hardy got a complaint of teenagers setting off fireworks that we spotted copy responding tell her from where where are we right 106 mile post 51 right 106 mile post 51 you tell them where we are so dispatch knows how long it'll take us to be on the scene how far away are we 15 minutes so hey guys guys come over here hey come here hey yeah you hey knock it off stop put your gun away but just put it away oh shit now they're running hey stop Simmons Simmons hey you stop running stop chasing me just stop stop already we weren't doing anything illegal we were just playing then why did you run you guys pulled a gun oh yeah got this one only because I tripped ran into a tree more like it you were the ones throwing firecrackers that's not a crime it is when you're throwing them at tampers yeah well it wasn't close doesn't really matter does it fork them over what the fire crackers don't have them yeah lost them when I fell uh-huh okay guys look I'm going to cut you a break okay no more firecrackers tonight all right yes sir good lad take off what why'd you let them go why'd you pull your gun why you pull your gun when there's a threat to you or to your partner or to someone else was there a threat here no no okay enough of that let's go see this fire ring before it gets too dark you drive so I'm sorry about the gun how many kids you shoot down in Tucson none good don't shoot any here I'm sorry put it behind you we won't mention it again oh and nice running that kid down I wouldn't have caught him thanks 10-4 Marty so get a location on that fire ring what brought you up there did you see the fire copy we're going to go check it out so so that's no name creek and that is toward the ocean there's something down there where right there I saw a light hang on here try these zeiss the department can afford zeiss binoculars hardly saved up and bought it myself nice yeah there's a fire here look right there well that's a good size fire can't see any people wait someone just passed in front of the fire yep someone's there probably more than one what's wrong with just using campgrounds same reason those kids run away same reason those kids ran they're doing something they don't want us to see so we're going down oh yeah dispatch hardy go ahead hardy got another fire at that restricted site we're going to go check it out do you need another unit negative at this time probably just teenagers what the hell does the captain think this is don't know I thought it was just an illegal campfire are we still going down yep okay so what is that don't know make sure your portables turn down got it get down you uh you seen him tonight no not yet than before a couple of times just like tonight don't know let's get closer over there stay in the bush stay close got a kill that killed 12 killed 13 killed 13 what the hell is that it's at our backup row everyone jesus christ the thing is big oh fuck it sees us back up back up back up now recover now next to you boss police freeze on the ground now don't move face down where'd he go jesus christ he's right behind us where simmons simmons simmons where are you what the hell are you oh party party you okay simmons over here dispatch go roll an r.a. is there an airship available checking it out party what the hell happened here where is where's who we got simmons no no there were two no 12 no there's 13 you're making no sense there was a victim staked to the ground yo rodriguez you see anything i saw a tarp on the ground no blood no bodies no weapons we'll land at the port can you transport copy will do come on you guys got it bush help me with simmons hardy start over yeah start over hey cap are you injured no you are out i'm okay tell me what you saw we saw the fire there were people we called it in you didn't wait for backup didn't seem necessary kids around the campfire and we got closer and saw 12 people around the fire and one on the ground 13 yes and then one more big son of a bitch how big he was big big tells me nothing you're a cop use your words how big 10 feet 10 feet tall yeah he said there were two two yeah big guy and a ninja with an axe a ninja with an axe did he say anything it sounded like like a days ago like was awful yeah you