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Your blessings are not lost but are found in Jesus Christ

Your blessings are not lost but are found in Jesus Christ




Whenever we come to understand that our past has no hold over our future, for those of us who are in Christ, will also reap the concept that our future is determined by how we view our present situation. you may think all is lost but the truth is if you are in Christ Jesus all the pieces we think are lost are in the hands of the Creator of heaven and earth and God is taking those pieces and putting them exactly where they belong.

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Sister Melissa delivers a message from the Holy Spirit, quoting Ezekiel chapter 36. She encourages listeners to focus on the future that Jesus has planned for them, emphasizing the power of Jesus' blood to cleanse sins. She assures that God has a bright future filled with purpose and promises, and that He will be with them in their trials. She reminds listeners that Jesus has already conquered and brings peace in the midst of storms. She prophesies that God has ordered their steps and will restore what was lost. Good morning, everyone. I pray everyone is having a blessed day in the Lord Jesus Christ. Sister Melissa here. It is 10 a.m. June 24, 2023. And I am back to relay another message from the Holy Spirit. And this message is found in Ezekiel chapter 36, beginning with verse 8, which says, But you, O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branch and yield your fruit to my people, Israel. For they are about to come, for indeed I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you shall be filled and sown. I will multiply men upon you, all the house of Israel, all of it, and the city shall be inhabited, and the ruins rebuilt. I will multiply upon you men and beasts, and they shall increase and bear young. I will make you inhabited as in former times, and do better for you than at your beginning. Then you shall know that I am the Lord. Praise God for his word. I want to encourage someone today. I want to let you know that it doesn't matter about your past, because Jesus is willing and ready to give you the future that he has already predestined for you to arrive towards. And so, this morning, I want you to understand one thing, that the blood of Jesus, Christ has the power to wipe away clean our sins when we come to the cross, and when we come to the knowledge of the cross, and understand that what Jesus did for us, he has enabled us, after we believe with our heart and confess with our mouth that he died for us, he is savior of the world, and he has come to make all things new, that everything that you have done in your past, it becomes irrelevant to the future that God has for your life. Yes, it is a bright future, filled with God's purpose, filled with God's promises. And this time around, when you do have to face your trials, you will have the great I am with you, fighting your battles, to the point where even when you're going through a storm, the peace that Jesus gives, surpasses all understanding, and yes, you can have peace, even in the midst of the storm. Why? Because Jesus already conquered. Jesus already gave us the victory. And because of that, no matter what we have to go through, to come to the cross, the moment you and I surrender our lives to Jesus, God steps in, and he makes it known to the kingdom of darkness, that this one now belongs to me, and now I fight. And there's nothing the enemy can do, because if God be for us, who could be against us? I want to prophetically speak to someone hearing this message. You are not alone. God has already preordered your steps, and your steps are ordered by God to see what you've never saw before in your life. Get ready, because everything that you lost, everything that the enemy stole from you, God is giving it back, and you are going to receive it in abundance. I pray that this has blessed you in many ways. Until the next time, bye-bye for now.

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