Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
In this message, Sister Melissa emphasizes that it doesn't matter what we see with our eyes, but how God sees. She believes that in these times, God is about to do unimaginable works. Those who have sought the Lord in secret will be revealed and raised up by God. Sister Melissa reads from the book of Jeremiah, where God shows him two baskets of figs, representing the good and bad people. God promises to acknowledge and restore those who are carried away captive for their own good. Sister Melissa encourages listeners to seek the Lord and trust in His ability to do the impossible. She reminds them that God is interested in their surrender and belief in what He did on the cross. The Holy Spirit will convict and guide them into truth. She prophesies that they will come alive, have visions, and be used by God in these last days. Hello everyone. Good morning. Sister Melissa here. You know it. I am back with a message from the Lord. This is a message that the Lord wants us to hear because it's a message that is going to lead multitudes to know and understand that it does not matter what the naked eye sees. What matters is how God sees through his eyes and through heaven's eyes. God is mighty to restore, to make whole again, to make complete again, and to do the impossible over and over again and again. So I believe in these times that we are living in, God is about to do unimaginable works. All those who have been in the secret place seeking the Lord's face will be revealed for who they are because God is about to reveal who he is and he is about to raise up those who have been held in captivity in their hearts, in their mind, in their soul, in their spirit, and from that captivity God is about to show himself strong within the vessels whom he has chosen to rise up for such a time as this. The message that I am going to be reading from today, 10 a.m., on September 28, 2023, comes from the book of Jeremiah 24, starting with verse 1, and the word of God reads like this, The Lord showed me, and there were two baskets of figs set before the temple of the Lord, after Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had carried captive Jeconi, the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, and the princes of Judah, with the craftsmen and smiths from Jerusalem, and had brought them to Babylon. One basket had very good figs, like the figs that are first ripe, and the other basket had very bad figs, which could not be eaten, they were so bad. Then the Lord said to me, What do you see, Jeremiah? And I said, Figs, the good figs, very good, and the bad, very bad, which cannot be eaten, they are so bad. Again the word of the Lord came to me, saying, Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, like these good figs, so I will acknowledge those who are carried away captive from Judah, whom I have sent out of this place for their own good, into the land of the Chaldeans, for I will set my eyes on them for good, and I will bring them back to this land, I will build them and not pull them down, I will plant them and not pluck them, then I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord, and they shall be my people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to me with their whole heart. Oh Father God, in this very moment, I thank you for your word, because your word always comes at the right appointed time for us to hear, to know, and to understand, that there is nothing that you cannot do, everything that you do, when it's all said and done, it is good, because you are a good good father, you are the good shepherd, you are the great shepherd, you are the one who goes before us, you are the one that can take nothing and make something, you are able to raise up, hallelujah, a multitude of armies, because just your command, hallelujah, with your outstretched arm, that when you say, it is time for us to rise up, and whatever has been sitting in darkness, it shall come to the light, so Father God, I just pray that you illuminate our understanding right now, that you, Father God, will cause us to focus and zoom in on what you want us to do, and where you want us to go, in the times we are living in right now, Father God, we need your spirit, God, we need your empowerment, God, we need your anointing, God, we need your presence, God, we need your oil, God, fill us up, Lord Father God, and have mercy, Lord Father God, on all those who try to hold people back from fulfilling their calling, hallelujah, that you have pre-established in their lives, Father God, bless them, Lord, and I pray that you help them, that you heal them, and you make them whole, we need you, Lord Father God, we are nothing without you, Father God, hallelujah, all this I pray in the mighty name of Jesus, hallelujah, so as I was reading in Jeremiah, I love the book of Jeremiah, by the way, because the book of Jeremiah is filled with prophecies, but it is also filled with hope, although God's people disobeyed God, and God had to allow and cause and permit the Chaldeans, the Babylonians, and the King of Babylon to come in, invade God's people's territory, and hold them into captivity for a time, God still prophesied hope, and the hope that God prophesied, and the analogy that God gave from the figs was that even though you are going into captivity, I am still going to establish my people, I am still going to fulfill my promise, and I am still going to fulfill the destiny that I have for my people, because I am slow to anger, and abundant in grace and mercy, and so what we can see from here is that God's people were not escaping the captivity, God didn't say, okay, I am not going to allow them to go into captivity, no, God follows through with the consequences of our actions, but in the midst of them, God will prophesy hope, in the midst of it all, God will prophesy a better future for us, because in all reality, God wants us to have a greater future than what we are living in right now, and the evidence that this is true is that God says that there are good figs, and there are bad, bad figs, there will always be people that will repent genuinely, they will turn away from their sins, they will seek the Lord with all of their hearts, but there are also those who will reject the gospel, those who will reject the calling of God, those who will continue in their sinful ways, and unfortunately, for those people that do not want to turn away from their sins, and turn to the only one who can save them, for them, the fruit that they have will become bitter, it will rot, it will not be sustained, and therefore, there will be no one that would be able to eat from that specific fruit, but those who rise up in the midst of adversity and say, I will seek the Lord with all of my heart, it doesn't matter what I'm going through, I am going to fight the good fight of faith, God will give you the stability to continue walking, because God has a plan that he must fulfill in you, and when we give ourselves and we surrender ourselves to the Lord, we will begin to bear good fruit, and from the fact that we are bearing good fruit, others will come and they will hear the message of redemption, and it will take effect, because it has nothing to do with us, but has everything to do with what Jesus did on the cross to save us, so I am a firm believer that no matter what you are facing today, no matter what you are going through, God is still establishing a work in you, that when it's all said and done, you are going to see the hand of God moving on your behalf, because our God can do the impossible, he can do everything that we see as impossible, he will turn it around and show you that with him everything is possible, so I want to encourage you this morning, if you are going through the ringer, if you are going through the fire, if you have made mistakes, if you feel like a failure, if you feel like you have messed up one too many times, I got great news for you, you are the one that God is looking for, you are the one that God is seeking, you are the one that God is leaving the 99 for, to come and seek you out, and to let you know that although you've been deceived by the enemy, I've come to make all things new in your life, and I've come to establish the work that I have already begun in you, because I the Lord am faithful to complete it to the very end, oh hallelujah, I believe this is a word for somebody, I believe that God is getting ready to do the impossible in your life, and you are going to testify, and you are going to say that I was drunk, bound and broken on the floor, but the Lord showed up, and the Lord renewed my strength, our backs slid, but then the Lord showed up, and he gave me another opportunity, and the Lord showed me grace and mercy, and God is establishing that work in and through you, yes you, I'm speaking to you, thus says the Lord, when you turn to me, I will comfort you, I will breathe the breath of life over you, and there is no man, there is no woman, there is no demon, there is no devil, that can take you away from my purpose, because what I have begun in you, I will fulfill, hallelujah, I pray that this message has blessed you, I want you to know and understand one thing, God is not interested in just hearing about your failures, and your faults and your mistakes, because he already knew you were going to commit them, he is God almighty, he is God omnipresent, he knows everything, he knows your past, he knows your present, he is in your future, what he is more interested in, is the fact that you, despite of what you're going through, you call out to him, you cry to him, let him know that you are here to seek him, and you believe that what he did on the cross for you, was enough, and when you surrender your life, the Holy Spirit, will take a presidency within your very spirit, will connect with your spirit, and the things that you used to do, you're going to have a conviction and not want to do them anymore, the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you into all truth, I want you to know, don't ever be afraid, to come to Jesus, because he is our protector, he is our shelter, he is our strong tower, and when we are found in him, there is nothing the enemy can do, to pluck us from his hand, because when Jesus plucks us from the fire, we cannot become detached from Jesus' hand, he loves us with an eternal love, I need you to understand that right now, I'm prophesying over dry bones, that you will come alive, because the breath of God, is all over you, and you, yes I'm talking to you, you are going to see visions, you are going to dream dreams, and God is going to use you for these last days that we are living in, and you are going to open your mouth, and you are going to speak what the Lord places in your mouth to speak, remember, that when God delivers you from the mouth of the lion, it is none other than God saying, what I have delivered and rescued, I also have established for my own, I pray this has blessed you in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray, that you continue to speak the name of Jesus over your life, over your circumstances, he's right there with you, he's never left you nor forsaken you, until the next time, bye bye for today.