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Why could the name of the believer wiped off the Book of Life

Why could the name of the believer wiped off the Book of Life


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In this message, Kila Milne discusses the possibility of a Christian's name being erased from the Book of Life. He explains that although believers are saved and redeemed, their full redemption is yet to come. He emphasizes the importance of enduring in faith until the return of Jesus and warns about the dangers of abandoning the faith. Milne also mentions the already not yet character of redemption and uses examples to illustrate this concept. He concludes by discussing the requirement of discipleship and the consequences of not being committed to following Jesus. Welcome to our weekly exhortation. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for your patience. My name is Kila Milne, Servant of God, Servant of Jesus Christ. In today's message, we would like to know if the name of the Christian could be brought out of the Book of Lights. Christ in you, the hope of glory, whom we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. Christian chapter 1 verse 28. This is the word of Paul to the Christians by extension to us Christians today. The Apostle Paul exhorts and explains to his disciples the purposes of God to his church. After all, the primary goal of preaching is to teach, to warn every man regarding the things of God. The intent is so that everyone is ready for the coming back of our Lord Jesus. But, it is unfortunate that many of us Christians have failed to recognize and have failed to receive with meekness some important truth our Lord Jesus taught us. In today's message, I would like to raise an aspect of the question as to know the reason why the name of Christian could be brought out of the Book of Life. Praise the Lord. Some Christians support the fact that the name of a believer cannot be wiped off the Book of Life. Today, I will be taking some time to explain to you the reasons why the name of a child of God can be erased from the Book of Life. Then next week, our message will be more concentrated on what we call a true believer. Who is a true believer? The definition of this concept will help me to get you to see by yourself the possibility that the name of a true believer can be wiped off the Book of Life. It is claimed that if a believer loses his Christian character, it is because he is not in the first place a true believer. But before next week, I will explain why the name of a child of God can be erased from the Book of Life. In many of our messages, we pointed out the fact that our liberation from the tithes of Egypt doesn't mean dead. We have reached the promised land. Because beyond the borders of Egypt is the desert, literally, spiritually, it is the same. When we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, we receive thereby the grace of salvation. We are saved from the tithes of our sins. We are forgiven and we are justified. We have been redeemed, yes, but we have not been fully redeemed. This is what I want to point out today. That's what the Bible says. That is why Jesus said that our redemption is drawing near, Luke 21, verse 27 to 28. You see, right now, we live in the period between what is already there and yet not there. What do I mean? Well, this already not yet character of redemption is seen in several other aspects of salvation. Look at this example. The scripture says believers are the bride of Christ, right? In Ephesians chapter 5, verse 25 to 26, it is written, Husbands, love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself up for her. And yet, we will attend the wedding feast of the Lamb at the second coming of Christ. That's what Revelation said in Revelation 19, verse 9. The angel said to me, write this, blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb, praise the Lord. This is my question. If the believers are the bride of Christ, why must they still attend the wedding feast of Christ since they are already bridegrooms? That is what we call the already not yet character of redemption. You can read some other example in Romans chapter 8, verse 15, Romans chapter 8, verse 23, and Luke chapter 17, verse 21. So that is true. The believers are now the children of God and partakers of adoption, but they have not yet been admitted to the full privileges of their adoption in God's family. This is still in the future. Our full redemption is yet to come. Why? Well, because we are still waiting for the redemption of our bodies. Our bodies have not been redeemed. Our bodies are still subjected to death. That's why we groan according to what Leopold Paul said in Romans chapter 7. Friend, if our full redemption is yet to come, then it follows that every Christian will have to keep the faith until the Lord returns, for he that shall endure until the end, says the Lord, the same shall be saved. Praise the Lord. Matthew chapter 24, verse 13. Assuming that every Christian is exposed to one potential danger, that of abandoning the faith, when misfortune or persecution arises, for example, and this is the meaning of the Apostle Peter's warning in 1 Peter chapter 5, verse 8. Peter says, Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary, the devil, has a roaring lion walking about, seeking whom he may devour. See, what Satan wants to devour is our faith, not our flesh. In Matthew chapter 12, verse 43 to 45, we read that Jesus delivered a man from demons. That man was washed, he was sanctified, his house was clean, said the Scripture. Without a doubt, his name was written in the book of life. We agree with that. But have you ever wondered why this demon returned to this man, accompanied by seven other strong demons? The Bible says it was because of his negligence. He had walked away from the faith, leaving his house empty. The Spirit of God has withdrawn from him. Why? Well, because he did not live under God's power. He did not live under the sovereignty of God after being justified, after being saved from the tides of his sins, after receiving the grace of God. See, these are some of the spiritual dangers that God's children face. Obviously, on the Lord Jesus' return, this man will not say his name in the book of life because the Scripture says his last state is worse than the first. Our Lord Jesus adds, that is how it will be with this wicked generation. Matthew chapter 12, verse 45. The author to the Hebrews says, Hebrews 2, verse 3, how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? Yes, we have been saved. We have received the grace, powerful grace of God, but due to our negligence, that great salvation, we will lose it. Friend, have you ever wondered why Jesus says only those who wash their robes would have the right to come to the tree of life? Knowing that, the robe represents the life of the believer. It represents his behavior, the kind of life Jesus requires of each believer. Revelation 22, verse 14. In addition, let's take a look at Luke chapter 14, verse 35. In this passage, the Lord uses the picture of salt to teach about discipleship. He compares the Christian to salt. He says that salt that has lost its saltiness is of no value. It is not suitable for anything. What do we do with it then? That salt is thrown out, says the scripture. So, too, the saltless disciple is thrown away. Failure to pursue discipleship can indicate that faith is not really present. The person is excluded from the kingdom of heaven. Saltless salt then becomes an object of judgment. Not to mention this, the flavor of salt represents Christ's character. Pray the Lord. Friend, what does that tell you? Why the Israelites were so impatient and couldn't wait when Moses went to Mount Sinai to receive the table of the law? Please think about that. Furthermore, before Jesus ascended to heaven, why do you think He was so concerned about the faith of His disciples? Do you believe that His heart was at peace when He declared, I quote, However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth? Luke chapter 18, verse 8. The Lord Jesus gave this serious warning, saying, No man, having put his hand to the clock and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. Luke chapter 9, verse 62. Dear, the Lord Jesus teaches us that the only kind of person who is fit for the kingdom of God, the only kind of person whose name is supposed to be in the kingdom of God, does two things. He puts his hand to the clock, which is the basic condition, and he doesn't look back. This means anyone who is called into God's service is a person who is active for God, who lives daily for God by plowing His field. My question is this. What kind of person is fit for the kingdom of God? Well, it is the disciple who is totally committed. And the person who is totally committed does not discuss the question of looking back. He put his hand to the plow, never to look back to the way life was before he came to follow Jesus. That person said in himself, like Paul, I have laid my hand to the plow, and I press forward toward the mark of my high calling in Christ. Now, let's come to a fact. In Revelation chapter 3, verse 5, there is mention of the name erased from the book of life. My question is, of whom are these warning about? Well, it is obvious that the law is referring to those who are born again. Those people's names are in the book of life, like you and me. And how can a person's name be found in the kingdom of God or in the book of life? Well, there is only one way according to Jesus. We found it in John chapter 3, verse 5. It goes like this. Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. There it is. You cannot enter the kingdom of God, or your name can't be written in the book of life, unless you are born of water and of the Spirit. That is the only way. No man can enter the kingdom except through regeneration. Now, and how do we call a person who has been regenerated by the Holy Spirit? It's a born-again Christian, right? And yet, Jesus tells us in the parable of the dead, some who have entered into the kingdom, some born-again Christians, will not be found acceptable by the Lord. Please go read it. And they will be guarded out of the kingdom. They will be guarded out of God's kingdom. That's how God would provide justice. It is obvious that the man in whom the eighth evil spirit returned to will not have his name in the book of life. And yet, he received the grace of God initially. His life was cleaned and was put in order. Clean, said the Bible. Was he not a child of God then? However, his name will be erased from the book of life. Friend, we want to be clear with this. God is perfectly loving, but is also perfectly righteous and just. He is a God of justice and holiness. We cannot separate God's love from His justice. In fact, the book of life is the book in which the names of the children of God are recorded while waiting for Jesus to come back and to separate the good servants from the wicked ones. This means that our names may be found in the book of life today, but when Jesus comes back, our name may no longer be found in that book taking into account your life in the past. However, our names being written in the book of life, a moral obligation is imposed on each believer. We have to know that the name of some believers will not remain forever in that book if that believer rejects holiness. The obligation is to keep Jesus on until He comes back. The main requirement is this. On His return, the Lord Jesus wants to see if at the level of our conduct, His character continues to be represented. This is the meaning of the passage in Revelation chapter 22, verse 14. That is written, Blessed are those who watch their road, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gate into the city. Praise the Lord. Friend, our name is written in the book of life when we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. Yes. But there is a condition attached to it. Faithfulness. The obligation to bear fruits. Before conclusion, let me remind you this. John the Baptist was telling the Jew, Bring four fruits and don't start thinking that you have Abraham as father. John chapter 6 specifically. This means, after receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior, we should not just go and sit down, twiddling our thumb, saying that we have Jesus already, that we have the Holy Spirit, that God is faithful. Yes, He is. But if you don't do your part, if you don't commit yourself to carry to His Lordship, your name will be erased from the book of life. Please get this. The kingdom of God is like a farmer who gathers his crops in the field once the harvest is done. He then proceeds to the securing of the products. He claims to remove impurities and keep the goods warm. You know, when Jesus returns, He and His angels will be the quality control workers who will gather out of the kingdom bad servants. To conclude, I will say this. All these are about the warning Jesus wants us to preach about. We have to obey. We have to be consistent in our work with the Lord Jesus. We have to be faithful to Him and be willing to work in His field without looking back. This is exactly about the warning of Hebrew chapter 6, verse 4. of Hebrew chapter 6, verse 4 to 6, where we read, For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted the heavenly gifts and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit and have tasted the good word of God and the power of the age to come, if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance. Actually, this passage points to the impossibility of making a second beginning. When a believer returns to the world and its sins, he puts himself in a very dangerous position. He cuts himself off from the blessings and the presence of God and he makes himself vulnerable to the temptation of Satan. He goes back under bondage again, under the bondage of sin and Satan. Eventually, he can go so far in sin that he cannot be brought back to repentance anymore. A believer who falls away ends up being in a worse situation than the person who has never been a Christian at all. His name will be wiped off the book of life. Praise the Lord. In Matthew chapter 12 verse 45, Jesus ends with this chilling word. So shall it also be with this wicked generation. This is what is going to happen to the person who wants a Christianity that does not involve the kingship of Christ in his life. You see, a person may be swept from the field of sin and garnished with the paint of religion. But at the same time, his soul is empty of Christ. His house is unoccupied when the faith in Jesus is superficial. With no real commitment to him, his name will be wiped out of the book of life. This is the end of today's message. If God wills, we'll be together next week. But do me a favor. Please, tune in for next week's message, Who is a True Believer? God bless. you

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