Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The host of Roar Talk, Keba Eni-Nuvol, welcomes listeners to her podcast and encourages them to share the teachings and trainings with others. She thanks her listeners for their support and prays for blessings and wisdom for them. She leads a marriage pledge and discusses the importance of wisdom in a marriage. She explains that Proverbs defines wisdom as feminine and provides scripture to support this. She emphasizes the role of a wife in keeping her husband happy and shares her own experience in her marriage. She hints at discussing transitioning roles in a future episode. Roar Talk, Reaching All Women to Talk, with your host, Keba Eni-Nuvol, has joined the Teaching in Progress. Hello and welcome everyone to Roar Talk. Ladies, your transformational influencer here, transforming ordinary marriages into extraordinary marriages. Ladies, please share this link with family, friends, fans, followers, and even your frenemies. Yes, share with everyone you believe need to hear these teachings and training today. You really don't want anyone, anyone that you know, missing out on this today. Once again, ladies, a heartfelt thank you for joining me today. Whether you are joining me live each week or you catch this later on, on my podcast, I am truly blessed and I'm grateful for your consistency, your dedication, your determination, and me motivating you to get to the next level. Yes, indeed, I am so excited for today. If you are joining me for the very first time, or if you have missed any of my previous teachings and trainings, ladies, you can find all of them on my podcast. Just go to Again, that's As well as you can go to Again, that's Then click on to my photo and then it will lead you to my podcast. Okay, so let's pray, ladies. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you, O God, for this wonderful, wonderful day. Thank you for how beautiful this day is. It is such a beautiful day today. Thank you for health, strength, and this wonderful, wonderful opportunity to speak to married women and women with the intention to be married. All that is all over the world. Father God, you are amazing and I thank you for using me for this day and time. Thank you for the women who are listening to the sound of my voice. May they be blessed by these teachings and trainings. I pray that they would be or they would get wisdom and they would be inspired. They would get knowledge and understanding through the instructions that you have given me. I thank you for using me and my marriage as an example for these women to follow, O Father God. I thank you for this program on this station and on this podcast. I thank you, Father, that the words out of my mouth and the meditation of my heart is acceptable unto thee in the mighty, mighty name of Yeshua, Jesus Christ. Amen, amen, and amen. All right, ladies, join me with saying the Marriage Pledge. Okay, all you do is you just repeat after me, please. The Marriage Pledge, here it is. The change I want to see must first begin with me. I am the ideal woman and wife. My vow and marriage is for life. I am the crown of my husband. I honor and respect him as a man. My husband is the man God called him to be. He loves, worships, and commits to only me. My marriage is a perfect example, which he and I won't let anyone trample. Our marriage and relationship is extraordinary. We both live together in perfect harmony. No matter what trouble comes our way, we will keep our promise to stick and stay. Weapons will form, but they won't last. My dream of a happily ever after has come to pass. Amen, amen, amen. So today, ladies, do you know what time it is? Yes, yes, indeed, say it with me. It's scriptures, notes, and quotes taking time. Say it again. It's scriptures, notes, and quotes taking time. Yes, indeed, it is, ladies. So let's get to it then. Get those notepads and Bibles out and get ready to take down some scriptures, notes, and quotes. Once again, ladies, all of my teachings and trainings are based on why you need a transformational influencer to succeed. And it's based on the scripture Titus chapter 2, 3 through 5. And that is from the King James Version. Verse 3 reads, the aged women, likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given too much wine, teachers of good things. And verse 4 says that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children. And verse 5, to be discreet, chaste keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husband, that the word of God be not blasphemed. And that's the scripture I base all of my teachings on. And my series for these past several weeks has been on wisdom is the principal thing. With the subtitle, the five classes of wisdom that can enhance or destroy your marriage. And those five classes of wisdom are, and I will give you them right now. One is earthly wisdom. Two, sensual wisdom. Number three, intellectual wisdom. Number four, devilish wisdom. And number five, godly wisdom. Next week I will definitely be going over them, doing a recap of all of these wisdoms. It will conclude this series. And then I will begin another series the week following. But this, excuse me, this will be my, the recap will be the last to close this out. So you don't want to miss that next week. But for today, I'm going to share with you ladies, reasons why Proverbs defines wisdom as feminine. Okay? Yes, so that's my topic for today. Why Proverbs defines wisdom as feminine. Say what? No! I know, right? Did Kasi Kava just say that Proverbs defines wisdom as feminine? I know that's going through some of your mind trying to figure out, what did I just say? Yes, indeed I did. I did say that. And it really is. You know, people ask, is it really? Is it really feminine? Yes, indeed Proverbs defines wisdom as feminine. And I know some people may not believe this or did not know this. But this is truth. And here is truth to back it up. Why Proverbs defines wisdom as feminine. Now throughout the book of Proverbs, you will find wisdom being described as she or her. Okay? So let's begin with Proverbs chapter 3, verse 13 through 18. Shall we? If you can turn there, you can. If not, I can read. I will be reading it anyway. So you can listen. But I do want you all to take notes. Take these scriptures down. Because I do want you all to really, truly be reading it. Go over this. Don't just take my word for it. Okay? The scriptures are there for us to study and to show our self-approval. Okay? So Proverbs chapter 3, verse 13 through 18, starting at verse 13. And it reads, Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. Verse 14. And again I am reading from the King James Version. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise and gain thereof than fine gold. Verse 15. She is more precious than rubies, and all the things that thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. Verse 16. Length of days is in her right hand, and in her left hand riches and honor. Verse 17. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. Verse 18. She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her, and happy is everyone that retaineth her. That's pretty deep there ladies. Right there that is pretty deep. So for clarification of how deep this passage of scripture is. Let's just break it down and see what godly wisdom Proverbs gives us. And how truly amazing it describes wisdom as feminine. Okay? So we're looking at Proverbs Chapter 3. And I'm going to break it down verse by verse for you ladies. So let's see in verse 13 which reads. Happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding. I'll put it to you this way ladies. The man who finds himself a wife. Especially if she's wise and she's full of godly wisdom. Finds himself being happy because he's found himself a good thing. Did a light bulb just go on there ladies? Did you just put two and two together to make one flesh? Did you not? But ladies. To keep him happy. To keep your husband happy. Being his good thing. You have to be full of godly wisdom. And I'm going to get to that a little bit later. Okay? But yes ladies. The man who finds you. Those who are not married yet. And for those who are married. The man who found you is a very happy man. Or he should be happy should I say. He's happy or he should be happy. Because he's already done his job in finding his good thing. Now that you are married to him. It's your job to keep him happy. Because you are his good thing. Ladies. All of you who are listening to this. I want you all to know. That this is biblical. It's from the bible. It's not my words. These are from the word. So are you all listening to me? Are you hearing this? Need I repeat that for you? Like I said. He's happy because he's already done his job in finding his good thing. Now that you are married to him. It's your job to keep him happy. Because you are his good thing. Take note of that ladies. Because that's pretty deep. And very explicit right there. Right there my dear ladies. I'll say it again. Once again. This way. Once you have married to the man who found you. It's your job to keep him happy. Because you are his good thing. Any man you see walking around very happy and bragging about his wife. Means he has found himself his good thing. And his good thing is doing her job to keep him happy ladies. I know before for certain that my husband is a very happy man. Not only does he brag about me. He knows and he wants to be hanging out with me 24-7. So much so that he calls me his hanger buddy and partner for life. Yes that's what he calls me. He brags about me all the time. He and I are always together. We work together. We play together. We have fun together. We cook together. We clean together. We have Bible study discussions together. And most importantly. We sleep together. Of course. Yes indeed. And we know how to transition from working together as partners in business. And being together as one flesh when we are in our bedroom. People wonder how we do it. And sometimes people try to figure out. Just that he and I are both wise enough to know. When we went to transition into which role. Yes that's another topic for another time ladies. I'm not going to go into that yet. Yes a must for those ladies out there who feel they are not cut out to work alongside their husbands. Or be with him like 24-7. And to also be married to him at the same time. Well I'll share more on that another time. But seriously. I will definitely. It's a must that needs to be talked about. But anyway. Continuing. So on the other hand. Any man you see walking around very sad and not bragging about his wife. Or always comparing her to another woman. I'm telling you. It means he's not happy. Which could mean that he probably didn't find his good thing. As well as you as his good thing have not been doing your job in keeping him happy. Did I stomp on someone's toes there? Which of you ladies listening did the cap just fit? I'm going to leave that right there. And let it sink in for those of you who are listening for a bit. So I'm not going to expand more about that. Not right now. That's another hot topic to be taught by itself for another time. Which I'll share more on that. I will definitely share more on that when I share at that time. But see here ladies. In verse 13 it says that when we find wisdom and we get understanding. We are happy. So I don't have to expand on that anymore. In verse 14 which reads. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise and the gain thereof than fine gold. Absolutely nothing we have is better than godly wisdom ladies. No merchandise is better than. There's none. There's nothing that we own is better. There's not even silver. Not even gold. Not even rubies. None. Nada. None. Now to answer the question. Why does Proverbs refer wisdom as feminine? Let's look more at. Why in verses 15, 16, 17 and 18. And other verses in the book of Proverbs calls wisdom she and her. Okay. I don't know if you all read and you read those scriptures. But in scripture the King James Version that I have been reading. A lot of Proverbs when they talk about wisdom. He spoke about she and her. So first to understand wisdom. So let's go back a little bit. To understand wisdom you would have to first understand the Hebrew language. Okay. So many of us don't understand the Hebrew language. And we look at it and we think that the Bible is not truth. Because it's like it's mixed up in certain things you can't understand. Well remember that the Bible is actually more of a Hebrew language than it is of an English language. It is just translated for us who like English speaking people to understand the language. Okay. So in the Hebrew language if you would look it up. You can look it up that wisdom is a grammatical feminine noun. In Proverbs we see how wisdom is portrayed and personified as a woman of virtue. Okay. So as Proverbs Chapter 3 and verse 15 says. She is more precious than rubies and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. It is saying here ladies that wisdom is even more precious than rubies. And ladies we all, all of us know if we especially know about jewelry. How precious and valuable rubies are. Also there is absolutely nothing, nothing that you have or you desire is more precious than godly wisdom. Okay. So this verse also describes to us that just as wisdom is more precious than rubies. So are women who are called to exemplify this proverb. As women we should be certain of our identity and our worth ladies. Let's just look further at that in Proverbs Chapter 31 verse 10 through 12. And let's see what that says. Okay. So reading Proverbs 31 verse 10 through 12. It says here verse 10. Who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil. She do him good and not evil all the days of her life. See we go back to that part where it says happy is the man. Okay. So again ladies Proverbs Chapter 31 verse 10 through 12 tells us how your husband is happy. It says she will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. He knows full well ladies that the value he has in his virtuous wife. His good thing. Who is far better and above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her. So that he shall have no spoil or no need of spoil. Meaning he trusts his wife so much that there is no need to go elsewhere. He loves her so much because she is doing him good. He knows that he has got everything. You know he knows what he has got. Because everything else is spoiled, is damaged or worth way less than his ruby, his good thing. And even if he does go out there or he does go elsewhere. Which we all know ladies. Some men do. And even if they do and even if they have a good thing. He will stay with his good thing. He will stay with his wife because he knows that she is far better and above rubies. Even the one that maybe he is cheating with. And anything that is out there in the world. So why feminine ladies or why females? Oh you may probably still trying to figure out. Because ladies a virtuous woman and I repeat is far better and above rubies. Not just far better but far better and above rubies. Furthermore the association of divine wisdom with the feminine words she and her. Meaning feminine or female is not accidental ladies. It is not accidental. Here is a quote for you. I know I haven't given you a quote yet but here is a quote for you. God's infinite wisdom is personified as a woman. God's infinite wisdom is personified as a woman. Let me just say it this way ladies. Each of us is a daughter of the king. We are princes in God's eyes. No man or woman or thing on this earth should determine our worth. Because ladies not only are we virtuous women and far better and above rubies. We are much more precious than rubies. Verse 15 describes godly women as a she or female. Which reads she is more precious than rubies. And all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. Ladies absolutely nothing can compare to a wise godly virtuous woman. And you will find that in Proverbs chapter 31. Need I say more? Okay so let's see what verse 16 has to say. It says in the first part of the verse that length of days is in her right hand. It's talking about long life ladies. When you have godly wisdom or you use godly wisdom. Your life will be long on this earth. But that's in the right hand. Then it says in the second part of the verse. It says in her left hand riches and honor. Which means life will be good for you. Ladies when you have godly wisdom. Life indeed will be good for you. And you will have a good life. You will have a happy life. Because you keep your husband happy. I mean which woman in this world isn't happy when your husband is happy? Tell me. I mean all of we women are. We are all happy aren't we? I know I am. Well I can speak highly for myself. I am and I know my honka chonka dark chocolate. What I call him. My honka chonka dark chocolate bodyguard. Maxwell Newbold. Certainly is. I know that for a fact. Because it's my god given duty to see that he is happy. And he stays happy. Ok. Ok. So I am moving on. Because you know how I can go when I start talking about him. Right? Then again in verse 17. Verse 17 also speaks and describes godly wisdom as female. It says her female which is female again. Ways are ways of pleasantness and all of her parts are peace. Ladies if you have godly wisdom. Then all of us. All of us. If we have. Let me speak in general. We have godly wisdom. Then our ways are supposed to be pleasant. Our grumpiness we are not supposed to have. Not no grumpiness. No fussing. No grumbling. And complaining all the time. And having our face screwed up. Like we are mad with the world. No ladies. It doesn't mean that we are to have a pleasant personality. Not to have a pleasant personality. But it means that we are to have a pleasant personality. And we are not going to have it all the time. But we can have peace. And we will have peace with our husband. Once we have that pleasant personality. You have a pleasant personality all the time. Having that because you are happy. And you are making him happy. Our path is supposed to be at peace. We are supposed to be at peace. Meaning wherever in this world we go. People are supposed to see the peace of god dwelling inside of us. So that's why I say that you are supposed to have that pleasantness. And you are supposed to have that peace. And if you have godly wisdom. And God's perfect peace. You will be calm. And you will be at peace in your mind. Your heart. In your marriage. In your relationship. And with the whole world. Once you are calm. You have peace. And you have a pleasant personality. Your life will be good. No matter the challenges. The trials. The tribulations. That you face. You will be calm. You will be at peace. It also means that you. That we are supposed to be tranquil. Excuse me. My husband calls me that all the time. Because that my dear ladies. Is who I am. And what I definitely bring to our marriage and relationship. Tranquility. Our kids. Family and friends. Always say that I am my husband's peace. Or I'm his calm. I'm the one who calms him right down. Definitely. I do. Indeed I am. And surely I am. When people say truly. You know. Those people who know us. Really know. Truly know. Me for sure. Know how. And they speak about me. They know how to describe. That I am the ideal. Proverbs. Chapter 3. Verse 17. They know that. Because it says that her. Which is feminine. Ways are ways of pleasantness. And all of her path are peace. My ways ladies. Are always pleasant. People who know me can say that. I'm always full of peace. I think positive. And I speak positively. My mind is at peace. All the time. Because I keep my mind stayed on God. I'm always calm and peaceful. Because I keep my mind focused on God the Father. When my kids were young. And all the kids that were living with me. I had kids from toddlers to teenagers. And Max and I. We run a well organized. And very clean home for them. Our home was peaceful. And it was loving. And we had rules. And they obeyed those rules. There were three rules. That stood out as being strict. But hey. They all survived those rules. These rules involve no device. And you all know how much kids love their devices. You know that. Kids and not just kids. Young adults. Teenagers. They all love their well. Anyway. This rule had to deal with no device. So it was three rules. Number one. No device when Bible study or family discussions are going on. Number two. No device at the dinner table. And number three. No devices while family movie time. It was hard for them. And they tried sometimes to sneak it in. But trust me. When they got caught. They know their phone was taken away. Or that device was taken away for 24 hours. And they did not want that lady. I'm telling you. Not want that. You want a miserable child. You take away their device. And many of you listening know that for sure. Well we had ten kids in our home. Ten children in our home. We had my four. We had one of my brother's son. And another brother's two sons. And then I had my sister's three grands. So that was ten of them. And our home was structured in a way that everyone. We had few arguments. We had few confusions. There was only like one fight ever. And that was for the first and the last time. Besides one time when two of the younger ones had slapped one of the older ones. Because they were messing with them. And which everybody knows toddlers. When you get into their face. You know just how toddlers go. When you get into their face. And you say something that they don't like. They're going to slap you. They're going to whack you in the face. Unless you are fast and you hold their hand. They are going to slap. And you better be fast. Because if you're holding one hand. And you're still in their face. They can slap you with the next hand. Okay. And we all know that. They're going to whack you really good. Toddlers have a way of doing that. Okay. But like I said. There were no fights. And they really get along good. And you know I spoke to them calmly. And we all had a great time in there. When the kids go out for shopping. We didn't play that. They knew exactly how to act. We had managers. The managers in the store. They knew our name. They were asking us questions on how. What secret we had when our kids acted. You know that crying and carrying on. We didn't play that. No. In the store for something. No. We didn't play that. The Bible says in Proverbs 22 and 6. Treen up a child in the way he should go. And he or she should go. And when they are old. They will not depart from it. And honey listen. I did not play that in our home. We didn't play it when they go out. I love all the kids. I believe that they understood. When they went out. So they knew how to act. And it was good that they knew how to act like that. But listen. I have peace of mind. And I always did. Because Isaiah 26 and 3. Says that thou will keep him in perfect peace. Whose mind is stayed on him. And once we keep our mind stayed on God. We will have peace of mind. We will have peace in our home. Peace in our marriage. Peace with our children. And also we will have peace wherever we go. Peace with our relationship. Max calls me tranquil. Because he knows that's what I am. I can handle anything. Especially when he had his heart attack. I handle it. I handle it great. And I was calm. Everybody else was panicking. And saying. Crying. And carrying on. I was very calm. That's the reason why my husband calls me tranquil. Because he knows how I am. I am wisdom supreme ladies. That's what I call myself. When you see anyone. My children comes to me. My mentees comes to me. I give wise counsel. Whether they listen to it or not. Do or not. I'm going to continue giving wise counsel. And I'll never give words that they want to hear. I give them words. That based on the principle of God. Which they need to hear. And like I said. I am wisdom supreme. I protect my family. And they protect me. I love my family. And they love me. I do have a scripture to back that up. I encourage them. And I will share with you that scripture. When I get back. After this song. You know my name. By Tasha Cubs. I want you to listen to that. Don't you go anywhere. Anyone. Everyone. You all stick with me. Stay with me. All of you. Don't go anywhere. I will be right back after this. He knows my name. He knows my name. He knows my name. He knows my name. Know how he walks with me. So how he talks with me. Know how he tells me. That I am his all. You know my name. You know my name. You know my name. You know my name. Know how you comfort me. Know how you counsel me. It still amazes me. That I am your friend. So now. I pour out my heart to you. Yeah. Give me my heart Lord. Give me my heart Lord. Give me my heart Lord. Give me my heart Lord. Give me my heart Lord. Give me my heart Lord. Give me my heart Lord. Give me my heart Lord. You know my name. You know my name. You know my name. You know my name. Know how you walk with me. Know how you talk with me. Know how you tell me. That I am your all. Yeah. God you know me. So I trust you in my life. No fire can burn me. No path can turn me. No mountain can stop me. You hold my hand. You hold me in your victory. Put your power within me. No fire can defeat me. You hold my hand. No fire can burn me. No path can turn me. No mountain can stop me. You hold my hand. You hold me in your victory. Put your power within me. No fire can defeat me. You hold my hand. No fire can burn me. No path can turn me. No mountain can stop me. You hold my hand. You hold me in your victory. Put your power within me. No fire can defeat me. You hold my hand. You hold my hand. You hold my hand. You hold my hand. You hold my hand. You hold my hand. You hold my hand. You hold my hand. You hold my hand. You hold my hand. You hold my hand. You hold my hand. You hold my hand. You know my name. You know my name. You know my name. You know my name. Oh, how you walk with me. Oh, how you walk with me. I'm in love with you, Lord. You know how you walk with me. Just to commune with you. Oh, how you tell me I belong to you. That I am yours. Amen, amen, amen. Oh my gosh. Isn't that a beautiful song? He knew all of our names before we were formed in our mother's womb. He made us female and we ought to know our worth, ladies. Thank you. Welcome back. Nothing can stop us when we put our minds to doing something. Amen, amen, amen. I appreciate you all sticking and staying with me through that song. I know before the break, before that song, I mentioned that I am wisdom supreme. There is a scripture that I said I would give to you that I gave last week that explains why I say I am. Let's just read that again. Turn with me to Proverbs 4, 6-7. And I will read. Do not forsake wisdom and she will protect you. Love her and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme. That's why I say that because of that verse right there. Therefore, get wisdom. Though it costs all you have, get understanding. Again, ladies, that verse right there. I am wisdom supreme because it's based on that same scripture. Proverbs 4 and verse 7 which says wisdom is supreme. So, therefore, get wisdom. And I consider myself wisdom supreme, ladies, because I receive all the wisdom I could growing up. I don't have to brag about myself. Like I said, my husband brags about me. I have mentees that brag about me. I have mentors, transformational influences that brag about me. And they can tell you that I gather wisdom. I give wisdom. I believe that I am wisdom supreme because I am still receiving it from my mentors. Yes, I do still have mentors and transformational influences. And I do have other godly, wise, godly women in my life. And besides looking up to my maternal uncles and older cousins that I have. I have male cousins who protected me as I was growing up. All of my mentors who I call transformational influences were actually wise, godly, elderly females. I didn't turn to those in the world or as I call them, jaded women. I didn't turn to them. No, I turned to and I looked up to and I took counsel from wise, godly, elderly females, ladies. And I still do to this very day. This very day. Which now takes me back to my topic and your question. Which I know you are trying to figure out why Proverbs defines wisdom as feminine. So we are going to get into it right now for the sake of those who haven't gotten it. I'm going to read it again where it says in Proverbs 4, 6-7. Where it says, Do not forsake wisdom and she will protect you. Love her and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme, therefore get wisdom. Though it costs all you have, get understanding. So ladies, there again we see in this verse, Proverbs use she and her as feminine, as female. She will protect you. That's a she, female. Love her, female and she will watch over you. So wise, elderly, godly women will protect you. They will love you when you love on them. They will watch over you. So you don't forsake wisdom because wisdom is the principle thing. Wisdom is the beginning thing. And all the wisdom that elderly women will offer you, you do not forsake them. You have to learn all that you can. Learn whatever you can learn and all you could learn. And even if you feel like you've learned a whole lot when the opportunity comes ladies and you have to sit or you will sit or stand in the presence of wise, godly, elderly women. Learn some more. Learn some more. Don't stop learning. Never miss an opportunity to learn or get all the wisdom you can from wise, godly, elderly women. And there are some men who I know that can teach you something or two, you know, how to please your husband. But we'll get into that later, okay. But for now, finally, let's just look at verse 18. Okay. She, and there we go again with feminine. It says, she is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her. Ladies, do you all want to know what the tree of life is? Well, let's see what the tree of life is. In Proverbs chapter 3 states that she, which like I said is feminine, is the tree of life to them that lay hold on her. So the tree of life is the tree which represents the connection between earth and heaven. As Christians and believers, our tree of life is Yeshua, Jesus Christ and the connection we have with him. He is the tree of life and we are his branches. That connection to him granting us immortality through his defeat of the death on the cross. So because of the unsexual sin of Adam and Eve, we now have the knowledge of good and evil and the free will to choose between the life-giving Christ or the deadly pursuit of selfishness and the passion from the devil. So if we choose, we can either choose godly wisdom from above or worldly wisdom from below. Yes, Yeshua, Jesus Christ loves us so much that he chose, he gave us, he actually has us to make our own choice. The mistakes that we make are because the choices we make. Not God's choice, not Yeshua, Jesus Christ's choice, not the Holy Spirit's choice. It is actually our own choice ladies. So just keep that in mind because it is our choice. And lastly ladies, the last sentence of verse 18 also says, Happy is everyone that routine is her, which is also female, which is also feminine. Godly wisdom, when everyone, everyone, meaning all of us, routine her, feminine, female, wisdom we are talking about, will all be happy. Both verse 13, if you notice verse 13 and verse 18 states that we will all be happy. It states when it says, when we find her in verse 13, it says when we find her we are happy. And it says in verse 18, when we routine her, we are happy. Alright, so we are happy all, no matter what. We are supposed to be happy, that's why I tell you that peace comes in. Because that's how women are supposed to be. Wisdom, if you are wise enough, you would realize how we are supposed to be. We are supposed to be at peace. We are supposed to be happy. My dear ladies, we will be happy in our marriage, our relationship with our children, in our lives, in our community, with our own jobs and our business and also ministry when we find and routine godly wisdom. And yes indeed ladies, verse 13 says that and verse 18 says the same thing that when we find wisdom we are happy and when we routine wisdom we are happy. Finding wisdom alone isn't going to help us to stay happy. It's not going to keep us happy ladies. In order to be happy and stay happy, we have to routine wisdom. We have to be wise. We have to have godly wisdom. To know to make the right decision. To routine means to keep possession of, keep hold of, to continue to have, to observe. Meaning you stay wise. You keep wise people around you and you continue learning from wise godly elderly women. But it really doesn't stop there you know. It really doesn't stop there. We don't just want to be happy ladies. We want to have joy. Because we want our marriage, our relationship and everything around us to be full and everlasting. My husband always say that it is a woman who wants to keep a marriage going. A woman will always want to keep a marriage going. Even if her husband is cheating, she wants to keep her husband once she knows he is a good man. She will keep him. It's a man who will walk away and leave. Now very rare and few you will find a woman just leaving a good man. Just like that. You don't even need to question what type of woman that is when she has a good man. You don't have to question that. Because you should know full well what type of woman that is and what she is looking for. You know. But a man, I am not talking about a man who is abusive or doing whatever. I am talking about a woman who leaves a good man. And a man is not going to leave a good woman if he knows he has a real good thing. He isn't. Now, like I said, there is very few men you would find who would walk away from a good woman and go to another woman. I don't know why that happens. And I don't know why women do it. I don't know why a man would do it if they are leaving something good. Because, hey, you don't know what you are going to get. And sometimes they usually end up coming back. But anyway, I am straying here. But like I said, yes, ladies, there is a distinct difference between happiness and joy. And the lady who wants to keep her husband is full of joy. Yes, she is happy. But she is more full of joy. She has God's joy. Here is a quote. Let me give you this quote. Happiness is temporary but joy is everlasting. Happiness is temporary but joy is everlasting. Now, when you have the feeling of happiness or being happy, that feeling can be just for a moment because it is temporary. But when you have joy, I mean the joy of the Lord, it is an everlasting feeling. Happiness is of the moment. But joy transcends. Happiness reacts. Joy embraces peace and contentment waiting to be discovered. Happiness gives you physical pleasure and immediate gratification, which is relatively short-lived and shallow. It is. But listen, ladies, when you have the joy of the Lord, it is a joy that will be everlasting and forever lasting. That kind of joy shall be full. I am telling you, ladies, that kind of joy will always be with you. That happiness you feel when you and your husband or husband-to-be first meet or you all met the first time, and the happiness you feel when you first get married is one that can quickly fade away. Because it is just a physical feeling and it won't last and can quickly disappear. So, how do you keep happiness in our marriage? How do we keep happiness in our marriage, ladies? Simply by having the joy of the Lord. Once you have the joy of the Lord with you, you will forever be happy in your marriage and relationship. Once you have wisdom, you have joy, you have the peace of God within you, listen, those are the three things that you have that will continue to carry you through. Yes, I repeat it, you have to have godly wisdom. You have to have the peace of God which passes all understanding. And you have to have the joy of the Lord. Those three sustains you. Those three keeps you going. Those three helps you throughout all the trials, tribulations and trials that you go through. Jesus said in John 15 and 11, and again this is the King James Version, These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. There is no end to the joy and happiness of the Lord. This joy of the Lord is a product of knowing I am. I am right with God. I am right in my marriage. I am right in my relationship. I am right with my children. I am right in my heart. I am right with my life. I am right in this world. Definitely not my words, ladies. That's the word of Jesus Himself spoken in John 15 and 11. And I repeat that verse again. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. Yes, I'm not saying that you won't have sadness, become angry, be upset, cry, become disappointed and get hurt. Yes indeed you would. I do. But you won't ever lose your joy in the midst of it all. I get sometimes I get upset, I get angry. Yes I do. I get. Some people ask me, you don't get angry. Yes I do. You hearing it from me. I do get angry and upset but it doesn't last. And I don't let my wrath, the sun go down on my wrath. I don't. Max and I will have a heated argument. But the joy of the Lord is my strength. I don't lose my joy when I'm in that mood. Because if I lose my joy, I lose my strength. The joy of the Lord is your strength, ladies. It's our strength. Ladies, don't lose your joy or you will lose your strength. I always tell my kids that. I always tell them, I say, don't let anyone, no one, steal your joy. I always tell KK that every time. That's our youngest daughter. When she goes to work in the morning, I say to her, I said, let no one steal your joy. If they steal your joy, they steal your strength. They know your weakness. They know how to get to you. Ladies, you should be joyful in knowing that your strength comes from the Lord. And by that, by having that kind of joy, you have the strength and you're strong enough to overcome any and every obstacle that comes your way. Any and every obstacle. And there will be obstacles in your marriage. There will be obstacles in your life. The devil will try you. He will try you with your husband. He will try you with your children. He will try you with your best friends. He will try you with people in the church, people on your job. He will try you, my dear. But you have to know how to handle it. How to handle being around these people. You have to continue to walk that walking faith. We are ladies. Why proverbs describe wisdom as feminine? It's because of all that I explained. How wisdom is. Wisdom is just how we act. As females, this is how we are supposed to be. We are supposed to be personified Christians for God. Believers for God. Not for man. Not men's pleases. We have to act like it, dress like it, look like it. Speak like it. Think like it. All of the above. Yes, indeed. We are not supposed to be acting in a weird way. No, we are supposed to be acting the way God has placed us on this earth. As it says in Proverbs chapter 31. And I want you to continue to study that. I want you to study, ladies. Study that. And knowing that you will continue. How you can continue to be a virtuous woman. And a victorious woman on this earth. If you are full with wisdom. Oh my goodness. I am telling you. Look at all of those women who are in your presence. All of these elderly women. Stay in their presence. When you feel like your marriage is going down. Go to someone who has been married a long time. Over 20 years, I always say. Go to someone who has been married over 20 years. And have kids way older than your kids. Who is being there. And you can even go higher than that. I am telling you. I still sit in the presence of women who are married over 60 years. There is a lady who talked to us the other day. That her husband had died. He died at 91. And they were married for 62 years. Oh my gosh. Isn't that a beautiful thing? 62 years. They were married. And she was saying how she is so blessed to have been alive and strong. To take care of him. She is 87 years old. And she walks so strong. She was walking strong. Not with a walker or anything. This woman was walking mighty strong. And she gave me biblical proverbs. She gave me wisdom. She gave me something to go by. And I am telling you. The way how they talk to you. I mean you can hear it. You can hear the sincerity in their heart. That they have accomplished a wonderful, wonderful marriage. I love going to the senior living facilities. I love hanging out with those elderly. We vend anywhere from four to five hours. And the vending is so, you know, it's not all about the money. It's about the love. The affection. The wisdom. The knowledge. The understanding. The fellowship that we have with them. Anyway, I end with this ladies. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength. So that you will never lose your strength. When you face, when you, your relationship. Your marriage. Your family. Your business. Your ministry. Or even your job. When you attack or when you face the challenges. Tribulations. You know, you will be wise to retain. You know, and remain joyful all the time. Amen. Do I get an amen? Amen ladies. Okay, well, listen. This is my time. My time is up. And once again, we have come to an end. With this teaching for this week. Yep, that's it for this week. Teachings and trainings ladies. Next week, I promise you, I will be recapping. The entire series of the five classes of wisdom. That will enhance or destroy your marriage. I know many of you have missed it. But listen. This will end the series. And ladies, you really don't want to miss that. There might be, you know, some of you who have missed some very important keynotes. And there were some great keynotes that I have put there. I'm going to just make sure I get a lot of them. That you will get and you will understand. I will give a recap also on why proverbs define wisdom as feminine. So, you're going to have a little recap on that also. So, you will want to make sure that you have your notes. Because you're going to want to take them down. And maybe some things that you might have missed. For those of you who have been listening to me. And you might have missed some stuff. But so, just invite a friend, you know, to tune in to next week. Especially if you know anyone who has a troubled marriage. You should invite them to come along. No woman should miss out on these teachings and trainings, ladies. Before I end, I must say again, if you have a troubled marriage. Be wise and seek help and seek help now. Please, please, I beg of you, do not wait until it's too late. Max and I, we are always here to help you. And your husband, if your marriage is in trouble. And you want help to get it back on track. Just send us an email to rawtalkbyclassykeva at If you had an email before, this is my new email. This is the one that I want you to send emails to. It's rawtalkbyclassykeva at And that's classy with a K. So, it's rawtalkbyclassy with a K. Classykeva at So, ladies, I do hope and pray that these teachings and trainings will be your guide to help uplift you, inspire you, motivate you, and transform you as you join into a successful long-life marriage and relationship with your husband. For more insightful teachings and trainings, please join me next week at this same time on this same station as I continue my series, Why You Need a Transformational Influencer to Succeed, with the recap of Wisdom is the Principal Thing, the 5 Classes of Wisdom that Will Enhance or Destroy Your Marriage. You don't want to miss out on these teachings and trainings, ladies. So, until then, continue your marital journey with the Proverbs or be in the Proverbs 31, Victorious and Virtuous Woman God has created you to be. Thank you once again for listening. This is your Transformational Influencer, praying God's blessings overflow upon you, your husband, your family, and your marriage. I leave you all with this quote. Ladies, separately, both you and your husband are powerful individuals, but together as one flesh, you're both unstoppable. Ladies, remember, you all are awesome. No one's perfect, but everyone, everyone can be awesome. I love you all and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Have a blessed filled day, everyone. Be blessed. Transcription by CastingWords Transcription by CastingWords Capture me now when you're thirsty, lady I'm waiting for just one touch of your hand Here I am Oh, oh, oh Can you mend what I've broken, give back what I've lost Heal and restore these wounds and these scars Lord, I am honestly Desperately trusting in you I'm trusting in you Here I am Inside this house All of you All that you are When you're thirsty, lady I'm waiting for just one touch of your hand Here I am Lord, bring me back again Oh, Lord, I need your love There's nowhere else to turn I've got nowhere else to run Here I am Please take this heart Lord, I need you All that you are Capture me now when you're thirsty, lady I'm waiting for just one touch of your hand Here I am Please take this heart Lord, I need you All that you are When you're thirsty, lady I'm waiting for just one touch of your hand Here I am Whoa-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh Whoa-oh-oh Whoa-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh Here I am Here I am