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June 5th Hanging With The Walkers

June 5th Hanging With The Walkers


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I can't take it, I can't take it without you. I can't take it, I can't take it without you. I hold it, I hold it, I hold it to you. I can't take it, I can't take it, I can't take it without you. I hold it, I hold it, I hold it to you. My heart feels brand new, it makes my life feel so true. Because of you, my heart is healed. I see you, I'm always here. And it's a cute one on the page, cause we played on. Good evening, good evening, good evening, and welcome to another beautiful segment of Hangin' with the Walkers. And I hope you know that we are here with the one and only Rogers Walker, my host and co-host. Greetings my brothers and sisters, greetings. We are excited to be before you on today. I'm going to put the conference line number in the chat, so that you can write that down now. And you will be comfortable so that when it's time for you to call in, you will already have the number. And I am going to pin it. How about that? That way you'll know where it is. Thank you so much for tapping in on tonight. You know what we do. Make sure you call, text, email, tweet, share on LinkedIn, message, phone call to let someone know that Hangin' with the Walkers is now on. And of course we started at 8 behind the scenes, but due to technical difficulties and hitting the wrong buttons, here we are. But we're here, and we are glad to be in your cars, in your homes, whether you are on your break, in the break room, riding down the hallway, wherever you may be. We are glad that you decided to join us on tonight. And as always, he is looking fresh and dapper, as always. And we appreciate him being in the house and not on the road, not having to call in, so that I can reach out and touch and know that he is here with us on tonight. So once again, we are so excited being with you again on this Monday night. We pray that you had an awesome Memorial Day holiday, that you were safe and healthy, and all the foods that you ate were non-fat. So we are so happy that you were able to make it back with us again on tonight. All right, all right, all right. All of the beautiful graduation photos, all of the loved ones that were graduating from all of the grade schools, middle schools, kindergarten, pre-K. And we had the opportunity to share in with our next-door neighbor, Kalani, doing her dance recital in the Ruskin, Florida area. And if you are a friend of mine on Facebook, you were able to see the dance recital. When I say it was off the hook, it was off the hook. It was off the hook. And those young people gave their all. It was so beautiful. So that being said, congratulations to all of the graduates that are in your life. Please let them know that Pastors Roger and Barbara Walker are sending them love and prayers on this new journey, this next place that's in their life. We want to give a shout-out to Afa J. Myers, who was with us on May 22nd. And I pray that you're able to go back and look at that live. She shared some awesome, awesome stuff for those that are in business, wanting to start business, those that already have startups and want to be able to take it to the next level. I hope you go back and look at that video from, that Facebook live from May 22nd. It was really, really informative. So shout-out to Afa J. Myers and her husband. Thank you for doing that live for us. Blessings to you because we pray everything is well with you and praying that God release the garment of praise in your life. Last week we, well the week before, May 29th, everybody got a break and preferably enjoyed their family. If not enjoy their family, then got some rest, if nothing else. So last Monday we were not able to make it back in time to get, let's be honest, trying to get some good internet connections out on the highway. So we were leery about plugging in on last week. So here we are tonight. So we are so happy to see you. So glad that you are able to tap in on tonight. The conference line number we've already plugged, 727-731-0128. Again, 727-731-0128. And we know that beyond a shadow of a doubt, we know Father's Day is coming up pretty soon. So we want to give... How about that? Wow. We want to give a shout out to all the fathers on tonight. Father's Day is... 18th, Sunday. Nope. We have June 11th first and then June 18th. Today is the... What's the date? Oh, Father's Day is on the 11th? No, Father's Day is on the 18th. Right, like I said. So today is the 5th. Right. So not next week, but the week after. Right. I just said the 18th. That's all I said, just the 18th. Okay. I thought we were getting ahead of ourselves. Like, okay, we're celebrating early. Well, you can celebrate early if you want to. We want to give a shout out to all of the men of God to let them know that we do appreciate you all. We do thank you for what you do. We know there are a whole lot of things we couldn't do without you. So we appreciate that. Good evening, Dr. Fryson. Thank you so much for tapping in on tonight. We want to give a shout out to all of our sponsors on tonight. We want to start the show out the right way. A shout out to our sponsors, Scylla Gibson International Foods. Thank her so much for investing, praying, pushing, and being comfortable with coming on and pushing us behind the scenes. And also to FTF Investment Group, Dr. John Fryson, Maya Fryson, and Tony Pugh, who make up FTF Investment Group. So we are so thankful for them for trusting us, for sharing, and we thank them for their love, their support, and their prayers, and all that they do for Hanging with the Walkers. A shout out to Tiffany Real, CEO of SheReal Radio. On next Sunday, 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Hanging with the Walkers will be aired on SheReal Radio. And I did put the link up there, sherealradio.com. So we are so excited that God is birthing and pushing and being able to just allow us to bloom and do what we do. We do want to mention that Dr. Fryson does have a prayer line every Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. That number is 267-805-9605, and the access code is 270-733, and we will put that in the chat. Again, 267-805-9605, access code 270-733-POUND. Every Monday through Friday at 7 a.m. If you have prayer requests, feel free to inbox or send that message through us, and we'll get that message over to him. We thank God for our fire starters that are on the line on tonight, Mother Freddie Carter, Lady Katina Washington, and soon-to-be Evangelist Andrea Monzon. We are so thankful for you. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your continued support. We pray special blessings upon you and your life and everything that you do. Last week, we had the love and kindness to be, well, not last week, but the week before, to talk about To Have and To Hold from one of my books. All right, all right. And I do have a new book out that's called Forever Growing. It is available on Amazon and Kindle. Please stay tuned for the book signings that will be in your area. But we had a heart-to-heart talk about To Have and To Hold, and I promise you it got personal. It got sensitive. There were some things that we felt, saw, talked about, went through while we were talking about To Have and To Hold. Good afternoon. Thank you so much for calling into Hanging with the Walkers. Who do we have the pleasure of speaking with? Oh, good afternoon. Good afternoon. How are you? We are blessed and highly favored. Thank you. I haven't been on the line in a while. I thought I'd come hang out with you for a little while, hear the teaching. Oh, thank you so much. So I'm on Facebook and the phone right now. Oh, my goodness. I was just sharing that last week, we had an awesome talk about To Have and To Hold. The week before? The week before. We had an awesome discussion about To Have and To Hold, and it got personal beyond where people would think just about us. We went into how we are able to say that because we have friends, that we hold on to our friends, that we're able to cover them. We're able to stick by them, regardless of whatever is going on in their life. And we got kind of deep with that thing on last week. So tonight, we always try to further it. We don't like to rush it. But the thoughts and the conversation that came out of that was really intense. And in this book that I wrote, His Wife, His Almavir, I kind of delved on the vows, the commitments, the things that we say out of our mouth and in the presence of God. And when we do do that, you may have some feedback, Dr. Fryerson. If you're on both, you may have to move from one to the other. Oh, yes. So there is some feedback. So you may have to move from near the Facebook with the phone so that you won't have feedback. But the book, His Wife, His Almavir, the book, His Wife, His Almavir, was geared toward trying to reinforce vows and commitments that we make to one another. And sometimes we say some things before God and man. And in our heart, we really mean it. That's fair. That's fair. But the songwriter said, When the storms of life are raging, thou who rulest the wind and the water, Lord, stand by me. So during those times, we become fretful. And the very things that we say causes us not to be able to keep those commitments. That's so true. So we talked about to have and to hold two weeks ago. Tonight, I want to delve into, for better or worse, and if you have this book, His Wife, His Almavir, I always remind you that whenever you purchase a book that I wrote, open up your heart and your mind and allow God to minister to you, to talk to you, as a single and as a married couple. This chapter, I begin to deal with for better or worse. And I started out by saying the vows say for better or worse. Those times when we pray for better, and it seems as if it's getting worse. We're there for the better. And what do we do to make it better? Or what do we do to make it worse? And then we think about why we're here. Think about what part we play in our ministry, in our marriage, in our friendship, in our business. We think about the position that we hold. We think about what it is that we do. And then we think about this topic for better or worse. And I'm going somewhere, and I know you hear that. So sorry, managers, can't make it on tonight. Sometimes we feel as if what we do is not good enough. That's in friendship, that's in business, that's especially in ministry, and a lot of times in marriage. And if we're having insecurities, it leads us to think that we are inadequate to serve, to give, to love, to share, even to speak. It's true. Because we're human. And then issues arise that makes us feel like we're not strong enough, we're not good enough, someone else is better at the job than we are. That's our flesh, because it begins to raise up. And because we are not confident in what we do and who we are, then a lot of times we'll have inadequate, then a lot of times we'll have inadequacies and insecurities. And we know that cliche, you know, we learn that prayer will fix it. We know we say that all the time. It's just automatic. Pray about it. We always say that. Somebody say they're having problems, you know, I don't feel like I'm good enough, I don't feel like, you know, this is my place, I don't feel like it's time for me to elevate. First thing we tell them, pray about it. Prayer will fix it. And just know still, that the blood still works. And then you got to remind yourself constantly of that. Every time that throughput spirit tries to come into your presence and cause you to think that you're not adequate, that you're not good enough, that you don't fit there, that it wasn't made for you, that you're not strong enough, you got to remind yourself that the blood still works. And in my book that I wrote, and I do fit, then I make sure I put that scripture Joshua 1 and 3. God has already given you the land. He's already given it to you. But because we're unsure of who we are, what we are, and what we walk into, then we'll allow someone else to not only steal our joy, but they'll steal our place. That's right. So in this book, even though it's called His Wife is Armored There, I reminded the reader to know who you are in every capacity. Regardless to what you're asked to do, hear me good, regardless to what you're asked to do, know who you are in Christ. Blessings to you, because it's happening here on tonight. Know who you are in Christ. Because if you know who you are in Christ, regardless to what anyone says to you, or says about you, you know that God already ordained and predestined you to be where you are, to walk where you are, to do what you do, to say what you do. And I say it again, you have to remind yourself constantly that this is flesh. And because it's flesh, if it has not been beat like a good soldier, if it has not been brought under the subjection of Christ, then of course, it's going to trouble the water. It's going to test the water to see if what you say out of your mouth is really what you mean. So I remind again, know your place in ministry, know your place in that friendship, know your place in that marriage, know your place in employment, and know your place on your job. You got to know your place. Know what gifts you walk in so that when someone else approaches or say something different, then you understand and know that I am who God says I am. Sometimes it wouldn't even hurt to keep a mirror. To look at yourself in the mirror and just remind yourself I am who God says that I am. Oh my goodness, this is good to me. I don't know if it's good for you. And then you got to know what gifts it is that you walk in. You got to know that. Oh, hey, finally. All right, evangelist. Glad you were able to make it on. Do you really know what gifts you possess? We're talking about tonight for better or for worse. Do you really truly know what gifts you walk in? Do you really know what it is that you bring to the marriage, to the ministry, to the friendship, to the business, to the job? When you start out, you're on fire. And you know that whatever I'm doing, nobody else can do it. However I said it, however I set it up, nobody can come behind me because I got this. You know, I'm the bomb.com. I can do this. Can't nobody do it like I can. And I know that if they try to do it like me, it's secondary. It's not live. It's not Mimirex. It's fake because it's me that's doing it. And I'm an original, one-of-a-kind masterpiece. And God made me that way. So you got to know what gifts that you walk into when we're talking about for better or for worse on tonight. And then here's my question to you. Can you really truly pray through the worst situation until they get better? Ouch. Can we really do that? Regardless to whether it looks like all hell is breaking loose, everything around you is falling apart. Nothing is working for its good. We understand and know we claimed early in the talk that the blood still works. We know the blood still works. But when it gets worse instead of better, can you really pray your way through the worst? Can you see yourself out of that situation until it gets better? Can you know that regardless beyond the shadow of a doubt, that God, even if you don't do it, I know you can. See, I know I'm ministering to somebody tonight. And if it never gets better, even if it don't get better, God, I know you can do it. Good afternoon. You're calling in to hang out with the Walkers. Who do we have the pleasure of speaking with? Did we lose someone? Hello? Your phone may be acting up. 727-731-0128. 737-727-731-0128 is the conference line. So I say again to you on tonight, we are prayer warriors. We are intercessors. We are on fire for the Lord. And we know that when we ask a thing, we petition God. We know that God is going to do it. But when this situation begins to get worse, before it gets better, can you continue to pray until that thing gets better? Good afternoon. You're calling in to hang out with the Walkers. Who do we have the pleasure of speaking with? Yes, sir. We have a conversation and it's a very interesting conversation. My brother and I had a similar conversation over a year ago. Wow. And we talked about how people pray. People that don't, that feel like their prayers aren't answered. And we talked about that as we grow closer to Christ and not in just what we say, but how we actually live. How we start living in His will. So the prayers that we pray would be prayers that are already in His will. Not prayers for selfishness and self gain, but things that's in His will for our lives. And when you brought that up, that just brought that conversation to mind with me. You know, I love you guys. Continue to do what you do. You know, it's funny because I'm trying to look at you on Facebook and talk on the phone at the same time. And it's not working for me. But yeah, I do love you guys. And I did want to say that as we grow closer, and thank you, my brother, for bringing that to my attention, that we hear our prayers being answered because we're praying for those things that's in God's will. Yes. That we've allowed ourselves to be filled and operate for the Holy Spirit and not our own self. Oh my goodness. That's it. That's it. Thank you guys for allowing me that moment to say that. And I'm going to go back to Facebook because I can hear what you're saying better. Okay, and if you have a need to call in and give us another quote, call on back in. Okay, sounds good. Okay. Talking about for better or for worse on tonight, that's one of our sponsors, Dr. John Price, and thank you so much for that. When we continue to pray God's will, as he said, a lot of times, even if it does get worse, we remind ourself on a constant basis. Even if it doesn't get better, we know he can fix it. We know the blood still works. But are we able to trust him when it looks like it's getting worse instead of getting better? The harder I pray for him or her or them to become saved or give their life to Christ, look like the worse they get, the worse things they do, the more they show out, the more the kids have temper tantrums, the harder I pray for them, asking God to heal them, deliver them, and set them free like they get worse. And then sometimes, even though they look like they get worse, sometimes they get locked up. And you're saying, well God, what was it? It wasn't that your prayers didn't work. It's that, one, they may not have believed. Two, you weren't walking in God's will. And three, you just totally, totally turned away from the things and the teachings that you know that you had been brought up in. So, ask yourself, what did you think about if you're married? What did you think about on your wedding day? When you started that job for the first time, what were your thoughts? When you started that business from the ground up, you decided I was going to invest in myself. What were your thoughts at that point? What were you thinking about? And on that wedding day, when you heard the words that said for better or worse, what were you really thinking about? Did you really start to think about what could happen? Did you start to think that, you know what, I'm not strong enough, I'm not financially able to maintain that business. This job that I accepted, I'm really not qualified for it, so I don't know if I can do it. Already going into doubt, into the friendship, into the relationship, into the business, into the marriage, even into the ministry. We went in with doubt. We had no trust. We had no mindset that we could do this. The first day, we did. The first week, we made it. Two weeks, we mastered that thing. 30 days, it's almost like we're drowning. It's almost like I can't do this. If we make it to the six months, we've already quit five times. That's it. Before we got to the six months. That's not my friend. They don't like me. They're talking about me. The pastor don't understand who I am and what my gifts are. This business is not going to work. I'm in the wrong area. I'm serving the wrong people. I don't have enough finances. It's not going to last. We start doubting before we ever get past that point to where we're testing. To where our faith can kick in and overdrive. We're already doubting. We've already thrown in the towel. We've already said I've had enough. Then there are others that have been in the friendship, been in the relationship, been in the business for some years. The two words, famous words that we have is I'm tired. Other two famous words that's enough. Then we get even deeper. I can't. Then we take it from two words to three words. I'm too old. I've had enough. I don't fit. Then we go to the four words. They don't like me. I just don't fit. Then we have a whole conversation. Then we can write a whole book because we went from one extreme to the other because we didn't trust God in the midst of everything that we said He told us to do. We talk about for better or worse on tonight. Is there a better or more grace? Do we think about the positive things in the business, in the friendship, in the marriage, in the ministry? Do we look at the good times that we've had, the good times that we've shared, the times that we've laughed? We're talking about for better or for worse tonight. Do you have it? Can you handle it? Have you been there? Were you able to pray your way through when it got to the worse instead of the better? Even when we counsel people, we remind them teeth and tongue about sometimes your good days cannot weigh your bad days from the beginning. And then all of a sudden we start to complain. Then the fun is gone. The laughter is gone. Then it's serious business. Then all the stuff that we really didn't think about, all the stuff that we hid or denied was actually there starts to manifest itself. Start to surface. What do you do for better or worse? 727-731-0128 And what was that on the line that said sometimes you have to dig your heels into it? Well, we've seen in my line of work to where we ignore the signs that are there when it comes to the for better or worse worse. Even from the beginning we see the worse. But if it has been ordained by God, even if we see the worse, can we still begin to pray until God works it out. The evangelist says we have to get to the place where we pray. God back his word. Then begin to speak a word over ourselves and into our situation. Amen. Mothers say trust God in spite of. Truer words have ever been spoken. But when that worse has a capital W instead of a lower case, can we still continue to pray God at his word. As a matter of fact, can we still even pray when it gets so bad at which end and it even begins to feel like not even prayer can help. Now if you admit to yourself on tonight somewhere in your life, somewhere in your walk, somewhere in your relationship, you've been there. You didn't say it to anybody but you were there. You were to that point to where if there was a cliff just let me just fall over it because the worst is here and it's not getting any better. I prayed and then I even threw a little fasting on it. I just didn't eat and I just laid on my face prostrate and I just called on the name of Jesus to sweat like drops of blood. It felt like coming from your eyes. All right. Knees burning. Elbows burning. Telling God fix it. Talking about for better or worse on tonight. See somebody needs to know on tonight that we've come through the storm. We're survivors. Pastor Roger told us in Bible study we're victorious. We're not losers. We're winners. That's right. But when the worst becomes capital W instead of lowercase w can we handle it? When the better looks like it's few and far in between can we still tell God yes? Can we still tell him thank you? Can we still as Mother Freda said trust God in spite of him. Trust him because of him. Even if it appears to be getting worse can you believe God for the change? I know I'm in somebody's front door right now. As a matter of fact I'm probably in your back door too. Can we still believe God for change? The evangelist said remember my time is not God's time. We must hold out in our faith. Now when that person is at wit's end sometimes in an abusive relationship an abusive friendship and sometimes it's not even physical sometimes it's verbal and they can't handle it. No encouraging words nothing uplifting always negative never have anything positive to say in that friendship in that marriage in that ministry in that relationship it's never anything positive. It's not getting any better and the harder I try it looks like the worse it gets. Mother says my faith in God's word allowed me to stand firm also my relationship with him allowed me to still remain. Amen. Because no matter what it looks like no matter what they say to you no matter how they treat you no matter how they look at you because you know sometimes we've got folk with evil eyes they can look at you like they're looking right through you like they want to destroy you like they don't have to say a word just their eyes or their stare or their gaze takes you to another place in your mind. 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