Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The transcription is a mix of lyrics, promotional announcements, and a discussion about communication. It emphasizes the importance of communication in relationships and the impact of words and gestures. The speaker encourages open dialogue and prayer before addressing issues with others. I do fit in my crew fit, I got price on my music, I don't condescend, cause we do lit. Truth out my mouth like I'm too lit. Holy ghost in my bullet, came from heaven, told when I do it. That's what the word of God put through it, put no compromise without knowing me. They told me that it could be, they couldn't see that I've got nothing on God. He's a deliverer, me, I need to see, but Christ said ain't nothing too hard, nothing for bars. I put on my mind, my soul, that broke Jack, I'm a pastor. Spend that lyrical literature with him, that gold shack, I'm a circle. Amen, trying to aim for them squares, of course I dropped the ball a few times there, but I'm trying to make sure them stay. I'm the devil, the liar, yeah, after that, we don't fall for that kind of thing. The gates of hell shall not prevail, and I'm gonna keep the fish for that pike. I do fit, let them know I do fit. Come on, I do fit, let them know I do fit. Raise your hand if you fit, represent if you fit. Let them know I do fit, cause I do fit. I do fit, tell them that I do fit. Raise your hand if you fit, represent if you fit. Cause I do fit, cause I do fit, because I do fit, because I do fit. I do fit like Hannah Glove, compliments to the man of love. They had me down, but they came around, but not no more cause I'm mad enough. What about y'all think of me, dismissing y'all negative images. I ain't, y'all got one thing to me, my focus on brand new things to me. I fit like fish and grits, a lot of y'all cats can't get with this. The guy y'all serve is hit and miss, the guy y'all serve won't miss a lick. The guy y'all serve won't let me down, the guy y'all serve is a pass around. The guy y'all serve can't do a thing, the guy y'all serve does everything. Jesus, he is the Lord, he is the Christ, the reason I fit in the first place. He is returned, he coming back, and I'm resurrected on the first place. The earth will be covered in earthquakes, mother will move with the earth's saints. The people who love will get no praise, but because I do fit, I do fit. I do fit, let them know I do fit. I do fit, let them know I do fit. Raise your hand if you fit, represent if you fit. Let them know I do fit, cause I do fit. I do fit, tell them that I do fit. Raise your hand if you fit, represent if you fit. Cause I do fit, cause I do fit. Because I do fit, because I do fit. I do fit, let them know I do fit. I do fit, let them know I do fit. Raise your hand if you fit, represent if you fit. Let them know I do fit, cause I do fit. I do fit, tell them that I do fit. Raise your hand if you fit, represent if you fit. Cause I do fit, cause I do fit. Because I do fit, because I do fit. Yo, Ephesians 4, 16 says, For whom the whole body fitly joined together, And compacted by that which every joint supplies, According to the effectual working and the measure of every part, Maketh the increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. Which simply means, the whole body joined together, Held together, and building itself up in love. Don't let nobody tell you that you don't fit. No matter what you fit, you do fit. You are a child of God. 2 Corinthians 5, verse 17 says, If any man did cry, he is a new creature. You do fit, yeah. Good evening, good evening, good evening. And welcome to another segment of Hanging with the Walkers. And of course you know what to do. Tag, like, share, tweet, Instagram, message, Google, Yahoo, text, call someone. And let them know that Hanging with the Walkers is now on. In our chat, I made sure to put the conference line number, 727-731-0128. And you know I'll be giving the instructions throughout the night. That on our conference line, we can have as many as it will hold. Instructions are, you talk, we listen. We listen, you talk. And that way, everyone can hear one another. Thank you so much for joining us on tonight. A little raspy. But thank you so much for joining us on tonight. We are excited about our segment on tonight. It was so hot last week talking about communication, communication. Until Pastor Roger said, let's go ahead and bring it back this week. There were some things, phone calls, texts that we got after the segment. Saying about how that thing stepped in their home. That's right. So we're glad to have in the house with us, our host and co-host, the one and only, Rogers Walker. Peace my brothers and sisters, peace. Yes, yes, yes. Had an awesome resurrection weekend. Not just day, but an awesome resurrection weekend. Hung out in Fort Myers at LeapFix Live after work. Met some beautiful people. Have some awesome people that's going to come and share during our Monday night hanging with the Walkers. And then on Sunday, we fellowship with our overseer, Apostle Lucinda Rich. And oh, we didn't have church. We had some church. It's the difference when you have church. But when you have church, you know that you've been touched. That's right. You'll get radical. Shoes go one way, you go another way, and you just give God praise. Another day to celebrate Him, His resurrection. Because guess what? He got up, y'all. And we appreciate that. We appreciate the fact that God got up. Not only did He get up, He got up in our lives. I hope He got up in you. Come on now. Because if He got up in you, that means that you're going to run and tell somebody. There's a song that says, run, tell that. So you can run, tell that, that He got up. We try to question and debate when He got up, but He got up. And because He rose, we'll never be the same. So that being said, we want to give a shout out to our sponsors on tonight, at the beginning of our broadcast, FTF Investment Groups. That's right. With none other than the one and only Dr. Frierson, John Frierson, his daughter, Maya Frierson, and his grandson, Tony Pugh. They are the FTF Investment Groups. If you're looking for small loans or trying to support a business or start a business, they are the go-to. They will consult with you and let you know what it is that you need and try to lead you in the right direction. Also, shout out to Cilla Gibson of Cilla's International Cooking. You think it, she can cook it. She loves to do a lot of island cooking with different seasonings and that sort of thing. We do want to give a shout out to Pastor Toby Fieldpart and Lady Fieldpart in the West Palm Beach area for their love and support of Hanging with the Walkers. That's right. And if you want to be a sponsor, I did put all of that in the chat. If you want to be a sponsor or become a sponsor of the broadcast, please let us know. Text me and we can talk about that. Ways to give. Someone else said something about sowing a seed to make sure I put my information because they missed it. So I'm obedient, and I did put that there. And also the podcast link. Don't forget the podcast is available to be able to share with anyone regardless of where they are, and they don't have to be on Facebook. They don't have to be on the social media sites. You can just copy and paste that link, send it to them. I have nurses that actually during their night shift listen at Hanging with the Walkers and then text me the next morning about comments and things that they heard on the show that helped or encouraged them. So they could be walking. They could be driving. They could be in another state. They could be somewhere else. If it's a topic that you feel as if they would understand or need, copy that link and send it to them. That being said, we're going to jump right in to our discussion on tonight. That's right. And we are going to – hello, Jelacia. How are you? Thank you so much for tapping in on tonight. We're going to talk about communication, not just communication, but communication, communication. The number to call in is 727-731-0128. And we had a very added discussion on last week. Just because we're saved, just because we're in church, just because people know us, know who you are, what it is that you do, and who you represent, sometimes they take for granted that you're still human. Right. Sometimes they feel as if they can talk to you any kind of way because of who you are. Hey, Ms. Brady, thank you so much for tapping in. Ms. Tina, they think that they can still talk to you any kind of way. So the discussion that we had on last week, we came from We Can Make It Work Volume 1. Well, tonight I picked up a copy of my We Can Make It Work Volume 2. And, of course, you know we have that This Love CD, some good listening music that you can listen to while you're reading the book and allowing yourself to absorb the information. And then just remind someone that the books are not just for married people. They're for single people or engaged folk, those that are contemplating a relationship, those that are in a relationship, business, friendship, whatever the case may be. The information applies to you also. You know, we like to have nice, comfortable atmospheres when we're doing self-love moments, when we just want to spend some time with him, the capital H-I-M, the big G-O-D. So we set aside some time and we find a room and then we just go in. And while you're in there, you'll have this love candle that smells so good that will light up the room. Get your favorite drink and put it in your We Can Make It Work cup. Get your candle. Get your book. Get your Bible because there are scriptures that are in there and you can read for yourself and you never know where God will lead you in the midst of your reading. The books were designed to open up your mind in different areas and then God will do the rest. That's why it's not a thick book. That's why it's not a long book. Because that way, it's not me leading you in that direction. He'll lead you. All you need to do is just read it and open up your mind and your heart. Shout out to Travis Henson for making these beautiful cups. They are available for purchase. All you have to do is just inbox me or text me to order them to add to your collection. These cups, books, and candles are perfect gifts for someone who you feel as if have everything. They are perfect gifts for that special person that you know that needs a little extra, needs a little uh, just needs to be encouraged. Sometimes we can't get to them, but we can mail them those packages and it will really truly bless them. Communication, communication. And I think that was on page 73 in my We Can Make It Work Volume 2. And I want you to know even my mother-in-law who's married, been married over 30 years, 30 plus years, has a copy of my books, just so you know. So it doesn't matter if you're married or if you're single, discussing marriage, whatever the case may be. Every one of the topics that are in the books that I wrote is something that we deal with at one time or another. Whether we admit it or not, how we can reverse the cycle of what we started to do and get on the right track. You know we talked about do you love me or are you in love with me? That's in the book. We talk about intimacy for real. We even talk about blended families, where families are joined together. You have children and he has children. How to handle that according to the word. We even talk about my superman versus my king. How that person could be this way today and then tomorrow. Sometimes the same day a whole different personality. They could turn their head and there's somebody totally different because of the things that they're dealing with that we don't understand. And how well do you know me in the spirit? That's even in friendship. You know we had a discussion once before. We fellowship with people. We pray with them. We go to church with them. We hang out with them. We take trips with them. But how well do you know them in the spirit? That's in the book. Balance in family, marriage, and ministry. Do you really love yourself? That was a big one with Pastor Roger. Because sometimes we spend so much time encouraging other people. But in all actuality, do we really love ourselves? Do we really like Tina? Do we really like Andrea? Do we really like Mother Freddy? Do we really? We can say, oh yeah, I love myself. You know, I take care of myself. I do self-love. But do you really? Because there are some things that we say or do that we know shows that you don't really love yourself. When we allow things to enter into our ear gates, that's a part of communication. When we allow things to show up or be spoken into our ear gates, what our eye gates see, and what we allow into our heart, all of that is a part of communication. Sometimes someone can speak some words into your life, intentional for them. And when you receive it in your spirit, it will push you into another mindset. And for some people, it goes to a point of no return. Because as we said on last week, you were traumatized because this person who you respected, who you loved, who you felt like loved you, said something that you felt like was totally out of character. That in turn traumatized you. Listen, let's just go there. It could be your parents. It could be your mother, your father. It could be your sister. It could be your sibling. It could be a neighbor. It could be a business partner, a best friend that you felt like had your best interest at heart. But all of a sudden, they said something. And that thing tricked your heart. And the first thing you said to yourself is, why would they say that to me? Tell your friend, if we're best buds, if we're down like four flat tires, I encourage you, you encourage me. Where did that derogatory comment come from? Where did that come from? We were just talking and it was a good conversation. We were just talking about the Lord and the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me. All of a sudden, this comment comes out of nowhere. And you say to yourself, where did that come from? Or did they really mean that? Oh, girl, I was just playing. Man, you know, I just said that. That's not really what I meant. But you go home, go to work, go to church, and that thing is still on your mind. All right, now. I had a young lady one time years ago. Even our eyes tell a message. Yes, it does. If we don't know how to read people, they will pick up. I'm not saying receive. They'll pick up the wrong message because they don't really know you. And she said to me, the way you looked at me made me feel uncomfortable. It made me feel as if what I was wearing was not adequate. Wow. In my mind, we were in the middle of a couples gathering. We had about 50 people there. The person that was supposed to do my registration had not made it there. Couples were showing up. They were supposed to be there to collect the tickets, to give instructions, pass out the booklets, make sure everybody was seated where they were supposed to. While we, on the other hand, get ready for the event, make sure the music is there, make sure the food is there, make sure they serve, you know, the salads and drinks and everything as we had ordained. Are they parking in the right place? Will they find what part of the hotel that we're in? Is my poster up so that they can see what room that we booked for the couples gathering? So when this young lady walked up, I just looked in her direction, and I turned my head to go get my phone so that I could call the person that was supposed to be doing the registration. And she said to me, was it an hour or we were already into it? We were already into the conference. Speakers were up and whatnot. And she said, I'm leaving. I'm like, okay, you don't understand that you have to go. She said, the way you looked at me made me feel like I wasn't dressed appropriately. And she left. I just shook my head because I didn't have time right then to deal with that. And I told my husband, I said, she said the way I looked at her made her think that she was dressed inappropriately. And I shared with him, I said, I feel like in my mind or in my heart, she herself felt as if she wasn't dressed appropriately. Because everybody was dressed to the nines. And she felt inadequate. But because she felt inadequate, she felt like the way I looked at her said she was not dressed appropriately. I didn't frown, no wrinkles in my face, no nothing like that. Waiting for the photographer, making sure that we had a setup. All this going through my mind. But she said I looked at her like she was not dressed adequately. So even your eyes can send a message. Even your facial expressions. Even the way you turn your lips or your mouth. Y'all know. Head gestures. Hand gestures. Shoulder movements. Back flip. Everything gives off a signal. What's your thought about that? 727-731-0128. Talking about communication on tonight. Proverbs 11 and 9, the NIV says, with their mouths, the godless destroy their neighbors. But through knowledge, the righteous escape. Because we understand and know what it is that they're saying. And we don't have to receive it. Oh right, Tina said your tone. Andrew said my face gives me away every time. You have to have a poker face in ministry. In business. Do you have to have a poker face in marriage? No. Just be yourself. We use the term poker face because we know how we're really looking. Have y'all looked in the mirror and seen yourself and someone said you got a poker face? Well you're frowning. And I said I'm not frowning. You got wrinkles on your forehead. You're frowning. But to you, you're just looking normal. So we even have to have a poker face in ministry. Because sometimes the way they think that we look can be something else totally different. I'll put in this communication part too. We can never get enough of discussing the topic of communication. If asked, it is and always will be an issue. Benjamin Franklin said a slip of the foot, you may soon recover. But a slip of the tongue, you may never get over. A slip of the foot, you may soon recover. But a slip of the tongue, you may never get over. Confirming what I said that sometimes what you say can carry somebody a long ways. And it can either drive them or draw them. If they don't comprehend what it is that you're trying to say, that makes it even worse. And I think I addressed that in one of my chapters. That even though we know we're there to build up and encourage, there are other people that may be in your life that are there to destroy the very thing that you are actually trying to build. And I say this all the time. As a child, we witness conversations between our parents. We witness conversations between our pastor and their significant other. We witness conversations of people that we know that we have a whole lot of respect for. So sometimes, I'm not saying everybody, but sometimes you mimic what they do unknowingly. Even in your relationships, sometimes if you're not careful, you mimic what mom and dad did in their relationship. If they couldn't talk to one another, you think it's okay to yell at your boo, or yell at your boo thing, or talk loud to them, or be disrespectful because that's what you saw. If you saw someone being passive while that person is talking and ignoring them, you think that's what you're supposed to do too. Well, if I don't say anything, then, you know, that'll silence the conversation. Silence ain't good at all. Silence is not good at all. So I say to you on today, when we do have conversations where offense, the spirit of offense has taken control, do we consult God about it? Did we pray about the issue before we discussed it and brought it to that person? Did we wait for God to respond before we went to them and said, hey, listen, you know, I need to talk to you about this? Or, it's something I've been meaning to talk to you about. Just early this morning, first thing off the bat, I was on the phone with Pastor Roger. And I told him, hold on, it's some things that I gotta straighten up. At the beginning of the day, had a beautiful day. First thing out the bat, that thing began to prick, to push you to start to say or do some things and handle it the old way. Right. Instead of how God has brought you to this point to be able to handle it in a godly way. So you have to be mindful all of the time. No matter who you are, where you are, what you're doing, it can get to that point. And it can go from zero to ten so fast. And by the time you realize it, you said, bam, bam, boom, and everything else. All in there together. 727-731-0128. If we would dare go there to those that may be in a relationship, communication in the bedroom is a language all within itself. Being unresponsive to conversations or gestures made by someone that you love has a ripple effect. In other words, you don't talk to them, they don't talk to you. You don't call them, they don't call you. Well, girl, why you didn't call me? Well, you didn't call me either. But I was the last one to call you. So we just shut it down like we're disconnected from one another. And I took the liberty to write some scriptures down in the back at the end of that chapter on communication. Proverbs 15 and 1. New NIV. A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 25 and 11. We don't like to refer to the Bible. We think that's unnecessary. Do you know everything is going down except the word? And all of those sessions that you went to for people to be able to counsel you, you thinking to yourself, oh, it's a textbook and they wrote a book. But do you know where they got the information from? It was just made to seem as if it's from somewhere else. But they had to start at the word. Proverbs 25 and 11. ESV version says, a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. Does that make sense? Fitly spoken is like an apple of gold in a setting of silver. It has its place is what it's trying to say. And then 1 Corinthians 14 and 9 NIV version says, so is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you're saying? You will be just speaking in the air. I didn't say that. That's scripture. Slang and all that ghetto. All those things that we're saying or we think that folks can understand and it's the new language in the new age world. You know, the teenagers got their own language and they're trying to talk to you. You can say to yourself, what? Same thing with us when we try to have a conversation with one another. And if it's not something that's spoken in a way that they can understand it, you might as well just be speaking it into the air. And then here's a big one. Mark 3 and 25 NIV. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. That could be a house of friends. That could be a house of frat buddies, college buddies, business buddies, business trips. A house that's divided against itself. It won't stand. 727-731-0128. The questions that I pose is how well do you communicate with each other? How about this one? Are you able to communicate well when you're upset? Now the phone should be blowing off the hook right now. Right now. Right now. Are you able to communicate well? Not just communicate, but communicate well when you're upset. What are your triggers that cause you to be angry? Do you know? Do you know what your triggers are that causes you to be perturbed? Or just downright furious? Yeah, that'll do it. What are your triggers? Do you know them? Remember I wrote and we discussed to know me is to love me. So if you don't know what your triggers are and your safe word bananas. In other words, you've gone too far. You say it too much. How do you expect them to know it? And I was sitting around waiting for them to trigger you so that you can say what was already on your mind. And in the book I put is your mate aware of your triggers? Do you know what the person can say or do? Do's and don'ts, huh? That causes you to be angry. And then do you know how to communicate when I just need to talk? I just need to have a conversation with you. Do you know how to communicate that? 727-731-0128. Are you able to communicate well when you're upset? Give us a call tonight. Good evening. You're talking into hanging with the walkers. Who do we have the pleasure of speaking with? Hey Tina. Hey, how are you? I'm doing fine. How are you? We will not complain. We're doing great. That's wonderful. No, I do not know how to communicate when I'm angry. And why is that? No, sir. Why is that? What do you think that? I go from a zero to a thousand. Wow. Yep. Trust me, I think you're coming for me. Uh-huh. I think you're coming for me. I think that you're deliberate, ignoring me. Okay. So then, it's like an all-time high. But then, I find myself, I would sit down completely. And if I sit down completely, I'm not coming back up. I'm done with the conversation. Because now, you're not listening to me. And all we're doing is shouting to each other. And nobody's hearing anybody. So, you don't want to hear what I have to say anyway. So, I'm out. Wow. So, there are three things. I'm working on it, though. I'm working on it. There are three things that you share that causes you not to communicate well when you're angry. One is when you're thinking someone is coming for you. Two is when you act several times. And after that, the third thing is that you shut down. Have you tried to work on those three individual things one at a time? I have. I have. Not all together. Not all together, but one at a time. I'm learning how to shut down. Okay. I'm learning to try to calm down first and then come back and try to revisit the conversation. Uh-huh. Or I would tell them, hey, this is not a good time for me to discuss this right now because I want to go to heaven and not hell. So, can you just give me some time? Uh-huh. Because I want to stay safe. So, what about let's start with the one coming from me? Because I think when you think someone is coming for you, it leads to those other two things that affect you as well. Yes, sir. So, what are certain things that triggers you to think that someone is coming for you? When you're like, you know how when you come for somebody, you do a quick comment? Okay. You know how you come for somebody? Okay. You try to sell them off in a nice way. Okay. Then you take a dig. Okay. And that dig, like what Pastor Barbara was saying, that dig, that word sometimes triggers you and you can't, you don't hear nothing else but that one word that they said. Okay. Last week, we were in revival, but I gave out this little exercise. Uh-huh. And the exercise say, step away from this situation for a moment. Relax. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. And if that doesn't work, repeat the above. First, relax. Uh-huh. When I say relax, I mean relax from your head to your toe. Because sometimes we just relax our face. Sometimes we just relax our shoulders. Sometimes we just relax our hands. But our chest, our stomach, our muscles are roaring and ready to release. Breathe because it allows the adrenaline to slow down. Uh-huh. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. There's something about that. Even when they're walking in the prophetic, that man or woman of God will tell you, breathe. Inhale. Inhale the goodness of the anointing. And then exhale. Let go all of the excess. After he feel you, you can only hold so much. Relax. Breathe. Inhale. And exhale. Now, I'm not telling you that's overnight treatment. I'm not telling you that in the midst of a heated fellowship that all of a sudden you're going to start breathing. And they're going to think, okay, she's breathing like a pit bull. What's wrong? You know? Because then we have a good thing because we're really, really mad then. But you've got to know what your triggers are. That's key. And when the tickers come, it's worse. When the fears come, it's worse. I think it's worse for me if it's someone that I know that is not coming from a place of love. If you're coming from a place of love, I can handle it a little better because I know you love me and I know you're just only trying to help me out. But if I know you really don't like me or you really don't care for me, you can't come at me a certain way if I'm not ready for it. Does that make sense? It makes sense. But, you know, I have some fuel for that fire. This is the one thing that we talked about a couple of weeks ago. When we talked about I do fit. The enemy already knows who you are, what you're capable of, and what you possess. And sometimes those are not sarcastic remarks. What they are are inner feelings that they are projecting to say in a negative way, but you already know who you are. So when they say it, it should bounce off you like a rubber ball. Am I right? Mm-hmm. If they say something that you feel like is sarcastic, I'm already walking in this place in a different direction. So when you say it, all I'm going to do is inhale and exhale, relax and let it go because I know what you're saying does not touch me at all. And if that's my trigger, then I need to get to know me even better. Because Mama always used to say, consider the source. Consider the person that it's coming from. Consider the person that's saying it before they release it. Does that make sense? Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah. And you also can't allow others to stop you from receiving from your Lord and Savior. Mm-hmm. Because the majority of the time, it's not the enemy, it's God testing you. And a lot of times, we are not able to receive a lot of things because at the moment of time, we forgot to read our word. We forgot to pray. We're uncovered. We forgot to talk. Mm-hmm. We forgot to hear, listen. Mm-hmm. And so it's voice. The Bible said, my sheep knows my voice, and there's a stranger he will not follow. Anger is a strange voice. That's not of God. So we have to be mindful of that there is a human side but also there's a spiritual side. Mm-hmm. Which side are we feeding the most? Mm-hmm. It's the side that's going to develop the most. Mm-hmm. So if anger is the issue, because I got anger, I have a problem too. Yes, he does. And I do understand you very well. But I'm in a place now where I'm not allowing it to get the best of me. And the only way that can take place is through the word of God. Mm-hmm. So I try it on my own and it don't work. Mm-hmm. I can't do anything with it. It gets out of control. But as long as I'm in the word of God, I'm around kingdom-minded people or people that can hold me accountable, I do right. So that's why I surround myself with those type of individuals. But once I get myself in a place where I'm, what am I looking for, by myself or secluded from a lot of people, that's when things happen. And that's where the devil want to catch us at by himself because he knows how to push our buttons. He knows how to prime and pump us on the things that we're trying to deal with on a daily basis. Mm-hmm. But tonight I'm going to talk about some stuff that's going to help us all tonight. And I want you to think about too, just consider this also. Some people have insecurities, and sometimes they speak from their own insecurities. And your strength can bring that out in them. They can become intimidated or insecure because of how strong you are. And will lash out and say things to try to, I don't want to say degrade because that's a harsh word, but try to lower your self-esteem. Try to make you feel short of really truly who you are. And then sometimes it can be perceived as arrogance, but it's actually confidence. Does that make sense? It makes a lot of sense. So just in this couple of seconds, I want you to consider who those persons were, what they said, what actually transpired when they said it, and begin to reevaluate those conversations And see, doesn't it make sense what I just said? Oh, yep. Right. Just like that. Just like that. That's how simple it is. That's why the exercise says to relax, inhale, exhale, and breathe. Because when it comes to anger and communications, it's just like striking a match against the very thing that will ignite it. And it happens so fast in relationships, business, marriage, ministry, even with our kids. Our kids know our trigger. Our God kids know our trigger. They know what you like, what you don't like, what you will tolerate. But there are just certain times they go against the grain and push you to their point. And sometimes it's something that that person wants to say but could not say it in a calm situation. So if that makes you upset, then I'm going to tell you how I feel because you're already mad, so I'm just going to let the hammer drop. Looking for an excuse. I'm looking for an excuse. Came out of the house ready. Right. Locked and loaded. Somebody told me that this morning. So you left home cocked and ready. Locked and loaded. But I didn't leave locked and loaded. I didn't leave locked and loaded. I left confident, feeling good, you know, wanting to encourage somebody. The bullet had already been shot. You didn't have to catch her with it. Right. Right. Oh, my God. Communication. Communication. Remember to call the 727-731-0128. We're talking about communication on tonight. How well do you respond in heated fellowship? Do you know your triggers on tonight? We have Ms. Tina that's already shared on tonight about those triggers and what happens when someone says some things and it ignites a fire. We're saying sanctify, fill with the Holy Ghost, but we're still human. Oh, good evening, Ms. Andrea. Welcome to Hanging with the Walker. You have a comment on tonight. You still there, Andrea? Uh-oh, she just texted me and told me she's on the line. Soon as she finds a good spot, she'll come in. Talk about communication on tonight. Communication, communication. How well do you handle it in the midst of a heated fellowship? I know you have a word for Ms. Tina on tonight when you have triggers, when someone knows what can make you angry. Oh, you're on hold? She said she's on hold. I didn't know the conference line put you on hold. No, you're just on hold yourself. You might have to take off your hold button, but it usually just lets you tap right in, Andrea. But we've got to know our triggers. How well do you really know yourself? That's it right there. That's it in a nutshell. You say you know you, but how well do you really know you? If someone can say something to ignite a fire in you and push you to the point, she said they have her on hold. Is that the right number? You might have to hang up and dial right back in. But if someone can push you to the point to where you just lose it, 727-731-0128. 727-731-0128. That might be the issue. 727-731-0128. Do you know what your triggers are? Do you know how to handle it in the midst of a heated fellowship, whether it be marriage, ministry, business, and talking to our kids? We know they say and do some things. We know they get into trouble because they're not able to handle the emotions that's actually going on on the inside of them. So they lash out and they say some things and they do some things. But they've seen us do it. So how can we teach them to be able to handle that in the midst of a heated fellowship? That's what prompted me to write the book, I Do Fit, to try to teach our kids how to handle themselves in every situation in their life. To know that they're positioned in jobs and places because as youth in the Joshua generation, they may be the only Bible that those kids can read. And then it makes them feel bad when they're being punished for things that they did not do or what somebody else said. So then all of a sudden they're provoked to defend themselves when they were not really wrong. It was just somebody else that was out of character, felt insecure, felt insignificant, or felt like this person was a threat to them. And they had to move them out of the equation and make them feel like they didn't fit. So we're talking about communication on tonight. Well while we're waiting on Sister Rosanna to get on the line, what I tell my babies is to count to 10 and after 1 breathe for like 30 seconds and keep counting. Because sometimes you are already in a foul mood because somebody earlier may have done something to you that you wasn't able to express yourself. So now this person has come along and that was the bomb that happened. And you could lash out because now you're angry because you're tired of people picking on you. And I say well calm down first, then go come and tell me because if you come to me already on 2000, we're not going to hear each other. So I'd rather for you to calm down, then tell me what's wrong and let's talk it through. Even in there I have to tell myself the same thing. When I'm mad, I normally don't say anything because I know that my tone and my look can tell you how I'm feeling without me saying anything. Understandable. So I try to work on me because I know me. Well we have Ms. Tamela Joy Hunter. She was the Golden Apple winner in the Fort Myers area, a high honor among teachers. And she just shared a comment. She said she used journals with her students. She'd been teaching over 20 years. And she said she used journals with her students to give them the opportunity to voice their thoughts. That's a good idea to write it down. I try to get her to call in. If you see her there, call in. 727-731-0128. And thank you for tapping in on tonight. And I'm glad she shared that because it made me kind of chuckle a little bit. When Honeydew and I used to be going at it and I wanted to say some things to him. And I know that if I said he already hot, he's just going to blow up even more, I would write notes. You can't scream at notes. You can't scream at what's written. So I tried to share it. What? I tried to share it on notes. So I couldn't have been her blowing up. Y'all blow up too. And I was the man blowing up. Good afternoon. You're calling in for Hanging with the Walkers. Who do we have the pleasure of speaking with? Hello, Ms. Tamela. Hi. How are you doing? How are you? I'm doing good. Good. Thank you so much. Let me see what's going on on this channel tonight. All right. We're talking about communication on tonight. How to be able to speak to one another in the midst of a heated fellowship. How do we handle triggers when we get angry? How do we teach other people, other children how to handle or speak to one another in the midst of a situation like that? So give us a few nuggets. I know when it's difficult for me, a lot of times I take the time to focus on the positive. So if you're angry, I'll tell someone. It doesn't matter who it is. I will tell them, you know what, maybe we need some time to think about this. And I know that when I've said this to you, I was saying sometimes we give people personal space to protect our peace. Because sometimes that energy passes over. So if it's negative energy, all it's going to do is build up and you'll continue to argue. But if you take the time, like one of your call-in supporters said, take the time, breathe, find something else to do, and then you can come back to the conversation. And I'll tell people, if you're ready to talk to me in an appropriate tone, we can have a full conversation. But I'm not going to talk to you that way. We can't both talk at the same time. And I want to hear the important things you have to say. I need you to make sure that you're actively listening to me and I'm actively listening to you. Right. And I do this and it works. The other thing I do is journals. And I usually use two different colors. So I could be teaching and I'll give my student, when I notice they're angry about something, they just got to school so I know what they mean. And I'll give them a journal. They know what the journal means. And they just sit and they take their time. Whenever they want to write, they write in it. And then once I have the student doing an independent activity, I walk over, I ask them, are you ready for me to read your journal? They give it to me. I read it. The other color, I write my response or my question about whatever it is that they said. And then I give the journal back. Throughout the day, we just write letters back and forth until their problem has been resolved or they get the resources that they need to support them. Sometimes it's just their basic needs. They don't have the basic needs. It might be clothing. They don't like what they wear today. They need their hair cut. The mom was working so she didn't get a chance to do her hair. Or maybe she didn't have the supplies she needed for the children. So once we figure out some of those things, usually I can provide the resource if it's something tangible. But other times, sometimes I just call their parent like, listen, mom, she had a rough morning this morning. I know you all were busy, but do you mind talking to her for just a second? I want to apologize for her tone. And I give them the phone, and it changes their whole day. So I think just giving them an opportunity to have a voice and giving them some of the tools to use when they're talking to other people, it helps tremendously with these relationships. Now, what about in relationships? How do we handle heated fellowships in relationships? How do we still begin to talk to one another when you're mad and I'm mad? What's the strategy? What do we do? So I know. Well, it looks like you're still talking on one of my phones, so I was trying to make sure that I'm not interrupting you. You're good. I know when it comes to family relationships, I feel the same way. One thing that I will do is if you cannot control your tone because I am not going to talk to you disrespectfully, it doesn't matter what happens, I'm not going to carry on a disrespectful conversation. So if we are not able to talk at a moderate tone, and we're not at this moment, I'm okay with us taking some time away just to gather our thoughts. And it might be 20 minutes. It might be 40 minutes. It might be 3 hours. But we can come back, and I'll ask, like, are you ready to talk? Because I want to hear what you have to say. And sometimes it may be that I might have been completely wrong, or maybe I perceived something that I could have just asked about. And then I realized, like, okay, I made the mistake. Or the same vice versa. Maybe he thought he had clarity with something that he really didn't, but he could have asked me about it, and I would have given him a great explanation for whatever it was that I did. That's good. That's good. That's good. I appreciate you calling in, taking time to call and hang out with the Walkers on tonight. That thing about communication is so wrong because we lose a lot. Divorces have happened. Kids have run away from home. They've committed suicide because of inadequate communication, because of what they perceived, because of what someone spoke into their spirit, and they were not able to differentiate. Listen, I do fit, and I am who God says I am, and you're the one with the problem, not me. Yes, because we don't have a voice. That's it. That's it, because we don't have a voice. Oh, my goodness. I thank you so much for calling in on tonight. You don't have to hang up. It could be someone else that may call in that you may have a word for, so you can stay on the line and just listen while we just handle the rest of the calls. But good afternoon. You're calling in to hang out with the Walkers who we have the pleasure of speaking with. Finally, Andrea. Oh, how are you, Ms. Andrea? You finally got on. I'm good. How are you all tonight? We're doing wonderful. Thank you. Well, I'm not supposed to say that. I don't communicate. I don't communicate at all when I'm upset because I realize who I am, and I know my triggers. When I get upset, I get quiet. I stop talking because I don't want to have collateral damage. I have to go back and repair that, too. So I wait until I'm calmed down to have a conversation versus me trying to have a conversation when I'm mad. Okay. Now, did you hear what Ms. Tamara said a few minutes ago about the sharing in the midst of the triggers being activated? Did you hear her conversation? Uh-uh. I was trying to get on. Tamara, are you still there? Yes, ma'am. Okay. Andrea was saying about her trigger points. She knows who she is in the midst of her trigger points. Do you have any advice for her tonight? I know she said that sometimes she gets silent, and I have a bad habit of that, too. Sometimes I don't want to talk at all. So now our conversation is over, and I have found that sometimes I've ended a conversation when the conversation wasn't even near to being complete. And so once you actually start discussing the situation, you realize that our perception is not everything, but it is everything because it's time to figure out someone else's perception of something, that we could be totally off-scale with what our thoughts are. So I understand just not talking to someone, but sometimes once you start talking to them, you realize that they didn't mean to say what they were saying in the heat of the moment, but once it comes out, I know it speaks for our bones. Right. Yes, it does. It's like a feather in the wind, and we never know where it's going to wind up when it's released. That's right. That is so true. I just want to take a moment to be a little quiet because I try not to speak out of frustration because we do the most damage when we're speaking out of frustration. Right. And you can't get those words back. No, you can't. So my choice would be to be quiet because I don't want you to hear what I'm going to say. So that's one of the reasons why I choose to be quiet and try to make it clear. I just come back in with a confident ear. Now, you have some background noise. I don't know if that's good. I understand that. Andrea, you have some background noise. Can you hear me, Andrea? We apologize for the background noise. I'm sorry. We just want to give a shout-out to our sponsors on tonight, FPS Investment Group, Dr. John Frierson, Maya Frierson, and Tony Pugh Jr. We also want to give a shout-out to Filler International Cooking, one of our sponsors, and also to Pastor Toby Fieldpart and Lady Sandra Fieldpart, our sponsors on tonight. If you just tapped into our line, we are talking about communication, communication, not communication just once, communication, communication, because it's so important, the way we communicate. And we forget sometimes that we talk with our eyes, our hands, our lips, our shoulders, our head movements, even the way we walk. Even our children, when they become angry, they stomp off. They stomp away. They can't put a hole in the floor. They're so angry when they walk off. They don't have to say anything. Hands are flinging from side to side and head flinging, and they let you know with their whole body that, I'm upset about what you said or what I could or could not do. Now, we have Pastor Roger right now that has some nuggets that he wants to deposit into our life. Don't hang up. Get your pen and paper, your little tablet, and he's going to give us some nuggets right now. Coming behind you guys, I mean, this is definitely a very, very powerful conversation on communication, communication, and we cannot get enough of it. This is a nail in the coffin in our relationship, a lot of marriages, communication. Effective communication, how to communicate better, God's way. How to communicate better, God's way. God's way. Effective communication is the topic of thousands of articles, seminars, and books related to marriage, the workplace, and every other relationship we find ourselves in. This is not surprising because being able to communicate well has been cited as the key to improving and maintaining relationships. Poor communication causes much pain and brokenness. We don't always link our Christian walk to better communication, and yet, the God who created us for relationship has not left us without a guide on how to conduct ourselves within them. He communicates with us through his written word, and we communicate with him through prayer, showing there are two sides to an exchange of information, which is what communication is, listening and speaking. The Bible includes many specific instructions on how we should communicate with each other, assuring us that we will be blessed in our relationship if we heed this advice. While it may not always be easy to communicate in a godly way, we can rest assured that God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us, and he will make a way for us to overcome what might seem extremely difficult or even impossible. Oh, my goodness. How to communicate better. I want to share a couple of things with you that will encourage us, enlighten us, and strengthen us in our communication skills. One is, do you start with your heart? No matter what, excuse me, no matter which words come out of our mouth, or how silent we listen to another person, if our heart are not in the right place, the relationship will not progress. Proverbs 4, 23 speaks of the importance of guarding our hearts, because all our words and actions flow from there, and what we treasure will drive our choices. If we're looking to reach some sort of selfish ambition and not look to the interest of others, as God has commanded, our communication will not be built on the right foundation. Before you have an important conversation, ask yourself what your motive is, and be honest about your answer. That's it. The second one, do you have gracious words? Wow. Gracious words that encourage and build others can be extremely powerful. They promote instruction, and Proverbs 16, 21 tells us that present words are persuasive, they are healing. Gracious words are a honeycomb sweet to the soul and healing to the bones, Proverbs 16, 24. And that the lips of the righteous nourish many, Proverbs 10, 21. When we are looking for ways to communicate better, we will be wise to use our words in the following way. Do you strive for peace? Hebrews 12 and 14 instructs us to make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy. Without holiness, no one will see the Lord. This means that when we engage in communication, peace should be our priority, as opposed to merely getting our point across. Do you tell the truth in love, or do you lie every time you talk? Seeking peace at a cost does not mean that we do not speak the truth and cover up our true feelings, because it might create discord. Rather, we are instructed to speak the truth in love, Ephesians 4 and 15. When we do this, my brothers and sisters, not only are we being obedient to God's instruction, but we are more likely to get through to the person to whom we are speaking. When we focus on how to communicate better through loving saying things, the truth that we deliver, even if it's a hard one, will be more readily received. Are you gentle and patient? It's so difficult to be gentle and patient when we share a different opinion with someone, especially someone close to us, or whose response has an impact on our lives. The good news is that while this is high calling, it is impossible. As Christians, we are gifted with these very fruits of the Spirit. If we pray and ask God for help on how to communicate better with gentleness and patience, he will surely answer. The key is that we need to be more concerned with loving God and his ways, rather than being concerned with our own vindication. Do you focus on the interests of others when you communicate? Like the point above, when we communicate, we need to take the focus off ourselves and our pride or need to be rewarded by someone affirming what we say and put the focus on others instead. We were not made to live for ourselves, and so when we are self-focused, we rob ourselves of joy and peace. When we ask for God's help to focus on others, our communication will naturally improve. Did you listen well? Listening properly to someone is a real skill that must be learned. It helps to paraphrase what the person has said once they are finished speaking so that you can both be sure that the right message has been communicated and that nothing has been lost in translation. Listening properly can also include asking questions to clarify and show the person that you are actively talking and listening to what they are saying. How well do you watch your body language? The experts claim that a staggering percentage of our communication is nonverbal, and it comes down to our body language and facial expression. When you are looking at how you are looking when you communicate, it makes a difference communicating. Make sure you lean forward, make eye contact with the person who is speaking, and avoid any folding arms and stiff posture. Like that right there. Do you use your words to break down? In the same way words can break up, they can also break down and be destructive. Most marriages and friendships that have ended can attribute their downfall to a slew of ungodly communication over time. As is most likely the case with businesses and partnerships that have broken up or friendships that have fallen apart. Are you argumentatively? The Book of Proverbs has some petty expressions included in the line. Better to live on a corner of the roof than to share the house with a corpse and wife. Proverbs 25 and 24. Being argumentative while communicating obstructs the flow of information and leads to unfruitful quarrels and other unproductive results. Don't be quick to speak. The Book of James makes it especially clear everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. James 1 and 19. The principle of holding one's tongue is emphasized in both Proverbs 15 and 28. The heart of the righteous way is answered by the mouth of the wicked, Proverbs 10 and 19. Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongue. When looking for advice on how to communicate better, the Bible gives us a useful principle of not being too quick to speak. Do you speak rashly or harshly? Speaking rashly means to speak out carefully considering what we are saying. Proverbs 13 and 3. Warn us against this when it says, Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin. The effect is damaging to the person who communicates in this manner. Harsh words are those that are unpleasant, rough, cruel, and severe and are usually spoken in anger but do not yield the desired goal. When considering how to communicate better, we do well to remember that harsh words can also seem acceptable on paper but be spoken in a tone that is insecure, sarcastic, and achieve the effect of piercing like a sword. Don't interrupt someone when they're talking. Dr. Bob, I'm talking. Don't interrupt. Not interrupting is the basic rule learning in early childhood, but it's surprising how often adults fall into the trap as well. When we interrupt, we are showing that we consider that we think and have to say has been a greater importance than the person speaking. So when focusing on how to communicate better, take into consideration how interjection in your conversation may be diminishing the quality of your relationship. That is so true. How well do you hear but not listening? How well do you hear but you're not listening? Lastly, by no means least, we can show all signs of activity taken in with another person is saying but not by listening to what they are saying. Often in the context of argument, we make assumptions about what a person thinks and so judge their words considering those assumptions. Learning how to communicate better means putting those assumptions to one side and focusing attentively on what the person is saying. When we humble ourselves and listen properly, we start to see their perspective and realize that their point may have more validation than we ever gave it credit for. Is faith a communication? Is it a powerful tool that can enrich our relationship and honor God? We can be grateful that the Bible gives us all the insight we need on how to communicate better and in Christ. It is possible to achieve the heart change and the fruit of the spirit needed to make what we say and how we say it match our inner thought of life. My brothers and sisters, how to communicate better, God's way. Oh, that's good. That's good. I hope you received that on tonight. Thank you so much, Tamara, for taking time out to hang out with us on tonight and thank you for your nuggets. We appreciate you. That is the Golden Apple winner of the prestigious award among teachers in the Fort Myers, Florida area, and we appreciate her for stopping by to hang out with us on tonight. I'm telling you, we all understand how important effective communication is. We all understand how healing and deliverance can take place with effective communication. It's so important because we think about that one thing, don't interrupt someone when they're speaking. Now you know for yourself when they want to get a point across, the first thing you're going to do is cut them off because as you say it, you feel as if what you have to say is more important than what they have to say. And then sometimes you're thinking to yourself, if I don't say it, I'm going to forget it. It's not going to have the same vein if I wait to say it. So I've got to say it right now. I've got to interject this in the conversation right now. Well, that means that you shouldn't be saying it at all. If you feel that way. That's right. Listen properly. Do you listen well? If I have triggers that I know that will push me to become angry, to say something that I know I shouldn't say, did I actually listen properly? Did I really hear what I thought I heard? Did you really say what I thought you said? Because from my mouth to your ears in the midst of a heated fellowship can sound derogatory. It can sound disrespectful. It can sound mean and hateful. I could be saying, okay, let me give a good example. Wow. One word. And it depends on your mindset, your thought process, where you are and what you're dealing with. Just me saying wow. Wow? What do you mean wow? Wow what? Wow me? You're right. Who's me wow? I'll tell you what. Wow one more time. Wow. Wow my foot. What do you mean wow? Wow. You don't like the way I look? Yeah. Was it something I said? You don't like my hair? What you trying to say? I'm too big? Oh, you don't like my perfume? Are you serious? All I said was wow. But it matters where you said it, when you said it, how you said it, and the state of mind that person is in when you release that word. Think about it. Wait a minute, 2,000 Barbies, that's body language. Right. I leaned in and said wow. That's body language. And it just took you somewhere else. You know what I'm saying? Wow that walk off. Oh, y'all coming behind me. Okay. Wide open. Here's another word. Here's another word as we get ready to try to get off this line. Listen at this. Listen real quiet. Listen real careful. I'm careful. What? In opposed to what? In opposed to what? I can't stand that word. Did you hear the difference? Did you notice the difference? And it happens so easy. It happens so easy. What? What? What? It happens so easy. And it depends on where the person is in their mindset, where the thoughts are, where the heart is, as you said. Where's your heart? He's turning red right now because he's thinking about I'm saying what. It's irking him right now. I know, right? Oh, my God. You have so many triggers that you don't even understand that you have. And sometimes we just need healing from those things because they bring up past experiences. They bring up past hurts, past things that we've dealt with. And it triggers those things and they come up and come out. And then we are a totally different person from when we started in the midst of the conversation. And also what we need too, Pastor Barbara, is communication from others. Right. Because you guys bring so much joy onto this podcast because of your experiences, of your relationships, of what you have been through, and it also brings healing not only to those that are listening but to us as well. And this is where we draw strength from right here. This is where we start building that right here by us communicating. This is our starting ground. This is our teaching ground. The more we communicate, the more we release, the more that the enemy cannot have over our head. He can't throw this up on our face tomorrow because we don't release it now. Because now we're releasing it to strangers, the people that we don't know, and we're starting to feel a whole lot better in our life. And we can't wait till the next show go on because I got something else I have to release. This is what this is all about right here, releasing. And so we really do appreciate you guys for sharing your story and talking about how you truly communicate with us. There's some things that we don't know. There's some things that you don't know. But when we bring it all together, we build a community, we build a village, and we help one another. And this is how we continue to move forward in the walk of Christ. That's it. Communication with one another. We got to practice somewhere. So continue to keep yourself mindful of the time as the day approaches. Hang around people that can hold you accountable. Keep in the mind and keep in the business. Hang around people that have your best interest. And avoid all that negative stuff because life is too short to be negative. Think positive, not in some things, but in all things. But in all things, give God the glory. That's it. That's it. And I want you to understand this other trigger. Oh, I didn't hear what you said. Yes, you did. Stand right there. Oh, you heard me. Stand right there. But sometimes. Now, what if you really didn't? Right. Right. That's my point. If you five feet from me. If you five feet from me. You heard me. No, I'm saying you could have something that's on your mind. Right. You could have something that's on your mind. Oh, so y'all have selective hearing now, huh? Y'all have selective hearing now, huh? Oh, no. Yeah. Y'all trying to start a fight right now. See? My point exactly. My point exactly right there. My point exactly. No, listen. The point that we're trying to make is sometimes when you say I didn't hear you, they could have been focusing on something else. Something else could have been on their mind. Some other thought process that was there, and they may not have heard the whole sentence. So, you'll say I didn't hear you, so you can repeat it again. So, you won't have to say what? Or you won't have to say wow. What does that mean? Did you hear me or did you not hear me? Well, see how close, man, you sitting? Right. And I could talk to you, you'd be looking straight ahead. Right. And I'd nudge you. Man, you don't hear me talking to you? No. And then that's the truth of it. So, now you nudge it. Like, I didn't really hear you clearly. Could you say it again? We didn't close. Oh, you didn't close. Well, that's the thing, you know. Right. Could you? Oh, see, there you go. That's it. That's it. You may not have been totally paying attention to everything that you said. Next Monday, I'm going to have me some guys on this show right now. I'm going to put a stop to all this union right now. Y'all ain't going to double team me. You know what I'm just saying? That's really. Oh, we're not double teaming you. Because you didn't close to me. How come she did not hear me? Because when you're, like, for me, if I'm sitting next to a person and we're really not talking, and you start saying stuff, I'm not paying you no attention because we have. So, to me, you're just rambling and so I'm not hearing you. Oh, now I'm rambling. Oh, now I'm rambling. But you may not have been talking to me. You could have been talking at me. Right. You could have just been venting and not necessarily an A or B conversation. Or not A or B, not a question-answer kind of conversation. If you didn't call my name, I'm thinking you're just talking L.O. But you're just releasing some things that you're just venting. And then, like you said, it could be that you're saying something I've already shut down and then when you try to say something, I'm not hearing that. I mean, it's not resonating in my ear gates. Does that make sense? No. Oh, no. That is not making no sense to me. No. Anybody else want to help? I'm going to let y'all have this one. It's on next Monday. Wow. Wow. Wow. Really? It's on next Monday. Wow. We're going to bring back Paul through the communication. See how I said wow? See how calm it was when I said wow? Because we've got to have effective communication. Right now, we're not having effective communication. We're just communicating. Because you're the only male in the equation. No, because y'all are double-teaming me. No, we're not double-teaming. I was just making a point. I'm not double-teaming you. We're just making a point when it comes to communication. I've got to call your name. You stand right beside me. Everybody move but me and you. Yeah, but I could be focused on something else. I could have five things focused. My focus isn't here. That's the problem. Why? Because it may not be here. That's a good thing. Taking that for you. You know what I'm saying? Exactly. It may not be here. I could be thinking about dinner tomorrow. I could be thinking about work tomorrow. I could be thinking about something I was supposed to do and didn't do. Then you're having the conversation. Then I turn around and say the magic word. What? Then here comes the trigger. Then there's another conversation. Don't you ask me what. What does that mean? What? I just say what. You perceived it in a negative way and made it sound as if I was being offensive. By the what word? I said that. In all actuality, it's your trigger point that you haven't gotten deliver from. You feel like everyone is saying something sarcastic when they say what. Are there any male figures out there on social media? Are there any more males out there? I'm trying to say she with you on that one. Thank you. She said I'm with Pastor Roger on that one. Thank you. I'm just saying. Everybody has a trigger. This is the closing point on tonight. Know your triggers. As he said, he gave us some good points on tonight. Don't interrupt when someone else is speaking. Don't use your words to break someone else down. Listen properly. Then ask yourself, do I listen well? Do I really focus? That's the point right there. Do I really focus on others when I communicate? Is it just I, I, I, my point and not your point? We just said this a while ago. When I was calling you and trying to talk to you, you weren't focusing on me. Your mind was on cooking. Your mind was on jobs. You were focusing on someone else. You're not focusing on me. Perfect point. You didn't have my best interest at that moment. If I'm in your presence, I should focus on you and what it is that you're trying to say. That's right. Then vice versa. That's right. When I'm talking to you. That's right. I'm talking to you first. Okay. You said your point. Then it's time for me to say my point. See that closing 10? Uh-huh. Wow. Here we go. Perfect point. Perfect point. This is boiling over from Sunday when he took pictures with the kids and I wasn't included in the pictures on Sunday. So, you ignored me Sunday. So, I'm ignoring you tonight. You see what I mean? That's what happens. It's something that has happened from the past. Y'all people from the bottom. There ain't nothing Christian about that there. Ain't no Jesus in here on Monday. Oh, we need counseling because I feel like that's something that we need to talk about. That you want the kids to pay attention to you and you don't want them to pay attention to me. So, you just totally absorbed their attention and act like I'm not there. Roger loves you. And the kids love Roger. What's wrong? Okay. Okay. We love you guys. We are arguing in front of y'all. We are arguing in front of y'all on live Facebook. That's the way we are. And could you tell it? Yeah, can you tell it? Could you tell it? This is our heated fellowship. That's it. So, there are ways to have heated fellowship and still love one another. Give me a kiss, honey. See? Something just made up just that fast. Silence. I love it. Bless y'all. Oh, my God. Communication. Now, next week. I thank God for my accountability partners. That's all. That's it. That's it. That's it. Next week, he wants to bring some men in to talk about communication and how we communicate. So, you can't miss it. That's going to be on next week. You can't miss it. He's going to find him some men to come on so we can talk about it. Make it more interesting and invite some guys to come online as well. Yes. Yes. Tell your neighbor. Tell your coworker. Come online as well. Please like and share this video. I promise you there is someone that needs this information. There's someone that is trying to learn how to communicate with their significant other, with their children. Tamara Johunter gave us some awesome tips about being able to communicate with our children. You know that some kids that are not our own, you know, Tina, you are our godmother. Those kids have been through some things, some trauma, and sometimes they don't know how to communicate. So, sometimes we have to learn how to communicate with those that are not our own in a way that is receptive to them. So, any information that we can get or gather that will help us be able to communicate with one another, even if it means journaling and trading one another's journals so I can see how you felt and you saw how I felt. Whatever it takes to be able to have effective communication is what we should do. Tomorrow, 530 to 6 p.m., please join us as Apostle Leonard Roy takes us behind the veil with our prayer birthing room. And then come on back at 6 o'clock with our community Bible study with the one and only Rogers Walker, Senior Pastor of Connecting in the Spirit Outreach Ministries, Incorporated. Bring your book and your pencil. You know that the conference line is open on tomorrow, so we have open discussion during our Bible study. While we are Facebook Live, you're able to call in and ask questions during the Bible study. That is new and so exciting to us for our 2023 community Bible study time. Just know that we love you, and truly, there's nothing you can do about it. Just understand, though, that everything that we have produced, we have books, we have T-shirts, we have candles, we have Senate Carpet Freshener. Now we have the new cups that have been introduced into our line. Whatever it takes for your self-love, whatever it takes for you to begin to love on you, whatever it takes for you to be able to have open communication and be able to get along with one another is what we want to create. Stay tuned, stay connected for my new release that is entitled Forever Growing. I do have a song that I'll be singing called Forever Growing, so we are so excited about that. We are talking to the musicians, trying to get that thing together so you'll have some nice music to listen to while you're reading Forever Growing. Just as we're discussing tonight, there's still some things that we need to shed, pull away, grow away from before we can do what God told us to do, and that's why we're Forever Growing. We've got to shed anger. We've got to shed attitude. We've got to learn how to follow directions. We have to learn how to be able to hear him when he speaks and gives us directions, to know that it's his voice and not that other voice that's speaking to us. That's right. So we thank God for the new release. Please stay tuned, stay connected. We're excited. We're going to try to drop between now and May, and it will be in all of your stores, Amazon and Kindle, and also Kingdom Christian Bookstore. Again, thank you so much for tapping in. Truly, truly, we love you. You don't know how much you help us. I know you're thinking that we may be sharing something that helps you, but just know that what you're saying does help us. A shout-out to Amanda's Andrea for finally being able to go in to share her comments on tonight, and shout-out to Mother Freddy that's on the line. She didn't call in tonight, but I know she shared with us on last week, and we appreciate her. So we'll see you tomorrow online, 530 to 6, and then 6 p.m. for Community Bible Study. All right, we're out of here. Peace. Ooh. Ooh. Yeah. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh.