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The speaker emphasizes the importance of work and its role in our lives. They talk about how work provides food, puts an end to shame and embarrassment, earns respect, and allows us to contribute to the support of others. They also mention that work should be done with passion and dedication, and that it is a key to unlocking God's blessings. They provide biblical references to support their points and encourage listeners to embrace work as a means of livelihood and a way to honor God. somebody praise the lord it is my prayer that as we journey on this christian race we shall see the face of our lord someday in jesus name please for the sake of media i want us to adjust our seat let's occupy those entities adjust our seat please those of you at the back move forward just adjust your seat where you are move forward yes close up all the empty spaces let's close up the empty spaces good and that is how it's supposed to be if there are empty benches at the back fine let's know usher please always do that every sunday yes always adjust your seat and the seat comfortably praise god yes please cooperate with the usher that is how it's supposed to be you need to cooperate with them they are doing a good job praise the lord i want to thank the lord today for another opportunity of coming to his presence to hear his word by the grace of god for about a month we have been hearing something which i've spoken about part one part two part three and last sunday i spoke on part four so today i will continue and i will continue with part five praise god somebody praise the lord it is my prayer for you that you as a child of god you will enjoy the blessings of god and i've been able to establish from the word of god of god as we take from ephesians chapter one verse number three we are going to read ephesians chapter one verse three we are going to read second peter chapter one also verse three then we will pray ephesians 1 3 say blessed be the god and the father of our lord jesus who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens in christ second peter chapter one one let's get to the book of second peter chapter number one verse number three also for his divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of him who call us by his own glory and goodness father we thank you for the reading of your word and i pray that as we continue in this discussion you will grant us grace and you will bless our heart and your name will be glorified for we prayed in jesus name there are one or two things i have been able to establish here since we started this discussion from the month of november our number one is that you must agree with the word of god that it is the mind of god for you to be blessed another thing you must agree with is that the blessing of god is not limited to a particular group of persons are you still with me number one point i've been able to establish is that god wants you to be blessed and the scripture says both in philip ephesians and the book of philip ephesians and the book of peter that you have been blessed spiritually and you have been blessed in all ways and all hands but number two the blessings of god is not exclusively reserved for a particular group of persons it is for all somebody shout hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah and to that effect this morning i'm still talking on to unlock those blessings upon our lives and the point we'll be looking at this morning is where can somebody say where say it again what some uh people who pronounce english they say where or for african man we say walk walk walk walk w-o-r-k if you look at dictionary or you search some other research materials there are different definitions of that word where but i've limited myself to three as i'll be discussing that this ceremony number one is what is activity involving the mentor of physical effort activity involving mentor of physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or a result or number two what is done i think that is this definition what is done when a force acts upon an object to cause a displacement those of you who are science students you will agree with me as i'm having this speaker here if i start a force i'm moving out of the present place to another place i had work i had work i had work but for the relevance of our discussion i will prefer this definition that says what is an activity that a person engages irregularly to earn a livelihood to do what to earn a livelihood activity that a person an individual engages in to end what a livelihood you need to have a means of what livelihood so that you can live a comfortable life now when we come to work we have also three categories of work there is one that we call job somebody's just doing it they also earn money that is what jobs they are just doing it to earn money but there are people who their own has gone beyond just having a means of livelihood but they have developed what a career maybe you study banking and finance or you study accountancy or you are into engineering that is a career and for you to be proficient in that career there are some aspects of your life your area of strength that must work that must show force because if your area of strength have not been considered before you chose that very career it may end to become a job instead of being worth a career but there are other also that their own has gone beyond career but it has become a calling not necessary that you are a pastor that is a calling but you have taken that your profession to be your work to be your calling am i communicating these are the three aspects of jobs and we are talking about this money as a key that god is going to use to unlock his blessing upon us i don't know whether you have seen a passionate teacher before a teacher that has a calling to be a teacher not just to earn salary from a school but he or she has discovered that is our area or or his area of what strength or and potentiality whether the salary is okay or not you see that teacher teaches with what passion am i communicating and that is what we are going to look at this morning keys to unlock god's blessings upon our lives there are scriptures you must take note again and again this morning let's get back to the first book of the bible genesis chapter 2 verse number 15 genesis chapter 2 thank you media the lord god took the man and placed him in the garden of eden to do what to walk it and watch over it can i have another translation to work it god took the man and set him down in the garden of eden the garden of eden so what the crown and what and keep it in what in order let's also move to the book of psalms 128 maybe i go ahead some 128 verse number 2 the book of psalms 128 verse number 2 no go ahead with the nlc please thank you you will eat the fruit of your labor blessings and prosperity will be yours i was thinking somebody will say amen you will eat it is god himself i was saying this that you will eat the fruit of your labor blessings and prosperity will be yours not cause and shame and poverty but blessings and prosperity will be what will be yours because you will eat the fruit of your word if he changed of the 428 efficiency of the 428 thank you media efficiency of the forward yeah he who has been stealing must stay no longer but must do what must do what must do what doing something useful with his own words that he may have something to share with those who are in need amen what is the essence of work why do we work what we work in a way to support our world our family i always teach our women that if there's any scripture denotes you where is that scripture that say any man that cannot provide for his family is motherhood yes some of you don't go to that scripture december i have because we are in the city that you need money but i pray for you that god will provide for you the reason why we work one of the essence is to support our world our family what is part and parcel of man's life on earth is part and parcel of mass war on earth is a means of aiding in the improvement of the society in which we live now before man was created everything every other thing had been was created your god just created man and took man into work into the galley and the first assignment that god gave to man is that i have created everything now i am handing over this thing into your world into your hands to do what to take care of it to take care of it god himself worked for how many days somebody says 76 god himself worked for how many days he worked for six days and he rested and the man god created god created him also to do what to work some of our mommies and daddy will agree with me on this sometimes when we give our children work at home they say i'm tired i'm tired and in my language they say what's not a key that laziness the world hello what never kill for what laziness is what kills and we are going to look at the scripture today so that we can understand the mind of god for our life when god created every other thing before bringing man a now mandated man is a this thing i am giving you work it out do what work it out put everything in order it looks like somebody now maybe any of our daddies there just scatter the room and just one of the students say go and put this thing for another and you should know that when your father asks you to arrange everywhere it will come back to do what to inspect it if you are if you have been able to do it well it will applaud you if you have not been able to do it well it will have add one or two things for you to do listen to me this morning paper of god there is no substitute to work if you must feed well did you hear me there is no substitute to work to work if you must work feed well if you must feed well and i've discovered over time that we have too many lazy people in the church now if you work and i work what will that work do for you number one what we put food on your table give me message translation the book of proverbs chapter 12 verse 11 message translation proverbs chapter 12 verse 11 what we put food on your table yes now proverbs 11 say the one who stay on the job has food where as well food on his work the witless chase wins and fancies because of that last phrase give us another translation give us another translation thank you a handiworker has plenty of work but a person who chases his fantasies has no sense i don't know whether you have seen young men young men waking up in the morning by six or six thirty or seven and they will go to a place where they are selling us newspaper today is the final workup am i communicating some of you are already preparing to watch it praise god and somebody who's supposed to be at work tomorrow tomorrow morning we go to a vendor's point and begin to explain how the argentina coach could not be able to guide the band that's something must be wrong with you that is what the scripture says give me that scripture back again he has given us another one he will tell his land that is satisfied with what but he will follow what left for food is lacking in what and it's without work you know in those days remember about them about today then we they used to teach us to knock our head this coconut head knock it so that the thing with your heart did you do that in your secondary uh we are all together so that you can get what how will a full-fledged man a responsible young man or even an average young man wake up in the morning and go to a vendor point and begin to talk about argentina and fata fata 22 what is your problem with fata 22 are you a footballer are you a coach what do you get from it instead of you to go and look for something to do so that you can put food on your walls tell these stories of cook and book stories and it will be what is your problem if they ask you to become a politician allow those who are politicians to do their work um tell your neighbor are you hearing him listen when you work and you earn money number two it will put an end to shame and embarrassment are you here there are people that if they give you five thousand the whole world will hear you now you embarrass yourself some of you will grow until somebody wants to give you money say i don't need it keep your money to yourself because you know that as they give you the one thousand twenty one thousand people have heard that they have given you one thousand but if you are working will anybody be thinking of giving you one thousand if you work and you earn a means of livelihood if we put an end to us shame and what embarrass me how long will you continue there 10 years ago you are like that 15 years ago you are like that on this author if this author has changed life your own life will not be will not remain the this author will change your life and that is why i am here to open your eyes of understanding to the realities of life there are people that believe that only ways of receiving blessings is a prayer and shaking of head you have shaking head for 30 years nothing has happened do something so that something will not work i think you know that one already somebody shout hallelujah yes it just says now that you are a child of god if you have been stealing before don't steal it what do you do work with your hands are you still here okay praise god is that this hand can never was deceive you this your hand if you will look for something to do this your hand can never was deceive you i am now growing older day by day but those of you that knows it's a blessing on it found out from my husband brother kinsley while i was capturing them i was so rugged and concerned about life of my members and i will tell them that if i come to your house by 6 30 you are still sleeping i will kick you out of bed because in lagos you pay for heartbreak in lagos you pay if you poopoo you pay if you urinate you pay if you if you do anything you do you pay why will you not be sleeping on the snowy why will you be sleeping now we have two weeks to move to 2023 it is now or never because 2023 will not be the same story in your life how will you continue to tell the same story every year every year as you're moving to 2023 i want somebody to receive grace that 2023 you are welcome i am moving to a new revelation of that part for some time for my life two weeks time between now and two weeks time you are the one that will determine what will happen to you there is nothing new in the year sir except your life is new i'm told you i don't believe in charging up a new year what is new in the year the same 365 days am i correct the same 365 days it is only live here that will make it work a different just to win on the so number two what work we do for you if we put an end to war shame and what embarrasses number three if you walk it will make you to end respect it will make you to end what i will show you from the scripture 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 11 and 12 when you walk you have a business you are doing it will make you to end what respect from people who there are some of you today if some of the members see that you are coming to their house they don't they come they would if you have met your member to teach your children how to tell lies or you have also made some of your family members extended family member to begin to tell what lies why tell him i am not good the man will just go if they are seeing you cctv stand up for cctv now from the door if there's one at the door and he has discovered that you are coming he will just come from his room and tell you today that man is coming though if he come tell him i'm nowhere because of your lies there are no more you can't end any respect in that way 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 11 to 12 maybe are you still here 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 11 and 12 days to seek to live a quiet life to mind your own words and to work with what which was which was as we have commanded you very well so that you may work properly in the presence of outsiders and not the words dependent on who you will not be dependent on anybody we are not saying people cannot help you we cannot say people should not help you but to help yourself first i'm actually reading bible give me yes give me that same translation message translation if you have it there we want you living in a way that we command what that we command what there is a way you live your life you will lose respect you are a big man i am a big man at my own level am i communicating i've taught us in this job in as much you are not going to your neighbor's room to beg for food you are what if you are a big man in the house if you go my house hallelujah it is not until you have a car or houses before you become what a big man that is my own definition everybody get definition my own definition of big man it is that if you are not borrowing and you are not depending on other you are what ah lift up your hand and say father thank you somebody shout hallelujah it will make you to earn what respect from outside that even from inside us you must work you must work number four what will work do for you it will never you to contribute towards the support of who of others praise god can i have acts of apostles chapter 20 verse 35 acts of apostles chapter 20 verse number 35 let me have it in everything i've done i have demonstrated to you how necessary it is to do what always on the line today from today's message just underline that word work work work to work on behalf of the weak and not exploit them you will not likely go wrong here if you keep remembering that our master said you are far happier giving than what getting the other number in just days it is more blessed to do work than to work let me ask you who are on your list for december to give something to hello your owner i know gate i know gate this year you must get the best way to give is to start with what you have i will always use a broad camera as an example i think when we talk about big man for this 32 one but there is something you will give to bro come not that he need it but the touchfulness the what come on talk to me say what say it again let me hear you having him in mind to remember that even a bottle of water bottle water which is worth 100 naira is it sir my family say i should watch i should give to you those brother come need your bottle water i'm asking you questions but our understanding is that oh come on nothing at all raffy there with his eyesight sir you don't need any help as you see him are you with his eyes you don't need any word any help oh go go stand now evangelist stand up i see this man with his belly that is double of my own but there is a grace these people carry that giving them a bottle of water giving them thumbs up giving them having that thoughtfulness of somebody was yes but your own every year everybody must contribute for you if not course today i remove the course over your life that you must depend on people and people cannot come to you for anything i say if it is a course on this order of grace i stand as god's father and i remove that course over your life in the name of jesus from this day forward that grace will give to other they know we release upon your life listen the beauty of it is this if you give god bless you if you give him anything he say god bless you say god bless you one day that blessing that you have been pronouncing upon your life will surely come to pass i told some people within the week that god has helped me that there are some missionaries i have on my list ordinary five thousand send it to them they will use january to december to pray for me they do hear me and i said if those ones are praying for me even if i sleep i will sleep if you do hear me at all yes there are many unnecessary messages some of you have engaged yourself into because you are so stingy with what god has what has blessed you with who will remember you this december and say god bless you i pray for you today that god will help you so that you will be able to contribute to the support of what some people think that they are only just to eat and walk and eat only themselves and their work and their families and they are even so stingy to god who has given them power to make world to make way to make well praise god are we together if we are together hallelujah if you walk it will make you not to be stealing both from god and man there are some people sometimes when they see some offerings being placed on the other they are being tempted to come and carry it uh-huh making no triumph if you are also here you are also here you take out of short money and pocket it without anybody knowing it nobody will pursue you but you have brought upon your work upon yourself but if you are a washer and you are working in a good place and you are taking care of yourself will you take your money they won't take such money there are some of our churches when auditor was saying they discover that there are some of the school uh secretaries who are pocketing somebody during the enlightenment campaign gave 500 naira and the person wrote 50 naira and pocketed 450 somebody say poverty say it again let me hear you it is not the news you are aware some of you are aware of what i'm telling you there are some churches that they pay themselves every week they take out of church money so the school worker taking money that does not belong to you if you are working in a good place and you have a good salary for yourself and you are paying side to the church what will now make you to be taking was money but because you are lazy i told raffine when i came back last august or so we went to okoto how many of you have been under the ministry of revenue our outgoing general superintendent god bless you we went to okoto a brother all the way from aguda all the way from aguda nobody invited him to come and be he says nobody contracted his transportation he moved to okoto in the name of being who usher usher usher and as they contributed all the that was a point because they know that our our what do you call his name our general superintendent will be retiring and our uh general treasurer they now said now we have given the normal offering let's give special fees five thousand two thousand one thousand at least the least it should go up one thousand for what for what to give to these people this young man carried the bag and went and took a of over a hundred thousand and cctv camera caught him and they brought him to the whole author of assemblies of god okutu and right there the reverend education asked for the district lieutenant asked for the local church pastor say right here this young man is suspended by assemblies of god and nobody has right to myself he is having something to do a means of livelihood we lead travel all the way from legos or where even the risk he has taken is he not enough tell all help us in jesus name program 1423 proverbs 1423 are you there let's be fast now proverbs 1423 there is profit in all hard work that's what oh talk to me now that's what but endless thoughts leads only to what you know get to work you wake up from your house and move to brother's house or you move to papa house the only day he said he was not going to go to work to rest now that day you go there you talk from nine o'clock to 12 sometimes they give you signal don't you make it a go you know they're here pack your bag and what are you hearing me there are some of you who have come to see me in the office i will tell you i have only 20 minutes for you after 20 minutes you do what you summarize your message and go you must be serious in whatever you are doing if you must get money am i communicating am i communicating if you must get money to live well and enjoy your life you must be serious with life some of you when you hear the people travel abroad abroad go and ask people where they are abroad whether they tell you how the thing be the lord will help us in jesus name if you must work you must be serious at your work you must be what hello proverbs 22 29 can somebody tell me show me that proverbs 22 29 proverbs 22 29 proverbs 22 29 anybody there do you see a man killed in his work he will stand in the presence of who he will not stand in the presence of a new man be serious be serious be serious what are you doing there was a time in our nation is a great teacher that was the norm then after we migrated towards nc am i correct and they told all the great teachers then if you fail to upgrade yourself levels you will be worse you will be sad many people didn't take it serious and at the point the government order came that if you have anything less than national certificate of education you are not qualified to be what a teacher any longer am i communicating for now the only acceptable educational qualification is bx in any area even if you are going to teach in a primary school you should have basic knowledge and have battle of words education in a primary school you should have basic knowledge and have battle of words education but some of you you have graduated certificate for 30 years and they are calling you teacher you are not in your head your time has expired you are outdated teacher because you are having an obsolete ideology that is not relevant in this time be serious if a man is diligent in his work he will stand before who king king if you are a fashion designer i used to use fashion designer and you must know where so according to what the man wants he brother if they go buy two yard of a wrapper for you with his size sell and say daddy you know go up as your size be now so your cloth go go be and when you saw the people are making what make it matter the man will come back here he will come back what what that was the time i was at the carjah my tailor used to be at the latter i would drive all the way from where a carjah to where and i know that he knows how to sew my cloth so if i must give him something i will give him up to two or three months i will buy the clothes go and give it to him he will give me two or three months but you know people who are here praise the lord if they tell you monday not saturdays but those who are here they are christened the christened tailor are you here praise the lord some of them if they say this 25th come and collect your cloth on 24th to wear it next sunday i beg you go and prepare another cloth too so that if they don't bring it on 24th you will still come to church because if you tell me on sunday say my cloth is not ready i will tell you you are not a serious christian and i've warned you ahead of time praise god some people want to get money by cutting corners by doing what proverbs 13 verse 11 anybody there proverbs 13 verse 11 some people want to get money by cutting corners by doing what proverbs 13 verse 11 anybody there proverbs 13 verse 11 anybody there proverbs 13 verse 11 anybody there proverbs 13 verse 11 anybody there proverbs 13 verse 11 anybody there proverbs 13 verse 11 anybody there proverbs 13 verse 11 anybody there proverbs 13 verse 11 anybody there proverbs 13 verse 11 anybody there proverbs 13 verse 11 anybody there proverbs 13 verse 11 anybody there proverbs 13 verse 11 by what little by what where what will increase some people don't believe this scripture ah easy come easy go easy what see bible i'm reading bible to you easy come easy what for steady diligence faith what steady diligence faith all ah look for ah look for ah energy for me of that scripture look for energy of good news work from get rich quick schemes there are a lot of schemes now am i correct work from get rich quick schemes quickly work quickly work work get from hard work growth over overtime it will grow if you rush to cut corner the corner will cut you ah ha some people everywhere they want to cut corner fast guy i think that is the language they call them fast work that guy is a fast guy ok smart one ok whether fast or smart what did the scripture say get rich quick and get you will lose it work immediately but work from hard work you know someone who labor to get money before he squander his money he will think twice true let me help somebody here today you are not working and people are helping you and when they see that the help they are rendering to you you know you put the seal on nobody will help you again can you hear me i can't take twenty thousand or ten thousand out of my sweat i can't give you say you are brother in the church and at the end me i never go Mr. Big you know the way to Mr. Big congratulations to you i pray i will jam you there if i jam you there all i will do for you is i don't know but tomorrow come and meet me do you need Mr. Big now when you don't get work you need Mr. Big they are not doing anything and people are assisting you instead of you to put those resources together and make something out of work out of nothing you are doing big man up and down raising up shoulder here and there ask rent you cannot pay your children's school fees you cannot pay listen January 8th is the year tell your neighbor January 8th is the year you must pay school fees you must pay school fees three of us those of you that your children are still attending school that after one month they will allow your children to continue without paying congratulations to you but i pray for you you will soon get to a school where from day one the school resumes you must work if you don't pay go and become a teacher in your house and be teaching that to your baby you know you don't have funds this December you want to do Christmas next Sunday you have invited all your village people to come to your company so that they can know God at work it's ok ah ah it will take you 40 years to sing that song about you to sing amara wo amara wo amara wo it will take you many years because you have no use sense with what you are worth go and carry all your village people who is supposed to cook rice with your children and just eat it and say father thank you for this year and next year if the sin is there there is no worse no problem but you are struggling to survive and you are trying to show people that you are there when you are not yet there the Lord will help us in Jesus name Proverbs 19 verse 15 number 5 is walk you must walk you must walk how to walk stop lazying up and down Proverbs 19 verse 15 stop lazying up and down are you there Proverbs 19 verse 15 what does it say stop but idleness leave them to hungry somebody shout hallelujah I think there is a country they used to call Hungary from laziness you will move to a country they call what Hungary is that that means very correct lazy people does what how will you know that somebody is sleeping soundly when the person enters here that is the way he never pay house rent will he sleep because he knows that landlord will come and knock once and there are some dangerous landlord in December they used to come some landlord intentionally will come and warn you before you do Christmas in excessive ways and I have known landlord in Lagos if they hear that you are owing them and you gather your village people they do party as you are finishing that party great notice is waiting for you they follow your money they are your what are you still with me they follow your money they are already your paper of great notice is what is there 300,000, 200,000 you go organize party to him not 20,000 you should have added it to what we give to him am I communicating but is there waiting again waiting again waiting again if you receive great notice waiting again give me another translation of that very scripture laziness induces deep work and a lazy person will do what this one compulsory fasting even when church never declare fasting when a person never talk till 2 o'clock will not be fasting did I you are a lazy man thank you thank you slothfulness has one into a deep sleep do you know it is only lazy people that sleep in the morning in the afternoon and in the evening they just eat small food they drop the next day in a bed I am going to pray for you that that bed will be hot in your body this time because you left your village to Lagos to make a to make a living you are not here to go and count how many main land bridges do they have in Lagos because when you get back to your village nobody will ask you how many main land bridges do you have what in Lagos it is what you have achieved and attain people want to see am I communicating I sleep, I sleep, I sleep, I sleep and some other step what I will come out Jesus of Nazareth oh my God I pray God will help me listen if you sleep beyond 5 or 6 in Lagos you are in trouble already except you are already established except you are worse if you are not yet established Lagos is a place you can make money are you with me there is nothing you want to say that you cannot say those of you who used to enter Molde in those days those men will just enter chaco, chaco, chaco chaco they will grant chaco and grant some other thing and put one label they will speak and speak and say hey if you just do this thing like this all your debts will be clean and somebody will tell you one of your members yes I used it before give me one, give me one, give me one give me one when the man go there your own your own your own from morning till night and if anybody talk he say I believe God I believe God, my God can never disappoint me, I believe God, believe yourself did you hear me do what Paul said I can do what through every morning every year you remain a perpetual beggar and I stand here today if not caught I will remove you from your head and that is why I am here that is why I am here that is why I am here praise God 2nd Thessalonians I conclude please 2nd Thessalonians chapter 10 or chapter 3 rather verses 10 to 12 I prepare message, give me message translation of 2nd Thessalonians, let's start with message translation look up, don't you remember the rule we had when we live with you if you don't walk what happens if you don't walk you don't do what number 11 please and now did you hear me we are not here to take advantage of any other person, we are here to be a good brother to one another it is not right for you to take advantage of somebody because the person is good, the brother is good or the sister is good go back to that very verse 11 please, go back to that verse 11, thank you and now we are getting report, who wrote this, it was Paul he was writing to 2nd Thessalonians so now if I hear any report that a bunch of lazy good for nothing are taking advantage of other people, I will take you to the church board and I will ask you after all this message of walk what have you done with it because we are not here as a journalist to just write everything I am talking not only journalist use to write but they don't do anything about it stop taking advantage of people do something verse number 12 please this must not be what come on somebody read verse 12 for me, this must not be now back where they read for you we command them to get to work and and take advantage of a brother in the church he went to this brother that it is need for him to invest in a business the first investment no profit he went to the brother again, the brother very calm brother, he went to the brother again collected 150 say they want to do oil business, before you know it he went to the brother again collected 500,000 and we ask him how did all these things happen when we are going the motor stop and there was a breakdown and the break failed and there was a gallop and the thing fall story all in a story before you borrow money from anybody here now to use be sure that you use it for what you said you want to what and don't come and tell stories yet, because if the report get to me I will call you, because I have shown you in the bible, that bible says that person should be what, should be called is that not what the bible says praise God stop taking advantage of people unnecessarily if everybody is like you who will help other hello brother if everybody in this church they are what like you, who will do what if everybody they are like you who will help another your own is that they must help if they fail to help you, there is no love in the church start the love now there is what do what love is not by telling me that there is no love if you want to love, show me your own and I will also do what reciprocate it but there are some people, it is only when they receive from other, receive from other, they will tell you there is no what, there is no love that is not biblical and I pray that God will help us in Jesus name in conclusion, be patient if your expectations are not met yet there is a better future for you for those of you who are doing something for those of you who are making business, who are already working, but the thing is not working out your desired result the what not long from now something will happen did you hear me not long from now, something will happen but for you to be sitting down at home, doing nothing oh, brethren, whenever I remember our brethren who was at Eladiko or Yanosolo wherever, you see a full plate man trekking all the way from where from Yanosolo to Ejibo here because they want to make a living but to you, you know they go anywhere, say I don't get transport money I don't get transport money I don't get transport money you go sit down there you don't get transport money what do you know they call that thing when they do for Eladiko, Asaiya I'll be waiting at the column you know man you know, you know people Asaiya your own natural sleep and sleep and snow Jesus of Nazareth rise to your feet with Jesus I can make it with Jesus I can stand no matter what may come my way my life is in your hands I know that I can make it oh, I know that I can stand no matter what may come my way my life is in your hands I know my my my yes no matter what may come my way my life is in your I know I know that I can make it I know that I can stand no matter what may come my way my life is in your hands I know I know that I can make it no matter what may come my way my life is in your hands I know I know I know I know that I can stand no matter what may come my way my life is in your hands It is not until December 2023 that I will lay foundation of somebody's house here Do you hear me? It is not until December 2023 From January 2023 I stand as God's servant over your life I will lay your house foundation For those that will take to these revelations of the word of God and move forward to do something God will empower you with His blessing You cannot be blessed You cannot be blessed by sleeping and wash and snoring Talk to the Lord Talk to the Lord this morning

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