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The podcast discusses the American dream in literature, focusing on three characters: Jay Gatsby, Kaya, and Christopher McCandless. Gatsby's pursuit of wealth and status is corrupted by materialism. Kaya finds solace in nature but faces prejudice and isolation. McCandless rejects societal norms and seeks self-discovery in the wilderness, but ultimately realizes the importance of human connection. The characters' journeys illustrate the complexities of ambition, self-reliance, and connection in pursuing the American dream. Good afternoon, everybody, and welcome to Podcast USA. I'm your host, Matt April, and in today's episode, we'll be diving into the theme of the American dream and literature, exploring it through the journeys of three unforgettable characters. First up is the one and only Jay Gatsby from F. Scott Fitzgerald's famous novel, The Great Gatsby. Gatsby has a relentless pursuit of wealth and status that embodies the classic American dream ambition. He throws big, lavish parties, hoping that one day he can finally win back Daisy Boot Cannon. This can be seen when Gatsby quotes, I like large parties. They're so intimate. At small parties, there isn't any privacy. This symbolizes his desire for a life as he grew up in a very poor family. However, Gatsby's dream ends up being corrupted by materialism and his obsession, showing the emptiness that can accompany unchecked ambition. Next, we are going to explore Kaya from Where the Crowd Has Singed by Delia Owens. Kaya is a very special character as she had a rough life as a child and was abandoned by her family. Incredibly, she was able to raise herself all alone in the North Carolina marsh, which is not easy by all means. Her American dream is rooted with a deep connection with nature and being able to provide for herself independently. Her connection with the marsh can be seen by this quote where Kaya laid her hand upon the breathing wet earth and the marsh became her mother. Delia Owens creates a vivid picture of Kaya's resilience and resourcefulness as she navigates a harsh marsh environment. Yet, Kaya's dream is constantly challenged by societal prejudice and isolation. And last but not least, we will encounter Christopher McCandless from John Krakauer's Into the Wild. McCandless grew up in a nice neighborhood but decided to reject societal norms and embark on a quest for self-discovery in the Alaskan wilderness. His American dream is one of escape and living and unburdened by materialism. However, McCandless' idealism clashes with the unforgiving realities of nature, raising questions about the dangers of isolating oneself from human connection. This can be seen when McCandless writes, happiness can only be real when shared, before he passes away. A tragic ending to this live and a very tragic ending to this podcast. Well folks, these characters, Gatsby, Kaya, and McCandless all chase their own versions of the American dream. Their journeys highlight the complexity of this theme, showing both the ups and downs associated with ambition, self-reliance, and connection. Thank you all for joining us on Podcast USA. We hope this exhalation has sparked your reflections on the American dream. Until next time, keep dreaming.

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