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New Recording 2




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Communication skills are important for everyday life, public speaking, finding a job, and building connections. Understanding communication helps us understand ourselves and others. It involves active listening, friendliness, confidence, sharing feedback, and respect. Verbal communication includes active listening and feedback, while nonverbal communication involves body language. Communication skills are crucial for finding a job and working well with others. They are also important in personal relationships. Communication is vital for becoming a speech therapist and teaching children to communicate. Improving communication skills has many benefits and is essential in daily life. Today the topic is going to be on the importance of communication skills. Have you ever wondered what communication means and how important it is? Communication is a big part of everyday life. You communicate with your coworkers, your family, your friends, etc. It is how you socialize with the people around you. Having communication skills is super important when it comes to public speaking, finding a job, interacting with other people, and it helps you build connections. Taking this course and being able to understand it has opened my eyes in the sense that communication is so much more than just interacting with other people. So the big question today is why even study communication? Getting a better understanding can benefit you in various ways. While understanding it, you start to become more familiar with all the things that communication has an effect on. It can help you get a better understanding of all the things around you, other people, and even yourself. It can benefit you in ways when you have a job, have group presentations, or communicate with your spouse or family. Let's talk about what communication skills there are. Having communication skills involve active listening, friendliness, confidence, sharing feedback, and respect. So how do we put our communication skills to use when it comes to verbal and nonverbal communication? We put our communication skills to use with verbal communication, not just by presenting words, but it is really how you receive it and how you deliver it back. This is where the active listening and feedback take place. It's important when you're verbally communicating with someone because it shows that you're listening to them and you're also responding to them and telling them how you feel as well. Nonverbal communication is just as important when it comes to using your communication skills. As it states, in ten ways to improve your nonverbal communication, matching your body language to your verbal messages can help convey greater meaning and clarify your intentions. This is important because your body gestures and the way you react show how you respond without using words. For example, if someone is telling you a shocking story, most people will cover their mouths and gasp or show some sort of shocking reaction. You're not just going to stand there and have no reaction because the person who is telling the story will think you don't have any interest. Taking this course has improved my communication skills when it comes to public speaking. It has helped me overcome my fear of talking in front of people as well. While conducting the speeches, I have learned about vocal enthusiasm, gestural enthusiasm, eye contact, some humor, and facial expressions. In the book, it talks about communication apprehension. Knowing what this means, I have experiences while presenting my speech. Having an audience in front of me is scary, and it tends to give me anxiety and a type of fear that they won't like my speech or pay any attention to it. In the book, it gives us ways for controlling it, and some of those include Remember that the audience has to be there, talk about things that are meaningful to you, be confident, and recognize that experience matters and you only get better each time. You can use your communication skills both verbally and non-verbally. Throughout the course, I have learned that verbal communication can mean more than just talking to someone. For instance, use verbal communication to speak with words, writing, and the use of sign language. While writing goes in the category of verbal communication, you're probably wondering how, but don't worry because I thought the same thing. How can you possibly write without using your voice? That's kind of weird. If you really think about it, you are in fact using symbols in your writing. For instance, if you're emailing your professor because you're confused on an assignment, you can describe what you're confused on, but they cannot physically see your confusion. Non-verbal communication comes along with communication skills because it shows you to listen, move, look, and react. When you're communicating with someone and they tell you if you're interested, and they can tell if you're interested with what they have to say and how well you listen just by looking at simple gestures you do. In the book, it states we use non-verbal communication to substitute for a verbal message. Nodding your head yes is a classic example. While communicating with someone, we may use these simple gestures when someone is telling a story or when they're asking a simple question. Non-verbal communication is important because it lets us communicate when we cannot form the words to speak. Having communication skills can take you a long way in a sense like finding a job. This is especially important for finding a job because that is what they look for the most. As it states in the Denver University Communication Studies, communication skills typically top the list of what hiring employees look for, followed by integrity, the ability to relate to others, leadership, and teamwork skills. Being able to work well with those around you is a necessity to be able to work. If you can't work with someone and are always causing problems, then they're probably going to end up firing you. In the book, it talks about many groups and the importance of them. For instance, two summers ago, I worked for the city and we organized a backpack giveaway for all kids who are in need. In order to make this happen, we had to come together as a team and put our ideas together and talk it through. I would call this a support group, but also a creative group because we were helping the kids in town in need with school supplies and backpacks. However, it is also a creative group because we had raffle draw, games, prizes, and food. Working together and listening to each other's ideas turned out to be a successful event. If you think about it, you interact and connect with people almost every day. It helps us understand people better and address situations on daily basis. So let's say you're married and your junior spouse is in an argument. If neither of you are addressing the problem, then the issue is never going to get fixed. You have to verbally talk it out in order for relationships like that to work. Your communication skills will significantly come in handy when it comes to that. Trust me, even though I'm not married. In my area of interest, I want to become a speech therapist. But in order to do this, I have to learn all the characteristics that come with verbal and nonverbal communication. I have to learn how to teach children to use communication in ways that they don't know how to. Communication in this case involves both understanding it and expressing it as well. It plays a big role in the sense that I am teaching them how to communicate, but I'm also trying to understand their way of communicating as well because both are important. To conclude this, communication is vivid for so many reasons, like human social life. This is the way we interact with family, friends, coworkers, and how we let our feelings and emotions out. Verbal and nonverbal communication can even take place at the same time without you even realizing it. Improving your communication skills can benefit you in ways you don't even think of. It benefits you in public speaking, seeking for a job, and socializing with others. When communication is put to use, you'll start to see how it benefits you and why it is so important within your everyday life. Thank you for taking the time to listen.

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