Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Mary, a girl who loved butterflies, wondered where they came from. One day, she saw a strange leaf and waited patiently to see what would happen. After weeks of waiting, she saw a butterfly emerge from a cocoon on a rainy day. Excited, she told her parents and they suggested she learn more on Mrs. Lamy's website and YouTube. The class enjoyed the story and were encouraged to learn more about butterflies online. Hi, good day class. My name is Miss Lani, and today I am going to read a story for you about a girl who loved butterflies. Once upon a time, there was a girl named Mary. Mary loved the butterflies so much. She was fascinated by their beautiful colors, by the way they flew through the skies. But she always wondered to herself where butterflies came from. Mary lived with her mom and dad in a small village. One day, Mary trotted through the green forest on her way to play with her friends. She noticed a brongish-like leaf. She stopped and she observed. Class, what do you all think is that brongish-like leaf that Mary saw? She saw like something was coming out, but she wasn't too sure. So, Mary was so excited to find out what was this leaf all about. Mary was a child who loved to explore and learn about new things. These sort of things always seemed to fascinate her. That day, when Mary saw what she thought she saw, she was on her way to meet her friends. Mary forgot all about her friends. And she sat by the tree with so much amazement just waiting to see what would happen. Ten minutes passed. Fifteen minutes passed. Even an whole hour passed. But Mary sat and she waited and she waited and she waited. As the night began to fall, Mary decided it was time to go home. She was sad because she didn't really get to find out what that was all about. But she knew tomorrow would be a new day and she would come right back out to find out what that little mystery was all about. Mary visited that spot for almost two weeks, but nothing seemed to have happened. She felt like giving up, but she did not. One rainy day, Mary took her raincoat and her beautiful, colorful umbrella as she ran through the forest with her boots. And Mary stormed through the forest in any puddle that she could possibly see. That is when it had all happened. Class, what do you all think happened? Yes, something happened. And Mary was so excited when she saw that. Mary saw the butterfly leaving the cocoon. Mary's eyes opened with excitement as she couldn't believe what her eyes had just saw. Mary ran ecstatically back home to her parents and she told them all about what she had just seen. Her dad said to her, yes my dear, that's what we call a cocoon. And they usually come out when it's the rainy weather. Mary wanted to know so much about these butterflies. So Mary, her dad said, you can visit Mrs. Lamy's website and her wiki and her videos on YouTube where she will teach you all about butterflies, my dear. Mary was so excited to find out so much about butterflies. Class, did you enjoy your story? Very nice. So, you as well can go onto the wiki and onto YouTube to learn so much more about butterflies.