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The New York Mets are struggling in their season, with a poor record and low attendance. Their pitching has regressed, and they have been outscored in recent games. Francisco Lindor, their star player, has been underperforming and made comments that upset the fans. The team needs to turn their season around, starting with their upcoming series against the San Francisco Giants. In contrast, the New York Yankees are performing well, with a strong pitching staff and a lineup that is hitting the ball effectively. The Yankees have the best record in the American League and are leading their division. The difference between the two teams is stark. What's up everybody welcome to another episode of the pod on a beautiful sunny warm day warm Friday in New York City Memorial Day is upon us and it's put up or shut up time right now for the New York Mets in their season. Let's paint the picture for you here. Okay. The Mets come home for three games against San Francisco. Okay. This team has the highest payroll in baseball. They're coming home to pretty much an empty stadium attendance is down. The Mets are 10 and 14 at home. Seven games under 500 overall at 21 and 28 fourth place in the NL East. In front of only the Florida Marlins who by the way embarrassed the Mets last weekend. Nine games behind the second place Braves 15 games behind the first place Philadelphia Phillies who have the best record in baseball pitching which started out kind of playing above its head and above expectation is now coming down to earth. And the team has a collective era of over four which is 10th in the National League in their last 10 games the Mets are two and eight with a 243 batting average of 5.52 era and they've been outscored by 20 runs. They were off yesterday after blowing a three run lead Wednesday to Cleveland and getting swept in yet in the series in the series Lindor continues to struggle he's batting 203 and in that series he drew the ire of Mets fans because he made those comments after the game I think it was after game three where he said he misses winning now look I don't really have an issue of saying that you missed winning yeah you want to win that's what sports is about there's nothing better than winning Lindor said I know we didn't finish we didn't close it out but just the experiences of winning and pouring champagne on each other and creating memories aren't well you know what Lindor why don't you play like you played in Cleveland here with the Mets and then maybe we'll win okay you were in Cleveland and in 2017 2018 and 2019 you hit 33 home runs 38 home runs and 32 home runs respectively in those years you hit 89 RBI's 92 RBI's and 74 RBI's you haven't come close to those home run totals okay last year you hit 31 but those were at the end of the year because you haven't made an all-star game as a New York Met despite hitting 31 home runs last year and 98 RBI's which is an all-star season especially for a shortstop you didn't make the all-star team because in the first half of the year with the season still in the balance you did nothing it was a lot of empty home runs no all-star appearances since 2019 so you want to win why don't you show us that player and yes we continue to say he's a nice guy you feel bad for him okay but we're not you can't win games with nice guys you know with being nice you got to produce on the field what I took umbrage with was when he said the thing about the fans it was a great experience and seeing the crowd and how they got behind us I felt like he was almost taking a shot at Mets fans now if you remember he had that thing with the thumbs down back in his first season with the Mets so I don't know if he was taking a shot at Mets fans because of how we booed him or you or the Mets fan had booed him I'm not a big boor but I wonder if things are souring from Lindor's perspective now and look Pete we're as Mets fans we've we've given him such a runway to be able to produce and we want him to produce he's a likable player kids love him but what are fans going to see now you got it Lindor hitting 203 you have Pete you know who's come on a little bit here now but could he hit a home run with somebody on base so this is Memorial Day weekend they can try and turn their season around now this is the game 50 of 162 or almost a third of the way done they're facing by the way the San Francisco Giants who started this whole Mets swoon if you recall the Mets had had a great run in from like early April until they faced the Giants they had beaten the Braves they had come off winning to add you know they come off winning two out of three against the Dodgers and then they lose two out of three in San Francisco and they really have never recovered since and they've gone on just a complete tailspin so no wonder the stadium is empty because who are the kids excited to go see there's no more trumpets because Diaz has given home runs up all over the field like we said Lindor struggling 203 Pete relatively struggling not having a great year in this contract year which has been pretty pretty astonishing so it's just been an awful awful first 49 games for the Mets outside of that two and a half three week run in mid to late April but this is a huge long season and but it's time to write the ship let's see if we can do it this weekend or if things you know get more out of hand and the Mets lose this series and then they're gonna welcome in the Dodgers and the Diamondbacks this could get really ugly much uglier and then it's just all going to be about who's getting traded and who's getting you know when they're going to get traded and what we're getting back in return but right now what can you get you're stuck with Lindor he has a huge contract he's not producing what are you going to get for him Diaz maybe you could have traded him but he has his issues so what are you going to get for him Pete is the only valuable piece maybe Nimmo and those are pieces you really don't want to trade away I'm still in the camp that we should keep Pete but honestly that's I'm wearing thin on that also I'm just about this core is rotted it is rotted and it's just a shock that we're here again I mean these are days reminiscent of the Wilpons so let's see if the Mets can turn it around to see this series against the Giants and try to write the ship here they've got a lot of work to do a lot of wood to chip and so let's see if they could start this weekend and bring some life back into Citi Field on the other side of town in the Bronx things could not be any better and actually the complete polar opposite of what's going on in Queens despite missing the reigning Cy Young and one of the best pitches in the Yankees surprisingly lead the majors in team era I thought their rotation would struggle but they have really pitched well he'll just throw a one hitter against the Mariners and the Yankees had won seven games in a row and then they lost two games to the Mariners and showing a little bit of vulnerability there but then come back and answer back with two strong wins in the final two games of the series they now have the best record in the American League and lead their division by three games over the Baltimore Orioles so you know like it's night and day between the Yankees and the Mets you have judge and Soto and Stanton and Volpe and you know Verdugo hitting the ball over the field Volpe's got a you know 16 or 17 game hitting streak judges in judge form Soto is as good as advertised and even better Verdugo's playing well I mean they just the Yankees are just firing on all cylinders right now and then you just look at the Mets and it's just like the same old story

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