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Rate Your Teacher, Episode 1

Rate Your Teacher, Episode 1

Lyra Gavazzi



Ms. Zink overview

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In this podcast episode, an anonymous eighth-grade student shares their experience with their Algebra I teacher, Miss Zink. They mention that Miss Zink gives homework as a way of rewarding or punishing students, with an average of 25 to 40 minutes per night. The student describes Miss Zink as a fun and loving teacher, but also mentions that she can be tough on students who don't turn in homework or perform well on tests. However, they believe she is good at teaching and is aware of when students need help. The student also thinks Miss Zink is a fair grader and appreciates her fast grading turnaround. They like her teaching style, organization, and the extra credit opportunities she provides. Overall, they rate her an 8 out of 10. Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Write Your Teacher, the only anonymous podcast where you can learn exactly how much homework your new teacher gives and if they allow you to choose gum in class. Today we are hearing about, general please, Miss Zink, our anonymous student today is an eighth grader in her Algebra I course. The first question for our student today is how much work do you get on average each day from this teacher? Well, for Miss Zink, she loves not giving homework, but she also loves giving homework. It's her way of punishing you or giving you a reward. So homework per night, especially in an Algebra I course, is about 25 to 40 minutes a night. If you understand the topic really well, it can go down to 20 minutes, or if you need some help and need help emailing and emailing her for help, it can range to 40 minutes, 45. Sounds good. Second, what is your personal opinion about this teacher and do you think your class as a whole agrees? Miss Zink is a fun and loving teacher. However, if you're on her bad side, you do not want to get up in the morning and go to her class. There's a couple of kids in this class that she has a hard time exchanging laughs with, meaning they're not always getting along. He doesn't turn in homework, he doesn't do well on tests, and he doesn't do well on tests, and she sometimes doesn't treat them the best, but it's all love and fun. If you're on her good side, though, like me, I like to toot my own horn, it's really fun going into her classroom, talking about things outside of math class as well. Okay, our next question is, do you think Miss Zink is good at teaching? Good at teaching? I believe so. Last year I had another math teacher, he was great. However, looking at Miss Zink's style, she's very aware if you need help, and she's very aware of if you don't. So in class, she has her electric iPad set up on Zoom and she shows the work on the board, and she explains everything that needs to be explained, but she has a teacher, her math skills, with teaching itself, it's pretty great, she's great. Our next question is, do you think she's a fair grader? I believe so, yes. Small mistakes that other teachers might give you smaller points for, or a bigger mistake she docks points off. She always tries to find something right in your wrong answer. But she's consistent, right? She's consistent about it. However, if you forget to write units on a unit squared problem, she will dock two points off. I think she's a fair grader, and she's also a very fast grader. We take a test one period, three periods later, I already have my test back if I wished. That's nice. Okay, and then our last question is, are there any major things that you like or dislike about their teaching style, how they manage the class, how they engage the class, or just about the teacher that you think is kind of unique to this teacher, just unlike other teachers at the school who teach similar things? I love the way Ms. Singh teaches. I love the way she always has a smile on her face. I love the way she shows up to class with a plan and a way that she knows that what we're gonna do. I think she's very organized, and I think her teaching style, the way she writes on the board, quote unquote, her iPad, the way she always has the lessons planned out. I think she's a great teacher, and I love her style. It's very different from a bunch of other teachers. Her tests are always very decorative, and there's always fun holiday mentions on it, and she gives a lot of extra credit, which is great. Extra credit problems in homework, extra credit problems on tests, extra credit problems here and there. If you email her sometimes, she'll give you an extra credit point. So I love Ms. Singh. I think she's a great math teacher. I think she's a great person for any needs, any helps outside of math. I can always talk to her. And the final question of the day, the most important, what people listen to rate my teacher for. It's on a scale of one to 10 overall throughout the entire year. What would you rate her? One, being the absolute worst teacher you've ever experienced. 10, being the best teacher that you will never forget in your entire lifetime. I think solid, because she's a woman I've always connected with. I would give her a solid eight. She's a great teacher, she's very fun, and we just have so much in common that we can always talk, even if it's not math. I think I will always remember Ms. Singh. All right, well you heard it here from rate your teacher.

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