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Ep 9 Krissy

Ep 9 Krissy

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The speaker talks about their recent trip and the long drive it took to get there. They mention feeling sick and experiencing flu-like symptoms, possibly from food poisoning. They also discuss their dog's health issues and their child's sleeping habits. The speaker shares their bedtime routine and mentions using a noise machine and nightlight to help their child sleep. They talk about the challenges of co-sleeping and their child's occasional night terrors. The speaker also mentions their own need for noise to fall asleep and recalls funny moments with their child waking them up in the morning. They discuss different sleep methods and emphasize the importance of finding what works for each individual. record okay you're good oh okay okay got you okay whenever you're ready no I am I just want to make sure you're ready okay hey everyone welcome back to loudmouth lair I'm Kristen well one I feel like I haven't talked to you in like a year and a half so it's so good to see your face no yeah I feel like really it's been forever since we talked I mean it's going good you know our trip went good it was such it was it was a long trip it was a lot longer of a drive the wind was so bad so it took I think getting there it took I think almost like 36 hours to get there it was so long um so it was me Austin Braxton penny and then Austin's parents so I mean we have like room and stuff we have room but yeah it was it was a long trip but it was good Braxton had a great time at my parents and obviously you know they love to have him so it was good we I I've been back and forth sick ever since we've been back with either the flu again or food poisoning one of them I have a no idea I don't know so the first night that I started to feel really sick I was in the bathroom every hour no joke I had Austin sleep in Braxton's room because I was like no just in case like it's something is going around we need to kind of just separate because exactly and then last night it happens again and I even said to myself in the bathroom I'm like what the hell is going on here so I I'm feeling a lot better it really only happens you know at night when I'm getting ready to settle down and my stomach starts to settle yeah so you know exactly last night I literally thought it was like a burning feeling you ever get that like your stomach is a burning I know how weird is that to say you ever get a burning feeling in your stomach and it literally felt like I had like this just giant tumor or something I don't know it's so it was awful I woke up this morning and I was like all right never freaking again do I want to do this this is so terrible and it's like how much more do you have to get out you've already gotten it all out the past like two freaking days what else is there yeah yeah we're getting right into it yeah yeah and it's just one thing after another because now next week we have to take Penny back to the vet she is now not putting weight on her right leg her back right leg so I don't know what the hell is going on it's it's you know yeah yeah 70 pounds oh yeah she she is she's very sick but I'm thinking it's probably because she lets you pick it up and she doesn't yipe or anything or cry so I think it might just very much so oh she is 100% everybody at work is like you really should have her having her own Instagram and I said you know what I really need to know Penny's gonna be insta-famous yes she's a treat and then and now trying to get her so we let her sleep in our bed I wouldn't have it any other way I know you know some people are like no my dog is not getting in my bed are you you're one of them well it's so funny cuz Austin I was always like Chrissy you know she can like stay on the floor for a little I was like you can stay on the floor for a little it's a do not tell absolutely not everybody oh who knows me they will be like oh that's 100% true she is all about her dog like that no I do love my child too don't worry so you know trying to get and obviously she's a little short legs she's like an inch off the ground so just try just trying to get her down off the bed too is uh and the poor thing you know she's like trying to go so fast because she has to go to the bathroom and we have hardwood floor now in our house so of course she's like slip it and slide it everywhere oh yeah 100% I know it's up so I mean other than that yeah and it's and it's hard obviously it's hard already for her to get off the bed so we kind of have to help her but then like now if you really have to try and help her so you have to try and listen in the middle of the night okay is she starting to get up if she has to go out you know and of course I'm the one who always hears that Austin's like what what oh yeah right he's here I sometimes I at least have to scream like oh my gosh but I mean it's it's been you know a good couple weeks it was nice to have a little time off but I'm super excited to be back and tell us tell us about your time off uh-huh yeah didn't you sell that I'm pretty sure last time you sent me a video it was all empty in there okay mm-hmm mm-hmm mm-hmm yeah right oh absolutely oh yeah oh and absolutely she's there one minute and then the next she's not yeah yeah mm-hmm yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah mm-hmm mm-hmm yeah yeah no you're good no I can't hear okay you're good I was gonna say don't be waking up that child yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah oh absolutely mm-hmm right mm-hmm right oh god all right she beat Braxton on that oh oh my ah jealous that's gonna be so nice you why don't you do an episode from Hawaii like out on your balcony all right all right all right perfect yeah you can post those well speaking of recording when you get back we do have a very exciting episode when Tara gets back from Hawaii that we are we can't wait for so just a little yeah so spoiler alert but we're really excited it's going to be a great episode um that was you know a little longer check-ins because you know as we said in the beginning we haven't spoken to each other in a year so right we can do a whole episode of just what's been going on but before we get going with the episode obviously we always do our cheers so let's kick it off with cheers to being back I'm so excited and cheers you you oh god I gotta remember back that far no um when he was a newborn I would say no just because he was in our room you know he was in his little bassinet thingy and he he was not the best sleeper when he was a newborn um this is gonna go into the co-sleeping there were times where he would literally only sleep in between us we had to make like a bed for him to like sleep in between us one because he's a newborn so it's like I don't just want him right on the bed you know um so it took him a little while to even I would say sleep all night in his bassinet so no we didn't really use any anything at first not I mean we did but not at first no not newborn he really didn't want anything to do with it um which I should have just you know let that be um and yeah so no we didn't really have anything it kind of just was a you know what I mean newborns they sleep all the time anyway so it's almost like when do you when do you yeah yeah you know when do you put them down to quote-unquote sleep for the night no ours ours wasn't really anything I don't I don't think we had any technique or any anything specific we kind of just I would say wing it we we played it out and okay he's he's doing good right now well we'll keep him here you know if not let's let's make his little bed in our bed oh yeah yeah oh yeah well and it was in you know obviously you're you're nursing and stuff so you're getting up and at that time of the night I'm not gonna sit here and pump while Austin you know feeds him so Austin you know gets to sleep all he wants and I'm over here just like okay dead to the world right now yeah yeah yeah yeah mm-hmm yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like can you breathe in there yeah yeah did you have did you have her in a bath tonight at first or did you just go straight to a crib okay oh wow yeah I feel like she's always been such a good sleeper so jealous right mm-hmm yeah mm-hmm right and it's so funny those pacifiers when they're newborns are like their entire pacifiers when their newborns are like their entire head no wonder you spit it out you can't even hold on to it weighs more than you yeah all right the it's funny that you bring up the swaddling because we did we you know we tried that but Braxton would always get out of it no matter what I mean granted I was the I was the worst swaddler I don't I still don't even know how to do it it's awful Austin was really good at it but like you said it really looks like they're like like let me pull you like a string so that didn't last very long in our house but yeah yeah yeah it's like they're little people now like they really they are legit little people it's insane like I can't believe they're gonna be three when when the heck did that happen I still feel like they were just born uh-huh uh-huh yeah yeah where the heck did you hear that yeah today Braxton was I was doing something I think he asked me to like draw on his little doodle board or whatever so I was drawing and I said I think I was drawing like a beach or something and he looks at me he's like okay whatever you say and I was like what I said excuse me where the heck and then it dawned on me oh I say that to him when he says no the color is this and I'm like that's not the color but whatever you say man but just hearing that come out of his mouth I'm like alright how old are you let's not yeah oh god let's not even talk about that I will cry right now if we talk about how old we are it's terrible how okay so how is um let's let's change it to now how how one we just discussed that she obviously is a good sleeper I mean I feel like I don't ever hear anything bad she's great yes yes what okay there you go yeah okay E.T. I love it oh that's so sweet peace out yeah okay no I mean it's it's hard to get it's so funny because you know they now can brush their teeth obviously twice a day and I'm not gonna lie does my child every day absolutely not because it's so hard hey morning time let's brush your teeth I'll give him that it's like here morning time you're gonna brush your teeth because you need to get ready for the day you need to go clean and then when it's getting bedtime hey brush your teeth now though it's it's a whole thing so I'm like you know what I don't even want to deal with you right now oh there you go yeah yeah that's I I was wondering if she still like put herself to bed because ours ours changed after Braxton got out of his crib I mean our routine is still pretty much the same I will say we have semi routine before bedtime ours is yeah it depends you know if he's taking a bath or shower or whatever but we always now have to turn on like a show to sit and relax so it's like our relaxing time and then either a will be like okay you know it's time to go to bed and he'll go in there and or some days he's like I want to just go lay in your bed for a little bit and he'll like knock out and then we'll put him in his bed you know I want to say I think it's a comfort thing and I think he gets it and I think he gets it from me because I'm I'm so weird when it comes to that I have to so before we had Braxton and even Penny I always had to just have at least like a foot or something touching Austin just like I knew he was kind of there yeah now that we have now we bring in Penny and Penny sleeps like right on you know my leg so I that's my thing but I think that's what it is for him too because he'll lay right in the middle like he did when he was a newborn and it's perfect like he just falls right asleep it doesn't you know faze him at all yeah so now it's changed to we have to you know get back to the we have to sit and relax and you need to chill for a little bit we'll turn on whatever show he's into yeah and then we'll put him in because if we put him in like how we did when he was in his crib he would get up right away and he would leave his room it's good since we've gotten back from our vacation he has slept in there every night it's some nights it's so weird he'll wake up in the middle of the night well and now the first couple nights he was in his bed he would like come out in the morning and or sneak out of his room I could hear it on the monitor I could hear him opening his door so I look he's like standing out in the hallway he didn't realize like oh I should probably go wake up my parents so yeah so now we had to talk to him we had to say you know whenever you get up you can open our door you know and let us know that you're up or you know whatever because if I looked in his camera and saw that he was gone and was not in my room I would flip out so so now he does it's so cute he will get up out of his bed yeah gets up out of his bed and you just hear our door open and it's in this like creaking stage right now our door it's so annoying so you just hear it and he's like it's morning time I know I know it's just right there it's so like those moments like okay this is why I am a mom yeah this is what makes it all okay right yeah right right well and even so I mean if you know her door is closed and stuff and you have you'll probably hear that cuz that's what I do too I I hear everything if he moves once I'm I'm like up and looking okay making sure you know he's there we do he does have his noise machine when when he was younger we used it was it was one of those oh god what was it was a turtle no his was a crab and it had like the light on top that would go on his ceiling and it would play music or like an ocean sound and it would have like the ocean on the ceiling we we got rid of that Austin wants to try and get rid of the noise machine too just because he doesn't want it to be a constant but he does really good when you know he stays at let's say like Austin's parents or at my parents you know they don't they don't use noise machines so it's he's fine so he does have it right well and I like it because it cancels out like let's say if Penny barks or something he can't necessarily just hear it super loud because the noise machine is on you know rather if it wasn't on it would go right into his bedroom I mean our house isn't that big yeah yeah I mean it and it helps in it I still till this day I have to at least have the TV or music or something on to fall asleep just to I don't know what it is I just have to have some noise to fall asleep but we do also he has this astronaut now that shows like a space thing just it's just light you know kind of like a calming thing so we and it's if you can set it on a timer which is really nice so we set it on a timer and it will shut off you know whatever time it is or whatever so that's kind of what he has and we do have a little nightlight too I know you're going to be like this kids room is lit now like lit up no it's not yeah yeah just because I don't you know I don't want him to wake up in a pitch black room especially right now at this stage at least with us it's a little bit different because obviously we know but you know with them you know yes and no I don't know I really don't know with him because he's such a liar half the time he the one day he came in our room and in the middle of the night and was like well what's wrong and I said why did you have a bad dream we think he's been having like Austin I don't know if it was around this age or a little bit older he used to have like night terrors so I think Braxton's starting yeah I think Braxton's starting to have every now and then some of them we went through like a month period of so he stayed in our room most of it the nights because it's like all right we need to get sleep too you know so at least if he's in our room it's a little bit easier to so so the one night he came in and he you know was upset kind of and I was like what's wrong did you have a bad dream and he's like well the tiger scared me and he has this like stuffed animal tiger in his room which it's never bothered him before but I think because it was darker and he probably seen like the shadow of it so I wouldn't say he's scared of the dark but little things you know if he's not prepared for it yeah yeah right mm-hmm right oh yeah I feel you girl it is scary though I mean you know especially if you do you wake up out of just nowhere and it's pitch black I mean sometimes I'm still like okay what the fuck's going on absolutely absolutely yep make sure your feet are all the way up on your bed 100% yep me either yep me too no you're not coming and touching my fucking feet or so creepy yeah mm-hmm mm-hmm yeah I think I think honestly there I think every age now use some like a sound machine or something there's so many people I know who have those yeah mm-hmm yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah absolutely yeah yeah yeah right yeah yeah oh my god yeah that is one thing that I'm not looking forward to I know my mom has said this that I think my brother used to go I don't know if he would just like go down and like not stare at them but I'm pretty sure he would like open her eyes and now you know like and I that is something I'm not looking forward to or like you know when you feel like someone's staring at you and you just wake up and there he is oh yeah he probably will get punched in the face like that that's not gonna be pretty yeah don't do that again like now now I'm glad you know because it's so cute how he comes and wakes us up in his room and I can hear him you know getting up but when he figures out okay you know I should just I should maybe be a little quieter no don't be standing at my bedside absolutely not so oh I would be like demon child get out of no oh my god well it is I mean that is scary I know it's actually it cracks me up till this day whenever I go home or whatever so my dad was a fireman and you know obviously all those loud sirens and stuff they you know get your freaking ears and whatever I remember when I would let's say like go downstairs and or something and wake my parents up my dad oh my god crack me up every time what what what like dad I don't mean to scare you but I just need to sit and tell you to whatever it was you have to be like so quiet like mom dad I'm home or it's okay what what oh man the times we get to look forward to mm-hmm yeah 100% hell yeah some days I'm like God it's only five o'clock I'm ready for bed can this time go any faster my kids still got four more hours until he's in bed like come on stays up all night what um so okay so moving to your new house did she do okay like transitioning sleepwise there yeah okay yeah right oh right oh yeah yeah um we definitely have tried the cry it out method when you know he was younger and then he got to a point where it would be like an hour long and he was still crying and not sleeping and I'm just like no I'm not one I'm not doing I'm doing it for my sanity because I'm not listening to that anymore it's been an hour and you're screaming you know not just it's not just upsetting to hear but it's frankly like my god my ears need a break from you just screaming yeah so when he was younger he did a lot of I would say falling asleep more in our arms and then we would take him to bed now I mean you heard kind of what we do now so it's not it's definitely not like that but what what about you have you is that what did you do mm-hmm yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah mm-hmm yeah yeah mm-hmm yeah yeah okay right yeah right yeah exactly mm-hmm yeah right yeah I mean shit whatever frickin works people need frickin sleep so figure it out I mean what did you did you ever go to sleep I didn't think so no right yeah yeah yeah no no and I mean it's tough because you sit and say you know you want to cuddle and stuff and my you know Braxton sometimes still will sleep with us especially if he's sick good God that's like literally you you have to sleep with us when you're sick I'm sorry because we nobody will get any sleep but but sometimes it is it's like okay I'll say to Austin I'm like can you go put him in his bed one he's getting so like not a tall person I'm short and I'm you know little to the ground so he's getting to a point where I it's not like he's heavy but you know it's very awkward for me to try and put him in bed so like Austin you need to take him in bed he's fine right now he said it's like get him out of my room you know some days it is it's like no he needs to sleep because then you go to some of the nice no I just want to lay in your room no he's even said yes he's even said I'll be like okay well no you're not gonna lay in our room because sister we call Penny sister sister gets very uncomfortable because you do like you lay in her spot so then it changes her entire night wink wink no but then Penny doesn't sleep because Braxton is in her spot so then we're up all night anyway so the one day yes it's like do you ever get me sleep in your house no we don't at all how do you function I don't know that's what that's why I I really should take up drinking coffee but I just can't do it I think it tastes like dirt like you're you're literally drinking soil from the ground no I can't I just no no I guess I've never really gotten into like lattes or frappuccinos or whatever but no I don't like to take I can like I like the smell of coffee but the taste I'm literally drinking like soil from the ground like I'm planting a flower and that's what I'm drinking oh my god oh my god that is so funny no I yeah oh my god that is so funny no I can't do it so anyway the other night he's sitting and I said okay so you're gonna sleep in your room tonight and where I'm gonna sleep in my room and blah blah blah and and then he goes well I want to sleep in your room but it's my room too I'm like no it's not your room he's starting to call my like me and Austin's room his room yeah his room so that's where I'm like okay no we need to cut this off this is not your room so then you have to sit and talk to him but it's so nice to have your own room you get your own privacy you know you get to sleep in your own room it's so cool you know you got your tent in here you got your cool astronaut so yeah apparently you know I I have a room with my two and a half year old that's also his room now seriously my god at least he does bring his own pillow and blanket when he comes in so yeah yeah yeah some days if he's like settling down relaxing and he doesn't want to watch a show anymore he'll get up with his blanket and his baby and we're like where are you going I'm going to your room excuse you so listen he thinks he's freaking 20 years old or something so I mean you know closely being us can be good and bad good the good in mine is I get to sleep the bad is now my child thinks that's his bedroom oh yeah right we'll see yeah mm-hmm oh yeah yeah yeah right yeah right oh yeah that makes sense I don't know any advice is welcome no I mean other other than that he does you know he does really well it's it's actually really funny now changing the daycare he's in I don't think he's actually napping there and we can no no they they really don't I mean he says he does but again like I said earlier he's a liar so you can't ever believe him but we can tell when he doesn't nap and and he's actually falling asleep a lot earlier I kind of feel like he is a little bit I was thinking that the other day and I was talking to Austin about it because even on the weekends it's sometimes he doesn't even take naps he needs to at least for an hour just to chill because he doesn't get he's not very nice sometimes when he doesn't nap so I but I think he is I know he has like relaxing time at school if he doesn't actually nap but yeah and after we got back from vacation if he literally was going to bed at like six o'clock and I said to Austin I don't like no I think he just was that exhausted from what well it could have been you know from the time change and then the travel and yeah and I was like oh Austin I don't like this because this kid's gonna get up at 4 a.m. and he's gonna be wide freaking away he'd know he slept the entire night it was insane I know I know so yeah he would like fall asleep on the couch and just be out you know what what about moments over break do we have mom fails toddler tantrums whatever it may be okay I have I have a cute little moment um it actually we kind of already talked about it a little bit so I've been sick and Austin has been pretty much getting up with him in the morning because I've been up all night and I hear him you know obviously when he gets up and stuff I can hear him come out of you know his room and Austin will get him and I heard him the other morning where's mom and Austin said oh you know mom mom's not feeling well she's sick well he's like I just want to go check I want to go check on her and he comes in and he goes mom are you feeling any better I was like oh my god I and I just want to pick him up and squeeze him but I'm like okay if I really am sick I don't want you know to I'm like yeah but I think so much okay I just want to make sure I love you oh my god why are you so cute I know they really are but I know that's what I'm holding close to when he's a brat or when he's you know 18 years old when he's 18 years old and wants nothing to do with me I know oh my god okay mm-hmm yeah yeah oh oh god right okay yeah yeah yeah oh oh oh no oh oh yeah yeah are you still finding them all around the house yeah oh oh yeah we know how that works yes oh absolutely oh my god that's so funny yeah you're gonna be finding those everywhere it's like bobby pins you find them literally every freaking where exactly oh my god that's so cute I love those but they really are they're like people I'm saying like how do you know how to do that right absolutely yeah yes absolutely as always you can find us on Instagram at live moms layer podcast you can listen to us on Spotify and watch us on YouTube all you do is search live moms layer to view yes bye

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