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The Book of Psalms, particularly chapter 1, emphasizes the importance of walking in God's way. It highlights the blessings and joy that come from having a personal relationship with Him. Just as trees need water and sunlight to thrive, humans need God as the source of spiritual nourishment. Spending time with Him leads to strength, wisdom, and a radiant countenance. By delighting in the Lord and committing our ways to Him, we can experience His provision and have our desires fulfilled. The passage also encourages physical health through exercise and stretching. The podcast credits Robin and Matthew Anderson and the New Generation Christian Family Matters podcast for their support. The Book of Psalms wonderfully shares the God-inspired writings of King David. Psalms chapter 1 speaks about how we are blessed if we walk in his way. That command and promise is clear. People in our society express themselves and have a lot to say. Many times there is no mention of God and how he wants to make a positive difference in our life. The word says, delight yourself in the law of the Lord and in his law. Does he meditate? Yes, day and night. Since we have a personal relationship with him, he is committed 24-7 to us. Have faith as you seek his way. You will experience great pleasure, satisfaction, and happiness. However, even in life's difficult times, Psalms 19 and 7, the law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. It goes on to say, we are like a tree. Psalms chapter 1. Our lives will symbolize like a tree planted by the rivers of water. Now, let us think about a natural tree for a moment. In school, we learned that trees, like all other living things, need food, water, and nutrients to survive. If a tree does not receive these basic needs, it will begin to show signs of being sick. The tree trunk may begin to crack or develop holes. Branches will be weak, hang low, and not support new growth. The natural man is considered in the group of other living things. What makes man further unique is that we also have a living soul. If we need water naturally, we can get a bottle of water and drink until satisfied. If we ever experience dehydration, we may have to solicit medical attention to a nurse back to help. Spiritually, God symbolizes as the living water that never runs dry. Before we came to God, we were spiritually dry. He is the only one that can be our salvation and satisfy our thirsty souls. Hallelujah! The plants, the animals, and mankind all need the sun to give life to the plants that grow. All life receives nourishment by consuming the plants to exist, grow, and survive. The more time you spend with Him, the brighter He will shine out of you. You will become stronger and wiser in Him because you regard His wisdom and counsel over all others. In California, there is a lake called Bass and it is so beautiful. As you enjoy the lake, at its peak levels during certain times of year, you may notice a lone tree. Out in the middle of the lake, seemingly growing out of the water, it is the oddest sight to see. This lone tree is getting all the nourishment it needs to survive from the water, sun, and soil deep down. Verse 3 of Psalms chapter 1 proclaims, And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season. His leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Others will notice and admire the joy from inside that radiates on your countenance, your very face. This is truly the way of the righteous and we claim every bit of this promise in Jesus' name. We delight ourselves in the Lord and He will give us, hallelujah, the desires of our hearts. Let's pray. Father God, we thank you for being Lord of our lives. There is none like you. We have the God kind of faith today and believe that you have everything that we need to live a successful Christian life. You give us the power to become the sons and daughters of God. We will be careful to practice delighting ourselves in your ways as we grow in the knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ. Others will see your light shining through us. They'll see how healthy we are. We pray also Psalms 37 45. Delight yourself also in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord. Trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass. In Jesus' name, Amen. Are you ready for your healthy tip today? Take someone with you and go for a healthy 30 minute walk. Your heart and your body will thank you. But before you do that, we would like for you to do a pre-stretch. Plant your feet shoulder width apart firmly on the floor or ground. Stretch your arms out in front of you till the count of 10 and down. Stretch your arms overhead as if to touch the ceiling till the count of 10 and down. Stretch your arms out to both sides as if to touch the side walls till the count of 10 and down. Repeat this three times. Make sure to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Our Father is ever present. This is Lucretia Jordan. We would also like to acknowledge our better half today, Odell Jordan. Thank you for being with us. Our podcast was made possible by the generous support of Robin and Matthew Anderson on prayer and sharing invitation to intercede in prayer for our nation on Facebook. And also, New Generation Christian Family Matters podcast for making our presentation possible to you today. God bless you as our prayer.

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