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I SubmitMyself#13

I SubmitMyself#13

L JordanL Jordan



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The speaker talks about the various ways to access their talks and podcasts. They share stories about their mother's faith and determination in prayer, and how she faced discouragement from the enemy. They discuss the importance of staying in the game and being obedient to God's will, using examples from the stories of Jonah and Jesus. Ultimately, they emphasize the importance of fulfilling God's mission and trusting in His strength. I submit myself. Let it be done. Well, I pray that you have been encouraged and equipped by our contribution of talks this past year, 2023-2024. If you have not had a chance to tune in with us or just want to refresh on what God's word has to say to us these days, you have the opportunity to tune in three different ways. On META, Robin and Matthew Anderson Prayer and Share, an invitation to intercede for our nation. Our podcast, New Generation Christian Family Matters. You can also www.audio.com and just search the files under L Jordan, J-O-R-D-A-N. Number one, stay in the games. Number two, keep your mind, part one. Number three, keep your mind, part two. Number four, trees of righteousness. Five, six, and seven, to know him is to please him, parts one, two, and three. Number eight, no fear here, part one. Number nine, no fear here, part two. Number ten, highly favored. Number eleven, the best way, part one. Number eleven, part two, the best way is God's way of doing things. Number twelve, dressed well. We have encouraged you to stay in the game with our first broadcast that we brought you last year. No matter how old or young you may be, God is no respect to person or age. No one wants to be alone. We can all agree to that. I recently talked with my mom, who is 92 years young. She regularly leads and participates in the weekly prayer time via phone conference call and what a privilege. The example I had as a child and as far as I can remember, she has been close to the Lord. She has faced disappointment, grief, and health challenges. I appreciate her determination, faith, and trusting God as the final authority in her life. She has learned to take every situation to the throne of grace and prayer and also of agreement. God has time and time again answered her prayers according to the promises in his word. He gets glory and honor every time. One prayer meeting, she was in the midst of praying and noticed that she no longer could hear the prayer of agreement from others as usual. The enemy began to convince her that no one could possibly hear her and that she had been cut off. She felt all alone. For some reason, she began to feel her prayers were not being heard by God. The enemy convinced her that her prayers weren't even reaching the ceiling. If Satan can get us alone or experience the feeling of loneliness, he's got our attention. Satan is a liar and the truth is not in him. All he wants us to do is to stop the flow, the progress of God. I am so glad she made the decision to continue praying to God out loud in spite of her fleshly feelings. She prayed for the behalf of others and their needs, lifting them up to our Lord. She stayed on her godly assignment. The enemy tried to discourage her, but she consulted God's spirit, the Holy Spirit, speedily. Amen. Mom had a witness from the word of God in her prayer. According to James 5, chapter 5, verses 13 through 16, it reads, Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray. Is any merry? Let him sing psalms. Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church. And let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up. And if he has committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Amen. Hallelujah. Consider the cost. A few days later, she was able to see some of her prayer team members in person. They verified that they heard her prayer the entire time, even though things at the time seemed blank and without sound on her end. We must recognize the enemy's attacks and discouragements towards our spirit at all times. We all have a heavenly assignment from God, and we are vessels of honor. It is our privilege and duty, my friend, to assure the road of communications stays clear of any satanic blocks and distractions. Amen. Go Mom. Hallelujah. Sometimes alone, though, I've heard some people say that they enjoy the company of others all the time. Well, sometimes we will be alone, let's face it, and feel alone, even though God said he would never leave us or forsake us. Mom even added, did I do something wrong to deserve this embarrassing moment? I guess I'm too old to keep up with everyone. The task is too great, and I'm only one person. Hear me, my friend of God. He will never test his children with evil and confusion, but God will test our obedience, I assure you of that. We've discussed obedience before, and obedience is to be in compliance and order, request or follow the law, and be submissive to another one's authority. We want to submit ourselves to God's authority. Amen. From our very first podcast, Stay in the Game, we must do just that. The book of Jonah, the prophet, if you have never seen or located the book of Jonah, it is the eighth last book of the Old Testament. I'll give you time to find it. Okay, in the book of Jonah, the word of the Lord came unto him. He told Jonah to arise and go to a great city called Nineveh, which was the most powerful nation at that time. God wanted Jonah to preach repentance to the people because their wickedness did much abound. But Jonah had a better idea and fled from the presence of the Lord and went the way of Tarshish down to Joppa. He got on a ship and a great wind tossed the ship about almost to the point of being broken up. The mates on the ship were afraid and everyone began to call on their God. The shipmaster came to Jonah and noticed that he was the only one sleeping during this time of turmoil. All evidence pointed that Jonah was the cause of the evil that was upon all of them. They all cried to the Lord and asked to not perish for this man's life. The word says they took Jonah and in Laman terms, they threw him overboard into the sea. Afterwards, they made a sacrifice to the Lord and made vows of promises. Jonah definitely felt alone, no doubt. Out in that huge body of water, watching the ship sail on, getting further and further away from him until out of sight. He truly got himself in a fix not obeying God. You know Jonah had cast ultimate judgment on the people of Nineveh. He did not want to be bothered. Perhaps he felt it was a waste of God in his time because they were so far gone into sin. He followed his own compass and headed in the direction where he was not covered for certain under Psalms 91 as far as I'm concerned. I want you to read Psalms 91. Read this chapter for protection over you and your family and do it daily. I think we mentioned that before. Amen. God was not mad at Jonah, but God's hands were tied since Jonah was not in God's perfect will at this point. We subject ourselves to the enemy. Jonah found himself swallowed up in a great fish that God prepared for him. He was in the belly of this great fish three days and three nights. How miserable can you be in the belly of a great fish that long? It was bad enough to make Jonah realize his present condition was much worse off than going to Nineveh and being an instrument to save lives. Then we have the story of Jesus, which we've talked about before. The book of Luke chapter 22, starting at verse 14. Jesus longed to sit down with his 12 disciples once more before his suffering began. This was the Last Supper, a very special time in history. After the Last Supper, this time was the beginning of when Jesus began to truly feel alone. And when the hour was come, he sat down in the 12 apostles with him. He said unto them, I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. Jesus began to pull himself away from the disciples and said, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God shall come. You are they which have continued with me in my temptations. Jesus went to the Mount of Olives and his disciples followed him. He asked them to pray that they enter not into temptation. Jesus was withdrawn from them and went alone a little way to pray. Jesus said, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will but thine be done. Jesus felt so alone. The Father sent ministering angels to give him strength. Jesus felt alone when the chief priests, captains, and the elders, who he saw daily in and around the temple, treated him like a common criminal. The disciple Peter at the time denied Jesus three times in a very short time, just as Jesus foretold him. Jesus was left to hang out alone, with no support from anyone, all the way to literally carrying his own cross on his back, until a man called Simon of Cyrenaica came and bared Jesus' cross on his back. Sometimes we feel that we are alone, but nothing compares to what our Savior endured. Matthew 27, verse 46. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Getting back to Jonah. Jonah did the will of God. God called Jonah a second time. Jonah prayed and repented, and God heard him. He vowed to the Lord that he would do God's will. Jonah chapter 2, verse 9. In the Passion Translation it says, But I will sacrifice to you with songs of praise, and I will fulfill all my vows. For my salvation comes from the Lord alone. The Lord heard Jonah's prayer and spoke to the great fish. The great fish vomited Jonah up on dry land. Oh my goodness. The Lord spoke unto Jonah a second time, and Jonah obeyed. Jesus, God's son, according to John 5 and 30. Jesus did the will of his Father God. Jesus knew what he had to do, even though it was very difficult as he lived in a human body. Verse 30. I can of my own self do nothing. As I hear, I judge. And judgment is just, because I seek not my own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. Jesus knew what he came to earth to do, and he needed to fulfill his mission. Luke 19 and 10. For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. Luke 4, 18 and 19. Jesus was anointed to preach the gospel to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, preach deliverance to the captive, and recovery of sight to the blind. Set at liberty them that are bruised, meaning traumatized, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. The acceptable year, in researching meaning, period of time marked by God's grace, redemption, and deliverance. Amen. Jesus did not waste the Father's timeline. Jesus stayed on track with the earthly time and heavenly time. He was sent as the Savior of the world. As we all know, did teach and disciple man to do the great commission in winning souls for the kingdom of God. I'm so glad Jesus did what the Father told him to do for the whole world. Consider the cost that was paid which no amount of money could buy. We all must follow Christ as our perfect example. Romans 12, read this chapter in its entirety. Let's pray. The will of God together according to verse 2. Dear God, I love you. I love your word and your ways. Give me the mind to love what you love and to hate what you hate. Help me to not be afraid or ashamed to live according to your purpose and plan for my life. Lord, I submit myself to your plan and your authority. The more I consult you in all things, the less wrong turns and bad decisions I will not have to make. In Jesus' name, amen. According to Romans 12, verse 2, this is the Passion Translation. By your power and grace, I will stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around me. By faith, I ask the Holy Spirit, fill me up and inwardly transform my thinking so that I have the mind of Christ. Lord, thank you for your empowerment that helps me to recognize God's perfect will that I must follow for my life. In Jesus' name, amen. Are you ready for your healthy tip for today? Always forgive everyone that has wronged you during the day. Before you go to bed, pray for your enemies that they will see and begin to learn God's love as they may be watching you. You do this for yourself as well. Holding on to negative thoughts makes you old very fast. Unhappy, being angry, and having unforgiveness puts you too close to the breeding ground of illnesses, sicknesses, and disease. Laugh and be happy. It is strengthening and feels so good. Above all, it pleases your Heavenly Father and nothing stands in the way of His blessings in your life. Ha, ha, ha, the joy of the Lord is my strength. God is ever present. This is Lucretia Jordan. We would like to thank Robin and Matthew Anderson. With prayer and share, an invitation to intercede for our nation on Metta and New Generation Christian Family Matters podcast for making our presentation possible again to you. God bless you today as our prayer.

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