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The Living to Serve Podcast introduces the hosts and their special guest, Cassidy Jaggers, who is the state FFA treasurer. They discuss various topics, including their favorite aspects of FFA, future plans after college, and the recent state Career Development Events (CDE) competition. Weston Morgan placed second overall in the soil contest, while Garrett Van Dyke did not place in the farm business management contest. They also mention a new initiative called Flatlands Forever in Colorado FFA. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to another episode of Living to Serve Podcast, the podcast for FFA members, by FFA members, and agriculturalists. With everything agriculture and FFA news, we're here to bring you this today. Okay, let's start off with some introductions. This is our first episode of the Living to Serve Podcast by the McLeave FFA Chapter. I'm Corbin Jaggers. We're from the southeast corner of Colorado. I raise show goats, and I am your McLeave FFA president this year. We're going to pass it to the vice president of the chapter, Garrett Van Dyke. Yeah, so my name is Garrett Van Dyke. I am the vice president of McLeave FFA Chapter. I also raise goats, sheep. I also harvest honey for my bees, a lot of agriculture-related things on my little farm down here. And we have one more person in our main group today, and that's Weston Morgan. Yeah, I'm Weston Morgan. I show steers, raise cows. That's about it. Okay, thank you, Weston and Garrett. We have a special guest today for the first episode. Go ahead and introduce yourself, special guest. Hi, I'm Cassidy Jaggers. I'm the state FFA treasurer this year. I am also from the southeast Colorado. I'm also Corbin's sister, and I raise show goats, and I have a custom swathing business that has won some pretty big awards at the state and national level. There you go. Okay, I think we have everyone introduced. Sounds pretty good. Sounds pretty good. Let's hop into some questions that we have. Oh, we're going to do questions now? Why not? Okay, let's get some questions going. And if you have questions to the fans that we may have out there, there is a living to serve Instagram page that you could DM to ask us questions, and hopefully we'll have an answer for you. They probably won't. Just don't look at the ugly picture of me. Okay, while we get these questions pulled up, I do not know how to run the app of Instagram. So they were in message requests because I didn't follow this person back. But these are questions from Zee Leighton Holm. We love Leighton Holm. Leighton Holm. He's in our chapter. He's that guy. He is that guy. These are for Cassidy. We have eight questions, and then we're going to ask her some funny ones at the end. Oh, we have some great questions for you at the end. Okay, what is your favorite part about the FFA? So many awesome things. Probably just how... I just say the FFA is a big family. Whether you're from the southeastern corner of Colorado or from the western slope, everyone gets along. So that's something that is super interesting to me. And we just introduced this new thing in Colorado, the FFA. It's called Flatlands Forever. Flatlands Forever! So if you're from the Flatlands and you're listening here, Flatlands Forever. Not West Slope, Best Slope. Thank you. We've been looking for this for many years. I have gone to countless FFA events and just heard, West Slope! Best Slope! Okay, we're not throwing any shade at anyone on the West Slope. But we are. But that chant is hideous. Can we also talk about the fact that there's only one slope in Colorado? Yeah, one slope. So... I love my western slopeys, but let's be real. One slope. And what's better, the slopes or the plains? I'm a flatlander myself. No, I like to be able to see my dog run away for three days at a time. Yeah, there you go, Weston. It is flat out here. Some trees. Okay, question two. What do you plan on doing after college, Cass? Well, it's not necessarily decided yet. But I am going to college for agriculture education. So I'm going to be an ag teacher. I'm going to complete my student teaching at the end of my college career and decide whether or not that's something that I really want to pursue. The good thing about an ag education degree is you can basically do anything within the the ag industry. So some other things that I've looked at is working for, like, Alanko or Bayer being a pharmaceutical salesman. And yeah, the opportunities are endless. What would you think of following in your dad's footsteps and being an ag teacher at some small rural school in Colorado? We always need more ag teachers. I love that idea. I don't think that I could teach in a big school. Not hating to the big schools, but it's just not for me. I think it would be pretty cool to follow in my dad's footsteps. I thought a lot about coming back to McLeven teaching, but those are some big footsteps to fill. So I don't see that happening in the near future. Fair points. Question number three. How did you know what college you were going to go to? Give some advice to the next generation of agriculturalists and how to decide what college is best. So I toured three different schools. I toured CSU whenever we were there for state CDs one year, and then I toured West Texas A&M, and then I toured Oklahoma State University. And really the deciding factor for me was that since I came from such a rural place with 50 kids in the high school that I didn't want to be in a big town like Stillwater or Fort Collins and Canyon, where West Texas A&M is, is just a really small community. And it's really a pretty small school. So it was just the most comfortable for me. And it's also very cheap. So go Buffs! Have you ever thought of trying to walk onto the football program at West Texas A&M? Yes, I have. But. Oh, why? But you don't have a very good chance of walking on the football team at WT. You stay red-shirted until you're a senior. So. Okay, we've talked about walking on. We've talked about all this thing. All these things. She told us how to decide where to go to college. Should we save some questions and just space them out for the episode? That sounds great. But I have one good question. One good question. What do you think of garden gnomes? Garden gnomes. You know what a garden gnome is? Yeah. I'm not dumb, bro. Okay, they got like them little pointy hats and beards. Yeah. I low-key think they're creepy. I see a yard with garden gnomes in it and I'm like, oh. This might not be a place I want to go into. This definitely isn't because you watched Goosebumps as a little kid where the garden gnomes attacked the dude with a rake, right? Definitely not. No, it's more like Gnomeo and Juliet. Have you ever watched that movie? I love Gnomeo and Juliet. No, that's a great movie. I did not like that movie. Cassidy, are you discriminating against gnomes? No, I'm not. I'm just saying. I just don't know how to feel about them. What if they have hidden security cameras in their eyes and it's just the government watching us? The government watches us anyway. That does not get gone into in this podcast. Our first topic, state CDs. Just happened here in Colorado on the 29th. We had some mixed results in our chapter and one really big result, but I think we should start it with the best result we had. Weston, how did you do at state CDs? So I was on the winning team, Seoul. Got second overall. Second overall. Tell us a little bit about your experiences, Weston. Go out there and there's three parts to this contest. First part is your home site. Go out there and they have this pit that's about two feet wide, about five, six feet long. There's about 50 people in this pit packed in there like sardines in a clown car. You're in the trenches, World War One. People drop it all over the place, going down like flies. Some kid runs off in the mountain, gets eaten by a bear. I ain't seen him since. Go on to the next part. Walk down this straw path down the middle of the field, because if you walk on their crops, they threaten you. So you go over there to the ag site and here it's the same as other places. You're in this pit, 50 other people. They all stink. You know you stink too. You go through, you ribbon out soil. Do that by putting dirt between your pointer finger and thumb and you just push it until it goes out like a ribbon and when it breaks off, that's kind of how you tell how much clay sands in it. Then after this, you get back on a bus, get yelled at by a bus driver for eating on his bus and trashing a bunch of mud on it. And you go back to the CSU campus and do a web soil survey where you have to go online and like fill out stuff. I can't read, so that's kind of difficult for me, but, you know, that's about it. So, so you told us you placed out second. Yeah, who beat you? Well, I'll tell you, it was my ****** sister. OK, I think I am. There's some technical difficulties there for the listeners right there. She said beautiful, kind, loving, talented, smart. Oh, did we mention beautiful? Did we mention beautiful? Yes. Yes, beautiful. OK, Garrett, I think I think you should go. We should go next. OK, so another competition that McClave did was farm business, farm business management. We made it to state as a team. As a team, we didn't do so good. Not so hot. Not so hot. Me individually, I didn't place bronze. I didn't play silver. Hey, I didn't place gold. I just didn't play. Oh, OK, Garrett. Not my best day taking a test. And I know what that teacher is always saying. You got to practice, practice, practice. I want to tell you now, all the parents that may be listening. If your kid wants to do farm business management, make sure they take college accounting tests out of the womb to prepare them. OK, and if you ever in your life come across the hedge fund, burn it down. Burn it to the ground. OK, I have two questions about this. What kind of hedge are we talked about? Is it like shaped like a goose, a chicken, duck? What? I don't know what a hedge fund is, but I still hate him. OK, I can beat it on the national farm business team. I think that you got put on that team because no one else. Hey, but I got to make a second trip to the National Convention. You know who's making three trips to the National Convention? Yeah, period. Well, actually, did you know that the soil contest is not at? Yeah, but it gets I go get to go. It's in Oklahoma. Yep, I don't get to go national fair enough. Fair enough. This is going to be Willie's third time. Trace trace. OK, we went as freshmen with the chapter. Right. And then we won the or the state CCM team or the state CCM competition last year. Gary, you want to talk about that? Yeah. So for those who don't know what CCM is, it stands for conduct of chapter meetings. It's a baby probably proversion kind of eases you into the steps of going into the parliamentary procedure competition. And yeah, we were one of the few teams that competed. But nonetheless, we still want to stay and we're able to compete at national level, which is still very impressive. And I think, hey, Corbin, you need to talk about our experience at the national level. So we encountered some awesome people, probably some of the best people I've met. Still talk to him to this day. Still do. We have a group chat with them. They were from Tennessee. Yeah. And they had a set of twins that were hilarious on that team. Amazing. And, you know, it was also amazing. They got out in the first round, too. Yeah, we had to share our grief with them pretty, pretty easily. And we continued to see them. There's national convention and managed to track them down and get their contact information, which is a great thing. Again, experience that we won't forget going to national convention, going to these conferences and conventions. You get to meet new people, expand your horizons a little bit. And that's always a positive of the FSA. A blessing that comes from the FSA. So let's get back on track with state CDs. The livestock team. The livestock team. A terrible day for me. I was silver last year. This year I placed bronze. We went back and two of us placed bronze. One of us didn't place and the other place gold. We got silver as a team. Who placed gold? The Windsor Lighty. The best livestock judger possibly known to man. Does her back hurt from carrying your team? Probably. I'm a big old boy. Okay. So give us your experience of what the livestock judging competition is. So judge livestock, give reasons. At state, it was too cold to only be wearing your ODE in the morning. Then by the time the sun came out, too hot to have your ODE on. I was sweating in my corduroy. You sweat a lot. Thank you, Wesson. What about the, I heard a rumor that the goats had ringworm. Indeed. Indeed. And I'm pretty sure one of the goats I saw was the grand champion from the Colorado State Fair. Don't know how it ended up there, but I saw it. I don't know who brought them. Well, I kind of think I have an idea, but I'm not going to state their name on this podcast. We stay conspiracy free on this podcast. Yes, we, we are not trying to throw anyone out of the bus. We're, we just talk it how it comes our way. Also, what we need to talk about. What do you think of Taco Bell in Lyman, in Lyman, Colorado? I love that Taco Bell. That is the best Taco Bell I've ever eaten. If you ever go through Lyman, Colorado at eight points, you never stop that Taco Bell. We don't stop. You don't stop at the Arby's. We said, I've done plenty of people that have gotten food poisoning from the army. I would rather have food poisoning than set there for an hour waiting on my taco. That never came to McDonald's. We ordered already. We didn't know there was three people in there. One guy was behind the cash register. Other two was just peddle farting around in the back, taking their sweet time. There was people who waited half an hour in the drive through. You could see on their thing. Oh, wow. There wasn't anybody in there. It was a Sunday afternoon. That is insane. I walked all the way back from Taco Bell to McDonald's. And it was done by my food with my food by the time you guys got back on the bus. It's also not helping that you're on a little bit of a time crunch and your advisor is yelling at you. You have one member of your chapter who just refuses to leave because he could swear he sees his food being made. Yes, he was probably 15 minutes behind you guys. All I can say is he got your food for you. That is also true. I was one of the lucky few who got my food. Fair enough. Even though they do take a long time. The tacos are gas. It's Taco Bell. Cole, Cole, Cole, Wetzel went to the Taco Bell in Lima. He would be depressed. Oh, man, that's tough. Okay, tough. Now that we know how we all didn't CDs before we talk about our experiences or at least talk to Cass about her experiences, say CDs being a state officer. Let's go through some more questions. Yes, Layton sent plenty, which we appreciate of you, Layton. If you're listening, you might be our only listener, but we love you. We love you, Layton. Okay, question number four in your four years of high school. What is your favorite FSA memory? Let's see. I've had lots of favorite memories. I think it's really hard to mail it down to one. I think that my favorite memory this far wouldn't have necessarily been in high school. Okay, I think it'll still count. I don't think Layton will mind. Okay, so for anyone who's listening to this podcast that doesn't know, usually state officers or people run for state office right out of high school. I went to college for a year and ran. I'm sorry. Okay, it's fine. Just keep going through. Okay, so I went to college for a year before I ran for state office, and I have to say that my favorite memory this far was either interning with the rest of the state officer candidates at state convention this year or listening to everyone's name get called, and we all just became a family on that stage. What do you think of Corbin yelling, that's my sister, at the top of his lungs when you were announced? I thought that was great. It's going to happen again this year, too. Fair enough, fair enough. Yeah, it's not going to be a one-time deal. We're going to make sure McLean has a front row seat right there. Every single time. Yeah, I will be sorely disappointed if you guys don't cheer for me every single time I'm on the stage. We might boo. Man, that's tough. Don't boo after my RA or I might cry. Not gonna lie. I'm gonna boo. Yeah, speaking of RA, Corbin, are you prepared for that? Is your part prepared for her retiring address? No, because the Windsor Lighty does not want to sit down and do it right now. Senioritis hits hard. Oh yeah, graduation on Sunday, all the seniors left. Probably the best day of school we've had thus far. That is a bold statement. Two hours after they left, it was anarchy. The batteries in the thermostat in the locker room were gone. And we were running around the school trying to find batteries, because it was going to be 110 degrees in that locker room. They turned it up to 110 degrees? No, it was going to be 110 from everybody sitting around in there. Why were the batteries taken out? They were dead. They weren't taken out. There are ghosts in this school. I will attest to that. Yesterday, we heard people yelling while we were recording our first version of this podcast. They got thrown in the scrap pile because of some things that were said, which never needed to be repeated. The Red Gym is definitely haunted. La Llorona lives in there or something. I don't know. Okay, we're way off topic. So let's get in on our fifth question. Well, we're gonna skip this one because you already answered it. What was your favorite memory from this year? But I think you already mentioned it. Oh, from this year? Yeah. Oh. Go ahead. Do you have another one for it? Yeah. Okay, let's go ahead and get it. So we all live together, right? Right. Which building? Educate the people. In the CSU Spur Vita building. So right below the Stock Show grounds, National Western Stock Show, there are three buildings. There's Terra, Hydro, and Vita. And so we live in Vita, in the very top. I'd have to say one of my favorite memories from this year would have to be probably anything having to do with Lane and Reier. They're very funny. I could pull out a quote book. We have a quote book. And Lane and Reier say some very funny things. Like we had this really busted golf cart at State Fair. And Reier loves to quote the Creed. And he says, This golf cart has seen better days through better ways. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. Not peed my pants. Yeah. So on our failed episode, we talked about you guys a little bit. And I have a lot of respect for state officers seeing what you've gone through. Yeah. I hear state convention time copious amounts of Red Bull is consumed behind the scenes. Oh, yeah. Yeah. How many packs of coconut Red Bull do you think you'll go through? I don't know. I'm getting sick of coconut. What are you going to move on to? Either regular or watermelon, bro. What about the Juneberry? I don't sell it in packs. Yeah. I bought some. Yeah, there's some. There's some. I plead. Okay, let's get to our next question. Question number six. This is going to be the last one. Then we'll do the last two at the very end. Who was your favorite FFA chapter to visit? I legally can't answer that. You better have a good answer. She didn't visit us. Everybody wants to know. Let's just censor the answer so we'll know in confidence. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Um. Burley. Okay. Yeah. I don't think we beat that enough. I have to edit that. No, I don't think they heard the whole thing. Okay. They said. Okay. So you guys know on the end of this podcast that it starts with the letter B. Yes. Guess from there. Send us your answers on Instagram. I will reply to everyone with a checkmark or an X. If they guess the right town. Oh, okay. Okay. Garrett has had a rough day. Yeah, I'm tired. I think that we only visited one with a B. No. Nuh-uh. No. The fans don't know that. What about McLeave? I love McLeave. Or no, Buckleave. Buckleave. And Bink. What about Bucky's? Browley County. Did you guys get to go to Bucky's? Bucky's is so much fun. Bucky's is the most American thing. America. The European mind can't comprehend it. No. I saw a full squirrel jumpsuit. Yeah. And I bought like six brisket tacos. That should not be a thing. I saw a Hulk Hogan Hawaiian shirt. Fresh brisket on the board. Fresh brisket on the board. I will say while we're talking about the McLeave SFA chapters that these guys were super fantastic whenever we had lock-in for state fees. Thank you. And carried those little automatic scooters three blocks down the street. So that was very appreciated. I think one of us on here has a great opinion about electric scooters. I think we're going to send it to old Willie over there. I hate those electric scooters. Go ahead and tell us why, Willie. State 4-H. Cooper Elam had me riding around on one of those things. If you don't know Cooper Elam, think of Tweeter from Varsity Blues. Yes, but we, no hate for anyone. We love Cooper. Cooper was, yeah, he was Cooper. So I was riding around CSU campus, State 4-H. Racing across parking lots, all sorts of crap on those things. I drift off of a curb and get drugged by this thing for about 50 feet. Had a big old hole in my knee. Ruined my nice pair of jeans. Next day, no, it's next week, I went to a brand and got kicked in that knee three times by a cat. I still have a scar on there. That was over a year ago. So Weston's not a fan of the scooters. Cassie, can you do something about those scooters? No. Are you sure? Isn't there going to be one riding around at State Convention this year? Didn't we finally get one last year? No, no. Who was riding around on it last year? There's going to be a really cool, Mr. Staley. Okay. So there's going to be a really cool giveaway, possibly, at State Convention. How do I get entered? Stay tuned. Can you disclose that information yet? I cannot disclose this information yet. Okay, that's fine. Oh, it's all right, we'll just bleep it out. Go ahead and give us the information. It's a bleep. Okay, that's fine. We'll just leave it at that. You guys don't need to know yet. We don't even know. Sure we don't. Do I know, though? All right. Yeah, you probably do. Let's get back on topic. I think we should ask her another question. Okay. And it's a favorite question we've been asking to a lot of people. Okay, do you want me to ask this one? I think you got it. Okay. Cassidy, would you rather fight 10 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck? Give her a second, she's a little slow. Hey, probably 10 duck-sized horses. Just so you know, there is a right answer here. Yeah. 10 duck-sized horses. The duck-sized horses can move as fast as a regular-sized horse. Yeah, so they're flying around. And they bite just as hard. We put some thought into this. But I don't think that I would make it out of there alive, to be honest. Out of either one. Yeah. A duck has hollow bones. Yeah. They're very light. I bet you could bench press a duck-sized horse. Probably. Okay, you're gonna stick with your 10 duck-sized horses? Okay. Let us know what you would do on Instagram. DM us. We might make a poll. Give us some more situations like that. I might make us a poll tonight and make sure to send any funny questions you have. Or any questions at all. We're here to answer honestly and openly. We need substance for the podcast. Yes. So I have a few questions for you, Cass. About your time as a state FFA officer. How is living at VEDA? With all the other states. I know you have experienced it a little bit. You have gone to college for one year and lived in a dorm, okay? But I want to know. Like, I know whenever I went there, the fridge was barren. And I had to make chicken alfredo out of almost nothing. It's definitely a lot different living with nine other people than it is living in a college dorm. There are five boys. And you know how boys are sometimes. Sometimes they just like to walk around without clothing. Hey. Speaking of, that's what the baseball team did here today. Yeah, we had. No, no, no. Listen, I texted the group chat and I said I just saw the entire baseball team half naked in the back, the bed of a Ford Ranger. Ford Ranger. Yeah. An entire baseball team. That was the Carson Rush's Ford Ranger. Yeah. He is going to be on this podcast. That Ranger will never be the same again. Okay. So let's get into our last two questions. We're running pretty decent on time. Very. So what is your favorite and least favorite CD? Oh, great question. And say me judging is your least favorite because that's the correct answer. My favorite is probably Lifestyle Judging. I did Lifestyle Judging all throughout high school. My least favorite would have to be. Um. Either sales or farm business management. Not a big math girl. Garrett, do you feel offended by that answer? I do not. It is the second worst CD I've done, but like everything. You've only done two. Exactly. So speaking of CDs, there's a rumor ish floating around about a new CD that could be added. An LD. Or an LD. Exactly. Yeah. So can are you allowed to disclose information? I'm pretty sure it has been added. I don't think as an association we've talked about it yet. I think that just came from Mr. Jaggers's mind. Okay. So Mr. Jaggers is our ag advisor. Other states have this LD. All right. Let's inform the people what it is. It is the auctioneer LD where you go and present your auctioneer skills. I think that's a great. I think it should almost be a career development event. It's a future career. I would do it. What do we think about tractor pulling as a CD? Amazing. Okay. Do you build your tractor the same day? Because that would be rough. No, you just do tractor pull. How is that a career development? Missouri or Mississippi does it as a career development? You can bet on it and make money off of it. That's not a career choice. You ever heard the song by Kenny Rogers? No, I have not. You ain't heard the gambler. Oh, okay. Exactly. It's a career. Can you sing it? No, I can't. Garrett, can you? I'm all right. I think we should stay on topic here. Okay, Cassidy, what do you think of the CSU campus? Like where it's located? How it's laid out? Um, I think that CSU is a very large campus. And like walk-in was it was a long way to walk to the soccer fields from the ag part of the college. So I'm not a big fan of that. I think it's laid out pretty cool. I mean, the football stadium is right in the middle of everything. Oh, speaking of. Oh, yeah. Go ahead and tell us your... Have you heard of the walk-on challenge? No. There's a man named G Fed on TikTok who every time he drives past the D1 stadium, he gets onto the field. Oh. Not to vandalize, not to do anything a delinquent would do, but just to look at it, get on the field and get a view. Me and another member from our chapter, which we will not name. Go ahead. We'll not name him. We'll not name him. Actually, what we could disclose his name. All right, you ready? His brother was mentioned previously. No, no. Hit us with the bleepers. Ready? Okay. Okay. His name was... Okay, his name was... All right, just one more time. His name was... Ash, can you go ahead and give us the name, too? Okay. Okay. So now that everybody knows his name. All right. So he walked on to the football field with some of the other chapters, just so happened to get removed from the stadium. Was it by force? Not by force, by verbal... Command? Exactly. Okay. Think somebody told him, hey, get off the field. Okay. I mean, at least, at least they were kind of nice. But... Okay. Okay, so we're running a little late on time. We're going to answer Leighton's last question. And then we'll head into our outro, and I think... And then we're good. All right. Okay. His last question was, what is your favorite LDE? Parley Pro. Parley Pro. Parliamentary procedure. It is a career, too. At the national CCM competition, if you got a certain score... No, that's Parley Pro. Oh, it is? Oh, sorry. CCM was too easy. On the national parliamentary procedure contest, if you get a certain score on that test, you become a registered parliamentarian. Registered. Period. Go ahead and tell us why you enjoy Parley Pro real quick. Parley Pro is just such a controlled event. Whenever you're giving a speech, it's not very... Like, if you're doing an extemp, like, you're coming up with it on the fly, right? Right, yeah. But whenever you're doing Parley Pro, it's just so structured. And you can see where it applies in meetings and things like that. Yeah, yeah. And even in prepared public speaking, those questions I could ask at the end, you have no idea what they're going to be. At least for parliamentary procedure. If you know parliamentary procedure, you know the... If you know Robert's Rules of Order, you'll be adequately prepared to answer all those questions for the end. Exactly. And I loved one thing about livestock judging. Get your kids in it early. It's hard to not go through 4-H livestock judging, or as a young kid, livestock judging, to win. But we're not going to go any more into depth on that. Weston, hit the music and let's get out of here. Before we leave, I got one thing to say. What's that? God bless Bo Nix. God bless Bo Nix! Yes, sir. The Broncos' savior, Bo Nix. Oh. Okay, Weston. Bo knows, we believe. Hit it. Tell your friends about us. Tell your friends. DM us on Instagram. Make sure you follow Cass. And make sure you come to state conventions. Hit up state conventions. A huge thank you to Colorado High State. We are unstoppable. Unstoppable. Thank you to Cassidy Jaggers for coming to join our podcast today. Thank you, Cass. Of course. We'll see you guys next week. And let's get after it.

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